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Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.
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The Seed Lesson Condensed
In 274 AD during a time of persecution of the Church, in order to expose Christians, Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too and call it the Birth of Jesus. Therefore, Christmas - Christ-mas is a Catholic holiday. The Seed Galatians 3:16, Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 15:1-6, II Samuel 7:12-14, Psalm 22, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 53:1-12 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-3
The Birth of Jesus: The Real Christmas
Luke's epistle to Theophilus, Luke 1:1-4. The conception and birth of John Baptist foretold by the angel Gabriel, Six months after the angel Gabriel appears to the virgin Mary, and predicts the miraculous conception and birth of Christ, Luke 1:26-38 The decree of Augustus to enroll all the Roman empire, Luke 2:1, Luke 2:2. Joseph and Mary go to their own city to be enrolled, Luke 2:3-5. Christ is born, Luke 2:6, Luke 2:7. His birth is announced to the shepherds, Luke 2:8-14. They go to Bethlehem, and find Joseph, Mary, and Christ, Luke 2:15-20. Christ is conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, espoused to Joseph, Matthew 1:18. Joseph's doubts are removed by an Angel, Matthew 1:19, Matthew 1:20; by whom the child is named Jesus, Matthew 1:21. The fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah relative to this, Matthew 1:22, Matthew 1:23. Joseph takes home his wife, Mary, and Christ is born, Matthew 1:24, Matthew 1:25.
The Virgin Birth is Real
The seed (Child) of the woman will walk all over Satan Genesis 3:15, He will enter the world through a young Jewish virgin cf: Isaiah 7:14 Hebrew al-maw' a damsel from aw-iam kept out of sight. Today nonbelievers say God used wrong word should have used beth-oo-law to deflower a virgin but Mary remained a virgin until the birth. God has used same word to describe a virgin before cf: Genesis 24:16 & 43. The eternal God of the universe stepped into human history when this child was born cf: Isaiah 9:6-7 This messiah is the great I AM the self existent one cf Exodus 3:14 & John 8:58 The mystery of our Lord's glorious incarnation is found in the opening of the Gospel of John 1:1- 5 & 14. His birth makes possible the forgiveness of all sins. King David looked forward to the day that God would create a body for the messiah to be a sin offering. II Samuel 12:10-12, Psalm 51:1-3, Psalm 38:1-5 & 17-18, Psalm 32:1-6, Note the Progress of David's thinking: God could save me, God would save me if I asked & Now: God has forgiven me! Psalm 40:1-8 Sacrifice of Messiah's body Promised: Cf: Hebrews 10:4-14, Psalm 40:9-17 & Psalm 139:1-24 God's Glory, Majesty and Infinite Knowledge of all things.
I Corinthians 13: The Love Chapter
Charity is an old English word for love. Love to God and our fellow man is the sum and substance of all true Christianity; so that without it, the most splendid eloquence, the gift of prophecy, the most profound knowledge, faith by which the most stupendous miracles might be wrought, benevolence the most unbounded such , and zeal for the truth, even to martyrdom, would all be unavailing to salvation, I Corinthians 13:1-3. The description and praise of this grace, I Corinthians 13:4-7. Its durableness; though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, I Corinthians 13:8-10. Description of the present imperfect state of man, I Corinthians 13:11, I Corinthians 13:12. Of all the graces of God in man, charity, or love, is the greatest, I Corinthians 13:13.
Faith, The Faith & The Faith of Christ
The word "faith" is often applied subjectively to one's inner trust with reliance in Christ or God to save us or what one believes a synonym for "belief". But in other contexts, especially with the Greek article we translate with the word "the" "the faith", Greek: "tees PIS-te-os". It is used in the objective sense, meaning the body of truth, the whole system of religion that is taught, believed and practiced by New Testament Christians, the pattern for true Christianity. Christianity is contrasted with the Mosaic law system. It is unfortunate that most translations drop the Article "the", in Galatians 3:23-27. We do not become the "children of God" by "the law" but by "the faith" "tis pisteos". It is "the faith" because there is only "one faith" cf: Ephesians 4:4-5. The way, The path cf: Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39 Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6 Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, Acts 24:14, Romans 1:5, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Ephesians 4:5 & 13, Colossians 1:23, Titus 1:13, I Timothy 4:1, I Timothy 6:21, Philippians 1:27. This shows that in the New Testament times there was a clearly defined system of belief and practice which is identified over and over as "the faith".
Psalm 23: In Memory of Ginger Lawson
The Lord is the Shepherd of His people; therefore we may infer that we shall not want, Psalm 23:1. How He guides, feeds, and protects us, Psalm 23:2, Psalm 23:3. Even in the greatest dangers we may be confident of His support, Psalm 23:4. His abundant provision for us is compared to a great banquet, Psalm 23:5. The confidence we may have of His continual mercy, and our eternal happiness, Psalm 23:6.
Kelly's wife, Ginger, graduated from the flesh to the spirit on Friday, October 28, 2016. Funeral services were held on Sunday, November 6. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the poor at Main Street Church of Christ. Please join us in prayer for Kelly and his family for comfort and strength in the Lord during this time of joy and sorrow.
The Religion of Christ: Christianity Revealed Religion
Hebrews 1:1-2, Only Divine Religion & therefore only True Religion Matt16:13-18, Romans 16:16. Christianity is a Universal Religion Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16 & cf: Acts 14:8-15; Paul told men to turn from Idolatrous Worship @ Lystra. Christianity is a Spiritual Religion John 3:3-5 Demands you be born again Romans 6:4, that you walk in Newness of Life, presenting your bodies as living sacrifices Romans 12:1-2, & Worship must be in Spirit & Truth Jn 4:23-24. Christianity is a Saving Religion Lk 19:10, I Timothy 1:15, Christ did not come to bring social reform, or a New Age movement. Christianity is a Authoritative Religion. We cannot make up our own religion, we must submit to Christ. Christianity is a Complete Religion II Peter 1:4-10 The Religion invented by men borrows ideas, doctrines, ordinances & practices from one another. This shows they are human, un-authoritative & imperfect. Christianity is the Final Religion Jude 3. The O.T. was temporary. Its lawgivers, priesthood, covenant, sacrifices, tabernacle & temple looked forward to the New Covenant Hebrews 8:7-13.
Church History Part 4: Speak where the Bible Speaks, be Silent where the Bible is Silent
II Peter 1:3 Silence as a Rule of Language. II Timothy 2:2 How God wishes to be Obeyed-careful obedience Deuteronomy 2:4, 4:15, 6:17, 12:23, 24:8. Jesus obeyed Rule of Silence Jn 4:34, 5:19, 5:30, 5:36, 7:16, 8:26-29. Conscientious obedience demonstrates love Jn 14:31, 16:12-13. Do not add to God's Word Deuteronomy 12:8, 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 14:12, 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19. Early 2nd generation church fathers recognized this principle Didache 4:18 ...Adding nothing & taking nothing away.", Epistle of Barnabus 19:11 Thou shalt keep those things which thou hast received neither adding to them or taking away from them. Tertullian "Any doctrine not as old as the apostles is thereby condemned by the silence of Holy Scripture." When people act w/o Authority Leviticus 9:23-24, 10:1-3, I Samuel 13:8-14, 10:8, Leviticus 1:7, I Chr 13:9-10, 15:2, 15:12-15, Jeremiah 23:16, 23:26, 23:32-34, Matthew 15:14, Colossians 2:20-23, Acts 15:1-2 & 15:24, Hebrews 1:5. Jesus subjected Himself to the rules Hebrews 7:14, Exodus 28:1, II Jn 9. Never presume to act or speak in hushed silence of God Exodus 17:5, Numbers 20:8-12. Today, Change Movement people ask, "Where does the Bible forbid us to do so?" II Peter 3:15-16. How can such men be learned in Scripture?
Church History Part 3: The Restoration Movement
The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake. We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a part of salvation, just like belief, faith, confessing Christ and repentance Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.
Church History Part 2: The Protestant Reformation
"The Great Falling Away" under Roman Church brought about "the Dark Ages" in which most teachings of the New Testament were changed by "Church Councils" which changed the Worship and Practice of the New Testament Church into the teachings of Men cf: Matthew 15:8-9. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe 1384 & John Huss (burned at the stake in 1415) called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. Martin Luther, a catholic priest began his protest against Rome in 1517. The Scriptures were forbidden to common man in their own language and men were burned alive for having Bibles or preaching. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). William Tyndale published his Bible in 1530 and was burned at the stake by Rome. The Church of England began in 1531. Miles Coverdale's Bible was published in 1535, Matthew's Bible was published by John Rogers in 1537 and he too was burned alive. The Great Bible was published in 1539, The Geneva Bible in 1560, The Bishops Bible in 1568 and the King James Version in 1611. Our Baptist friends began in 1609-11. English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church.
Church History Part 1: Roman Catholicism
Note: The criticism that we make here is directed toward the leadership of the Roman Church which resulted in
the dark ages, and not toward the millions upon millions of souls who are simply trying to find God and Romanism was all that was available to them.
Church History - Great falling away - Catholics: Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappas) or Universal
Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew
23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7. Shortly Rome made laws such as Latin to be only language of
Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Saved by grace not works cf: Ephesians
2:8. Mary not mediator between God & man cf: I Timothy 2:5. Ask in Jesus' name not
Mary's cf: Jn 16:23-26. 'Our Father' & 'Hail Mary' vain repetitions cf: Matthew
6:7. Hell has no halfway house called Purgatory cf: Lk 16:19-31. No such thing
as separate priesthood cf: I Peter 2:5. Bishops must be the husband of one wife
cf: I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-8. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3,
Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I Jn
2:18-19, I Jn 4:1-3 & II Jn 1:7. Pope led great falling away & is man of sin
cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences & built St Peter Basilica making
merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33.
Kingdom of God, Temple of God, Flock of God
3 Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ: We have studied that the church is described as both the kingdom of God & the temple of God. The church is also described as the flock of God cf: The Messiah or Christ will be a gentle Shepherd Isaiah 40:10-11, The Lord will save the flock of His people Zechariah 9:9, 11 & 16, Beware: Matthew 7:15, Jesus quotes the prophet about Himself & the flock Matthew 26:31-32, Luke 12:32, Luke 15:4-5, John 10:1-18 & Acts 20:28 The Church is also described as the body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27, one body Romans 12:4-5, the Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & the Church of Christ is also described as the Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17
Hebrews 9: Christ's Church is the New Testament Temple of God
Acts 2:37-47: God gave pattern for Old Testament temple I Chronicles 28:10-19; David wanted God to have a house I Chronicles 17:1-14; when it was built, God's presence, which had been manifested at the tabernacle, came to fill the temple I Kings 8:6-21; Old Testament temple was a shadow of New Covenant Hebrews 8:5 &10:1; there was a worldly sanctuary Hebrews 9:1 cf: I Peter 2:5, I Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19; Hebrews 9:2 there was a tabernacle cf: Exodus 25:8-9; wherein was the candlestick cf: Revelations 1:20 & Matthew 5:14 & Jn 8:12; & table of showbread cf: Leviticus 24:5-9, only priests could eat & only priests should eat from Lord's Table today cf: I Corinthians 11:23ff. Hebrews 9:3 second veil was torn at death of Christ cf: Matthew 27:51. Hebrews 9:4 golden censer of incense stood before veil cf: Leviticus 16:12, which was a shadow of prayers of saints now having direct access to God cf: Revelations 8:3-4 & 5:8. Hebrews 9:5-6 the first tabernacle was accomplished the service of God by the priesthood. We now have a priesthood of believers. cf: I Peter 2:5-9, Revelations 1:6. During Old Testament period God received blood sacrifices from dead animals. Since sacrifice of Christ Hebrews 9:11-12 God is pleased to receive our bodies as living sacrifices cf: Romans 12:1-2.
Ephesians 6: The Whole Armor of God
Mutual duties children and parents; of servants (slaves) & masters. Warfare of the Saints. Armor of God. Sword of the Spirit. Constant prayer. Ephesians 6:1 Children obey parents in Lord, Ephesians6:2 honor father & mother, Ephesians 6:3 cf: Exodus 20:12 That thou may live long, Ephesians 6:4 fathers nurture children, Ephesians 6:5 servants be obedient, Ephesians 6:6 do will of God, Ephesians 6:7 give service w/good will, Ephesians 6:8 you will receive what you do; Ephesians 6:9 masters treat servants well God's your Master, Ephesians 6:10 be strong in the Lord, Ephesians 6:11 put on the whole armor of God, cf: I Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:12 wrestle against rulers of darkness cf: Ephesians 1:21, John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11, II Corinthians 4:4 & Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:13 take unto you the whole armor, Ephesians 6:14 loins girt cf; Isaiah 22:21-23 & breastplate of righteousness Rom. 1:16-17,3:21-22 & Philippians 3:9, Ephesians 6:15 feet shod w/gospel of peace, cf: Isaiah 52:7 & Romans 10:15-18; Ephesians 6:16 shield of faith cf Rom. 5:1 & Hebrews 11:1ff, Ephesians 6:17 helmet & sword, cf: Isaiah 59:17, I Thessalonians 5:8, Mark 16:15-16, Hebrews 4:11-12, Revelations 1:16; Ephesians 6:18 praying always, cf: Luke 18:1, Luke 11:9-10 & Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:19 prayers to open mouth boldly, cf: Ephesians 1:9-10 & 3:9-11; Ephesians 6:20 ambassador in bonds, Ephesians 6:21 so that you know how I do, Ephesians 6:22 comfort your hearts, Ephesians 6:23 peace & love w/faith, Grace be with all them that Love Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 6:24.
Ephesians 5
Ephesians 5:1 refers God's kindness found in Ephesians 4:31-32 Imitators forgiving one another as God forgave us 5:2 imitate Christ who offered Himself as a sacrifice cf: Genesis 8:2, Leviticus 1:9 & II Corinthians 2:15; 5:3 certain sins strictly forbidden--fornication--uncleanliness--covetousness are banished; 5:4 no loose life, words or thoughts 5:5 such are virtually an idolater cf: I Corinthians 6:9-11 & I Corinthians 6:16-17 Galatians5:19-21 5:6 let no man deceive you 5:7 don't share their sin 5:8 cf: John 1:4-5, Matthew 5:14-16 & I John 1:5 heathens darken others 5:9 walk as children of light cf: Galatians 5:22-25 5:10 walk acceptable to God 5:11 reprove & rebuke 5:12 secret sins are shameful 5:13 bring true character to light 5:14 sleepers not converted Isaiah 60:1-2, Isaiah 26:19, Romans 6:4-6 & Colossians 2:12 5:15 be wise 5:16 use every opportunity to study 5:17 be not unwise 5:18 wine common intoxicant 5:19 singing Greek psallo--direct object--heart, instead of pagan revelry 5:20 thanks in song coming through Christ 5:21 submit one to another 5:22 wives submit to husband 5:23 organization must have a head 5:24 be in subjection 5:25 husbands love wives 5:26 example to Christian husbands 5:27 holy & without blemish 5:28 man who loveth wife loveth himself 5:29 nourish & cherish flesh as church 5:30 members of body, flesh & bones 5:31 two be one 5:32 great mystery 5:33 he love wife/she reverence husband.
Ephesians 4
Ephesians 4:1 Practical duties because our glorious privileges in Christ urged 4:2 Walk or live humility--don't seek repay or get even. 4:3 Unity commanded cf: John 17:20-21 & I Corinthians 1:10-13. 4:4 one body cf: Romans 12:5, I Corinthians 12:12-12-13, Ephesians 2:16, Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:4. 4:4-6 We learned that The Church has 1. Unity of the Head 2. Unity of The Spirit dwelling in church (saints) 3. Unity of Hope (expectation) 4. Unity of The Faith 5. Unity of ordinance for admission 6. Unity of The Father 7. Unity or organization of One Body. 4:7 special offices & gifts 4:8 Quotes Psalm 68:18 captives are sin & death, gifts as a conquering King; 4:9 Christ Divine descended from heaven & ascended to heaven as Psalm teaches. 4:10 @ God's right hand above heavens Hebrews 4:14 & 7:26 4:11 various offices 4:12 helping Saints to higher & holier lives. 4:13 full unity when all know Christ alike. 4:14 children easily deceived 4:15 Never give in to false doctrine rebuke w/ love 4:16 all brethren work harmoniously 4:17 Paul returns to the exhortation of verses 1-3 vanity unenlightened 4:19 given over to sin 4:20-21 ye learned Christ 4:22 New man 4:23 cf Romans 12:2 4;24 cf: John 3:3-5; 4:25 speak truth 4:26 cf: Psalm 4:4 Quotes Septuagint version 4:27 under fit anger--easy tempted 4:28 honest labor antidote 4:29 cursing forbidden 4:31 these grieve Spirit 4:32 cf: Matthew5:7, Matthew 5:43-46, Matthew 6:12, Matthew 6:14-15, Isaiah 1:18, Heb: 8:12 & Colossians 3:13.
Ephesians 3
Ephesians. 3:1 For this cause/glorious work of Cross making Peace & bringing gentiles nigh cf: Ephesians 2:14-22, verb for which I Paul is subject not given until V:14 the in-between verses are parenthetic, Paul writing as Prisoner in Rome because of hatred of Jews cf: Acts 22:17-23; Ephesians 3:2 cf: Acts 22:21; Ephesians3:3 cf: Galatians 1:12, Ephesians 1:9 & Ephesians 2:11-13; Ephesians3:4 ; Ephesians 3:5 Hebrew prophets glimpsed did not understand cf: Genesis 22:18, 26:4, 28:14 & Isaiah 42:6-7; Ephesians 3:6 Jews & Gentiles equal in gospel cf: Galatians 3:14 & Acts 13:46-48; Ephesians3:7 make known God's gracious plan; Ephesians 3:8 great trust granted to unworthy cf: I Corinthians I5:9, Philippians 3:6 & I Timothy 1:13; Ephesians 3:9 Jews & Gentiles God's plan kept hidden; Ephesians 3:10 made known by preaching gospel cf: I Peter 1:12; Ephesians 3:11 plan & purpose God in all ages proposed fulfill in Christ cf: II Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2, I Peter 1:20, Ephesians1:4 & 11; Ephesians 3:12 Jew & Gentile come boldly God through Christ; Ephesians 3:13 not discouraged by Paul chain; Ephesians3:14 Now verb--verse one given he resumes thought cf: Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 3:15 Idea God Father all families earth; Ephesians 3:16 Paul states things prays for Ephesians # 1 Petition strengthened in inner man, Ephesians 3:17 #2 Christ dwell in your hearts by faith; #3 rooted and grounded in love; Ephesians 3:18 unless in love could not understand; Ephesians 3.19 one Paul paradoxes know something of love of God but could never know infinite; Ephesians3:20 God is able to do above all we can conceive; and Ephesians3:21 Lit: all generations of the age of ages.
Ephesians 2: Jesus Christ Being the Chief Corner Stone
Ephesians 2:1 Sin separated us from God but Christ has made us alive. 2:2 Satan's energy leads us to willful sinful life. 2:3 Both Jew & Gentile dead in trespasses & sin w/a sinful mind (Pride)2:4 By nature does not mean born that way cf: Romans 2:14, Children not sinful cf: Matthew 18:3 & 19:14; Resurrection to a new life due to God's rich mercy & Love for all His children. 2:5 We are planted in likeness of His burial & raised in likeness of His resurrection; 2:6 Risen up thoughts above Colossians 2:12 we are to live with our mind in heavenly things Colossians 3:1 with our thoughts above Colossians 3:2; 2:7 In all future time 2:8 The definite article the is found in the Greek before "faith" our works do not merit 2:10 We abound in good works 2:11 Remembrance of what God has done should make us grateful, circumcision heart cf: Romans 2:28-29; 2:12 Not being race of Abraham gentiles had no knowledge of the covenant promises of Christ. 2:13 The means that brought us near to God is the blood of Christ. 2:14 Who has brought peace between us & God cf: Romans 5:1; 2:15 Old Covenant ended @ cross & New Covenant began cf: Matthew 26:26-30; 2:16 When sinner fixes mind on bleeding savor Goodness of God leads him to repentance. Romans 2:4; 2:20 cf: Corner stone on both walls joined them together Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:42-44 cf: Psalm 118:22-23, Acts 4:11-12 & I Peter 2:7-8 cf:I sa. 8:13-15; 2:22 cf: I Peter 2:5 & Romans 12:1-2.
Ephesians 1: Paul's Love Letter to the Church
Saints Cf: I Corinthians 1:2, "In Christ" a term used over 30 times in book of Ephesians. Ephesians1:V2 "Grace" (Greek Charis) "Peace" (Hebrew Shalom) shows the make up of the Church; V:3 "Blessed" word for eulogize/praise V:4 Hath (Past tense verb) all spiritual blessings God with held none. V:4 Chosen does not mean that God chose us & rejected others but rather before In the Beginning God chose a plan to have a people unto Himself as adopted children & that people is the Church of Christ. Holiness is proof that we are in Christ. V:5 Predestinated means God foreordained the plan according to His sovereign will. V:6 Resulting in God's praise; V:7 We are sold into bondage of sin & bought back with the price of Jesus blood cf: I Peter 1:19; V:8 Fully shown in His Grace & Mercy; V:9 Beyond human comprehension until revealed V: 10 Fullness of time Last Age cf: Galatians4:4 & Hebrews1:1-2 gathered into one family Body united w/Christ as the head of all angel & human; V:11 Everlasting life cf: I Corinthians 2:9; V:13 Sealed like a calf is branded V:14 Earnest money/down payment seal the bargain V:17 Revelation is God's plan for redeeming mankind in the Church V:18 cf: I John 1:5 V:19 Power = vigor, strength & dominion V;20 If a dead savior can save us from sin / a living savior seated at God's own right hand is more powerful cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 16:19 Hebrews4:14ff & Hebrews8:1.
Isaiah 2: The Kingdom of God and the Church of Christ
"... and the Lord added unto the Church such as should be saved" [Acts 2:47]. Jesus uses the words "Church" and "Kingdom of Heaven" interchangeably [cf: Matthew 16:16 & 18]; Matthew uses term "Kingdom of Heaven" [cf: Matthew 13:31] and Mark and Luke use the term "Kingdom of God" for the very same verses [cf: Mark 4:30-31]. The Kingdom was promised to come during the lifetime of the Apostles [Mark 9:1]; John the Baptist and Jesus both preached "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" [Matthew 3:1-2 & 4:17]; We are taught to "seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven and His righteousness... " [Matthew 6:33]; The Idea of a coming Kingdom began with King David [cf: II Samuel 7:12-16]; and was carried forward by Isaiah in Jerusalem in Isaiah 2:1; in the Last days in 2:2 [cf: Acts 2:17 & Hebrews 1:1-2]; Mountain of the Lord's house [cf: I Timothy 3:15]; all nations [cf: Matthew 28:18-20]; V;3 "from Zion shall go forth the law" [cf: Matthew22:37, James 1:25 & 2:8]; word of the Lord from Jerusalem [cf: V:4]. The peaceful nature of the kingdom of God is taught in figurative language as in Isaiah 11:1-10. "How do you know preacher these verses are the church age and not some 1,000 year reign?" Well, Paul uses them in Romans 15:12 and says they have already happened. Has the Lion laid down with the Lamb in your life? Have you exchanged your sword for labors of Love?
Acts 2:42: The Worship of the Church
Marching orders for the Church Mark 16:15-15. True worship must be in Spirit and truth cf: John 4:23-24; The Church began on the day of Pentecost 30AD cf: Acts 2:37-47; We are not very mighty or fancy but we depend on God cf:I Corinthians 1:26-27; First example of Worship cf: Acts 2:42; The Church is a Priesthood of All Believers cf: I Peter 2: 5-9; Christians can worship anywhere cf: Acts 2:46; Churches in Homes cf: Acts 5:19-21, Temple & house to house Acts 5:42, a school Acts 19:8-10; Assembly taught Acts 2:42 & Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9
Acts 2: Pentecost - The First Gospel Sermon:
Fellowship called "The Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; is coming destruction of Jerusalem & final judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10. During Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 This is the greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ" - Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."
Acts 2: Pentecost - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost The Apostles & The Apostles Only are Baptized with Holy Spirit: Baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned only once before in Matthew 3:11-12, where John the baptizer tells us it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 the vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle are listed, Apostles must be eye witnesses of the ministry death burial & resurrection of Jesus. Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied cf: Acts 2:1ff. Acts 1:5-21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.
Acts 1
Acts is written in 3rd person but some chapters use first person plural, "we". Act 16:10-18, 20:5-15, 21:1-18, 27:1, 28:16, "we" alerts us the author is eyeball witness. Purpose of author writing Books Lk & Act set forth words & deeds of Jesus in Luke & World conquest by the Gospel in Acts. Introduction Gospel Lk cf: Luke 1:1-4 states Luke's purpose. Luke & Acts 1 work in two parts. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: addressed to Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A Former treatise cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. He worked a miracle & taught from it. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" antecedent that refers back to nearest named noun which is word "Apostle". Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Lk 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Lk 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for promise cf: Lk 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with Holy Ghost, Acts 1:6 Kingdom to come during lifetime of apostles, Mk 9:1. Act 1:7 Don't worry about time, focus on job. Kingdom of God will come with Power cf: Mk 9:1, Act 1:8A Power when Apostles baptized with Holy Spirit. Act 1:8B Apostles witnesses to uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32, 10:39-41, 22:14-15, 23:11, 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Act 1:9 A view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of same event in Heaven at His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7, Acts 1:12-14 Apostles named, Acts 15-18 Prophecy Judas Zechariah 11:10-13, cf: Mt 26:14-16 & 27:3-8, Act 1:19 cf: Jeremiah 7:29-32, Act 1:20 cf: Psalm 69:25 & 109:8, Act 1:21-26 States the qualification to be Apostle showing the office of Apostle was limited & not transferable.
Acts: Introduction to Acts
Most of Acts is written from the standpoint of the 3rd person. The story moves along "they did" or "he did". A number of verses are first person plural, "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us to the fact that the author is an eyeball witness to the "we" sections in the book of Acts. Purpose author writing Books Luke & Acts report words & deeds Jesus Luke & World conquest in Acts. Introduction Gospel Luke cf:Luke 1:1-4 states purpose. Luke & Acts one work in two parts. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: Both addressed Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" antecedent refers back to "Apostles" Acts 1:3A cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost Acts 1:6 Acts 1:7 cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. Acts 1:8A & Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view from Heaven.
Luke 23:13-47: The Thief on the Cross & Baptism
How was the Thief on the Cross Saved without being Baptized? 3 Men Crucified - 1 Died in Sin, 1 Died to sin & 1 Died for Sin Read: Luke 23:13-47 Re-read 23:39-42 (1) Who said he wasn't baptized? CF: Mark 1:4-5 (2) The thief on the cross died under the Law of Moses, Hebrews 9:16- 17, & Christ was not yet dead when He pardoned him such as the pardoning of the sinful woman, Lk 7:37-50 & the man Mt 9:1-7. (3) You can't obey the Great Commission that's not yet given. Mark 16:16 Jesus Said: "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned". Our Catholic friends who practice infant baptism teach: "he that is baptized & saved shall believe" Our Baptist friends teach: "he that believeth & is saved should be baptized". Universalists teach: "he that believeth & is baptized shall be saved, & he that believeth not, shall be saved also." Acts 2:1-6 & 2:22-47.
Matthew 28, Mark 16, & Luke 24: The Great Commission
Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, who goes and tells disciples, Mk 16:9-11. He appears also to two disciples going into the country, who also tell it to the rest, Mk 16:12, 13. Afterwards he appears unto the eleven, and commissions them to preach the Gospel to all mankind, Mk 16:14-16. promises to endue them with power to work miracles, Mk 16:17, 18. He is received up into heaven, Mk 16:19. And they go forth to preach and work miracles. Mt 28:18-20 He gives them a commission to preach the Gospel throughout the earth; to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; and commission to teach "all truth" to converts promises to be with them all ways, Mt 28:18-20 Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them the fullest proof of the reality of his resurrection, Lk 24:36-43. He preaches to them, and gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, Lk 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight, Lk 24:50, 51. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem, Lk 24:52, 53.
Resurrection of Jesus, He "is Risen": Luke 24
The women coming early to the sepulcher on the first day of the week, bringing their spices, find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty, Lk 24:1-3. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's resurrection, Lk 24:4-8. The women return and tell this to the eleven, Lk 24:9, Lk 24:10. They believe not, but Peter goes and examines the tomb, Lk 24:11, Lk 24:12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, and converses with them, vv. 13-29. While they are eating together, he makes himself known, and immediately disappears, Lk 24:30, Lk 24:31. They return to Jerusalem, and announce his resurrection to the rest of the disciples, Lk 24:32-35. Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of his resurrection, Lk 24:36-43. He preaches to them, gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, and commissions them: Lk 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight, Lk 24:50, Lk 24:51. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem, Lk 24:53.
Judas & the 30 Pieces of Silver
Judas sells his Lord for money cf: Zechariah 11:7-17 "Beauty/Covenant" God had to die to break covenant cf: Colossians 2:14 & Jeremiah 31:31ff; The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2 cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money 30 pieces of silver the price of a slave Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-10 & Acts 1:15-20 both are the end of Judas. He hung himself & finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon. Zechariah 12:10 cf: John 19:31-36 cf: Exodus 12:46; Zechariah 13:1 cf: John 3:1-8 cf: Acts 2:38, Zechariah 13:6-9 cf: Matthew 26:31, John 10:12-13, Matthew 26:14.
A Harmony of the Gospels: The Crucifixion of Christ from the Four Gospels
These verses are chosen for the fullest account. This is much like The earliest known harmony the Diatessaron by Tatian in the 2nd century, and variations based on the Diatessaron continued to appear into the Middle Ages. A Gospel harmony is an attempt to collate the Christian canonical gospels into a single gospel account. Gospel harmonies are constructed and studied by scholars to establish a coherent chronology of the events depicted in the four canonical gospels in the life of Jesus, to better understand how the accounts relate to each other, and to evaluate their use of different words. You should, however, read all 4 Gospels to Understand the complete account.
Exodus 12 & I Corinthians 11:23-26: The Passover and the Lord's Supper
Hebrews 8:5 & 10:1. The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitution-al death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples, which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20. Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58. The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves and take The Lord's Supper properly. I Corinthians 11:17-33. The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 2:42. They assembled upon the first day of each week to break bread by taking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 20:7.
The 2nd Coming of Christ, Resurrection Judgment & the End of the World
Christian Age marked by a Great falling away, cf: II Thessalonians 2:1ff, Man of Sin or Lawlessness, many antichrists, cf: I John 2:18-19 and False Prophets, II Peter 2-3; watch & pray, Luke 21:34-35, Matthew 24:42-44, Mark 13:35-37. The times of the Gentiles, Luke 21:20-24, precedes 2nd coming. Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Type or Shadow of the 2nd coming, Matthew 24:27-31; Angels & a trumpet, ; the Resurrection of Dead, Job 25-27, Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2-3, Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25-26, John 6:40; final Judgment, John 6:63, 12:48, 5:21-30, II Corinthians 5:10; The End, Jude 14-15, I Corinthians 15:24-26. Christians will be Caught Up to meet the Lord in the air, I Thessalonians 4:13-17. Changed and given Immortal bodies, I Corinthians 15:50-55 and I John 3:2; Earth burned up in Flaming Fire, II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:7-13; Great White Throne of Judgment, Revelations 20:11-15; New Heaven & Earth, Revelations 21:1-4, 21:16.
Is Jesus Coming Soon? Revelation 22:12
In 70AD Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled. When you study the Olivet address in the 3 synoptic Gospels side cf: Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 Luke makes it plain the abomination of desolation is when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole cf: Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then ye know the desolation there of is nigh. Jesus plainly teaches a long period of time between the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and His 2nd Coming in Power and Glory. Other highly learned brethren such as J.W. McGarvey, B.W. Johnson's Peoples New Testament Commentary, and James Burton Coffman's Commentary have a slightly different understanding of the 2nd Coming of Christ regarding: Matthew 24:27-31 when compared to Luke 21:20-24. Matthew 24:34-51.
Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem: Matthew 23:27-39
Most teach the 24th chapter of Matthew is talking about the end of the world when Jesus plainly says these things would take place in that generation meaning 40 years Matthew 24:34. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. What we have is use of figurative language such as Isaiah 13 where God describes the destruction of Babylon in the same figurative language: a metaphor. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Isaiah 13:10 with Matthew 24:29. Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27 The abomination of desolation was when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole. The word coming often used Old Testament describe God Coming in Judgment cf: Isaiah 13 same language used for Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy destruction of Judah by Babylon & destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Note after Spirit poured out, Joel 2:28-32.
Matthew 22:15-46: The Character of the Scribes and Pharisees
The Pharisees and Herodians question Jesus concerning the lawfulness of paying tribute or Taxes to Caesar [Matthew 22:15-22]. The Sadducees question Him concerning the resurrection of the dead [Matthew 22:23-33]. A lawyer questions Him concerning the greatest commandment in the Law [Matthew 22:34-40]. Jesus asks them their opinion of the Christ, "What think ye of Christ whose Son is He?" and confounds them with the question [Matthew 22:41-46].
Matthew 22:1-14: The Parable of the Inauguration and Marriage of the King's Son
Matthew 21:23-27 Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have? cf Psalms 119:32. The parable of the two sons. Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord cf Isaiah 5:7. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen Matthew 21:23-46 Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard cf. Jeremiah 12:10. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39 The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass cf Matthew 21:1 ff Kill the son and the vineyard is ours cf: John 11:47-50. V:41 They condemned themselves God cast away Israel cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9
Matthew 21:23-46: The Chief Priests and Pharisees Silenced
Matthew 21:23-27 Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have? cf Psalms 119:32. The parable of the two sons. Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord cf Isaiah 5:7. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen Matthew 21:23-46 Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard cf. Jeremiah 12:10. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39 The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass cf Matthew 21:1 ff Kill the son and the vineyard is ours cf: John 11:47-50. V:41 They condemned themselves God cast away Israel cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9
Mark 11:1-26: The Lord will Suddenly Come to His Temple
Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41, The stone cf: Psalm 118:22ff, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11ff, Romans 9:33, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem: Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Mark 11:20-26
Matthew 18:21-22: The Parable of The One Sin God Won't Forgive
Jesus heals, Pharisees see - sign Jesus sent from God, Pharisees attribute miracles to Devil, Mt 12:22-37. This is a sin you cannot commit today. On Forgiving: Mt 18:21-22 forgive Every Time you are asked, Hebrews 8:12, Genesis 4:24, Colossians 3:13. Forgive before praying, Mk 11:25-26. Which servant are you? Owing God un-payable debt, Mt 18-24. Gold of Ophir - Finest, I Chr 29:4-7. Can't pay for your sins, Mt 18:25, Ro 3:10-19. Self-Righteous fallen from grace, Ga 5:4. Confess debt, Mt18:26, Psalm 51, Isaiah 64:6. Loosed from debt - God's way, Mt 18:27, Isaiah 61:10-11. Fellow-servant owed tiny amount, Mt 18:28, Romans 2:1 & 6. Begged but he would not forgive him, Mt 18:29-30. He forgot Ro 3:23! King found out, Mt 18:31-32, Psalm 130:3-8. Grace for Grace, Mt 18:33, 5:7, Lk 17:34, Ephesians 4:32, Jm 5:9. To torture, Mt 18:34, Psalm 88. Forgive from your heart, Mt 18:35, 6:12 & 14-15, He 8:12, Zechariah 3:1-4, Lk 15:22, Ro 1:16-17. Live by Faith, Ro 6:3-6.
Matthew 19:13-15: Reward of Discipleship
We must be converted and become as little children. Matthew 19:16-26 the parable of the Rich Young Ruler who went away sorrowful cf: Mk 10:24. Matthew 19:27-30 What is the reward for a life-time of service? It just doesn't get any better than inheriting eternal life cf: I Corinthians 2:9. What Christ has accomplished in the Gospel is for all, so first or last is irrelevant. Matthew 20:1 The Kingdom of Heaven - we have a Divine Teacher, cf: John 6:44-45, Hebrews 1:1-2 Who calls all who come to the Vineyard. John 6:44, I John 4:10 Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. Matthew 20:2. If it's the first hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:3 If it's the third hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:4 Jesus promises what is right. Matthew 20:5 If it's the 6th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. If it's the 9th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:6-7 If it's the last hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:8-16 What Jesus has accomplished in His life, death, burial & resurrection is for all who come. The Lord is the same now and forever. Come To The Vineyard.
Luke 15: The Parable of the Prodigal Son and The Elder Brother
If a woman would search for a token of her beloved that hard how much more should the Shepherds of Israel be seeking the lost. The Parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-24. This would be the horror story of all horror stories to an orthodox Jew... they could not imagine a worse sinner & they sure would not receive such a sinner home as the Father did... put a ring on his hand... Giving a ring was in ancient times a mark of honor and dignity. See Genesis 41:42; I Kings 21:8; Esther 8:2; Daniel 6:17; James 2:2. Luke says "neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment" In every point of view, the anger of the older son was improper and unreasonable. Now, surely the Scribes & Pharisees could identify with this son cf: Romans 3:10-19. The Elder son received a double portion; Deuteronomy 21:16-17. Luke 15:24 Was dead - Lost to all good - given up to all evil. Luke 15:28... He was angry - This refers to the indignation of the scribes and Pharisees. Luke 15:32 this amiable father returns him his own unkind words, but in a widely different spirit.
Luke 15:1-7: The Lost Sheep
Luke 15:8-10: The Lost Coin
Luke 15:4, search for the Lost one: Psalm 79:13, 100:3; Matthew 15:24; Psalm 23:1, God is The Shepherd; John 10:11 & 14. Luke 15:5, REJOICE at the finding of the Lost: Isaiah 40:10-11, 46:3-4, carry you until I have white hairs; I Peter 2:25. Luke 15:6, told friends & neighbors. Luke 15:7, The joy will be over the one that was Lost: now Found: Psalm 16:11, 89:15-16, 132:16; Isaiah 12:1-3. Elders guide us: Act 20:28-30; obey them: Hebrews 13:17; Protection: I Peter 5:1. Luke 15:8, drop everything & look for the Lost coin: Hosea 2:19-23; Jeremiah 3:11-13; Psalm 18:28, 23:6; Exodus 30:20. Luke 15:9, told friends & neighbors. Luke 15:10, Joy if a Sinner repents: Hebrews 12:2; Revelations 5:9-10; wearing white linen (righteousness), Revelations 19:6-9.
Luke 14: The Parable of the Great Supper, Healing of the Man with Dropsy
Luke 14:1 The Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law for the Doctors of the law Luke 14:4 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10. A parable regarding social graces, Luke 14:11 Humble yourself. Luke 14:12-14, cf, I Peter 5:5, Whosoever will let him come, Luke 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelation 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 14:15. This is just another empty Pharisee hypocrite ritualistic saying. This man was at the Messianic banquet & didn't know it cf: Mark 1:14-15. Luke 14:16. A certain man is: obviously God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Luke 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf; Isaiah 42:1-7, God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalms 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Luke 14:18 They refused the clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His Old Testament Prophets, Psalms 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought ground ridiculous. Luke 14:19 Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Luke 14:21, Servant came & showed God these things, When? cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mark 16:15-16, Luke 14:22, There is always room for another, John 14:1-2, Luke 14:23, Compel Greek "bend their arm till it aches" God is serious.
Matthew 13: The Sower, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure in the Field & Pearl of Great Price
Matthew 13:1-24, The Parable of the Sower, The Tares 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19 The Church is liken to a "Pearl of Great Price" which when we hear the Gospel we give up everything...
Matthew 13: The Parable of the Tares
The Sower is Jesus, the Seed is the Word of God, the Field is the World, the Soil is the Human Heart, Fowls are Satan, Wayside is a Hard Hearted Disciple, Stony Ground is shallow hearted disciple, Thorns are the sinful disciples, Good Ground is the honest & good heart cf: Luke 8:15 that hears the Word of God & keeps it. Matthew 13:1-23, The Seed is the Word of God, cf: Deuteronomy 4:2, 31:24-26, Joshua 1:7-9, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19, don't believe your preacher above what is written I Corinthians 4:6, teach only according to word I Peter4:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, 14:23, Hebrews 1:1-2, I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:19-21. Parable of the Tares: Matthew 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19
Matthew 13: The Parable of the Sower
The Sower is Jesus, the Seed is the Word of God, the Field is the World, the Soil is the Human Heart, Fowls are Satan, Wayside is a Hard Hearted Disciple, Stony Ground is shallow hearted disciple, Thorns are the sinful disciples, Good Ground is the honest & good heart cf: Luke 8:15 that hears the Word of God & keeps it. Matthew 13:1-23, The Seed is the Word of God, cf: Deuteronomy 4:2, 31:24-26, Joshua 1:7-9, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19, don't believe your preacher above what is written I Corinthians 4:6, teach only according to word I Peter4:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, 14:23, Hebrews 1:1-2, I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:19-21. Parable of the Tares: Matthew 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19
Mountain Moving Faith & Prayer
The Commands of The Great Commission, Mark 16:15-16, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:45-47, II Timothy 2:2. Need to return to the good old way, Jeremiah 6:16. Have faith in God, Mark 11:22. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, Hebrews 11:1. James 2:26 Moving the mountain along with All of Jesus' works was accomplished through Jesus' oneness with the Father, Mark 11:23. Easier for camel to go through eye of needle, Mark 10:25. Believe and you shall have, Mark 11;:24. Forgive first, Mark 11:25-26. Never cease until you receive an answer, Luke 18:1-8. Of the Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14, How to repent in prayer Psalm 51:1-17. After which you must come to God in the appointed way by believing Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and the Gospel and be baptized for the remission of your sins cf: Acts 2:38-39.
Teach Us to Pray
Christ teaches his disciples to pray, Luke 11:1-4, This is how to pray not what to pray for vain repetitions such as Shema Israel cf: Deuteronomy 6:4 or our Fathers :are forbidden Matthew 6:5-8, because of our relationship with God Ephesians 2:19-22. Praise the Lord, Psalm 113:3. Shows the necessity of importunity in prayer, Thy Kingdom come - the Kingdom of God did come on the day of Pentecost in AD 30 cf: Daniel 7:13-14, Colossians 1:13, Jesus was raised to sit on David's throne Acts 2:29-30, Jesus is a King now Revelations 17:14 & 19:16, Why don't we pray? Do we view God as an reluctant neighbor? Luke 11:5-8 ; The Parable of the 3 fold prayer Luke 11:9-13, Psalms 121:1-3. The parable of the importunate widow, Luke 18:1-8. Of the Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14, Psalm 51:1-17.
The Good Samaritan, The 70 & A Lawyer's Question
Christ appoints seventy disciples to go before him, two by two, to preach, heal, etc., Luke 10:1-12. Christ pronounces woes on Chorazin and Capernaum, Luke 10:13-16. The seventy return, and give account of their mission, Luke 10:18 cf: Revelations 12:8-9; Luke 10:19 cf: Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Matthew 4:6, Psalm 91:11-13, Mark 16:18 & Romans 16:20 . Christ rejoices that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent had been revealed unto babes, and shows the great privileges of the Gospel, Luke 10:21-24. A Lawyer's Question: how he shall inherit eternal life, and is answered, Luke 10:25 Cf: Deuteronomy 6:4-8 & Leviticus 19:18 Luke 10: 26-29. The story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-31 cf: Numbers 19:11 Luke 10:32 cf: Exodus 23:4-5. Luke 10:33 Cf John 4:19-20.Luke 10:34-35 cf: Deuteronomy10:19; Luke10:36-37. Who's the "certain man" you can go to?
John the Baptist - Forerunner of the Messiah
[Luke 7:1-10]. Raises a widow's son to life at Nain, No prophet has raised the dead since Elijah. [ Luke 5:12ff] Jesus heals a leper, that is a testimony to the Priesthood [cf: Leviticus 13-14, Luke 7:11-17]. John the Baptist hears of his fame, and sends two of his disciples to inquire whether he is the Christ, Jesus' response is His works prove Who He the Messiah [cf: Isaiah 35,42 & 61, Luke 7:18-23]. Christ's character of John, [Luke 7:24-30]. The obstinate blindness and capriciousness of the Jews, [Luke 7:31-35]. A Pharisee invites him to his house, to investigate this rabbi from Nazareth. A sinful woman anoints his head with oil, and washes his feet with her tears [Luke 7:36-38]. The Pharisee is offended [Luke 7:39]. Our Lord reproves him by a parable, and vindicates the woman [Luke 7:40-46]; and pronounces her sins forgiven, thereby claiming Divinity [Luke 7:47-50]. Jesus said "Shalom" only to the woman.