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Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.
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The Book of Acts
The Book of Acts: Most of Acts is written from the standpoint of the 3rd person. The story moves along by "they did "or "he did ". a number of verses utilize the first person plural, "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us to the fact that the author is an eyeball witness to the "we" sections. Introduction Gospel Luke cf: Luke 1:1-4 purpose. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A Former treatise cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" whom is an antecedent that refers back to the nearest named noun which is the word "Apostle" in verse 2. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12 & cf: John 13, 14, 15, & 16. Acts 1:6 Jesus had promised the Kingdom was to come during the lifetime of the apostles in Mark 9:1. Now they want to know if this is the time? Acts 1:7 stay focused on their job the Kingdom of God would come with Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A & the Power will come when Holy Ghost comes upon the Apostles, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 cf: Daniel 7:13-14, False teachers teach Daniel vision is of the second coming, while the verse plainly says The Son of Man was coming to the Ancient of Days (God). When does Daniel 7:13-14 teach Christ received His Kingdom? At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.
The Birth Of Jesus
The angel appears to Joseph: Matthew 1:18-23, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 4:4, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:24-25. The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:1-7. Angels appear to the shepherds, Luke 2:8-10 cf: Isaiah 52:7. Luke 2:11-20. Jesus Presented to the Lord in the Temple Luke 2:21-24 Jesus presented in temple to Simeon & Anna, Luke 2:25-38. Wise men from the east, Matthew 2:1-2 cf: Numbers 23 & 24. Matthew 2:3-6 cf: Micah 5:2 V:1. Matthew 2:7-10 cf: Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 2:11 cf: Isaiah 60:6, Matthew 2:12 Joseph warned in dream to flee to Egypt, Matthew 2:13-18 cf: Jeremiah 31:15 note the context of Jeremiah 31:31-34. John 1:1-14.
The Genealogy of Jesus
This is a foreordained plan Ephesians1:4, Titus 1:2, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 15:3-6, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, Matthew 2:6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, II Samuel &:12-16, Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chronicles 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah33:18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:1 &14, Hebrews 1:3-5, Hebrews 1:8, Hebrews 2:17-18,Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews &;14, Revelation 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.
Preaching The Gospel
The most important thing we do is: Preach the Gospel of Christ: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:44-49. The charge to an evangelist or preacher II Timothy 3:14-4:5, & stay with the book, read the Bible out loud, explain each verse, keep the jokes & yak yak to a minimum, always remember your words are not inspired II Timothy 2:2. We are following the examples of the Apostles & 1st Century Church by preaching to all the world for they accomplished their commission ... will we? Psalm 19:1-11, Mark 16:20, Acts 28:22, Romans 1:8, 10:14-18 & 16:19, Colossians 1:5-6 &1:23, I Thessalonians 1:7-8. Giving of our $ Blessing to preaching the Gospel & the Poor: Malachi 3:8-10, I Corinthians 16:1-2, II Corinthians 9:6-7. Worship: Acts 2:42 & Hebrews 10:25.
Jesus Has the Power of Resurrection
Prophecy of Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to perform the ancient part of near kinfolk, ransom, buy back."stand up" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, with the idea of resurrection. In John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed have power of resurrection. We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Story of Christ's resurrection Luke 24:1-53 Jesus was raised in bodily resurrection with many infallible proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; The Gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. All the Apostles preached same things, I Corinthians 15:11.Judaizing false teacher I Corinthians 15:12. negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary,"but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At end Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ King now, I Corinthians 15:27-28.martyrdom & death, note context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. the obvious question, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, The 2nd coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29.
The Crucifixion Story
Jesus Christ The Son of God - the Four Fold Gospel Today: A Harmony of Gospels. Tatian in 160 AD was first to blend together the 4 Gospels. Jesus Betrayed & Arrested: Jo 18:2-9, Mk 14:44-45, Lk 22:48-49, Jo 18:10-11, Matthew 26:52-54, Lk 22:52-53, Matthew 26:56, Mk 14:51-52, Jesus Before Annas ex-High Priest: Jo 18;12-14 & 19-23, Night Time Trial before Caiphas, the Scribes & Elders Matthew 26:57 & 59, Mk 14:56-60, Matthew 26:63, Mk 14:62, Matthew 26:65-68, Peter Denies Jesus Thrice Jo 18:15-16, Mk 14:66-68, Jo 18:18, Matthew 26:71-74, Lk 22:61-62, After Dawn Friday Jesus Condemned Lk 22:66-71, Matthew 27:3-6, Acts 1:18, Matthew 27:6-7, Acts 1:19, Matthew 27:9-10, Before Pilate Matthew 27:2, Jo 18:28-30, Lk 23:2, Jo 18:31-38, Mk 15:3, Matthew 27:13-14, Lk 23:5, Before Herod Lk 23:6-12, Matthew 27:15, Mk 15:7-8, Lk 23:13-15, Matthew 27:17-21, Lk 23:18-19, Jo 19:1-16, Before Pilate Again Matthew 27:24-25, Lk 23:24-25, Mocked By Roman Soldiers Matthew 27:27 & 29, Jesus on the Way to Cross Mk 15:20, Jo 19:17, Mk 15:21, Lk 23:27-32, Matthew 27:33-34, Jesus' First 3 Hours on Cross Lk 23:33-34, Jo 19:23-24, Jo 19:19-22, Matthew 27:39-44, Lk 23:39-43, Jo 19:25-27, Darkness Noon-3pm: Mk 15:33-35, Matthew 27:49, Jo 19:28-30, Lk 23:46, Signs Accompanying Death of Christ: Matthew 27:51-56, Mark 15:41 Burial of Christ: Jo 19:31-37, Mk 15:42-45, Jo 19:38-42 Women Watch Tomb: Lk 23:55, Matthew 27:61 & Lk 23:56. Saturday Sabbath Day: Matthew 27:62-66.
Judas Betrays Jesus
Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver: Zechariah 11:1-10 Jerusalem to be destroyed and the false shepherds and pastors destroyed cf: Jeremiah 23:1ff & Ezekiel 34:1ff. Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2 cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money 30 pieces of silver the price of a slave Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, John 10:12-13, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-8 & Acts 1:16-20 both are the end of Judas he hung himself & until he finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon.
Passover a Shadow of the Lord's Supper
Hebrews 8:5 & 10:1. The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitution death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples, which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20. Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58. Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves and take The Lord's Supper properly. I Corinthians 11:17-33. The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 2:42. They also assembled upon the first day of each week to break bread by partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 20:7.
The Gospel
The Gospel is I Corinthians 15:1-4; What Scriptures? God promised the "seed" or "Messiah", will come to deliver mankind, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. Only God can tell the future Isaiah 42:9 & 44:6-8. The Messiah to be a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15ff) a Priest (Psalm 110:1 & 4) a King (II Samuel 7:12ff) Now God announces Messiah to be a Servant Isaiah 42:1-7, 49:1-6, 50:4-10. Now God declares Christ will be a Suffering Servant 52:13, 53:1-12 this is a prophecy of Christ's coming & His death burial & resurrection which is the Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6
Coming Of Christ In Power And Glory
The Coming of Christ in Power and Glory If we Die or at 2nd Coming we then face judgment cf: Hebrews 9:27-28, All that are in the grave shall hear His voice John 5:21-29, The mercy seat of Christ cf: II Corinthians 5:10, The good works that the saved do & the sin of omission Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus will bring the souls of the dead back with Him Jude 14, the dead in Christ shall rise first & we shall be caught up I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Christ's coming like a thief in the night I Thessalonians 5:1-10, those alive shall be changed into immortal bodies I Corinthians 15:1-55, The earth & all it's works shall be burned up, we look for new heaven & new earth II Peter 3:1-14 Christ is coming in flaming fire II Thessalonians 1:7-8 New Heaven & New Earth Revelation 21:1-2
Wise And Foolish Virgins
Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins The kingdom of heaven = the church, The bridegroom = Christ, The midnight arrival = the second advent, The virgins = church members, The wise virgins = the prepared, The foolish virgins = the unprepared, The lamps = (a) faith; demonstrated by (b) good works, The oil = (a) the Spirit; which leads us to (b) good works, The sleep of the virgins = the sleep of death, Tarrying of the bridegroom = delay of the second coming, The midnight cry = the call to judgment, Refusal to give oil = grace & merit not transferable, Exclusion of the foolish = rejection of unprepared, The shut door = impossibility of the last minute salvation.
Thief In The Night
Matthew 24, The Coming of Christ as a Thief in the Night
The abomination of desolation was when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem &
showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole.
The word coming is often used in the Old Testament to describe God Coming in
Judgment Note: Isaiah 13 same language used about Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff
same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy
the destruction of Judah by Babylon & the destruction of Jerusalem by the
Romans in 70 AD Note: after Spirit poured out Joel 2:28-32.
The Destruction of Jerusalem & the Coming of Christ
Matthew 23:27-39. People teach Matthew 24 is talking about the end of the world but Jesus says those things would take place in that generation 40 years Matthew 24:34. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. Figurative language cf: Isaiah 13 God describes destruction Babylon in the same figurative words. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Isaiah 13:10 with Matthew 24:29. Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 1:8 & 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27 The word coming is often used in the Old Testament to describe God Coming in Judgment Note Isaiah 13 same language used about Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy the destruction of Judah by Babylon & destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.
The Parable of the Inauguration of the King's Son
Matthew 22:1-14 The Robe of Righteousness & not strange apparel is required cf: Zephaniah 1:7-9; Righteousness; All our Righteousness are as Filthy Rags, Isaiah 64:6. None are righteous cf: Romans 3:10-20; Change of righteousness is to be provided, Isaiah 61:10, Zach 3:1-9, Luke 15:22, Righteousness of God, Romans 1:16-17; 3:21ff, Revelation 19:8ff & Revelations 21:2ff. The Character of the Scribes & Pharisees: Matthew 22:14-Matthew 23:21; Pharisees & Herodians question Jesus; Matthew 22:15-22; Sadducees question Resurrection, Matthew 23:33; A Lawyer's question concerning Great Commandment, Matthew 22:34-40 cf: James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Isaiah 2:2-4; Whose son is Christ? Matthew 22:41-46; The character of the Scribes & Pharisees
Salt Of The Earth
Grapevine BBQ Picnic
Enemies Silenced
Matthew 21:23-27 Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have? cf Psalms 119:32. The parable of the two sons. Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord cf Isaiah 5:7. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen Matthew 21:23-46 Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard cf. Jeremiah 12:10. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39 The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass cf Matthew 21:1 ff Kill the son and the vineyard is ours cf: John 11:47-50. V:41 They condemned themselves God cast away Israel cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9
The Lord Suddenly Comes To The Temple
Mark 11:1-10, God promised that the Messiah would come to the temple, cf: Malachi 3:1-5; that He would come from the east, Ezekiel 43:1-2, upon a colt , the foal of an ass, Genesis 49:10-11 & Zachariah 9:9. Mark 11:11, "and when He had looked round about upon all things", What's your judgment, Lord? No comment. The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree, Mark 11:12-14. Israel is the fig tree, cf: Jeremiah 8:1ff. Looking round about the temple and upon all things, what's your judgment, Lord? No fruit. The outward forms of worship became more important to the Jews than fruit, Matthew 23:27. The Jews practiced all the right rules, but, Matthew 23:23. The temple cleansed, Mark 11:15-18. The Parable of The Withered Fig Tree, Mark 11:20-21. The missing figs of Israel, Mark 11:22. Had Israel had faith in the God of their covenant, all things were possible, Deuteronomy 29:1-15 & 30:1-20. The reproduction of our faith in others is a test of our fruit, I John 1:3. Today we are to bear much fruit, In Christianity fruit is: both souls John 15:1-8 and Christian character or holiness, Galatians 5:22ff.
Reward of Discipleship
Matthew 19:13-15 We must be converted and become as little children. Matthew 19:16-26 the parable of the Rich Young Ruler who went away sorrowful cf: Mk 10:24. Matthew 19:27-30 What is the reward for a life-time of service? It just doesn't get any better than inheriting eternal life cf: I Corinthians 2:9. What Christ has accomplished in the Gospel is for all, so first or last is irrelevant. Matthew 20:1 The Kingdom of Heaven - we have a Divine Teacher, cf: John 6:44-45, Hebrews 1:1-2 Who calls all who come to the Vineyard. John 6:44, I John 4:10 Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. Matthew 20:2. If it's the first hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:3 If it's the third hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:4 Jesus promises what is right. Matthew 20:5 If it's the 6th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. If it's the 9th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:6-7 If it's the last hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:8-16 What Jesus has accomplished in His life, death, burial & resurrection is for all who come. The Lord is the same now and forever. Come To The Vineyard.
The Unforgivable Sin
Brother Fred Vaughn graduated from the flesh to the Spirit. All his physical suffering, COPD, oxygen and breathing treatments, heart disease, arthritis, teeth, wheel chairs, cold because of bad circulation all these trials are now done and his victory is won. Before him lies: Glory, and honor and immortality and eternal life. We will miss our prayer warrior, youth leader, brother and friend. Twenty years ago, Kelly had the idea of feeding the Church after worship but Fred Vaughn had the idea of feeding the street people and homeless. Fred & Stephanie began it all by feeding across the street in the fellowship hall 20 years ago. Now it is up to us who remain to honor his memory by praying without ceasing that we can retain all the work we began.
The Prodigal Son
The parable of the lost coin, Luke 15:8-10. If a woman would search for a token of her beloved that hard how much more should the Shepherds of Israel be seeking the lost. The Parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-24. This would be the horror story of all horror stories to an orthodox Jew ... they could not imagine a worse sinner & they sure would not receive such a sinner home as the Father. The Parable of the Elder son Luke 15:25-32 who says "neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment" Now, surely the Scribes & Pharisees could identify with this son cf: Romans 3:10-19. The Elder son received a double portion.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
The Parables of the Lost Sheep: Publicans and sinners draw near to hear our Lord, at which the Pharisees are offended, Luke 15:1, Luke 15:2. Christ vindicates his conduct in receiving them by the parable of the lost sheep, Luke 15:3-7.
The Parable of the Great Supper
The Parable of the Great Supper Luke 14:1-24 Pharisee gives supper Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law Luke 14:4 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10. social graces, Lk 14:11 Humble. Lk 14:12-14, cf, I Peter 5:5, come, Luke 14:12-14 Who invite banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelations 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Lk 14:15. another empty saying. The banquet cf: Mark 1:14-15. Luke 14:16. A certain man is: God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Lk14:17, Jesus the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7,preparation, cf: Psalm 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Lk 14:18 refused call Psalm 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1. Lk 14:19 Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Lk 14:21, cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mk 16:15-16
The Parable of the Tares
The Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew 13:31-32 Parable of grains of wheat Mark 4 26-29 The Parable Mustard Seed Matthew 13:33 Parable Leaven. Parables Matthew 13:34-35 cf: Psalm 78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43 Parable of the treasure Matthew 13:44; Parable of the peril of great price. Matthew 13:45-46; arable of the net Matthew 13:47-48; The end of the world Matt:13:49-50 Do you understand Matthew 13:51; The parable of every scribe instructed in the kingdom Matthew 13:52
The Parable of the Sower
Matthew 13:1-9; God is speaking through the Messiah and we have a responsibility to listen cf: Hebrews 1:1-2 Matthew 13:10-15 cf: Isaiah 6:9-10. Matthew 13:16-17 cf: I Peter 1:10-12; The Hard Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:19 cf: I John 3:11-12, Hebrews 4:1-11 & Hebrews 10:38-39. Shallow Hearted Hearer Matt:13:20-21 cf: I Peter 2:2 & James 1:22. The Crowded Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:22 cf: I John 3:1-3, Exodus 20:3, James 1:17 & I John 5:17-20. Matthew 13:23 The Christian Heart cf: Luke 8:15, I Kings 3:9 Fruit both souls John 15:1-8 and Christian Character Galatians 5:22-25. The Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew 13:31-32 Parable Mustard Seed Matthew 13:33 Parable Leaven. Parables Matthew 13:34-35 cf: Psalm 78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43
The Gospel Story (Part 2)
God promises the "seed" or "Messiah", will come to deliver mankind, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. Only God can tell the future Isaiah 42:9 & 44:6-8. The Messiah to be a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15ff) a Priest (Psalm 110:1 & 4) a King (II Samuel 7:12ff) Now God announces Messiah to be a Servant Isaiah 42:1-7, 49:1-6, 50:4-10. Now God declares Christ will be a Suffering Servant 52:13, 53:1-12 this is a prophecy of Christ's coming & His death burial & resurrection which is the Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6
The Gospel Story (Part 1)
God promises the Messiah "seed" or "Messiah" will come to deliver mankind Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. The same promise is given to Seth Genesis 4:25, Noah Genesis 9:8-9, Abraham Genesis 12:1-4, 15:3-6, Isaac Genesis 26:3-4, Jacob or Israel Genesis 35:9-12. Messiah to be a descendant of Judah 49:10 & through King David II Samuel 7:12-16. Prophecies of the "seed" are found Psalm 22:1-31 and Isaiah 52:13- 53:1-12 these are both prophecies of the coming of the Messiah and His death, burial and resurrection which is the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6
A Lawyer's Question
Christ appoints seventy disciples to go before him, two by two, to preach, heal, etc., Luke 10:1-12. Christ pronounces woes on Chorazin and Capernaum, Luke 10:13-16. The seventy return, and give account of their mission, Luke 10:17-20. Christ rejoices that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent had been revealed unto babes, and shows the great privileges of the Gospel, Luke 10:21-24. A Lawyer's Question how he shall inherit eternal life, and is answered, Luke 10:25-29. The story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-37. The account of Martha and Mary, Luke 10:38-42.
John the Baptist: The Forerunner of The Messiah
Luke 7:1-10. Raises a widow's son to life at Nain, Luke 7:11-17. John Baptist hears of his fame, and sends two of his disciples to inquire whether he was the Christ, Luke 7:18-23. Christ's character of John, Luke 7:24-30. The obstinate blindness and capriciousness of the Jews, Luke 7:31-35. A Pharisee invites him to his house, where a woman anoints his head with oil, and washes his feet with her tears, Luke 7:36-38. The Pharisee is offended, Luke 7:39. Our Lord reproves him by a parable, and vindicates the woman, Luke 7:40-46; and pronounces her sins forgiven, Luke 7:47-50.
Ten Things Jesus Believed in Genesis Chapters 1 - 11
Sermon: Brother Manuel Santiago Ten Things Jesus Believed in Genesis Chapters 1 - 11: The creation story--Mark 13:19 The creation of man--Matthew 19:4 The marriage institution of Adam & Eve--Matthew 19:5-6 Abel's martyrdom--Matthew 23:35 Noah's flood _ Matthew 24:37-39 In Abraham--John 8:37-40 In Isaac--Luke 13:28 In Jacob's "ladder dream" - John 1:47-51 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah--Luke 17:28-39 Lot's wife turning to salt--Luke 17:32
The Shepherds of Israel: Luke 5:1-39
The miraculous draught of fishes at the lake of Gennesaret, Luke 5:1-11. Christ heals a leper, Luke 5:12-14. His fame being published abroad, he withdraws to the desert, Luke 5:15, Luke 5:16. He heals a paralytic person, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, but the people glorify God, Luke 5:17-26. He calls the publican Levi, who makes a feast for Christ, to which he invites a great number of publicans and others, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, and our Lord vindicates his conduct, Luke 5:27-32. The question about fasting answered, Luke 5:33-35. The parable of the new piece of cloth put on the old garment, and the new wine in old bottles, Luke 5:36-39.
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7
Judge means fault finding spirit, harsh, bitter, unloving judgment. Matthew 7:7-8 Prevailing prayer God wants us to grow in our prayer life from Ask: I want, to seek: what do you want God? To knock and say I will do as You want. Matthew 7:13-14; The Way - note the Greek article which means there is just one way to the pearly gate (the way), cf: Psalm 16:11, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6; The Faith - cf: Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, 24:14, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Galatians 3:23, Ephesians. 4:1-4, cf: Ephesians 1:22-23. Be a fruit inspector Matthew 7:16-20, Not all religion acceptable unto God cf: Matthew 7:21-23. The words of Christ are like a rock to build our faith upon V;24-29
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6
Alms means Works of Righteousness: Secret motives of life Matthew 6:1-18 cf: Luke 12:1-12. Three Particular Works of Righteousness: Alms, Prayers & Fasting. Alms Matthew 6:2-4 Unto God (Not to make a show) cf: Matthew 23:1ff. On Prayers Matthew 6:5-15 cf: Luke 18 & 11 the early Church continued steadfastly in prayer Acts 2:42. On Fasting Matthew 6:16-18 cf: Mark 2:18-22. Treasure in Heaven Matthew 6:19-34 cf: Luke 12:13-34 & I Corinthians 2:9. Matthew5:22-23 Single purpose in life necessary I John 1:5. You can't serve God & riches of injustice.
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5
Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:1-48 Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-10; Persecution to come Matthew 5:11-12; Disciples-salt of the earth, Matthew 5:13 light of the world, Matthew 5:14; Our good works Matthew5:15-16; Christ not destroy but confirm & fulfill law & prophets, Matthew 5:17-19; Righteousness Matthew 5:20; Murder & anger 5:21-22; Reconciliation Matthew 5:23-26; Impure acts & thoughts Matthew 5:27-30; Divorce Matthew 5:31-32; Oaths & profanity. Matthew 5:33-37; bearing injuries & persecution, Matthew 5:38-41; Borrowing & leading Matthew 5:42, Love & hatred Matthew 5:43-46; Civil respect, Matthew 5:47; Christ's disciples to resemble the Heavenly Father Matthew 5:48 by becoming Christ-like.
The Beatitudes
Matthew 5:1-16. Blessed means: happy cf: Psalm 1:1ff; Poor in Spirit (discouraged) Matthew 18:3ff; Mourn (sorrowful) cf: II Corinthians 7:10, Meek (gentle & lowly) Greek word used to describe a wild animal trained for service such as a horse fit for the bridle cf: Matthew 11:28-29. Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness cf: Matthew 6:33 & John 6:35; Merciful cf: Isaiah 58:6-7 & James 2:13; Pure in Heart cf: Proverbs 4:23, Acts 15:9 & Psalm 51:10-12; Peaceful cf Isaiah 9:6ff, Romans 12:18ff; Persecuted cf: II Timothy 3:12, Rejoice cf: Romans 8:17; The Sermon on the mount is the heart of Jesus' teaching. Blessed is not in unfortunate condition itself, but in the glorious reward to come. Heaven is so superior to anything on earth that anything that increased our longing for heaven is a blessing.
In Christ
How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy 2:1& 10 All teach "in Christ" or "in Him" Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-6 teach how to get into Christ.
Let Brotherly Love Continue
Hebrews 13:1 cf. Deuteronomy 6:4ff, Matthew 22:34-40, James 2:8, Romans 12:10-21, I Corinthians 13:1-13; Hebrews 13:2-25 Christianity is better: Better Revelation Hebrews 1:1-4, Better Hope Hebrews 7:18-19, Better Testament Hebrews 7:22, Better Covenant Hebrews 8:6, Better Promises Hebrews 8:6, Better Sacrifices Hebrews 9:23, Better Possessions Hebrews 10:34 Better Country Hebrews 11:16 & Better Resurrection Hebrews 11:35. Hebrews 11:5 I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. The Literal Greek has 5 negatives, 2 verbal ideals & 1 pronoun used twice. The Literal translation is: "No. I will never leave thee. Not I. I will never. Never cast thee off".
We as Christians are to Compete in the Olympics of Life
The Great cloud of witness are the great hero's of the faith in chapter 11. Having so many incitements to holiness, patience, and perseverance, we should lay aside every hindrance, and run with patience the race that is set before us, taking our blessed Lord for our example, Hebrews 12:1 race I Corinthians 9:24-27 & Philippians 3:13-14 Hebrews 12:2 Joy cf: Luke 15:5; cf: right hand Acts 2:30 & Psalm 110:1-4; V:3-4. These sufferings are to be considered as fatherly chastisements from God, & to be patiently submitted to on account of the benefits obtained from them, Hebrews 12:5-11. Take courage & go forward, Hebrews 12:12-13. Follow peace with all men, & to take heed we fall from the grace of God, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 12:15. Compare Esau, Hebrews 12:16-17. The privileges of Christians, compared with the Jews, by which the superior excellence of Christianity is shown, Hebrews 12:18-24. Take care not to reject Jesus, who now addressed them from heaven & who was shortly to be our Judge, Hebrews 12:25-27. As we are called to receive a kingdom, have grace, so we might serve God acceptably, Hebrews 12:28-29
Those Added by Lord to Church of Christ are called Christians
The Kingdom was to be established during the days of the Roman Empire cf: Daniel 2:44, Jesus used the words Church & Kingdom inter-changeably cf: Matthew 16:13ff, we must be born again of water & Spirit to enter the Kingdom John 3:3-5, born again by being baptized results in the indwelling Holy Spirit cf: Acts 2:36-47, I Corinthians 12:13, 20 & 27, Colossians 1:13 &18, Ephesians1:20-23, Only one name given Acts 4:12, Isaiah 61:1-3, 6, 8-10, To be called by a new name when Gentiles come to God Isaiah 62:1-3 Gentiles come Acts 11:1ff, new name Christians cf: Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, I Peter 4:16, The Church of Christ Romans 16:16, Revelations 19:7-9, 21:2, a bride takes her husband's name Genesis 5:1-2, we are Priests I Peter 2:1-9 cf, Romans 12:1-2 & Colossians3:1ff
Singing in Church Style Which is: A Cappella Singing
Ephesians 5:18 Paul is continuing to direct us in how to live our day to day lives and worship. Wine was common intoxicant in the ancient world. Just as a drunk is under the influence and is controlled by alcohol, we are to be under the influence and be controlled by the Spirit. Ephesians5:19 psalms you will sing O.T. psalms, hymns and spiritual songs singing Greek psallo is followed by the direct object of the "heart" not a instrument of music in New Testament worship. Ephesians 5:20 Our singing should be filled with thanksgiving to God. Colossians 3:16 again the "heart" is the direct object of psallo singing; I Corinthians 14:15 The Pro-test-ant Re-former Calvin said of this verse: I would as soon pray to God with an instrument as sing to God with a instrument; James 5:13 sing psalms; Hebrews 2:12 Right now today in the midst of the Church or Congregation as we worship Christ sings praises to God cf: Psalm 22:22; Matthew 26:30 Right after the Passover meal which was the original Lord's Supper Jesus & the Apostles sang; Hebrews 9:1-4 Types & shadows; Hebrews 10:1 the law & O.T. were a shadow of the new Spiritual way to come; II Chronicles 29:25-30 Note the shadow in that they played instruments until the sacrifice, which was a shadow of Christ's sacrifice, but after the sacrifice they only sang; Hebrews 5:1-6 Christ is our High Priest Sacrificed for us; Hebrews 7:17-28 Christ's sacrifice was complete when He offered up Himself; II Corinthians 11:3 Note the simplicity that is in Christ; Ephesians 5:18-20.
Resurrection: I Corinthians 15
A prophecy of Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to perform the ancient part of a near kinfolk, to ransom, to buy back. He shall "stand" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, with the idea of resurrection. In John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed to have the power of resurrection. We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Jesus was raised in bodily resurrection with many infallible proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things, I Corinthians 15:11. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth I Corinthians 15:12. Paul takes a negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ reigns as a King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules over all things, I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is one of the hardest verses in the New Testament to understand. In my opinion, Paul is saying that they are being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. Paul now states the obvious question of the false teacher in Corinth, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & he answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: Matthew 25:31ff, I Thessalonians 4:13 thru Chap 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. Work the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29
The 5 Fold Worship of the Church
The 5 Fold Worship of the Church Worshiping God is our duty: cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2, 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9
The Church of Christ is the Foretold Kingdom of God
The Church of Christ is the promised Kingdom to come Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 2:2 cf: in the "Last Days" Acts 2:16-21 & Hebrews 1:1-2. "Lord's House" cf: I Timothy 3:15 "All Nations" cf: Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 2:3; We have Divine teacher "He will Teach" cf: John 6:44-45 & Hebrews1:1-2; Isaiah 2:3 "Zion shall go forth the Law" cf: James 1:25 & James 2:8, Matthew 22:37-42 was said on Mount Zion; Isaiah 2:3 "Word...from Jerusalem" cf: Luke 24:44-49 & Acts 1:8ff; Isaiah 11:1-10 is figurative & symbolic language cf: Romans 15:9-12 quotes Isaiah 11, therefore, Isaiah 11 is fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Every Christian
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit being given to believers after His glorification in Heaven John 7:37-39. Acts 2:38 promises the Spirit to all who are baptized. Acts 2:39 shows this promise is perpetual through the whole Christian Dispensation. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 6:19. God dwells in the Church through His spirit I Corinthians 3:16-17 & we are a habitation of God through the Spirit Ephesians 2:21-22. Rom. 8:9 indicates if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. Things the Holy Spirit does in our lives: Study Romans 8 & Ephesians 3:16, Galatians 5:17, II Corinthians 3:18, fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23, I John 4:13 & Ephesians 1:13-14.
Baptism for the Remission of Sins
Is taught Acts 2:38-39 cf: Titus 3:5; Our baptism is a reenactment of the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4 cf: Romans 6:1-4: examples of conversion Pentecost Acts 2:1-42; Samaria Act 8:3-13; The Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:26-40; Saul of Tarsus Acts 9, 22 & 26; Cornelius' House Acts 10:34-48; Lydia's household Acts 16:14-15; The Philippian Jailor & his household Acts 16:25-33; Many Corinthians Acts 18:1-8; Certain Disciples at Ephesus Acts 19:1-5 this is an example that you can't be taught wrong & baptized right. In every example of conversion baptism is cited by the inspired writer because the Holy Spirit knew men would one day teach baptism is not necessary for salvation. Baptism is into Christ cf: Rom. 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27. Romans 6: 1-17 & I Peter 3:20-21
Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform all your hopes rests upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7. All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God. Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc. Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. Galatians 2:16-20 Big Question, is th "faith" subjective gender, then: "the faith of Christ KJV" or objective gender then it is "faith in Christ" as NIV Big difference cf: Romans 3:21ff and Philippians 3:9
Belief & Faith
Faith is not a feeling or an emotion although feelings & emotions can accompany faith. Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform your hope rests upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genenis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7. All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God. Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc. Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. I believe that I might obey: I obey that I might believe.
Pentecost: Acts 2
The Apostles Baptized with Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11-12, John tells it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father and they will have "power from on high" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 Vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 Qualifications to be an apostle. Acts 1:26 & 2:1 Chapter & verse divisions not in original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to last-named noun. Which is: "Matthias: and he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Many make the mistake thinking the 120 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the Apostles speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied. Acts 1:5 & 21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.
World Conquest: Acts 1
Most of Acts is written the 3rd person. Story moves along "they did "or "he did ". Beginning in Acts 16:10-18 first person plural, "we". cf: Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us fact author is eye witness to the "we" sections of Acts. Luke 1:1-4 states Luke's purpose: Theophilus cf: cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B.cf: "Do & teach" Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12. Acts 1:6 Jesus promised Kingdom God come during lifetime apostles in Mark 9:1. Acts 1:7 stay focused on job cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. Kingdom God come Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A Power when baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of the same event in Heaven. False teachers teach Daniel vision is of the second coming, while the verse plainly says The Son of Man was coming to the Ancient of Days (God). When does Daniel 7:13-14 teach Christ received His Kingdom? At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Psalm 110:1-4 Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.
The Great Commission
This Commission is called the "Great Commission" to distinguish it from the minor commissions given by the Lord to His disciples in Matthew 10:5ff and to the 70 disciples in Luke 10:1ff. They are called minor because their scope was minor to Jews only, while the Great Commission is universal and its scope is all the world. Proverbs 28:9 , John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20 , Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51 , Acts 1:1-9, John 3:-35, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17.
The Gospel of John 21:1-25
Jesus shows himself to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias, John 21:1-5. The miraculous draught of fishes, John 21:6-11. He dines with his disciples, John 21:12-14. Questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, John 21:15-17. Foretells the manner of Peter's death, John 21:18,19. Peter inquires concerning John, and receives an answer that was afterwards misunderstood, John 21:20-23. John's concluding testimony concerning the authenticity of his Gospel, and the end for which it was written, John 21:24-25 The Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4 and the Resurrection of Christ and ourselves I Corinthians 15:5-55
The Gospel of John 20:1-31
Mary Magdalene, coming early to the sepulcher, finds it empty, & runs & tells Peter, John 20:1-2. Peter & John run to the tomb, & find all as Mary had reported, John 20:3-10. Mary sees a vision of angels in the tomb, John 20:11-13. Jesus himself appears to her, & sends her with a message to the disciples, John 20:14-18. He appears to the disciples, gives the fullest proof of the reality of his resurrection, & communicates to them a measure of the Holy Spirit, John 20:19-23. The determined incredulity of Thomas, John 20:24-25. Eight days after, Jesus appears again to the disciples, Thomas being present, to whom he gives the proofs he had desired, John 20:26-27. Thomas is convinced, & makes a noble confession, John 20:28. Our Lord's reflections on his case, John 20:29. Various signs done by Christ, not circumstantially related, John 20:30. Why others are recorded, John 20:31.
The Gospel of John 19:1-42
Jesus is scourged, crowned with thorns, and mocked by the soldiers, John 19:1-3. He to brought forth by Pilate, wearing the purple robe; and the Jews clamour for his death, John 19:4-8. Conversation between our Lord and Pilate, John 19:9-11. Pilate expostulates with the Jews on their barbarous demands; but they become more inveterate, and he delivers Christ into their hands, 12-16. He, bearing his cross, is led to Golgotha, and crucified, 17-22. The soldiers cast lots for his raiment, 23,24. Jesus commends his mother to the care of John, 25-27. Jesus thirsts, receives vinegar, and dies, 28-30. The Jews request that the legs of those who were crucified might be broken; the soldiers break those of the two thieves, and pierce the side of Christ; the Scriptures fulfilled in these acts, 31-37. Joseph of Arimathea begs the body of Christ; and Nicodemus brings spices to embalm it, 38-40. He is laid in a new sepulchre, 41-42.