Bible Evidence
For centuries secular scientists have been in a constant battle to disprove the truths revealed in Scripture. Though scripture and accepted science often differ in their explanations, those differences will eventually be explained by missinterpretation of science, misinterpretation of scripture, or both. This section endeavors to reveal proof given by believing scientists of the facts revealed in the Bible. Proof that secular institutions choose to ignore and even suppress, but that reveal that our belief in the scripture is not only reasonable, but more likely than the claims of secular science. As time goes by more and more of the Bible's truths will be revealed as scientific fact, and with deeper exegesic study, scripture will more and more be found to be in line with reasonable science.

How Does DNA Uncover a Biblical History of Humankind
Two different stories of human history exist: one defined by the supernatural creation of humanity as recorded in the Book of Genesis, the other by natural processes of evolution that caused humans to arise from apes. Which history does the evidence support? In this presentation, paleontologist Dr. Kurt Wise examines mitochondrial DNA, one specific kind of evidence for history and how it applies to these two very different ideas.

In-depth Explanation of What Caused Noah's Flood
Paleontologist Dr. Kurt Wise explores the "geophysics of the Flood" and provides a fascinating look at the processes behind this catastrophic event that happened in the days of Noah. The question of how a global Flood could happen is an important area of research for modern creation scientists. One of the theories used to explain this process was developed by a number of scientists featured in the film. It is known as "Catastrophic Plate Tectonics" and has a great deal of explanatory power concerning the geophysical processes behind the global catastrophe.

Is Genesis History?
This video is part one of a documentary series that reveals how science intersects with the Bible. Dr. Del Tacket provides evidence that challenges traditional science's view of the geological timeline.

Mountains after the Flood
In this fascinating sequel to 'Is Genesis History?', Del Tackett follows the journey of two creation scientists rafting through the Grand Canyon to examine enormous folds of solid rock. What caused these massive formations? And when did they happen? Conventional scientists say they are millions of years old, but no one has actually studied them… until now.

Rocks & Fossils: Beyond "Is Genesis History?"
Explore the fascinating fields of geology, paleontology (fossils), and earth history to learn the true impact of the global flood on the earth. These 20 videos include in-depth interviews from geologists and paleontologists featured in the the film "Is Genesis History?"

Is Genesis History? Bible Study Set
A six lesson series that explores the relationship between six essential Christian doctrines and the book of Genesis.

Is Genesis History? website
Is Genesis History? is a documentary series that reveals how science intersects with the Bible. In over a hundred videos, scientists and scholars explore the evidence for creation in six normal days, a real Adam and Eve, a global Flood, a tower of Babel, plus hundreds of other fascinating aspects of God’s creation. Dr. Del Tackett serves as your guide in this amazing series that has impacted millions of people worldwide.

Let the Stones Speak is a free 40-page bimonthly magazine that showcases Israel’s biblical archaeology. Each issue of Let the Stones Speak brims with compelling, informative articles, enlightening maps, charts, illustrations and quality photography. The Institute interviews archaeologists and scholars from Israel and around the world and often publishes these interviews in Let the Stones Speak. Click Here to subscribe to the free bimonthly magazine

Unearthing King Solomon's Mines
The Bible says King Solomon possessed such quantities of bronze (an alloy of copper and tin) that it became a common material, not worthy of being enumerated. From where did Solomon acquire such vast supplies of copper? Copper mines of ancient Edom have been discovered.

Top 10 Biblical Archaeology Finds of 2024
From the biggest of shipwrecks to the smallest of pendants - The Armstrong Institute of Biblical Archaeology's list of 2024’s greatest hits in biblical archaeology.

The Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS) was founded in 1974 as a nonprofit, nondenominational, educational organization dedicated to the dissemination of information about archaeology in the Bible lands. BAS educates the public about archaeology and the Bible through its quarterly magazine, Biblical Archaeology Review, an award-winning website, and tours and seminars. Our readers rely on us to present the latest that scholarship has to offer in a fair and accessible manner. BAS serves as an important authority and as an invaluable source of reliable information.
Short Videos
How Long Does It Take Rocks to Form?
Does the Bible Say Genesis is History or Myth?
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