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Beware of False Prophets & Teachers
Only the scriptures contain the inspired word of God. Everything said or written on these links except direct quotes of scripture are the mere words, opinions & teachings of man. We have not examined all these sites for truth, in fact we know that there are many false teachers and false doctrine included in some of their sites. These sites are linked so that our ministers and other ministers can learn to earnestly contend for the faith. After all, how can we ever fight false doctrine if we don't know what the false teachers are teaching? Example: In the "early church fathers" you can clearly see the seeds & germs of the beginning of catholic doctrine. Read these as history.
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Church of Christ Locations
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Coffman's Commentaries, People's New Testament (B.W. Johnson, 1891)and Summit Theological Seminary
Bible Lands
- Artifax
- Associates for Biblical Research
- Bible and Interpretation
- Bible History Online
- BibleLandPictures.com
- Bible Lands Project
- Biblical Archaeology Society
- Biblical Backgrounds
- Biblical Heritage Center
- Biblical Studies Foundation
- Biblical Studies Info
- Bible Study Workshop
- Biblical Languages Center
- Centre for the Study of Biblical Research
- eBibleTeacher*
- Electronic Christian Media
- En-Gedi Resource Center
- Gems in Israel
- Historic Cities: Maps and Documents
- Historical Maps of the Middle East
- HolyLandPhotos.org
- Hot Sites - Jerusalem
- The Great Commission
- Jerusalem Archaeological Park
- Jerusalem Perspective
- Leen Ritmeyer's Temple Mount
- Livius - Articles on Ancient History
- Middle East Photograph Archive
- National Photo Collection - Israel
- Near Eastern Archaeological Society
- New Testament Gateway
- Perseus Project
- Preserving Bible Times
- Pompeii*
- Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
- Scriptorium
- Seven Churches Network
- The Church of Christ at Zion, IL
Bible Studies
- 1 Way Only*
- Bebaptized.org*
- Biblepage.org's Online Correspondence Courses*
- Biblequestions.org*
- Bible Study Workshop
- Bibletruths.net*
- Book and Tract Library (Rod Rutherford & others)*
- Evangelism Handbook*
- Focus on Truth - Louis Boccio*
- Franklin CofC Articles*
- Guide to Bible Study (J. W. McGarvey)
- Home Bible Study (Ira Mikell)*
- Interactive Bible's Study Series*
- Internet Bible Study*
- NetBibleStudy.net*
- TheSeeker.org's Study Series*
- Truth for the World's Correspondence Courses*
- World Video Bible School*
- Worship (24 Lesson Series)*
Christian Evidences
- Access Research Network
- American Scientific Affiliation
- Answers in Action Apologetics
- Apologetics Press*
- Bibleworld.com*
- ChristianAnswers.net
- Creation Research Society
- Does God Exist*
- Bible Study Tools Concordances
- Blue Letter Bible (with Concordance)
- Strong's Concordance
- Torrey's Topical Textbook
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
- Acts of the Apostles (J.W. McGarvey, 1863)
- Alexander Campbell's Living Oracles (4th Edition)
- Bible Study Tools Commentaries
- Bible Study Workshop
- Calvin's Commentaries
- Adam Clarke's Bible Commentary (StudyLight)
- Coffman's Commentaries
- Darby's Synopsis of the New Testament
- Exposition of the Bible (John Gill)
- The Fourfold Gospel (J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton)
- Galatians (Martin Luther)
- Geneva Study Bible
- James (Mark Dunagan)*
- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary
- John (B.W. Johnson, 1886)
- John Wesley's Explanatory Notes
- Matthew Henry's Commentary
- Matthew Henry Complete Commentary
- Naves Topical Bible
- People's New Testament (B.W. Johnson, 1891)
- 2 Peter (Ray C. Stedman)
- Robertson's Word Pictures
- Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians and Romans (McGarvey and Pendleton, 1916)
- The Treasury of David (Charles H. Spurgeon)
- Verse/Commentary Lookup
Church History
- Alexander Campbell
- Anabaptists Website
- Apocrypha, full text
- Bible Basics (History of the Bible)
- Church Fathers (ccel.org)
- Clement of Alexandria
- Clement of Rome
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Development of the Canon of the New Testament
- Eusebius
- Fox's Book of Martyrs
- History of the English Bible
- Ignatius
- Irenaeus
- Jerome
- Josephus, Writings of
- Justin Martyr
- Luther's 95 Theses
- Origen
- Papias
- Polycarp
- Restoration Movement Texts
- Shepherd of Hermas
- Tatian
- Tertullian
- Thomas Campbell
- American Standard Version
- Apocrapha, full text
- Audio Bible (KJV read by Alexander Scourby)
- Bible Basics (History of the Bible)
- Bible Translated from Latin Vulgate
- Bibles.net (Compare Translations)
- Blue Letter Bible (with Concordance)
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Geneva Study Bible
- Hebrew Old Testament
- History of the English Bible
- Interlinear Study Bible
- Jefferson Bible
- King James Version
- New English Translation
- New King James Version
- New International Version
- Parallel Study Bible
- Rheims New Testament (1582)
- Unbound Bible (in Spanish, French, etc.)
- World English Bible
- World Wide Study Bible
- Baker's Evangelical Dictionary
- Crosswalk.com's Bible Dictionary Site
- Easton's Bible Dictionary
- Smith's Bible Dictionary
Greek Resources
- Greek/Hebrew Fonts
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Encyclopedia of Textual Criticism
- English to Greek Word Search
- Interlinear Study Bible
- New Testament Greek Lexicon
- Apologetics Press (Bert Thompson)*
- Christian Courier (Wayne Jackson)*
- Forthright Magazine*
- Gospel Advocate*
- Gospel Gazette*
- Gospel Gleaner*
- The Gospel Journal (Dub McClish)*
- Grace-Centered Magazine*
- Herald of Truth*
- In Search of the Lord's Way (Mack Lyon)*
- What do the Scriptures Say?*
Colleges and Universities
- Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX)*
- Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver*
- Croley's Ridge College (Paragould, AR)*
- David Lipscomb University (Nashville, TN)*
- Faulkner University (Montgomery, AL)*
- Florida College (Temple Terrace, FL)*
- Florida School of Preaching (Lakeland, FL)*
- Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson, TN)*
- Harding University (Searcy, AR)*
- Heritage Christian University (Florence, AL)*
- Institute for Christian Studies (Austin Graduate School of Theology*
- Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock, TX)*
- Memphis School of Preaching (Memphis, TN)*
- Nations University (West Monroe, LA)*
- Ohio Valley University (Parkersburg, WV)*
- Oklahoma Christian University (Oklahoma City, OK)*
- Online Academy of Biblical Studies*
- Rochester College (Rochester Hills, MI)*
- Southern Christian University (Montgomery, AL)*
- Southwest School of Bible Studies (Austin, TX)*
- Sunset International Bible Institute*
- West Virginia School of Preaching*
- York College (York, NE)*
- Summit Theological Seminary
- 26th St. C of C Sermons (West Virginia)*
- Bella Vista C of C Sermons*
- Bill Denton's Sermon Site*
- Buford C of C*
- College Avenue C of C (El Dorado, AR)*
- Carey Scott's Sermons*
- College Park CofC Sermons*
- Crystal Lake CofC Sermons
- Dale Jenkins's Sermons (Granny White CofC)*
- Dan Goddard Sermons*
- David Beck's Sermons*
- David Chadwell's Sermons (Excellent Site)*
- David Padfield Sermons (Zion CofC)*
- David Riggs Sermon Site*
- Don Martin Sermons*
- Dunagan, Mark (Sermons @ Beaverton C of C)*
- East End CofC Sermons (Gary Colley, Sr.)*
- East Huntsville, AL, Sermons*
- Executable Outline Series (Excellent Site)*
- Focus on God Sermon Index (James Davis)*
- Franklin CofC Sermons (click 'Sermons' menu for list)*
- Fredericksburg CofC Sermons*
- Gary Colley, Sr. Sermons (East End CofC)*
- Gary Davenport's Collection*
- GEWatkins.net
- Good-news-network.org's Sermons*
- Granny White CofC Sermons*
- Internet Ministries - Churches of Christ (click 'Sermons' menu)*
- Jim Dillinger's Sermons*
- John Cripps' Sermons*
- Katy CofC Sermons*
- Mark Aites Sermons (South Point C of C)*
- Mark Copeland (Executable Outlines)*
- Middleton CofC (Louisville, KY)*
- Mike Hughes Sermons*
- Minutes with Messiah (Tim O'Hearn)*
- Mt. Juliet, TN, Sermon Site*
- Multimedia Sermon Library - Phil Sanders (Media Player)*
- NewTestamentChurch.org's Sermons*
- North Boulevard CofC Sermons (David Young)*
- Old Paths Archive*
- Palmetto CofC Sermons*
- Pleasant St. CofC*
- Raymore CofC Sermons (Raymore, MO)*
- Rogersville CofC (Windell Gann)*
- Rome CofC Sermons (Rome, GA)*
- Rose Ave. CofC Sermons (Tom Roberts & Others)*
- Sermons by Al Maxey*
- South MacArthur Sermon Highlights*
- Spanish Sermon Site*
- Steedly Drive CofC Sermons*
- Steve Higginbotham (sermons at preachinghelp.org)*
- The Study-God_Logically Web Ministry*
- Tanner CofC Sermons*
- Terry Casey (West Freeway CofC)*
- Terry Frizzell Sermons*
- Tim O'Hearn (Minutes with Messiah)*
- Warren Berkley's Sermons (Laurel Heights CofC)*
- Watterson Trail CofC Sermons*
- West Ark. CofC Sermons (David Chadwell)*
- West Broward CofC (Gary Davenport)*CCOnline Executive Director's Choice Award
- West Huntsville CC Sermons
- Woodmont CofC (Ft. Worth, TX)*
- WordsofTruth.net
Visit our Sound Doctrine by Audio page, Written Lessons, and Gospel Preaching Sermons for hundreds of sermons in audio, video, and written form!
Biblical and Other Archaeology
- Abila of the Decapolis Excavation
- A.D. Communications, Multimedia Bible Archaeology Seminars
- AncientNearEast.net for exploring and Resourcing the Ancient Near East
- Antioch in Pisidia
- Ashkelon Excavations for the Leon Levy Expedition
- ASOR for the American Schools of Oriental Research
- BIBARCH, the premier biblical archaeology website
- Biblical Archaeology Society Forum
- Biblelands Project illustrating the places, things, and topics of the Bible
- Hazor Excavations
- Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
- Har Karkom Expedition, Professor Emmanuel Anati's "The Riddle of Mount Sinai - Archaeological Discoveries at Har Karkom" website
- Megiddo Excavations
- National Ice Core Laboratory
- Near Eastern Archaeological Society, The NEAS focuses on biblical archaeology issues, the biblical world, and the present-day Near East
- Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago
- Tell es-Safi (most probably "Gath of the Philistines")
Biblical Genealogy, Ancient History, and Molecular Genealogy
- Ancestry by DNA, laboratory offers laboratory test yielding an estimated percentage of ancestry from four major historical population groups
- Bible Family Tree, Genealogy of the Bible that includes: individual details, Bible cross reference, Hebrew meanings of names, lineages, dates, maps, timeline, contemporaries and Ancient dynastic history of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
- Family Tree DNA, laboratory offering genetic tests addressing genealogical questions.
Biological Anthropology
- American Board of Forensic Anthropology, ABFA
- Forensics Corner on The Serial Killer Info Site
- Human Origins Research
- Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, The
- Works of Charles Darwin
- Christian Answers Net, creationist information from Eden Communications
- Christian Geology Ministry, advocates an old Earth and its regeneration
- National Center for Science Education, NCSE, for defense of evolution
- Secular Web, The, hosts creation/evolution items
Institutes, Organizations, and Societies
- American Anthropological Association AAA
- American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS
- American Oriental Society
- ASOR for the American Schools of Oriental Research
- Archaeological Institute of America AIA
- Biblical Archaeology, Search & Exploration Institute BASE Institute
- Biblical Archaeology Society
- CARE International
- Centers for Disease Control CDC
- Central States Anthropological Association
- Council on Nursing and Anthropology
- High Plains Applied Anthropology Association HPSfAA
- InterAction: American Council for Voluntary International Action
- Israel Exploration Society
- National Institutes of Health, NIH
- National Institute of Mental Health, NIMH
- Near Eastern Archaeological Society, The NEAS focuses on biblical archaeology issues, the biblical world, and the present-day Near East
- Primate Society of Great Britain
- Royal Anthropological Institute (UK)
- Secular Web, The by the Infidels
- Society for Anthropology in the Community College
- Society for Applied Anthropology, SfAA
- Society for Cultural Anthropology
- Society for Economic Anthropology
- Society for Linguistic Anthropology
- Society for Medical Anthropology, SMA
- Summer Institute of Linguistics
- Hominid Paleo-Ethology Unit
- United Nations, The
- United Nations Development Programme, The
- US Agency for International Development, USAID
- Women's International Center
- World Bank, The
- World Health Organization, The
Journals, Periodicals, and Serials
- American Journal of Biblical Theology has as its purpose to provide an outlet for theologians and theology students in the field of Biblical Theology to share their research in a peer-reviewed monthly journal environment.
- Anthropological Linguistics
- Anthropology & Medicine
- Anthropology Today
- Archaeological Odyssey
- Archaeology for Archaeology magazine
- Biblical Archaeology Review
- Grace and Knowledge (A Journal of Judeo-Christian History, Theology and Culture)
- High Plains Applied Anthropologist
- Journal of Linguistic Anthropology
- Journal of Near Eastern Studies
- Journal of Political Ecology
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, The
- Medical Anthropology Quarterly, an international journal for the analysis of health
- Near Eastern Archaeology
- Anthropology in the News from TAMU
- Philanthropy Journal Online
- Tell Aviv, the Journal of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology
Libraries, Archives, and Other Depositories
- American Anthropological Association
- Virtual Library: Aboriginal Studies, resources at the Australian National University
- Yahoo Anthropology and Archaeology News
Medical Anthropology
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Global Health Network
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Mental Health
- Pan American Health Organization
- Royal Anthropological Institute
- Society for Medical Anthropology
- World Health Organization
- C.E. Smith Museum at California State University at East Bay
- Exploratorium Home Page in San Francisco, California
- Field Museum in Chicago
- Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, The at the University of New Mexico
- Museum of Anthropology at California State University, Chico
- Museum of Paleontology at the University of California at Berkeley
- Natural History Museum, The formerly known as the British Museum (Natural History)
- San Diego Museum of Man, The
- Southwest Museum
- Talk Origins, a Usenet newsgroup devoted to discussion and debate of biological and physical origins
University Anthropology Departments
- School of Human Evolution & Social Change
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Anthropology
- California State University, Northridge, Anthropology Department
- Cornell University, Department of Anthropology
- Emory University, Department of Anthropology
- Hamline University, Anthropology Department
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Anthropology Department
- Minnesota State University, Mankato, Anthropology Department
- San Diego State University, Department of Anthropology
- Southern Illinois University, Department of Anthropology
- Southern Methodist University, Department of Anthropology
- Texas A&M University at College Station, Anthropology Department
- University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology
- University of California, Berkeley, Department of Anthropology
- University of California, Davis, Anthropology Department
- University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Anthropology
- University of Chicago, Oriental Institute
- University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Anthropology
- University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Anthropology
- University of Kent, School of Anthropology and Conservation
- University of Kentucky, Department of Anthropology
- University of Manitoba, Department of Anthropology
- University of Memphis, Anthropology Department
- University of Montana, Department of Anthropology
- University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Department of Anthropology
- University of Oxford, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- University of Southampton, Department of Archaeology
- University of Southern California, Department of Anthropology
- University of Texas, Austin, Department of Anthropology
- University of Virginia, Department of Anthropology
- University of Washington, Department of Anthropology
- University of Western Australia, Department of Anthropology
Christian Ministries
- Boles Children's Home
- Christ's Haven for Children
- Christian Care Centers Foundation
- Christian Services, Inc.
- Christian Works for Children
- Foster's Home for Children
- The Tipton Home
Other Useful Links
- American Cancer Society
- Mesothelioma.net
- Anthropology Resources on the Net by Nerd Media
- ASK to visit a non-profit religious organization dedicated to educating people in historical, scientific, and theological matters concerning the Holy Scriptures
- AT&T for AT&T Travel Information
- Earthwatch Institute
- McMaster University comprehensive set of links to other anthropology sites
- Native Web
- Native American Home Pages
- Ritmeyer Archaeological Design for sketches and drawings of the Haram esh-Sharif in Jerusalem
- Legislative Information on the Internet
- QuitDay.org - Information on quitting smoking for Christians
- Travel Information from the Canadian Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade-Travel Information
- Travel Alerts & Warnings for Travel Warnings & Consular Information Sheets from the US State Department (an important site if you are going to travel in the Middle East)
- Virtual Jerusalem