
Isaiah (MP3)
[1] Isaiah 2: Last Days & The Coming Kingdom of God (2014)
[2] Isaiah 7-9: Christ to be Born of a Virgin & be the Mighty God (2011)
[3] Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ - Part 1 (2012)
[4] The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ - Part 2 (2012)
[5] Isaiah 35: The Signs & Wonders the Messiah will Perform (2012)
[7] Isaiah 42: The Servant's Song - Part 1 (2018)
[8] Isaiah 53: The Servant Song - Part 2 (2018)
[9] Isaiah 49-52: The Coming Christ will be God's Servant (2012)
[10] Isaiah 52:13-53:12: The Suffering Servant of God - Part 1 (2015)
[11] Isaiah 53: The Messiah will be a Suffering Servant for our Sins - Part 2 (2015)
[12a] Isaiah 52: The Suffering Servant of God (2012)
[12b] Isaiah 54: The Song of the Church of Christ, or People of Christ (2012)
[13] Isaiah 55: Living Water, The Holy Spirit and the Church of Christ (2012)
[14] Isaiah 58 (2012)

Church History (MP3)
[15] The Catholic Church (Amplified)
[16] The Protestant Reformation (Amplified)
[17] The Restoration Movement (Amplified)
[18] Speak Where the Bible Speaks, Be Silent Where the Bible is Silent

The Church of Christ (MP3)
[19] The Church of Christ is the Kingdom of God (Amplified)
[20] Those Added by Lord to Church of Christ are called Christians (Amplified)
[21] The Great Commission (2017)
[22] Five Things we do to Worship God on The Lord's Day (2017)
[23] A Cappella Singing
[24] Worship in the Temple & House to House
[25] Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ (Amplified)
[26] The Beginning of Church of Christ & Kingdom of God
[27] Elders, Evangelists and Deacons (Amplified)
[28] Preparation for the Proclamation
[29] Worship God with Reverence and Fear
[30] The Priesthood Of all Believers: All Christians are Priests
[31] How to Set Up a New Testament Church in Your Home

Life Eternal (MP3)
[38] Is Baptism Essential for Salvation? (2014)
[39] Is Being in Christ Essential for Salvation? - Part 1 (2014)
[40] Is Being in Christ Essential for Salvation? - Part 2 (2014)
[41] Is Being in Christ Essential for Salvation? - Part 3 (2014)
[42] Hell, the Eternal Land of the Doomed (2015)
[43] Baptism (2007)
[44] Baptism for the Remission of Sins (2008)
[45] Baptism & the Thief on the Cross (2016)

Living in Christ (MP3)
[46] In Christ, Part 1 (2017)
[47] In Christ, Part 2: Being In Christ (2017)
[48] In Christ, Part 3: Being Found In Christ (2017)
[49] In Christ, Part 4: In Christ or Lost (2017)
[50] Faith - Hebrews 11 (2013)
[51] Mountain Moving Faith & Prayer (2016)
[52] Belief and Faith (2013)
[57] Worship (2014)

Mark (MP3)
[60] Mark 1:1 (2010)
[61] Mark 2:23-28 & 3:1-35 (2010)
[62] Mark 4 (2010)
[63] Mark 5 (2010)
[64] Mark 7 (2010)
[65] Mark 8 (2010)
[66] Mark 9:1 (2010)
[67] Mark 9 (2010)
[68] Mark 10 (2010)
[69] Mark 11 (2010)
[70] Mark 12 (2010)
[71] Mark 13 (2010)
[72] Mark 14: Judas (2011)
[73] Mark 14: Lord's Supper (2011)
[74] Mark 15: Trial & Crucifixion (2011)
[75] Mark 16:9-20: Inspired Scripture (2011)
[76] Mark 16: Christ Commissions Apostles (2011)
[77] Mark 16: The Great Commission (2007)

Luke (MP3)
[78] Luke 4: Jesus' First Sermon (2015)
[78b] Luke 4: John the Baptizer (2007)
[79] Luke 5: The Shepherds of Israel (2007)
[80] Luke 7:11-50: Jesus the sinner's friend (2007)
[81] Luke 10: A Lawyer's Question (2007)
[82] Luke 11 & 18: Lord Teach us to Pray (2009)
[83] Luke 15:1-10: Parable of Lost Sheep & Coin (2007)
[84] Luke 15:11-32: Prodigal Son & Elder Brother (2007)
[85] Luke 16: Abraham's Bosom & Torments (2009)
[86] Luke 23: Baptism & The Thief on the Cross (2009)
[87] Luke 24:1-53: The Resurrection of Christ (2013)

John (MP3)
[88] John - THE PROLOGUE: The Word Made Flesh
[89] John 1
[90] John 2
[91] John 4
[92] John 5 (2012)
[93] John 6
[94] John 7
[95] John 8
[96] John 9
[97] John 10 (2012)
[98] John 11 (Amplified)
[99] John 12
[100] John 13
[101] John 13, 14, 15 & 16
[103] John 15
[104] John 16
[105] John 18
[106] John 20
[107] John 21

The Epistles (MP3)
[108] Romans 1: Paul's Apostleship
[109] Romans 2: God's Judgment
[110] Romans 4: Justification by Grace thru Faith
[111] Romans 3:21-6:4:
[112] Romans 5: Peace with God
[113] Romans 6: 1-17: You are (Dead) "In Sin" or "Dead to Sin"
[114] Romans 10: Preaching with Inspiration
[115] I Corinthians 11: The Passover & the Lord's Supper
[116] I Corinthians 13: The Love Chapter
[117] I Corinthians 15:1-4: The Gospel of Christ & His Resurrection
[118] I Corinthians 15: Coming of Christ in Power & Glory
[119] I Corinthians 15
[120] I Corinthians 15: Is World War III Approaching? Is This The "End of Days"? What does the Bible Say?
[121] I Corinthians 15:1-4: Gospel to the World
[122] I Thessalonians 4: Our being "caught up together"
[123] II Thessalonians: Anti-Christ - "many antichrists"
[124] I Timothy: Evangelists, Elders & Deacons
[125] II Timothy: Rome & World Conquest
[126] II Timothy: The Last Days
[127] Hebrews 1: In The Beginning God Created
[128] Hebrews 1-2: Christ Superior to Angels
[129] Hebrews 3-4: Christ Superior to Moses
[130] Hebrews 5-6: Christ Compared to Levitical Priests
[131] Hebrews 7-8: Christ, Our High Priest
[132] Hebrews 9: Types & Shadows - The Temple was a Shadow of the Coming Church of Christ or Kingdom of God (Amplified)
[133] Hebrews 10: Will God Forgive me or Have I committed the "Unforgiveable Sin"?
[134] Hebrews 11: The Great Old Testament Heroes of the Faith (Amplified)
[135] Hebrews 12: The Christian Life of Endurance is Compared to the Greek Olympic Games (2015)
[136] Hebrews 13: Let Brotherly Love Continue (Amplified)
[137] James, Chapter 1
[138] James, Chapter 2
[139] I Peter 2
[140] II Peter 1&2: False Prophets & Teachers
[142] II Peter 3: 2nd Coming of Christ

The Holy Spirit (MP3)
[143a] The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Every Christian (Amplified)
[143b] The Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
[143c] The Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 3)
[143d] The Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 4)

The Second Coming of Christ (MP3)
[146] The Promise of the Second Coming - Part 1
[147] The Promise of the Second Coming - Part 2
[148] Times of the Gentiles - "Until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Amplified)
[149] Christ's Coming Could be Anytime
[150] The Parable of The Ten Virgins
[151] Christ's Resurrection & Our Resurrection
[152] No Rapture or No "Left Behind"
[153] The Great Falling Away & the Man of Sin or Man of Lawlessness
[155] II Peter 2 - Judgements of God
[156] II Peter 3 - Earth to be destroyed by fire
[157] The 2nd Coming of Christ Judgment & The End of the World (Amplified)

The Bible (MP3)
[158] God's Word, Part 1: Inspiration of the Bible
[159] God's Word, Part 2: Not Human or Natural
[160] God's Word, Part 3: The Devine Inspiration of the Bible
[161] God's Word, Part 4: The Inerrant Word of God