Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.

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The Birth of Christ We Call Christmas

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

In 274 AD during a time of persecution of the Church, in order to expose Christians, Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too and call it the Birth of Jesus. Therefore, Christmas - Christ-mas is a Catholic holiday. Christ's coming ordained before the world began: [Titus 1:2, II Timothy 1:9, I Peter 1:20] Christ part of Godhead (trinity): [Genesis 1:1-3, John 1:1 & 1:14] The Seed promise: [Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16] Born of a virgin: [Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-23] The government shall be upon his shoulder: [Isaiah 9:6-7].

December 26, 2021

The True Fast

  Audio Sermon (MP3)

"Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours. Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward. Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day: And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." [Isaiah 58:1-14].

"Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble." [Psalm 41:1].

November 14, 2021

Revelation 5 & 6: Come... Behold a White Horse

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

"And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." [Revelation 6:1-2].

October 10, 2021

Revelation 2:18-29 - The Church at Thyatira

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

"And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first. Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols." [Revelation 2:18-20] It is unclear whether the name "Jezebel" was actually the name of the woman that Christ referred to, or if he used that term to associate her with the Jezebel of Old Testament times, who did exactly the same things to the worship practices of the Israelites as this woman was doing in the Church at Thyatira. His rebuke was not only for the practice of suffering (allowing) a woman to teach the entire congregation, but much worse that that, leading the congregation into a wicked perversion of worship, establishing an idolatrous cult in the place of the worship of the Lord God.

May 30, 2021

Revelation 2:1-17 - Letters to Smyrna and Pergamos

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

To five of the seven churches Jesus has a commendation or something good to say before He rebukes and criticizes them. Jesus had nothing good to say about Sardis and Laodicea. All the Churches are called to repentance except Smyrna & Philadelphia. Each Church is called to hear what the spirit says to the Churches. All Churches are told: "To him that overcomes, victory 'I will give...'" Smyrna had the largest Jewish population of any Asian city. If this was written prior to 70AD then it was a period in which the main adversaries of Christianity were the proud Jews. The Jews were the main persecutor of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Rome only acted as their "godfather" in putting Him to death. The book of Acts is filled with the persecution of the Jerusalem church by the Jewish authorities.

Christ did not utter any words of criticism or condemnation of this suffering church, offering only His love and encouragement. Among the historicists and some futurists Smyrna is believed to represent the Church during the period of persecution under the Roman Emperors from Nero, 64AD to Diocletian, whose last great persecution lasted 10 years from 303AD to 313AD.

By Christian times, Pergamum had become the chief center of the Roman emperor-worship, with no less than three temples being erected there to Roman emperors. "I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith,..." [Revelation 2:13] 'I know where thou dwellest...' Repeatedly, this affirmation of the omniscience of the Lord emphasizes the truth that all things are open and naked to the eyes of the Lord. Among the historicists and some futurists, Pergamos is seen as representing the imperial church after Constantine 313AD-606AD. Pergamos means "married to power". It was here that the institution of the papacy had its inception.

May 16, 2021

Revelation 2: "A Letter to a First Love Lost Church"

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

"Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent." [Revelation 2:1-5] Ephesus was the third largest city in the Roman empire, and the largest city in the area. It was also a center of pagan worship, with the temple of Artemis (Diana) at it's outskirts.

God warns the Church at Ephesus that they were losing their first love, the love for Jesus himself, in favor of becoming legalistic, and more concerned with combating heresies in the Church than showing brotherly love for their brothers and sisters.

April 25, 2021

Revelation 1:7-20 - A Vision of "The Son of Man"

   Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

"I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, Saying, 'I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.' And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle." [Revelation 1:10-13] "Son of Man" was used by Jesus to refer to himself over eighty times in the Gospels. Originally used in the old testament in the books of Daniel, Psalms and Proverbs, the phrase is obviously used to refer to Christ.
The seven Churches listed and symbolized by the seven candlesticks should be interpreted as actual Churches in Asia Minor, not as "Church Periods", as some suppose.
His arrayment is sometimes viewed as that of a high priest. However, it is more likely that of a king, denoting Christ as the "King of Kings".

April 11, 2021

Revelation 1:7 - "Behold, He IS Coming With Clouds" (present tense verb)

   Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

The common modern-day view of the book of Revelation (the "Futurist" view) holds that in Revelation 1:7, the word "coming" indicates something that will happen sometime in our future (the 21st century or later). However, using proper hermeneutics, it is easy to determine that the original word used implies an immediacy - something that is imminent, to happen in the immediate future. If traditional sources are to be believed concerning John's later years, the events in Revelation 1:7 did in fact happen in John's own lifetime. Jesus' "Coming in Clouds" is a symbolic reference to God's vengeance, or judgment. In this case, it refers to God's judgment against Jerusalem in the first century, not the final judgment of the world which has yet to happen.
In this lesson we will also examine the prophesy of Daniel concerning the "Seventy Weeks of Years", "to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins" [ Daniel 9:24 ] and the "Seven Weeks, and Fourscore and Two Weeks", "to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince" [Daniel 9:25]

April 4, 2021

Revelation 1:1-7

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

This week's sermon continues our in-depth study of the Preterist view as it applies to verses 1:1 thru 1:7, and dispells some of the Futurist views concerning Christ's "Olivet Address" and other passages, proving that the coming of Christ described in these passages refers to the imminent judgment of the Hebrew nation to occur during the apostles' lifetime.

February 14, 2021

Introduction to Revelation: Part 2

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

This lesson outlines the four different views of the book of Revelation held by scholars over the years since the book was written, and the major theories held concerning the date of it's writing. It contains a study of verses 1:1 through 1:6.
Due to time constraints, verse 1:7 is not covered fully as intended. Next week's lesson contains a recap and further study of verse 1:7, along with a deeper look into verses 1:1 - 1:7 as seen through the Preterist view.

December 27, 2020

Introduction to Revelation: Part I

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

This lesson takes a brief look at Revelation 1 verses 1-20, and gives an overview of the prevailing views used to interpret the prophesies of the book:
The Futurist View: The majority of the prophesies have yet to be fulfilled - everything after chapter 4 refers to a brief period before the return of Christ, known as “The Great Tribulation”.
The Preterist View: The fulfillment of Revelation prophesy occurred in John’s own time. Most preterists believe that the final chapters look forward to the second coming of Christ.
The Historicist View: A classical protestant interpretation as a prewritten record of history from the time of John to the end of the world
The Idealist View: The book of Revelation is a grand drama depicting spiritual realities, such as the constant conflict between Christ and Satan, the Saints and anti-Christian world powers, and the final victory of Christ and His Saints; thus the prophesy is applicable to Christians during any age.

Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.

Though currently the most popular (and almost universal) view is that of the Futurist, a thorough study of Revelation reveals that the Preterist view is the most likely considering who the book was written to, and is also supported by a thoughtful study of the original language of the book. As with much of the Bible, valid exegesis is required to fully understand the book of Revelation.

November 29, 2020

"The Most High Dwelleth Not in Temples Made With Hands"

   Audio Sermon (MP3)
April 12, 2020


   Audio Sermon (MP3)

A lesson outlining the office of an evangelist and a report by Kelly of his 25 years of service. As an evangelist we are called to high adventure and nothing less than World Conquest in Christ Jesus.

April 5, 2020

Isaiah Chapters 60, 61 & 62

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


Chapter 60 begins a discussion of the glorious state of the New Israel, that is, the Church of Jesus Christ, during the reign of Christ upon this earth, a reign that began on the first Pentecost after the Resurrection of the Son of God. For ages, this has been the accepted position of Christian commentators on this prophecy. In chapter 61 the speaker is not Isaiah, but the Great Messiah is an interpretation that derives from the highest possible authority, the words of Jesus of Nazareth... No secondary application can at all satisfy any other view. We will see the Christ Himself unequivocally applied this passage to his own commission in His first sermon in Luke 4:18ff. The big thing in chapter 62 is the New Name God promised to give his people in Isaiah 62:2 the new name is, CHRISTIAN. True to Isaiah's pattern of "here a little and there a little" [Isaiah 28:10,13], the prophet here returns to the revelation regarding that new name, mentioned also in Isaiah 56:5, where the passage affirms that: the name will be given by God Himself when the Gentile come to Christ fulfillment [Acts 11:1 & V:26; Acts 26:28 & I Peter 4:16]. The Name only name whereby we can be saved [Acts 4:11-12].

   Sunday Morning Class - Job

Invitation: 2 Baptisms & Prayers Requested    March 8, 2020 Bulletin

Isaiah 55: Salvation Full & Free

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


Jesus, the fulfillment of scripture The first verse of Isaiah starts with a reference to the baptism of Christ, upon which occasion the Spirit of God in the form of a dove descended and alighted upon Jesus, remaining upon him. Nothing like this is written of Isaiah. Jesus Christ alone possessed the Spirit of God without limitation. The message and work of the Speaker here far transcend those of a prophet, even Isaiah; they are characteristic of deity. It is contrary to the entire spirit of Isaiah's writings for him to have glorified himself in such language as that which appears here. Without any question whatever, we have here another passage like the others labeled "The Song of the Servant." Some have interpreted these verses as a fifth Servant Song. This interpretation is required by simple logic. The Suffering Servant is Christ; this passage refers to Christ; therefore, the passage refers to the Suffering Servant, regardless of the fact that the title does not appear in the passage! Christ referred to an even greater deliverance of men, their deliverance from the captivity and bondage of sin. Our Lord did not come to earth on a mission of getting people out of jail! "In the kind warmth the metal learns to glow, And pure from dross the silver runs below."

   Sunday Morning Class - Job 17

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 5, 2020 Bulletin

2019 Sermons

Isaiah 58

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

Sermon begins at 14:04


A severe reproof of the Jews on account of their vices, particularly their hypocrisy in practicing and relying on outward ceremonies, such as fasting without true repentance [Isaiah 58:1-5]. It then lays down a clear summary of the duties they owed to their fellow man [Isaiah 58:6-7]. Promises of happiness & prosperity are likewise annexed to the performance of these duties in a variety of the most beautiful and striking images [Isaiah 58:8-12]. Great temporal and spiritual blessedness of those who keep holy the Sabbath day [Isaiah 58:13-14...] which in the Christian Age is "the First day of the week" (Sunday) [Acts 20:7, I Corinthians 16:2, Revelations 1:9-10] The early Church practiced a "daily ministration" (feeding) [Acts 6, Romans 12:20] Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. So artists melt the sullen ore of lead, By heaping coals of fire upon its head. In the kind warmth the metal learns to glow, And pure from dross the silver runs below."

   Sunday Morning Class - Job 17

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 29, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant Song

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


The Gospel in Prophecy more than 700 Years BC. The prophecy in song is composed of 15 Verses that may be divided into 5 Topical Stanzas of 3 verses each; beginning with Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah 53:12. The poetry of the Hebrew Bible is read in melody or sung. This prophecy is sym-me'-tri-cal. There are five stanzas of three verses each. It begins and ends with the Servant's exaltation first [Isaiah 52:13-15] and fifth stanzas [Isaiah 53:10-12] and set within this, is the story of Christ's rejection in stanzas two [Isaiah 53:1-3] and four [Isaiah 53:7-9], which in turn frames the centerpiece stanza 3 [Isaiah 53:4-6], where the atoning significance is revealed. God and man, reconciled, share in the telling. Note the "my" and "our" of the outer stanzas one and five.

   Sunday Morning Class - Job

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 22, 2019 Bulletin

Living a Study of Job

by Brother Eric Jenkins

  Audio Sermon (MP3)

Job was a good man [Job 1:1]. Job was a rich man [Job 1:2-5]. God & Satan discuss Job [Job 1:6-12]. Job's Calamities in one day [Job 1:13-19]. How a righteous man deals with disaster [Job 1:20-22]. Satan tries again [Job 2:1-10]. Job's friends come [Job 2:11-13]. Job's Lament [Job 3]. Eliphaz's vain comfort [Job 4 & 5]. Job's reply [Job 6 & 7]. Bildad "knows" answer [Job 8]. Job responds [Job 9]. Job denies he is wicked [Job 10]. Zophar's the worst yet [Job 11]. Job answers all 3 accusations [Job 12 & 13]. Life's brevity [Job 14]. Eliphaz "knows" Job is wicked [Job 15]. Job defends himself [Job 16]. Job calls friends "mockers" & vows integrity [Job 17]. Bildad complains at Job's rebuke [Job 18]. Job rebukes 'friends' & praises God [Job 19]. I know that my Redeemer liveth [Job 19:25]. Zophar insults Job and predicts death and destruction [Job 20]. Job's message to 'friends' [Job 21]. Eliphaz accuses Job of sins [Job 22]. Job's yearning for access to God [Job 23]. Job lists evil deeds [Job 24]. Bildad points one finger at Job and three back at himself [Job 25]. Job evaluates friends' inability for any consolation [Job 26]. Job speaks of righteousness and the fate of the wicked [Job 27]. Wisdom - greatest treasure, hardest to find [Job 28]. Job's memory of past honor [Job 29]. Job's suffering [Job 30]. Job's innocence [Job 31]. Elihu's 6 speech - waiting for elder [Job 32]; patronizing [Job 33]; brutal attack [Job 34-35]; arrogance & condemnation [Job 36]; and God ignores Elihu [Job 37]. God terminates Elihu's remarks with questions to Job about Elihu [Job 38]. The Lord continues to speak [Job 39 & 40]. God speaks of a crocodile [Job 41]. Job's repentance [Job 41:1-6]. God rebukes 3 friends and requires sacrifices [Job 41:7-9]. The Lord stops Job's suffering, and blesses him more than before [Job 42:10-17].

   Sunday Morning Class - Parables

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 8, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 42-48: The Coming Servant Messiah

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


The prophet sets forth the meekness of Messiah's character, and the extent and blessings of his kingdom, particularly among the Gentiles [Isaiah 42:1-9]. In consequence of this he calls on the whole creation to join him in one song of praise to God [Isaiah 42:10-12]. After which he seems again to glance at the deliverance from the captivity; although the words may full as well apply to the deliverance of the Church; to the overthrow of her must powerful enemies; and to the victory of true religion over idolatry and error [Isaiah 42:13-17]. The prophet then reproves the Jews for their blindness and infidelity in rejecting the Messiah, and gives intimations of these judgments which their guilt would draw on them [Isaiah 42:18-25 cf: Romans 10:1-4].

   Sunday Morning Class - Job

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 24, 2019 Bulletin

There Was Only One Isaiah
Introduction to Isaiah 40

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


It is our unwavering conviction that all of the prophecies Chapters 40-66 which is ascribed to Isaiah was indeed written by him, the fact being that no one except Isaiah could possibly have written a line of it. Why do we believe this? The inspired writers of the New Testament quoted from this last section of Isaiah no less than thirty-seven times, almost always making specific mention of the prophet Isaiah as the author of the passage quoted. Here is the real evidence on the authorship of this prophecy, as contrasted with the fembu advocated by the critics. Who were those New Testament writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter and Paul? They were the Holy Apostles of the Son of God, to whom Jesus Christ promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them "into all truth." They tell us these prophecies begin with the ministry of John the Baptist and develop into prophecies of Jesus and the "Last Days" or the beginning of the Christian age.

   Sunday Morning Class - Job

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 10, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 35: Conquest and Hope / Church Report

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)

Sermon begins at 13:55


In Isaiah 35 we saw the signs of the Messiah and the church and the in the last days with the church triumphant returning as a remnant returning along the King's Highway... a most exquisite representation of the redeemed traveling home to God. Isaiah 35:3-7 - Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Verse 4 - Say to them [that are] of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come [with] vengeance, [even] God [with] a recompense; he will come and save you.

   Sunday Morning Class - Job: Angry at God?

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 27, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 35: Prophecy of Healing Miracles of Christ

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


The flourishing state of the Church is consequent to the awful judgments predicted in the preceding chapter. The images employed in the description are so very consolatory and sublime as to oblige us to extend their fulfillment to the period of the Gospel dispensation, when the Messiah shall take unto himself his great power and reign. The fifth and sixth verses were literally accomplished by our Savior and His apostles: but that miracles wrought in the first century were not the only import of the language used by prophet is sufficiently plain from context. They, therefore, have a farther application; and are contemporary with, or rather a consequence of, judgments of God upon enemies of Church in latter days; and so relate to greater influence and extension of Christian faith, conversion of Jews, restoration to their own land, and the second advent of Christ. Much of the imagery of this chapter seems to have been borrowed from the exodus from Egypt: but it is greatly enlivened by life, sentiments, and passions ascribed to inanimate objects; all nature being represented as rejoicing with the people of God in consequence of their deliverance; and administering in such an unusual manner to their relief and comfort, as to induce some commentators to extend the meaning of prophecy to the blessedness of saints in heaven [Isaiah 35:1-10].

   Sunday Morning Class - Job 3 & 4

Invitation: 2 Baptisms, Prayers Requested    October 13, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 28:16 & I Peter 2:5-9 - Temple of Living Stones

  Audio Sermon (MP3)
  Written Lesson (PDF)


[Isaiah 28:1-ff] The destruction of Israel or Ephraim; the drunkenness, sin and folly of Judah; the danger of alliances with Egypt; and they to be reduced by the Assyrians. The date of this chapters must be assigned to a date prior to the capture of Samaria by the Assyrians 722 B.C. and the fall of the northern kingdom. Here, therefore, is an undisputed example of predictive prophecy. The chapter may be divided: (1) Samaria's luxury, drunkenness, and infidelity pave the way for their ruin [Isaiah 28:1-6]. (2) Even the rulers and the religious leaders are no more than filthy drunkards [Isaiah 28:7,8]. (3) The nobility of Ephraim mock [Isaiah 28:9-10]. (4) Isaiah gives God's response to their mockery [Isaiah 11:13]. (5) Judah joins Ephraim in their scoffing rejection of the Lord and takes refuge in a "refuge of lies" [Isaiah 28:14-15]. (6)The true refuge is laid by God in Zion, "the stone," tried, precious, comer [Isaiah 28:16-19]. This verse used as a metaphor [cf: Ephesians 2:19-22, Isaiah 8:6, Isaiah 8:13-16, Zechariah 3:9, Daniel 2:34-35, Romans 9:32-33, Psalm 118:18-21, Matthew 21:42-46, Acts 4:6-13, Romans 9:33, Romans 10:11, I Peter 2:1-10]. Isaiah 9:1-5 Is not a prophecy of immediate future when Isaiah delivered it; but predictive prophecy of "last Days" Old Testament related to times of Messiah. Anguish came upon Zeb'-u-lun & Naph'-ta-li in pre-Christian era due partially to their location on northern border of Promised land. They were first to reap bitter fruit of repeated invasions; and Isaiah's prophecy here shows that treatment of lands of these tribes was worse than that of some others, and they would also be first to enjoy benefits of Christ's Preaching coming kingdom. Look at fulfillment passage from Matthew 4:12-16 [Isaiah 9:6-7]. Five names given the coming Messiah are understood in various ways. Most important is how we understand these five names. It may be these are descriptions of Immanuel's name and not actually names themselves. The Expression 'His name shall be called' is probably idiomatic for 'This will be His character and nature.'" Notice the Peace and Him ruling on David's Throne.

The Virgin Birth of the Mighty God: Isaiah 7-9

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  Written Lesson (PDF)


Isaiah 7:10-17 records wonderful prophecy of The Virgin who would conceive a child who would bear a significant name with meaning of "God with us!" Thus world's Deliverer was hailed as a child, a Son, given by God Himself & destined to achieve eternal redemption for all sons of Adam that are willing to come to God in appointed way taught in New Testament. Note in the Hebrew that prophecy does not say "a virgin," but "The Virgin", a title that could hardly belong to anyone ever born except Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. Hebrew word al-mah, is correct word vs: beth-u-lah used to describe Isaac's wife Rebecca [Genesis 24:16 & 43] "neither had she known any man". Isaiah 9:1-5 Is not a prophecy of immediate future when Isaiah delivered it; but predictive prophecy of "last Days" Old Testament related to times of Messiah. Anguish came upon Zeb'-u-lun & Naph'-ta-li in pre-Christian era due partially to their location on northern border of Promised land. They were first to reap bitter fruit of repeated invasions; & Isaiah's prophecy here shows that treatment of lands of these tribes was worse than that of some others, & they would also be first to enjoy benefits of Christ's Preaching coming kingdom. Look at fulfillment passage from Matthew 4:12-16. Isaiah 9:6-7 Five names given the coming Messiah are understood in various ways. Most important is how we understand these five names. It may be these are descriptions of Immanuel's name & not actually names themselves. The Expression-`His name shall be called,' is probably idiomatic for, `This will be His character and nature.'" Notice the Peace and Him ruling on David's Throne.

   Sunday Morning Class - Saved by Works?

Invitation: Prayers Requested    September 22, 2019 Bulletin

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God

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Again in this chapter Isaiah returns to one of his favorite topics, the Messiah and his kingdom, revealing that he will descend through the posterity of the family of Jesse, thus the Root of Jesse ie: King David, the Branch. This follows logically upon the projected fulfillment of the destruction both of Israel and of Assyria; but it is significant that whereas there were no sprouts or shoots coming up from the felled forest of Lebanon, since cedars do not produce sprouts after being cut down. God's choice of the metaphor, therefore, in his use of the word "Lebanon" for Assyria, shows that Assyria would never recover from their destruction. However, Judah was represented by another type of tree, such as an oak, that will indeed preserve life after being cut down, and will send forth a sprout or shoot to make a new tree. Note that both Assyria and Israel are by this prophecy doomed to be cut down or destroyed. True to Isaiah's promise of a revelation from God a little at a time, "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little", Isaiah here gives additional information about: (1) the Messiah; (2) kingdom of God; (3) the character of Christians; (4) the punishment of Israel; (5) the destruction of Assyria; (6) the call of the Gentiles; and (7) the triumph of Christianity going into all the World Preaching the Gospel. Of Christ.

   Sunday Morning Class - Are You Ready?

Invitation: Prayers Requested    September 8, 2019 Bulletin

Hermeneutics: "The Last Days" - Isaiah 2

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Hermeneutics (from Greek hermeneutikos, from hermeneuein 'interpret'): Study of the method and principles of interpretation of the Bible. Words have meaning, we have a word revelation, and words define words as seen below.
Judah = The Messiah Promised Born Tribe of Judah [Genesis 49:10] = Jesus [Matthew 1:2-3]. Jerusalem = Proclamation of Kingdom from Jerusalem [cf: Luke 24:49 & Acts 1:8]. Last Days = Pentecost 30 AD - Began the Church Age [Acts 2:16-17 & Hebrews 1:1-2]. Mountain = Metaphor for Kingdom [ cf: Daniel 2:28-44] therefore Kingdom of God = Church. The Lord's House = The Churches of Christ [cf: I Timothy 3:15]. All Nations = Gentiles and Jews united in one Church [cf: Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16]. He Will Teach Us = Jesus Divine Teacher [cf: John 6:44-45, Isaiah 54:13 & Hebrews 1:1-2] We Will Walk In His Paths [ Matthew 5-7], "The Way" is a common metaphor in New Testament Christianity. Out Of Zion Shall Go Forth The Law = Law of Liberty [cf: James 1:25, 2:8 & Matthew 22:36-40] Word Of The Lord From Jerusalem = Zion [Hebrews 12:22; Revelations 21:1-2, Luke 24:49, Act, 1:8]. He Shall Judge Among The Nations = Jesus the Judge of all [Hebrews 9:27 & II Corinthians 5:10]. Shall Rebuke Many People = The Great Judgment Day [cf: Matthew 25:41-46 & II Thessalonians 1:8]. "...they shall beat their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks" [Isaiah 2:4, Matthew 5:3-45 & 22:37].

   To Kelly With Love: Tribute to Kelly Lawson

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 25, 2019 Bulletin

The Messianic Psalms

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The Old Testament messianic prophecies contain two portraits of Christ. On the one hand, we have the plain picture like Psalm 2 of the reigning Kingly Messiah like David who conquers the Gentile world, rules all nations and lives forever. On the other hand, like Psalm 22 we have the hidden obscure portrait of the Suffering Servant. This one "has no beauty that we should desire Him". He lives in obscurity, is rejected by the people, and dies a terrible death. But his death is redemptive as a sin offering, and he is raised from the dead in triumph to lead many souls to glory. Christians are well aware that these two portraits correspond to the first coming of Christ, His reigning over His Church Kingdom after His resurrection finalized in His 2nd coming. In one picture He is to suffer and atone for sin, and the second deliver up the Kingdom to the Father. Satan behaved very strangely, if the devil understood Jesus had come to die for human sin, why would Satan actively cooperate in Jesus' atoning death? Hadn't Jesus often warned that the cross would be the undoing of Satan? Because of the cross Paul said: "[And] having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it" [Colossians 2:15]. Why would a creature as brilliant as Satan actually assist in doing the very thing that would destroy himself? Maybe Paul offers us another explanation in I Corinthians 2:6-8. Could it be that Satan, the great adversary, didn't know that Jesus actually wanted to die? How could Satan have made such a colossal blunder when all the information was right there in front of him for hundreds of years? He would have had the same information everyone else had - the predictive scriptures. But God crafted the suffering prophecies in such a way that a reader before the time of Christ could not have discovered the plan for the Messiah to suffer before reigning. God was intentionally veiling his intentions in the first coming of Christ so Satan and the unbelieving Jews would fall into their own snare.

   Sunday Morning Class - Acts 2: Pentecost

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 11, 2019 Bulletin

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophecy of the Crucifixion of Christ

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Written 1,000 years before Jesus, this is so vivid a description of the crucifixion of Jesus one would think that the writer was personally present at the Cross. Jesus' dying words [Psalms 22:1 cf: Matthew 27:46], sneers of enemies [Psalms 22:7-8 cf; Matthew 27:39 & 43], piercing of hands and feet [Psalms 22:16 cf: John 19;16-18] and casting of lots for his garments [Psalms 22:18 cf: John 19:23-24] are some events described. None of these statements are applicable to David or any known event or person in history, except the crucifixion of the Son of God. There is only one way of interpreting this psalm - it is plain and straightforward a predictive prophecy of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

   Sunday Morning Class - Acts 1: The Great Commission

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    July 28, 2019 Bulletin

Psalm 2: "Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee"

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This Psalm treats of the opposition raised, both by Jew and Gentile, against the kingdom of Christ [Psalm 2:1-3]. Christ's victory, and the confusion of his enemies [Psalm 2:4-6]. The promulgation of the Gospel after his resurrection [Psalm 2:7-9]. A call to all the potentates and judges of the earth to accept it, because of the destruction that shall fall on those who reject it [Psalm 2:10-12].

   Sunday Morning Class - James

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 14, 2019 Bulletin

The Davidic Covenant

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Christ is promised to come through a seed (child) of a woman, a seed of Noah [Genesis 9:8-9], through Abraham [Genesis 12:1-3, 12:4-6]. That seed is Christ [Galations 3:16]. The Seed Covenant is promised again to Abraham [Genesis 22:16-18]. He is to come through the tribe of Judah [Genesis 49:10-11], and King David is through the tribe of Judah. David brings the Ark to Jerusalem [II Samuel 6], appoints singers [Psalm 105:1-3]; we as Christians are to sing [Ephesians 4:13]. David desires to build God's house [II Samuel 7:1]. Nathan says do it [II Samuel 7:3]. God not wanting fine architecture [II Samuel 7:4-7, Isaiah 66:12]. 1st Christian martyr, Stephen shows Jews their sins [Acts 7:2]. God is everywhere, [Exodus 3:5, Acts 7:36, Acts 7:45-50, I Corinthians 6:19]. God's Spirit leaves temple [Ezekiel 11:22-23]. Goes to Mount of Olives [Zechariah 14:4]. Amos prophesies temple [Amos 9:11]; temple built [Acts 15:16-18]. No limitation on God's Presence [I Chronicles 17:4, II Samuel 7:4-5]. God does not want a temple [II Samuel 7:8-11]. Explanation of prophecy [Revelations 3:7, 5:5 & 22:16]. Davidic Covenant, [II Samuel 7:12-17]. Jesus' Kingdom [John 6:40, Acts 2:29-36, II Samuel 7:13, Mark 16:18, Acts 2:38 & 47, I Timothy 3:15, Hebrews 3:6, I Peter 2:5, Romans 12:1-2, II Samuel 7:14, Psalm 2:7 & 89:26-27, Acts 13:32-33, Hebrews 1:5]; God Jesus' Father-Jesus His Son. Not speaking of Solomon-Christ suffered [Isaiah 53:5, II Samuel 7:15-16].

Samson: The World's Strongest and Weakest Man

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[Judges 13-16] This narrative of Samson is an unmitigated tragedy. No potential saviour-figure offered MORE promise than Samson, or delivered LESS. Israel had sunk to a new low; and these two final incidents fully expose Israel's plight. It is difficult indeed to imagine a more shameful situation for God's Chosen People than that in which their Judge and accepted leader was blinded and made to do the work of a mule, grinding wheat in the mill of the Philistines, and suffering the humiliation of being compelled to entertain his captors at the very festival where they were celebrating Samson's defeat. Sin will BLIND you: [II Peter 1:9]. Sin will BIND you: [Acts 8:23]. Sin will GRIND you: like a slave [Romans 6:16]. With the story of Samson, the era of the Judgeship in Israel was concluded. Samuel indeed judged Israel for awhile, but it was he who anointed Saul as Israel's first king, bringing in the institution of the monarchy. It is not hard to understand why many in Israel began to clamor for a king. [Cf: I Peter 1:3-10 & Romans 1:18 f]

Joshua's Long Day - The Sun Shine Still & the Moon Shine Still

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[Lev. 18:25, Deut.12:2-3, 12:30-31] One of Moses' last acts was to commission Joshua as his successor, Joshua is to conduct a Holy War and drive the wicked Canaanite people from land [Josh. 1:1-9, 3:14-17, 5:1]. In the "we" section, the author claims eyewitness. Jericho's Defenses reflect the Middle Bronze Age (1,750BC - 1,500BC), but there is evidence that some cities like Jericho that had not been destroyed since the Middle Bronze Age continued to use their old defense walls into the Late Bronze Age. Jericho was built on a tell or hill, and the present-day archaeological site known as City IV encompassed only a few acres and less than 2,000 people lived there. [Joshua 6:2] - The word indicates the wall fell beneath itself. Archaeologist John Garstang dug the site during the 1930's and found a collapsed double city wall of mud bricks built upon retaining walls of stone. Garstang dated the destruction of City IV to 1,400BC. Recently in the 1980's a new dig shows that this retaining wall is setting on bed rock. From 1952 to 1958 Kathleen Kenyon excavated Jericho. Her conclusions were based solely on the absence of Cypriot bi-chromeware pottery. It is fundamental science that the absence of evidence is NOT evidence. Bi-chromeware is a key marker for the transition to the beginning of the Late Bronze Age from the previous Middle Bronze Age. Brant Wood, an expert in Canaanite pottery traveled the world over examining both Garstang and Kenton's pottery finds in Museums. Kenyon did not look at the pottery that Garstang had found in City IV, which included the very Cypriot Bi-chromeware that she could not find, which was the basis of her conclusion that the Bible was fiction. Furthermore she ignored all the pottery she did find which was all Canaanite, and every piece dated to about 1,400BC - at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age (1,450-1,400BC). Woods also examined Egyptian Scarabs impression seals. The royal tombs of Jericho contained these Scarabs from the Egyptian 18th dynasty, a time when Kenyon said there was no city of Jericho. Well, the Scarabs found in the royal tombs prove that there was a King of Jericho during the Late Bronze Age. Scarabs of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III & Amenhotep date right up to 1,400 BC. You will remember it was Amenhotep II that we identified as the Pharaoh of the Exodus [I Kings 6:1].

Conquest of Canaan & Now to Conquer All The World

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[Lev. 18:25, Deut.12:2-3, 12:30-31] One of Moses's last acts was to commission Joshua as his successor, Joshua is to conduct a Holy War and drive the wicked Canaanite people from land [Josh. 1:1-9, 3:14-17, 5:1]. In the "we" section, the author claims eyewitness. Jericho's Defenses reflect the Middle Bronze Age (1,750BC - 1,500BC), but there is evidence that some cities like Jericho that had not been destroyed since the Middle Bronze Age continued to use their old defense walls into the Late Bronze Age. Jericho was built on a tell or hill, and the present-day archaeological site known as City IV encompassed only a few acres and less than 2,000 people lived there. [Joshua 6:2] - The word indicates the wall fell beneath itself. Archaeologist John Garstang dug the site during the 1930's and found a collapsed double city wall of mud bricks built upon retaining walls of stone. Garstang dated the destruction of City IV to 1,400BC. Recently in the 1980's a new dig shows that this retaining wall is setting on bed rock. From 1952 to 1958 Kathleen Kenyon excavated Jericho. Her conclusions were based solely on the absence of Cypriot bi-chromeware pottery. It is fundamental science that the absence of evidence is NOT evidence. Bi-chromeware is a key marker for the transition to the beginning of the Late Bronze Age from the previous Middle Bronze Age. Brant Wood, an expert in Canaanite pottery traveled the world over examining both Garstang and Kenton's pottery finds in Museums. Kenyon did not look at the pottery that Garstang had found in City IV, which included the very Cypriot Bi-chromeware that she could not find, which was the basis of her conclusion that the Bible was fiction. Furthermore she ignored all the pottery she did find which was all Canaanite, and every piece dated to about 1,400BC - at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age (1,450-1,400BC). Woods also examined Egyptian Scarabs impression seals. The royal tombs of Jericho contained these Scarabs from the Egyptian 18th dynasty, a time when Kenyon said there was no city of Jericho. Well, the Scarabs found in the royal tombs prove that there was a King of Jericho during the Late Bronze Age. Scarabs of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III & Amenhotep date right up to 1,400 BC. You will remember it was Amenhotep II that we identified as the Pharaoh of the Exodus [I Kings 6:1].

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel"

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Numbers 24:17 I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel... Although men came to believe a star would & did herald the birth of the Messiah... Christ himself and not the star that was seen at his birth is the primary fulfillment of the prophecy. Revelation 22:16 - "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, [and] the bright and morning star." Can anyone imagine two things more unlike than a root and a star? This proves that the Holy Spirit gave these words, for no man would ever have dared to describe the Lord in one breath as a root and a star. Yet, both terms are frequently applied to Christ in Scripture. The metaphor of the root appears in Revelation 5:8; Romans 15:12; Isaiah 11:1-2; & here... That of the star is in Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:2; II Peter 1:19 & here. Let us Look at the contrast in these metaphors.

There is no God but God and Jesus Is His Prophet

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"This prophecy, therefore, is very properly referred to JESUS CHRIST in the N.T. as having been fulfilled in Him." Philip had this passage in mind when he said, "We have found him of whom Moses in the law did write, Jesus of Nazareth [John 1:45]." Christ had it in mind himself when he said, "Moses wrote of me [John 5:46]." Stephen declared Christ to be the fulfillment of this prophecy [Acts 7:37]. Peter expressly quoted the prophecy in Acts 3:22-23, as referring to Christ. The very language of this prophecy "Unto him shall ye hearken" was quoted verbatim by Almighty God Himself on the Mount of Transfiguration, and He applied it unequivocally to Jesus Christ alone [Matthew 17:5]. The Samaritans had no O.T. except the five Books of Moses, but upon that basis, and therefore upon the testimony of this passage the Samaritan woman said, "I know that Messiah cometh, he that is called Christ" [John 4:25]. Now this unanimous testimony of Christ, the apostles, and even the Samaritans that Moses "wrote of Christ" has to be a reference to this passage, because, if Moses did not write of Christ in this place, where is it found that he did?

Exodus 25-40 & Hebrews 9: The Church of Christ is The Temple of God

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The O.T. sanctuary mentioned here is doubtless the tabernacle constructed and erected in the wilderness by Moses upon instructions of God; and the fact that the more ancient tabernacle, rather than Solomon's or the Herodian temple, is viewed here should not be thought as an indication that the temple was not then standing, or that the recipients of this epistle were not Jewish. It is precisely in line with the author's thesis that he should go back to the original tabernacle, erected according to the pattern God gave Moses, rather than appeal to the temple then standing, which, after all, had been copied from the tabernacle in all its essential details. The word "ordinances" in this place means "regulations." Beginning here is a detailed and extensive contrast between that worldly sanctuary, whether the tabernacle or the temple, which was the center of the Jewish religious institution, with the heavenly counterpart of it which is the grand theater of the redemptive ministry of Jesus. "Divine service" is an implication that God is recognized as the author of all those things in the "sanctuary of this world" and the blood of Jesus is the only acceptable sacrifice which was shown as a shadow in the O.T. Worship.

2018 Sermons

The New Covenant is the Covenant of Promise

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God's division of the 10 Commandments was marked as "Duties to God," and "Duties to Man" [Mark 12:28-31]. This in Hebrews 8 is from Jeremiah 31:31ff and is quoted by the author. God long ago had prophesied in this very place that it would be done away with & replaced with a new covenant. To be sure, the author could have quoted some very convincing and powerful words of Christ and his apostles as sufficient authority for hailing the old covenant as obsolete and abolished; but it should be kept in mind that he was addressing a group of people who had a strong emotional tie with the Old Testament, and was therefore better procedure on his part to prove his proposition from Old Testament. For proper identification of the "covenant" Jeremiah had in mind, the one to be abrogated [Hebrews 8:1-7]. Gives Two basic reasons why the old covenant was abolished & nailed to the Cross. Galatians 3:1ff teaches that "... the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect."

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 22

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    December 30, 2018 Bulletin

The Ten Commandments - The New Covenant

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God's division of the Decalogue (the 10 Commandments) was two tables of stone, a division honored by Christ himself who marked the divisions as "Duties to God," and "Duties to Man" [Mark 12:28-31]. This in Hebrews 8 is from Jeremiah 31:31ff and is quoted by the author as scriptural proof that the abrogation of the old covenant is nothing which should shock his readers, since God long ago had prophesied in this very place that it would be done away with & replaced with a new covenant. To be sure, the author could have quoted some very convincing and powerful words of Christ and his apostles as sufficient authority for hailing the old covenant as obsolete and abolished; but it should be kept in mind that he was addressing a group of people who had a strong emotional tie with the Old Testament, and it was therefore better procedure on his part to prove his proposition from the Old Testament. For proper identification of the "covenant" Jeremiah had in mind, the one to be abrogated [Hebrews 8:1-7]. Gives Two basic reasons why the old covenant was abolished & nailed to the Cross.

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments - Shema Yisrael

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(Shema Yisrael sung in the middle of sermon) God's division of the Decalogue (the 10 Commandments) was two tables of stone, a division honored by Christ himself who marked the divisions as "Duties to God," and "Duties to Man" [Mark 12:28-31]. No one could live the Law perfectly, so the "law was our school master" or tutor to bring us to Christ so that we might be saved by "the faith of Christ" [cf. Galatians 3] (1) if the Jew did his best to live up to the law (and failed, as all must fail), he nevertheless stood condemned anyway; (2) but if the Christian does his best to keep all of the commandments of the gospel (failing in particulars, as all must fail), he is nevertheless un-condemned, because through his identity with Christ being found "in Christ" and "as Christ", the righteousness of Christ, with whom the true Christian is fully justified; stands in the stead of his own failure saving his soul anyway [Galatians 3].

Parting of the Red Sea, "The Greatest Commandment", The First 2 Commandments

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God's division of the Decalogue (the 10 Commandments) was two tables of stone, a division honored by Christ himself who marked the divisions as "Duties to God," and "Duties to Man" [Mark 12:28-31]. No one could live the Law perfectly, so the "law was our school master" or tutor to bring us to Christ so that we might be saved by "the faith of Christ" [cf. Galatians 3] (1) if the Jew did his best to live up to the law (and failed, as all must fail), he nevertheless stood condemned anyway; (2) but if the Christian does his best to keep all of the commandments of the gospel (failing in particulars, as all must fail), he is nevertheless un-condemned, because through his identity with Christ being found "in Christ" and "as Christ", the righteousness of Christ, with whom the true Christian is fully justified; stands in the stead of his own failure saving his soul anyway [Galatians 3].

The First Passover, The Last Supper

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Jesus desires to eat a Passover with his disciples, and assures them of his approaching death, and that one of them would betray him [Matthew 26:17-21]. On each asking, Is it I? Christ asserts that Judas is the traitor [Matthew 26:22-25]. Having eaten his last supper, he institutes the Lord's Supper, to be observed in his Church as a memorial of his sacrificial death [Matthew 26:26-29]. They sing a hymn, go to the mount of Olives, and he again announces his approaching death and resurrection [Matthew 26:30-32]. Reasons why they should act differently [I Corinthians 11:7-16]. They are also reproved for their divisions and heresies [I Corinthians 11:17-19], and for the irregular manner in which they celebrated the Lord's Supper [I Corinthians 11:20-22]. The proper manner of celebrating this holy communion laid down by the apostle [I Corinthians 11:23-26]. Directions for receiving of the Lord's Supper, and avoiding the dangerous consequences of communicating in a unworthily manner [I Corinthians 11:27-34].

Exodus 12: Death of Egypt's Firstborn, Exodus Begins

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"This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you." [Exodus 12:1-2]. Now, with God's final judgement of Eqypt's gods about to begin, the current month (the Jewish month of "Abib") is declared by God as Israel's first month of the year. Passover is instituted; Each family was to provide one lamb or kid, taken from their flock on the 10th day of month, [Exodus 12:3-4]. This lamb or kid was to be a male in it's 1st year and without blemish [Exodus 12:5]. It was to be killed on 14th day [Exodus 12:6], and blood from the kid or lamb was to be painted on the side posts & lintels of each family's door [Exodus 12:7]. The flesh was to be roasted, not eaten sodden (boiled) or raw [Exodus 12:8-9]; all eaten on the passover night, no part was to be left till morning [Exodus 12:10]. They were to eat it with their loins girded, etc. - prepared for journey [Exodus 12:11].

It was called passover because the Lord would pass over every house with lamb's blood on thier doorpost: " For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt..." [Exodus 12:12]. The blood on door posts was a token of preservation from the destroying angel [Exodus 12:13]. The 14th day of the month of Abib was to be a feast forever [Exodus 12:14]. Unleavened bread eaten for 7 days [Exodus 12:15]. This passover was to be observed forever [Exodus 12:17-20]. Moses instructs elders how to offer lamb, sprinkle blood, for what purpose [Exodus 12:21-23]. Binds them instruct children in rite [Exodus 12:24-27]. Children of Israel act as commanded [Exodus 12:28]. First-born of Egypt slain [Exodus 12:29-30]. Pharaoh & Egyptians urge Moses, Aaron, & Israelites to depart [Exodus 12:31-33]. Prepare for departure, get gold, silver, & raiment from Egyptians [Exodus 12:34-36]. Journey from Rameses to Succoth, 600,000 men, besides women, children, & mixed multitude [Exodus 12:37-38]. Bake unleavened cakes of dough they brought out of Egypt [Exodus 12:39]. Time sojourned in Egypt [Exodus 12:40-42]. Ordinances concerning Passover [Exodus 12:43-49]; observed by people, brought out of Egypt [Exodus 12:50-51].

Exodus 11-12: The Final Plague Foretold
Types & Shadows of a New Covenant

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Plague 10: The death of first-born sons [Exodus 11:5] was against Plah, god of life.
This is a transitional chapter. To this point, Moses has been dealing with Pharaoh, but, with God's judgmental punishment of Egypt about to be completed, Moses' concern (beginning with Exodus 12) will focus upon Israel. The section of Exodus ending with this chapter may be called JUDGMENT; the rest of the book may be called DELIVERANCE. Even the Tenth Plague prophesied here will not require the instrumentality of Aaron or Moses. Without human instrument, God will slay the first-born, and Moses will be busy with instructions concerning what Israel is to do as their deliverance approaches. Exodus 11:1-3 is parenthetical, resulting in confusion unless this is understood. This parenthesis is at once followed by the conclusion of the interview in progress at the conclusion of Exodus 10.

Exodus 9-10: Plagues 7 thru 9

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"against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment". Plague 7: Hail [Exodus 9:23], against Shu, god of atmosphere. Plague 8: Locusts [Exodus 10:14], against Serapis, protector from locusts. Plague 9: Darkness [ Exodus 10:22], against Ra, the sun god.

Exodus 7-9: "Against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment"

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"...and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord" [Exodus 12:12]. Plague 1: Waters of Nile turned to blood - Egyptians worshipped Anuket, goddess of the Nile. This name means giver of life, lady life... also Hapi... an Egyptian God of the Nile, he was a water bearer. [cf: Exodus 7:20-21 ff]. Plague 2: Plague of Frogs - Egyptians worshiped Heqet (Heket), goddess of fertility, depicted as naked woman with frogs head. [cf: Exodus 8:1-7ff]. Plague 3: Lice - Egyptians worshiped Geb, their god over dust of earth. [cf: Exodus 8:16-19 ff]. Plague 4: Swarms of Flies - Khepri, Egyptian God of creation, movement of the Sun, rebirth - Khepri had the head of a fly. [cf: Exodus 8:20 ff]. Plague 5: Death of Cattle and Livestock - a Grievous pestilence - Egyptians worshiped Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Love and Protection. Usually this Goddess was depicted with the head of a cow. They also worshiped the Apis - the divine bull, a manifestation of the god Ptah. The Apis is the calf of a cow which is never afterwards able to have another. The Egyptian belief is that a flash of light descends upon the cow from heaven, and this causes her to conceive Apis. [cf: Exodus 9:1-7 ff]. Plague 6: Plague of Boils - Egyptians worshiped Isis, goddess of medicine & peace. Ashes thrown in the air turned to boils and sores with pus. [cf: Exodus 9:8-12 ff].

Exodus 4-7: Moses Confronts Pharoah "Let My People Go"

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"Let my people go" [cf: Exodus 3:12; 4:23; 7:16; 8:1; 8:20; 9:1; 9:13; & 10:7]. Chapter 4 gives a prophetic summary of the deliverance of Israel before the events actually happened. In Exodus 3, God dealt with two of Moses' objections: (1) Who am I? and (2) What is thy name? The Great "I AM". And here, three other objections are encountered and dealt with: (3) "They will not believe" [Exodus 4:1]; (4) "I am not eloquent" [Exodus 4:10]; and (5) "Send ... by the hand of whom thou wilt send" [Exodus 4:13]. Chapter 5 gives the account of the first episode in the long confrontation between God and Pharaoh over the demand that he, "Let My people go!" It reveals that the Hebrews were not yet ready for deliverance, but that they should suffer hardship before their liberty could be achieved. "The Hebrew slaves must learn that they too must suffer loss. They will have to pay the price of their liberty-to-be. It is not just a gift from God.". Chapter 6 is a renewal, not a variable account of the call in Midian. The necessity for this renewal of Moses' commission is inherent and demanded by his doubt and discouragement. He simply could not have gone on without it. Preparations and preliminaries have been completed. Here begins the deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery. First, there is a prophetic projection of the entire operation [Exodus 7:1-7]. The introductory miracle is related [Exodus 7:8-13]; and Plague I is threatened in detail [Exodus 7:14-19].

Exodus 2-3: "I AM"

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Moses placed in basket in Nile, found and taken in by Pharaoh's daughter (Hatshepsut?) [Acts 7:20-22], Moses given Egyptian name & raised as an Egyptian [Acts 7:22-23], lived as Egyptian 40 years [Exodus 2:11-13], Moses kills Egyptian (Senenmut?). Moses flees to Midian, is shepherd for 40 years, & was 80 years old at the Exodus [Exodus 7:7]. Date of Exodus is proved by I Kings 6:1, Solomon reigned from 971BC to 931BC. Soloman's Temple was built in the 4th year of his reign, 971BC minus 4 years equals 967 BC, plus 480 years equals 1,447 BC for Exodus. Additional proof is in previous lesson. Moses at burning bush, "who sent me?" [Exodus 3:13-15], I Am that I Am [Matthew 22:32]; Jesus proves the resurrection by the present tense verb "AM". 7 times in the Gospel John Jesus claims to be God using expression, "I am." referring to Himself [cf: John 6:35]; I am the bread of life [John 8:12]; I am the light of the world [John 10:9]; I am the door [John 10:11]; I am the good shepherd [John 11:25]; I am the resurrection, and the life [John 11:25]; Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life [John 14:6]; I am the way, the truth, and the life [John 14:6]; Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life [John 15:1]; and I am the true vine.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 21: "Days of Vengeance"

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    October 14, 2018 Bulletin

Exodus 1-2: The Date of the Exodus
18th Dynasty - Moses & Hatshepsut?

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In the second book of Moses, Exodus 1:1, Hebrews continue to live Goshen. There arose a king who knew not Joseph [Exodus 1:8]. Ahmose drove the Hyksos out of Egypt, & began putting Hebrews to work on public work projects, set taskmasters over them. [Exodus 2:1-3]. Pharaoh orders male children thrown in Nile. Moses placed in a basket in Nile, was found and taken in by Pharaoh's daughter (Hatshepsut?) [Acts 7:20-22], Moses is given an Egyptian name (Moses) & raised as an Egyptian [Acts 7:22-23], lived as Egyptian 40 years [Exodus 2:11-13], Moses kills an Egyptian (Senenmut?). Moses flees to Midian, is shepherd for 40 years, & was 80 years old when he returns to Egypt [Exodus 7:7]. Date of Exodus is proved by I Kings 6:1, Solomon reigned from 971BC to 931BC. Soloman's Temple was built in the 4th year of his reign, 971BC minus 4 years equals 967 BC, plus 480 years equals 1,447 BC for Exodus. Additional proof of early date of Exodus is in Judges 11:26, which was written about 1,100 BC when judge Jeph'-thah said to Am'-mon-ites that Israel already had been 300 years in Canaan Land. So 1,100 + 300 = 1,400, almost the actual date of 1,407 BC. From Korah who stood against Moses in Exodus 6:16-21 cf: Numbers 16 until the singer Heman [I Chronicles 6:31-37 & 15:16-17] who sang during the time of King David are 18 named generations. Add one generation to King Solomon giving 19 generations times the accepted average 25 years per generation and we have 475 years almost the exact Biblical number of 480 years between the Exodus and the 4th year of King Solomon.

Genesis Overview Part 2: The Seed Lesson
Looking Back on Where We've Been

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Before in the Beginning: [I Peter 1:20, Titus 1:2, Ephesians 1:4, II Timothy 19]; The Beginning: [Genesis 1:1-3]; Eternal Word: [John 1:1-3, v:14]; Sin: [Genesis 2:16-17]; Promise Messiah Seed Woman: [Genesis 3:15]; Seed singular: [Galatians 3:16]; Innocent Victim: [Genesis 3:21]; Sethetic Seed Line: [Genesis 4:25]; Descendants Seth & Cain Intermarry: [Genesis 6:1-2]; Violence, Evil & The Flood: [Genesis 6:4-14]; The Ark: [Genesis 7:1]; Seed Covenant through Noah: [Genesis 9:8-9]; The Seed Blessing: [Genesis 9:26]; Babel: [Genesis 11:1-9]; Abram's 1st Call in Ur: [Acts 7:2-4]; Abram to Haran: [Genesis 11:31-32]; Abram's 2nd Call in Haran: [Genesis 12:1] Promise of a Son: [Genesis 15:1-5]; The Christ Promised Abraham: [Galatians 3:16]; God Swears upon Himself to Fulfill the Promise: [Genesis 15:6-17]; Called Abraham: [Genesis 17:5-7]; Seed born by Sarah: [Genesis 21:1-12]; Abraham's Trial called to Sacrifice Isaac: [Genesis 22:1-2]; "In Isaac shall thy seed be called": [Genesis 21:12]; Abraham's Final Exam: [Genesis 22:5-18]; Abraham believed God would raise him from the dead: [Hebrews 11:19]; Seed Promise to Isaac: [Genesis 26:3-4]; Reaffirmed: [Genesis 26:23-24]; Jacob's Ladder: [Genesis 28:12]; Jesus is the Ladder: [John 1:51]; Seed promised through Jacob: [Genesis 28:12-14]; Bethel The House of God: [Genesis 28:19]; Scribal Editorial Update: [Genesis 12:8]; Jacob Called Israel: [Genesis 35:9-12]; Sceptre will not Depart from Judah: [Genesis 49:10]; Isaac Promises Esau - Fulfilled in Herod the Great: [Genesis 27:40]; Shiloh a proper name for the Messiah used 3 times in Scripture: [Isaiah 12:3]; Blind Man Healed at Siloam or Shiloh: [John 9:7]; Jesus' Greatest Miracle: [ John 9:32-33]; Jesus' Triumphal Entry Foretold: [Genesis 49:11]; Wine and Milk metaphor for Christ's Teaching: [Genesis 49:12]; Water, Wine & Milk Metaphor Christ's Teaching: [Isaiah 55:1]; Wine: [Matthew 9:17]; Milk: [I Peter 2:2]; O Taste and See that the Lord is Good: [Psalm 34:8].

Genesis Overview Part 1: The Seed Lesson
Looking Back on Where We've Been

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Before in the Beginning: [I Peter 1:20, Titus 1:2, Ephesians 1:4, II Timothy 19]; The Beginning: [Genesis 1:1-3]; Eternal Word: [John 1:1-3, v:14]; Sin: [Genesis 2:16-17]; Promise Messiah Seed Woman: [Genesis 3:15]; Seed singular: [Galatians 3:16]; Innocent Victim: [Genesis 3:21]; Sethetic Seed Line: [Genesis 4:25]; Descendants Seth & Cain Intermarry: [Genesis 6:1-2]; Violence, Evil & The Flood: [Genesis 6:4-14]; The Ark: [Genesis 7:1]; Seed Covenant through Noah: [Genesis 9:8-9]; The Seed Blessing: [Genesis 9:26]; Babel: [Genesis 11:1-9]; Abram's 1st Call in Ur: [Acts 7:2-4]; Abram to Haran: [Genesis 11:31-32]; Abram's 2nd Call in Haran: [Genesis 12:1] Promise of a Son: [Genesis 15:1-5]; The Christ Promised Abraham: [Galatians 3:16]; God Swears upon Himself to Fulfill the Promise: [Genesis 15:6-17]; Called Abraham: [Genesis 17:5-7]; Seed born by Sarah: [Genesis 21:1-12]; Abraham's Trial called to Sacrifice Isaac: [Genesis 22:1-2]; "In Isaac shall thy seed be called": [Genesis 21:12]; Abraham's Final Exam: [Genesis 22:5-18]; Abraham believed God would raise him from the dead: [Hebrews 11:19]; Seed Promise to Isaac: [Genesis 26:3-4]; Reaffirmed: [Genesis 26:23-24]; Jacob's Ladder: [Genesis 28:12]; Jesus is the Ladder: [John 1:51]; Seed promised through Jacob: [Genesis 28:12-14]; Bethel The House of God: [Genesis 28:19]; Scribal Editorial Update: [Genesis 12:8]; Jacob Called Israel: [Genesis 35:9-12]; Sceptre will not Depart from Judah: [Genesis 49:10]; Isaac Promises Esau - Fulfilled in Herod the Great: [Genesis 27:40]; Shiloh a proper name for the Messiah used 3 times in Scripture: [Isaiah 12:3]; Blind Man Healed at Siloam or Shiloh: [John 9:7]; Jesus' Greatest Miracle: [ John 9:32-33]; Jesus' Triumphal Entry Foretold: [Genesis 49:11]; Wine and Milk metaphor for Christ's Teaching: [Genesis 49:12]; Water, Wine & Milk Metaphor Christ's Teaching: [Isaiah 55:1]; Wine: [Matthew 9:17]; Milk: [I Peter 2:2]; O Taste and See that the Lord is Good: [Psalm 34:8].

Genesis 49: The Sceptre of Judah to the Triumphal Entry of the Messiah

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Jacob, about to die, calls his sons together that he may bless them, or give prophetic declarations concerning their posterity [Genesis 49:1, Genesis 49:2]. Prophetic declaration concerning Reuben [Genesis 49:3, Genesis 49:4]. Concerning Simeon and Levi [Genesis 49:5-7]; concerning Judah, to be the Kingly tribe "until Shiloh (the Christ) comes" Herod the Great an Edomite descendant breaks the chain of Judean rulers of the Government. How will we know the Christ? He will come riding in His Triumphal Entry upon an ass with the colt the foal of an ass in fulfillment of this prophecy and Zechariah 9:9 cf: Matthew 21 & Mark 11. [Genesis 49:8-12]; concerning Zebulun [Genesis 49:13]; concerning Issachar [Genesis 49:14, Genesis 49:15]; concerning Dan [Genesis 49:16-18]; concerning Gad [Genesis 49:19]; concerning Asher [Genesis 49:20]; concerning Naphtali [Genesis 49:21]; concerning Joseph [Genesis 49:22-26]; concerning Benjamin [Genesis 49:27]. Summary concerning the twelve tribes [Genesis 49:28]. Jacob gives directions concerning his being buried in the cave of Machpelah [Genesis 49:29-32]. Jacob dies [Genesis 49:33].

Genesis 42-46: Jacob/Israel Comes to Egypt

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In this chapter, Joseph makes himself known to his brothers [Genesis 45:1-8]; Joseph discloses his plans for moving the whole family of Jacob to Egypt until the famine is over [Genesis 45:9-15]; the invitation is ratified and confirmed by the king who also offered wagons for transport [Genesis 45:16-20]; the brothers depart with rich gifts and provisions for the family [Genesis 45:21-24]; Jacob, after a momentary hesitation, decides to accept Joseph's invitation [Genesis 45:25-28]. Genesis 46: We have already noted the dangers which threatened the destruction of Israel had God permitted them to remain in Canaan. And this entire last section of Genesis, called the (~toledowth) of Jacob, relates in the most thrilling and exciting manner imaginable just how God brought about the removal of Israel to Egypt, where, with an environment providentially prescribed, they would become in time the mighty nation that God had promised Abraham. Of course, the story of Joseph was a primary element in the chain of events culminating right here in the migration of Israel into Egypt.

Genesis 41-42: Joseph's Dreams Come True / Philippine Mission Report

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Sermon begins at 13:35


Pharaoh tells the dream to Joseph [Genesis 41:17-24]. Joseph interprets the dream [Genesis 41:25-32]. Joseph proposes measures to cope with the coming famine [Genesis 41:33-36]. Joseph is appointed chief administrator and given Pharaoh's ring as authority [Genesis 41:37-45]. The seven years of plenty [Genesis 41:46-53]. The seven years of famine [Genesis 41:54-57]. The most impressive thing about the chapter is its perfect fulfillment of the pattern reaching all the way back to the double dream of Joseph [Genesis 37], the dream that foretold the very events centering around this double dream of Pharaoh, a dream which Joseph's father accurately interpreted [Genesis 37:10]. The first pair of dreams was followed by a second pair, those of the butler and the baker related in the last chapter; and now, in this: Genesis 42. This, the sixth episode in the ~toledowth~ (generation) of Jacob, recounts the onset of the famine with its impact upon Israel, the ten sons journeying to Egypt to buy grain, Joseph's recognition of his brothers, and his maneuvering to keep Simeon bound in Egypt until they should return another day.

Genesis 37-41: Joseph In Prison - Rags to Riches

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Pharaoh's butler & baker, offended him, prisoned [Genesis 40:1-3]. Captain of guard gives them Joseph [Genesis 40:4]. Each has dream [Genesis 40:5]. Joseph questions [Genesis 40:6-7]. Answer [Genesis 40:8]. Butler tells dream [Genesis 40:9-11]. Joseph interprets [Genesis 40:12-13]. Gives his history to Butler, & begs remember him when restored to office [Genesis 40:14-15]. Baker tells dream [Genesis 40:16-17]. Joseph interprets [Genesis 40:18-19]. Dreams fulfilled as interpreted, butler restored to office, & baker hanged [Genesis 40:20-22]. Butler forgets Joseph [Genesis 40:23]. Pharaoh's dreams [Genesis 41:1-7]. Magicians & wise men asked interpretation - could not [Genesis 41:8]. Butler recommends Joseph [Genesis 41:9-13]. Pharaoh commands him brought [Genesis 41:14]. Joseph before Pharaoh [Genesis 41:15-16]. Pharaoh repeats dreams [Genesis 41:17-24]. Joseph interprets [Genesis 41:25-32], directs how to provide [Genesis 41:33-36]. Pharaoh pleased appoints Joseph superintendent [Genesis 41:37-41]. Joseph receives badges of office & powers defined [Genesis 41:42-44].

Genesis 31-37: Jacob, Israel & Joseph

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Here we have preliminaries for meeting of long-estranged brothers Jacob and Esau, a moving, dramatic account of their moving toward a reunion after many years of separation, both having meanwhile become wealthy. The actual, face-to-face meeting of brothers does not take place until Chapter 33, but all background for it is here. Jacob's fear, with which he had lived for so many years, his prayer for divine help in the approaching crisis, his precautions to protect his family against the potential hostility of Esau, with special concern for Rachel and her children, the rich gifts sent to Esau, his wrestling all night with an angel of God at Peniel, and, most significant of all, the heavenly award to Jacob of a new name, Israel - these are the events which have challenged thoughts of men for ages. Last paragraph of 29, and most of 30 relate the birth of Twelve Patriarchs. In Chap 31 record of Jacob's leaving Paddan-aram and taking the long journey back to his ancestral home at Beersheba, with him his wives and children and all the wealth which he gathered "beyond the River," Euphrates. We have in 33, the dramatic and beautiful reunion of twin brothers Jacob and Esau, whose lives were to figure so prominently in history of human redemption.

Genesis 25-31: Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob's Ladder

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The highlight of this chapter, of course, is Jacob's vision of the ladder reaching to heaven, the whole chapter being built around that event. The background fact of Jacob's being sent away to Paddan-aram with Isaac's wholehearted and unrestrained blessing, and also Esau's belated attempt to please his parents with a proper marriage are also related. Of special interest is Genesis 28:46 of the previous chapter, which we have included here because it gives a glimpse of the continued involvement of Rebekah in the crucial decisions of this family. It appears that she might, even here, have been less than candid with Isaac. Genesis 27:46 says, "And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these, of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?" There's not a word here of the knowledge that Rebekah had regarding Esau's intention of killing Jacob, nor of the previous decision Rebekah had already made to send Jacob to her brother's home in Paddan-aram; and, while what she said was most certainly the truth, it was far from all of the truth. She may have feared that Isaac was still hostile because of the deception she and Jacob had perpetrated against him, and, also, she may have desired to conceal from him what she had heard regarding Esau's expressed intention to murder Jacob, thus not aggravating a situation already deplorable. Despite this lack of candor, it is hard to fault Rebekah for the skilled manner in which she prevailed with Isaac, who promptly bestowed fully the blessing, without reservation, which the Word of God, long known to him, had plainly commanded.

Genesis 21-22: Abraham's Final Exam

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This chapter details the birth of Isaac [Genesis 21:1-7], the weaning feast, and the mockery of Ishmael [Genesis 21:8-10]; the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael from Abraham's household [Genesis 21:11-14]; the destitution and heavenly rescue of the exiles at Beersheba [Genesis 21:15-21]. Chapter 22 lies at the very heart of Genesis, and for that matter, at the center and citadel of the entire Old Covenant. The constitution and charter of Judaism and the embryo of Christianity lie side by side here in this inner womb of the O.T. The faith and obedience of Abraham put to a most extraordinary test [Genesis 22:1]. He is commanded to offer his beloved son Isaac for a burnt-offering [Genesis 22:2]. He promptly prepares to accomplish the will of God [Genesis 22:3-6]. Affecting speech of Isaac [Genesis 22:7]; and Abraham's answer [Genesis 22:8]. Having arrived at mount Moriah he prepares to sacrifice his son [Genesis 22:9-10]; and is prevented by an angel of the Lord [Genesis 22:11-12]. A ram is offered in the stead of Isaac [Genesis 22:13]; and the place is named Jehovah-jireh [Genesis 22:14]. The angel of the Lord calls to Abraham a second time [Genesis 22:15]; and, in the most solemn manner, he is assured of innumerable blessings in the multiplication and prosperity of his seed [Genesis 22:16-18]. Abraham returns and dwells at Beer-sheba [Genesis 22:19].

Genesis 17-19: Abraham and Sarah Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah

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The Lord appears unto Abraham in Mamre [Genesis 18:1]. Three angels, in human appearance, come towards his tent [Genesis 18:2]. He invites them in to wash and refresh themselves [Genesis 18:3-5]; prepares a calf, bread, butter, and milk, for their entertainment; and himself serves them [Genesis 18:6-8]. They promise that within a year Sarah shall have a son [Genesis 18:9, Genesis 18:10]. Sarah, knowing herself and husband to be old, smiles & laughs at the promise [Genesis 18:11, Genesis 18:12]. One of the three, who is called the LORD, rebukes her, and asserts the sufficiency of the Divine power to accomplish the promise, [Genesis 18:13, Genesis 18:14]. Sarah, through fear, denies that she had laughed or showed signs of unbelief [Genesis 18:15]. Abraham accompanies these Divine persons on their way to Sodom [Genesis 18:16]; and that one who is called The LORD informs him of his purpose to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, because of their great wickedness [Genesis 18:17-21]. The two former proceed toward Sodom, while the LORD remains with Abraham [Genesis 18:22]. Abraham intercedes for the inhabitants of those cities, entreating the Lord to spare them provided fifty righteous persons should be found in them [Genesis 18:23-25]. The Lord grants this request [Genesis 18:26]. He pleads for the same mercy should only forty-five be found there; which is also granted [Genesis 18:27, Genesis 18:28]. He pleads the same for forty, which is also granted [Genesis 18:29]; for thirty, with the same success [Genesis 18:30]; for twenty, and receives the same gracious answer [Genesis 18:31]; for ten, and the Lord assures him that should ten righteous persons be found there, he will not destroy the place [Genesis 18:32]. The LORD then departs, and Abraham returns to his tent [Genesis 18:33].

Genesis 15-17: Covenant with Abram

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God appears to Abram in vision, gives him great encouragement. Abram's request and complaint. God promises him a son, and exceedingly numerous posterity. Abram credits the promise, and faith is counted unto him for righteousness. Yahweh proclaims himself, renews promise of Canaan to his posterity. Abram requires sign of its fulfillment. Yahweh directs him to offer sacrifice of five different animals. God reveals affliction of his posterity in Egypt, and duration of affliction. Promises to bring them back to Canaan with great affluence. Renews covenant with Abram, and mentions the possessions which should be given to his posterity. Sarai, having no child, gives Hagar to Abram for wife. She conceives and despises mistress. Sarai offended, upbraids Abram. Abram vindicates himself; Hagar, being dealt with harshly by her mistress, runs away. She is met by angel, counseled to return to mistress. God promises greatly to multiply her seed. Gives name of Ishmael to child that should be born of her. Shows his disposition and character. Hagar calls name of Lord who spoke to her, Thou God seest me. She calls name of well at which angel met her, Beer-laharoi. Ishmael born in Abram's 86th year. In Abram's 99th year God again appears to him, announces his name as God Almighty, commands him to walk perfectly; proposes to renew covenant. Covenant specified. Abram changed to Abraham, and reason given. Privileges of covenant enumerated. Conditions of covenant to be observed, not only by Abraham, but all his posterity. Circumcision appointed as sign of covenant. Age and persons on whom this to be performed. Danger of neglecting this rite. Sarai's name changed to Sarah, particular promise made to her. Abraham's joy at prospect of matter which, in course of nature, impossible. Request for preservation and prosperity of Ishmael. Birth and blessedness of Isaac foretold. Great prosperity promised to Ishmael. Covenant to be established not in his, but in Isaac's posterity. Abraham, Ishmael and all males in family circumcised.

Genesis 12-14: Abram in Egypt, Separation from Lot, and War with Four Petty Kings

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[Genesis 13] - This chapter has the details of how Abram's separation from Lot finally came about. God, at the first, had commanded Abram to leave "his kindred" and "his father's house," but, somehow, Abraham had never really done this. There was no way that a man like Lot could be a part of the Chosen People, and, in the events of this chapter, the occasion of their separation appears. [Genesis 14] - The burden of the whole chapter is that of relating the account of the military operation in which Abram and his allies rescued Lot following his capture by a raiding party composed of an alliance of petty kings. The significant episode is Abram's encounter with Melchizedek. The discernible reasons for the inclusion of this here would appear to be for the purpose of revealing the great archtype of Jesus Christ, Melchizedek, the whole account being necessary in that presentation. That the Melchizedek incident is the important thing here is apparent in that the author of Hebrews devoted extensive passages to the discussion of it. For the purpose of emphasizing the fact that monotheism was not invented or even "discovered" by Abraham nor any of his posterity, but that it still remained on earth, however, in a limited and insufficient extent. Melchizedek was not a pagan but a follower of the true and only God. After all, with the consideration of the longevity of the patriarchs of that period, only a few generations had passed since the one true God revealed Himself to Noah and rescued him and his family from the Flood.

Genesis 11-12: The Call of Abram, Father of the Faithful

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It would be nearly impossible to overestimate the importance of the call of Abraham, the Friend of God, the Father of the Faithful, a man so important that he actually stands in the Bible as a type of Almighty God Himself. All the saved of all ages are in a specific and genuine sense "the children of Abraham" [Galatians 3:29]. In the great and universal drama of God's "Operation Rescue," Abraham corresponds to Noah, by means of whom God bridged the gap between the pre-flood and the post-flood worlds. It was by means of the choice of Abraham that God likewise bridged the tremendous gulf between the second great apostasy of humanity and the rising of that Sun of Righteousness with healing in his wings - our Lord Jesus Christ. Following the extremely significant departure of Adam's race from the path of duty in the events of Babel, the situation revealed every proof that a second worldwide debauchery was already in progress, but, as God had promised never more to destroy the whole world with a flood, the necessity of taking some other action became acute. That other action was the call of Abraham. The First Call. God first called Abram while he was living in the pagan city of Ur of the Chaldees [Acts 7:2-4], and although the Bible does not give the specific nature of that call as first delivered, the exact nature of it was given in the second instance of it which came in Haran. It should not be thought strange that the call came twice. "The word of the Lord came the second time unto Jonah" [Jonah 3:1], and, of course, it was exactly the same word that came the first time. We are therefore fully justified in the conclusion that God did not vary the call, and there was no need to change or amend it, and that the account of it in Genesis 12:1-4 of the repeated call in Haran likewise describes the first call. Such a conclusion also serves to explain why the second call became necessary. In the first, God had commanded Abram to leave his native land, his kindred, and his father's house, etc., but for some reason, Terah was not left in Ur, but accompanied Abram. This would appear to be the reason why, instead of going to Canaan as was their stated intention upon their departure from Ur, they went to Haran and settled there.

Genesis 9-11: The Table of Nations, Tower of Babel

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It would be impossible to exaggerate the importance of this chapter, since it recounts the Second Hardening of mankind, in which, on the plains of Shinar there flowered the second general rebellion of humanity against the Creator. In the first, it began with a single act of disobedience. It resulted in the total corruption of Adam's race, the First Judicial Hardening of humanity, followed by the judgment of God upon their gross wickedness and the destruction of the whole antediluvian world in the waters of the Deluge. In this second instance, it also began with the shameful wickedness of Canaan: but resulted exaltation of man against his God became general in the events associated with the Tower of Babel and once more became so serious that the situation demanded God's direct interference with it. This came immediately in the form of the confusion of tongues and the introduction of the device of the Chosen People, through whom God would yet provide a Saviour and Redeemer for men. Therein lies the significance of the presentation of the family line of Shem, the Messianic line, here recorded in close connection with the events of Babel, and which stand here as an explanatory introduction to the call of Abraham. The first fall occurred among the flowers and fruits of Eden; the second one came in the bricks and asphalt of the city. Therefore, we see nothing less in this event than the Second Judicial Hardening of Adam's race, the first resulting in the Flood, this one resulting in the call of Abraham and the commissioning of a "Chosen People," by means of whom God's purpose of Redemption would still be achieved.

Genesis 8 & 9: A New Beginning, The Messiah to Come Through Shem

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Chapter 8 continues the story of the Flood, including the period of the ark's floatation, coming to rest, and decrease of waters [Genesis 8:1-5], sending forth of raven and dove [Genesis 8:6-12], disembarkment [Genesis 8:13-19], and Noah's burnt-offering with God's response [Genesis 8:20-22]. The most remarkable thing in Chapter 9 is that the great hero of the Flood is here presented as a weak and sinful man, reason for this, in all likelihood being that of removing any thought that even one like Noah, who assuredly was "righteous in his generation," and "preacher of righteousness" [II Peter 2:5], would be able to provide the Saviour man needed. Only the Holy One, Jesus our Lord, would be able to do that.

Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark

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Giants or Hebrew Nephilim: Not giant men but men of renown, literally men of the name or men who had made a name for themselves. Transmission of the Genesis story: Methuselah lived 969 years [Genesis 5:25-27], his life overlapped Adam's by 243 years, Noah's by 600 years and Shem's by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world. Shem then lived until 75 years after Abraham entered the Promised Land. Date of Creation: Ussher's Chronological Order places date of creation at 4,004 BC, The Septuagint (Greek O.T.) some 1,500 years earlier. The Hebrew Bible shows some 1,656 years between Creation & Flood. When was the Flood? If the Egyptian Kings List is correct, the Septuagint date of 5,500 BC less 1,656 years. If there is duplication in the Kings List, then 4,004 BC less 1,656 years = 2,348 BC. Noah's Ark: approximately 450 feet long x 75 feet wide x 45 feet tall = 1,518,750 cubic feet, which is the storage capacity of 1,000 train box cars - an enormous ship. The Ringling Brothers Barman & Bailey Circus came to town in 56 box cars. Noah & the Flood [Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 6:12 cf: Job 22:12-17 Genesis 6:12-9:17]. Jesus believed Noah's Flood was an actual historical event and not a myth [Cf: Matthew 24:34-39]. The Hebrew writer believed the history of Noah and the flood - [Hebrews 11:7], Peter taught of the flood [I Peter 3:19-21 & II Peter 2:4-9 Genesis 9:18-25].

Genesis 4-6: From Cain and Abel to the Flood

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Transmission of the Genesis story: Methuselah lived 969 years [Genesis 5:25-27], his life overlapped Adams' by 243 years, Noah by 600 years and Seth by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world. Shem then lived till 75 years after Abraham entered Promised Land.
Ussher's Chronological Order places the Date of Creation of Adam at 4,004 BC, Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) some 1,500 years earlier. The Hebrew Bible shows some 1,656 years between the Creation and the Flood. When was the Flood? If the Egyptian Kings List is correct, the Septuagint date 5,500 BC less 1,656 years (3,844 BC). If there is duplication in the Kings List, then 4,004 BC less 1,656 years = 2,348 BC.
In the King James version Genesis 6 mentions "giants" [Genesis 6:4] - the original Hebrew word used is "Nephilim". But the King James version translates eight different Hebrew words as "giants", including the word "nephilim". The Hebrew meaning for nephilim is not giant men but men of renown, literally men of the name or men who had made a name for themselves.

Genesis 2 & 3: The Seed or Child of a Woman to be the Messiah

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This chapter is a further elaboration of the revelation of God regarding the creation. It must be rejected as irresponsible, unreasonable, and unbelievably poor exegesis to make this chapter in any manner a "contradictory" account of the creation narrative of the previous chapter. There is in this chapter a continuation of exactly the same pattern observable in the first, where, for example, Days 4, 5, and 6 are in each case elaborations of that phase of creation presented in Days 1, 2, and 3, respectively. It is most logical and fully in keeping with the unity of the entire book, therefore, to find here in Genesis 2 an elaboration of what was revealed in Genesis 1. In addition to this, the author of Genesis (whom we believe is Moses) precisely and dramatically introduced the chapter in Genesis 2:4 as the ~toledowth~ of the heavens and the earth, meaning not their beginning but the developments that followed after their creation. This term, ~toledowth~, is used ten times in the book of Genesis, setting off what may be received as an accurate outline of the whole book; and in every instance, this word signifies "following developments." [Hebrews 1:10-12 & Col].
The Serpent Deceives Eve: [Genesis 3:1-15]; The Seed of Woman, the Messiah Will walk all over Satan [Cf: Galatians 3:16 & Galatians 4:4] Jesus Christ the only Seed of Woman Not Begotten of Man [Genesis 3:15]; The Messiah, Christ, will bruise Satan [Cf: Psalm 91:13], and The Church will overcome Satan, too [Luke 10:18-19 and Romans 16:20; Genesis 3:15 Cf:]. Sin and Death came by Adam - Righteousness and Life Came by Christ Jesus [Romans 5:10-19; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14-15]; The Punishment of Mankind - The Loss of Paradise [Genesis 3:15-24].

Genesis 1: The Creation Hymn

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{ INTRODUCING THE SEED LESSON } The Seed Lesson is a series of lessons that highlight God's promises and prophesies concerning the coming Messiah in the Old Testament, and their fulfillment in the New Testament. It offers proof given throughout the Bible that Jesus is that Messiah - our only hope of salvation. THE SEED LESSON   PART 1

1st day - Creation of heavens & earth [Genesis 1:1-2]. Light & separation from darkness [Genesis 1:3-5]. 2nd day - Creation of firmament, & separation of waters above firmament from those below it [Genesis 1:6-8]. 3rd day - Water separated from earth, formed seas [Genesis 1:9-10]. Earth rendered fruitful, clothed with trees, herbs, grass [Genesis 1:11-13]. 4th day - Creation of celestial luminaries, placement of earth intended for measurement of time, periods, seasons [Genesis 1:14], illuminate earth [Genesis 1:15]. Distinct account of formation of sun, moon, & stars [Genesis 1:16-19]. 5th day - Creation of fish, fowl, reptiles in general [Genesis 1:20]. Great aquatic animals blessed to be prolific [Genesis 1:21-23]. 6th day - Animals [Genesis 1:24-25]. Create man in image & likeness of God, dominion given him over earth & animals [Genesis 1:26]. Man or Adam, name for humans, including male & female [Genesis 1:27]. Their blessing [Genesis 1:28]. Vegetables appointed as food of man & animals [Genesis 1:29-30]. Judgment God passed on his works at conclusion of his creative acts [Genesis 1:31-2:1], God rested & blessed the Sabbath for Worship [Genesis 2:2].

Give Me the Bible

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Bible: a word commonly used to describe books of Old and New Testaments. From the Greek word "biblos", book in English. The difference between Old and New Testaments is shown in Hebrews - taught that Christ brought into being a new and better Testament [cf: Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-13, 9:15]. The English word testament comes from the Latin word testamentum meaning covenant. The Old Testament is divided into 3 groups: Law - the first 5 books of Moses known as Torah and Pentateuch, which also means 5 books, Prophets - a collection of 21 books which include major and minor OT Prophets, and Writings - 13 books. The New Testament consists of 27 books that naturally divide into 4 parts: the Four Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles and Revelation. Epistles are 21 books - primarily teaching or doctrine. 13 are known as Pauline, written by the Apostle Paul. Then 8 General Epistles written by other Prophets. Hebrews was written by an unknown writer and in the opinion of many learned men written by the Apostle Paul. Who else with such knowledge and inspiration was in Rome at the time? The Bible is remarkable. Teachings divinely inspired. Non-believers account for the Bible on natural rather than supernatural grounds. The doctrine of Inspiration asserts that the Bible revelation did not/could not originate in the mind of man. The Bible itself claims it is "inspired" - "God breathed" in Greek [cf: II Timothy 3:16]. The Bible claims men of God "spake as moved" - Greek word "carried along" - by the Holy Spirit [II Peter 1:20]. Verses teach that scriptures did not originate in the human mind and are not a human product, and cannot be accounted for on natural grounds. The Bible contains miracles contrary to ordinary human experience, but not contrary to reason. Given the omnipotent Being of God, miracles and the extraordinary are not contrary to reason. Not that the Bible is different from other religions because man evolved in thinking and became better. Concepts found in Bible are so different from societies of the ancient world - different as night and day. Moses came from polytheistic Egypt, meaning many gods, Abraham came from polytheistic Ur - from which came the concept of one God? It's not that the Bible is a better revelation than Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, or Roman religion - the Bible is altogether true while others are altogether false.

False Prophets and False Teachers - II Peter 2

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False teachers foretold who shall bring in destructive doctrines right alongside the truth of scripture, but substituted for the truth and shall pervert many, but at last be destroyed by the judgments of God [II Peter 2:1-3]. Instances of God's judgments of the rebellious angels [II Peter 2:4]. In the pre-flood antediluvians [II Peter 2:5]. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah [II Peter 2:6-8]. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly, as well as to punish the ungodly [II Peter 2:9]. The character of those seducing teachers & their disciples; they are unclean, presumptuous, speak evil of dignities, adulterous, covetous, & cursed [II Peter 2:10-14]. Have forsaken the right way, like conduct of Balaam, speak great swelling words, & pervert those who had escaped from error [II Peter 2:15-19]. Miserable state of those who, having escaped the corruption in the world, have turned back like the dog to his vomit, and the washed swine to her wallowing in the mire [II Peter 2:20-22].

The Change Movement & the Churches of Christ

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We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only [cf: Acts 11:26]. The Restoration Movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During the Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe and John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Restoration was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W. Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, and his group called themselves simply Christians [cf: I Peter 4:16]. Another group began in Pennsylvania and West Virginia and were led by Thomas Campbell and his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith and James O'Kelly led similar groups. They sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament [II Peter 1:3], "we speak where the Bible speaks and are silent where the Bible is silent" and both groups believed creeds of men kept Christianity divided. They were united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God [Matthew 16:13ff], Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week [Acts 20:7], and in Baptism for the Remission of Sins [Acts 2:38, Mk 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 and Galatians 3:27].

"Hell" - The Party Has been Canceled Due to Fire

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The Hebrew word She-owl is translated into Greek as Hades & into English as Hell. All these words mean the same place which is the grave or the place of the dead. During Old Testament times it had 2 parts, torment which was the place of the unbelieving dead, separated from Abraham's bosom, the place of the believing dead. The Rich man and Lazarus [cf: Luke 16:19-31]. The Rebellion of Korah in which Korah went down alive into the pit took place about 1,447 BC [cf: Numbers 16:26-40]; Later King David wrote Psalm 88 about 1,000 BC so it had been about 500 years since Korah went down alive into the pit & Psalm 88 is a psalm of Korah in Hell. Korah has been dead almost 500 years & hasn't figured out yet his situation is permanent. [cf: Matthew 10:28, 25:31-46]

"Easter" According to Matthew, Mark & Luke

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"Easter" is a Roman Church word and even though it is found in the KJV version in Acts 12:4, the original Greek word is: pascha, which means Passover. Last week, we studied the Gospel according to John, and this week, we have interwoven Matthew, Mark and Luke into one chronological account of the Gospel Story. In every instance, the "alone arranger" has selected the most amplified verse from Matthew, Mark or Luke for this Harmony. Please beware that no one witness has the full Gospel story and you must read all four accounts to get the full Revelation of Scripture.

"Easter" According to John
The Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus

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John 18 this chapter records the betrayal and seizure of Jesus [John 18:1-11], the arraignment before Annas [John 18:12-14], Peter's first denial [John 18:15-18], questioning by Annas [John 18:19-24], Peter's second and third denials [John 18:25-27], Jesus' appearance before Caiaphas and before Pilate [John 18:28-32], Pilate's questioning of Jesus [John 18:33-38] and vain efforts of Pilate to release Jesus [John 18:38-40]. John emphasized the Regal bearing and demeanor of the Lord even in the hours of his humiliation. John 19 - This chapter continues the narrative of the trials and the ultimate triumph of the Jewish leaders over the stubborn will of Pilate, who under the duress of political blackmail and mob violence at last gave in to their will. It details the actual crucifixion, the affairs regarding the inscription, the disposition of the Lord's clothes, His provision for His mother, some of the last words, and the burial. John 20 - Here John outlined the evidence upon which he himself accepted the resurrection of Christ as a historical fact. For the greater part of a century, the church had been in possession of oral traditions and the synoptic Gospels, the earliest going back as far as 44 A.D.; and, added to all this, were the remarkable writings of the apostle Paul and others. But John did not begin his witness of the resurrection with any of the documentary proof which was abundantly available, but he went back to the very moment when he himself first believed, and recounted in the most amazing detail exactly the evidences he had seen and which first overwhelmed his soul with the certainty that Jesus was risen from the dead. That dawn of belief in his heart is recorded in John 20:1-10. "Peace be unto you." [cf: Luke 24:36-53]. Quality of Love [John 21:15ff]

I Corinthians 15:1-4: Gospel to the World

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When darkness falls upon the day of life, when death has come, and when people gather around a grave, then it is that they turn to this immortal chapter, where are recorded the title deeds of man's highest hope, the Christian Gospel's promise of eternal life. Light from this chapter dispels the darkness surrounding the grave; its message reassures the sorrowful, redefines the meaning of life itself and writes upon the tomb the blessed words, "Asleep in Jesus." It speaks at every funeral. The Gospel which the apostle preached to the Corinthians; viz. that Christ died for our sins, and rose again the third day [I Corinthians 15:1-4]. The witnesses of his resurrection, Peter, James, and more than five hundred brethren.

Persecution of Christians, India Mission

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Not since the days of Nero has the world seen Christian persecution as extreme as it is today. Brother Paul, our missionary, has seen this first hand and reports on his latest mission trip to India and the persecution of Christians there.

Acts 28: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 2)

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Shipwrecked passengers and crew were all saved alive, fulfilling Paul's prophecy made at a moment when all hope had perished. Population of Malta aided in rescue, building a fire and "receiving" them kindly. Paul snake-bitten [Acts 28:1-6]. Hospitality extended to victims of shipwreck by the first man of the island; and Paul wrought many cures of sick and suffering of Malta [Acts 28:7-10]. Voyage to Rome continued after three months, ending very shortly at Puteoli, terminal port of the grain ship; thence by land, Paul soon arrived in Rome, being greeted by brethren on the way [Acts 28:11-16]. As always, Paul sought and obtained first an interview with Jewish leaders who set a day to hear him a week later [Acts 28:17-22]. The Jews of Rome, as invariably throughout Paul's ministry, rejected Christ, despite fact some believed [Acts 28:23-28]. Book of Acts is concluded by brief summary of two whole years of Paul's imprisonment; curtain rings down with Paul still in prison, because, when Luke wrote, Paul's release, although pending, had not yet occurred [Acts 28:30-31]. The story has caught up with events.

Acts 27: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 1)

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[Opening Prayer, Ordination of Jordan Brewer and Craft Martin as student evengelists. (audio sermon only)]

Paul should be sent to Rome, he is delivered to Julius, a centurion [Acts 27:1]. They embark in a ship of Adramyttium, & come the next day to Sidon [Acts 27:2, Acts 27:3]. They sail thence, & pass Cyprus, Cilicia, & Pamphylia, & come to Myra [Acts 27:4, Acts 27:5]. They are transferred there to a ship of Alexandria going to Italy; sail past Cnidus, Crete, Salmone, & come to the Fair Havens [Acts 27:6-8]. Paul predicts a disastrous voyage [Acts 27:9-11]. They sail from the Fair Havens, in order to reach Crete, & winter there; but, having a comparatively favorable wind, they sail past Crete, meet with a tempest, & are brought into extreme peril & distress [Acts 27:12-20]. Paul's exhortation &prediction of the loss of the ship [Acts 27:21-26]. After having been tossed about in the Adriatic Sea, for many days, they are at last shipwrecked on the island of Melita; & the whole crew, consisting of two hundred & seventy-six persons, escape safe to land, on fragments of the ship [vv. 27-44].

Acts 26: Paul's Defense Before Herod and Festus

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Paul answers for himself before Agrippa, to whom he pays a true compliment, in order to secure a favorable hearing [Acts 26:1-3]; gives an account of his education from his youth up [Acts 26:4, Acts 26:5]; shows that the Jews persecuted him for his maintaining the hope of the resurrection [Acts 26:6-8]; states his persecution of the Christians [Acts 26:9-11]; gives an account of his miraculous conversion [Acts 26:12-16]; and of his call to the ministry [Acts 26:16-18]. His obedience to that call, and his success in preaching the doctrine of Christ crucified [Acts 26:19-23]. While he is thus speaking, Festus interrupts him, and declares him to be mad through his abundant learning [Acts 26:24]; which charge he modestly refutes with inimitable address, and appeals to King Agrippa for the truth and correctness of his speech, [Acts 26:25-27]. On which, Agrippa confesses himself almost converted to Christianity [Acts 26:28]. Paul's affectionate and elegant address to him on this declaration, [Acts 26:29]. The council breaks up, and they all pronounce him innocent [Acts 26:30-32].

Acts 25: Paul Appeals to Caesar

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Last week we ended with: Acts 24:24-25 Felix & Drusilla heard Paul concerning "the faith" and "Felix trembled"... What made Felix tremble? Paul "reasoned with him concerning righteousness, temperance" (which he had none) "and judgment" Paul had written the Romans about the coming judgment [cf: Romans 1:18-2:11]. Next in Acts 25 begins two defenses of Paul, one legal and formal, after which Paul appealed to Caesar, and the other formal enough, but without any legal significance. Nevertheless, we shall treat them as two separate defenses. Each is important and significant in its own right. The first of these was before the new governor Festus [Acts 25:1-12]; the second was before Festus and his guests King Agrippa and his sister Bernice [Acts 25:23-27)]. All of the next chapter is taken up with Paul's address in the presence of royalty and Festus the new Roman governor. Paul's appeal to Caesar assures his trip to Rome.

Acts 24: Paul's Defense before Procurator Felix at Caesarea

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The third of five defenses which marked the early part of Paul's period of imprisonment is given in this chapter, the same being a formal arraignment and trial before the Procurator Felix at Caesarea, about 58 A.D., in which the high priest Ananias and his company from Jerusalem were legally represented by a lawyer named Tertullus, and in which Paul convincingly spoke on his own behalf. Events of this chapter (except the last paragraph) occurred only twelve days from the time Paul entered Jerusalem from Caesarea

Acts 23: Paul's Defense before the Sanhedrin High Court

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The period of Paul's imprisonment began with his arrest and rescue by Claudius Lysias, as recorded in the last chapter; and here we have the second of five pleas which Paul made in the various situations developing from his being a prisoner. This imprisonment was to last until the conclusion of Acts. This is Paul's 2nd Defense and his plea before the council ... This was the historic court of the Hebrews called the Sanhedrin, including perhaps some of the very men who had condemned Jesus to death.

Acts 22: "Wash Away Thy Sins"

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In Paul's address from the steps of Antonio, he spoke to the people until they clamored for his death [Acts 22:1-3]. The speech deals primarily with Paul's statement of his birth, background, education, and [Acts 22:4-5] his zeal as a persecutor of Christ, dwelling especially on the record of his conversion [Acts 22:6-21]. For the first time, he revealed the fact that the Lord had warned him on his first trip to Jerusalem that the Jews there would "not receive of thee testimony concerning me". Acts 22:18-19 is especially significant in that it shows Paul's unwillingness to receive Jesus' word as final; because he seemed to be very certain that his own background as one of the opposition to the Gospel would persuade the Jews. They hear him until he says that God had sent him to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles, the Jews become outraged and clamor for his life [Acts 21:22-23].

Acts 21: End of Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey - Return to Jerusalem

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Paul's third journey continued from Miletus to Tyre [Acts 21:7-15], and was concluded in Jerusalem [Acts 21:17-26]; and Luke's account of these events, although very brief, is of keen interest. The great feature of the chapter, however, is that of Paul's being mobbed in the temple and rescued by the Romans who took him into protective custody, beginning a long period of imprisonment for the apostle Paul, an imprisonment that would not end until Satan had enlisted the Roman Empire as a persecutor of the church.

JaVaughn Willis Baptised

Isaiah 53

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[Isaiah 52:13 cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, Isaiah 52:14-15, cf: Rom. 15:21]. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Additionally, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus [Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6]. Atonement [Isaiah 53:2-4]. Stripes [Isaiah 53:5 cf: Matthew 27:26], All sinners [Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20]. Opened not His mouth [Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10]. Isaiah 53:8 - Prison [cf: Matthew 27:27-29], "Judgment" [cf: Matthew 27:19],to be Killed, [Isaiah 53:8]. Crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" [cf: Matthew 27:38, Isaiah 53:9A]. Buried rich man's tomb, [Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60]. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days [Isaiah 53:10]. How? resurrect Him from the Grave [Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16], Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant [Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21], who will justify many [Rom. 3:21ff, Isaiah 53:12], there is just one mediator between God and men [I Timothy 2:5].

Isaiah 42

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God's Servant to Die [Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 42:6-7; Isaiah 49:1, cf: Luke 1:31-33]. a sword [cf: Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16., Isaiah 49:3, cf: Luke 22:24-27, Isaiah 49:5-6, cf: Acts 13:47.Isaiah 49:8 cf: I Corinthians 6:2. Isaiah 49:16; Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46, Isaiah 50:5-6, cf: Matthew 27:26.cf: Matthew 26:66-68; Isaiah 50:7-11. Isaiah 52:13 cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, Isaiah 52:14-15, cf: Rom. 15:21]. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. [Isaiah 53:1A], Additionally, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus [Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6]. atonement [Isaiah 53:2-4]. Stripes [Isaiah 53:5 cf: Matthew 27:26], All sinners [Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20]. Opened not His mouth [Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10, Isaiah 53:8] Prison [cf: Matthew 27:27-29], "Judgment" [cf: Matthew 27:19], to be Killed, [Isaiah 53:8]. Crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" [cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A]. Buried rich man's tomb [Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60]. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, [Isaiah 53:10]. How? resurrect Him from the Grave [Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16], Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant [Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21], who will justify many [Rom. 3:21ff, Isaiah 53:12], there is just one mediator between God and men [I Timothy 2:5].

2017 Sermons

The Seed Lesson Condensed

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In 274 AD during a time of persecution of the Church, in order to expose Christians, Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too and call it the Birth of Jesus. Therefore, Christmas - Christ-mas is a Catholic holiday. The Seed Galatians 3:16, Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 15:1-6, II Samuel 7:12-14, Psalm 22, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 53:1-12 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-3

The Birth of Jesus Christ The Son of God

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Luke's epistle to Theophilus, Luke 1:1-4. The conception and birth of John Baptist foretold by the angel Gabriel, Six months after the angel Gabriel appears to the Virgin Mary, and predicts the miraculous conception and birth of Christ, Like 1:26-38. The decree of Augustus to enroll all the Roman empire, Luke 2:1, Luke 2:2. Joseph and Mary go to their own city to be enrolled, Luke 2:3-5. Christ is born, Luke 2:6,Luke 2:7. His birth is announced to the shepherds, Luke 2:8-14. They go to Bethlehem, and find Joseph, Mary, and Christ, Luke 2:15-20. Christ is conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, espoused to Joseph, Matthew 1:20; by whom the child is named Jesus, Matthew 1:22, Matthew 1:23. Joseph takes home his wife, Mary, and Christ is born, Matthew 1:24, Matthew 1:25

Acts 20: Paul's Farewell to the Ephesians

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Acts 20:8-12, cf: John 11:14, 17-26, Hebrews 2:9, I Corinthians 15:22, & Romans 6:3-7. What if you haven't died to sin, cf: II Corinthians 5:14-15. You must LIVE NOW the RESURRECTED LIFE. Paul's trip to Jerusalem, Acts 20:13-16. Ephesian Elders Exhorted. Paul called for a meeting with the Ephesian elders, bidding them farewell Acts 20:17-35, I Peter 5:1-2, Matthew 20:25-28, Romans 5:8-9, I Peter 2:24, Hebrews 13:17, Philippians 1:6; and a special account of the tearful farewell is given Acts 20:36-38, Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:17-18, Revelation 2:1-7, Revelation 4:10-11, Revelation 2:5

Acts 20: Worship and Lord's Supper at Troas

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The first six verses give a summary of many months of Paul's travels; a special account of Paul and company taking Lord's supper at Troas is given, Acts 20:7, cf: I Corinthians 16:2, Matthew 26:26-30, Act 2:42, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Paul raises dead, Jesus still has power of resurrection, Acts 20:8-12, cf: Jn 11:14, 17-26, Hebrews 2:9, I Corinthians 15:22, & Romans 6:3-7. What if you haven't died to sin, cf: II Corinthians 5:14-15. You must LIVE NOW the RESURRECTED LIFE. Paul's trip Jerusalem, Acts 20:13-16.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Heavenly Sunlight

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    December 10, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 19: The Ephesians - Gospel Conquers Occult

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Paul, coming to Ephesus, finds certain disciples of John the Baptist who had not received the gift of the Holy Ghost, knowing only the baptism of John, but receive it through their re-baptism into Christ and imposition of Paul's hands, Acts 19:1-7. He preaches for three months in the synagogues, Acts 19:8. Many being hardened, he leaves the synagogues, and teaches daily in the school of Tyrannus for two years, Acts 19:9 - 10. He works many miracles, Acts 19:11, Acts 19:12. Account of the vagabond exorcist Jews, and the seven sons of Sceva, Acts 19:13-17. Many are converted, and burn their magical books, Acts 19:18-20. Paul purposes to pass through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, and afterwards to Rome; but, having sent Timotheus and Erastus to Macedonia, continues a little longer in Asia, Acts 19:21 - 22. Demetrius, a silversmith of Ephesus, raises an uproar against Paul, which, after some tumultuous proceedings, is appeased by the town clerk, vv. 23-41.

Acts 18: Paul Preaches in Corinth and Ephesus, Begins 3rd Missionary Journey

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The conclusion of the second Missionary Journey is recorded in this chapter (Acts 18:23a) and the beginning of the third (Acts 18:23b). Paul left Athens for Corinth where he met Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:1-4); great success attended his efforts during eighteen months work at Corinth many believe and are baptized Acts 18:5-11); Jewish opposition came to a climax soon after Gallio became proconsul, but it was frustrated (Acts 18:12-17); Paul concluded the second journey via Cenchraea and Ephesus to Antioch in Syria (Acts 18:18-23a); and after some time there, he started the third journey (Acts 18:23b). Luke next included some background material on the work at Ephesus, where Paul's next great labors would occur, relating the preaching of Apollos, and the further instruction given him by Priscilla and Aquila (Acts 18:24-28).

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 11: The Sign of Jonah

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    November 19, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 17: The Gospel Preached in Greece, Paul Preaches on Mars Hill

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Paul and his company, passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, come to Thessalonica, were they preach the Gospel to the Jews, several of whom believe, Acts 17:1-4. Others raise a mob and bring Jason, who had received the apostles, before the magistrates who, having taken bail of him and his companions, dismiss them, Acts 17:5-9. Paul and Silas are sent away by night unto Berea, where they preach to the Jews who gladly receive the Gospel, Acts 17:10-12. Certain Jews from Thessalonica, hearing that the Bereans had received the Gospel, come there and raise up a persecution, Acts 17:13. Paul is sent away by the brethren to Athens, where he preaches to the Jews, Acts 17:14-17. He is encountered by the Epicureans and Stoics, who bring him to the Areopagus and desire him to give a full explanation of his doctrine, Acts 17:18-20. The character of the Athenians, Acts 17:21. Paul preaches to them, Paul's sermon: Acts 17:22-31. A point of common interest 22-23, God and creation 24-25, God in His relation to man 26-27, God in His own nature 28-29 & God and His moral government of men 30-31. Some mock, some hesitate, and some believe, and among the latter, Dionysias and Damaris, Acts 17:32-34.

Acts 16: The Macedonian Call

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This chapter has the continuation of the second missionary tour, relating the revisiting of Lystra and Derbe, Acts 16:1-5, the Macedonian call, Acts 16:6-10, the conversion of Lydia and others in Philippi, Acts 16:11-15, the healing of the demoniac girl, Acts 16:16-18, beating and imprisonment of Paul and Silas, Acts 16:19-24, earthquake and conversion of the jailer, Acts 16:25-33, and the concluding of their efforts in Philippi, in which Paul and Silas receive the apology of the authorities, are released, and depart from Philippi after seeing the brethren, Acts 16:35-40.

Paul's Letter to the Galations

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Salvation is "In Christ" Galatians 3:26-29, Justification is by "the faith of Jesus Christ" Galatians 2:16 which leads to obedience of the believer Galatians 5:19ff 4 Q MMT "Miqsat Ma'ase Ha-Torah". "Some precepts of the torah" Catholic words. A concordance of the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, leaves little doubt that the Greek Trans. is "ergon nomou". "Ergon nomou" is commonly translated in English New Testament as: "Works of the law". This Pauline phrase, Galatians 2:16 & 3:2 and Romans 3:20 & 28. Looking at Galatians and Romans in light of 4 Q MMT, Paul is using the same terminology to fight "justified" by Christ and the "blood of bulls and goats". This shows Paul was not "jousting with windmills or fighting a straw man" when he took on legalists who taught "works of the law" could be: 'reckoned for righteousness'. Catholic and liberal scholars have long suggested that Paul misunderstood Jewish teaching... they say "works of the law" No where appears in books of rabbinic Judaism of the 1st and 2nd centuries A.D. Only in letters of Paul & MMT are these words found. MMT provides the "smoking gun" and shows Paul fighting legalistic theology from Qumran which had entered the Church. DSS T/Brill/1994.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 11: Not "Vain Repetition"

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    October 29, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council

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False teachers circumcised, Acts 15:1. Paul & Barnabas meet apostles , Acts 15:2. inform apostles of Gentiles; Pharisees demand circumcision, Acts 15:3-5. apostles privately consider, Peter speaks to all, Acts 15:6-11. Barnabas & Paul success Gentiles, Acts 15:12. James' opinion, Acts 15:13-21. apostles & elders agree, send Judas & Silas with Paul & Barnabas to Gentiles, Acts 15:22; send letter to Church of Antioch, Syria, & Cilicia, Acts 15:23-29. Paul & company return, read epistle at Antioch, producing great joy; Judas & Silas preach, Acts 15:30-32. Judas returns to Jerusalem, Silas continues with Paul & Barnabas, teaching & preaching, Acts 15:33-35. Paul proposes to Barnabas to visit Churches where they preached; on the latter determining to take John Mark, Paul refuses, Acts 15:36-38. They disagree; & Barnabas, taking John Mark, sails to Cyprus, Acts 15:39. & Paul, taking Silas, goes through Syria & Cilicia, confirming Churches, Acts 15:40, Acts 15:41. Result of division was two Missionary works.

Evangelists, Elders and Deacons

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Timothy was a native of Lycaonia. His father was a Greek, but his mother and grandmother were Jews, II Timothy 1:5. He was taught the scriptures from his very youth, II Timothy 3:15, and was probably converted during Paul's first visit to Lystra, Acts 14:8-20. He was ordained as an evangelist I Timothy 4:14; II Timothy 1:6, and, after Paul's second visit to Lystra. he spent most of his time with Paul, Acts 16:1. He did much valuable service for Paul, and was greatly esteemed by him. Acts 17:14; 18:5; 20:4; Rom. 16:21; I Corinthians 4:17; 16:10. His name is associated with Paul in writing a number of letters, II Corinthians 1:1; Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:1. He was pastor at Ephesus and while there received these letters, I Timothy 1:3-4. Paul desired to have him with him when death came, II Timothy 4:9; 13, 21.

Evangelist Report on Our Primitive Church Government At Main Street

Kelly preached on our church government, introducing the leadership, and our plans for the future. The link "An Open Letter from Kelly" is an outline to the sermon.

Acts 13 & 14: Paul's First Missionary Journey Part 2

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Paul and Barnabas, having preached at Iconium with great success, persecuted, obliged to flee to Lystra and Derbe, Acts 14:1-6. They preach, heal a cripple; then people, supposing them to be gods, are about to offer them sacrifices, and are with difficulty prevented by these apostles, Acts 14:7-18. Certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, coming thither, induce people to stone Paul; dragged out of the city as dead, while disciples stand around him, rises up suddenly, returns to the city, next day departs to Derbe, Acts 14:19, Acts 14:20. Having preached , he and Barnabas return to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, confirming disciples, ordaining elders in every Church, Acts 14:21-23. Pass through Pisidia and Pamphylia, Acts 14:24. Through Perga and Attalia, Acts 14:25; sail to Antioch in Syria, Acts 14:26. Having called disciples together, inform them of door of faith opened to Gentiles, and abode a long time with the Church, Acts 14:27, Acts 14:28.

Acts 13: Paul's First Missionary Journey

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Acts 13 World Conquest Under Paul Begins
This chapter records the beginning of what is usually called Paul's first missionary journey or as we refer to this study in Acts as: World Conquest. First, there was the formal commission which sent Barnabas and Saul on their way (Acts 13:1-3); then there is the account of their efforts on the island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12); next is the record of John Mark's defection after the Leadership switches from Barnabas and Paul. The movement of Paul into Asia Minor (Acts 13:13-16); then follows the record of Paul's address in Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:17-43) the record of still another sermon in the same city on the sabbath day one week later (Acts 13:44-52).

Acts 12: The End of Secular Judaism

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Peter Delivered to Prison. Death to Persecutor. Herod persecutes the Christians, Acts 12:1. Kills James, Acts 12:2. And casts Peter into prison, Acts 12:3, Acts 12:4. The Church makes incessant prayer for his deliverance, Acts 12:5. An angel of God opens the prison doors and leads him out, Acts 12:6-10. Peter rejoices, and comes to the house of Mary, where many were praying, and declares how he was delivered, Acts 12:11-17. The soldiers who kept the prison are examined by Herod, and he commands them to be put to death, Acts 12:18, Acts 12:19. Herod is enraged against the people of Tyre, but is appeased by their submission, Acts 12:20. He makes an oration to the people, receives idolatrous praises, and an angel of the Lord smites him, and he dies a miserable death, Acts 12:21-23. The word of God increases, Acts 12:24. Barnabas and Saul, having fulfilled their ministry, return from Jerusalem accompanied by John Mark.

Acts 11: Cornelius Retold, Gospel Spreads to Gentiles

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Disciples were called Christians first Acts 11:26
Isaiah 9:6-7 His Name. Isaiah 61:1-6 And they shall build the old wastes (places) Report to the Church. Acts 11:1-18. Acts 11:18-26 The Missionary Work of Those Scattered Abroad Acts 11:19. The Conversion of Gentiles at Antioch, Acts 11:20-21. Barnabas Sent to Antioch by the Church, Acts 11:22-24. Saul Brought from Tarsus, Acts 11:25-26. Isaiah 65:15 Jews to be cursed, Isaiah 62:1-2 New name from mouth of the Lord. After Gentiles converted Acts 11:1 Called by a new name "Christians" We don't claim to be the only Christians but simply "Christians only. Acts 11:26 cf: Acts 26:28, I Peter 4:16, Romans 16:16, Hebrews 1:4, Philippians 2:9ff, I John 3:1.Famine Predicted, Acts 11:27-28. Collections for the Relief of Jerusalem, Acts 11:29-30

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 10: "He Who Rejects Me"

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    September 10, 2017 Bulletin

The Blackest Land, The Whitest People
Jewish Bigotry Was Worse Than KKK: Acts 10:1 - 11:18

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Racial Bigotry: The white verses Black race problems since the founding of our country is nothing in comparison to the problems of the Judaizing Jews and the Gentiles in the primitive Church. This chapter is concerned with the conversion of the Gentile Cornelius, the same event also being justified by Peter and 6 witnesses to the Jerusalem Church in Acts 11. Luke's devoting so much space to the narrative of a single conversion indicates the importance of it. It was in this conversion of this Roman centurion that the issue of receiving Gentiles into Christ began to be decided. Yes, other Gentiles had been saved prior to this; but it was upon the basis of their having first been circumcised and converted as full proselytes to Judaism. The earliest Christians most of whom were Jewish were willing to welcome Gentiles into the faith as Proselytes first and Christians later. Cornelius' baptism was the beginning of the end of that, despite the fact of the "Judaizers" continuing to advocate their old view afterward, as seen through Acts 15 and in the Pauline epistles. The final results: Notice the three verbs in Acts 11:18. First: "they held their peace." The first indicates the criticism was stifled. Second: they "glorified God." The second says for that even for a believing Jew for a Gentile to be of equal value to God was astounding. Third: that God "granted repentance..." The third is of special note by its structure (aorist tense verb) Luke points out that these believing Jews were reluctant to adopt such acceptance of the Gentiles as a policy for the future... The verb indicates that they thought this was probably a onetime deal... But for this once they conceded that God worked a moral miracle... But they were not committing themselves to any permanent principle.

Acts 9: Saul, The High Sheriff, Is Converted

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Saul's Journey to Damascus, Acts 9:2, 26:10. The Lord Jesus Meets Him on the Way, Acts 9:3-9 & 22:9. Called to Be a Witness to the Gentiles, Acts 9:10 & 26:16-17. Baptized by Ananias, Acts 9:11-18. Paul's Account, Acts 22:3-21 & 26:10-20. Preaches Christ to the Jews in Damascus, Acts 9:19-22. They Seek His Death, Acts 9:23-24, Luke 6:22-23, II Corinthians 11:22. His Escape to Jerusalem and Meeting with the Apostles, Acts 9:25-29. Departure to Tarsus, Acts 9:30-31. Peter Heals Aeneas at Lydda, Acts 9:32-35 & 22:13-16. Raises Dorcas at Joppa, Acts 9:36-40, I Kings 17:19-23 &17:2, II Kings 4:32-36 & Matthew 9:25.

Acts 8: Persecution Leads Growth in Samaria - The Ethiopian Eunuch

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A general persecution is raised against the Church, Acts 8:1. Stephen's burial, Acts 8:2. Saul greatly oppresses followers of Christ, Acts 8:3, Acts 8:4. Philip the deacon goes to Samaria, preaches, works many miracles, converts many persons, and baptizes Simon the sorcerer, Acts 8:5-13. Peter and John are sent by the apostles to Samaria; they confirm the disciples, and by prayer and imposition of hands they confer the Holy Spirit, Acts 8:14-17. Simon the sorcerer, seeing this, offers them money, to enable him to confer the Holy Spirit, Acts 8:18, Acts 8:19. He is sharply reproved by Peter, and exhorted to repent, Acts 8:20-23. He appears to be convinced of his sin, and implores an interest in the apostle's prayers, Acts 8:24. Peter and John, having preached the Gospel in the villages of Samaria, return to Jerusalem, Acts 8:25. An angel of the Lord commands Philip to go towards Gaza, to meet an Ethiopian eunuch, Acts 8:26. He goes, meets, and converses with the eunuch, preaches the Gospel to him, and baptizes him, Acts 8:27-38. The Spirit of God carries Philip to Azotus, passing through which, he preaches in all the cities till he comes to Caesarea, Acts 8:39, Acts 8:40.

Acts 7: Stephen, The First Christian Martyr

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Stephen the 1st Christian to Suffer Martyrdom This great chapter is taken up entirely by the account of Stephen's defense before the Sanhedrin and his martyrdom which climaxed it. Actually, Stephen's address was not so much a defense of himself as it was an epic survey of Jewish history as related to their rejection of the promised Messiah; and, while it is true a complete refutation of the charges against himself as apparent in this master oration, it is the glorious figure of the risen Lord which dominates every word of it. It is only natural that in an address which touches so many historical events the destructive critics have worked overtime searching. None of the so-called "contradictions," however, are of any importance; but a few of them will be noted for the purpose of showing the amazing weakness of such criticisms. Those great experts on Jewish history who sat in the Sanhedrin found no fault whatever with the history cited by Stephen; the only thing they objected to was his application of it! The name "Stephen" means "wreath" or "crown", and it is appropriate that the first to win the martyr's crown should have worn such a name.

Acts 6: Deacons Appointed - Stephen's Miracles and Arrest

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This very short chapter narrates the preliminaries of Stephen's martyrdom, noting that it occurred following a period of great growth and prosperity for the new faith (Acts 6:1), that Stephen's rise to prominence was a result of his appointment as one of the seven chosen to administer the distribution of food to the needy, an appointment brought about by complaints of neglecting the Grecian widows (Acts 6:2-7), and that his popularity, ability in debate, and fearless proclamation of the truth resulted in a Pharisaical plot against him, leading to his arrest (Acts 6:8-15). Many things of very great significance come to view in this little chapter: there was the first instance of the laying on of the hands of the apostles; there appeared the first violent opposition of the Pharisees; there occurred the first expansion of the church's organization beyond that of the governing apostles; there was a second threat to the unity of the disciples, deriving from the allegations of neglect of a certain class receiving charity; and there was the exceedingly significant record of The 1st Summary "a great company of the priests became obedient to the faith"

Acts 5: Ananias and Sapphira, An Angel Delivers Apostles to Preach in the Temple

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The hypocrisy of Ananias & wife Sapphira, their awful death [Acts 5:1-11]. The apostles work many miracles, Church of Christ is increased [Acts 5:12-16]. The high priest and the Sadducees, being incensed against the apostles, seize and put them in prison [Acts 5:17, Acts 5:18]. The angel of God delivers them, and commands them to go to the temple, and proclaim the Gospel [Acts 5:19, Acts 5:20]. The high priest, having gathered the council together in the morning, sends to the prison to have the apostles brought before him [Acts 5:21]. The officers return, and report that they found the prison shut, and the watch set, but that the men had got out [Acts 5:22, Acts 5:23]. A messenger arrives in the meanwhile, and says that the apostles are preaching in the temple [Acts 5:24-25]. The captain and officers go and bring than before the council, who expostulate with them [Acts 5:26-28]. The apostles defend themselves, and charge the council with the murder of Christ; and assert his resurrection from the dead and ascension to the right hand of God [Acts 5:29-32]. The council are confounded, and purpose to slay the apostles [Acts 5:33]. Gamaliel gives them seasonable and prudent advice [Acts 5:34-39]. The council agree to it, but, before they discharge the apostles, beat them, and command them not to teach in the name of Jesus [Acts 5:40]. They depart rejoicing in their persecution, and continue to preach Jesus Christ [Acts 5:41, Acts 5:42].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class - Luke 9

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 30, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 4: Peter's Prayer from Psalm 2

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After being threatened by the Jewish High Court The Apostles returned to the Church and they went to their knees in prayer to God [Acts 4:23-31]. Psalm 2 is Remarkable for its eloquent change of persons. It is like a heavenly stage play with different people who speak. The Prophet Speaks & foretells of the coming Messiah or Christ [Psalm 2:1-2]. How do you know this prophecy is of Christ? An inspired Apostle tells me, I am tracking this Psalm correctly [cf: Acts 4:25 ff]. Psalm 2:3 The Enemies Speak Psalm 2:4-5 The Prophet Answers the Enemies [cf Luke 21:20] Psalm 2:6 God Speaks [cf: Hebrews 12:22]. Psalm 2:7 The Messiah Speaks [cf: Luke 1:31, Matthew 3:13ff, Matthew 17:5ff, II Peter 1:15, Acts 13:33, Romans 1:3-4, Hebrews 1:1-6 & Hebrews 5:5. Psalm 2:8-9 God Answers the Messiah [cf: Revelation 2:27, Revelations 12:5 & Rev, 19:15]. Psalm 2:10-12, Prophet encourages Enemies to submit to God & His Messiah [cf: Hebrews 6:1].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 23, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 4: Confronting The Saducees and Sanhedrin

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Peter's sermon was interrupted by Sadducees [Revelation 12:5, Acts 4:1]. One of Acts main purposes is to show how Jews who rejected and crucified Jesus continued rebelling against God [Matthew 27:65-66, Luke 22:4, Luke 22:52-53]. Man at Gate Beautiful was healed in the ninth hour (hour of prayer) [Acts 3:1]. Many believed because of the healing in Acts 3 [Acts 4:4]. Sanhedrin gathers to question apostles [Acts 4:5-7]. Peter addresses Sanhedrin head-on [Acts 4:8-10]. Jesus has become the cornerstone [Acts 4:11, Matthew 21:42, Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-17, I Peter 2:4-9, Ephesians 2:19-22, Romans 9:33]. No salvation in any other [Acts 4:12]. Sanhedrin marvelled that Peter and John were unschooled [Acts 4:13]. Beholding the man which was healed they could say nothing against it [Acts 4:14]. Rulers could not deny [Acts 4:15-16]. Peter & John commanded not speak of it [Acts 4:17-20]. They refused, and were threatened further and released [Acts 4:19-22. When returned to their own company, relayed all that happened and the people praised God [Acts 4:23-30].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 16, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 3: Healing the Man at Gate Beautiful - 2nd Gospel Sermon

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Luke, Author of Acts, chooses "wonders and signs" for an example to Theopolis, as predicted in Mark's account [Mark 16:17-18]. The people marveled [Acts 3:9]. Your God will come, when? Then! [Isaiah 35:4-7]. One Way [Isaiah 35:8, John 14:6]. We will come Home [Isaiah 35:9-10, Hebrews 12:22-24, I Corinthians 2:9]. Beautiful gate [Acts 3:10]. Solomon's Porch [Acts 3:11]. Glorify God, not servant [Acts 3:12-13]. You spared Barabbas, and killed the Prince of life [Acts 3:14-15]. The healed man's faith healed him [Acts 3:16]. You killed Jesus out of ignorance [Acts 3:17-18, Mark 12:7]. Obey the Gospel [Acts 3:19 and 2:38]. Second Coming [Acts 3:20-21, II Peter 3:12]. Prophet like unto Moses [Acts 3:22-23]. These days were foretold by prophecy [Acts 3:24]. Jews are sons of Abraham [Acts 3:25, Galatians 3:16]. Jew first - then Gentile [Acts 3:26].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 9, 2017 Bulletin

The Five-Fold Worship of the Church

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Worshiping God is our duty: cf: John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12:1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2, 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13, I Corinthians 5:7 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Corinthians 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9, Malachi 3:7-12

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    June 25, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 2: A Fellowship of Believers is Born

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Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ" - Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced [cf Romans 10:17]. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises; Dependence of the clause "remission of sins" relies upon both imperative verbs, "repent" & "be baptized". 2 promises, "remission of sins" & "gift of Holy Spirit". Acts 2:39 - conditions are for whole Christian Age. Acts 2:40-42 - Worship began Acts 2:43-46 - sharing their wealth Acts 2:47 - baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church" [Daniel 2:44, Matthew 15:9, Colossians 1:18, Matthew 16:16-18, Acts 20:28;30, II Timothy 2:2 & 15. Great falling away [II Peter 2:3] Reformation [II Thessalonians 2:3] Restoration [John 17:20-21, I Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6] Christians Only [Acts 11:26, I Peter 4:16, II Peter 1:3, II Timothy 3:15, II Peter 1:20] Explanation of the Seed Parable[Luke 8:11 & 15] Lord's Supper [Acts 20:7] He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved [Mark 16:15-16].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    June 18, 2017 Bulletin

Baptism and the Blessing of Water

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The Great Commission, Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16:15-16. Simon the sorcerer heard the Word and was baptized, Acts 8:4-13. The Ethiopian eunuch was baptized, Acts 8:27-39. Those who the Holy Ghost fell on were baptized, Acts 10:34-48. The Philippian Jailer was baptized, Acts 16:25-34. Crispus and his house believed and were baptized, Acts 18:1-8. I noticed how baptism works a good work in us and for us. We are openly raised from the dead as Christ triumphing over death (sin), Colossians 2:8-15. Baptized into Jesus Christ into His death, buried with Him, raised up with Him and live with Him, Romans 6:3-10. Baptized into the body, the Church, I Corinthians 12:12-14. Those baptized into Christ have put on Christ, Galatians 3:26-27. Those baptized into Christ are new creatures, II Corinthians 5:14-17. A Spiritual Metamorphosis needs to take place in our lives. Baptism now saves us, I Peter 3:18-22. Invitation: Hear - Romans 10:17, faith cometh by hearing. Believe - Hebrews 11:6, without faith it is impossible to please. Repent - Luke 13:3, Except you repent - ye shall all likewise perish. Confess - Matthew 10:22-33, confession. Remain Faithful - Revelation 2:10 - be faithful until death.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    June 4, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 2: Pentecost - The First Gospel Sermon

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The Apostles (and Apostles only) are Baptized in The Holy Spirit evidenced with the sound of a "Rushing Mighty Wind" and, "Tongues like as of Fire" Fellowship called "The Church" is born [Acts 1:26-2:14]. Last days [Acts 2:17, cf: Joel 2:28-32]. "Day of The Lord"; is coming destruction of Jerusalem & final judgment day [Acts 2:20, cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10]. During Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 - This is the greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points [Acts 2:25, cf Psalm 16:8-11, Acts 2:26-28, cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4, Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11, Acts 2:31-35, cf: Psalm 110:1].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 21, 2017 Bulletin

Acts 1: World Conquest

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Most of the verses in Acts are written in 3rd person: "they did "or "he did ". But some use 1st person plural, "we" [Acts 16:10-18, 20:5-15, 21:1-18, 27:1, 28:16]. "We" alerts us to the fact that the author is an eyeball witness. Purpose in writing Luke & Acts: words & deeds of Jesus in Luke & World conquest by Gospel in Acts. The introduction in Luke 1:1-4 states his purpose. Luke/Acts should be considered one work in two parts. Read Luke 24 with Acts. Threads tie Luke and Acts together: Both addressed to Theophilus [Acts 1:1, Luke 1:3], Acts 1:1 speaks of the "Former treatise" (Luke); Jesus didn't practice what He preached. He preached what He practiced. "of all that Jesus began both to do and teach," [Acts 1:1]: "in deed and word" [Luke 24:19]; He was "taken up" [Acts 1:2, Luke 24:51]; Commandments given [Acts 1:2, Mark 16:15-16, Mathew 28:18-20]. "To whom" whom is an antecedent that refers back to nearest noun "Apostle" in verse 2. "Many infallible proofs" [Acts 1:3, Luke 24:36-43]; "things pertaining to the kingdom of God" [Acts 1:3, Luke 24:46-47]; Apostles were to wait for the promise [Acts 1:4, Luke 24:49]. Apostles were to be baptized with the Holy Ghost [Acts 1:5, Matt 3:11-12]. Jesus promised Kingdom to come during the life of the apostles [Mark 9:1]. Is this the time? Jesus says don't worry about time stay focused on job [Acts 1:7, I Thessalonians 5:1ff]. Jesus promised Kingdom would come with Power [Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8]. Jesus says Power comes with the Holy Ghost upon Apostles [Acts 1:8]. Apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto earth [Acts 1:21-22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32, 10:39-41, 22:14-15, 23:11, 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 14, 2017 Bulletin

I Corinthians 15:1-4: The Gospel Preached to all the World in Every Generation

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Preach the Gospel, Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16. Preaching: The evangelist is to herald or announce the "Good News"... you announce "News" you do not teach news. The Evangelist is to read, reason, state, illustrate and prove the great gospel facts, Luke 24:44-49, II Timothy 3:12-17, Preach The Word, II Timothy 4:1-5, Acts 20:27. Your words are not inspired God's word is inspired and after announcing the "Good News" Evangelist is to "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever" Christ and the Apostles taught us. II Timothy 2:2. Apostles would complete their World Wide Mission, Psalm 19:1-14. Apostles and 1st century Church did it, Mark 16:20, Acts 28:22, Romans 1:8, Romans 10:14-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23, I Thessalonians1:7-8. Giving our money is a blessing, Malachi 3:8-10, Acts 2:42.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: 3 Baptisms, Prayers Requested    May 7, 2017 Bulletin

I Corinthians 2:2: The Cross of Christ

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The great need for the Church today is not new and better ideas or more church growth schemes, but rather a return to the old paths which are given to us in the Bible. (Jeremiah 6:16) (Acts 2:42) We must make it our great ambition to lift up Christ in the preaching of the Cross, the foundation of all Christian Doctrine! (Rom. 3:23-27) (I Corinthians 2:2,15:1-4) God is Holy (Isaiah 6:3)(Habakkuk 1:13). Man is sinful (Genesis 6:5) (Romans 3:10-18). God is just and is a righteous Judge. (Genesis 18:25) (Ps75:7) How can God be "Just and the justifier"? ( Romans 3:25)(Pr 17:15) Jesus is our substitute, propitiation, and Passover Lamb. (I Corinthians 5:7)

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 30, 2017 Bulletin

The Great Commission: Matthew 28, Mark 16, & Luke 24

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Christ Commissions His Apostles - Mark 16:14 He appears to eleven & rebukes their unbelief, Luke 24:36-43 & John 20:19-23. Mk 16:15-16 Gospel all the world, Matthew 28:18-20 & Luke. 24:44-49, Acts 1:4-8. Mk 16:17 cf. Mk 16:14-17. "The Eleven" Apostles are the antecedent of "them" in Mark 16:17. Antecedents always refer back to the nearest named noun. Cast out devils cf: Acts 5:16, Tongues Acts 2:1-4, Mk 16:18 Serpents cf: Genesis 3:15, Psalm 91:11-13, Luke. 10:17-19, Acts 28:3-6 & Romans 16:20, Hebrews 2:3-4, Mk 16:19 Received into Heaven Luke 24:51 & Acts 1:9, Psalm 110:1, Ephesians 1:19-20, Hebrews 1:3 & v:13, Hebrews 10:12-13, Mk 16:20. Gospel preached everywhere cf Matthew 24:14, Prophecy Psalm 19:1-9, Romans 10:14-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:7-8.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 23, 2017 Bulletin

Is World War III Approaching? Is This The "End of Days"? What does the Bible Say?

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The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things, I Corinthians 15:11. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth I Corinthians 15:12. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Greater & different degrees splendor in Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, John 6:40, Resurrection of the dead at the last day, John 6:40, Matthew 25:31-36, dead raised I Thessalonians 4:13-18, cf: John 6:40, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: John 6:40, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58,.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 16, 2017 Bulletin

"Easter" - Luke 24: "He is Risen"

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Women coming early to sepulcher on 1st day of the week, bringing spices, find stone rolled away, & tomb empty, Lk 24:1-3. They see a vision of angels, announce Christ's resurrection, Lk 24:4-8. Women return & tell this to the eleven, Lk 24:9, Lk 24:10. They believe not, but Peter goes & examines tomb, Lk 24:11, Lk 24:12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples on the way Emmaus, & converses with them, vv. 13-29. While they are eating together, he makes himself known, & immediately disappears, Lk 24:30, Lk 24:31. They return to Jerusalem, and announce his resurrection to the rest of the disciples, Lk 24:32-35. Jesus appears to them, & gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of his resurrection, Lk. 24:36-43. He preaches to them, gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, & commissions them: Lk 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, & ascends to heaven in sight, Lk 24:50, Lk 24:51. They worship him, & return to Jerusalem, Lk 24:53.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 9, 2017 Bulletin

Harmony of the Gospels: The Crucifixion of Jesus

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These verses are chosen for the fullest account. This is much like the earliest known harmony the Diatessaron by Tatian in the 2nd century, and variations based on the Diatessaron continued to appear into the Middle Ages. A Gospel harmony is an attempt to collate the Christian canonical gospels into a single gospel account. Gospel harmonies are constructed and studied by scholars to establish a coherent chronology of the events depicted in the four canonical gospels in the life of Jesus, to better understand how the accounts relate to each other, and to evaluate their use of different words. You should, however, read all 4 Gospels to Understand the complete account.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 2, 2017 Bulletin

Mark 11:1-11: Triumphal Entry - Genesis 49:10, Zechariah 9:9

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Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41, The stone cf: Psalm 118:22ff, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11ff, Romans 9:33, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem: Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Mark 11:20-26

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 26, 2017 Bulletin

Worship at Home: The Five Things we Do to Worship God

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The 5 Fold Worship of the Church Worshiping God is our duty: cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2, 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Corinthians 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 19, 2017 Bulletin

Home Churches: How to Set Up a New Testament Church in Your Home

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Worship with reverence & fear Hebrews 12:28-29 & James 4:7-10 All Christians Priests I Peter 2:5-9 If the Church of Christ does not exist in your community, you should start now Worshiping in your home and asking others to come meet with you. As Jesus said Luke 14: 21 ... Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. The Church of Christ is not a building, ... the Church of Christ is the people of Christ who have come to Christ biblically in the appointed way. The Church of Christ is not a denomination, it is the one true fellowship you read about in Romans 16:16 If the Church in its true form exists where you live, it might not be advisable to start a new congregation ... on the other hand if there is not a Bible believing faithful congregation in your area ... or if you just don't fit and you have stopped assembling then you have the responsibility to begin worshiping God properly yourself and thereby establishing the Church in your home Jesus did not commission us to go into all the world & build gothic cathedrals or church buildings.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 12, 2017 Bulletin

I Peter 2:5-9: The Priesthood Of all Believers - All Christians are Priests

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Worship with reverence & fear Hebrews 12:28-29 & James 4:7-10 All Christians Priests I Peter 2:5-9 If the Church of Christ does not exist in your community, you should start now Worshiping in your home and asking others to come meet with you. As Jesus said Luke 14: 21 ... Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. The Church of Christ is not a building, ... the Church of Christ is the people of Christ who have come to Christ biblically in the appointed way. The Church of Christ is not a denomination, it is the one true fellowship you read about in Romans 16:16 If the Church in its true form exists where you live, it might not be advisable to start a new congregation ... on the other hand if there is not a Bible believing faithful congregation in your area ... or if you just don't fit and you have stopped assembling then you have the responsibility to begin worshiping God properly yourself and thereby establishing the Church in your home Jesus did not commission us to go into all the world & build gothic cathedrals or church buildings.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 5, 2017 Bulletin

Romans 16:16: Worship God with Reverence and Fear

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If the Church of Christ does not exist in your community, you should start now Worshiping in your home and asking others to come meet with you. As Jesus said Luke 14: 21... Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. The Church of Christ is not a building, the Church of Christ is the people of Christ who have come to Christ biblically in the appointed way. The Church of Christ is not a denomination, it is the one true fellowship you read about in Romans 16:16 If the Church in its true form exists where you live, it might not be advisable to start a new congregation... on the other hand if there is not a Bible believing faithful congregation in your area... or if you just don't fit and you have stopped assembling then you have the responsibility to begin worshiping God properly yourself and thereby establishing the Church in your home Jesus did not commission us to go into all the world and build gothic cathedrals or church buildings.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    Feburary 26, 2017 Bulletin

God's Word, Part 4: The Inerrant Word of God

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When the Bible is properly interpreted, archaeology supports the events described in it. Bible deniers love to point out inconsistencies such as the fact that no archaeological evidence supports a Hebrew conquest of Canaan during the 13th century BC. However, the common belief that the exodus and subsequent conquest occurred in the 13th century is based solely on the Biblical mention of the Israelites leaving the city of Rameses. But the city of Rameses was not called Rameses at the time that the exodus began. Those who later copied or translated the book of Exodus updated the city's name to reflect it's current name, much the same as a historian might refer to Gaul as "iron age Europe" in order to give people a better idea of it's current-day location. Such updates can be found in several places in the Old Testament. Following references to the date of the Exodus and Canaanite conquest in Judges and Kings I, the date of the Exodus can be estimated at about 1,447 BC, when the Israelites would have left either the city of Tanis or Avaris, both of which were later renamed "Rameses" by Rameses the Great (Rameses II) during Egypt's 19th dynasty. If the Exodus happened in 1,447, then the conquest of Canaan would have happened in 1,407, after the Israelites had wandered 40 years in the Sinai wilderness. Archaeological evidence for a conquest in the 14th and 15th centuries BC is abundant.
Critics try to consign the Bible to the same prominence as all of the mythological writings of the ancient world, but the Bible contains reasonable wisdom that can be proven through science and archaeology, where the myths of Greeks and Romans describe such things as a God who physically holds the world up on his shoulders. It's not that the Bible is simply a better revelation than Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek or Roman religions - the truth is, the Bible is altogether true while others are altogether false.

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    Feburary 19, 2017 Bulletin

God's Word, Part 3: The Devine Inspiration of the Bible

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When men create their own religions they always imagine Gods that are like them, with all of their human flaws and attributes. Such people as the Greeks and Romans had Gods that were proud, jealous, lustful, petty and vindictive. Men create religious laws and methods of worship that please them, and therefore the people have no problem adhering to their religious practices. After all, what ungodly person wouldn't like a worship service that involves indulging their carnal desires, having random anonymous sex in the temple? The Canaanites and Egyptians seemed to have no problem adhering to their religions, while the Hebrews frequently abandoned their own religion in favor of the carnal religions of their neighbors. If the Hebrews had created their religion out of their own minds, why didn't they construct a religion that pleased them? Why were they always following after other people's religions? Because God's religion came from God, not man. It set a high standard for man's behavior that man wouldn't have naturally chosen for himself. It revealed a God not ruled by men's desires, but pure in nature and conduct such as men won't on their own achieve. The Bible is entirely inspired and true, while other religions are entirely man-made and false. The doctrine of Inspiration asserts that men would have been incapable of creating a system annunciating it's teaching in the midst of changing conditions throughout the centuries. There are things contained in scripture that no human intelligence could possibly have foreseen. For example, Isaiah wrote in detail about the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah 700 years before it happened. Isaiah even told us that the world was round 300 years before Socrates [Isaiah 40:22].

   Sunday Morning Bible Class

Invitation: Prayers Requested    Feburary 12, 2017 Bulletin

God's Word, Part 2: Not Human or Natural

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Non-believers account for the Bible on natural rather than supernatural grounds. Some assume that men simply evolved over the centuries and wrote a more coherent account. The Bible is not just more evolved than other religious documents, it makes sense where others don't. For instance, most civilizations have an account of a catastrophic flood that destroyed all people and land animals except for those saved by some hero in a boat. However, the ancient Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian and other accounts read like fairy tales, and they describe all of the animals being loaded into a small rowboat or a craft that doesn't even make sense. None of them describe the event or the vessel in any accurate detail. The book of Genesis, however, gives detailed instructions and measurements for an ark that, if built according to the scripture, would be not only seaworthy, but more than capable of containing the number of land animals that would have existed in the quantities that God instructed Noah to save. It details the event in a believable way, which is typical of events described in the Bible and atypical of the religious writings of men. The Holy Scriptures did not originate in the human mind. They are not a human product and cannot be accounted for on natural grounds.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    Feburary 5, 2017 Bulletin

God's Word, Part 1: The Origin of the Bible

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The Bible is used to describe books of Old & New Testaments. It comes from Greek biblos meaning book. Difference between the Old & New Testament: Hebrews taught that Christ brought a new & better Testament, [Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-13, 9:15]. The Old Testament is divided into three groups. The Law: The 1st 5 books of Moses known as the Torah & Pentateuch. The Prophets: 21 books - major & minor Old Testament Prophets. Writings: 13 books of poetry, history and psalms. The New Testament consists of 27 books that naturally divide into 4 parts - The 4 Gospels, Acts, Epistles & Revelation. Epistles are 21 books of teaching. 13 are Pauline Epistles (written by the apostle Paul), 8 are called General Epistles written by other Apostles/Prophets. Hebrews was written by an unknown writer. The Bible is a remarkable book - Its Teachings Divinely Inspired. Particularly in the 20th and 21st centuries, the Bible has been under attack by unbelievers. The unbelievers account for the scriptures on natural rather than supernatural grounds. They see the Bible as simply a work of hebrews to document their history and belief system, and many regard the historical accounts as flawed or fabricated. The doctrine of Inspiration asserts that Bible revelation did not and could not originate in the mind of man. The Bible claims to be "inspired", meaning "God breathed" [cf: II Timothy 3:16]. "No prophesy of the scripture is of any private interpretation - Holy men of God spake as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" [II Peter 1:20]. Isaiah taught that when the Messiah comes, the way of truth would be easily understood - "...the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err within" [Isaiah 35:8]. The unbelievers also scoff at the miracles documented in the Bible, accounting for scripture on natural grounds. While miracles seem unlikely in our everyday lives, what could be impossible for a God who created the universe with a word?

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 29, 2017 Bulletin

In Christ, Part 4: In Christ or Lost

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9, II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how to get into Christ.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 22, 2017 Bulletin

In Christ. Part 3: Being Found In Christ

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9, II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how to get into Christ.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 15, 2017 Bulletin

In Christ, Part 2: Being In Christ

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9, II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how to get into Christ.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 8, 2017 Bulletin

In Christ, Part 1

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how get into Christ.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 1, 2017 Bulletin

2016 Sermons

The Seed Lesson Condensed

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In 274 AD during a time of persecution of the Church, in order to expose Christians, Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too and call it the Birth of Jesus. Therefore, Christmas - Christ-mas is a Catholic holiday. The Seed Galatians 3:16, Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 12:1-4, Genesis 15:1-6, II Samuel 7:12-14, Psalm 22, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 53:1-12 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-3

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 25, 2016 Bulletin

The Birth of Jesus: The Real Christmas

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Luke's epistle to Theophilus [Luke 1:1-4]. The conception and birth of John Baptist foretold by the angel Gabriel, Six months after the angel Gabriel appears to the virgin Mary, and predicts the miraculous conception and birth of Christ [Luke 1:26-38], The decree of Augustus to enroll all the Roman empire [Luke 2:1, Luke 2:2]. Joseph and Mary go to their own city to be enrolled [Luke 2:3-5]. Christ is born [Luke 2:6, Luke 2:7]. His birth is announced to the shepherds [Luke 2:8-14]. They go to Bethlehem, and find Joseph, Mary, and Christ [Luke 2:15-20]. Christ is conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, espoused to Joseph [Matthew 1:18]. Joseph's doubts are removed by an Angel [Matthew 1:19, Matthew 1:20]; by whom the child is named Jesus [Matthew 1:21]. The fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah relative to this [Matthew 1:22, Matthew 1:23]. Joseph takes home his wife, Mary, and Christ is born [Matthew 1:24, Matthew 1:25].

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 18, 2016 Bulletin

The Virgin Birth is Real

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The seed (Child) of the woman will walk all over Satan [Genesis 3:15], He will enter the world through a young Jewish virgin [cf: Isaiah 7:14] Hebrew al-maw' a damsel from aw-iam kept out of sight. Today nonbelievers say God used wrong word should have used beth-oo-law to deflower a virgin but Mary remained a virgin until the birth. God has used same word to describe a virgin before [cf: Genesis 24:16 & 43]. The eternal God of the universe stepped into human history when this child was born [cf: Isaiah 9:6-7] This messiah is the great I AM the self existent one cf Exodus 3:14 & John 8:58. The mystery of our Lord's glorious incarnation is found in the opening of the Gospel of John 1:1-5 & 14. His birth makes possible the forgiveness of all sins. King David looked forward to the day that God would create a body for the messiah to be a sin offering [II Samuel 12:10-12, Psalm 51:1-3, Psalm 38:1-5 & 17-18, Psalm 32:1-6]. Note the Progress of David's thinking: God could save me, God would save me if I asked & Now: God has forgiven me! [Psalm 40:1-8] Sacrifice of Messiah's body Promised: [Cf: Hebrews 10:4-14, Psalm 40:9-17 & Psalm 139:1-24], God's Glory, Majesty and Infinite Knowledge of all things.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 11, 2016 Bulletin

I Corinthians 13: The Love Chapter

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Charity is an old English word for love. Love to God and our fellow man is the sum and substance of all true Christianity; so that without it, the most splendid eloquence, the gift of prophecy, the most profound knowledge, faith by which the most stupendous miracles might be wrought, benevolence the most unbounded such , and zeal for the truth, even to martyrdom, would all be unavailing to salvation, I Corinthians 13:1-3. The description and praise of this grace, I Corinthians 13:4-7. Its durableness; though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, I Corinthians 13:8-10. Description of the present imperfect state of man, I Corinthians 13:11, I Corinthians 13:12. Of all the graces of God in man, charity, or love, is the greatest, I Corinthians 13:13.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 20, 2016 Bulletin

Faith, The Faith & The Faith of Christ

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The word "faith" is often applied subjectively to one's inner trust with reliance in Christ or God to save us or what one believes a synonym for "belief". But in other contexts, especially with the Greek article we translate with the word "the" "the faith", Greek: "tees PIS-te-os". It is used in the objective sense, meaning the body of truth, the whole system of religion that is taught, believed and practiced by New Testament Christians, the pattern for true Christianity. Christianity is contrasted with the Mosaic law system. It is unfortunate that most translations drop the Article "the", in Galatians 3:23-27. We do not become the "children of God" by "the law" but by "the faith" "tis pisteos". It is "the faith" because there is only "one faith" cf: Ephesians 4:4-5. The way, The path cf: Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39 Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6 Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, Acts 24:14, Romans 1:5, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Ephesians 4:5 & 13, Colossians 1:23, Titus 1:13, I Timothy 4:1, I Timothy 6:21, Philippians 1:27. This shows that in the New Testament times there was a clearly defined system of belief and practice which is identified over and over as "the faith".

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 13, 2016 Bulletin

Psalm 23: In Memory of Ginger Lawson

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The Lord is the Shepherd of His people; therefore we may infer that we shall not want, Psalm 23:1. How He guides, feeds, and protects us, Psalm 23:2, Psalm 23:3. Even in the greatest dangers we may be confident of His support, Psalm 23:4. His abundant provision for us is compared to a great banquet, Psalm 23:5. The confidence we may have of His continual mercy, and our eternal happiness, Psalm 23:6.

Kelly's wife, Ginger, graduated from the flesh to the spirit on Friday, October 28, 2016. Funeral services were held on Sunday, November 6. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the poor at Main Street Church of Christ. Please join us in prayer for Kelly and his family for comfort and strength in the Lord during this time of joy and sorrow.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 6, 2016 Bulletin

The Religion of Christ: Christianity Revealed Religion

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Hebrews 1:1-2, Only Divine Religion & therefore only True Religion Matt16:13-18, Romans 16:16. Christianity is a Universal Religion Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16 & cf: Acts 14:8-15; Paul told men to turn from Idolatrous Worship @ Lystra. Christianity is a Spiritual Religion John 3:3-5 Demands you be born again Romans 6:4, that you walk in Newness of Life, presenting your bodies as living sacrifices Romans 12:1-2, & Worship must be in Spirit & Truth Jn 4:23-24. Christianity is a Saving Religion Lk 19:10, I Timothy 1:15, Christ did not come to bring social reform, or a New Age movement. Christianity is a Authoritative Religion. We cannot make up our own religion, we must submit to Christ. Christianity is a Complete Religion II Peter 1:4-10 The Religion invented by men borrows ideas, doctrines, ordinances & practices from one another. This shows they are human, un-authoritative & imperfect. Christianity is the Final Religion Jude 3. The O.T. was temporary. Its lawgivers, priesthood, covenant, sacrifices, tabernacle & temple looked forward to the New Covenant Hebrews 8:7-13.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 30, 2016 Bulletin

Church History Part 4:  Speak where the Bible Speaks, be Silent where the Bible is Silent

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II Peter 1:3 Silence as a Rule of Language. II Timothy 2:2 How God wishes to be Obeyed-careful obedience Deuteronomy 2:4, 4:15, 6:17, 12:23, 24:8. Jesus obeyed Rule of Silence Jn 4:34, 5:19, 5:30, 5:36, 7:16, 8:26-29. Conscientious obedience demonstrates love Jn 14:31, 16:12-13. Do not add to God's Word Deuteronomy 12:8, 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 14:12, 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19. Early 2nd generation church fathers recognized this principle Didache 4:18 ...Adding nothing & taking nothing away.", Epistle of Barnabus 19:11 Thou shalt keep those things which thou hast received neither adding to them or taking away from them. Tertullian "Any doctrine not as old as the apostles is thereby condemned by the silence of Holy Scripture." When people act w/o Authority Leviticus 9:23-24, 10:1-3, I Samuel 13:8-14, 10:8, Leviticus 1:7, I Chr 13:9-10, 15:2, 15:12-15, Jeremiah 23:16, 23:26, 23:32-34, Matthew 15:14, Colossians 2:20-23, Acts 15:1-2 & 15:24, Hebrews 1:5. Jesus subjected Himself to the rules Hebrews 7:14, Exodus 28:1, II Jn 9. Never presume to act or speak in hushed silence of God Exodus 17:5, Numbers 20:8-12. Today, Change Movement people ask, "Where does the Bible forbid us to do so?" II Peter 3:15-16. How can such men be learned in Scripture?

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    October 23, 2016 Bulletin

Church History Part 3:  The Restoration Movement

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The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake. We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a part of salvation, just like belief, faith, confessing Christ and repentance Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    October 16, 2016 Bulletin

Church History Part 2:  The Protestant Reformation

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"The Great Falling Away" under Roman Church brought about "the Dark Ages" in which most teachings of the New Testament were changed by "Church Councils" which changed the Worship and Practice of the New Testament Church into the teachings of Men cf: Matthew 15:8-9. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe 1384 & John Huss (burned at the stake in 1415) called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. Martin Luther, a catholic priest began his protest against Rome in 1517. The Scriptures were forbidden to common man in their own language and men were burned alive for having Bibles or preaching. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). William Tyndale published his Bible in 1530 and was burned at the stake by Rome. The Church of England began in 1531. Miles Coverdale's Bible was published in 1535, Matthew's Bible was published by John Rogers in 1537 and he too was burned alive. The Great Bible was published in 1539, The Geneva Bible in 1560, The Bishops Bible in 1568 and the King James Version in 1611. Our Baptist friends began in 1609-11. English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 9, 2016 Bulletin

Church History Part 1:  Roman Catholicism

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Note: The criticism that we make here is directed toward the leadership of the Roman Church which resulted in the dark ages, and not toward the millions upon millions of souls who are simply trying to find God and Romanism was all that was available to them.
Church History - Great falling away - Catholics: Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappas) or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7. Shortly Rome made laws such as Latin to be only language of scriptures.
Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Saved by grace not works cf: Ephesians 2:8. Mary not mediator between God & man cf: I Timothy 2:5. Ask in Jesus' name not Mary's cf: Jn 16:23-26. 'Our Father' & 'Hail Mary' vain repetitions cf: Matthew 6:7. Hell has no halfway house called Purgatory cf: Lk 16:19-31. No such thing as separate priesthood cf: I Peter 2:5. Bishops must be the husband of one wife cf: I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-8. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I Jn 2:18-19, I Jn 4:1-3 & II Jn 1:7. Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences & built St Peter Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 2, 2016 Bulletin

Kingdom of God, Temple of God, Flock of God

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3 Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ: We have studied that the church is described as both the kingdom of God & the temple of God. The church is also described as the flock of God cf: The Messiah or Christ will be a gentle Shepherd Isaiah 40:10-11, The Lord will save the flock of His people Zechariah 9:9, 11 & 16, Beware: Matthew 7:15, Jesus quotes the prophet about Himself & the flock Matthew 26:31-32, Luke 12:32, Luke 15:4-5, John 10:1-18 & Acts 20:28 The Church is also described as the body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27, one body Romans 12:4-5, the Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & the Church of Christ is also described as the Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17

Invitation: Prayers Requested    September 25, 2016 Bulletin

Hebrews 9: Christ's Church is the New Testament Temple of God

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Acts 2:37-47: God gave pattern for Old Testament temple I Chronicles 28:10-19; David wanted God to have a house I Chronicles 17:1-14; when it was built, God's presence, which had been manifested at the tabernacle, came to fill the temple I Kings 8:6-21; Old Testament temple was a shadow of New Covenant Hebrews 8:5 &10:1; there was a worldly sanctuary Hebrews 9:1 cf: I Peter 2:5, I Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19; Hebrews 9:2 there was a tabernacle cf: Exodus 25:8-9; wherein was the candlestick cf: Revelations 1:20 & Matthew 5:14 & Jn 8:12; & table of showbread cf: Leviticus 24:5-9, only priests could eat & only priests should eat from Lord's Table today cf: I Corinthians 11:23ff. Hebrews 9:3 second veil was torn at death of Christ cf: Matthew 27:51. Hebrews 9:4 golden censer of incense stood before veil cf: Leviticus 16:12, which was a shadow of prayers of saints now having direct access to God cf: Revelations 8:3-4 & 5:8. Hebrews 9:5-6 the first tabernacle was accomplished the service of God by the priesthood. We now have a priesthood of believers. cf: I Peter 2:5-9, Revelations 1:6. During Old Testament period God received blood sacrifices from dead animals. Since sacrifice of Christ Hebrews 9:11-12 God is pleased to receive our bodies as living sacrifices cf: Romans 12:1-2.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    September 18, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 6: The Whole Armor of God

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Mutual duties children and parents; of servants (slaves) & masters. Warfare of the Saints. Armor of God. Sword of the Spirit. Constant prayer. Ephesians 6:1 Children obey parents in Lord, Ephesians6:2 honor father & mother, Ephesians 6:3 cf: Exodus 20:12 That thou may live long, Ephesians 6:4 fathers nurture children, Ephesians 6:5 servants be obedient, Ephesians 6:6 do will of God, Ephesians 6:7 give service w/good will, Ephesians 6:8 you will receive what you do; Ephesians 6:9 masters treat servants well God's your Master, Ephesians 6:10 be strong in the Lord, Ephesians 6:11 put on the whole armor of God, cf: I Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:12 wrestle against rulers of darkness cf: Ephesians 1:21, John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11, II Corinthians 4:4 & Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:13 take unto you the whole armor, Ephesians 6:14 loins girt cf; Isaiah 22:21-23 & breastplate of righteousness Rom. 1:16-17,3:21-22 & Philippians 3:9, Ephesians 6:15 feet shod w/gospel of peace, cf: Isaiah 52:7 & Romans 10:15-18; Ephesians 6:16 shield of faith cf Rom. 5:1 & Hebrews 11:1ff, Ephesians 6:17 helmet & sword, cf: Isaiah 59:17, I Thessalonians 5:8, Mark 16:15-16, Hebrews 4:11-12, Revelations 1:16; Ephesians 6:18 praying always, cf: Luke 18:1, Luke 11:9-10 & Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:19 prayers to open mouth boldly, cf: Ephesians 1:9-10 & 3:9-11; Ephesians 6:20 ambassador in bonds, Ephesians 6:21 so that you know how I do, Ephesians 6:22 comfort your hearts, Ephesians 6:23 peace & love w/faith, Grace be with all them that Love Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 6:24.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    September 11, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 5

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Ephesians 5:1 refers God's kindness found in Ephesians 4:31-32 Imitators forgiving one another as God forgave us 5:2 imitate Christ who offered Himself as a sacrifice cf: Genesis 8:2, Leviticus 1:9 & II Corinthians 2:15; 5:3 certain sins strictly forbidden--fornication--uncleanliness--covetousness are banished; 5:4 no loose life, words or thoughts 5:5 such are virtually an idolater cf: I Corinthians 6:9-11 & I Corinthians 6:16-17 Galatians5:19-21 5:6 let no man deceive you 5:7 don't share their sin 5:8 cf: John 1:4-5, Matthew 5:14-16 & I John 1:5 heathens darken others 5:9 walk as children of light cf: Galatians 5:22-25 5:10 walk acceptable to God 5:11 reprove & rebuke 5:12 secret sins are shameful 5:13 bring true character to light 5:14 sleepers not converted Isaiah 60:1-2, Isaiah 26:19, Romans 6:4-6 & Colossians 2:12 5:15 be wise 5:16 use every opportunity to study 5:17 be not unwise 5:18 wine common intoxicant 5:19 singing Greek psallo--direct object--heart, instead of pagan revelry 5:20 thanks in song coming through Christ 5:21 submit one to another 5:22 wives submit to husband 5:23 organization must have a head 5:24 be in subjection 5:25 husbands love wives 5:26 example to Christian husbands 5:27 holy & without blemish 5:28 man who loveth wife loveth himself 5:29 nourish & cherish flesh as church 5:30 members of body, flesh & bones 5:31 two be one 5:32 great mystery 5:33 he love wife/she reverence husband.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    September 4, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 4

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Ephesians 4:1 Practical duties because our glorious privileges in Christ urged 4:2 Walk or live humility--don't seek repay or get even. 4:3 Unity commanded cf: John 17:20-21 & I Corinthians 1:10-13. 4:4 one body cf: Romans 12:5, I Corinthians 12:12-12-13, Ephesians 2:16, Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:4. 4:4-6 We learned that The Church has 1. Unity of the Head 2. Unity of The Spirit dwelling in church (saints) 3. Unity of Hope (expectation) 4. Unity of The Faith 5. Unity of ordinance for admission 6. Unity of The Father 7. Unity or organization of One Body. 4:7 special offices & gifts 4:8 Quotes Psalm 68:18 captives are sin & death, gifts as a conquering King; 4:9 Christ Divine descended from heaven & ascended to heaven as Psalm teaches. 4:10 @ God's right hand above heavens Hebrews 4:14 & 7:26 4:11 various offices 4:12 helping Saints to higher & holier lives. 4:13 full unity when all know Christ alike. 4:14 children easily deceived 4:15 Never give in to false doctrine rebuke w/ love 4:16 all brethren work harmoniously 4:17 Paul returns to the exhortation of verses 1-3 vanity unenlightened 4:19 given over to sin 4:20-21 ye learned Christ 4:22 New man 4:23 cf Romans 12:2 4;24 cf: John 3:3-5; 4:25 speak truth 4:26 cf: Psalm 4:4 Quotes Septuagint version 4:27 under fit anger--easy tempted 4:28 honest labor antidote 4:29 cursing forbidden 4:31 these grieve Spirit 4:32 cf: Matthew5:7, Matthew 5:43-46, Matthew 6:12, Matthew 6:14-15, Isaiah 1:18, Heb: 8:12 & Colossians 3:13.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 28, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 3

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Ephesians. 3:1 For this cause/glorious work of Cross making Peace & bringing gentiles nigh cf: Ephesians 2:14-22, verb for which I Paul is subject not given until V:14 the in-between verses are parenthetic, Paul writing as Prisoner in Rome because of hatred of Jews cf: Acts 22:17-23; Ephesians 3:2 cf: Acts 22:21; Ephesians3:3 cf: Galatians 1:12, Ephesians 1:9 & Ephesians 2:11-13; Ephesians3:4 ; Ephesians 3:5 Hebrew prophets glimpsed did not understand cf: Genesis 22:18, 26:4, 28:14 & Isaiah 42:6-7; Ephesians 3:6 Jews & Gentiles equal in gospel cf: Galatians 3:14 & Acts 13:46-48; Ephesians3:7 make known God's gracious plan; Ephesians 3:8 great trust granted to unworthy cf: I Corinthians I5:9, Philippians 3:6 & I Timothy 1:13; Ephesians 3:9 Jews & Gentiles God's plan kept hidden; Ephesians 3:10 made known by preaching gospel cf: I Peter 1:12; Ephesians 3:11 plan & purpose God in all ages proposed fulfill in Christ cf: II Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2, I Peter 1:20, Ephesians1:4 & 11; Ephesians 3:12 Jew & Gentile come boldly God through Christ; Ephesians 3:13 not discouraged by Paul chain; Ephesians3:14 Now verb--verse one given he resumes thought cf: Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 3:15 Idea God Father all families earth; Ephesians 3:16 Paul states things prays for Ephesians # 1 Petition strengthened in inner man, Ephesians 3:17 #2 Christ dwell in your hearts by faith; #3 rooted and grounded in love; Ephesians 3:18 unless in love could not understand; Ephesians 3.19 one Paul paradoxes know something of love of God but could never know infinite; Ephesians3:20 God is able to do above all we can conceive; and Ephesians3:21 Lit: all generations of the age of ages.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 21, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 2: Jesus Christ Being the Chief Corner Stone

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Ephesians 2:1 Sin separated us from God but Christ has made us alive. 2:2 Satan's energy leads us to willful sinful life. 2:3 Both Jew & Gentile dead in trespasses & sin w/a sinful mind (Pride)2:4 By nature does not mean born that way cf: Romans 2:14, Children not sinful cf: Matthew 18:3 & 19:14; Resurrection to a new life due to God's rich mercy & Love for all His children. 2:5 We are planted in likeness of His burial & raised in likeness of His resurrection; 2:6 Risen up thoughts above Colossians 2:12 we are to live with our mind in heavenly things Colossians 3:1 with our thoughts above Colossians 3:2; 2:7 In all future time 2:8 The definite article the is found in the Greek before "faith" our works do not merit 2:10 We abound in good works 2:11 Remembrance of what God has done should make us grateful, circumcision heart cf: Romans 2:28-29; 2:12 Not being race of Abraham gentiles had no knowledge of the covenant promises of Christ. 2:13 The means that brought us near to God is the blood of Christ. 2:14 Who has brought peace between us & God cf: Romans 5:1; 2:15 Old Covenant ended @ cross & New Covenant began cf: Matthew 26:26-30; 2:16 When sinner fixes mind on bleeding savor Goodness of God leads him to repentance. Romans 2:4; 2:20 cf: Corner stone on both walls joined them together Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:42-44 cf: Psalm 118:22-23, Acts 4:11-12 & I Peter 2:7-8 cf:I sa. 8:13-15; 2:22 cf: I Peter 2:5 & Romans 12:1-2.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 14, 2016 Bulletin

Ephesians 1: Paul's Love Letter to the Church

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Saints Cf: I Corinthians 1:2, "In Christ" a term used over 30 times in book of Ephesians. Ephesians1:V2 "Grace" (Greek Charis) "Peace" (Hebrew Shalom) shows the make up of the Church; V:3 "Blessed" word for eulogize/praise V:4 Hath (Past tense verb) all spiritual blessings God with held none. V:4 Chosen does not mean that God chose us & rejected others but rather before In the Beginning God chose a plan to have a people unto Himself as adopted children & that people is the Church of Christ. Holiness is proof that we are in Christ. V:5 Predestinated means God foreordained the plan according to His sovereign will. V:6 Resulting in God's praise; V:7 We are sold into bondage of sin & bought back with the price of Jesus blood cf: I Peter 1:19; V:8 Fully shown in His Grace & Mercy; V:9 Beyond human comprehension until revealed V: 10 Fullness of time Last Age cf: Galatians4:4 & Hebrews1:1-2 gathered into one family Body united w/Christ as the head of all angel & human; V:11 Everlasting life cf: I Corinthians 2:9; V:13 Sealed like a calf is branded V:14 Earnest money/down payment seal the bargain V:17 Revelation is God's plan for redeeming mankind in the Church V:18 cf: I John 1:5 V:19 Power = vigor, strength & dominion V;20 If a dead savior can save us from sin / a living savior seated at God's own right hand is more powerful cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 16:19 Hebrews4:14ff & Hebrews8:1.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    August 7, 2016 Bulletin

Isaiah 2: The Kingdom of God and the Church of Christ

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"... and the Lord added unto the Church such as should be saved" [Acts 2:47]. Jesus uses the words "Church" and "Kingdom of Heaven" interchangeably [cf: Matthew 16:16 & 18]; Matthew uses term "Kingdom of Heaven" [cf: Matthew 13:31] and Mark and Luke use the term "Kingdom of God" for the very same verses [cf: Mark 4:30-31]. The Kingdom was promised to come during the lifetime of the Apostles [Mark 9:1]; John the Baptist and Jesus both preached "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" [Matthew 3:1-2 & 4:17]; We are taught to "seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven and His righteousness... " [Matthew 6:33]; The Idea of a coming Kingdom began with King David [cf: II Samuel 7:12-16]; and was carried forward by Isaiah in Jerusalem in Isaiah 2:1; in the Last days in 2:2 [cf: Acts 2:17 & Hebrews 1:1-2]; Mountain of the Lord's house [cf: I Timothy 3:15]; all nations [cf: Matthew 28:18-20]; V;3 "from Zion shall go forth the law" [cf: Matthew22:37, James 1:25 & 2:8]; word of the Lord from Jerusalem [cf: V:4]. The peaceful nature of the kingdom of God is taught in figurative language as in Isaiah 11:1-10. "How do you know preacher these verses are the church age and not some 1,000 year reign?" Well, Paul uses them in Romans 15:12 and says they have already happened. Has the Lion laid down with the Lamb in your life? Have you exchanged your sword for labors of Love?

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 31, 2016 Bulletin

Acts 2:42: The Worship of the Church

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Marching orders for the Church Mark 16:15-15. True worship must be in Spirit and truth cf: John 4:23-24; The Church began on the day of Pentecost 30AD cf: Acts 2:37-47; We are not very mighty or fancy but we depend on God cf:I Corinthians 1:26-27; First example of Worship cf: Acts 2:42; The Church is a Priesthood of All Believers cf: I Peter 2: 5-9; Christians can worship anywhere cf: Acts 2:46; Churches in Homes cf: Acts 5:19-21, Temple & house to house Acts 5:42, a school Acts 19:8-10; Assembly taught Acts 2:42 & Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 24, 2016 Bulletin

Acts 2: Pentecost - The First Gospel Sermon:

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Fellowship called "The Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; is coming destruction of Jerusalem & final judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10. During Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 This is the greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ" - Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 17, 2016 Bulletin

Acts 2: Pentecost - The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

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Pentecost The Apostles & The Apostles Only are Baptized with Holy Spirit: Baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned only once before in Matthew 3:11-12, where John the baptizer tells us it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 the vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle are listed, Apostles must be eye witnesses of the ministry death burial & resurrection of Jesus. Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied cf: Acts 2:1ff. Acts 1:5-21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 10, 2016 Bulletin

Acts 1

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Acts is written in 3rd person but some chapters use first person plural, "we". Act 16:10-18, 20:5-15, 21:1-18, 27:1, 28:16, "we" alerts us the author is eyeball witness. Purpose of author writing Books Lk & Act set forth words & deeds of Jesus in Luke & World conquest by the Gospel in Acts. Introduction Gospel Lk cf: Luke 1:1-4 states Luke's purpose. Luke & Acts 1 work in two parts. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: addressed to Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A Former treatise cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. He worked a miracle & taught from it. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" antecedent that refers back to nearest named noun which is word "Apostle". Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Lk 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Lk 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for promise cf: Lk 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with Holy Ghost, Acts 1:6 Kingdom to come during lifetime of apostles, Mk 9:1. Act 1:7 Don't worry about time, focus on job. Kingdom of God will come with Power cf: Mk 9:1, Act 1:8A Power when Apostles baptized with Holy Spirit. Act 1:8B Apostles witnesses to uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32, 10:39-41, 22:14-15, 23:11, 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Act 1:9 A view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of same event in Heaven at His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7, Acts 1:12-14 Apostles named, Acts 15-18 Prophecy Judas Zechariah 11:10-13, cf: Mt 26:14-16 & 27:3-8, Act 1:19 cf: Jeremiah 7:29-32, Act 1:20 cf: Psalm 69:25 & 109:8, Act 1:21-26 States the qualification to be Apostle showing the office of Apostle was limited & not transferable.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    July 3, 2016 Bulletin

Acts: Introduction to Acts

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Most of Acts is written from the standpoint of the 3rd person. The story moves along "they did" or "he did". A number of verses are first person plural, "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us to the fact that the author is an eyeball witness to the "we" sections in the book of Acts. Purpose author writing Books Luke & Acts report words & deeds Jesus Luke & World conquest in Acts. Introduction Gospel Luke cf:Luke 1:1-4 states purpose. Luke & Acts one work in two parts. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: Both addressed Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" antecedent refers back to "Apostles" Acts 1:3A cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost Acts 1:6 Acts 1:7 cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. Acts 1:8A & Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view from Heaven.

Invitation: 3 Baptisms, Prayers Requested    June 26, 2016 Bulletin

Luke 23:13-47: The Thief on the Cross & Baptism

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How was the Thief on the Cross Saved without being Baptized? 3 Men Crucified - 1 Died in Sin, 1 Died to sin & 1 Died for Sin Read: Luke 23:13-47 Re-read 23:39-42 (1) Who said he wasn't baptized? CF: Mark 1:4-5 (2) The thief on the cross died under the Law of Moses, Hebrews 9:16- 17, & Christ was not yet dead when He pardoned him such as the pardoning of the sinful woman, Lk 7:37-50 & the man Mt 9:1-7. (3) You can't obey the Great Commission that's not yet given. Mark 16:16 Jesus Said: "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned". Our Catholic friends who practice infant baptism teach: "he that is baptized & saved shall believe" Our Baptist friends teach: "he that believeth & is saved should be baptized". Universalists teach: "he that believeth & is baptized shall be saved, & he that believeth not, shall be saved also." Acts 2:1-6 & 2:22-47.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    June 19, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 28, Mark 16, & Luke 24: The Great Commission

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Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene, who goes and tells disciples, Mk 16:9-11. He appears also to two disciples going into the country, who also tell it to the rest, Mk 16:12, 13. Afterwards he appears unto the eleven, and commissions them to preach the Gospel to all mankind, Mk 16:14-16. promises to endue them with power to work miracles, Mk 16:17, 18. He is received up into heaven, Mk 16:19. And they go forth to preach and work miracles. Mt 28:18-20 He gives them a commission to preach the Gospel throughout the earth; to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; and commission to teach "all truth" to converts promises to be with them all ways, Mt 28:18-20 Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them the fullest proof of the reality of his resurrection, Lk 24:36-43. He preaches to them, and gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, Lk 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight, Lk 24:50, 51. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem, Lk 24:52, 53.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    June 12, 2016 Bulletin

Resurrection of Jesus, He "is Risen": Luke 24

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The women coming early to the sepulcher on the first day of the week, bringing their spices, find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty [Luke 24:1-3]. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's resurrection [Luke 24:4-8]. The women return and tell this to the eleven [Luke 24:9, Luke 24:10]. They believe not, but Peter goes and examines the tomb [Luke 24:11, Luke 24:12]. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, and converses with them [vv. 13-29]. While they are eating together, he makes himself known, and immediately disappears Luke 24:30, Luke 24:31]. They return to Jerusalem, and announce his resurrection to the rest of the disciples Luke 24:32-35]. Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of his resurrection [Luke 24:36-43]. He preaches to them, gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, and commissions them [Luke 24:44-49]. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight Luke 24:50, Luke 24:51]. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem [Luke 24:53].

Invitation: 2 Baptisms, Prayers Requested    June 5, 2016 Bulletin

Judas & the 30 Pieces of Silver

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Judas sells his Lord for money [cf: Zechariah 11:7-17]; "Beauty/Covenant" God had to die to break covenant [cf: Colossians 2:14 & Jeremiah 31:31ff]; The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death [Mark 14:1-2 cf: John 11:47-50]; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany [Mark 14:2-9]. Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money - 30 pieces of silver, the price of a slave [Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-10 & Acts 1:15-20]. Both are the end of Judas. He hung himself & finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon [Zechariah 12:10 cf: John 19:31-36 cf: Exodus 12:46; Zechariah 13:1 cf: John 3:1-8 cf: Acts 2:38, Zechariah 13:6-9 cf: Matthew 26:31, John 10:12-13, Matthew 26:14].

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 29, 2016 Bulletin

A Harmony of the Gospels: The Crucifixion of Christ from the Four Gospels

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These verses are chosen for the fullest account. This is much like The earliest known harmony the Diatessaron by Tatian in the 2nd century, and variations based on the Diatessaron continued to appear into the Middle Ages. A Gospel harmony is an attempt to collate the Christian canonical gospels into a single gospel account. Gospel harmonies are constructed and studied by scholars to establish a coherent chronology of the events depicted in the four canonical gospels in the life of Jesus, to better understand how the accounts relate to each other, and to evaluate their use of different words. You should, however, read all 4 Gospels to Understand the complete account.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    May 22, 2016 Bulletin

Exodus 12 & I Corinthians 11:23-26: The Passover and the Lord's Supper

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Hebrews 8:5 & 10:1. The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitution-al death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples, which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20. Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58. The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves and take The Lord's Supper properly. I Corinthians 11:17-33. The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 2:42. They assembled upon the first day of each week to break bread by taking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 20:7.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 15, 2016 Bulletin

The 2nd Coming of Christ, Resurrection Judgment & the End of the World

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Christian Age marked by a Great falling away, cf: II Thessalonians 2:1ff, Man of Sin or Lawlessness, many antichrists, cf: I John 2:18-19 and False Prophets, II Peter 2-3; watch & pray, Luke 21:34-35, Matthew 24:42-44, Mark 13:35-37. The times of the Gentiles, Luke 21:20-24, precedes 2nd coming. Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Type or Shadow of the 2nd coming, Matthew 24:27-31; Angels & a trumpet, ; the Resurrection of Dead, Job 25-27, Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2-3, Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25-26, John 6:40; final Judgment, John 6:63, 12:48, 5:21-30, II Corinthians 5:10; The End, Jude 14-15, I Corinthians 15:24-26. Christians will be Caught Up to meet the Lord in the air, I Thessalonians 4:13-17. Changed and given Immortal bodies, I Corinthians 15:50-55 and I John 3:2; Earth burned up in Flaming Fire, II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:7-13; Great White Throne of Judgment, Revelations 20:11-15; New Heaven & Earth, Revelations 21:1-4, 21:16.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 8, 2016 Bulletin

Is Jesus Coming Soon? Revelation 22:12

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In 70AD Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled. When you study the Olivet address in the 3 synoptic Gospels side cf: Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 Luke makes it plain the abomination of desolation is when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole cf: Luke 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then ye know the desolation there of is nigh. Jesus plainly teaches a long period of time between the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and His 2nd Coming in Power and Glory. Other highly learned brethren such as J.W. McGarvey, B.W. Johnson's Peoples New Testament Commentary, and James Burton Coffman's Commentary have a slightly different understanding of the 2nd Coming of Christ regarding: Matthew 24:27-31 when compared to Luke 21:20-24. Matthew 24:34-51.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    May 1, 2016 Bulletin

Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem: Matthew 23:27-39

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Most teach the 24th chapter of Matthew is talking about the end of the world when Jesus plainly says these things would take place in that generation, meaning 40 years [Matthew 24:34]. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. What we have is use of figurative language such as Isaiah 13 where God describes the destruction of Babylon in the same figurative language: a metaphor. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD [cf: Isaiah 13:10, Matthew 24:29, Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27]. The abomination of desolation was when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole. The word coming often used Old Testament describe God Coming in Judgment [cf: Isaiah 13]. Same language used for Babylon [Ezekiel 32:1ff] same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy destruction of Judah by Babylon & destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Note after Spirit poured out [Joel 2:28-32].

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 24, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 22:15-46: The Character of the Scribes and Pharisees

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The Pharisees and Herodians question Jesus concerning the lawfulness of paying tribute or Taxes to Caesar [Matthew 22:15-22]. The Sadducees question Him concerning the resurrection of the dead [Matthew 22:23-33]. A lawyer questions Him concerning the greatest commandment in the Law [Matthew 22:34-40]. Jesus asks them their opinion of the Christ, "What think ye of Christ whose Son is He?" and confounds them with the question [Matthew 22:41-46].

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    April 17, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 22:1-14: The Parable of the Inauguration and Marriage of the King's Son

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Matthew 21:23-27 Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have? cf Psalms 119:32. The parable of the two sons. Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord cf Isaiah 5:7. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen Matthew 21:23-46 Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard cf. Jeremiah 12:10. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39 The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass cf Matthew 21:1 ff Kill the son and the vineyard is ours cf: John 11:47-50. V:41 They condemned themselves God cast away Israel cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 10, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 21:23-46: The Chief Priests and Pharisees Silenced

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Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority [Matthew 21:23-27]. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have [cf Psalms 119:32]. The parable of the two sons Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord [cf Isaiah 5:7]. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen [Matthew 21:23-46] Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard [cf. Jeremiah 12:10]. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen [cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39] The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass [cf Matthew 21:1 ff] "Kill the son and the vineyard is ours" [cf: John 11:47-50. V:41] They condemned themselves God cast away Israel [cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9]

Invitation: Prayers Requested    April 3, 2016 Bulletin

Mark 11:1-26: The Lord will Suddenly Come to His Temple

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Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers [Matthew 21:12] in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed [Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5], Parables of 2 sons & vineyard [Matthew 21:28-41], The stone [cf: Psalm 118:22ff, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11ff, Romans 9:33, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2]. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem [Mark 11] Official Entrance into Jerusalem [Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5]; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed [Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15]; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. [Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50]; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel [Mark 11:20-26].

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 27, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 18:21-22: The Parable of The One Sin God Won't Forgive

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Jesus heals, Pharisees see - sign Jesus sent from God, Pharisees attribute miracles to Devil, Mt 12:22-37. This is a sin you cannot commit today. On Forgiving: Mt 18:21-22 forgive Every Time you are asked, Hebrews 8:12, Genesis 4:24, Colossians 3:13. Forgive before praying, Mk 11:25-26. Which servant are you? Owing God un-payable debt, Mt 18-24. Gold of Ophir - Finest, I Chr 29:4-7. Can't pay for your sins, Mt 18:25, Ro 3:10-19. Self-Righteous fallen from grace, Ga 5:4. Confess debt, Mt18:26, Psalm 51, Isaiah 64:6. Loosed from debt - God's way, Mt 18:27, Isaiah 61:10-11. Fellow-servant owed tiny amount, Mt 18:28, Romans 2:1 & 6. Begged but he would not forgive him, Mt 18:29-30. He forgot Ro 3:23! King found out, Mt 18:31-32, Psalm 130:3-8. Grace for Grace, Mt 18:33, 5:7, Lk 17:34, Ephesians 4:32, Jm 5:9. To torture, Mt 18:34, Psalm 88. Forgive from your heart, Mt 18:35, 6:12 & 14-15, He 8:12, Zechariah 3:1-4, Lk 15:22, Ro 1:16-17. Live by Faith, Ro 6:3-6.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 20, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 19:13-15: Reward of Discipleship

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We must be converted and become as little children. Matthew 19:16-26 the parable of the Rich Young Ruler who went away sorrowful cf: Mk 10:24. Matthew 19:27-30 What is the reward for a life-time of service? It just doesn't get any better than inheriting eternal life cf: I Corinthians 2:9. What Christ has accomplished in the Gospel is for all, so first or last is irrelevant. Matthew 20:1 The Kingdom of Heaven - we have a Divine Teacher, cf: John 6:44-45, Hebrews 1:1-2 Who calls all who come to the Vineyard. John 6:44, I John 4:10 Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. Matthew 20:2. If it's the first hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:3 If it's the third hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:4 Jesus promises what is right. Matthew 20:5 If it's the 6th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. If it's the 9th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:6-7 If it's the last hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:8-16 What Jesus has accomplished in His life, death, burial & resurrection is for all who come. The Lord is the same now and forever. Come To The Vineyard.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 13, 2016 Bulletin

Luke 15: The Parable of the Prodigal Son and The Elder Brother

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If a woman would search for a token of her beloved that hard how much more should the Shepherds of Israel be seeking the lost. The Parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-24. This would be the horror story of all horror stories to an orthodox Jew... they could not imagine a worse sinner & they sure would not receive such a sinner home as the Father did... put a ring on his hand... Giving a ring was in ancient times a mark of honor and dignity. See Genesis 41:42; I Kings 21:8; Esther 8:2; Daniel 6:17; James 2:2. Luke says "neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment" In every point of view, the anger of the older son was improper and unreasonable. Now, surely the Scribes & Pharisees could identify with this son cf: Romans 3:10-19. The Elder son received a double portion; Deuteronomy 21:16-17. Luke 15:24 Was dead - Lost to all good - given up to all evil. Luke 15:28... He was angry - This refers to the indignation of the scribes and Pharisees. Luke 15:32 this amiable father returns him his own unkind words, but in a widely different spirit.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    March 6, 2016 Bulletin

Luke 15:1-7: The Lost Sheep
Luke 15:8-10: The Lost Coin

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Luke 15:4, search for the Lost one: Psalm 79:13, 100:3; Matthew 15:24; Psalm 23:1, God is The Shepherd; John 10:11 & 14. Luke 15:5, REJOICE at the finding of the Lost: Isaiah 40:10-11, 46:3-4, carry you until I have white hairs; I Peter 2:25. Luke 15:6, told friends & neighbors. Luke 15:7, The joy will be over the one that was Lost: now Found: Psalm 16:11, 89:15-16, 132:16; Isaiah 12:1-3. Elders guide us: Act 20:28-30; obey them: Hebrews 13:17; Protection: I Peter 5:1. Luke 15:8, drop everything & look for the Lost coin: Hosea 2:19-23; Jeremiah 3:11-13; Psalm 18:28, 23:6; Exodus 30:20. Luke 15:9, told friends & neighbors. Luke 15:10, Joy if a Sinner repents: Hebrews 12:2; Revelations 5:9-10; wearing white linen (righteousness), Revelations 19:6-9.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    February 28, 2016 Bulletin

Luke 14: The Parable of the Great Supper, Healing of the Man with Dropsy

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Luke 14:1 The Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law for the Doctors of the law Luke 14:4 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10. A parable regarding social graces, Luke 14:11 Humble yourself. Luke 14:12-14, cf, I Peter 5:5, Whosoever will let him come, Luke 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelation 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 14:15. This is just another empty Pharisee hypocrite ritualistic saying. This man was at the Messianic banquet & didn't know it cf: Mark 1:14-15. Luke 14:16. A certain man is: obviously God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Luke 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf; Isaiah 42:1-7, God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalms 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Luke 14:18 They refused the clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His Old Testament Prophets, Psalms 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought ground ridiculous. Luke 14:19 Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Luke 14:21, Servant came & showed God these things, When? cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mark 16:15-16, Luke 14:22, There is always room for another, John 14:1-2, Luke 14:23, Compel Greek "bend their arm till it aches" God is serious.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    February 21, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 13: The Sower, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure in the Field & Pearl of Great Price

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Matthew 13:1-24, The Parable of the Sower, The Tares 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19 The Church is liken to a "Pearl of Great Price" which when we hear the Gospel we give up everything...

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    February 14, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 13: The Parable of the Tares

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The Sower is Jesus, the Seed is the Word of God, the Field is the World, the Soil is the Human Heart, Fowls are Satan, Wayside is a Hard Hearted Disciple, Stony Ground is shallow hearted disciple, Thorns are the sinful disciples, Good Ground is the honest & good heart cf: Luke 8:15 that hears the Word of God & keeps it. Matthew 13:1-23, The Seed is the Word of God, cf: Deuteronomy 4:2, 31:24-26, Joshua 1:7-9, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19, don't believe your preacher above what is written I Corinthians 4:6, teach only according to word I Peter4:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, 14:23, Hebrews 1:1-2, I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:19-21. Parable of the Tares: Matthew 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    February 7, 2016 Bulletin

Matthew 13: The Parable of the Sower

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The Sower is Jesus, the Seed is the Word of God, the Field is the World, the Soil is the Human Heart, Fowls are Satan, Wayside is a Hard Hearted Disciple, Stony Ground is shallow hearted disciple, Thorns are the sinful disciples, Good Ground is the honest & good heart cf: Luke 8:15 that hears the Word of God & keeps it. Matthew 13:1-23, The Seed is the Word of God, cf: Deuteronomy 4:2, 31:24-26, Joshua 1:7-9, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19, don't believe your preacher above what is written I Corinthians 4:6, teach only according to word I Peter4:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, 14:23, Hebrews 1:1-2, I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:19-21. Parable of the Tares: Matthew 13:24-43: The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf: Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field" What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 "...the precious blood of Christ". Memorize I Peter 1:18-19

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 31, 2016 Bulletin

Mountain Moving Faith & Prayer

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The Commands of The Great Commission, Mark 16:15-16, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 24:45-47, II Timothy 2:2. Need to return to the good old way, Jeremiah 6:16. Have faith in God, Mark 11:22. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, Hebrews 11:1. James 2:26 Moving the mountain along with All of Jesus' works was accomplished through Jesus' oneness with the Father, Mark 11:23. Easier for camel to go through eye of needle, Mark 10:25. Believe and you shall have, Mark 11;:24. Forgive first, Mark 11:25-26. Never cease until you receive an answer, Luke 18:1-8. Of the Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14, How to repent in prayer Psalm 51:1-17. After which you must come to God in the appointed way by believing Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and the Gospel and be baptized for the remission of your sins cf: Acts 2:38-39.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 24, 2016 Bulletin

Teach Us to Pray

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Christ teaches his disciples to pray [Luke 11:1-4]. This is how to pray not what to pray for vain repetitions such as Shema Israel [cf: Deuteronomy 6:4] or our Fathers "are forbidden" [Matthew 6:5-8], because of our relationship with God [Ephesians 2:19-22]. Praise the Lord [Psalm 113:3]. Shows the necessity of importunity in prayer, Thy Kingdom come - the Kingdom of God did come on the day of Pentecost in AD 30 [cf: Daniel 7:13-14, Colossians 1:13]. Jesus was raised to sit on David's throne [Acts 2:29-30], Jesus is a King now [Revelations 17:14 & 19:16]. Why don't we pray? Do we view God as an reluctant neighbor [Luke 11:5-8]? The Parable of the 3 fold prayer [Luke 11:9-13, Psalms 121:1-3]. The parable of the importunate widow, [Luke 18:1-8]. Of the Pharisee and the publican [Luke 18:9-14, Psalm 51:1-17].

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    January 17, 2016 Bulletin

The Good Samaritan, The 70 & A Lawyer's Question

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Christ appoints seventy disciples to go before him, two by two, to preach, heal, etc., Luke 10:1-12. Christ pronounces woes on Chorazin and Capernaum, Luke 10:13-16. The seventy return, and give account of their mission, Luke 10:18 cf: Revelations 12:8-9; Luke 10:19 cf: Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Matthew 4:6, Psalm 91:11-13, Mark 16:18 & Romans 16:20 . Christ rejoices that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent had been revealed unto babes, and shows the great privileges of the Gospel, Luke 10:21-24. A Lawyer's Question: how he shall inherit eternal life, and is answered, Luke 10:25 Cf: Deuteronomy 6:4-8 & Leviticus 19:18 Luke 10: 26-29. The story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-31 cf: Numbers 19:11 Luke 10:32 cf: Exodus 23:4-5. Luke 10:33 Cf John 4:19-20.Luke 10:34-35 cf: Deuteronomy10:19; Luke10:36-37. Who's the "certain man" you can go to?

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    January 10, 2016 Bulletin

John the Baptist - Forerunner of the Messiah

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[Luke 7:1-10]. Raises a widow's son to life at Nain, No prophet has raised the dead since Elijah. [ Luke 5:12ff] Jesus heals a leper, that is a testimony to the Priesthood [cf: Leviticus 13-14, Luke 7:11-17]. John the Baptist hears of his fame, and sends two of his disciples to inquire whether he is the Christ, Jesus' response is His works prove Who He the Messiah [cf: Isaiah 35,42 & 61, Luke 7:18-23]. Christ's character of John, [Luke 7:24-30]. The obstinate blindness and capriciousness of the Jews, [Luke 7:31-35]. A Pharisee invites him to his house, to investigate this rabbi from Nazareth. A sinful woman anoints his head with oil, and washes his feet with her tears [Luke 7:36-38]. The Pharisee is offended [Luke 7:39]. Our Lord reproves him by a parable, and vindicates the woman [Luke 7:40-46]; and pronounces her sins forgiven, thereby claiming Divinity [Luke 7:47-50]. Jesus said "Shalom" only to the woman.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    January 3, 2016 Bulletin

2015 Sermons

Luke 5: The Shepherds of Israel

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The miraculous draught of fishes at the lake of Gennesaret, Luke 5:1-11. Christ heals a leper, Luke 5:12-14. No leper has been healed since Naaman the Syrian by Elisha in II Kings 5. Healing a leper requires great work of the Priesthood Leviticus 13-14. His fame being published abroad, he withdraws to the desert, Luke 5:15, Luke 5:16. He wants to heal the religious leaders Luke 5:17 cf: Isaiah 42:1ff He heals a paralytic person, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, but the people glorify God, Luke 5:17-26. He calls the publican Levi, who makes a feast for Christ, to which he invites a great number of publicans and others, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, and our Lord vindicates his conduct, Luke 5:27-32. The question about fasting answered, Luke 5:33-35. The parable of the new piece of cloth put on the old garment, and the new wine in old bottles, Luke 5:36-39

Invitation: 1 Baptism, Prayers Requested    December 27, 2015 Bulletin

Jesus was Born to Save Us from Hell

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The Hebrew word She-owl is translated into Greek as Hades & into English as Hell. All these words mean the same place which is the place of the dead. During Old Testament times it had 2 parts, torment which was the place of the unbelieving dead, separated from Abraham's bosom, the place of the believing dead. The Rich man & Lazarus [cf: Luke 16:19-31]; The Rebellion of Korah in which Korah went down alive into the pit took place about 1,447 BC cf: Numbers 16:26-40; Later King David wrote Psalm 88 about 1,000 BC so it had been about 500 years since Korah went down alive into the pit & Psalm 88 is a psalm of Korah in Hell. Korah has been dead almost 500 years & hasn't figured out yet his situation is permanent. [Romans 2:1-12 cf: Matthew 10:28 and Matthew 25:31-46].

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 20, 2015 Bulletin

Jesus' First Sermon: The Lord's Anointed

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In the Old Testament Prophets, Priests & Kings were anointed [Luke 4:16-30, Isaiah 61:1-11]. The word anointed Hebrew Maw-shee-akh (Messiah) which we translate in the New Testament as Christ [cf: Psalm 2:1ff], Christ the King [Psalm 45:1ff], The Anointed one to be cut off [Daniel 9:24-27]; Jesus read Isaiah 61:1ff in His first sermon [Luke 4:18-30]. Note: Jesus left the word vengeance out when He reads Isaiah 61 in His first sermon & later explains that the vengeance will be in the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD [cf: Luke 21:22, Acts 4:23ff]; Acts 10:38ff shows us Christ was Anointed with the Holy Spirit [cf: Hebrew 1:8-9]; Now we are anointed with the Holy Spirit at our baptism [Acts 2:38-39], thus we are anointed [II Corinthians 1:21], not to work miracles see Romans 8 as an example of the Holy Spirit in us.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 13, 2015 Bulletin

Translation and Preservation of the Bible

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The Bible teaches about it's self: do not add to the word or take away Deuteronomy 4:2, cf: meditate on or think about the word Joshua 1:7-8; Every word of God is pure or true Proverbs 30:5; Preach and teach according to the law and the testimony which is His word Isaiah 8:20; God's word will accomplish it's task Isaiah 55:10-11; Matthew 13:3-4, 8, & it is Jesus who sows the seed 37-38 cf: Luke 8:11 the seed is the word of God. The word is Spirit and life John 6:63; the word will judge us John 12:48; the Old Testament was written for our learning Romans 15:4; The Old Testament teachings are examples to us to admonish us II Corinthians 10:11; do not think or believe men above what is written I Corinthians 4:6; all scripture is inspired or God breathed II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21 holy men of God spake as they were moved or carried along by the Holy Spirit; God spoke in times past to the Jewish fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoken to us by His son Hebrews 1:1-2; God throughout history has come to people in the roll of the book Hebrews 107 & do not add to the Book or take away from the book Revelation 22:18-19

Invitation: Prayers Requested    December 6, 2015 Bulletin

The Scriptures

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It is used to describe books of the Holy Bible Hebrews taught Christ brought a new & better Testament, Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-13, 9:15. OT is divided into three groups: Law, 1st 5 books of Moses known as Torah & Pentateuch. Prophets, 21 books - major & minor OT Prophets. Writings - 13. The NT of 27 books that naturally divide into 4 parts: 4 Gospels, Acts, Epistles & Revelation. Epistles are 21 books of teaching. 13 are Pauline Epistles. 8 Epistles called General Epistles written by other Apostles/Prophets. Hebrews written by unknown writer. The Bible is a remarkable book. Its Teachings Divinely Inspired. Non-believers account for the Bible on natural rather than supernatural grounds. The doctrine of Inspiration asserts that Bible revelation did not & could not originate in the mind of man. The Bible claims to be "inspired" meaning "God breathed" cf: II Timothy 3:16. It claims Holy men of God "spake" "carried along" by Holy Spirit, II Peter 1:20. Scriptures did not originate in the human mind. They are not a human product & cannot be accounted for on natural grounds. Bible miracles are contrary to ordinary human experience, but they are not contrary to reason. With God, miracles & the extraordinary are not contrary to reason. It isn't that the Bible is different from other religions because man evolved in his thinking & became better. Concepts found in the Bible are completely differ from ancient world. It is not that the Bible is simply a better revelation than Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian, or Roman religion. Truth is: Bible is altogether true while others are altogether false. A fallen Titan named Atlas doesn't really hold the world on his back... it's a lie.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 29, 2015 Bulletin

The Bible

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It is used to describe books of Old & New Testaments. It comes from Greek biblos meaning book. Difference between OT & NT Hebrews taught that Christ brought a new & better Testament, Hebrews 7:22, 8:6-13, 9:15. OT is divided into three groups: Law, 1st 5 books of Moses known as Torah & Pentateuch. Prophets, 21 books - major & minor OT Prophets. Writings - 13. The NT of 27 books that naturally divide into 4 parts: 4 Gospels, Acts, Epistles & Revelation. Epistles are 21 books of teaching. 13 are Pauline Epistles. 8 Epistles called General Epistles written by other Apostles/Prophets. Hebrews written by unknown writer. The Bible is a remarkable book. Its Teachings Divinely Inspired. Non-believers account for the Bible on natural rather than supernatural grounds. The doctrine of Inspiration asserts that Bible revelation did not & could not originate in the mind of man. The Bible claims to be "inspired" meaning "God breathed" cf: II Timothy 3:16. It claims Holy men of God "spake" "carried along" by Holy Spirit, II Peter 1:20. Scriptures did not originate in the human mind. They are not a human product & cannot be accounted for on natural grounds. Bible miracles are contrary to ordinary human experience, but they are not contrary to reason. With God, miracles & the extraordinary are not contrary to reason. It isn't that the Bible is different from other religions because man evolved in his thinking & became better. Concepts found in the Bible completely differ from societies of the ancient world. It is not that the Bible is simply a better revelation than Egyptian, Greek, Babylonian, or Roman religion. Truth is: Bible is altogether true while others are altogether false.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 22, 2015 Bulletin

The Last Supper and the Passover

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Hebrews 8:5 & 10:1. The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitutional death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples, which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20. Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58. The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves and take The Lord's Supper properly. I Corinthians 11:17-33. The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 2:42. They assembled upon the first day of each week to break bread by taking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 20:7.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 15, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 5‑7: Sermon on the Mount

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Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-16, Avoid anger Matthew 5:20-21, God looks upon the heart Matthew 5:27-30, Avenge not but rather Love Matthew 5:38-45. Matthew 6 Avoid outward shows of righteousness Matthew 6:1-4 Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9-13 Forgiveness of other necessary Matthew 6:14-15. Our Lord warns against rash, harsh judgment, Matthew 7:1-5. Shows holy things must not be profaned, Matthew 7:6; fervent prevailing prayer, Matthew 7:7-11. Shows how men should deal w/each other, Matthew 7:12. Exhorts people to enter in at the strait gate, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 7:14 the Way & the faith cf: Greek "tees pis-te-oos" objective Galatians 3:23-27, Ephesians 4:4-5, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, 13:7-8 cf Acts 2:42 & 20:7, 14:22, 16:5,24:14, Rom. 1:5, 14:1, I Corinthians16:13,, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians5:22, Galatians1:23, Ephesians 4:13, Colossians 1:23, Titus:1:13, I Timothy 4:1, 6:20-21, Philippians 1:27, ; beware of false teachers, known by their fruits, Matthew 7:15-20 Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Matthew7:21 no man shall be saved by his mere profession of Christianity, Matthew 7:22, Matthew 7:23. house upon a rock, Matthew 7:24, Matthew 7:25. house, on sand, Matthew 7:26, Matthew 7:27. people are astonished at his doctrine, Matthew 7:28-7:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 8, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 7: False Prophets - Wolves in Sheep's Clothing - Sermon on the Mount

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Our Lord warns against rash, harsh judgment, Matthew 7:1-5. Shows holy things must not be profaned, Matthew 7:6; fervent prevailing prayer, Matthew 7:7-11. Shows how men should deal w/each other, Matthew 7:12. Exhorts people to enter in at the strait gate, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 7:14 the Way & the faith cf: Greek "tees pis-te-oos" objective Galatians 3:23-27, Ephesians 4:4-5, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, 13:7-8 cf Acts 2:42 & 20:7, 14:22, 16:5,24:14, Rom. 1:5, 14:1, I Corinthians16:13,, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians5:22, Galatians1:23, Ephesians 4:13, Colossians 1:23, Titus:1:13, I Timothy 4:1, 6:20-21, Philippians 1:27, ; beware of false teachers, known by their fruits, Matthew 7:15-20 Jeremiah7:8-13, 7:17-20, 7:28-32, 23:1-6 23:15-17, 33:14-17 cf: Acts 2:30-33, Hebrews 1:13, Ezekiel 34:1-12, 34:22-24, Zechariah 11:15-17, II Corinthians 11:13-15, II Timothy 3:1-7, II Peter 2:1-3, 3:3-9, Matthew 7:15-16 no man shall be saved by his mere profession of Christianity, Matthew 7:22, Matthew 7:23. house upon a rock, Matthew 7:24, Matthew 7:25. house, on sand, Matthew 7:26, Matthew 7:27. people are astonished at his doctrine, Matthew 7:28-7:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    November 1, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 7: The Way, The Faith - Sermon on the Mount

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Our Lord warns against rash judgment & uncharitable censures, Matthew 7:1-5. Shows holy things must not be profaned, Matthew 7:6; gives encouragement to fervent persevering prayer, Matthew 7:7-11. Shows how men should deal w/each other, Matthew 7:12. Exhorts people to enter in at the strait gate, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 7:14 the Way cf: Greek "tees pis-te-oos" objective genitive Galatians 3:23-27, Ephesians 4:4-5, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, 13:7-8 cf Acts 2:42 & 20:7, 14:22, 16:5,24:14, Rom. 1:5, 14:1, I Corinthians16:13,, II Corinthians 13:5,Galatians5:22, Galatians1:23, Ephesians 4:13, Colossians 1:23, Titus:1:13, I Timothy 4:1, 6:20-21, Philippians 1:27, ; beware of false teachers, who are known by their fruits, Matthew 7:15-20. Shows no man shall be saved by his mere profession of Christianity, Matthew 7:22, Matthew 7:23. parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock, Matthew 7:24, Matthew 7:25. foolish man built his house, on sand, Matthew 7:26, Matthew 7:27. Christ concludes his sermon, and the people are astonished at his doctrine, Matthew 7:28-7:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 25, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 7: Sermon on the Mount

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Our Lord warns men against rash judgment and uncharitable censures, Matthew 7:1-5. Shows that holy things must not be profaned, Matthew 7:6; gives encouragement to fervent persevering prayer, Matthew 7:7-11. Shows how men should deal with each other, Matthew 7:12. Exhorts the people to enter in at the strait gate, Matthew 7:13, Matthew 7:14; to beware of false teachers, who are to be known by their fruits, Matthew 7:15-20. Shows that no man shall be saved by his mere profession of Christianity, however specious, Matthew 7:22, Matthew 7:23. The parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock, Matthew 7:24, Matthew 7:25. Of the foolish man who built his house, without a foundation, on the sand, Matthew 7:26, Matthew 7:27. Christ concludes his sermon, and the people are astonished at his doctrine, Matthew 7:28, Matthew 7:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 18, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 6: Sermon on the Mount

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For one farthing given to a poor man, a man is made partaker of the vision: where it renders these words, Psalm 17:15, I shall behold thy face in righteousness, Of alms-giving, Matthew 6:1-5. Of prayer, Matthew 6:6-8. The Lord's prayer, or model according to which Christians should pray, Matthew 6:9-13. Of forgiveness, Matthew 6:14, Matthew 6:15. Of fasting, Matthew 6:16, Matthew 6:17. Of laying up treasures, Matthew 6:18-21. Of the single eye, Matthew 6:22, Matthew 6:23. The impossibility of serving two masters, Matthew 6:24. Of contentment and confidence in the Divine providence, Matthew 6:25-32. Directions about seeking the kingdom of God, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 6:34.

Invitation: Prayers Requested    October 11, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 5:1-48: Sermon on the Mount

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Christ begins his sermon on the mount, Matthew 5:1- 5:2. The beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-12. The disciples & Christians the salt of the earth, and light of the world, Matthew 5:13-16. Christ is not come to destroy, but confirm and fulfill, the Law and the Prophets, Matthew 5:17-19. Of the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, Matthew 5:20. Interpretation of the precepts relative to murder, anger, and injurious speaking, Matthew 5:21, Matthew 5:22. Of reconciliation, Matthew 5:23-26. Of impure acts and propensities, and the necessity of mortification, Matthew 5:27-30. Of divorce, Matthew 5:31, Matthew 5:32. Of oaths and profane swearing, Matthew 5:33-37. Of bearing injuries and persecution, Matthew 5:38-41. Of borrowing and lending, Matthew 5:42. Of love and hatred, Matthew 5:43-46. Of civil respect, Matthew 5:47. Christ's disciples must resemble their heavenly Father, Matthew 5:48.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   October 4, 2015 Bulletin

Matthew 5:1-12: The Beatitudes

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Blessed means: happy cf: Psalm 1:1ff; Poor in Spirit (discouraged) Matthew 18:3ff; Mourn (sorrowful) cf: II Corinthians 7:10, Meek (gentle & lowly) Greek word used to describe a wild animal trained for service such as a horse fit for the bridle and saddle cf: Matthew 11:28-29. Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness cf: Matthew 6:33 & John 6:35; Merciful cf: Isaiah 58:6-7 & James 2:13; Pure in Heart cf: Proverbs 4:23, Acts 15:9 & Psalm 51:10-12; Peaceful cf Isaiah 9:6ff, Romans 12:18ff; Persecuted cf: II Timothy 3:12, Rejoice cf: Romans 8:17; The Sermon on the mount is the heart of Jesus' teaching. Blessed is not in unfortunate condition itself, but in the glorious reward to come. Heaven is so superior to anything on earth that anything that increased our longing for heaven is a blessing.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   September 27, 2015 Bulletin

The 2nd Coming of Christ: Judgment & The End of the World

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Christian Age marked by a Great falling away, cf: II Thessalonians 2:1ff, The Man of Sin or Lawlessness, many antichrists, cf: I John 2:18-19 and False Prophets and teachers, II Peter 2-3; watch and pray, Luke 21:34-35, Matthew 24:42-44, Mark 13:35-37. The times of the Gentiles, Luke 21:20-24, precedes the Second Coming. The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, a Type or Shadow of the Second Coming, Matthew 24:27-31; Angels accompanied by a trumpet, ; the Resurrection of the Dead, Job 25-27, Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2-3, Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25-26, John 6:40; final Judgment, John 6:63, 12:48, 5:21-30, II Corinthians 5:10; The End, Jude 14-15, I Corinthians 15:24-26. Christians will be Caught Up to meet the Lord in the air, I Thessalonians 4:13-17. Changed and given Immortal bodies, I Corinthians 50-55 and I John 3:2; Earth burned up in Flaming Fire, II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:7-13; the Great White Throne of Judgment, Revelation 20:11-15; the New Heaven and Earth, Revelations 21:1-4, 21:16

Invitation: 2 Baptisms   September 20, 2015 Bulletin

The Earth to Be Destroyed by Fire at Christ's 2nd Coming

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The apostle shows his design in writing this and the preceding epistle, II Peter 3:1, TO encourage them to remember (study) the entire revelation of God as found in the scriptures. 1I Peter 3:2. Describes the nature of the heresies which should take place in the last times or Christian age ending with the Coming of the Lord. 1I Peter 3:3-8. A thousand years with the Lord are but as a day, II Peter 3:9. He will come and judge the world as he has promised, and the heavens and the earth shall be burnt up, 1I Peter 3:10. How those should live who expect these things, II Peter 3:11, II Peter 3:12. Of the new heavens and the new earth, and the necessity of being prepared for this great change, Revelation 21 1I Peter 3:13, II Peter 3:14. Concerning some difficult things in Paul 's letters that false teachers twist 1I Peter 3:15, II Peter 3:16. We must watch against the error of the wicked, grow in grace, and give all glory to God, 1I Peter 3:17, II Peter 3:18.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   September 13, 2015 Bulletin

Judgments of God - II Peter 2

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Angels who Sinned, The Flood & Sodom II Peter Chapter 2 False teachers foretold, who shall bring in destructive doctrines right along side the truth of scripture but substituted for the truth and shall pervert many, but at last be destroyed by the judgments of God, II Peter 2:1-3. Instances of God's judgments in the rebellious angels, II Peter 2:4. In the pre-flood antediluvians, II Peter 2:5. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, II Peter 2:6-8. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly, as well as to punish the ungodly, II Peter 2:9. The character of those seducing teachers and their disciples; they are unclean, presumptuous, speak evil of dignities, adulterous, covetous, and cursed, II Peter 2:10-14. Have forsaken the right way, copy the conduct of Balaam, speak great swelling words, and pervert those who had escaped from error, II Peter 2:15-19. The miserable state of those who, having escaped the corruption that is in the world, have turned back like the dog to his vomit, and the washed swine to her wallowing in the mire, II Peter 2:20-22

Invitation: Prayers Requested   September 6, 2015 Bulletin

False Teachers are Coming - II Peter 2

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False teachers foretold, who shall bring in destructive doctrines right along side the truth of scripture but substituted for the truth and shall pervert many, but at last be destroyed by the judgments of God, II Peter 2:1-3. Instances of God's judgments in the rebellious angels, II Peter 2:4. In the pre-flood antediluvians, II Peter 2:5. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, II Peter 2:6-8. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly, as well as to punish the ungodly, II Peter 2:9. The character of those seducing teachers and their disciples; they are unclean, presumptuous, speak evil of dignities, adulterous, covetous, and cursed, II Peter 2:10-14. Have forsaken the right way, copy the conduct of Balaam, speak great swelling words, and pervert those who had escaped from error, II Peter 2:15-19. The miserable state of those who, having escaped the corruption that is in the world, have turned back like the dog to his vomit, and the washed swine to her wallowing in the mire, II Peter 2:20-22

Invitation: Prayers Requested   August 30, 2015 Bulletin

The Power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - (Part 2)

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The apostle addressed the persons to whom the epistle was sent described by the state into which God had called them, to live their lives, and in which he had placed them; II Peter 1:1-4. What graces they should possess in order to be fruitful in the knowledge of God; II Peter 1:5-8. The miserable state of those who either have not these graces, or have fallen from them; II Peter 1:9. Believers should give diligence to make their calling and election sure; II Peter 1:10, II Peter 1:11. The apostle is aware of his speedy execution, and he wishes to confirm and establish those Churches in the true faith, II Peter 1:12-15. The certainty of the Gospel, and the convincing evidence which the apostle had of its truth from being present at the transfiguration of Christ, by which the word of prophecy was made more sure, II Peter 1:16-19. How the prophecies came, and their nature, all can understand prophecy alike if your doctrine doesn't get in the way II  Peter 1:20, spake as they were moved by Holy Spirit ie: "carried along" II Peter 1:21

Invitation: Prayers Requested   August 23, 2015 Bulletin

The Power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ - (Part 1)

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I Peter 1 The apostle addressed the persons to whom the epistle was sent described by the state into which God had called, them to live their lives and in which he had placed, them, II Peter 1:1-4. What graces they should possess in order to be fruitful in the knowledge of God, II Peter 1:5-8. The miserable state of those who either have not these graces, or have fallen from them, II Peter 1:9. Believers should give diligence to make their calling and election sure, II Peter 1:10, II Peter 1:11. The apostle's is aware of his speedy execution, and he wish to confirm and establish those Churches in the true faith, II Peter 1:12-15. The certainty of the Gospel, and the convincing evidence which the apostle had of its truth from being present at the transfiguration of Christ, by which the word of prophecy was made more sure, II Peter 1:16-19. How the prophecies came, and their nature, all can understand prophecy alike if your doctrine doesn't get in the way II Peter 1:20, spake as they were moved by Holy Spirit ie: "carried along" II Peter 1:21.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   August 16, 2015 Bulletin

The Great Falling Away

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The Man of Sin or The man of Lawlessness & The Great Falling Away
II Thessalonians 2:1--13, Who in history could possibly be a man ruling in the church Roman Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappas) or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7. Shortly Rome made laws & many truths of God were changed into the teaching of men: cf: Matthew 15:9, Latin to be only language of scriptures. Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Saved by grace not works cf: Ephesians 2:8. Mary not mediator between God & man cf: I Timothy 2:5. Ask in Jesus' name not Mary's cf: John 16:23-26. "Our Father" & "Hail Mary" vain repetitions cf: Matthew 6:7. Hell has no halfway house called Purgatory cf: Luke 16:19-31. No such thing as separate priesthood, all Christians are priests cf: I Peter 2:5. Bishops must be the husband of one wife cf: I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-8. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. The Greek prefix anti means instead of or in place of & carries the idea of substitution. Anything instead of Christ, in place of Christ or substituted for Christ is anti-Christ. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I John 2:18-19, I John 4:1-3 & II John 1:7. Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences & built St Peter's Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33

Invitation: Prayers Requested   August 9, 2015 Bulletin

No Rapture - No "Left Behind"

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The Second Coming of Christ & Our being "caught up together:" The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. This make believe non-sense was dreamed up by a man named Darbey in 1831 and was picked up by "pre-trib rapture" enthusiast and proclaimed as truth by Baptist & Pentecostals. At the end of time Christ will come again, Matthew 25:31-46, raise the dead and sit in judgment John 5:21-29, we will be caught up to go with Christ, Pre-trib rapture use I Thessalonians 4:13-14 as proof text but that is at the resurrection which is the last day John 6:40 Saints accompany cf: Jude 14 & The coming of Christ will be accompanied by great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Exodus 19:16-19, Christians who are alive will be changed I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11. this earth will be burned up & we go to New Heavens & a New Earth: Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, & I Peter 3

Invitation: Prayers Requested   August 2, 2015 Bulletin

Christ's Resurrection & Our Resurrection

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Christ's Resurrection & Our Resurrection I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. he resurrected Christ, seen over 500 witnesses & Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. Apostles preached same things, I Corinthians 15:11. Judaizing false teacher I Corinthians 15:12.negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & firstfruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ 2nd Adam, I Corinthians 15:2122. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules over all things, I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is one of the hardest verses in the New Testament to understand. In my opinion, Paul is saying that they are being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. Paul now states the obvious question of the false teacher in Corinth, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & he answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. 2nd Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: Matthew 25:31ff, I Thessalonians 4:13 thru Chap 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29

Invitation: Prayers Requested   July 26, 2015 Bulletin

The Coming of Christ in His Glory

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When the Son of Man shall Come in His Glory Matthew 25:31-46 death, judgment & 2nd Coming Christ Hebrews 9:27-28, the basis of the judgment John 6:40, 63 & 12:48; Christ the word of God is the righteous Judge John 5:21-30, all shall appear before the judgment bench II Corinthians 5:10, Christ coming accompanied by the angels Matthew 25:31, Matthew 24:30-31, the great white throne of judgment Revelations 20:11-15; Matthew 25:32-34; come to Christ while you are still alive Revelations 22:17, John 7:37-39 & Isaiah 55:1; heaven is grand above any imaginations I Corinthians 2:9; This is not what you do to be saved, this is what the saved do Matthew25:35-36 cf: Isaiah 58:1-12, The Saints in all ages and lands who had never seen Him answer: Matthew 25:35-40 cf: Galatians6:10; Matthew25:41, Christ is coming with the angels in flaming fire II Thessalonians 1:7-9, Had the lost have seen Him in His splendor they would have denied Him nothing Matthew 25:42-46, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of His Saints ie: "Holy Ones" cf: Jude 14-15

Invitation: Prayers Requested   July 19, 2015 Bulletin

The Parable of the Talents

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In this parable of our Lord, four things may be considered: I. The master who distributes the talents. His kindness. He distributes these goods diversely. He distributes his talents with Wisdom. II. The servants who improved their talents. These persons are termed slaves, such as were the property of the master, who might dispose of them as he pleased. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded ... Matthew 25:16. The work was speedily begun; The work was perseveringly carried on; after a long time the lord of those servants cometh, Matthew 25:19.  Their work was crowned with success. Luke 2:52. They were ready to give in a joyful account when their master came and called for them Matthew 25:21. III. The servant who buried his talent Matthew 25:18. See the ingratitude of this servant , his idleness, his gross error, his injustice. Hear the absurdity of his reasoning Matthew 25:24. IV. His punishment. He is punished with an everlasting separation from God and the glory of his power. Cast forth the unprofitable servant, Matthew 25:30. Let him have nothing but darkness, who refused to walk in the light: let him have nothing but misery - weeping and gnashing of teeth, who has refused the happiness which God provided for him.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   July 12, 2015 Bulletin

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

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"Virgins" - Denoting purity of Christian doctrine and character. "Five of them were wise", or, provident; "five were foolish", which might be translated careless; Matthew 25:1-12. The state of Jews and professing Christians - the state of the visible Church at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, and in the day of judgment: for the parable appears to relate to both those periods. And particularly at the time in which Christ shall come to judge the world, it shall appear what kind of reception his Gospel has met with. This parable, or something very like it, is found in the Jewish records: in a treatise entitled Reshith Chocmah, we read thus: "... Repent whilst thou hast strength to do it, whilst thy lamp burns, and thy oil is not extinguished; for if thy lamp be gone out, thy oil will profit thee nothing." The necessity of being constantly prepared to appear before God, Matthew 25:13. "watch therefore" If to watch be to employ ourselves chiefly about the business of our salvation, alas! how few of those who are called Christians are there who do watch! How many who slumber! How many who are asleep! How many seized with a lethargy! How many quite dead! "wherein the Son of man cometh" these words are omitted by most versions. We must be ready, Always. Amen.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   July 5, 2015 Bulletin

Christ's Coming Could Be Anytime

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"Take ye heed, watch and pray" "For ye know not what hour your Lord doth come"
Luke 21:24 70AD Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled. When you study the Olivet address in the 3 synoptic Gospels said Take ye heed, watch and pray cf: Matthew24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 Luke is plain abomination of desolation is when Roman army surrounded Jerusalem cf: Luke 21:20 Jesus plainly teaches there is a long period of time between the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and His 2nd Coming in Power and Glory. Other highly learned brethren such as J.W. Mc Garvey, B.W. Johnson's Peoples New Testament Commentary, and James Burton Coffman's Commentary have a slightly different understanding of the 2nd Coming of Christ that: Matthew 24:27-34 is like types and shadows and applies to both 70 AD destruction and the 2nd coming when compared to Luke 21:20-24. Watch and Pray it can happen anytime Matthew 24:34-51

Invitation: Prayers Requested   June 28, 2015 Bulletin

"Until the Times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled"

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Luke 21:24 70AD Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be Fulfilled. When you study the Olivet address in the 3 synoptic Gospels side cf: Matthew24, Mark 13 & Luke 21 Luke makes it plain the abomination of desolation is when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole cf: Luke 21:20And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then ye know the desolation thre of is nigh. Jesus plainly teaches a long period of time between the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and His 2nd Coming in Power and Glory. Other highly learned brethren such as J.W. McGarvey, B.W. Johnson's Peoples New Testament Commentary, and James Burton Coffman's Commentary have a slightly different understanding of the 2nd Coming of Christ regarding: Matthew 24:27-31 when compared to Luke 21:20-24. Matthew 24:34-51

Invitation: Prayers Requested   June 21, 2015 Bulletin

The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 2)

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Jesus plainly says these things would take place in that generation - 40 years Matthew 24:34. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. What we have is the use of figurative language such as Isaiah 13 where God describes the destruction of Babylon in the same figurative language. Just a metaphor for I'll knock your lights out. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Isaiah 13:10 with Matthew 24:29. Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27. 69 "weeks" of years is Sabbath years or 7 years. 69 X 7= 483 years till Messiah Comes. 457BC Commandment rebuild Jerusalem less 483 years is 26AD the year Jesus began His ministry. Jesus preached 3 1/2 years was cut off and thereby caused the sacrifice in the temple to cease having any efficacy the last 3 1/2 years is reckoned from 66 AD. Jews rebelled to 70AD when with the abomination of desolation the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole. The word coming often used Old Testament describe God Coming in Judgment cf: Isaiah 13 same language used for Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy the destruction of Judah by Babylon & the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Note after Spirit poured out Joel 2:28-32

Invitation: Prayers Requested   June 14, 2015 Bulletin

The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (Part 1)

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Most teach the 24th chapter of Matthew is talking about the end of the world when Jesus plainly says these things would take place in that generation meaning 40 years Matthew 24:34. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. What we have is the use of figurative language such as Isaiah 13 where God describes the destruction of Babylon in the same figurative language. Just a metaphor for I'll knock your lights out. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Isaiah 13:10 with Matthew 24:29. Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27 The abomination of desolation was when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole. The word coming often used Old Testament describe God Coming in Judgment cf: Isaiah 13 same language used for Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy the destruction of Judah by Babylon & the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Note after Spirit poured out Joel 2:28-32

Invitation: Prayers Requested   June 7, 2015 Bulletin

The Church: A Fellowship of Believers is Born

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After Peter Preaches the 1st Gospel Sermon he sums up the sermon in Acts 2:36 Jesus was made both Lord and Christ. The people cry "What must we do?" V:37 and Peter gives them 2 imperatives "repent and be baptized" which are figures of speech called a synecdoche in which a part is represented as a whole. Note belief, faith & confessing Christ as Lord is left out of the figure of speech. Much like saying "I'm just working to get a roof over my head" in which "roof" stands for a whole house. Therefore the terms of salvation are everything God has said in the N.T. to be saved. The 2 Promises are "remission of sins and the gift (ordinary) of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:39 shows the perpetual nature of the plan of salvation discussed above. Acts 2:40 better translated "be saved or allow yourself to be saved" by coming to God in the appointed way. Acts 2:41 3,000 baptized and saved on Pentecost Vs: 3,000 killed at the giving of the Law. Acts 2:42 primitive original Christian worship is described. Cf: II Timothy 2:2 Acts 2:43 The Apostles continue to work "wonders and signs" Acts 2:44-46 special gifts were necessary to care for the first 3,000 while they stayed in Jerusalem and were taught. Acts 2:47 The Lord added to the Church daily such as should be saved

Invitation: Prayers Requested   May 31, 2015 Bulletin

The First Gospel Sermon Teaching How to "Call Upon the Name of the Lord"

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Baptism of the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11-12, John the baptizer Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire".  Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied cf: Acts 2:1ff. Acts 1:5-21 A study of "the last days" cf: Joel 2:28ff.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   May 24, 2015 Bulletin

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

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Baptism of the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11-12, John the baptizer Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire".  Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied cf: Acts 2:1ff. Acts 1:5-21 A study of "the last days" cf: Joel 2:28ff.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   May 17, 2015 Bulletin

Eye Witness: Introduction to The Book of Acts (Part 2)

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Most of Acts is written in 3rd person. The story says: "they did "or "he did ". Later some verses use 1st person plural "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" author witness to"we" sections. Purpose writing Books of Luke & Acts tell words & deeds of Jesus Luke & World conquest by Gospel in Acts. Introduction Luke 1:1-4 states purpose. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. He worked a miracle & taught from it. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" whom" antecedent that refers back to the nearest named noun which is "Apostle" in verse 2. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles baptized w/ Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12 & the lesson on John 13, 14, 15, & 16. Acts 1:6 Jesus promised the Kingdom to come during lifetime of apostles in Mark 9:1. Acts 1:7 Don't worry about the time, cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. the Kingdom of God come with Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A & Power when Holy Ghost comes upon the Apostles, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B Apostles witnesses unto the all the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of the same event in Heaven. At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   May 10, 2015 Bulletin

Eye Witness: Introduction to The Book of Acts (Part 1)

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Most of Acts is written in 3rd person. The story says: "they did "or "he did ". Later some verses use 1st person plural "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" author witness to"we" sections. Purpose writing Books of Luke & Acts tell words & deeds of Jesus Luke & World conquest by Gospel in Acts. Introduction Luke 1:1-4 states purpose. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Several threads tie Luke & Acts together: Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. He worked a miracle & taught from it. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" whom" antecedent that refers back to the nearest named noun which is "Apostle" in verse 2. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles baptized w/ Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12 & the lesson on John 13, 14, 15, & 16. Acts 1:6 Jesus promised the Kingdom to come during lifetime of apostles in Mark 9:1. Acts 1:7 Don't worry about the time, cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. the Kingdom of God come with Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A & Power when Holy Ghost comes upon the Apostles, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B Apostles witnesses unto the all the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of the same event in Heaven. At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   May 3, 2015 Bulletin

The Gospel Teaching on Resurrection (Part 2)

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The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel.  I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things, I Corinthians 15:11. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth I Corinthians 15:12. Paul takes a negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ reigns as a King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules over all things, I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is one of the hardest verses in the New Testament to understand. In my opinion, Paul is saying that they are being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. Paul now states the obvious question of the false teacher in Corinth, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & he answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: Matthew 25:31ff, I Thessalonians 4:13 thru Chap 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29

Invitation: Prayers Requested   April 26, 2015 Bulletin

The Gospel Teaching on Resurrection (Part 1)

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The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel.  I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things, I Corinthians 15:11. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth I Corinthians 15:12. Paul takes a negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ reigns as a King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules over all things, I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is one of the hardest verses in the New Testament to understand. In my opinion, Paul is saying that they are being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. Paul now states the obvious question of the false teacher in Corinth, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & he answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: Matthew 25:31ff, I Thessalonians 4:13 thru Chap 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29

Invitation: Prayers Requested   April 19, 2015 Bulletin

Resurrection of the Messiah Prophesied

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Psalm 2:1-12: This Psalm is Remarkable for its eloquent change of persons. It is like a heavenly stage play with different people who speak. Psalm 2:1-2 The Prophet Speaks & foretells of the coming Messiah or Christ.  How do you know this prophecy is of Christ? An inspired Apostle tells me I am tracking this Psalm correctly cf: Acts 4:25 ff. Psalm 2:3 The Enemies Speak Psalm 2:4-5 The Prophet Answers the Enemies Cf: Luke 21:20  Psalm 2:6 God Speaks cf: Hebrews 12:22. Psalm 2:7 The Messiah Speaks cf: Son Luke 1:31,  Matthew 3:13ff, Matthew 17:5ff, II Peter 1:15, Acts 13:33, Romans 1:3-4, Hebrews 1:1-6 & Hebrews 5:5. Psalm 2:8-9. God Answers the Messiah cf: Revelation 2:27, Revelations 12:5 & Rev, 19:15. Psalm 2:10-12, Prophet encourages Enemies to submit to God & His Messiah cf: Hebrews 6:18 & Ephesians 1:17-23

Invitation: Prayers Requested   April 12, 2015 Bulletin

Resurrection of Jesus, He "is risen"

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The women coming early to the sepulcher on the first day of the week, bringing their spices, find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty, Luke 24:1-3. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's resurrection, Luke 24:4-8. The women return and tell this to the eleven, Luke 24:9, Luke 24:10. They believe not, but Peter goes and examines the tomb, Luke 24:11, Luke 24:12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, and converses with them, vv. 13-29. While they are eating together, he makes himself known, and immediately disappears, Luke 24:30, Luke 24:31. They return to Jerusalem, and announce his resurrection to the rest of the disciples, Luke 24:3235. Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of his resurrection, Luke 24:36-43. He preaches to them, gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, and commissions them: Luke 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight, Luke 24:50, Luke 24:51. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem, Luke 24:52, Luke 24:53.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   April 5, 2015 Bulletin

Psalm 22: Prophecy of Jesus' Resurrection

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Psalm 22:1 Prophecy by King David written 1,000 BC V:1 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:1-7 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 their words-cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:9-15 thrust fulfilled cf: John 19:28, brought to the dust of death Genesis 3:19; Psalm 22:16 dogs Hebrew keh-leb male prostitute; pierced hands & feet fulfilled cf: John 20:24-39; Psalm 22:17-18 cast lots fulfilled cf: John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:19-22 fulfilled each Lord's day cf: Hebrews 2:12 because of Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:23-26 shall live forever John 11:25-26; Psalm 22:27-28 governor fulfilled Matthew 28:18:20; Psalm 22:29 fat upon the earth cf:  Deuteronomy 32:14-15, Eat  Worship - fulfilled Cf: John 18:28; Psalm  22:29 all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 22:30 seed child cf: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:31 declare His righteousness Romans 1:16-17 & 3:21-26

Invitation: Prayers Requested   March 29, 2015 Bulletin

The Suffering Servant (Part 2)

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Isaiah 53 is a prophecy of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the Gospel cf: I Corinthians 15:1-4 written about 750 years before it happened. When is a Prophet a Prophet? When everything he says comes to pass cf: Deuteronomy 18:21-22. Only God knows and can tell the future cf: Isaiah 41:2122 & 46:9-10. As much as the Jews today try to blame the Romans it was the Jews who pre-meditated the murder of their Messiah John 1:11-12 & 11:47-50. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6.atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf: Matthew 27:26, All men are sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf: John 19:10. Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19,Messiah to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8.crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff. Isaiah 53:12, there is one mediator between God and men Jesus Christ I Timothy 2:5

Invitation: Prayers Requested   March 22, 2015 Bulletin

The Suffering Servant (Part 1)

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God's Servant to Die. Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 42:6-7; Isaiah 49:1, cf: Luke 1:31-33.sword, cf: Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews4:12, & Revelations 1:16., Isaiah 49:3, cf: Luke 22:24-27.Isaiah 49:5-6, cf: Acts 13:47.Isaiah 49:8 cf: I Corinthians 6:2. Isaiah 49:16; Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46, Isaiah 50:5-6, cf: Matthew 27:26.cf: Matthew 26:66-68; Isaiah 50:7-11.Isaiah 52:13 cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, Isaiah 52:14-15, cf: Rom. 15:21. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Additionally, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6.atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf:Matthew 27:26, All sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10. Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19,to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8.crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff. Isaiah 53:12, there is just one mediator between God and men I Timothy 2:5

Invitation: Prayers Requested   March 15, 2015 Bulletin

Hebrews 12

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Having so many incitements to holiness, patience, and perseverance, we should lay aside every hindrance, and run with patience the race that is set before us, taking our blessed Lord for our example, Hebrews 12:1-4, cf: I Corinthians 9:24-27 & Phillipians 3:13-14. These sufferings are to be considered as fatherly chastisements from God, and to be patiently submitted to on account of the benefits to be derived from them, Hebrews 12:5-11. They should take courage and go forward, Hebrews 12:12, Hebrews 12:13. Directions to follow peace with all men, and to take heed that they fall not from the grace of God, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 12:15. References to the case of Esau, Hebrews 12:16, Hebrews 12:17. The privileges of Christians, compared with those of the Jews, by which the superior excellence of Christianity is shown, Hebrews 12:18-24. They must take care not to reject Jesus, who now addressed them from heaven, and who was shortly to be their Judge, Hebrews 12:25-27. As they were called to receive a kingdom, they should have grace, whereby they might serve God acceptably, Hebrews 12:28, Hebrews 12:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   March 8, 2015 Bulletin

From Death & Slavery to Eternal Life

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Psalm 23:1-6, David's confidence in The Great Shepherd - John 10:11, 10:14, Hebrews 13:20, I Peter 2:35, 5:4; John 11:1-44, Christ raises Lazarus after Four Days Dead; Romans 1:16-20, the Power of God unto Salvation; I Corinthians 15:1-4, the Gospel of Christ's Resurrection; Romans 6:1-14, Obeying the Gospel and Crucifying the body of sin.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   March 1, 2015 Bulletin

Hebrews 12

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Hebrews 12 Having so many incitements to holiness, patience, and perseverance, we should lay aside every hindrance, and run with patience the race that is set before us, taking our blessed Lord for our example, Hebrews 12:1-4. These sufferings are to be considered as fatherly chastisements from God, and to be patiently submitted to on account of the benefits to be derived from them, Hebrews 12:5-11. They should take courage and go forward, Hebrews 12:12, Hebrews 12:13. Directions to follow peace with all men, and to take heed that they fall not from the grace of God, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 12:15. References to the case of Esau, Hebrews 12:16, Hebrews 12:17. The privileges of Christians, compared with those of the Jews, by which the superior excellence of Christianity is shown, Hebrews 12:18-24. They must take care not to reject Jesus, who now addressed them from heaven, and who was shortly to be their Judge, Hebrews 12:25-27. As they were called to receive a kingdom, they should have grace, whereby they might serve God acceptably, Hebrews 12:28, Hebrews 12:29.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   February 22, 2015 Bulletin

Faith: Hebrews 11 (Part 2)

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A definition of faith, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:2. What are its immediate objects, Hebrews 11:3. What are its effects, instanced in Abel, Hebrews 11:4. In Enoch, Hebrews 11:5, Hebrews 11:6. In Noah, Hebrews 11:7. In Abraham, Hebrews 11:8-10. In Sara, Hebrews 11:11. In their righteous posterity, Hebrews 11:12-16; In Abraham's offering of his son Isaac, Hebrews 11:17-19. In Isaac, Hebrews 11:20. In Jacob, Hebrews 11:21. In Joseph, Hebrews 11:22. In Moses, Hebrews 11:23-28. In the Israelites in the wilderness, Hebrews 11:29. In the fall of Jericho, Hebrews 11:30. In Rahab, Hebrews 11:31. In several of the judges, and in David, Samuel, and the prophets, Hebrews 11:32-34. The glorious effects produced by it in the primitive martyrs, Hebrews 11:35-40.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   February 15, 2015 Bulletin

Faith: Hebrews 11 (Part 1)

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A definition of faith, Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:2. What are its immediate objects, Hebrews 11:3. What are its effects, instanced in Abel, Hebrews 11:4. In Enoch, Hebrews 11:5, Hebrews 11:6. In Noah, Hebrews 11:7. In Abraham, Hebrews 11:8-10. In Sara, Hebrews 11:11. In their righteous posterity, Hebrews 11:12-16; In Abraham's offering of his son Isaac, Hebrews 11:17-19. In Isaac, Hebrews 11:20. In Jacob, Hebrews 11:21. In Joseph, Hebrews 11:22. In Moses, Hebrews 11:23-28. In the Israelites in the wilderness, Hebrews 11:29. In the fall of Jericho, Hebrews 11:30. In Rahab, Hebrews 11:31. In several of the judges, and in David, Samuel, and the prophets, Hebrews 11:32-34. The glorious effects produced by it in the primitive martyrs, Hebrews 11:35-40.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   February 8, 2015 Bulletin

The Beatitudes and the Maledictions: Blessings and Curses

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OT words for Blessed: Barak-to cause to kneel in adoration; &, Esher-Happy. God blesses (barak) Adam & Eve, Genesis 1:26-28; Noah, Genesis 9:1; & Abraham, Genesis 12:1-3. God curses serpent, Genesis 3:14; ground, 3:17; Cain, 4:11; & Canaan, 9:25. Deuteronomy 27 Blessing/Curses pronounced: Mt Gerazim blessings, Mt Ebal cursings, cf: Jos 8:30-34. Deuteronomy 28 contrasts vs 1-14 blessings: vs 15-68 curses. David's Beatitudes: Psalm 1:1; 32:1-2; 33:12; 34:8; 37:26 (Barak); 40:4; 41:1; 65:4; 84:5, 12; 89:15; 94:12; 112:1; 128:1. Two words in NT for Blessed: Eulogio - to adore, to praise; Makarios - to be happy. Jesus' Beatitudes from Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:1-12; Greek for blessed is Makarios. Beatitudes & woes from Sermon on the Plain. Luke 6:12-28. In V28 the word "bless" is Eulogio. Jesus separates sheep from goats, Matthew 25:31-46. V34. "come ye Blessed (eulogio) of My Father, inherit the kingdom..." the blessing is in the inheritance. V41. "depart from me ye cursed..." How do we obtain blessings & not the curse? Jas 1:25, 2:8. Look into perfect law of liberty-Royal Law. And do. Love God & thy neighbor. ICo 16:22 If any man love not Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   February 1, 2015 Bulletin

Will God Forgive Me or Have I Committed the "Unforgiveable Sin?"

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Hebrews 10 v.1 Not the things, the shadow; v.2 offered over & over; v.3 daily, monthly, yearly; v.4 animal blood pointed toward Lamb; v.5 Christ's Body needed, Psalm 40:6-8; v.6 not His will, Leviticus 1:17 & 4:1 thru 5:13; v.7 Christ comes; v.8 Levitical sacrifices don't please God; v.10 sins removed; v.11 not good enough; v.12 One Sacrifice & Done; v.13 enemies conquered; v.14 sanctified, Hebrews 2:11, 10:10, 10:29, I Co 1:2; v.15 perfected; v.16 covenant, Jeremiah 31:33-34, Hebrews 8:10; v.17 remembered no more; v.18 remission; v.19 assurance of heaven; v.20 Christ is THE WAY; v.21 High Priest; v.22 heart/spirit cleansed, Titus 3:5, Act 22:16; v.23 cling to faith; v.24 care for each other; v.25 temptation to stay away from church; v.26 deliberately trample Christ's will; v.27 only judgment ahead, Hebrews 6:1 - those that oppose Jesus, Matthew 12:22-37; v.28 willfully rebelled - death, Numbers 15:30-36, Deu13:6-10; v.29 rejected; v.30 vengeance; v.31 fearful; v.32 persecution; v.33 reproached; v.34 sympathy; v.35 trial; v.36 patience, Ro 5:3-5; v.37 Christ coming, Habakkuk 2; v.38 faith, Habakkuk 2:4, Psalm 5:4; v.39 live by faith.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   January 25, 2015 Bulletin

Types & Shadows: The Church & The Temple (Part 2)

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The OT Tabernacle & Temple were a material, or, physical form of worship commanded in Exodus 40. Hebrews 10:1, & 8:5-6. Shadows: Hebrews 8:5-6, Hebrews 9:1; Perfect Sacrifice, Exodus 20:22; Lamb, Jn 1:29; Horn, I Co 5:7, Exodus 29:38, Lk 1:69, Psalm 18:2, Psalm 132:17, Hebrews 6:18; living sacrifice, Ro 12:1-2; Laver, Exodus 19:5-6, Act 2:38-39, Ti 3:5, Galatians 3:27; anointed, Exodus 30:22-33, Leviticus 14: & 27, Hebrews 1:9, Act 2:38, & 47, Ephesians 2:19-22; tabernacle, Hebrews 9:2, I Peter 2:5-9; candlestick, Exodus 25:31-40, Matthew 5:14-16; shewbread, Leviticus 24:5-9, Matthew 26:26-30; Holy of Holies, Hebrews 9:3; incense, Lk 1:8-10. Direct access, Matthew 27:51, Revelations 5:8, Hebrews 10:19-22. Contents of Holy of Holies: ark of the covenant, Hebrews 9:4, Leviticus 16:12, Exodus 25:10-16; gold pot, Exodus 16:32-34; Aaron's rod, Numbers 17:1-11; tables, Deuteronomy 10:1-5; cherubims, Hebrews 9:5, Genesis 3:24. 1st tabernacle, Hebrews 9:6; 2nd tabernacle, Hebrews 9:7, Leviticus 16:11-15, Exodus 30:10-25; Veil still intact, Hebrews 9:8; figures, Hebrews 9:9; flesh, Hebrews 9:10; Christ the High Priest, Hebrews 9:11; Christ's blood, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 7:22-27; bulls & goats, Hebrews 9:13, Numbers 19:21; blood of Christ, Hebrews 9:14; mediator, Hebrews 9:15; inheritance, Hebrews 9:16-17; without blood, Hebrews 9:18; Moses sprinkled blood , Hebrews 9:19-23, Exodus 24:1-8, (Exodus 21-23), Exodus 40:9-15, Leviticus 8:24, Leviticus 16:16, 19, & 33, Hebrews 8:5; intercedes, Hebrews 9:24-25; Christ suffers once, Hebrews 9:26; judgment, Hebrews 9:27; sin offering, Hebrews 9:28.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   January 18, 2015 Bulletin

Types & Shadows: The Church & The Temple (Part 1)

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The OT Tabernacle & Temple were a material, or, physical form of worship commanded in Exodus 40. Hebrews 10:1, & 8:5-6. Shadows: Hebrews 8:5-6, Hebrews 9:1; Perfect Sacrifice, Exodus 20:22; Lamb, Jn 1:29; Horn, I Co 5:7, Exodus 29:38, Lk 1:69, Psalm 18:2, Psalm 132:17, Hebrews 6:18; living sacrifice, Ro 12:1-2; Laver, Exodus 19:5-6, Act 2:38-39, Ti 3:5, Galatians 3:27; anointed, Exodus 30:22-33, Leviticus 14: & 27, Hebrews 1:9, Act 2:38, & 47, Ephesians 2:19-22; tabernacle, Hebrews 9:2, I Peter 2:5-9; candlestick, Exodus 25:31-40, Matthew 5:14-16; shewbread, Leviticus 24:5-9, Matthew 26:26-30; Holy of Holies, Hebrews 9:3; incense, Lk 1:8-10. Direct access, Matthew 27:51, Revelations 5:8, Hebrews 10:19-22. Contents of Holy of Holies: ark of the covenant, Hebrews 9:4, Leviticus 16:12, Exodus 25:10-16; gold pot, Exodus 16:32-34; Aaron's rod, Numbers 17:1-11; tables, Deuteronomy 10:1-5; cherubims, Hebrews 9:5, Genesis 3:24. 1st tabernacle, Hebrews 9:6; 2nd tabernacle, Hebrews 9:7, Leviticus 16:11-15, Exodus 30:10-25; Veil still intact, Hebrews 9:8; figures, Hebrews 9:9; flesh, Hebrews 9:10; Christ the High Priest, Hebrews 9:11; Christ's blood, Hebrews 9:12, Hebrews 7:22-27; bulls & goats, Hebrews 9:13, Numbers 19:21; blood of Christ, Hebrews 9:14; mediator, Hebrews 9:15; inheritance, Hebrews 9:16-17; without blood, Hebrews 9:18; Moses sprinkled blood , Hebrews 9:19-23, Exodus 24:1-8, (Exodus 21-23), Exodus 40:9-15, Leviticus 8:24, Leviticus 16:16, 19, & 33, Hebrews 8:5; intercedes, Hebrews 9:24-25; Christ suffers once, Hebrews 9:26; judgment, Hebrews 9:27; sin offering, Hebrews 9:28.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   January 11, 2015 Bulletin

Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years - Daniel 9:1-27

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Jeremiah prophesizes 70 years of captivity cf Jeremiah 25:11-14 & 29:10 & II Chronicles 36:21 Daniel 9:1 Change of power caused Daniel to search the scriptures. The angel explains to Daniel, Daniel 9:24 These verses are dealing with the first coming of Christ not His second coming. Note Isaiah 53 says the Messiah will accomplish the same redemptive works found in this verse by sacrificing Himself for transgression cf: Isaiah 53:5, 8 &12, sin cf: Isaiah 53:10 & 12 iniquity cf: Isaiah 53:5, 6 &11. Additionally the Messiah is to bring in "everlasting righteousness" referring to the gospel and the church dispensation cf: Romans 1:16-17 & Romans 3:21-26. Daniel - 70 Weeks of Years Daniel 9:1 & 9:24-27, Sixty-Nine weeks of years until the Messiah comes.  69 times 7 years equals 483 years. The Principal Commandment was in 457 BC minus 483 years equals 26 AD the very year Jesus is baptized by John & begins His public ministry being "about 30". Luke 3:23.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   January 4, 2015 Bulletin

2014 Sermons

(Audio and Written Lessons Only)

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

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Jeremiah 25:11, Judah to be in captivity 70 years; Jeremiah 29:10-12. After 70 years a Remnant to return to the land; II Chronicles 36:21ff; Daniel 2:1ff God is speaking in figurative language using symbols: Great Image, Head of Gold-Babylonian Empire, Breast Silver - Medo-Persian Empire, Belly Brass - Greek Empire under Alexander the Great, Legs of Iron - The Roman Empire & Feet of Iron & Clay - Christians & non-Christians; Daniel 2:35, Stone strikes image of the 4 Kingdoms & becomes a great mountain, what mountain? cf: Isaiah 2:1ff, The Mountain of the Lords House Isaiah 11:1-16; What is the Stone? cf: Isaiah 8:13-14, Isaiah 28:11-16, Psalm 118:22, fulfillment cf: Matthew 21:42-46, Romans 9:32, Ephesians 2:19-22, Acts 4:9-12, Who are Priests? I Peter 2:1-9. What sacrifices does God desire in the Christian age? cf: Romans 12:1-2.

Invitation: Prayers Requested   December 28, 2014 Bulletin

Jesus Christ was Pre-existent Before His Earthly Birth

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Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing prior to "In the beginning"; Jesus was foreordained before the foundation of the world, cf: I Peter 1:20 He hath chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world, cf: Ephesians 1:4; God promised eternal life before in the beginning, cf: Titus 1:2; God's own purpose and grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, cf: II Timothy 1:9; The Creation Story, Genesis 1:1-3; Jesus Christ was the pre-existent Word of God with The Father and The Spirit before in the beginning, cf: John 1:1-12 & V:14; Hebrews 1:1, cf: Isaiah 28:9-10; Hebrews 1:2-5a, cf: Psalm 2:7, Hebrews 1:5b, cf: II Samuel 7:14; Hebrews 1:6-8, cf: Psalm 45:1-7, Acts 2:29-33, Psalm 132:11, Hebrews 1:9-13, cf: Psalm 110:1 & 4, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 4:4, Isaiah 7:14, cf: Genesis 24:16 & 24:43; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 2:1-2 cf: Numbers 24:13-19, Matthew 2:3-12; Christ the King Jeremiah 33:15-17, Acts 2:30 & Psalm 132:11; Galatians 3:26-29.

Invitation: 12 for prayers. December 21, 2014 Bulletin

Birth of Jesus the Messiah was a Foreordained Plan

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This is a "foreordained" plan I Peter 1:20 in which we through the plan were "chosen in Him before the foundation of the world" Ephesians 1:4, Thus we have the "hope (assurance) of eternal life which God ... promised before the world began" Romans 16:16, Titus 1:2, II Timothy 1:9, Genesis 1:1-3, 1:27, 2:8-9 & 15-18, 3: 1-7 & 15 & 21, 9:8-9, Genesis 15:3-6; John 8:44, I Jon 2:16, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, 2 II Samuel 7:12-16, Matthew 2:4-6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, Psalms 22:1, 7, 8, 16, 18 cf John 19:23-24, Psalms 22:22 cf : Hebrews 2:12, Psalm 22:24, 26, 27, 29, cf: John 18:28, Psalm 22:30 "seed" & V:31; Isaiah 53:1 cf: Romans 10:16. Isaiah 53:8, 9 & 10 "seed", V:11-12. Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chr 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-17, 18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:105 & 14, Hebrews 1:3-13, Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews 7:14, Revelations 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.

Invitation: 13 for prayers. December 14, 2014 Bulletin

Birth of Jesus the Messiah was a Plan Not Evolution

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This is a "foreordained" plan I Peter 1:20 in which we through the plan were "chosen in Him before the foundation of the world" Ephesians 1:4, Thus we have the "hope (assurance) of eternal life which God ... promised before the world began" Romans 16:16, Titus 1:2, II Timothy 1:9, Genesis 1:1-3, 1:27, 2:8-9 & 15-18, 3: 1-7 & 15 & 21, 9:8-9, Genesis 15:3-6; John 8:44, I Jon 2:16, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, 2 II Samuel 7:12-16, Matthew 2:4-6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, Psalms 22:1, 7, 8, 16, 18 cf John 19:23-24, Psalms 22:22 cf : Hebrews 2:12, Psalm 22:24, 26, 27, 29, cf: John 18:28, Psalm 22:30 "seed" & V:31; Isaiah 53:1 cf: Romans 10:16. Isaiah 53:8, 9 & 10 "seed", V:11-12. Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chr 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-17, 18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:105 & 14, Hebrews 1:3-13, Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews 7:14, Revelations 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.

Invitation: 13  for prayers.  December 7, 2014 Bulletin

Can You Recommend Your Religion?

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India Report Paul Lockman; White Rock Fund & Sermon David Tarbet In Sathupally, Hindipur & Puttaparthi. We baptized several denominational preachers & their wives, several tribals who had belonged to Hebron church/mega church all over India. Over 400 Preachers @ training during day & Gospel meetings every night. Baptized many at meetings and in homes. Pictures of orphans & clothes & rice Sabrina donated. We bought 750 Bibles in Telagu. Brother David Tarbet http://whiterockfund.org The Fund is a 501(c)3 public charity & provides grants to Churches of Christ for mission work around the world. At the present time, approximately 70 missionaries receive benefits as a result of these grants. Only those who are faithfully preaching the gospel, & are sound in the faith are qualified to receive benefits from the grants. Brother David Tarbet - a graduate of Abilene Christian University (BA) & Fairfield University (MA). He has served Churches of Christ in Connecticut, New Mexico & Texas. Upon completing 50 years of pulpit work he retired from the White Rock CoC in Dallas, Texas, & relocated with his wife, Paula, to New Milford, Connecticut, where he joins with his son, Timothy, serving as one of the New Milford CoC congregation ministers. David focuses his ministry efforts on personal evangelism, writing, & serving as volunteer Director of 'The White Rock Fund' - a non-profit organization which provides grants to Churches of Christ for mission work around the world with a special emphasis on the northeast United States. He is editor of "Christ for Today," a direct-mail publication distributed in the northeastern states. He has lectured in various states on "How the Bible Came To Us," At these seminars he displays his collection of rare 16th and 17th century English Bibles. He plans to donate this rare collection to Freed-Hardeman University sometime in 2015.

Invitation: 25  for prayers, 1 Baptism.  November 30, 2014 Bulletin

New Covenant (Part 2)

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Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished by being in captivity for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:1-8 & John 6:37. Hebrews 8:8-13 quotes the Jeremiah 31 prophecy, that he would make with them a better covenant than he had made with their forefathers.

Invitation: 25  for prayers.  November 23, 2014 Bulletin

New Covenant (Part 1)

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Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished by being in captivity for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:1-8 & John 6:37. Hebrews 8:8-13 quotes the Jeremiah 31 prophecy, that he would make with them a better covenant than he had made with their forefathers.

Invitation: 25  for prayers.  November 16, 2014 Bulletin

Kingdom of Heaven

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The Church: Acts 2:47, Prophecy concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, and the conversion of the Gentiles , Isaiah 2:1-5. Isaiah 2:1 Judah cf: Genesis 49:10, Isaiah2:2 Last Days cf: Acts 2;16-17, Hebrews 1:1-2, Mountain of the Lord's House, Daniel 2:44-45, Lord's House I Timothy 3:15, All Nations Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16, Luke 24:45-48, Isaiah 2:2-3, All taught by God John 6:45, Hebrews 1:1-2, New Testament Law James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Matthew 22:34-40, Jerusalem Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:8, Isaiah 2:4, Peaceful Kingdom Romans 5:1, Our troubles from the devil Isaiah 54:13-17; Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 11:2 Spirit cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1, Luke 4:18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff, Isaiah 1:3 fear cf: Hebrews 5:7, judge cf: Romans 2:16, Isaiah 11:4 righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14, poor & Meek cf: Matthew 5:3ff, rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, II Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf: Matthew 18:3-4, Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain, cf: Isaiah 2:2, I Timothy 3:15; Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes in Romans 15:12 showing this prophecy is fulfilled, the Lamb has already laid down with the lion. Root of Jesse cf: Revelations 5:5 & Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 11:11-12 the first captivity was the Exodus, the second was the Babylonian captivity. Some time after that God is saying He will establish this Peaceful Kingdom. Isaiah 11:15,16 a highway cf: Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 40:3 all 4 Gospel writers refer this with the preaching of John the Baptist.

Invitation: 11  for prayers.  November 09, 2014 Bulletin

The Peaceful Kingdom (Part 2)

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Isaiah 11 The Wolf Also Shall Dwell With The Lamb
Isaiah 2:1-4. Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 God not cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. In Isaiah 10 destruction of the Assyrian Army imagery of a mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level by the coming Messiah. The Messiah, subject of this coming 11th Chapter. Isaiah 11:1 Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse King David's father cf: Matthew1:6 & Luke 3:31-32. Branch metaphor for Messiah cf: Isaiah 27:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff. Isaiah 11:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eyes cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. Poor & Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips power of Christ's preaching cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 Greek Thracian Sword used symbolically for Christ's Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah. Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain of the Lord's House cf: Isaiah 2:1ff cf: I Timothy 3:15. Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes Is 11:10 and teaches this prophecy already fulfilled when he wrote the letter to the Romans cf: Romans 15:12. A root of Jesse, a metaphor applied to Christ cf: Revelations 5:5 & 22:16. The Lord, Hebrew YHWH, gathering not geographical into the modern state of Israel but spiritual. Earlier, Isaiah tells of returning of remnant "to the mighty God" cf: Is 10:21. In Is 9:6 Jesus Christ is called the mighty God" cf: Is 11:12 Both Gentiles and Jews gathered into one body cf: Ephesians 2:11ff Is 11:11-12 Is 11:13-15 common OT practice naming enemies of Israel as the Gentiles of the NT Saints. Tongue descriptive for bay like The Red Sea cf: Exodus 14:26-29 Seven streams Nile River falls into Mediterranean Sea by 7 streams. Is 11:16 A highway is one Isaiah's metaphors for Kingdom of God and Church of Christ cf: Is 35:8, Isaiah 40:3, All 4 Gospel writers quote Isaiah 40:3 and are explicit in stating the building of this highway began with the preaching of John the Baptist. The remnant of His people cf: V:11 Isaiah 37:2-4, Jeremiah 6:9, Jeremiah 23:3, Jeremiah 31:7, Ezekiel 14:22, Micah 2:12, Romans 9:27-28, Romans 11:5 Matthew 7:13-16.

Invitation: 11  for prayers.  November 02, 2014 Bulletin

The Peaceful Kingdom (Part 1)

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Isaiah 2:1-4. Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 God not cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. In Isaiah 10 destruction of the Assyrian Army imagery of a mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level by the coming Messiah. The Messiah, subject of this coming 11th Chapter. Isaiah 11:1 Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse King David's father cf: Matthew1:6 & Luke 3:31-32. Branch metaphor for Messiah cf: Isaiah 27:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff. Isaiah 11:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eyes cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. Poor & Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips power of Christ's preaching cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 Greek Thracian Sword used symbolically for Christ's Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah. Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain of the Lord's House cf: Isaiah 2:1ff cf: I Timothy 3:15. Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes Is 11:10 and teaches this prophecy already fulfilled when he wrote the letter to the Romans cf: Romans 15:12. A root of Jesse, a metaphor applied to Christ cf: Revelations 5:5 & 22:16. The Lord, Hebrew YHWH, gathering not geographical into the modern state of Israel but spiritual. Earlier, Isaiah tells of returning of remnant "to the mighty God" cf: Is 10:21. In Is 9:6 Jesus Christ is called the mighty God" cf: Is 11:12 Both Gentiles and Jews gathered into one body cf: Ephesians 2:11ff Is 11:11-12 Is 11:13-15 common OT practice naming enemies of Israel as the Gentiles of the NT Saints. Tongue descriptive for bay like The Red Sea cf: Exodus 14:26-29 Seven streams Nile River falls into Mediterranean Sea by 7 streams. Is 11:16 A highway is one Isaiah's metaphors for Kingdom of God and Church of Christ cf: Is 35:8, Isaiah 40:3, All 4 Gospel writers quote Isaiah 40:3 and are explicit in stating the building of this highway began with the preaching of John the Baptist. The remnant of His people cf: V:11 Isaiah 37:2-4, Jeremiah 6:9, Jeremiah 23:3, Jeremiah 31:7, Ezekiel 14:22, Micah 2:12, Romans 9:27-28, Romans 11:5 Matthew 7:13-16

Invitation: 16  for prayers.  October 26, 2014 Bulletin

Isaiah 2

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The Church of Christ is the Kingdom of God cf: Matthew 16:13-19, Isaiah 2:1. Judah and Jerusalem; Isaiah 2:2 Last days cf Acts 2:16-21, Hebrews 1:1-2, Isaiah 2:2 Mountain Lord's house cf Isaiah 56:7, Daniel 2:28,35 & 44. Metaphor Stone cf Psalms 118: 22-23. Isaiah 8:14, Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:33-46 Acts 4:11,12, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9. Mountain of the Lord's house cf: I Timothy 3:15 which is The Church of the Living God; Isaiah 2:2. All Nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 2:3 He will teach us, We have A divine Teacher cf John 6:44-45, Isaiah 54:13, Isaiah 2:3 from physical Zion Shall go forth the law cf James 1:25, James 2:8, Matthew 22:36-40, Isaiah 2:3 the metaphor Zion cf: Hebrews 12:22, Psalm 2:5-7, Joel 2:32, Romans 11:26, Hebrews 12:22, The Heavenly Jerusalem Hebrews 12:23. The Church of the First Born, Hebrews 12:24 The Heavenly Jerusalem Revelation 21:1-2 & 16, Isaiah 2:3 The Word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Luke 24:44-49, Act 1:8, Acts 8:1-13, John 16:13, Isaiah 2:4 The Peaceful nature of the Church of Christ which is the new Kingdom of God is contrasted to the war of all Nations cf: Matthew 24:6 cf Isaiah 11:10 cf Romans 15:8-12, Acts 2:30 Psalms 132:11 & Daniel 7:13-14

Invitation: 16  for prayers.  October 19, 2014 Bulletin

Last Days

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Isaiah 2:1-4 This is one of the most important passages in the Word of God, so important, in fact, that God gave the same message through two different prophets. Micah 4:1-3. It is a great hoax among critical commentators in this era of Biblical exegesis to engage in every erudite and scholarly guessing as to who copied whom, whenever very similar, or identical passages are encountered. To Christians, such scholarly doodlings are ridiculous. All such allegations are founded on the incredible proposition that God could never have given the same message to more than one prophet. Where is any authority for an idiotic belief like that? Jesus gave identical, or nearly identical, teachings on many occasions, as witnessed by the two records of the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and in Luke 11:2-4 and also His repeated prophecies of his Passion.

Invitation: 16  for prayers.  October 12, 2014 Bulletin

Wise and Foolish Virgins

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The Parable of the Ten Virgins depicts ten girls awaiting the coming of an absent bridegroom. Matthew 25:1-13 The kingdom of heaven = the church, The bridegroom = Christ, The midnight arrival = the second advent. It is addressed to Jesus' disciples and emphasizes 1. The uncertainty of time of His coming: "The bridegroom was delayed" Matthew 25:5 The virgins = church members, The wise virgins = the prepared, The foolish virgins = the unprepared 2. The responsibility of the Christian: Go rather to the dealers and buy the oil Matthew 25:9 The lamps = (a) faith; demonstrated by (b) good works, The oil = (a) the Spirit; which leads us to (b) good works, 3. The rewards and punishments: "Those Who Were Ready went in with him to the marriage feast" Others remained outside. Matthew 25:10-12 The sleep of the virgins = the sleep of death, Tarrying of the bridegroom = delay of the second coming, The midnight cry = the call to judgment, Refusal to give oil = grace & merit not transferrable, Exclusion of the foolish = rejection of unprepared, The shut door = impossibility of the last minute salvation.

Invitation: 16  for prayers.  October 5, 2014 Bulletin

II Peter 3

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The apostle shows his design in writing this and the preceding epistle, II Peter 3:1, II Peter 3:2. Describes the nature of the heresies which should take place in the last times, II Peter 3:3-8. A thousand years with the Lord are but as a day, II Peter 3:9. He will come and judge the world as he has promised, and the heavens and the earth shall be burnt up, 2 Peter 3:10. How those should live who expect these things, II Peter 3:11, 2 Peter 3:12. the new heavens and the new earth, and the necessity of being prepared for this great change, II Peter 3:13, II Peter 3:14. Concerning some difficult things in St. Paul ‹s epistles, II Peter 3:15, II Peter 3:16. We must watch against the error of the wicked, grow in grace, and give all glory to God, II Peter 3:17, II Peter 3:18.

Invitation: 15  for prayers.  September 28, 2014 Bulletin

II Peter 2

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False teachers foretold, who shall bring in destructive doctrines and shall pervert many, but at last be destroyed by the judgments of God, II Peter 2:1-3.cf: Acts 20:29-30, I Timothy 4:1-6, II Timothy 3:1-5, II Thessalonians 2:1-12, II Timothy 4:3-4, & I John 2:18 Instances of God's judgments in the rebellious angels, 2 Peter 2:4. In the antediluvians, II Peter 2:5. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha, II Peter 2:6-8. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly, as well as to punish the ungodly, II Peter 2:9. The character of those seducing teachers and their disciples; they are unclean, presumptuous, speak evil of dignities, adulterous, covetous, and cursed, II Peter 2:10-14. Have forsaken the right way, copy the conduct of Balaam, speak great swelling words, and pervert those who had escaped from error, II Peter 2:15-19. The miserable state of those who, having escaped the corruption that is in the world, have turned back like the dog to his vomit, and the washed swine to her wallowing in the mire, II Peter 2:20-22.

Invitation: 16  for prayers.  September 21, 2014 Bulletin

II Peter 1

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The apostle's address, and the persons to whom the epistle was sent described by the state into which God had called, and in which he had placed them, 2 Peter 1:1-4. What graces they should possess in order to be fruitful in the knowledge of God, II Peter 1:5-8. The miserable state of those who either have not these graces, or have fallen from them, II Peter 1:9. Believers should give diligence to make their calling and election sure, II Peter 1:10, Prepared for entrance into the heavenly kingdom, II Peter 1:11. The apostle's intimations of his speedy dissolution, and his wish to confirm and establish those Churches in the true faith, II Peter 1:12-15. The certainty of the Gospel, and the convincing evidence which the apostle had of its truth from being present at the transfiguration, by which the word of prophecy was made more sure, II Peter 1:16-19. How the prophecies came, and their nature, II Peter 1:20, Prophecy is God's word, not the words of man. II Peter 1:21

Invitation: 20  for prayers.  September 14, 2014 Bulletin

Strike Three, You're Out!

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Genesis 2:15-17, Commandments given by God: broken by men. Genesis 3:1-24, The need for The Kingdom. Isaiah 2:2-3 & Zechariah 1:16-17, The prophesied place of the Kingdom. Daniel 2:44, The Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. Psalm 145:10-13, The Everlasting Kingdom. Matthew 4:17, The Kingdom is at hand. Matthew 16:18-19, Christ builds His Church. Mk 9:1, Kingdom came in the first century. Jn 3:5, The way to enter the Kingdom. Acts 1:3-4, Christ shows the importance of the Kingdom of God Acts 2:1, The day the earthly Kingdom begins. Acts 2:38-47, How to be added to the Kingdom. Acts 11:26, The new name given. Acts 20:28, The price of the Kingdom. Acts 28:23 & 30-31, Christ and the Kingdom connection. Romans 16:16, Churches of Christ. I Corinthians 12:12-14 & 20 & 27, Baptized into One Body. I Corinthians 1:2, The Church of God IS the Church of Christ. Galatians 6:10, Another name for the Kingdom, the Household of Faith. Ephesians 4:4-6, The power of One. Colossians 1:18, The Body is the Church. Ephesians 1:22-23, The Church is the Body. Ephesians 2:19-21, Jesus Christ IS it's Foundation. Colossians 1:13, The Kingdom belongs to the Son. Hebrews 12:28, The Kingdom which shall not be moved, (Matthew 16:18). Romans 1:16, God's Way to salvation. I Corinthians 15:1-4, Salvation by way of The Gospel. Romans 10:17, Faith by hearing. Hebrews 11:6, Faith in the I AM. Luke 13:3, You MUST repent or perish. Matthew 10:32, Confess Me before men. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized.

Invitation: 20  for prayers.  September 7, 2014 Bulletin

The Promise of the Second Coming (Part 2)

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The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 Before The coming of Christ will be great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, but the actual "Day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night. I Thessalonians 5:2 ;II Peter 3:10; I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters: II Peter 3:17-18. Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down: II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:3-14, Psalm 1:1-6.

Invitation: 20  for prayers, 2 Baptisms. August 31, 2014 Bulletin

The Promise of the Second Coming (Part 1)

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The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 Before The coming of Christ will be great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, but the actual "Day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night. I Thessalonians 5:2 ;II Peter 3:10; I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters: II Peter 3:17-18. Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down: II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:3-14, Psalm 1:1-6.

Invitation: 20  for prayers, 1 Baptism. August 24, 2014 Bulletin

The Promises of God

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The Promise of the Seed: (Son of God) Galatians 3:16. Acts 13:23 refer to Bro Kelly's Seed Lesson. The Promise of the Messiah: Daniel 9:25,26. The Promise of the Holy Spirit: Luke 24:49, Acts1:4, Acts 2:33. The Promise of the Kingdom: Acts1:3. The Promise of the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8-13. The Promise of the Gospel: Isaiah 53:8-11. The Promise of Church: Matthew 16:18 Acts 2:41,47. The Promise of Remission of Sins: Luke 24:47. The Promise of Everlasting Life: 1John 2:25, II Timothy 1:1. The Promise of Christ's Second Coming: I Thessalonians 4:13-18. The Sum of all Promises is in Christ: Jesus is Son of God anointed King with the Holy Spirit . His Kingdom is a everlasting Kingdom, The Church is His Kingdom on earth.

Invitation: 20  for prayers. August 17, 2014 Bulletin

What Is Faith

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What Is Faith   The works involved in faith are found in Hebrews Chap 11. Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform all your hopes rest upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7.  All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God.  Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc.  Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. Galatians 2:16-20 Big Question, is the "faith" subjective gender, then: "the faith of Christ KJV" or objective gender then it is "faith in Christ" as NIV Big difference cf: Romans 3:21ff and Philippians 3:9

Invitation: 20  for prayers. August 10, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his 8th week of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

The Good News and The Bad News

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Matthew 11:1-20 The Scripture tells us that if we repent and be obedient, it will be good news for us, but if we do not repent we will receive the bad news in the end. Call to repent: Luke 13:1-5. John's questions: Matthew 11:1-6. Jesus' tribute to John: Matthew 11:7-15. Final admonition of the Old Testament: Malachi 4:4-5. John the Baptist, forerunner for Jesus; in the spirit and power of Elijah: Luke 1:17. Who is mentioned in Matthew 11:16-19 and why? John the Baptist preached fire and brimstone for those who didn't repent; which is bad news. Jesus Christ - He is the Husband and is coming to receive His bride. It's not enough to be sorry for your sins, you must repent because you are sorry: 2 Corinthians 7:9-11. Examples of those who were sorry but, didn't repent: Esau, Hebrews 12:16-17; Judas, Matthew 27:3. Unrepentant cities: Matthew 11:20. Unbelief and its consequences. Romans 1:17-18, II Thessalonians 1:7-10, The Good News of the Gospel and how to obey it I Corinthians 15:1-4, Roman 6:1-4

Invitation: 15  for prayers. August 3, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his seventh week of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

God's Love Is The Love That Saves (Part 2)

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Jonah Chapters 1-4; John Chapter 21; I Corinthians Chapters 13, and 15 Jonah was to bring God's message to Nineveh, but was reluctant to do it. However the word of Gods was brought to Nineveh to get them to repent. The Lord did not allow Jonah to escape his duty. Having finally performed God's will, Jonah became angry when the Ninevites believed God and repented. As a result, God postpones the announced devastation of Nineveh. Was Jonah a servant of God? Did Jonah love the Ninevites? Could Jonah's love save them? It was God's love that saved them. John 21:15-19: Jesus questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, and foretells the manner of Peter's death. I Corinthians Chapter 13; Charity, or love of God, the sum of all true religion; without it, the gift of prophecy, profound knowledge, faith by which the miracles might be wrought, benevolence, and zeal for the truth, even martyrdom, would all be unprofitable to salvation, 1-3.The description and praise of this grace, 4-7. Its durable: though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, 8-10. John 3:16 For God So Loved The World...How did God Love Us? He gave us the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4

Invitation: 15  for prayers. July 27, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his sixth week of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

God's Love Is The Love That Saves (Part 1)

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Jonah Chapters 1-4; John Chapter 21; I Corinthians Chapters 13, and 15 Jonah was to bring God's message to Nineveh, but was reluctant to do it. However the word of Gods was brought to Nineveh to get them to repent. The Lord did not allow Jonah to escape his duty. Having finally performed God's will, Jonah became angry when the Ninevites believed God and repented. As a result, God postpones the announced devastation of Nineveh. Was Jonah a servant of God? Did Jonah love the Ninevites? Could Jonah's love save them? It was God's love that saved them. John 21:15-19: Jesus questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, and foretells the manner of Peter's death. I Corinthians Chapter 13; Charity, or love of God, the sum of all true religion; without it, the gift of prophecy, profound knowledge, faith by which the miracles might be wrought, benevolence, and zeal for the truth, even martyrdom, would all be unprofitable to salvation, 1-3.The description and praise of this grace, 4-7. Its durable: though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, 8-10. John 3:16 For God So Loved The World...How did God Love Us? He gave us the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4

Invitation: 15  for prayers. July 20, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his fifth week of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

Living Waters

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Living Water and the Church of Christ - Isaiah 55:1-55:13 Isaiah 55:1 cf: Isaiah 35:6-7, Hebrew: maw kote= living water cf: Jeremiah 2:13, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1 & V:6-7, cf: John 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39, Acts 2:37-47. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the suffering servants work. The invitation. Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mark 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 1:26. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 62:2 new name to be given when Gentiles obey Gospel , Isaiah 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26 Christians is the new name, Acts 4:12, and Romans 16:16 the Churches of Christ.

Invitation: 14  for prayers. July 13, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his fourth week of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

The Great Commission (Part 2)

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The Great Commission was given by the Lord to His disciples. The minor commission was to the Jews only. It preaches "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". The Great Commission is for everyone. It preaches "The Kingdom of Heaven is here", and the Gospel is the way to it. We must obey the Gospel. Proverbs 28:9, John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51, Acts 1:1-9, John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17, It is a continual work to be passed on from generation to generation in the Christian age. II Timothy 2:2.

Invitation: 14  for prayers. July 6, 2014 Bulletin

The Great Commission (Part 1)

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This Commission is called the "Great Commission" to distinguish it from the minor commissions given by the Lord to His disciples in Matthew 10:5ff and to the 70 disciples in Luke 10:1ff. They are called minor because their scope was minor to Jews only, while the Great Commission is universal and its scope is all the world. It is the work of the church. Proverbs 28:9 , John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20 , Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51 , Acts 1:1-9, John 3:-35, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17, It is a continual work to be passed on from generation to generation in the Christian age. II Timothy 2:2.

Invitation: 14  for prayers, 3 Baptism. June 29, 2014 Bulletin

The Christian Heart

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The Good Ground/The Christian Heart
The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-9; God is speaking through the Messiah and it is imperative we listen cf: Hebrews 1:1-2 Matthew 13:10-15 cf: Isaiah 6:9-10. Matthew 13:16-17 cf: I Peter 1:10-12; The Hard Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:19, cf. Hebrews 4:1-11 & Hebrews 10:38-39. Shallow Hearted Hearer Matt:13:20-21 cf: I Peter 2:2 & James 1:22. The Crowded Hearted Hearer Matthew13:22 cf: I John 3:1-3. Matthew 13:23 The Christian Heart cf: Luke 8:15, I Kings 3:9 Fruit both souls John 15:1-8 and Christian Character Galatians 5:22-25. The Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew13:34-35 cf: Psalm 78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43

Invitation: 14  for prayers, 3 Baptism. June 22, 2014 Bulletin
Bro Kelly Lawson is on his first of eight weeks of chemo/radiation treatment. Bro Manuel Santiago will be preaching until treatment is finished. Please keep him in your prayers.

What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?

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The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity.  At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake.  We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.

Invitation: 20  for prayers, 1 Baptism. June 15, 2014 Bulletin

The Reformation

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The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity.  At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake.  We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.

Invitation: 20  for prayers, 5 Baptisms. June 8, 2014 Bulletin

Hell, the Eternal Home of the Doomed

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The Hebrew word She-owl is translated into Greek as Hades & into English as Hell.  All these words mean the same place which is the place of the dead.  During Old Testament times it had 2 parts, torment which was the place of the unbelieving dead, separated from Abraham's bosom, the place of the believing dead. The Rich man & Lazarus cf: Luke 16:19-31; The Rebellion of Korah in which Korah went down alive into the pit took place about 1,447 BC cf: Numbers 16:26-40; Later King David wrote Psalm 88 about 1,000 BC so it had been about 500 years since Korah went down alive into the pit & Psalm 88 is a psalm of Korah in Hell. Korah has been dead almost 500 years & hasn't figured out yet his situation is permanent. cf: Matthew 10:28, 25:31-46.

Invitation: 17  for prayers, 1 Baptism. June 1, 2014 Bulletin

David's Greatest Sin

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King David's seed (child or descendant) promised an eternal Kingdom cf: II Samuel 7:12-16. David kills an innocent man to get his wife cf:II Samuel 11:1-27. The parable of Nathan the prophet to David cf:II Samuel 12:1-14 the enemies of the Lord blaspheme cf: Psalm 69:5-6; The figure of speech "You understood" in this Psalm 51:1-10 cf: guard your heart Proverbs 4:23 Psalm 51:11-17 cf: humble yourself and be contrite cf: Isaiah 57:15, Psalm 51:18-19, True repentance necessary cf: Matthew 12:38-41 and Jonah 3:3-10 real repentance is turning from our evil way. Godly sorrow necessary cf: II Corinthians 7:10. David Suffered great consequences for his sin: Psalm 38:1-16, Psalm 73:1-3, Psalm 38:16-18 & Psalm 32:1-ff

Invitation: 20  for prayers, 1 Baptism. May 25, 2014 Bulletin

No One Has Ever Been Saved By Faith Alone: James Chapter 2

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We should not prefer the rich to the poor, nor show any partiality inconsistent with the Gospel of Christ, James 2:1-4. God has chosen the poor, rich in faith, to be heirs of His Kingdom, even those whom some among their brethren despised and oppressed, James 2:5, James 2:6. We should love our neighbor as ourselves, and have no respect of persons, James 2:7-9. He who breaks one command of God is guilty of breaking all the commands, James 2:10, James 2:11. We should act as those who shall be judged by the law of liberty; and we shall have judgment without mercy, who shows no mercy, James 2:12, James 2:13. Faith without works of charity and mercy is dead; nor can faith exist where there are no good works, James 2:14-20. Abraham proved his faith by his works, James 2:21-24. And so did Rahab prove her faith by her works, James 2:25. As the body without the soul is dead, so is faith dead without good works, James 2:26.

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. May 18, 2014 Bulletin

Who Did The Miracles In Acts?

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In the New Testament Apostles were Chosen by Jesus Himself and given Power after the Holy Spirit came upon them to do miracles. Acts 1 Apostles chosen by Jesus Himself - Matthew 10: Luke 6; Acts 1:2; Matthias chosen, Acts 1:24-26; Paul chosen, Acts 9:15, I Corinthians 9:1. Acts 2 Apostles did Miracles - were baptized with Holy Spirit - this was visible, i.e., could be seen, Acts 2:1-4, 43. Acts 6 The seven were filled with Holy Spirit before Apostles laid hands on them, only then could they do miracles. Acts 6:5-8. Acts 8 Imparting of supernatural gifts by laying on of hands by Apostles could be seen - visible, Acts 8:14-19. Acts 10 The house of Cornelius was baptized with Holy Spirit but they were not Apostles and did not have the power (authority given to Apostles by Jesus) to impart the charisma gifts by laying on of hands. God poured out Holy Spirit to them to show Jews Salvation was given to Gentiles also. Acts 10:45 They of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on Gentiles also was poured out the gift (Dorea) of the Holy Ghost. Acts 4:29-31 Apostles prayed and asked God, God answered their prayers. The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the Word with boldness.

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. May 11, 2014 Bulletin

James Chapter 1

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James addresses the dispersed of the twelve tribes, James 1:1. Shows that they should rejoice under the cross, because of the spiritual good which they may derive from it, especially in the increase and perfecting of their patience, James 1:2-4. They are exhorted to ask wisdom of God, who gives liberally to all, James 1:5. But they must ask in faith, and not with a doubting mind, James 1:6-8. Directions to the rich and the poor, James 1:9-11. The blessedness of the man that endures trials, James 1:12. How men are tempted and drawn away from God, James 1:13-15. God is the Father of lights, and all good proceeds from him, James 1:16-18. Cautions against hasty words, bad and wrong tempers, James 1:19-21. We should be doers of the word, and not hearers merely, lest we resemble those who, beholding their natural face in a mirror, when it is removed they forget what manner of persons they were, James 1:22-24. We should look into the perfect law of liberty, and continue therein, James 1:25. The nature and properties of pure religion, James 1:26 -James 1:27.

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. May 4, 2014 Bulletin

Second Coming Of Christ

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The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 The coming of Christ will be accompanied by great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters II Peter 3:17-18 Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down. II Thessalonians 1:7-8; II Peter 3:3-14; Psalm 1:1-6.

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. April 27, 2014 Bulletin

Power Of Resurrection

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Prophecy Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to ransom, to buy back. "stand" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, idea of resurrection. John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed power of resurrection.  We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Jesus raised in bodily resurrection with proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel.  I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. The resurrected Christ, seen by witnesses & Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. Apostles preached same things, I Corinthians 15:11.Judaizing false teacher I Corinthians 15:12. Paul' negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ 2nd Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. The order of the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ I Corinthians 15:24. Christ King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34, I Corinthians 15:35-36. answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: I Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. April 20, 2014 Bulletin

Suffering Servant

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God's Servant to Die. Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 42:7; Isaiah 49:1, cf: Luke 1:31-33.sword, cf: Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews4:12, & Revelations 1:16., Isaiah 49:3, cf: Luke 22:24-27.Isaiah 49:5-6, cf: Acts 13:47.Isaiah 49:8 cf: I Corinthians 6:2. Isaiah 49:16; Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46, Isaiah 50:5-6, cf: Matthew 27:26.cf: Matthew 26:66-68; Isaiah 50:7-11.Isaiah 52:13 cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, Isaiah 52:14-15, cf: Rom. 15:21. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Additionally, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6.atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf:Matthew 27:26, All sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10. Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19,to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8.crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff. Isaiah 53:12, there is just one mediator between God and men I Timothy 2:5

Invitation: 11  for prayers, 1 Baptism. April 13, 2014 Bulletin

Jesus Enters Jerusalem

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Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41, The stone cf: Psalm 118:22ff, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11ff, Romans 9:33, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem:  Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Cf: Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance, (platform) of things hoped for.

Invitation: 11  for prayers. April 6, 2014 Bulletin

The Kingdom Of God And The Church Of Christ

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The Church: Acts 2:47, Prophecy concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, and the conversion of the Gentile world, Isaiah 2:1-5. Isaiah 2:1 Judah cf: Genesis 49:10, Isaiah2:2 Last Days cf: Acts 2;16-17, Hebrews 1:1-2, Mountain of the Lord's House, Daniel 2:44-45, Lord's House I Timothy 3:15, All Nations Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16, Luk 24:45-48, Isaiah 2:2-3, All taught by God John 6:45, Hebrews 1:1-2, New Testament Law James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Matthew 22:34-40, Jerusalem Lk 24:45-49, Acts 1:8, Isaiah 2:4, Peaceful Kingdom Romans 5:1, Our troubles from the devil Isaiah 54:13-17; Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 11:2 Spirit cf: Lk 3:21-23, Lk 4:1, Lk 4:18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff, Isaiah 1:3 fear cf: Hebrews 5:7, judge cf: Romans 2:16, Isaiah 11:4 righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14, poor & Meek cf: Matthew 5:3ff, rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, II Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf: Matthew 18:3-4, Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain what Mountain cf: Isaiah 2:2, I Timothy 3:15; Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes in Romans 15:12 showing this prophecy is fulfilled the Lamb has already laid down with the lion. Root of Jesse cf: Revelations 5:5 & Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 11:11-12 the first captivity was the Exodus, the second captivity was the Babylonian that ended in 536 BC some time after that God is saying He will establish this Peaceful Kingdom. Isaiah 11:15 tongue descriptive of the 7 streams that the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Isaiah 11:16 a highway cf: Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 40:3 whom all 4 Gospel writers quote as beginning with the preaching of John the Baptist.

Invitation: 11  for prayers. March 30, 2014 Bulletin

The 5 Things We Are Taught To Do To Worship God

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Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:1, Deuteronomy 6:4-16, Jehovah, a Being infinitely and eternally perfect, self-existent, and self-sufficient; Mk 12:28-32, Jn 4:23-24 Acts 2:42 & Hebrews 10:25. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12:1-15 & 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mk 14:15-26, Lk 22:13-20, I Corinthians 11:23-32, this do in remembrance of me; Acts 20:7. Preaching: Mk 16:15-16, preach the Gospel to Every Creature; I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, sing with the spirit; Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, Jms 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30. Praying: Lk18:1, We ought to always pray; Acts 2:42, Lk 11:1-13. Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; II Corinthians 9:6-9.

Invitation: 10  for prayers. March 23, 2014 Bulletin


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Lk 14:1 Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Whosoever will let him come, Lk 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelations 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Lk 14:15. Just another empty Pharisee hypocrite ritualistic saying. This man was at the Messianic banquet & didn't know it cf: Mk 1:14-15. Lk 14:16. A certain man is: obviously God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Lk 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7, God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalm 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Lk 14:18 They refused clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His Old Testament Prophets, Psalm 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought ground ridiculous. Lk 14:19 Another silly excuse, Lk 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Lk 14:21, Servant came, showed God these things, When? cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mk 16:15-16, Lk 14:22, There is always room for another, Jn 14:1-2, Lk14:23 Compel Greek "bend their arm till it aches" God is serious, let the great supper to be filled. Luke 14:24, Behold the graciousness & the severity of God.  Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & Jn 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mk 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mk 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, Jms 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Lk 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9.

Invitation: 10  for prayers. March 16, 2014 Bulletin

Holy Spirit

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Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit being given to believers after His glorification in Heaven John 7:37-39 cf: Isaiah 55:1 & 3, Jeremiah 2:13 & 17:13, Zechariah 12:10, 13:1 & 14:8, Ezekiel 47:1, 7 &12 cf: Revelations 2:7, 7:17, 22:1, 2 &17 Acts 2:38 promises the Spirit to all who are baptized. Acts 2:39 shows this promise is perpetual through the whole Christian Dispensation. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 6:19. God dwells in the Church through His spirit I Corinthians 3:16-17 & we are a habitation of God through the Spirit Ephesians 2:21-22. Rom. 8:9 indicates if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. Things the Holy Spirit does in our lives: Study Romans 8 & Ephesians 3:16, Galatians 5:17, II Corinthians 3:18, fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23, I John 4:13 & Ephesians 1:13-14

Invitation: 7  for prayers. March 9, 2014 Bulletin

Gifts of the Spirit

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The nine miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are listed in I Corinthians 12:4-10. As we study the Book of Acts, we see that the apostles who were baptized with the Holy Spirit, were empowered to bestow these miraculous gifts to certain men by laying their hands on them cf: Acts 8:18. The first two men who were not apostles who worked miracles were, Stephen Acts 6:8, & Phillip Acts 8:6. When Samaria had received the Word of God, the apostles Peter & John went down & laid hands on them & imparted the Holy Spirit to them Acts 8:14-19. This could not be the indwelling Holy Spirit, for all Christians received that at their baptism cf: Acts 2:38-39. Why didn't Phillip impart these powers to them? He was not an apostle & therefore, could not impart miraculous gifts. When Paul laid his hands on those men of Ephesus, they were given the gift of tongues cf: Acts 19:1-6. It was not necessary to have the apostles come to the men of Ephesus because Paul was an apostle. These gifts were given until the New Testament revelation was complete. II Peter 1:3 indicates God "hath given us all things ...", so the revelation is complete. I Corinthians 13:8-10 Indicates these gifts shall vanish away. "When that which is perfect" Greek word "tellos" neuter noun, the Bible would be neuter, but Jesus is masculine. Then that which is in part shall be done away. These gifts passed away.

Invitation: 7  for prayers. March 2, 2014 Bulletin

Promises to the Apostles

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These chapters are often misunderstood because people pay no attention to the context. During this sermon pay attention to: 1. Who is speaking & 2. Who is being spoken to. It is Jesus' last night with His disciples, therefore, pay close attention when He says "you". He is speaking to the apostles, & He is not speaking to YOU the reader. When Jesus is speaking to you, the reader, he says "... he that", or "...a man" or "... any man". The Apostles were inspired and had special powers others do not have.

Invitation: 7 for prayers. February 23, 2014 Bulletin

Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 3)

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Ephesians 3:11 The one and only purpose that God in all ages & through all time purposed within Himself to save all by Jesus Christ our Lord. cf: I Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 3:12, Both Jew and Gentile can come boldly to God. Notice the definite article 'the' before faith it means the gospel the faith or the way. The pure religion established by Jesus Christ. Without the revelation of Christ we would not know of God's love. Philippians 1:1, 1:13, KJV use of "the palace," should be translated "praetorian", as used here, is reference to a body of men, not to a place; Despite this, opinion persists that such a view could be challenged & Palace intended because of Philippians 4:21-22. This surely indicates that the word was assuredly known "in the palace," whether or not verse 13 states the fact. 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1, It is clear that Paul based this appeal for unity upon all of the sacred elements of true Christianity & upon their highest & best impulses as human beings. & 5, where Paul presents Christ as the supreme example of unselfishness. Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14, press toward the mark for the prize; Colossians 1:2, Colossians 2:3-7, rooted in Him once & for all & built up continually. Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9, both the plan for salvation & the means of accomplishment have existed eternally; II Timothy 2:1 & 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Romans 6:3-6 teach how to get in Christ.

Invitation: 16  for prayers. February 16, 2014 Bulletin

Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 2)

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how get into Christ.

Invitation: 16  for prayers. February 9, 2014 Bulletin

Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 1)

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How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how get into Christ.

Invitation: 11  for prayers. February 2, 2014 Bulletin

Is Baptism a Part of Salvation?

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Baptism "for the remission of sins" is taught Acts 2:38-39. Our baptism is a reenactment of the Gospel cf: Rom. 6:1-4 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-4: Some who object say: "Baptism is a work & you can't be saved by works" Ephesians 2:8-9 But who does the working in believing cf: John 6:29 & who does the work in baptism Colossians 2:12. The Thief on the cross they say: Luke How was the Thief on the Cross Saved without being baptized? 3 Men Crucified - 1 Died in Sin, 1 Died to sin & 1 Died for Sin: Read: Luke 23:39-47 (1) Who said he wasn't baptized? cf: Mark 1:4-5. How did he know Jesus was sinless? How did he know about the Kingdom? How did he know Jesus was Lord? (2) The thief on the cross died under the Law of Moses, Hebrews 9:16- 17, & Christ was not yet dead when He pardoned him such as the pardoning of the sinful woman Luke 7:37-50 & the man Matthew 9:1-7. (3) You can't obey the Great Commission that's not yet given which was commanded 43 days later cf: Mark 16:15-16, examples of conversion Pentecost Acts 2:1-42; Samaria Act 8:3-13; Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:26-40; Saul of Tarsus Acts 9, 22 & 26; Cornelius' House Acts 10:34-48; Lydia's household Acts 16:14-15; Philippian Jailor's household Acts 16:25-33; Many Corinthians Acts 18:1-8; Certain Disciples @ Ephesians Acts 19:1-5 an example that you can't be taught wrong & baptized right.. Baptism is into Christ cf: Rom. 6:3-6 & V:17, Galatians 3:27. I Peter 3:18-21.

Invitation: 16  for prayers. January 26, 2014 Bulletin

The First Sermon (Part 2)

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Result of preaching the 1st sermon: Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; destruction & the Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."

Invitation: 16  for prayers. January 19, 2014 Bulletin

The First Sermon (Part 1)

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A Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; coming destruction of Jerusalem judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10. Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."

Invitation: 16  for prayers. January 12, 2014 Bulletin

Acts: The Ministry of Peter and Paul

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Comparison of the Ministry of Peter & Paul in Acts

Peter - 1st part, Acts Chapter 2-12 Paul - 2nd part, Acts Chapter 13-28
1st sermon Chapter 2 1st sermon Chapter 13
Lame healed Chapter 3 Lame healed Chapter 14
Influence of shadow Chapter 5 Influence of kerchief Chapter 19
Simon the Sorcerer Chapter 8 Elymas the Sorcerer Chapter 13
Laying on of hands Chapter 8 Laying on of hands Chapter 19
Peter worshipped Chapter 10 Paul worshipped Chapter 14
Raised the dead Chapter 9 Raised the dead Chapter 20
Imprisoned Chapter 12 Imprisoned Chapter 28

On Pentecost The Apostles & The Apostles Only are Baptized with Holy Spirit Baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Matthew 3:11-12, John the baptizer tells us it is to come.  Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 the vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle are listed, Apostles must be eye witnesses of the ministry death burial & resurrection of Jesus. Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire".  Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages.

Invitation: 4  for prayers. January 5, 2014 Bulletin

2013 Sermons

(Audio and Written Lessons Only)

The Book of Acts

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The Book of Acts:  Most of Acts is written from the standpoint of the 3rd person. The story moves along by "they did "or "he did ". a number of verses utilize the first person plural, "we". Acts 16:10-18, Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us to the fact that the author is an eyeball witness to the "we" sections. Introduction Gospel Luke cf: Luke 1:1-4 purpose. Read Luke 24 with Acts 1. Theophilus cf: Acts 1:1A Former treatise cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B. "Do & teach" cf: Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. "To whom" whom is an antecedent that refers back to the nearest named noun which is the word "Apostle" in verse 2. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12 & cf: John 13, 14, 15, & 16. Acts 1:6 Jesus had promised the Kingdom was to come during the lifetime of the apostles in Mark 9:1. Now they want to know if this is the time? Acts 1:7 stay focused on their job the Kingdom of God would come with Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A & the Power will come when Holy Ghost comes upon the Apostles, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:21-22, Acts 2:32, Acts 3:15, Acts 5:32, Acts 10:39-41, Acts 22:14-15, Acts 23:11, Acts 26:13-16, II Peter 1:13-21. Acts 1:9 cf: Daniel 7:13-14, False teachers teach Daniel vision is of the second coming, while the verse plainly says The Son of Man was coming to the Ancient of Days (God). When does Daniel 7:13-14 teach Christ received His Kingdom? At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.

Invitation: 16  for prayers. December 29, 2013 Bulletin

The Birth Of Jesus

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The angel appears to Joseph: Matthew 1:18-23, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 4:4, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:24-25. The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:1-7. Angels appear to the shepherds, Luke 2:8-10 cf: Isaiah 52:7. Luke 2:11-20. Jesus Presented to the Lord in the Temple Luke 2:21-24 Jesus presented in temple to Simeon & Anna, Luke 2:25-38. Wise men from the east, Matthew 2:1-2 cf: Numbers 23 & 24. Matthew 2:3-6 cf: Micah 5:2 V:1. Matthew 2:7-10 cf: Isaiah 60:1-3, Matthew 2:11 cf: Isaiah 60:6, Matthew 2:12 Joseph warned in dream to flee to Egypt, Matthew 2:13-18 cf: Jeremiah 31:15 note the context of Jeremiah 31:31-34. John 1:1-14.

Invitation: 4  for prayers. December 22, 2013 Bulletin

The Genealogy of Jesus

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This is a foreordained plan Ephesians1:4, Titus 1:2, Genesis 3:15, Genesis 15:3-6, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, Matthew 2:6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, II Samuel &:12-16, Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chronicles 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah33:18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:1 &14, Hebrews 1:3-5, Hebrews 1:8, Hebrews 2:17-18,Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews &;14, Revelation 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew 1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.

Invitation: 4  for prayers. December 15, 2013 Bulletin

Preaching The Gospel

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The most important thing we do is: Preach the Gospel of Christ: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:44-49. The charge to an evangelist or preacher II Timothy 3:14-4:5, & stay with the book, read the Bible out loud, explain each verse, keep the jokes & yak yak to a minimum, always remember your words are not inspired II Timothy 2:2. We are following the examples of the Apostles & 1st Century Church by preaching to all the world for they accomplished their commission ... will we? Psalm 19:1-11, Mark 16:20, Acts 28:22, Romans 1:8, 10:14-18 & 16:19, Colossians 1:5-6 &1:23, I Thessalonians 1:7-8. Giving of our $ Blessing to preaching the Gospel & the Poor: Malachi 3:8-10, I Corinthians 16:1-2, II Corinthians 9:6-7. Worship: Acts 2:42 & Hebrews 10:25.

Invitation: 4  for prayers. December 8, 2013 Bulletin

Jesus Has the Power of Resurrection

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Prophecy of Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to perform the ancient part of near kinfolk, ransom, buy back."stand up" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, with the idea of resurrection. In John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed have power of resurrection.  We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Story of Christ's resurrection Luke 24:1-53 Jesus was raised in bodily resurrection with many infallible proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; The Gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. All the Apostles preached same things, I Corinthians 15:11.Judaizing false teacher I Corinthians 15:12. negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary,"but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At end Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ King now, I Corinthians 15:27-28.martyrdom & death, note context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. the obvious question, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, The 2nd coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29.

Invitation: 12 for prayers. December 1, 2013 Bulletin

The Crucifixion Story

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Jesus Christ The Son of God - the Four Fold Gospel Today: A Harmony of Gospels. Tatian in 160 AD was first to blend together the 4 Gospels. Jesus Betrayed & Arrested: Jo 18:2-9, Mk 14:44-45, Lk 22:48-49, Jo 18:10-11, Matthew 26:52-54, Lk 22:52-53, Matthew 26:56, Mk 14:51-52, Jesus Before Annas ex-High Priest: Jo 18;12-14 & 19-23, Night Time Trial before Caiphas, the Scribes & Elders Matthew 26:57 & 59, Mk 14:56-60, Matthew 26:63, Mk 14:62, Matthew 26:65-68, Peter Denies Jesus Thrice Jo 18:15-16, Mk 14:66-68, Jo 18:18, Matthew 26:71-74, Lk 22:61-62, After Dawn Friday Jesus Condemned Lk 22:66-71, Matthew 27:3-6, Acts 1:18, Matthew 27:6-7, Acts 1:19, Matthew 27:9-10, Before Pilate Matthew 27:2, Jo 18:28-30, Lk 23:2, Jo 18:31-38, Mk 15:3, Matthew 27:13-14, Lk 23:5, Before Herod Lk 23:6-12, Matthew 27:15, Mk 15:7-8, Lk 23:13-15, Matthew 27:17-21, Lk 23:18-19, Jo 19:1-16, Before Pilate Again Matthew 27:24-25, Lk 23:24-25, Mocked By Roman Soldiers Matthew 27:27 & 29, Jesus on the Way to Cross Mk 15:20, Jo 19:17, Mk 15:21, Lk 23:27-32, Matthew 27:33-34, Jesus' First 3 Hours on Cross Lk 23:33-34, Jo 19:23-24, Jo 19:19-22, Matthew 27:39-44, Lk 23:39-43, Jo 19:25-27, Darkness Noon-3pm: Mk 15:33-35, Matthew 27:49, Jo 19:28-30, Lk 23:46, Signs Accompanying Death of Christ: Matthew 27:51-56, Mark 15:41 Burial of Christ: Jo 19:31-37, Mk 15:42-45, Jo 19:38-42 Women Watch Tomb: Lk 23:55, Matthew 27:61 & Lk 23:56. Saturday Sabbath Day: Matthew 27:62-66.

Invitation: 10 for prayers. November 24, 2013 Bulletin

Judas Betrays Jesus

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Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver: Zechariah 11:1-10 Jerusalem to be destroyed and the false shepherds and pastors destroyed cf: Jeremiah 23:1ff & Ezekiel 34:1ff. Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2  cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money 30 pieces of silver the price of a slave Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, John 10:12-13, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-8 & Acts 1:16-20 both are the end of Judas he hung himself & until he finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon. 

Invitation: 12 for prayers. November 17, 2013 Bulletin

Passover a Shadow of the Lord's Supper

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Hebrews 8:5 & 10:1. The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitution death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples, which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20.  Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58.  Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves and take The Lord's Supper properly. I Corinthians 11:17-33.  The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 2:42. They also assembled upon the first day of each week to break bread by partaking of The Lord's Supper cf: Acts 20:7. 

Invitation: 10 for prayers. November 11, 2013 Bulletin

The Gospel

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The Gospel is I Corinthians 15:1-4; What Scriptures? God promised the "seed" or "Messiah", will come to deliver mankind, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. Only God can tell the future Isaiah 42:9 & 44:6-8. The Messiah to be a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15ff) a Priest (Psalm 110:1 & 4) a King (II Samuel 7:12ff) Now God announces Messiah to be a Servant Isaiah 42:1-7, 49:1-6, 50:4-10. Now God declares Christ will be a Suffering Servant 52:13, 53:1-12 this is a prophecy of Christ's coming & His death burial & resurrection which is the Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6

Invitation: 15 for prayers and 3 baptisms. November 3, 2013 Bulletin

Coming Of Christ In Power And Glory

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The Coming of Christ in Power and Glory  If we Die or at 2nd Coming we then face judgment cf: Hebrews 9:27-28, All that are in the grave shall hear His voice John 5:21-29, The mercy seat of Christ cf: II Corinthians 5:10, The good works that the saved do & the sin of omission Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus will bring the souls of the dead back with Him Jude 14, the dead in Christ shall rise first & we shall be caught up I Thessalonians 4:13-18,  Christ's coming like a thief in the night I Thessalonians 5:1-10,  those alive shall be changed into immortal bodies I Corinthians 15:1-55, The earth & all it's works shall be burned up, we look for new heaven & new earth II Peter 3:1-14 Christ is coming in flaming fire II Thessalonians 1:7-8 New Heaven & New Earth Revelation 21:1-2

Invitation: 10 for prayers and 3 baptisms. October 20, 2013 Bulletin

Wise And Foolish Virgins

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Parable of the Wise & Foolish Virgins  The kingdom of heaven = the church, The bridegroom = Christ, The midnight arrival = the second advent, The virgins = church members, The wise virgins = the prepared, The foolish virgins = the unprepared, The lamps = (a) faith; demonstrated by (b) good works, The oil =  (a) the Spirit; which leads us to (b) good works, The sleep of the virgins = the sleep of death, Tarrying of the bridegroom = delay of the second coming, The midnight cry = the call to judgment, Refusal to give oil = grace & merit not transferable, Exclusion of the foolish = rejection of unprepared, The shut door = impossibility of the last minute salvation.

Invitation: 10 for prayers and 2 baptisms. October 20, 2013 Bulletin

Thief In The Night

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Matthew 24, The Coming of Christ as a Thief in the Night
The abomination of desolation was when the Roman army surrounded Jerusalem & showed their idolatrous standards (like a flag) with an eagle upon a pole. The word coming is often used in the Old Testament to describe God Coming in Judgment Note: Isaiah 13 same language used about Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy  the destruction of Judah by Babylon & the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD Note: after Spirit poured out Joel 2:28-32.

Invitation: 7 for prayers and 0 baptisms. October 13, 2013 Bulletin

The Destruction of Jerusalem & the Coming of Christ

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Matthew 23:27-39. People teach Matthew 24 is talking about the end of the world but Jesus says those things would take place in that generation 40 years Matthew 24:34. It was 40 years between His crucifixion in 30 AD & the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus of Rome in 70AD. Figurative language cf: Isaiah 13 God describes destruction Babylon in the same figurative words. Jesus uses this metaphor to describe the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Isaiah 13:10 with Matthew 24:29. Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 1:8 & 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians1:6-8, Matthew 24:15 cf: Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 & Daniel 9:24-27 The word coming is often used in the Old Testament to describe God Coming in Judgment Note Isaiah 13 same language used about Babylon, Ezekiel 32:1ff same language about Egypt & Joel 2:1ff uses the same language to prophecy the destruction of Judah by Babylon & destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD.

Invitation: 7 for prayers and 0 baptisms. October 6, 2013 Bulletin

The Parable of the Inauguration of the King's Son

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Matthew 22:1-14 The Robe of Righteousness & not strange apparel is required cf: Zephaniah 1:7-9; Righteousness; All our Righteousness are as Filthy Rags, Isaiah 64:6. None are righteous cf: Romans 3:10-20; Change of righteousness is to be provided, Isaiah 61:10, Zach 3:1-9, Luke 15:22, Righteousness of God, Romans 1:16-17; 3:21ff, Revelation 19:8ff & Revelations 21:2ff.  The Character of the Scribes & Pharisees:  Matthew 22:14-Matthew 23:21; Pharisees & Herodians question Jesus; Matthew 22:15-22; Sadducees question Resurrection, Matthew 23:33; A Lawyer's question concerning Great Commandment, Matthew 22:34-40 cf: James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Isaiah 2:2-4; Whose son is Christ?  Matthew 22:41-46; The character of the Scribes & Pharisees

Invitation: 10 for prayers and 0 baptisms. September 29, 2013 Bulletin

Salt Of The Earth

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Grapevine BBQ Picnic

Invitation: 7 for prayers and 0 baptisms. September 22, 2013 Bulletin

Enemies Silenced

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Matthew 21:23-27 Priesthood Questions Jesus' authority. Jesus asks concerning the Baptism of John. There was no safe response, so they refused to answer. How can we expect to know more when we won't take action based on what we have? cf Psalms 119:32. The parable of the two sons. Israel is pictured as the vineyard of the Lord cf Isaiah 5:7. These responses are the responses of God's people through out the ages. The parable of the wicked husbandmen Matthew 21:23-46 Here Israel is pictured as a vine. Many pastors in Israel's history have destroyed the vineyard cf. Jeremiah 12:10. The Prophets had come to claim the peaceful fruits of righteousness. But, anger and greed had captured the hearts of the husbandmen cf: Hebrews 11: 32-39 The land owners Son comes to the vineyard the day before riding upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass cf Matthew 21:1 ff Kill the son and the vineyard is ours cf: John 11:47-50. V:41 They condemned themselves God cast away Israel cf: Romans 11:15 V:42 cf: Psalms 118:22, Isaiah 28:16 V: 44 cf: Isaiah 8:13-15. V:45 cf: I Peter 2:5-9

Invitation: 7 for prayers and 0 baptisms. September 15, 2013 Bulletin

The Lord Suddenly Comes To The Temple

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Mark 11:1-10, God promised that the Messiah would come to the temple, cf: Malachi 3:1-5; that He would come from the east, Ezekiel 43:1-2, upon a colt , the foal of an ass, Genesis 49:10-11 & Zachariah 9:9. Mark 11:11, "and when He had looked round about upon all things", What's your judgment, Lord? No comment. The Parable of The Barren Fig Tree, Mark 11:12-14. Israel is the fig tree, cf: Jeremiah 8:1ff. Looking round about the temple and upon all things, what's your judgment, Lord? No fruit. The outward forms of worship became more important to the Jews than fruit, Matthew 23:27. The Jews practiced all the right rules, but, Matthew 23:23. The temple cleansed, Mark 11:15-18. The Parable of The Withered Fig Tree, Mark 11:20-21. The missing figs of Israel, Mark 11:22. Had Israel had faith in the God of their covenant, all things were possible, Deuteronomy 29:1-15 & 30:1-20. The reproduction of our faith in others is a test of our fruit, I John 1:3. Today we are to bear much fruit, In Christianity fruit is: both souls John 15:1-8 and Christian character or holiness, Galatians 5:22ff.

Invitation: 7 for prayers and 0 baptisms. September 8, 2013 Bulletin

Reward of Discipleship

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Matthew 19:13-15 We must be converted and become as little children. Matthew 19:16-26 the parable of the Rich Young Ruler who went away sorrowful cf: Mk 10:24. Matthew 19:27-30 What is the reward for a life-time of service? It just doesn't get any better than inheriting eternal life cf: I Corinthians 2:9. What Christ has accomplished in the Gospel is for all, so first or last is irrelevant. Matthew 20:1 The Kingdom of Heaven - we have a Divine Teacher, cf: John 6:44-45, Hebrews 1:1-2 Who calls all who come to the Vineyard. John 6:44, I John 4:10 Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. Matthew 20:2. If it's the first hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:3 If it's the third hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:4 Jesus promises what is right. Matthew 20:5 If it's the 6th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. If it's the 9th hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:6-7 If it's the last hour of your life, come to the Vineyard. Matthew 20:8-16 What Jesus has accomplished in His life, death, burial & resurrection is for all who come. The Lord is the same now and forever. Come To The Vineyard.

Invitation: 5 for prayers and 0 baptisms. September 1, 2013 Bulletin

The Unforgivable Sin

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Brother Fred Vaughn graduated from the flesh to the Spirit. All his physical suffering, COPD, oxygen and breathing treatments, heart disease, arthritis, teeth, wheel chairs, cold because of bad circulation all these trials are now done and his victory is won. Before him lies: Glory, and honor and immortality and eternal life. We will miss our prayer warrior, youth leader, brother and friend. Twenty years ago, Kelly had the idea of feeding the Church after worship but Fred Vaughn had the idea of feeding the street people and homeless. Fred & Stephanie began it all by feeding across the street in the fellowship hall 20 years ago. Now it is up to us who remain to honor his memory by praying without ceasing that we can retain all the work we began.

Invitation: 8 for prayers and 0 baptisms. August 25, 2013 Bulletin

The Prodigal Son

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The parable of the lost coin, Luke 15:8-10. If a woman would search for a token of her beloved that hard how much more should the Shepherds of Israel be seeking the lost. The Parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-24. This would be the horror story of all horror stories to an orthodox Jew ... they could not imagine a worse sinner & they sure would not receive such a sinner home as the Father. The Parable of the Elder son Luke 15:25-32 who says "neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment" Now, surely the Scribes & Pharisees could identify with this son cf: Romans 3:10-19. The Elder son received a double portion.

Invitation: 8 for prayers and 0 baptisms. August 18, 2013 Bulletin

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

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The Parables of the Lost Sheep: Publicans and sinners draw near to hear our Lord, at which the Pharisees are offended, Luke 15:1, Luke 15:2. Christ vindicates his conduct in receiving them by the parable of the lost sheep, Luke 15:3-7.

Invitation: 8 for prayers and 3 baptisms. August 11, 2013 Bulletin

The Parable of the Great Supper

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The Parable of the Great Supper  Luke 14:1-24 Pharisee gives supper Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law Luke 14:4 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10. social graces, Lk 14:11 Humble. Lk 14:12-14, cf, I Peter 5:5, come, Luke 14:12-14 Who invite banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelations 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Lk 14:15. another empty saying. The banquet cf: Mark 1:14-15. Luke 14:16. A certain man is: God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Lk14:17, Jesus the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7,preparation, cf: Psalm 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7,  Lk 14:18 refused call Psalm 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1. Lk 14:19 Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Lk 14:21, cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mk 16:15-16

Invitation: 11 for prayers. August 4, 2013 Bulletin

The Parable of the Tares

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The Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew 13:31-32 Parable of grains of wheat Mark 4 26-29 The Parable Mustard Seed Matthew 13:33 Parable Leaven. Parables Matthew 13:34-35 cf: Psalm 78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43 Parable of the treasure Matthew 13:44; Parable of the peril of great price. Matthew 13:45-46; arable of the net Matthew 13:47-48; The end of the world Matt:13:49-50 Do you understand Matthew 13:51; The parable of every scribe instructed in the kingdom Matthew 13:52

Invitation: 18 for prayers and 1 baptism. July 28, 2013 Bulletin

The Parable of the Sower

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Matthew 13:1-9; God is speaking through the Messiah and we have a responsibility to listen cf: Hebrews 1:1-2 Matthew 13:10-15 cf: Isaiah 6:9-10. Matthew 13:16-17 cf: I Peter 1:10-12; The Hard Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:19 cf: I John 3:11-12, Hebrews 4:1-11 & Hebrews 10:38-39. Shallow Hearted Hearer Matt:13:20-21 cf: I Peter 2:2 & James 1:22. The Crowded Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:22 cf: I John 3:1-3, Exodus 20:3, James 1:17 & I John 5:17-20. Matthew 13:23 The Christian Heart cf: Luke 8:15, I Kings 3:9 Fruit both souls John 15:1-8 and Christian Character Galatians 5:22-25. The Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew 13:31-32 Parable Mustard Seed Matthew 13:33 Parable Leaven. Parables Matthew 13:34-35 cf: Psalm 78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43

Invitation: 18 for prayers. July 21, 2013 Bulletin

The Gospel Story (Part 2)

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God promises the "seed" or "Messiah", will come to deliver mankind, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. Only God can tell the future Isaiah 42:9 & 44:6-8. The Messiah to be a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15ff) a Priest (Psalm 110:1 & 4) a King (II Samuel 7:12ff) Now God announces Messiah to be a Servant Isaiah 42:1-7, 49:1-6, 50:4-10. Now God declares Christ will be a Suffering Servant 52:13, 53:1-12 this is a prophecy of Christ's coming & His death burial & resurrection which is the Gospel, I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6

Invitation: 8 for prayers. July 14, 2013 Bulletin

The Gospel Story (Part 1)

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God promises the Messiah "seed" or "Messiah" will come to deliver mankind Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16. The same promise is given to Seth Genesis 4:25, Noah Genesis 9:8-9, Abraham Genesis 12:1-4, 15:3-6, Isaac Genesis 26:3-4, Jacob or Israel Genesis 35:9-12. Messiah to be a descendant of Judah 49:10 & through King David II Samuel 7:12-16. Prophecies of the "seed" are found Psalm 22:1-31 and Isaiah 52:13- 53:1-12 these are both prophecies of the coming of the Messiah and His death, burial and resurrection which is the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 3:16 & 26-29 & Romans 6:3-6

Invitation: 12 for prayers. July 7, 2013 Bulletin

A Lawyer's Question

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Christ appoints seventy disciples to go before him, two by two, to preach, heal, etc., Luke 10:1-12. Christ pronounces woes on Chorazin and Capernaum, Luke 10:13-16. The seventy return, and give account of their mission, Luke 10:17-20. Christ rejoices that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent had been revealed unto babes, and shows the great privileges of the Gospel, Luke 10:21-24. A Lawyer's Question how he shall inherit eternal life, and is answered, Luke 10:25-29. The story of the Good Samaritan, Luke 10:30-37. The account of Martha and Mary, Luke 10:38-42.

Invitation: 13 for prayers. June 30, 2013 Bulletin

John the Baptist: The Forerunner of The Messiah

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Luke 7:1-10. Raises a widow's son to life at Nain, Luke 7:11-17. John Baptist hears of his fame, and sends two of his disciples to inquire whether he was the Christ, Luke 7:18-23. Christ's character of John, Luke 7:24-30. The obstinate blindness and capriciousness of the Jews, Luke 7:31-35. A Pharisee invites him to his house, where a woman anoints his head with oil, and washes his feet with her tears, Luke 7:36-38. The Pharisee is offended, Luke 7:39. Our Lord reproves him by a parable, and vindicates the woman, Luke 7:40-46; and pronounces her sins forgiven, Luke 7:47-50.

Invitation: 20 for prayers. June 23, 2013 Bulletin

Ten Things Jesus Believed in Genesis Chapters 1 - 11

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Sermon: Brother Manuel Santiago Ten Things Jesus Believed in Genesis Chapters 1 - 11: The creation story--Mark 13:19 The creation of man--Matthew 19:4 The marriage institution of Adam & Eve--Matthew 19:5-6 Abel's martyrdom--Matthew 23:35 Noah's flood _ Matthew 24:37-39 In Abraham--John 8:37-40 In Isaac--Luke 13:28 In Jacob's "ladder dream" - John 1:47-51 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah--Luke 17:28-39 Lot's wife turning to salt--Luke 17:32

Invitation: 3 Baptism & 13 for prayers. June 16, 2013 Bulletin

The Shepherds of Israel: Luke 5:1-39

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The miraculous draught of fishes at the lake of Gennesaret, Luke 5:1-11. Christ heals a leper, Luke 5:12-14. His fame being published abroad, he withdraws to the desert, Luke 5:15, Luke 5:16. He heals a paralytic person, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, but the people glorify God, Luke 5:17-26. He calls the publican Levi, who makes a feast for Christ, to which he invites a great number of publicans and others, at which the scribes and Pharisees murmur, and our Lord vindicates his conduct, Luke 5:27-32. The question about fasting answered, Luke 5:33-35. The parable of the new piece of cloth put on the old garment, and the new wine in old bottles, Luke 5:36-39.

Invitation: 9 for prayers. June 9, 2013 Bulletin

Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7

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Judge means fault finding spirit, harsh, bitter, unloving judgment. Matthew 7:7-8 Prevailing prayer God wants us to grow in our prayer life from Ask: I want, to seek: what do you want God? To knock and say I will do as You want. Matthew 7:13-14;  The Way - note the Greek article which means there is just one way to the pearly gate (the way), cf: Psalm 16:11, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6; The Faith - cf: Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, 24:14, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Galatians 3:23, Ephesians. 4:1-4, cf: Ephesians 1:22-23. Be a fruit inspector Matthew 7:16-20, Not all religion acceptable unto God cf: Matthew 7:21-23. The words of Christ are like a rock to build our faith upon V;24-29

Invitation: 23 for prayers. June 2, 2013 Bulletin

Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6

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Alms means Works of Righteousness: Secret motives of life Matthew 6:1-18 cf: Luke 12:1-12. Three Particular Works of Righteousness:  Alms, Prayers & Fasting. Alms Matthew 6:2-4 Unto God (Not to make a show) cf:  Matthew 23:1ff. On Prayers Matthew 6:5-15 cf:  Luke 18 & 11 the early Church continued steadfastly in prayer Acts 2:42. On Fasting Matthew 6:16-18 cf: Mark 2:18-22. Treasure in Heaven Matthew 6:19-34 cf: Luke 12:13-34 & I Corinthians 2:9. Matthew5:22-23 Single purpose in life necessary I John 1:5. You can't serve God & riches of injustice.

Invitation: 23 for prayers. May 26, 2013 Bulletin

Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5

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Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5:1-48 Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-10; Persecution to come Matthew 5:11-12; Disciples-salt of the earth, Matthew 5:13 light of the world, Matthew 5:14; Our good works Matthew5:15-16; Christ not destroy but confirm & fulfill law & prophets, Matthew 5:17-19; Righteousness Matthew 5:20; Murder & anger 5:21-22; Reconciliation Matthew 5:23-26; Impure acts & thoughts Matthew 5:27-30; Divorce Matthew 5:31-32; Oaths & profanity. Matthew 5:33-37; bearing injuries & persecution, Matthew 5:38-41; Borrowing & leading Matthew 5:42, Love & hatred Matthew 5:43-46; Civil respect, Matthew 5:47; Christ's disciples to resemble the Heavenly Father Matthew 5:48 by becoming Christ-like.

Invitation: 11 for prayers. May 19, 2013 Bulletin

The Beatitudes

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Matthew 5:1-16. Blessed means: happy cf: Psalm 1:1ff; Poor in Spirit (discouraged) Matthew 18:3ff; Mourn (sorrowful) cf: II Corinthians 7:10, Meek (gentle & lowly) Greek word used to describe a wild animal trained for service such as a horse fit for the bridle cf: Matthew 11:28-29. Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness cf: Matthew 6:33 & John 6:35; Merciful cf: Isaiah 58:6-7 & James 2:13; Pure in Heart cf: Proverbs 4:23, Acts 15:9 & Psalm 51:10-12; Peaceful cf Isaiah 9:6ff, Romans 12:18ff; Persecuted cf: II Timothy 3:12, Rejoice cf: Romans 8:17; The Sermon on the mount is the heart of Jesus' teaching. Blessed is not in unfortunate condition itself, but in the glorious reward to come. Heaven is so superior to anything on earth that anything that increased our longing for heaven is a blessing.

Invitation: 11 for prayers. May 12, 2013 Bulletin
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In Christ

How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy 2:1& 10 All teach "in Christ" or "in Him" Galatians 3:27, Romans 6:3-6 teach how to get into Christ.

Invitation: 11 for prayers. May 5, 2013 Bulletin
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Let Brotherly Love Continue

Hebrews 13:1 cf. Deuteronomy 6:4ff, Matthew 22:34-40, James 2:8, Romans 12:10-21, I Corinthians 13:1-13; Hebrews 13:2-25 Christianity is better: Better Revelation Hebrews 1:1-4, Better Hope Hebrews 7:18-19, Better Testament Hebrews 7:22, Better Covenant Hebrews 8:6, Better Promises Hebrews 8:6, Better Sacrifices Hebrews 9:23, Better Possessions Hebrews 10:34 Better Country Hebrews 11:16 & Better Resurrection Hebrews 11:35. Hebrews 11:5 I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. The Literal Greek has 5 negatives, 2 verbal ideals & 1 pronoun used twice. The Literal translation is: "No. I will never leave thee. Not I. I will never. Never cast thee off".

Invitation: 11 for prayers. April 28, 2013 Bulletin
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We as Christians are to Compete in the Olympics of Life

The Great cloud of witness are the great hero's of the faith in chapter 11. Having so many incitements to holiness, patience, and perseverance, we should lay aside every hindrance, and run with patience the race that is set before us, taking our blessed Lord for our example, Hebrews 12:1 race I Corinthians 9:24-27 & Philippians 3:13-14 Hebrews 12:2 Joy cf: Luke 15:5; cf: right hand Acts 2:30 & Psalm 110:1-4; V:3-4. These sufferings are to be considered as fatherly chastisements from God, & to be patiently submitted to on account of the benefits obtained from them, Hebrews 12:5-11. Take courage & go forward, Hebrews 12:12-13. Follow peace with all men, & to take heed we fall from the grace of God, Hebrews 12:14, Hebrews 12:15. Compare Esau, Hebrews 12:16-17. The privileges of Christians, compared with the Jews, by which the superior excellence of Christianity is shown, Hebrews 12:18-24. Take care not to reject Jesus, who now addressed them from heaven & who was shortly to be our Judge, Hebrews 12:25-27. As we are called to receive a kingdom, have grace, so we might serve God acceptably, Hebrews 12:28-29

Invitation: 10 for prayers. April 21, 2013 Bulletin
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Those Added by Lord to Church of Christ are called Christians

The Kingdom was to be established during the days of the Roman Empire cf: Daniel 2:44, Jesus used the words Church & Kingdom inter-changeably cf: Matthew 16:13ff, we must be born again of water & Spirit to enter the Kingdom John 3:3-5, born again by being baptized results in the indwelling Holy Spirit cf: Acts 2:36-47, I Corinthians 12:13, 20 & 27, Colossians 1:13 &18, Ephesians1:20-23, Only one name given Acts 4:12, Isaiah 61:1-3, 6, 8-10, To be called by a new name when Gentiles come to God Isaiah 62:1-3 Gentiles come Acts 11:1ff, new name Christians cf: Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, I Peter 4:16, The Church of Christ Romans 16:16, Revelations 19:7-9, 21:2, a bride takes her husband's name Genesis 5:1-2, we are Priests I Peter 2:1-9 cf, Romans 12:1-2 & Colossians3:1ff

Invitation: 13 for prayers. April 14, 2013 Bulletin
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Singing in Church Style Which is: A Cappella Singing

Ephesians 5:18 Paul is continuing to direct us in how to live our day to day lives and worship. Wine was common intoxicant in the ancient world. Just as a drunk is under the influence and is controlled by alcohol, we are to be under the influence and be controlled by the Spirit. Ephesians5:19 psalms you will sing O.T. psalms, hymns and spiritual songs singing Greek psallo is followed by the direct object of the "heart" not a instrument of music in New Testament worship. Ephesians 5:20 Our singing should be filled with thanksgiving to God. Colossians 3:16 again the "heart" is the direct object of psallo singing; I Corinthians 14:15 The Pro-test-ant Re-former Calvin said of this verse: I would as soon pray to God with an instrument as sing to God with a instrument; James 5:13 sing psalms; Hebrews 2:12 Right now today in the midst of the Church or Congregation as we worship Christ sings praises to God cf: Psalm 22:22; Matthew 26:30 Right after the Passover meal which was the original Lord's Supper Jesus & the Apostles sang; Hebrews 9:1-4 Types & shadows; Hebrews 10:1 the law & O.T. were a shadow of the new Spiritual way to come; II Chronicles 29:25-30 Note the shadow in that they played instruments until the sacrifice, which was a shadow of Christ's sacrifice, but after the sacrifice they only sang; Hebrews 5:1-6 Christ is our High Priest Sacrificed for us; Hebrews 7:17-28 Christ's sacrifice was complete when He offered up Himself; II Corinthians 11:3 Note the simplicity that is in Christ; Ephesians 5:18-20.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 13  for prayers. April 7, 2013 Bulletin
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Resurrection: I Corinthians 15

A prophecy of Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to perform the ancient part of a near kinfolk, to ransom, to buy back. He shall "stand" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, with the idea of resurrection. In John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed to have the power of resurrection.  We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Jesus was raised in bodily resurrection with many infallible proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; The doctrine of Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel.  I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. Jesus the resurrected Christ, seen by over 500 witnesses plus the Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul's Apostleship, I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. All the Apostles preached & believed the same things, I Corinthians 15:11. There is a Judaizing false teacher at Corinth I Corinthians 15:12. Paul takes a negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says "but now is Christ risen" & first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. There is order in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ or the Church of Christ, to God, I Corinthians 15:24. Christ reigns as a King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules over all things, I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is one of the hardest verses in the New Testament to understand. In my opinion, Paul is saying that they are being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34. Paul now states the obvious question of the false teacher in Corinth, I Corinthians 15:35-36. Paul will answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & he answers the same question by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: Matthew 25:31ff, I Thessalonians 4:13 thru Chap 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. Work the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29

Invitation: 12  for prayers. March 31, 2013 Bulletin
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The 5 Fold Worship of the Church

The 5 Fold Worship of the Church Worshiping God is our duty: cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & John 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2, 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9

Invitation: 1 Baptisms & 16 for prayers. March 24, 2013 Bulletin
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The Church of Christ is the Foretold Kingdom of God

The Church of Christ is the promised Kingdom to come Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 2:2 cf: in the "Last Days" Acts 2:16-21 & Hebrews 1:1-2. "Lord's House" cf: I Timothy 3:15 "All Nations" cf: Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 2:3; We have Divine teacher "He will Teach" cf: John 6:44-45 & Hebrews1:1-2; Isaiah 2:3 "Zion shall go forth the Law" cf: James 1:25 & James 2:8, Matthew 22:37-42 was said on Mount Zion; Isaiah 2:3 "Word...from Jerusalem" cf: Luke 24:44-49 & Acts 1:8ff; Isaiah 11:1-10 is figurative & symbolic language cf: Romans 15:9-12 quotes Isaiah 11, therefore, Isaiah 11 is fulfilled.

Invitation: 1 Baptisms & 11 for prayers. March 17, 2013 Bulletin
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The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Every Christian

Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit being given to believers after His glorification in Heaven John 7:37-39. Acts 2:38 promises the Spirit to all who are baptized. Acts 2:39 shows this promise is perpetual through the whole Christian Dispensation. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 6:19. God dwells in the Church through His spirit I Corinthians 3:16-17 & we are a habitation of God through the Spirit Ephesians 2:21-22. Rom. 8:9 indicates if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. Things the Holy Spirit does in our lives: Study Romans 8 & Ephesians 3:16, Galatians 5:17, II Corinthians 3:18, fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23, I John 4:13 & Ephesians 1:13-14.

Invitation: 8 for prayers March 10, 2013 Bulletin
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Baptism for the Remission of Sins

Is taught Acts 2:38-39 cf: Titus 3:5; Our baptism is a reenactment of the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4 cf: Romans 6:1-4: examples of conversion Pentecost Acts 2:1-42; Samaria Act 8:3-13; The Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:26-40; Saul of Tarsus Acts 9, 22 & 26; Cornelius' House Acts 10:34-48; Lydia's household Acts 16:14-15; The Philippian Jailor & his household Acts 16:25-33; Many Corinthians Acts 18:1-8; Certain Disciples at Ephesus Acts 19:1-5 this is an example that you can't be taught wrong & baptized right. In every example of conversion baptism is cited by the inspired writer because the Holy Spirit knew men would one day teach baptism is not necessary for salvation. Baptism is into Christ cf: Rom. 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.  Romans 6: 1-17 & I Peter 3:20-21

Invitation: 12 for prayers March 3, 2013 Bulletin
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Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform all your hopes rests upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7.  All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God.  Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc.  Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. Galatians 2:16-20 Big Question, is th "faith" subjective gender, then: "the faith of Christ KJV" or objective gender then it is "faith in Christ" as NIV Big difference cf: Romans 3:21ff and Philippians 3:9

Invitation: 13 for prayers February 24, 2013 Bulletin
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Belief & Faith

Faith is not a feeling or an emotion although feelings & emotions can accompany faith. Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform your hope rests upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genenis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7.  All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God.  Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc.  Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. I believe that I might obey: I obey that I might believe.

Invitation: 13 for prayers February 17, 2013 Bulletin
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Pentecost: Acts 2

The Apostles Baptized with Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11-12, John tells it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father and they will have "power from on high" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 Vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 Qualifications to be an apostle. Acts 1:26 & 2:1 Chapter & verse divisions not in original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to last-named noun. Which is: "Matthias: and he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Many make the mistake thinking the 120 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the Apostles speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied. Acts 1:5 & 21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.

Invitation: 2 Baptisms & 14 for prayers. February 10, 2013 Bulletin
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World Conquest: Acts 1

Most of Acts is written the 3rd person. Story moves along "they did "or "he did ". Beginning in Acts 16:10-18 first person plural, "we". cf: Acts 20:5-15, Acts 21:1-18, Acts 27:1, Acts 28:16, thus, the "we" alerts us fact author is eye witness to the "we" sections of Acts. Luke 1:1-4 states Luke's purpose: Theophilus cf: cf: Luke 1:1-4. Acts 1:1B.cf: "Do & teach" Luke 24:19. Acts 1:2A Taken up cf: Luke 24:51. Acts 1:2B Given commandments cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Matthew 28:18-20. Acts 1:3A "Many infallible proofs" cf: Luke 24:36-43. Acts 1:3B Kingdom of God cf: Luke 24:46-47. Acts 1:4 Wait for the promise cf: Luke 24:49. Acts 1:5 Apostles to be baptized with the Holy Ghost cf: Matthew 3:11-12. Acts 1:6 Jesus promised Kingdom God come during lifetime apostles in Mark 9:1. Acts 1:7 stay focused on job cf: I Thessalonians 5:1ff. Kingdom God come Power cf: Mark 9:1, Acts 1:8A Power when baptism of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8B The apostles to be eyeball witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth, Acts 1:9 Is a view from earth & Daniel 7:13-14, is a view of the same event in Heaven. False teachers teach Daniel vision is of the second coming, while the verse plainly says The Son of Man was coming to the Ancient of Days (God). When does Daniel 7:13-14 teach Christ received His Kingdom? At His Ascension to the Father cf: Acts 2:30-32. Psalm 110:1-4 Acts 1:10-11 He will come from Heaven again the same way He went cf: Revelations 1:7.

Invitation:14 for prayers February 3, 2013 Bulletin
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The Great Commission

This Commission is called the "Great Commission" to distinguish it from the minor commissions given by the Lord to His disciples in Matthew 10:5ff and to the 70 disciples in Luke 10:1ff. They are called minor because their scope was minor to Jews only, while the Great Commission is universal and its scope is all the world. Proverbs 28:9 , John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20 , Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51 , Acts 1:1-9, John 3:-35, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17.

Invitation: Prayers requested January 27, 2013 Bulletin
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The Gospel of John 21:1-25

Jesus shows himself to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias, John 21:1-5. The miraculous draught of fishes, John 21:6-11. He dines with his disciples, John 21:12-14. Questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, John 21:15-17. Foretells the manner of Peter's death, John 21:18,19. Peter inquires concerning John, and receives an answer that was afterwards misunderstood, John 21:20-23. John's concluding testimony concerning the authenticity of his Gospel, and the end for which it was written, John 21:24-25 The Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4 and the Resurrection of Christ and ourselves I Corinthians 15:5-55

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The Gospel of John 20:1-31

Mary Magdalene, coming early to the sepulcher, finds it empty, & runs & tells Peter, John 20:1-2. Peter & John run to the tomb, & find all as Mary had reported, John 20:3-10. Mary sees a vision of angels in the tomb, John 20:11-13. Jesus himself appears to her, & sends her with a message to the disciples, John 20:14-18. He appears to the disciples, gives the fullest proof of the reality of his resurrection, & communicates to them a measure of the Holy Spirit, John 20:19-23. The determined incredulity of Thomas, John 20:24-25. Eight days after, Jesus appears again to the disciples, Thomas being present, to whom he gives the proofs he had desired, John 20:26-27. Thomas is convinced, & makes a noble confession, John 20:28. Our Lord's reflections on his case, John 20:29. Various signs done by Christ, not circumstantially related, John 20:30. Why others are recorded, John 20:31.

Invitation: 14 for prayers. January 13, 2013 Bulletin
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The Gospel of John 19:1-42

Jesus is scourged, crowned with thorns, and mocked by the soldiers, John 19:1-3. He to brought forth by Pilate, wearing the purple robe; and the Jews clamour for his death, John 19:4-8. Conversation between our Lord and Pilate, John 19:9-11. Pilate expostulates with the Jews on their barbarous demands; but they become more inveterate, and he delivers Christ into their hands, 12-16. He, bearing his cross, is led to Golgotha, and crucified, 17-22. The soldiers cast lots for his raiment, 23,24. Jesus commends his mother to the care of John, 25-27. Jesus thirsts, receives vinegar, and dies, 28-30. The Jews request that the legs of those who were crucified might be broken; the soldiers break those of the two thieves, and pierce the side of Christ; the Scriptures fulfilled in these acts, 31-37. Joseph of Arimathea begs the body of Christ; and Nicodemus brings spices to embalm it, 38-40. He is laid in a new sepulchre, 41-42.

2012 Sermons

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The Gospel of John 18:1-40

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Jesus passes the brook Cedron, and goes to the garden of Gethsemane, John 18:1. Judas, having betrayed him, comes to the place with a troop of men to take him, John 18:2-3. Jesus addresses them as I AM, and they fall to the ground, John 18:4-6. He addresses them again, and Peter smites Malchus, John 18:7-11. They seize him and lead him away to Caiaphas, John 18:12-14. Peter follows to the palace of the high priest, John 18:15-18. The high priest questions Christ concerning his doctrine, and Jesus answers, and is smitten, John 18:19-23. Peter denies his Lord twice, John 18:24-27. Jesus is led to the judgment hall, and Pilate and the Jews converse about him, Jn 18:28-32. Pilate converses with Jesus, who informs him of the spiritual nature of his kingdom, Jn 18:33-37. Pilate returns to the Jews, and declares Christ to be innocent, 18:38. He seeks to discharge him, and the Jews clamour for his condemnation, 39-40.

The Gospel of John 17:1-26

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Christ prays the Father to glorify him, John 17:1. In what eternal l consists, John 17:2-3. Shows that he has glorified his Father, by fulfilling his will upon earth, and revealing him to the disciples, John 17:4-8. Prays for them, that they may be preserved in unity and kept from evil, John 17:9-16. Prays for their sanctification, John 17:17-19. Prays also for those who should believe on him through their preaching, that they all might be brought into a state of unity, and finally brought to eternal glory, John 17:20-26.

The Gospel of John 16:1-33

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Christ warns his disciples, and foretells the persecutions they should receive from the Jews, John 16:1-4. Foretells his death, and promises them the Comforter, John 16:5-7. Points out his operations among the Jews, and in the world, John 16:8-11. His peculiar influences on the souls of the disciples, John 16:12-15. Speaks figuratively of his death and resurrection, at which his disciples are puzzled, John 16:16-18. He explains and illustrates the whole by a similitude, John 16:19-22. Shows himself to be the Mediator between God and man, and that all prayers must be put up in his name, John 16:23-28. The disciples clearly comprehend his meaning and express their strong faith in him, John 16:29-30. He again foretells their persecution, and promises them his peace and support, John 16:31-33. A Study on the Holy Spirit impromptu

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 15 for prayers.  December 16, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 15:1-27

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Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38

Invitation: 12 for prayers.  December 9, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 14:1-32

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Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38

Invitation: 12 for prayers.  December 2, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 13:1-38

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Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  November 25, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 12:1-50

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Jesus supper at the house of Lazarus, and Mary anoints his feet, John 12:1-3. Judas Iscariot finds fault, and reproves her, 4-6. Jesus vindicates Mary and reproves Judas, 7-8. The chief priests consult to put Lazarus to death, because through him many believed on Jesus, 9-11. He enters Jerusalem in triumph; the people meet him, and the Pharisees are troubled, 12-19. Greeks inquire after Jesus, 20-22. Our Lord's discourse on the subject, 23-26. Speaks of his passion, and is answered by a voice from heaven, 27,28. The people are astonished at the voice, and Jesus explains it to them, and foretells his death, 29-33. They question him concerning the perpetuity of the Messiah, and he instructs them, 34-36. Many believe not; and in them the saying of Isaiah is fulfilled, 37-41. Some of the chief rulers believe, but are afraid to confess him, 42,43. He proclaims himself the light of the world, and shows the danger of rejecting his words, 44-50.

Invitation: 16 for prayers.  November 18, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 11:1-5

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Account of the sickness of Lazarus, John 11:1. His sisters Martha and Mary send for Christ, John 11:2. Our Lord's discourse with His disciples on this sickness and consequent death, John 11:3-16. He arrives at Bethany four days after the burying of Lazarus, John 11:17,18. Martha meets Christ-their conversation, John 11:19-27. She returns and Mary goes out to meet Him, in great distress, John 11:28-33. Christ comes to the grave-His conversation there, John 11:34-42. He raises Lazarus from the dead, John 11:43-46. The priests and Pharisees, hearing of this, hold a council, and plot His destruction, John 11:47,48. The remarkable prophecy of Caiaphas, and the consequent proceedings of the Jews, John 11:49-53. Jesus withdraws into a city called Ephraim, John 11:54. They lay wait for Him at the passover, John 11:55-67.

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  November 11, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 10:1-42

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Christ speaks the parable of the sheepfold, John 10:1-6. Proclaims himself the door of the sheepfold, John 10:7-10, and the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, John 10:11-18. The Jews are again divided, some revile and some vindicate our Lord, John 10:19-21. His discourse with the Jews at the temple, on the feast of dedication, John 10:22-29. Having asserted that he was one with the Father, the Jews attempt to stone him, John 10:30,31. He vindicates his conduct, and appeals to his works, John 10:32-38. They strive to apprehend him; he escapes, and retires beyond Jordan, John 10:39,40. Many resort to and believe on him there, John 10:41,42.

Invitation: 12 for prayers.  November 4, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 9:1-41

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Isaiah the prophet foretold the Messiah would heal the blind, and work all manner of miracles, wonders and signs cf: Isaiah 35:ff. Account of the man who was born blind, John 9:1-5. Christ heals him, John 9:6-7. The man is questioned by his neighbors, John 9:8-12. He is brought to the Pharisees, who question him, John 9:13-17, and then his parents, John 9:18-23. They again interrogate the man, who, vindicating the conduct of Christ, is excommunicated by them, John 9:24-34. Jesus, hearing of the conduct of the Pharisees, afterwards finds the man, and reveals himself to him, John 9:35-38. He passes sentence on the obduracy and blindness of the Pharisees, John 9:39-41.

Invitation: 7 for prayers.  October 28, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 8:1-59

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The story of the woman taken in adultery, John 8:1-11. Jesus declares himself the light of the world, John 8:12. The Pharisees cavil, John 8:13. Jesus answers, and shows his authority, John 8:14-20. He delivers a second discourse, in which he convicts them of sin, and foretells their dying in it, because of their unbelief, John 8:21-24. They question him; he answers, and foretells his own death, John 8:25-29. Many believe on him, in consequence of this last discourse, John 8:30. To whom he gives suitable advice, John 8:31, 32. The Jews again cavil, and plead the nobility and advantages of their birth, John 8:33. Jesus shows the vanity of their pretensions, and the wickedness of their hearts, John 8:34-47. They blaspheme, and Christ convicts and reproves them, and asserts his Divine nature, John 8:48-58. They attempt to stone him, John 8:59.

Invitation: 8 for prayers.  October 21, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 7:1-53

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Jesus continues in Galilee, John 7:1. He is desired to go to the feast of tabernacles, John 7:2-5. His answer, John 7:6-9. He goes up, and the Jews seek him at the feast, John 7:10-13. He teaches in the temple, John 7:14-24. The Jews are confounded by his preaching, John 7:25-27. He continues to teach; they wish to slay him, John 7:28-30. Many of the people believe on him, John 7:31. The Pharisees murmur, and our Lord reasons with them, John 7:32-36. His preaching on the last day of the feast, John 7:37-39. The people are greatly divided in their opinions concerning him, John 7:40-44. The officers, who were sent by the Pharisees to take him, return, and because they did not bring him, their employers are offended, John 7:45-49. Nicodemus reasons with them, John 7:50-53.

Invitation: 8 for prayers.  October 14, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 6:1-71

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Sea of Tiberias, & multitude follows, 1-4. He feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves, & 2 fishes, 5-13. They acknowledge him to be the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15ff, 14. They plan to force him to become king; He withdraws from the multitude, 15. Disciples take ship, go towards Capernaum, & are overtaken by a storm, 16-18. Christ comes, walking on water, 19-21. People take boats & follow him, 22-24. He reproves fleshly motives, 25-27. They profess desire to be instructed, 28. Christ preaches, & shows them He is the bread of life, & they who reject him are without excuse, 29-40. They are offended, 41,42. He asserts & illustrates His foregoing discourse, 43-51. They again protest & Christ gives further explanations, 52-59. Several disciples stumble at His assertion; unless they ate His flesh & drank His blood they could not have life, 60. He shows them that His words are to be spiritually understood, 61-65. Several withdraw from Him, 66. He questions the 12, whether they will forsake Him, & Peter answers for all, 67-69. Christ exposes Judas, 70, 71.

Invitation: 1 Baptisms & 11 for prayers.  October 7, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 5:1-47

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The man who had been diseased thirty-eight years healed on the Sabbath day, John 5:1-9. The Jews cavil, persecute Christ, and seek to kill him, because he had done this cure on the Sabbath, John 5:10-16. Our Lord vindicates his conduct, and shows, from the testimony of the Father, the Scriptures, John the Baptist, and his own works, that he came from God, to be the light and salvation of the world, John 5:17-39. He reproves the Jews for their obstinacy, John 5:40; hatred to God, John 5:41-42; pride, John 5:43-44; and disbelief of their own law, John 5:45-47.

Invitation: 1 Baptisms & 11 for prayers.  September 30, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 4:1-45

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Jesus finding that the Pharisees took offence at his making many disciples, leaves Judea to pass into Galilee, 4:1-3. And passing through Samaria comes to Sychar, and rests at Jacob's well, 4:4-6. While his disciples were gone to the city to buy meat, a woman of Samaria comes to draw water, with whom our Lord discourses at large on the spiritual nature of His religion, the perfection of the Divine nature, and the purity of his worship, 4:7-24. On His informing her that He was the Messiah, she leaves her pitcher, and goes to inform her townsmen, 4:25-30. His discourse with His disciples in her absence, 4:31-38. Many of the Samaritans believe on Him, 4:39-42; He stays two days with them, and goes into Galilee, 4:43-45. He comes to Cana, and heals the son of a nobleman, in consequence of which He believes on Him, with family, 4:46-54

Invitation: 9 for prayers.  September 23, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 3:1-36

The conversation between Nicodemus and our Lord, about the new birth and faith in his testimony, John 3:1-15 cf: Acts 2:38. The love of God, the source of human salvation, John 3:16. Who are condemned, and who are approved, John 3:17-21. Jesus and his disciples come to Judea, and baptize, John 3:22. John baptizes in AEnon, John 3:23-24. The disciples of John and the Pharisees dispute about purifying, John 3:25 The discourse between John and his disciples about Christ, in which the excellence, perfection, and privileges, of the Christian dispensation are pointed out, John 3:26-36.

Invitation: 9 for prayers.  September 16, 2012 Bulletin

Brother Kelly is a Guest Minister at Greenville Avenue Church of Christ.

The Gospel of John 2:1-26

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The miracle at Cana in Galilee, where our Lord changed water into wine, John 2:1-11. He goes to Capernaum, John 2:12. He purges the temple at the feast of the Passover, John 2:13-17. The Jews require a miracle, as a proof that he had authority to do these things, John 2:18. In answer he refers to his own death and resurrection, John 2:19-22. Many believe on him while at the feast of the Passover, to whom Jesus would not trust himself, John 2:23-25.

Invitation: 11 for prayers.  September 9, 2012 Bulletin

The Gospel of John 1:1-47

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The eternity of the Divine Logos, or Word of God, the dispenser of light and life, 1-5. The mission of John the Baptist, 6-13. The incarnation of the Logos or Word of God, 14. John's testimony concerning the Logos, 15-18. The priests and Levites question him concerning his mission and his baptism, 19-22. His answer, 23-28. His farther testimony on seeing Christ, 29-34. He points him out to two of his disciples, who thereupon follow Jesus, 35-37. Christ's address to them, 38,39. Andrew invites his brother, Simon Peter; Christ's address to him, 40-42. Christ calls Philip, and Philip invites Nathanael, 43-46. Christ's character of Nathanael, 47. A remarkable conversation between him and this disciples.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 11 for prayers.  September 2, 2012 Bulletin
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The Word Made Flesh THE PROLOGUE John 1:1-18

  1. The Word in Relation to God  1:1-2
  2. The Word in Relation to the World  1:3-5
  3. The Word in Relation to John the Baptist and the Jews  1:6-13
  4. The Word Made Flesh  1:14-18

Genesis 1:1 "In The Beginning God Created" Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing before that event cf: John 17:24; John 17:5; Ephesians 1:4; Titus 1:2 & 1I Timothy 1:9. God (Hebrew Eloheim) is a plural noun, and created (Hebrew barraw) is a singular verb, showing the Father, Genesis 1:1-3 The Word or Son, & the Holy Spirit were all involved in the creation. "Created" is to speak into existence out of nothing by Divine fiat: the Word of God Created. How? By faith Hebrews 11:3 & II Peter 3:7. What is God like? He is like Jesus. John 1:1-3. Who created the Universe? God The Word: Colossians 1:15-17 & Hebrews 1:1-14.

Invitation: 15 for prayers.  August 26, 2012 Bulletin

Zechariah's Prophecy of Living Waters

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Where this lesson began: Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 9:8-9,  Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 22:17-18 cf: Galatians 3:16, Genesis 26:3-4, Genesis 28:12-14, Genesis 49:10-11, II Samuel 7:12-16, Psalm 22:1ff, Isaiah 53:1ff, Zechariah 13:1 A fountain (Hebrew maw-kote living water)to be opened for sin & uncleanness cf:  Isaiah 55:1,  Jeremiah 2:13 & Jeremiah 17:13, Ezekiel 47:1ff, John 4:10, John 7:37-39 living water means the coming Holy Spirit.  We must be born again of water & Spirit John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38.  Living Waters Revelation 7:17, Revelations 22:1-2 & V:17.  Zechariah 13:6 Christ to be wounded in His hands John 20:26-29.  Zechariah 13:7 The devil to smite the coming Christ cf: Matthew 26:31 the good shepherd John 10:11

Invitation: 15 for prayers.  August 12, 2012 Bulletin

Zechariah's Prophecy of Pentecost AD 30

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Zechariah 12:10 Prophecy of pouring out the Spirit on Pentecost AD 30, following the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ cf: Joel 2:28-32, Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:8 & Acts 2:1-47.  When did the Jews ever pierce their God? Cf: John 19:34-37. Zechariah 13:1 A fountain (Hebrew maw-kote living water) to be opened for sin & uncleanness cf:  Isaiah 55:1,  Jeremiah 2:13 & Jeremiah 17:13, Ezekiel 47:1ff, John 4:10, John 7:37-39 living water means the coming Holy Spirit.  We must be born again of water & Spirit John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38.  Living Waters Revelation 7:17, Revelation 22:1-2 & V:17.  Zechariah 13:6 Christ to be wounded in His hands John 20:26-29.  Zechariah 13:7 The devil to smite the coming Christ cf: Matthew 26:31 the good shepherd John 10:11

Invitation: 15 for prayers.  August 5, 2012 Bulletin

Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver

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Judas sells his Lord for money cf: Zechariah 11:7-17 "Beauty - Covenant" God had to die to break covenant cf: Colossians 2:14 & Jeremiah 31:31ff; The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2  cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money 30 pieces of silver the price of a slave Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-10 & Acts 1:15-20 both are the end of Judas he hung himself & finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon. Zechariah 12:10 cf: John 19:31-36 cf: Exodus 12:46; Zechariah 13:1 cf: John 3:1-8 cf: Acts 2:38,  Zechariah 13:6-9 cf: Matthew 26:31

Invitation: 15 for prayers.  July 29, 2012 Bulletin

Jesus Triumphal Entry: Zechariah 9:9

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Matthew 21:1-46: Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41,  Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem:  Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Mark 11:20-26

Invitation: 11 for prayers.  July 22, 2012 Bulletin

The Prophecies of Christ in Zechariah 3 & 6

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"Filthy Garments" cf: Isaiah 64:6, None righteous cf: Romans 3:10-19, Isaiah 61:10 & Luke 15:22;  Zechariah 3:9 "The Stone" cf: Daniel 2:35, Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-14, I Peter 2:1ff, Romans 9:32 & Acts 4:9-12. Priest & King will one day be united cf:  Zechariah 6:11-13, Branch a figure of speech for Christ. This coming Kingdom will be peaceful cf: Isaiah 11:1-10 cf: Romans 15:12, Jeremiah 23:5ff, Jeremiah 33:15-16 "Throne". Jesus was raised from dead to sit on David's throne cf: Acts 2:29-30; Jeremiah 33:17 cf: Jeremiah 22:30 No child of evil King Jehoiakim will ever sit on David's throne, how then could Christ be born through David II Samuel 7:12-16? Cf Matthew 1:6 &11 through Joseph His step father cf: Luke 3:31 through Mary Jesus mother. Jeremiah 33:18 The King will be a Priest too Hebrews 4:13-16

Invitation: 3 Baptisms & 16 for prayers.  July 15, 2012 Bulletin

Jeremiah, Jerusalem 70Yrs Captivity & Daniel, 70 Sabbath Yrs & Messiah

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Jeremiah prophesizes 70 years of captivity cf Jeremiah 25:11-14 & 29:10 & II Chronicles 36:21 Daniel 9:1 Change of power caused Daniel to search the scriptures. The angel explains to Daniel, Daniel 9:24 These verses are dealing with the first coming of Christ not His second coming. Note Isaiah 53 says the Messiah will accomplish the same redemptive works found in this verse by sacrificing Himself for transgression cf: Isaiah 53:5, 8 &12, sin cf: Isaiah 53:10 & 12 iniquity cf: Isaiah 53:5, 6 &11. Additionally the Messiah is to bring in "everlasting righteousness" referring to the gospel and the church dispensation cf: Romans 1:16-17 & Romans 3:21-26.

Invitation: 3 Baptisms & 16 for prayers.  July 8, 2012 Bulletin

5 Things we do to Worship God on The Lord's Day

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Worship Summaries:  Acts 2:42, John 4:23-24, Hebrews 10:25.
1. Lord's Supper:   Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27& 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30,     Mark 14:15-26, Luke 22:13-20 & I Corinthians 11:23-32.
2. Preaching:  Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5.  
3. Singing:   Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30. 
4. Praying:   Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13.  
5. Giving:   I Corinthians 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9.

Invitation: 8 for prayers.  July 1, 2012 Bulletin

I Do Not Praise You

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Sermon by Bro. Chevy Orosco

"I Do Not Praise You" - I Corinthians 11:17-34

Invitation: 12 for prayers.  June 24, 2012 Bulletin

False Doctrine of the Sinner's Prayer

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Sermon by Bro. Eric Jenkins

The "Sinner's Prayer" :  "Heavenly Father, I know I've sinned against you and that my sins separate me from you. I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to you for forgiveness. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to grow in grace and knowledge of you. My greatest purpose in life is to follow your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

1. Romans 10:13   2. Romans 10:9-18   3. Romans 1:16   4. I Corinthians 15:1-4   5. Acts 2:1-42   6. Joel 2:28-32   7. Acts 8:3-13  8. Acts 8:26-40   9. Acts 10:34-48  10. Acts 16:14-23  11. Acts 16:25-33   12. Acts 18:1-8   13. Acts 19:16

Hear: Romans 10:17 - So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God   
Faith: Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  
Repent: Luke 13:31 - I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.  
Confess: Matthew 10:32 - Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before the Father which is in heaven.  
Baptism: Mark 16:15-16 - And he said to them, go ye into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.  He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believed not shall be damned.  
Remain faithful: John 8:31 - Then said Jesus to the Jews which believed on him, if you continue in my word, then ye shall know the truth and the trout shall make you free.
End Revelation 3:20-22.

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  June 17, 2012 Bulletin

Passover and Pentecost: Christ and the Church

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Sermon by Bro. Manuel Santiago

Exodus 12:1-30 God's institution of the Lord's Passover; Leviticus 23:1-17 Feast of the first fruits of the wheat harvest ( Pentecost) cf Exodus 34:22; Genesis 4:1-5 Abel offers the firstling of the flock and Cain offers of the fruit of the ground. Why did God respect Abel's offering and not Cain's? Matthew 23:35 Abel was righteous and faithful cf Hebrews 11:4. Therefore Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain; John 3:12 Cain was evil and wicked. Would Cain's offering have been accepted if his works were good? Malachi 3:3 (1-3); If he offered the first fruits? Leviticus 5:11 (7-13) concerning sin offerings  cf Leviticus 2:1ff concerning meat offerings. Matthew 5:23-24; Genesis 4:8 Cain kills Abel; I Corinthians 5:7 Passover signifies Christ. Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus foretells of the church; Acts 2:1ff  Pentecost, the Holy Spirit poured out, church begins, first fruits; Why do we worship on Sunday? The Church established/began on Sunday cf Acts 20:7

Invitation: 2 Baptisms & 14 for prayers.  June 10, 2012 Bulletin

The New Covenant & The Church of Christ

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The New Covenant & The Church of Christ - Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 Hebrews 8:3-13 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, 55:1-8 & John 6:37

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  May 27, 2012 Bulletin

The Lord's Anointed

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Isaiah 61:1-11 In the Old Testament Prophets, Priests & Kings were anointed.  The word anointed Hebrew Maw-shee-akh (Messiah) which we translate in the New Testament as Christ cf: Psalm 2:1ff, Christ the King Psalm 45:1ff, The Anointed one to be cut off Daniel 9:24-27; Jesus read Isaiah 61:1ff in His first sermon Luke 4:18-30. Note: Jesus left the word vengeance out when He reads Isaiah 61 in His first sermon & later explains that the vengeance will be in the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Luke 21:22,  Acts 4:23ff; Acts 10:38ff shows us Christ was Anointed with the Holy Spirit cf: Hebrew 1:8-9; Now we are anointed with the Holy Spirit at our baptism Acts 2:38-39, thus we are anointed II Corinthians 1:21, not to work miracles see Romans 8 as an example of the Holy Spirit in us.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 11 for prayers.  May 13, 2012 Bulletin

Isaiah 58:1-5

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This elegant chapter contains severe reproof of the Jews on account of their vices, particularly their hypocrisy in practicing `and relying on outward ceremonies, such as fasting and bodily humiliation, without true repentance. Isaiah 58:6-7 The chapter then lays down a clear and comprehensive summary of the duties they owed to their fellow men.  Isaiah 58:8-12  Great promises of happiness and prosperity are likewise promised to the performance of these duties in a variety of the most beautiful and striking images. Isaiah 58:13-14 Great temporal and spiritual blessedness of those who keep the Holy Sabbath day cf:  Hebrews 10:25 Today we are commanded to assemble upon the first day of the week Acts 20:7.

Invitation: 9 for prayers.  May 6, 2012 Bulletin

Living Water and the Church of Christ

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Isaiah 55:1-55:13  Isaiah 55:1 cf: Isaiah 35:6-7, Hebrew: maw-kote= living water cf: Jeremiah 2:13, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1 & V:6-7, cf: John 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39, Acts 2:37-47. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the suffering servants work. The invitation.  Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mark 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 1:26. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 62:2 new name to be given when Gentiles obey Gospel , Isaiah 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26 Christians is the new name, Acts 4:12, and Romans 16:16 the Churches of Christ.

Invitation: 8 for prayers.  April 29, 2012 Bulletin

The Song of the Church of Christ in Prophecy

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The Song of the Church of Christ in Prophecy Isaiah 54:1-55:13 Isaiah 54:1 Historically the Gentiles are pictured as barren versus Israel pictured as the married wife, cf: Galatians 4;27. Isaiah 54:2 Kick off your shoes & stay awhile cf: Hebrews 5:2. Isaiah 54:3-4 The growth of the Kingdom. Isaiah 54:5 The Lord will marry the Church. Isaiah 54:6-8 The Gentiles, pictured as a jilted woman. Isaiah 54:9 Is an illustration that God will cease the universal collective judgment of the Gentiles. Isaiah 54:10 God has entered into a covenant of peace with the Church, cf: Romans 5:1. Isaiah 54:11-12 The beauty of the Church is described as precious stones, cf: Revelations 21:9-21. Isaiah 54:13 All taught of God, cf: Jn 6:45. Isaiah 54:14 The righteousness of God, cf: Romans 1:16-17. Isaiah 54:15-17 cf: Psalm 91, Romans 8:31ff & Hebrews 13:6. The Suffering Servant's invitation to all world enter His Kingdom & share in His blessings. Isaiah 55:1 cf: Jn 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the Messiah's work. The invitation.  Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mk 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 126:1ff. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a new name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, 62:2, 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26, 4:12, Romans 16:16.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  April 22, '12 Bulletin

The Suffering Servant of God: Isaiah 52:13-53:12

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Jews claim Isaiah 53 is talking about suffering of the nation of Israel.  In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people.  Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8.  Isaiah 53:1A, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus.  Arm of the Lord means saving power of God, Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6. Christ's vicarious atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf: Matthew 27:26, All are sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10.  Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19, He is to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8. He is crucified with "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? When He has been killed in v 8, buried in v 9 ? God will resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff.  Isaiah 53:12, there is just one mediator between God and men I Timothy 2:5.

Invitation: 14 for prayers.  April 8, 2012 Bulletin

Resurrection: Luke 24

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The women coming early to the sepulcher on the first day of the week, bringing spices, find stone rolled away, & the empty tomb, 1-3. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's Resurrection. 4-8 The women return & tell the eleven disciples, 9-10. Disciples believe not, but Peter goes & examines the tomb, 11-12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, & talks with them, 13-29. While they are eating together, He makes Himself known, & disappears, 30-31 They return to Jerusalem, & announce His resurrection to the rest of the disciples, 32-35. Jesus Himself appears to them, & gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of His resurrection, 36-43. He preaches to them, & gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, 44-49. He takes them to Bethany, ascends to heaven in their sight, 50-51. They worship Him, & return to Jerusalem, 52-53.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 18 for prayers.  April 8, 2012 Bulletin

The Coming Servant: Isaiah 49-52

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Isaiah 42:19, Isaiah 43:10-11, Isaiah43:18-21, Isaiah 44:6-8, Cyrus Isaiah 45:1 & 4, Isaiah 46:3-4 &12-13.  Isaiah 49:1 cf: Luke 1:31-33 & Matthew 1:18-21, Isaiah 49:2 cf: Mark 13:31, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Isaiah 42:3 cf: Luke 22:24-27, Isaiah 42:4-6 cf: Acts 13:47, Isaiah 49:7-8 cf: II Corinthians 6:2 & Isaiah 49:13 & 16. Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46 & weary cf: Matthew 11:28-30. Isaiah 50:5-6 smiters cf: Matthew 27:26, spitting cf: Matthew 26:66-68, Isaiah 50:7 flint cf: Luke 9:51 cf: Ezekiel 3:7-11, Isaiah 51:5-8 cf: Jude 3.  Isaiah 52:3 cf: Isaiah55:1, Isaiah 52:7 preaching cf: Romans 10:7, Isaiah 52:8-11 cf: II Corinthians 6:17, Isaiah 52:13 be very high cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32, Isaiah 52:14-15 cf: Romans 15:21.

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  April 1, 2012 Bulletin

The Servant's Song: Isaiah 42

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Isaiah 35 God's judgments have made Israel & Judah a wilderness. 35:2 with the coming of the Messiah the wilderness will blossom with the glory of the Lord. 35:3 too weak to work or fight, unable to stand or walk from fear of Assyria cf: Hebrews12:12. Isaiah 35:4 vengeance cf: Lk. 21:20-22 cf: Acts 8:1 & II Thessalonians 1:6-8 save you cf: Lk. 19:10. Isaiah 35:5 Eyes of the blind & ears of the deaf cf: Matthew9:27-31, John 9:1-7, John 9:14-25 & Mark 7:32-35.  Isaiah 35:6 lame man leap John 5:2-15 & Acts 3:1-9.  Matthew 11:2-6.  John 7:37-39.  Isaiah 35:7 cf:  Isaiah 34:13. Isaiah 35:8 Jeremiah 6:16.  Isaiah 35:9 cf: I Peter 5:8-9. Isaiah 35:10 Zion cf:  Hebrews 12:22-24 sorrow Revelations 21:4

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  March 24, 2012 Bulletin

The Signs of the Messiah: Isaiah 35

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Isaiah 35 God's judgments have made Israel & Judah a wilderness. 35:2 with the coming of the Messiah the wilderness will blossom with the glory of the Lord. 35:3 too weak to work or fight, unable to stand or walk from fear of Assyria cf: Hebrews12:12. Isaiah 35:4 vengeance cf: Lk. 21:20-22 cf: Acts 8:1 & II Thessalonians 1:6-8 save you cf: Lk. 19:10. Isaiah 35:5 Eyes of the blind & ears of the deaf cf: Matthew9:27-31, John 9:1-7, John 9:14-25 & Mark 7:32-35.  Isaiah 35:6 lame man leap John 5:2-15 & Acts 3:1-9.  Matthew 11:2-6.  John 7:37-39.  Isaiah 35:7 cf:  Isaiah 34:13. Isaiah 35:8 Jeremiah 6:16.  Isaiah 35:9 cf: I Peter 5:8-9. Isaiah 35:10 Zion cf:  Hebrews 12:22-24 sorrow Revelations 21:4

Invitation: 10 for prayers.  March 18, 2012 Bulletin

Christ a Sure Foundation and a Corner Stone: Isaiah 28:16

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cf: Ephesians 2:19-22. Isaiah 8:13-16 Christ shall be a sanctuary for some, but a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence for others cf: Romans 9:32-33. Psalms 118:18-23 Christ a cornerstone will be refused by the Jews but become the head stone of the corner cf: Matthew 21:28-46.  Peter speaking under inspiration tells us we are tracking these verses correctly cf: Acts 4:7-13, Jesus is the stone. I Peter takes these Old Testament passages and again teaches Jesus is the corner stone cf: Peter 2:1-10.

Invitation: 9 for prayers.  March 11, 2012 Bulletin

I & II Kings

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1. The reign of King Solomon 2. Division of the kingdom and the parallel history of the two kingdoms of Judah & Israel. 3. The destruction of Israel by Assyria. 4. History of Judah to the Babylonian captivity.  I Kings opens with the Hebrew nation in its glory & II Kings closes with the nation in ruin. By I Kings 12 The kingdom had lasted a hundred and twenty years.  Saul ruled for forty years, David forty years and Solomon forty years. After the death of Solomon the kingdom was divided.  The Ten tribe forming the Northern Kingdom called Israel. Judah and Benjamin formed the southern kingdom called Judah.  The Northern kingdom lasted over two hundred years and was destroyed by Assyria in 721 BC. The Southern kingdom lasted a little over three hundred years and was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC.

Invitation: 9 for prayers.  March 4,  2012 Bulletin

David's Beatitudes

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Blessed is the man ... whose delight is in the Law of the Lord Psalm 1:1ff; Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him Psalm 2:12;  Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven Psalm 32:1; Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord Psalm 33:12 cf: Psalm 9:17; Blessed is the man that takes Refuge in the Lord Psalm 34:8; Blessed is he who considers the Poor Psalm 41:1; Blessed are they that Dwell in the Lord's House Psalm 84:4; Blessed is the man whose Strength is in the Lord Psalm 84:5; Blessed is the man whom Thou Chastenest, O Lord Psalm 94:12 cf: Hebrews 12:4-11; Blessed is He who fears the Lord Psalm 112:1; Blessed are they that Keep His Testimonies, that seek Him with the Whole Heart Psalm 119:2.  Psalm 91 A Hymn of Trust One of the best Loved Magnificent Psalms. Amaizing promises of security to those who Trust God.  Read it Often.

Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers.  February 26, 2012 Bulletin

Prophecies of Christ in the Psalms

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Psalms which New Testament declares refer to Christ. "Thou art My Son: this day have I begotten Thee" Psalm 2:7cf: Acts 13:33. "Thou hast put all things under His feet" Psalm 8:6 cf: Hebrews 2:6-10."Thou wilt not leave My soul in Hades: neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see corruption" Psalm 16:10 cf: Acts 2:27."My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Psalm 22:1 cf: Matthew 27:46. "He trusted in God, let God deliver Him" Psalm 22:8 cf: Matthew 27:43. "They pierced my hands and feet" Psalm 22:16 cf: John 20:25. "They part My garments among them; and upon My vesture did they cast lots Psalm 22:18 cf: John 19:24. "Lo, I am come to do Thy will, O God" Psalm 40:7,8 cf: Hebrews 10:7. "Thy Throne, O God, is Forever and Ever" Psalm 45:6 cf: Hebrews 1:8 "Zeal for Thy House hath eaten me up" Psalm 69:9 cf: John 2:17. "They gave me gall, and in My Thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink Psalm 69:21 cf: Matthew27:34, 48. "His office (the Betrayer) let another take" Psalm 109:8 cf: Acts 1:20."Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord" Psalm 118:26 cf: Matthew 21:9.  "My own familiar friend, who did eat My bread, lifted up his heel against Me" Psalm 41:9 cf: John 13:18. "The Lord said unto My Lord, Sit on My right hand till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool  Psalm 110:1 cf: Matthew 22:44. "God has sworn, Thou art a Priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek" Psalm 110:4 cf: Hebrews 7:17.The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner" (Psalm 118:22 cf: Matthew 21:42.Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne" Psalm 132:11 CF: John 1:1 & 14 cf: Acts 2:30.

Invitation: 1 Baptism & 16 for prayers.  February 19, 2012 Bulletin

King David's Great Sin and Repentance

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

King David's seed (child or descendant) promised an eternal Kingdom II Samuel 7:12-16. David kills an innocent man to get his wife II Samuel 11:1-27; The Parable of Nathan the prophet to David: II Samuel 12:1-14 the enemies of the Lord blaspheme cf: Psalm 69:5-6; The figure of speech "You understood" in this Psalm when David repents cf: Psalm 51:1-10 cf: guard your heart Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 51:11-17 cf: humble yourself and be contrite Isaiah 57:15, Psalm 51:18-19, cf: Jesus said the men of Nineveh repented Matthew 12:38-41 so if we do what the men of Nineveh did we will repent and Jonah 3:3-10 teaches real repentance is turning from our evil way. Godly sorrow. II Corinthians  7:10.   David Suffered greatly for his sin: Psalm 38:1-16 cf: Psalm 73:1-3, Psalm 38:16-18 cf: Psalm 32:1-6.

Invitation: 1 Baptism, 8 for prayers.  February 12, 2012 Bulletin

Psalm 69 King David & Christ

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

The Jews understood Scriptures as speaking to every generation, they have a special relevance to the time of the Messiah and the last days of the Jews. God promises punishment for David II Samuel 12:10. David describes how he feels, as shadow of Christ's suffering Psalm 69:1-4 they will hate the Messiah without cause cf: John 15:22-25. Psalm 69:5 David's suffering has caused self-examination II Corinthians 5:21.Psalm 69:6 cf: II Samuel 12:14. Psalm 69:7 shame of one, shame of all. Psalm 69:8 cf: John 7:2-5. Psalm 69:9 zeal cf: John 2:13-17 & reproaches substituted Romans 15:2-3. Psalm 69:10-12 cf: Matthew27:41-44.  PSALM 69:13-21 symbolic of the brutal treatment Christ received gall cf: Matthew 27:34 & vinegar John 19:28-30. Their table became a snare Psalm 69:22 cf: Romans 11:7-10. Psalm 69:23-24 There was Enemies of David & Christ. Psalm 69:25 cf: Acts 1:20 cf: Psalm 109:8. Psalm 69:26-28 The enemies of God's elect and chosen have the wrath of God upon them. Psalm 69:29-34 David is impressive for knowing how to praise God in the midst of suffering.  Psalm 69:35-36 although it sounds physical & geographic Zion is really Spiritual and it is a Spiritual Jerusalem we look for cf: Hebrews 12:22-24.

Prophecies of the Christ in the Psalms

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  Opening Prayer & Song (MP3)

Prophecies of the Christ in the Psalms: Refresh Psalm 2 in your mind. Psalm 8:1-2 Out of the mouth of babes cf: Matthew 21:16 &     I Corinthians 1:27, Why would God visit the descendants of men? Psalm 8:3-6 cf: Hebrews 2:6-9 & Matthew 28:18. King David was a Prophet and he foresaw the resurrection of Christ Psalm 16:8-10 cf: Acts 2:25-30.  Psalm 16:11 Just one way to God cf: Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8,  Jeremiah 32:39 & Matthew 7:13-14. Refresh Psalm 22 in your mind. Psalm 45:1-7 cf: Hebrews 1:3-12.  Anointed cf: Luke 4:14-19, Acts 4:27 & Acts 10:38-41. Psalm 69:4 they will hate the Messiah without cause cf: John 15:25, Psalm 69:9 cf: John 2:17.  Gall & vinegar Psalm 69:20-21 cf: Matthew 27:34 & John 19:28-30, Their table become a snare Psalm 69:22
cf: Romans 11:7-9.

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ (Part 2)

    Audio Sermon (MP3)

Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword and the peace we experience is Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 through our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians God will not be the cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse who was King David's father cf: Isaiah 27:6 Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 The Greek Thracian Sword, Metaphors of Christ Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 1:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12.

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ (Part 1)

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword and the peace we experience is Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 through our Lord Jesus Christ.   As Christians God will not be the cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse  who was King David's father cf: Isaiah 27:6 Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5.  Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16.  Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14.  The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf:  Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 The Greek Thracian Sword, Metaphors of Christ Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12.

The Peaceful Nature of the Kingdom of God

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword.  In Isaiah 10 the prophet has described the destruction of the Assyrian Army under the imagery of a mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level with the ground by the axe wielded by the coming Messiah. In opposition to this image, He presents the Messiah as a great person who is the subject of this coming Chapter.  Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse  who was King David's father.  Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5.  Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16.  Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14.  The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: I Thessalonians 2:8, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12

Predictive Prophecy and the Kingdom of God

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  Written Lesson (PDF)

Predictive prophecy proves the inspiration of scripture. God challenges  the false prophets to tell us of the past and tell us of  the future cf: Isaiah 41:21-24, Only God knows the future Isaiah 42:9, There is only one God who tells the future: Isaiah 45:20-23 cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11, Isaiah 46:9-10 & Isaiah 48:3-7.  God Promised King David to establish his Kingdom II Samuel 7:12-16,  Isaiah 2:1-2 last days cf: Acts 2:16-17 & Hebrews 1:11-2, Lord's house cf:  I Timothy 3:15, all nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16 & Acts 1:8.   We will have a Divine Teacher Isaiah 2:3 He will teach us of His ways cf: John 6:45 & Hebrews 1:1-2.  Isaiah 2:3 Out of Zion shall go forth the law cf; James 1:25 & James 2:8 Jesus taught this Royal law on Zion to the Jews cf: Matthew 22:34-40. Isaiah 2:3 The word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Luke 24:47 & Acts 1:8.

2011 Sermons

(Audio and Written Lessons Only)

Who was Jesus? Was Jesus God?
Who Did Jesus Claim to Be?

    Audio Sermon (MP3)

Jesus - born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14-15,  The child to be born is to be: ... The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6 He is the eternal Word (Logos) of God Made Flesh John 1:1-5 & 14.  There is only one God Deuteronomy 6:4-5 the Shema in Hebrew  means Hear in English.  Isaiah 43:10-11   I AM Exodus 3:14, Jesus many times used the I AM Title (ego eimi) Which is the Sacred Name for God for Himself:  "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12); "I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6); "I am the only way to the Father" (John 14:6) "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25);  "I am the Good Shepherd" (John 10:11); "I am the door" (John 10:9); "I am the living bread" (John 6:51); "I am the true vine" (John 15:1ff); "I am the Alpha and Omega" Revelations 1:7,8).  Did Jesus tell the truth? Are His words the words of a liar and a hypocrite?  Was Jesus Crazy?  Are His words the Words of a mad man? Then the only other Choice is He told the truth and Jesus is Who He claimed to be ... Just as His enemies heard  His claims and did not want to believe Him, the Apostles heard His Claims and believed cf: Colossians 1:15-17 & Hebrews 1:1-14.

Report to the Church on our Works

    Audio Report (MP3)
Opening Prayer & Song (MP3)

The Lord Bless thee ... Numbers 6:24-26.  We are a 116 year old, all volunteer Inner-city congregation of the Poor, the meek, the down-trodden and the homeless.  We are dedicated to Preaching the Gospel to all the World believing we can do it  and feeding the poor and homeless.  Our Preaching Ministry is in accordance with Mark 16:15-16, II Timothy 2:2 & II Timothy 3:14 through II Timothy 4:5.  Report on our Jail ministry which has taught & Baptized 849 so far this year. Report on our Inter-net  ministry & our Web site with over 800,000 hits, down-loading over 100,000 sermons and many many thousands of Written Lessons per year.  Report on our Radio Ministry: 1630AM North Texas, 1340 Radio Abilene, Texas. 1300AM  Radio Nashville serving Tennessee, S. Kentucky & N. Alabama.  Also we go out to most of the Earth on World Wide Christian Radio with over 2 Billion in our broadcast area. Report on our benevolence Ministry cf: I Corinthians 6:1-4 & Feeding the Poor Psalm 41:1-4 cf: Psalm 32:1-6. Is it scriptural to feed hungry on Church property? I Corinthians 11:18-22 & I Corinthians 11:34 cf: II Peter 2:13 & Jude 1:12 both written after speak of "love feasts" The Jerusalem Church fed cf: Acts 6:1--2 "daily ministration"  was feeding. Matthew 25:31-36 sounds like Main Street. We even feed our enemies Romans 12:20-21. In 274 AD during a time of persecution  of the Church, in order to expose Christians Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too & call it the Birth of Jesus.  Christmas is a Catholic holiday not found in Bible. We have 52 holidays cf: Acts 20:7.

Invitation: 3 Baptisms, 14 for prayers. December 18, 2011 Bulletin

John the Baptist: The Forerunner of the Messiah

  Audio Sermon (MP3) 

Prophecy of John the Baptist: cf: Isaiah 40:1-11, Malachi 3:1-3 & 4:5-6; Now after 400 years of silence the angel makes the Announcement to Zacharias about the birth of John the Baptist cf: Luke 1:5-25; The Angel Gabriel announcement to Mary about the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus the Christ cf: Luke 1:26-38; The Visit of Mary to Elisabeth Luke 1:39-40; The Prophecies of Elisabeth Cf: Luke 1:41-45 and Mary's song of exultation and praise cf: Luke 1:45-56; The Birth of John the Baptist cf: Luke 1:57-63; The Prophetic song of Zacharias John the Baptist's father cf: Luke 1:64-79; John as a Child was in the Deserts cf: Luke 1:8.

Invitation: 3 for prayers. December 11, 2011 Bulletin

Christ's Virgin Birth to Sacrifice His Body for Sin

Christ's Virgin Birth to Sacrifice His Body for Sin - The seed (Child) of the woman will walk all over Satan Genesis 3:15, He will enter the world through a young Jewish virgin cf: Isaiah 7:14 Hebrew al-maw' a damsel from aw-iam kept out of sight. Today non-believers say  God used wrong word  should have used beth-oo-law to deflower a virgin but Mary remained a virgin until the birth.  God has used same word to describe a virgin before cf: Genesis 24:16 & 43. The eternal God of the universe stepped into human history when this child was born cf: Isaiah 9:6-7  This messiah is the great I AM the self existent one cf  Exodus 3:14 & John 8:58 The mystery of our Lord's glorious incarnation is found in the opening of the Gospel of John 1:1-5 & 14. His birth makes possible the forgiveness of all sins. King David looked forward to the day that God would create a body for the messiah to be a sin offering. II Samuel 12:10-12, Psalm 51:1-3, Psalm 38:1-5 & 17-18, Psalm 32:1-6, Note the Progress of David's thinking:
    "God could save me", "God would save me if I asked" & Now: "God has forgiven me!"
Psalm 40:1-8 Sacrifice of Messiah's body Promised: Cf: Hebrews 10:4-14, Psalm 40:9-17 & Psalm 139:1-24 God's Glory, Majesty and Infinite Knowledge of all things.

Invitation: 4 for prayers. December 4, 2011 Bulletin

Psalm 22: Jesus' Resurrection & Our Resurrection

Job 19:23-25: Redeemer Hebrew gal-al, ransom buy back cf: I Peter 1:18-19; Job 19:25-27 stand Hebrew koom get up raise up; Psalm 22:1 A Prophecy by King David written about 1,000 BC fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:1-7 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 their words-fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:9-15 thrust fulfilled cf: John 19:28, to be brought to the dust of death for all mankind  fulfilling Genesis 3:19; Psalm 22:16 dogs Hebrew keh-leb a punk or male prostitute; pierced hands and feet fulfilled cf: John 20:24-39; Psalm 22:17-18 cast lots fulfilled cf: John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:19-22 fulfilled each Lord's day cf: Hebrews 2:12 because of Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:23-26 shall live forever fulfilled John 11:25-26; Psalm 22:27-28 governor fulfilled Matthew 28:18:20; Psalm 22:29 fat upon the earth cf:  Deuteronomy 32:14-15, Eat  Worship - fulfilled Cf: John 18:28; Psalm  22:29  all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him to be fulfilled by YOU when you die cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 22:30 seed child cf: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:31 declare His righteousness Romans 1:16-17 & 3:21-26.

Invitation: 2 Baptisms & 20 for prayers. November 27, 2011 Bulletin

Psalm 2:1-12

This Psalm is Remarkable for it's Eloquent change of persons. It is like a heavenly stage play with different people who speak. Psalm 2:1-2 The Prophet Speaks and foretells of the coming Messiah or Christ.  How do you know this prophecy is of Christ ? An inspired Apostle tells me, I am tracking this Psalm correctly cf: Acts 4:25 ff. Psalm 2:3 The Enemies Speak Psalm 2:4-5 The Prophet Answers the Enemies Cf Luke 21:20  Psalm 2:6 God Speaks cf: Hebrews 12:22. Psalm 2:7 The Messiah Speaks cf: Son Luke 1:31,  Matthew 3:13ff, Matthew 17:5ff, II Peter 1:15, Acts 13:33, Romans 1:3-4, Hebrews 1:1-6 & Hebrews 5:5. Psalm 2:8-9 God Answers the Messiah cf: Revelation 2:27, Revelations 12:5 & Rev, 19:15 . Psalm 2:10-12 The Prophet encourages the Enemies to submit to God & His Messiah cf: Hebrews 6:1 

Invitation: 4 Baptisms & 11 for prayers. November 20, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Seed of Woman or Messiah (Christ) to be a Prophet,  a King & a Priest   Opening Prayer & Song         
The Seed of Woman or Messiah (Christ) to be a Prophet, a King & a Priest  The Messiah foretold as a Prophet Deuteronomy 18:15-22 cf: Acts 3:22-26;  The Messiah foretold as a King  II Samuel 7:12-16 cf: Acts 2:30, I Corinthians 15:25, I Timothy 6:15, Revelations 1:5, 17:14 & 19:16;  The Messiah foretold as a Priest: Zechariah said one Day the Priesthood and the Kingship would be United: Zechariah 6:11-13, Psalm 110:1-4 cf: Hebrews 2:17, Now, Christ is our eternal King & High Priest Hebrews 7:1-28 cf: Hebrews 4:14-16. 
Invitation:  11 for prayers.    November 13, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
Conquest Of Canaan Land & Now Into All The World         Written Lesson  Opening Prayer & Song
Conquest Of Canaan Land & Now Into All The World  Exodus 13:17-18, God knew the people were not war-like & made provision to deliver them.  Numbers 14:29, The spies returned with a bad report, & the Children of Israel were cursed to the Wilderness for 40 years.  Numbers 14:39-45, The Children of Israel changed their mind & tried to fight without God.  Moses final sermon: The Children of Israel were to utterly the Canaanite's Temples of false worship, Deuteronomy 12:2-4 & Deuteronomy 12:30-32;  Psalm 19:17 & Galatians 6:7-8; The Children of Israel are commanded to build an altar at Mount Ebal.  Part of the people are to stand on Mount Gerizim & pronounce the blessings to the people, & part of the people are to stand on Mt Ebal & pronounce the curses to the people.  Deuteronomy 27:1-26 & 28:1-68.  The Word is very near; Deuteronomy 30:11-20 cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Romans 10:1-21
Invitation:  7 for prayers.    October 30, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Parable of the Great Supper        Written Lesson Opening Prayer & Song
The Parable of the Great Supper Luke 14:1 The Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law for the Doctors of the law Luke 14:4 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath,  Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10 A parable regarding social graces, Luke 14:11 Humble yourself, Luke 14:12-14, cf,  I Peter 5:5, Whosoever will let him come, Luke 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1,  Revelation 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 14:15 Just a empty ritualistic saying, This man was at the Messianic banquet and didn't know it, cf Mark 1:14-15, Luke 14:16 A certain man is obviously God, Bade Greek kal-he-o They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17,  Luke 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7,  God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalms 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7,  Luke 14:18 They refused the clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His O.T. Prophets, Psalms 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought  ground ridiculous. Luke 14:19  Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Luke 14:21, Servant came and showed God these things, cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mark 16:15-16, Luke 14:22, There is always room for another, John 14:1-2, Luke 14:23, Compel, God is serious, let the great supper to be filled. Luke 14:24, Behold the graciousness and the severity of God. 
Invitation:  9 for prayers.    October 23, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
There Is No God But God & Jesus Is His Prophet, Not Mohammed        Written Lesson Opening Prayer & Song
There Is No God But God & Jesus Is His Prophet, Not Mohammed
   Deuteronomy 18:9-14 God's people are not to practice false worship as false prophets Canaan land led their people into sin.  Do not learn to do after abominations of nations cf: Isaiah 44:8 & 45:20-23. Deuteronomy 18:15 God promises to raise up a great prophet & law giver like Moses .  This proves Hebrew nation is not God's final revelation but the Messiah will deliver final word from God.  Deuteronomy18:16 -17 Representations of God was terribly frightening. Have you ever considered what it would be like to see God?  Cf: Isaiah 6:5 & Luke 2:9.  Deuteronomy 18:18 Again God says He will raise up a future Prophet like Moses,  He will be National prophet twice: V:15 & 18  God says the prophet will come from among them, be a Hebrew , which leaves Mohammed out. He will be a Divine prophet & speak directly from God cf: John 7:16, 8:28 & Matthew 17:5.  He will be a demanding prophet cf:  Jeremiah 35:17,  John 8:51 & 6:63.  Deuteronomy 18:19 Your souls will depend upon listening to Him cf: John 12:48. Deuteronomy 18:20 To protect people God commands to put to death false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:21 A demonstrated prophet Matthew 7:15-16, I John 4:1-3 & Acts 17:11 Deuteronomy 18:22 Every word of a true prophet must come to pass cf I Kings 22:1-38. Prove Jesus is that Prophet: OK cf: Acts 3:22-23 The Inspired Apostles said He was!   
4 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    October 16, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Date of the Exodus / Wilderness & Christian Rest         Written Lesson Opening Prayer & Song
The Date of the Exodus / Wilderness & Christian Rest 
 The Bible teaches early date of 1,446 to 1,447 BC for the Exodus, rather than ate date under Rameses the Great of 1,200 to 1,290 BC.  The objections are use of Rameses Genesis 47:11,  Exodus 12:37 & Numbers 33:3 & 5.  These are updates of no longer used name. Scribal editorial updates of names gone out of use is common in Old Testament. Bethel (Hebrew beth = house, El = God)  was not named Bethel until Jacob named it Genesis 28:19 later scibes edited text to Bethel Genesis 12:8 & 13:3 because the name had gone out of use.  Dan was not named Dan until it was named by the Danites in Judges 18:29 but the text of Genesis 14:14 was later updated by a scribe to remove a name no one any longer used.  Samaria was named Samaria by King Omri in I Kings 14:24 but later a scribe updated I Kings 13:32 to the new name Samaria. The Date of the Exodus : I Kings 6:1 Solomon reigned from 971BC to 931BC. 4th year Solomon is 971BC minus  4 years, equals  967 BC plus 480 years equals 1446 or 1,447 BC for the Exodus cf: Judges 11:26  Numbers 13 & 14 cf Psalm 95:7ff, Hebrews 3 & 4  Invitation:  8 for prayers.    October 9, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Ten Commandments & The Covenant of Promise        Written Lesson    
The Ten Commandments & The Covenant of Promise Deuteronomy 4:13, Exodus 19:5 , Matthew 22:37-40: 1st Command, Against Other Gods Exodus 20:2-3. 2nd Command, Against Making Or Worshipping Images Exodus 20:4-6, Deuteronomy 4:15. 3rd Command, Against False Swearing Blasphemy & Irreverent Use of God's Name Exodus 20:7. 4th Command, Against Breaking Sabbath & Idleness on Other Days of the Week Exodus 20:8-9, Genesis 2:2, Hebrews 4:9. 5th Command, Against Disrespect & Disobedience to Parents Exodus 20:12, Proverbs 3:9, Ephesians 6:2, Deuteronomy 5:16. 6th Command, Against Murder & Cruelty Exodus 20:13, Cf: Genesis 9:6, 1Jn 3:15. 7th Command, Against Adultery & Uncleanliness  Exodus 20:14, Matthew 15:19. 8th Command, Against Stealing & Dishonesty Exodus 20:15. 9th Command, Against False Testimony & Perjury Exodus 20:16. 10th Command, Against Covetousness Exodus 20:17, Galatians 3:1-29. Romans 13:8-10 & I John 5:2-3     Invitation:  7 for prayers.    October 2, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Passover a Shadow of the Lord's Supper        Opening Prayer & Song
Passover a Shadow of the Lord's Supper   Hebrews8:5 & 10:1The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitutional death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20.  Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58.  The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves & take The Lord's Supper properly, I Corinthians 11:17-33.  The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper & they also assembled upon the first day of the week to break bread & partake of The Lord's Supper. Acts 20:7.    Invitation:  2 Baptism &10 for prayers.    September 25, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
Exodus From Egypt & 10 Plagues        The Date of Exodus     Opening Prayer & Song

Exodus From Egypt & 10 Plagues

Exodus 12:12 "against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement"1. Exodus 7:20.  Waters Nile turned to blood, Egyptians worshipped Anuket goddess of the Nile, name means giver life, lady ife.  2. Exodus 8:1.  Plague of Frogs, Egyptians Heket, goddess fertility, depicted as naked woman with frogs head. 3. Exodus 8:16.  Plague Lice, Geb Egyptian god over dust of  earth. 4. Exodus 8:24.  Grievous swarms of Flies, Khepri was the Egyptian god depicted with head of fly.  5. Exodus 10:3.  Grievous pestilence on cattle, Hathor, Egyptian goddess over was depicted with head of cow. 6. Exodus 9:10  Plague of Boils, Isis, Egyptian goddess of medicine & peace.  7. Exodus 9:18  Plague of Hail, Nut, Egyptian goddess of the sky.  8. Exodus 10:12  Plague of Locusts, Seth, Egyptian god of storms & disorder. 9. Exodus 10:22  Blocking out of Sun, Ra was the sun god, most worshipped god in Egypt other than Pharaoh himself. God sent a darkness that could be felt, and this darkness was the complete absence of light.  10. Exodus 12:29.  Slaying of the Firstborn, Pharaoh himself was worshipped as the actual son of Ra, manifest in the flesh.    

Invitation:  2 Baptism &13 for prayers.    September 18, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Messiah to be Born Through Judah        The Sceptre of Judah Genesis 49     Opening Prayer & Song
The Messiah will come thru Judah and Judah will be the Kingly ruling tribe Genesis 49:8 cf Caleb Joshua 14:11 & Psalm 18:40. Genesis 49:9 cf: I Chronicles 14:17,  the city of David was called Ariel the Lion of God cf: Isaiah 29:1 & the Lord is the Lion of the tribe of Judah Revelations 5:5. Genesis 49:10 scepter is what a King holds in his hand. Cf Psalm 45:6-7 & Hebrews 1:8-9.  Cf.  II Samuel 7:12-14. Lawgiver is authority carry out capital punishment. Shiloh the Messiah to Him who it belongs He will come meek and lowly riding on an ass and a colt cf: Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-17.  Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem   -   Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mk 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelations 19:11-16, Lawgiver cf: Isaiah 33:22 & James 4:12. UNTIL SHILOH COME the Jews had lost the authority to put anyone to death cf: John 18:31. Their Religious & political system ceased with the destruction of their city and temple.  By then the apostles had preached the Gospel to the whole world Acts 1:8 & Romans 10:18.  The Children of Israel were pictured as a vine cf: Psalm 80:8 & Isaiah 5:1ff. Vengeance to be inflected upon His enemies  Genesis 49:11 cf Revelations 19:13 Genesis 49:12: Isaiah 55:1, 12:3, 8:6 John 7:37-39.    Invitation:  2 Baptism & 9 for prayers.    September 11, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:       The Messiah to be Born Through Isaac & Jacob     Opening Prayer & Song
The Messiah to be Born Through Isaac & Jacob   Esau was Isaac's firstborn, but God knowing before they were born the qualities of character of the two chose Jacob for the Messiah to come through Genesis 25:19-34 cf: Hebrews 12:15-17 & Romans 9:9-13 cf: Mal. 1:2-3. This is not Calvinistic predestination and becomes clear when you understand God said Romans 9:12 in 1,800BC & Romans 9:13 in 400BC. God renews the Abrahamic covenant to Isaac Genesis 26:3-4: Jacob's ladder in a dream Genesis 28:12 cf: Jesus taught He is that bridge between heaven & Earth. John 1:51. God renews the Abrahamic covenant through Jacob Genesis 28:13-22, Jacob wrestles with the angel at Peniel Genesis 32:24ff and is renamed Israel, God again appeared to Jacob at Padanaram & confirmed his name would be Israel & the Messiah would come thru him Genesis 35:9ff  Joseph is sold into slavery for 20 pieces of silver Genesis 37:28.  The changing price of slaves in the ancient world is reflected in the Bible cf: Exodus 21:32 & II Kings 15:20  Invitation:  3 Baptism & 13 for prayers.    September 4, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Faith of Abraham and his Final Exam        Call of Abraham     Opening Prayer & Song
The Faith of Abraham and his Final Exam   The call of Abram Genesis 12:1-3, Abram's journey to the promise land Genesis 12:3-8, God promises to make Abram fruitful Genesis 15:1-5, Abram believed the Lord and He counted it to him for righteousness Genesis 15:9, God establishes His covenant with Abram & changes his name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-7 God gives Abraham circumcision as a token of the covenant. God promised Abraham a son by Sarah and Abraham laughs Genesis 17:15-17, God tells Abraham to name the new promised son Isaac which means laughter in Hebrew, God makes His covenant w/Abraham through Isaac Genesis 17:19-21. God appeared to Abraham again Genesis 18:1ff  and Sarah also laughs at the promise of God that she will bear a son Genesis 18:12. Abraham, God's friend Genesis 18:16ff, Abraham's kind of faith cf; Romans 4:17-22. The Lord visited Sarah Genesis 21:1-12 & promised Abraham: in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Abraham's Final Exam: Genesis 22:1-2 Mount Moriah cf: I Chronicles 21:15-22:1 where King David is to buy the threshing floor of Ornan & King Solomon is to build the temple II Chronicles 3:1 the trying of Abraham's faith cf: James 1:2-4.  The faith that works Genesis 22:2-12, the faith that believes the Lord will provide Genesis 22:13-19 cf: Hebrews 11:17-19    Invitation:  7 for prayers.    August 28, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Call of Abraham (Abram)       Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper        Call of Abraham
The Call of Abraham (Abram)  The genealogy of Terah in order to introduce Abraham. Genesis 11:27-32, Ur means fire in Hebrew. Chaldeans means destruction in Hebrew. Haran means fruitlessness in Hebrew. Stephen said Abraham was called in Ur (Mesopotamia) before he went to Haran Acts 7:2-ff. The Promise given to Abraham was, personal, national & international Genesis 12:1-3. Abram journeys to the Promise Land Genesis 12:4-9. Shechem means the place of strength in Hebrew. Moreh means the place of instruction in Hebrew. Canaan means bow the knee in Hebrew. Bethel means the House of God in Hebrew. So these things become a Great Parable in the lives of all future believers and children of Abraham. Just as Abraham, we are called from: Fire, destruction and fruitlessness to a place of strength, a place of instruction, so that we might bow the knee and that place is the House of God. Abraham's journey of faith Hebrews 11:8-10 & Galatians 3:16 Abraham then goes into Egypt which is always a metaphor for the world and Satan. The Covenant of Promise Genesis 15:-17 cf: Romans 4:1-ff.
Invitation:  9 for prayers.    August 21, 2011 Bulletin  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Nations & The Fall into Idolatry     Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper
The Nations & The Fall into Idolatry God's Covenant with Noah and his seed Genesis 9:1-29. The Generations of the Sons of Noah Genesis 10:1 - Genesis 11:9. Descendants of Japheth who went north, settled in the regions of the Black Sea and became the Indo-European nations Genesis 10:2-5. Descendants of Ham went south, settled the east coast of Africa, Canaan and Egypt. "Khen" an Egyptian god means Ham in Hebrew Genesis 10:6-20. The descendants of Shem became the central zone of nations Genesis 10:21-31. Shemites includes the Jews, Assyrians, Syrians and Elamites in the north Euphrates River valley. The Generations of Shem Genesis 11:10-26. From Shem to Abraham was 10 generations of 427 years. All the Nations of the world are given over to idolatry Cf: Romans 1:18-32, Isaiah 44:6-20 and Ephesians 2:11-22.  Invitation:  6 for prayers.    August 14, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
Noah and The Flood - Nephilim or Giants     Nephilim or Giants Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper 

Noah and The Flood

Nephilim or Giants   Transmission of the Genesis story - Methuselah lived 969 years Genesis 5:25-27, his life over-lapped Adams' by 243 years, Noah by 600 years and Seth by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world. Shem then lived till 75 years after Abraham entered the Promise Land. Date of Creation - Ussher's Chorological Order places date of creation @ 4,004 BC, The Septuagint (Greek O.T.) some 1,500 years earlier. The Hebrew Bible shows some 1,656 years between Creation & Flood. When was the Flood? If the Egyptian Kings List is correct the Septuagint date 5,500 BC less 1,656 years. If there is duplication in the Kings List then  4,004 BC less 1,656 years = 2,348 BC. Noah's Ark - approximately 450 feet long x 75 feet wide x 45 feet tall = 1,518,750 cubic feet, which is the storage capacity of 1,000 train box cars - an enormous ship. The Ringling Brothers Barman & Bailey Circus came to town in 56 box cars. Noah & the Flood Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 6:12 cf: Job 22:12-17 Genesis 6:12-9:17  Jesus Believed in Noah's Flood Cf: Matthew 24:34-39. The Hebrew writer and Noah - Hebrews 11:7, Peter taught of the flood - I Peter 3:19-21 & II Peter 2:4-9 Genesis 9:18-25 .  

  Invitation:  2 Baptism & 9 for prayers.    August 7, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
The Seed or Child of a Woman to be Messiah       Written Lesson     Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper   

The Seed or Child of a Woman to be Messiah

The Serpent Deceives Eve: Genesis 3:1-15; The Seed of Woman - Will walk all over Satan Cf: Galatians 3:16 & Galatians 4:4 Jesus Christ the only Seed of Woman Not Begotten of Man; Genesis 3:15 The Messiah - Christ will bruise Satan Cf: Psalm 91:13 & The Church will over come Satan too: Luke 10: 18-19 and Rom. 16:20; Genesis 3:15 Cf: Sin & Death came by Adam & Righteousness & Life Came by Christ Jesus: Rom. 5:10-19; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14-15; The Punishment of Mankind - The Loss of Paradise Genesis 3:15-24; Genesis 4:1-4 Cain (Hebrew - Striker) & Abel (Hebrew - Worth-less), Abel Sacrificed the blood of an innocent victim: Cf: Hebrews 11:4; I John 3:12; Genesis 4:5 Cain's Sacrifice was an attempt to worship God his own way--will worship- Colossians 2:23, Cf: Hebrews 9:22; Genesis 4:6-7 Cf; I Peter 5:8; Genesis 4:8-10 Cf; Hebrews 11-4; The Genealogies of the Sons & Daughters of men Genesis 4:11-24 Genesis 4:25-26 Seth (Hebrew - Substitute) (seed) is born and begins the Sethtic family line; Genesis 5:1-6 The Genealogies of the Sons of God through Genesis 6:8  Enoch the one example of Godly living Cf: Hebrews 11:5, II Kings 2:11-12, An example of our being caught up I Corinthians 15:50-55 & I Thessalonians 4:13-18

  Invitation: 8 for prayers.    July 31, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
In The Beginning God Created       Written Lesson     Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper   
In The Beginning God Created  Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing before that event because: John 17:24 says: "there was love between the Father and the Son before", "in the beginning"; John 17:5 says :"the Father and the Son had Glory before", "in the beginning"; Ephesians 1:4 says: " He has chosen us In Him before", "in the beginning"; Titus 1:2 says: God promised eternal life before"," in the beginning' and 1I Timothy 1:9 says: " God's own purpose and Grace was In Christ before , " in the beginning".  God  Hebrew Eloheim is a plural noun and created Hebrew barraw is a singular verb showing the Father, The Word or Son & the Holy Spirit were all involved in the creation.  Created is to speak into existence out of nothing by Divine fiat the Word of God created cf: John 1:1-18, How? By faith Hebrews 11:3 &  II Peter 3:7.  What is God like?  He is like Jesus.  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 10 for prayers.    July 24, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Faith       Written Lesson     Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper   

The Faith

The word "faith" is often applied subjectively to one's inner trust with reliance in Christ or God to save us or what one believes a synonym for "belief". But in other contexts, especially with the Greek article we translate with the word "the" ... "the faith" ... Greek: tees pisteoos it is used in the objective sense, meaning the body of truth, the whole system of religion that is taught, believed and practiced by New Testament Christians, the pattern for true Christianity.  Christianity is contrasted with the Mosaic law system in.  It is unfortunate that most translations drop the Article the in Galatians 3:23-27.  We do not become the "children of God" by "the law" but by "the faith" "tees pisteoos".  It is "the faith" because there is only "one faith" cf: Ephesians 4:4-5. The way, the path cf: Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39 Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6 Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, Acts 24:14, Romans 1:5, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Ephesians 4:5 & 13, Colossians 1:23, Titus 1:13, I Timothy 4:1, I Timothy 6:21, Philippians 1:27. This shows that in the New Testament times there was a clearly defined system of belief and practice which is identified over and over as "the faith".

   Invitation: 11 for prayers.    July 17, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 
Speak where Bible Speaks / Silent where Silent       Written Lesson    

Speak where Bible Speaks / Silent where Silent: II Peter 1:3

Silence as a Rule of Language. II Timothy 2:2 How God wishes to be Obeyed-careful obedience Deuteronomy 2:4, 4:15, 6:17, 12:23, 24:8. Jesus obeyed Rule of Silence Jn 4:34, 5:19, 5:30, 5:36, 7:16, 8:26-29. Consci-entious obedience demonstrates love Jn 14:31, 16:12-13. Do not add to God's Word Deuteronomy 12:8, 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 14:12, 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19. Early 2nd generation church fathers recognized this principle Didache 4:18 ...Adding nothing to it & taking nothing away.", Epistle of Barnabus 19:11 Thou shalt keep those things which thou hast received neither adding to them or taking away from them. Tertullian  "Any doctrine not as old as the apostles is thereby condemned by the silence of Holy Scripture." When people act w/o Authority Leviticus 9:23-24, 10:1-3, I Samuel 13:8-14, 10:8, Leviticus 1:7, I Chr 13:9-10, 15:2, 15:12-15, Jeremiah 23:16, 23:26, 23:32-34, Matthew 15:14, Colossians 2:20-23, Acts 15:1-2 & 15:24, Hebrews 1:5. Jesus subjected Himself to the rules Hebrews 7:14, Exodus 28:1, II Jn 9. Never presume to act or speak in hushed silence of God Exodus 17:5, Numbers 20:8-12. Today, people in Change Movement ask, "Where does the Bible forbid us to do so?" II Peter 3:15-16. How could such men be learned in the Scripture?

 Invitation: 14 for prayers.    July 11, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Restoration Movement       Written Lesson     Opening Prayer, Song & Lord's Supper   
The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church and the unification of all Christians cf: Jn 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church . We are neither Protestants, Catholics, or Jews, but Christians only Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliff & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity.  At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Penn & W Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake.  We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mk 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.   Invitation: 5 for prayers.    July 3, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Common Sense Questions Baptists Can't Answer       Written Lesson

Common Sense Questions Baptists Can't Answer

1st. They believe all men are BORN sinners, cf: Genesis 3:22-23, Ezekiel 18-20, Jeremiah 31:29-30, Galatians 4:4. 2nd. ONLY certain men saved, the rest damned, cf: Jn 3:16, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25 & I Peter 1:17, II Peter 3:9, Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:2-3, Jn 1:12. 3rd. They believe Jesus died ONLY for the elect, cf: I Jn 2:2. 4th. They believe Jesus was sinless ONLY because God was His father, cf: Hebrews 2:17. 5th. They believe faith is a gift ONLY to the elect often quoting Ephesians 2:8-9, cf: Romans 10:17, Jn 20:31, Hebrews 11:6. 6th. The believe Church is body BUT established as an afterthought, a substitute for Jewish Kingdom, cf: Acts 2:30-31. 7th. They believe in Baptism BUT they do not believe it is part of salvation, cf: Mar 16:16 , Acts 2:38. 8th. They believe in the Second Coming, cf:  II Thessalonians 1:7-8, Hebrews 9:27-28 & Matthew 25:31ff.  9th. They believe the Church w/be raptured, cf:   10th. They believed one could have a second work of grace and then live and never sin, cf:  11th. They believe once saved, always saved, cf: I Corinthians 6:9ff, II Peter 1:9-10. 12th. They believe in taking Communion but not necessarily on the first day of the week, cf: Acts 20:7, Matthew 28:28.

  Invitation: 4 Baptism & 8 for prayers.    June 26, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Church History the Protestant Reformation       Written Lesson
Church History   Protestant Reformation
   The Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in stamping out the wicked man made change of Roman Catholicism which was a great falling away from the faith found in the Bible. Ginger has cancer and they must cut it out this coming Wednesday in order to save her life. Not one bit of it can be left in her or she will die.   It is the same with Romanisn Protestantism just didn't go far enough in cutting out every last vestage of Catholicism in which dwells the doctrines and traditions of men Matthew 15:8-9.  John 6:63 & John 12:48.  Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures. Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I John 2:18-19, Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences, built St Peter Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33. Greek Catholic split from Roman Catholic in 1054AD.  They kept false doctrines of Rome except they have: No Popes, Priests may be married, & they have a cappella singing without instruments. 1384AD John Wycliffe produced hand written translations of the bible into common English based upon Jerome's Latin Vulgate translation.  He died a natural death, but 44 years later under Pope Martin V, Wycliffe's bones were dug up & burned & scattered over the river Swift. Men who begin burning books will end up burning men. Tyndale burned at the stake in 1536 and many more followed.    Invitation: 8 for prayers.    June19, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Church History-Great falling away-Catholics       Written Lesson
Church History-Great falling away-Catholics   Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappas) or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7. Shortly Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures. Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Saved by grace not works cf: Ephesians 2:8. Mary not mediator between God & man cf: I Timothy 2:5. Ask in Jesus' name not Mary's cf: Jn 16:23-26. 'Our Father' & 'Hail Mary' vain repetitions cf: Matthew 6:7. Hell has no halfway house called Purgatory cf: Lk 16:19-31. No such thing as separate priesthood cf: I Peter 2:5. Bishops must be the husband of one wife cf: I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-8. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I Jn 2:18-19, I Jn 4:1-3 & II Jn 1:7. Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences & built St Peter Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33.  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 7 for prayers.    June12, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Grapevine BBQ - Bro Russel & Bro Kelly      
Part 1: Russell Franz Youth Minister Grapevine  Psalm 51   Part  2: Kelly Lawson Ephesians 1:1-22 
This is the 3rd year our brethren from Grapevine have blessed us with Bar-B-Q Picnics.   We are truly grateful for their loving kindness and support that makes our ministry to the poor and homeless in East Dallas possible. God knows that each month they help by providing support, food, clothing, coats, blankets, shoes and sox to poor, homeless and downtrodden.  At Christmas they provide greatly for those with nothing. We at Main Street are thankful for their fellowship in this ministry &  that they have opened their hearts to us.  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers.    June 5, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Church History-Catholic       Written Lesson
Church History-Catholic   The history of man shows he soon departs from God's way.  The first departure in the history of the church was how Churches were governed. God's plan was autonomous congregations cf; Daniel 2:44. Scripture also teaches elders/bishops have oversight of local congregations. I Timothy 3:1ff & Titus 1:5ff  By 150AD men began to designate 1 man as a bishop & he was over an area of several churches called a diocese.  Acts 20:28-30 ,I Peter 5:1-4 &Hebrews 13:17. Constantine ended the last persecution in 312AD & called a Church council at Nicea in 325AD.  Bishops then adopted the first man made creed called the Nicean Creed.  Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappa)  or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7 Shortly Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures.  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers.    May 29, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Religion of Christ       Written Lesson
The Religion of Christ: Christianity Revealed Religion Hebrews 1:1-2, Only Divine Religion & therefore only True Religion Matt16:13-18, Romans 16:16. Christianity is a Universal Religion Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16 & cf: Acts 14:8-15; Paul told men to turn from Idolatrous Worship @ Lystra. Christianity is a Spiritual Religion John 3:3-5 Demands you be born again Romans 6:4, that you walk in Newness of Life, presenting your bodies as living sacrifices Romans 12:1-2, & Worship must be in Spirit & Truth Jn 4:23-24. Christianity is a Saving Religion Lk 19:10, I Timothy 1:15, Christ did not come to bring social reform, or a New Age movement. Christianity is a Authoritative Religion. We cannot make up our own religion, we must submit to Christ. Christianity is a Complete Religion II Peter 1:4-10 The Religion invented by men borrows ideas, doctrines, ordinances & practices from one another. This shows they are human, unauthori-tative & imperfect. Christianity is the Final Religion Jude 3. The O.T. was temporary. Its lawgivers, priesthood, covenant, sacrifices, tabernacle & temple looked forward to the New Covenant Hebrews 8:7-13.   
Invitation: 5 Baptism & 10 for prayers.    May 22, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:      Body of Christ, Bride of Christ & Divinity of the Church
Body of Christ, Bride of Christ & Divinity of the Church The Church is also described as Body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27, one body Romans 12:4-5. Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & Church of Christ is also described as Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17.  Divinity of Church of Christ:  Some people think all religions are of divine origin & are of equal value to salvation of your soul. Others recognize some religions are not divine nor capable of saving your soul. Anything God of heaven is responsible for, anything He has originated is divine. Divine figures of speech used to describe Church: Kingdom of God cf: Mark 9:1 & Colossians 1:13.  Holy names of God & Christ are attached to Church I Corinthians 11:16 & Romans 16:16. Church Divinely established cf: Daniel 2:44 & Matthew 16:13-18.  Church is Divine in ownership cf: Acts 20:28, Ephesians 5:25, I Corinthians 6:19-20 Jesus could call it "My Church" Matthew 16:18. Church has a Divine foundation I Corinthians 3:11 w/Jesus Christ Chief Cornerstone. Church has a Divine head Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 5:23-24, Matthew 28:18 & Ephesians 1:22 Church is the temple of God on earth Ephesians 2:21-22 It is to the Church God adds those being saved.  Invitation: 3 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    May 15, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  3 Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ       Written Lesson
3 Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ:   We have studied that the church is described as both the kingdom of God & the temple of God. The church is also described as the flock of God cf: The Messiah or Christ will be a gentle Shepherd Isaiah 40:10-11, The Lord will save the flock of His people Zechariah 9:9, 11 & 16, Beware: Matthew 7:15, Jesus quotes the prophet about Himself & the flock Matthew 26:31-32, Luke 12:32, Luke 15:4-5, John 10:1-18 & Acts 20:28 The Church is also described as the body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27,  one body Romans 12:4-5, the Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & the Church of Christ is also described as the Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17  Invitation: 4 Baptism &11 for prayers.    May 8, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Church of Christ is New Testament Temple of God       Written Lesson
The Church of Christ is New Testament Temple of God
  Acts 2:37-47: God gave pattern for Old Testament temple I Chronicles 28:10-19; David wanted God to have a house I Chronicles 17:1-14; when it was built, God's presence, which had been manifested at the tabernacle, came to fill the temple I Kings 8:6-21; Old Testament temple was a shadow of New Covenant Hebrews 8:5 &10:1; there was a worldly sanctuary Hebrews 9:1 cf: I Peter 2:5, I Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19; Hebrews 9:2 there was a tabernacle cf: Exodus 25:8-9; wherein was the candlestick cf: Revelations 1:20 & Matthew 5:14 & Jn 8:12; & table of showbread cf: Leviticus 24:5-9, only priests could eat & only priests should eat from Lord's Table today cf: I Corinthians 11:23ff. Hebrews 9:3 second veil was torn at death of Christ cf: Matthew 27:51. Hebrews 9:4 golden censer of incense stood before veil cf: Leviticus 16:12, which was a shadow of prayers of saints now having direct access to God cf: Revelations 8:3-4 & 5:8. Hebrews 9:5-6 the first tabernacle was accomplished the service of God by the priesthood. We now have a priesthood of believers. cf: I Peter 2:5-9, Revelations 1:6. During Old Testament period God received blood sacrifices from dead animals. Since sacrifice of Christ Hebrews 9:11-12 God is pleased to receive our bodies as living sacrifices cf: Romans 12:1-2.  Invitation: 4 Baptism & 10 for prayers.    May 1, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  EASTER - JESUS' RESURRECTION - & Our Resurrection
EASTER - JESUS' RESURRECTION - & Our Resurrection Job 19:23-25 redeemer Hebrew gal-al' ransom buy back cf: I Peter 1:18-19; Job 19:25-27 stand Hebrew koom get up raise up; Psalm 22:1 A Prophecy by King David written about 1,000 BC fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:1-7 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 their words-fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:9-15 thrust fulfilled cf: John 19:28, to be brought to the dust of death for all mankind  fulfilling Genesis 3:19; Psalm 22:16 -dogs- Hebrew keh-leb a punk or male prostitute; pierced hands and feet--fulfilled cf: John 20:24-39; Psalm 22:17-18 cast lots fulfilled cf: John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:19-22 fulfilled each Lord's day cf: Hebrews 2:12 because of Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:23-26 shall live forever fulfilled John 11:25-26; Psalm 22:27-28 governor fulfilled Matthew 28:18:20; Psalm 22:29 fat upon the earth cf:  Deuteronomy 32:14-15, Eat  Worship - fulfilled Cf: John 18:28; Psalm  22:29  all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him--to be fulfilled by YOU when you die cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 22:30 seed child cf: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:31 declare His righteousness Romans 1:16-17 & 3:21-26  Invitation: 12 for prayers.    April 24, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Pentecost-The Beginning of the Church of Christ
Pentecost-The Beginning of the Church of Christ Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:22-24 Greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points. Point of whole sermon Acts 2:36 "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ" Greek-Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37 How do we call upon the name of the Lord? Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. Acts 2:40-42 Worship began. Apostles doctrine cf: II Timothy 2:2, fellowship Greek-"Koinonia" (koy-nohn-ee`-ah) contributions regularly made in a public assembly for the poor cf: Romans 15:26, II Corinthians 9:13, II Corinthians 12:14; & also fellowship I Corinthians 1:9, I John 1:3 & 1:7, both meanings included in II Corinthians 8:4; breaking of bread (the Lord's Supper) cf: I Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-34 & Acts 20:7; all things common Acts 2:43-46 is sharing Isaiah 58:1-14, Matthew 25::31-36 & James 2:14-19; Acts 2:47 "the Lord added to the Church daily..." The Church is the Divine Plan of God from before the foundation of the world, established & built upon Christ Matthew 16:13ff, Invitation:  9 for prayers.    April 17, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Pentecost-The Kingdom of God Began
Pentecost-The Kingdom of God Began    The fellowship called "the Church" is born: Acts 2:17 The Last days are the last days of the Jews from 30 to 70 AD cf: Isaiah 2:1-4 Lord's house cf: I Timothy 3:15, All nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20; He will teach us cf: John 6:45; Out of Zion i.e. from the temple mount shall go forth the law cf: Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus taught this on the temple mount & it was taught by apostles cf: James 1:25 & 2:8; Word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Acts 1:8"Last Days" also means the whole Christian Age from 30AD until He comes cf Hebrews 1:1-2. Acts 2:36 Point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37; Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized: and both promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. Acts 2:39 Your children is the next generation and shows these conditions of Salvation are perpetual for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing cf: James 2:15-17; Acts 2:47 The Lord adds repentant baptized believers to "the Church."   Invitation:  9 for prayers.    April 10, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Pentecost-Peter Preaches 1st Gospel Sermon Pentecost-Peter Preaches 1st Gospel Sermon
Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; coming destruction of Jerusalem & final  judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10.  During Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, Jn 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 Point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing 2:47 repentant baptized believers added to "the Church."
  Invitation:  5 for prayers.  April 3, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Pentecost--The Apostles are Baptized with Holy Spirit
Pentecost--The Apostles are Baptized with Holy Spirit

Matthew 3:11-12, John tells it is to come.  Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father and they will have "power from on high" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 The vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle. Acts 1:26 & 2:1 Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "... they were all with one accord..." The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is "... Matthias: and he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Many make the mistake thinking the 120 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "... as of a rushing mighty wind..." It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "... cloven tongues like as of fire..." Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire".  Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied. Acts 1:5 -21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.
    Invitation:  1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  March 27, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Comparison of the Ministry of Peter & Paul in Acts

Peter - 1st part, Acts Chapter 2-12
1st sermon Chapter 2   
Lame healed Chapter 3
Influence of shadow Chapter 5
Simon the Sorcerer Chapter 8
Laying on of hands Chapter 8
Peter worshipped Chapter 10
Raised the dead Chapter 9
Imprisoned Chapter 12

Paul - 2nd part, Acts Chapter13-28
1st sermon Chapter 13 
Lame healed Chapter 14
Influence of kerchief Chapter 19
Elymas the Sorcerer Chapter 13
Laying on of hands Chapter 19
Paul worshipped Chapter 14 
Raised the dead Chapter 20
Imprisoned Chapter 28

The job of apostle was to bear eyewitness testimony of the life, death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God.  This they did as we read the book of Acts. cf Acts 1:21-22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32, 10:39-41, 22:14-15, 23:11, 26:13-18.  Also, II Peter 1:15-16 sums it up nicely.
 Invitation:  13 for prayers.  March 20, 2011 Bulletin 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  John 13, 14, 15 & 16
John 13, 14, 15 & 16  These chapters are often misunderstood because people pay no attention to the context.   During this sermon pay attention to:  1. Who is speaking and 2. Who is being spoken to.  It is Jesus' last night w/his disciples, therefore, pay close attention when He says 'you' . He is speaking to the apostles, and He is not speaking to YOU the reader.  When Jesus is speaking to you, the reader, he says "...he...", "...a man..." or "...any man".   Invitation:  8 for prayers.    March 6, 2011 Bulletin 

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Christ Commissions His Apostles
Christ Commissions His Apostles    Mk 16:14 Appears to Eleven & Rebukes Their Unbelief Lk 24:36-43 & John 20:19-23. Mk 16:15-16 Gospel All the World Matthew 28:18-20 & Lk 24:44-49, Acts 1:4-8. Mk 16:17 cf  Mk 16:14-17 who is the antecedent "them" in v:17?  Cast out devils cf: Acts 5:16, tongues Acts 2:1-4, Mk 16:18 serpents cf: Genesis 3:15, Psalm 91:11-13, Lk 10:17-19, Acts 28:3-6 & Romans 16:20, Hebrews 2:3-4, Mk 16:19 Received into Heaven Lk 24:51 & Acts 1:9, Psalm 110:1, Ephesians 1:19-20, Hebrews 1:3 & v13, Hebrews 10:12-13, Mk 16:20. Gospel preached every where cf Matthew 24:14, prophecy Psalm 19:1-9, Romans 10:14-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:7-8.  
Invitation:  8 for prayers.    February 27, 2011 Bulletin 

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Is Mark 16:9-20 Inspired Scripture
Is Mark 16:9-20 Inspired Scripture? 
   Mark 16:1-4 Women at the Tomb & the Empty Sepulcher. Mark 16:5-8 Message of the Angel. Mark 16:9 Mary Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord cf Luke 8:2, John 20:1-18. Mark 16:10-11; Message to the Disciples. Mark 16:12-13 Seen of Two Disciples at Emmaus Luke 24:13-35. Mark 16:14 Appears to Eleven & Rebukes Their Unbelief Luke 24:36:43 & John 20:19-23. Mark 16:15-18 Gospel All the World Matthew 28:18-20 & Luke 24:44-49, Acts 1:4-9. Mark 16:19 Received into Heaven Luke 24:51 & Acts 1:9. Mark 16:20 Gospel preached every where cf prophecy Psalm 19:1-9, Romans 10:14, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:7-8. Signs are noted by Hebrew writer Hebrews 2:3-4; And baptism of The Holy Spirit upon the Apostles is explained in great detail in John 14-16; demonstrated by signs in the Book Acts.  
Invitation:  12 for prayers.    February 20, 2011 Bulletin 

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Strike 3; You're Out
Strike Three - You're Out!  Daniel  2:44
prophecy of the coming of the everlasting Kingdom Psalms 145:10-13 glory of everlasting Kingdom; Matthew 16:18-19 Christ said I will build my Church (singular) AKA The Kingdom of Heaven and gates of hell shall not prevail against it; Mark 9:1 There are some of those standing here that will not taste death until they see Kingdom of God come with power; Acts 1:3-4 Christ after resurrection speaking of things concerning the Kingdom at Jerusalem; Acts 2:1 Time period on day of Pentecost AD 30; Acts 20:28 The Church He purchased with His Own blood; Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one Body (Church) one Spirit one hope One Lord one Faith one Baptism One God & Father; Ephesians 5:23 Christ is head of the Church, Savior of the Body; Colossians 1:18 He is head of the Body the Church; Corinthians 12:12-14 One body many members, one body so as Christ, 12:20 Many members but one body 12:27 you are Christ's body.   Invitation:  10 for prayers.   February 13, 2011 Bulletin 

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Faith of Abraham  The Faith of Jesus Christ
The Faith of Abraham  The Faith of Jesus Christ Genesis 15:1-6 Abram believed in the Lord Genesis 17:1-5 God changes his name to Abraham Genesis 22:1-17 Abraham's tempted, promise of Messiah Galatians 3:16 Hebrews 11:17-19 by faith Abraham offered Isaac Romans 4:1-16 Abraham believed in God.  James 2:1-4, 14-26 Faith without works is dead. Romans 23-25 "Who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification".  Romans 6:1-4 we are baptized into Jesus Christ, Matthew 20:22 Baptism -in water for remission of sin. Cup -Lord's Supper - communion  Invitation:  8 for prayers. 

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Spiritual Rock--Christ  Spiritual Water--Holy Spirit 
Spiritual Rock--Christ    Spiritual Water--Holy Spirit   Ex. 17:1-7 Moses smites the Rock; Numbers 20:1-13 God tells Moses to speak to the Rock, but he smites it twice; Psalm 78:20-22 David tells of Moses & how Israel tempted God; Psalm 62:2 He only is my Rock; II Samuel 22:47 Blessed be my Rock; John 4:10-14 & 7:37-39 Jesus speaks of the Living Waters; I Corinthians 10:4 they did drink of that spiritual drink; Acts 2:1 Pentecost; Acts 4:23-32, they didn't just pray anything, but the Word of God; Psalm 2:1, Why do the heathen rage; I Thessalonians 5:17-19 quench not the Spirit; Ephesians 6:14-18 Armour of God; Matthew 26:41 watch & pray; Mark 14:37, 38 The Spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak; Ephesians 6:19, 20 Preach Boldly the Gospel.   Invitation:  13 for prayers.    January 30, 2011 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Trial and Crucifixion of Christ
The Trial and Crucifixion of Christ  Jesus brought before Pilate examined & accused but makes no answer Mk 15:1-5 Cf: Psalm 2:1-4 cf: Acts 4:23-28. Multitude clamors for the release of Barabbas & crucifixion of Christ Mk 15:6-14. Pilate consents & He is led away, mocked, insulted & nailed to the cross Mk 15:15-19 cf: Micah 5:1-2. Casting lots Mk 15:20-24 cf: Psalm 22:16-18. Mk 15:25-26. Two thieves are crucified with Him Mk 15:27-28 cf: Isaiah 53: 8-9 & 12. While hanging on the cross, He is mocked & insulted Mk 15:29-32 cf: Psalm 22:6-8. Miraculous darkness & our Lord's death Mk 15:33-34 Cf: Psalm 22:1. Gall & vinegar Mk 15:35-36 Psalm 69:20-21 & Hebrews 2:10.  Mk 15:37. Rending of the veil & confession of the centurion Mk:38-39. Several women attend & behold His death Mk 15:40-41. Joseph of Arimathea begs body from Pilate & buries it Mk 15:42-46 cf: Isaiah 53:9. Mary Magdalene & Mary mother of Joses, note the place of His burial Mk 15:47.  Invitation:  11 for prayers.    January 23, 2011 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Guest Speaker Richy Pollard from Oklahoma-Christ in the Garden 
Guest Speaker Richy Pollard form Oklahoma  Christ in the Garden  Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-42; Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards Mark 14:43-52; 
Christ before the Sanhedrin Christ before Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-57cf John 2:18-19 Mark 14:58-60; Silent before His false accusers, Mark 14:61 cf: Isaiah 42:1-9; Confession & Condemned Mark 14:62 cf: Psa110:1-4, Daniel 7:13-14 & Revelation 1:7 Christ abused Mark 14:63-65 cf: Isaiah 50:5-7;l Peter's Denial Mark 14:66-72.  Invitation:  5 for prayers.   

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Jewish Passover and The Lord's Supper Instituted
The Jewish Passover and The Lord's Supper Instituted   The Day of Unleavened Bread Mark 14:12-16; The Lord's Passover Mark 14:17-21 cf: Exodus 12:1ff; The Lord's Supper Established Mark 14:22-26 cf: Christ our Passover sacrificed for us I Corinthians 5:7, I Corinthians 11:17-34; Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42 & Acts 20:7, Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-42; Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards Mark 14:43-52; Christ Before the Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-60: The Confession and Condemnation Mark 14:61-62 cf:  Psalm 110:1-4, Daniel 7:13-14 & Revelation 1:7 Mark 14:63-72.  Invitation:  3 for prayers.    January 9, 2011 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver 
Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver   The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2  cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord Mark 14:10-11cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-8 & Acts 1:16-20; The Day of Unleavened Bread Mark 14:12-16; The Lord's Passover Mark 14:17-21 cf: Exodus 12:1ff; The Lord's Supper Established Mark 14:22-26 cf: I Corinthians 11:17-34; Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-42; Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards Mark 14:43-52; Christ Before the Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-60: The Confession and Condemnation Mark 14:61-72  Invitation:  3 Baptism & 20 for prayers.    January 2, 2011 Bulletin

2010 Sermons

(Audio and Written Lessons Only)

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hell the Eternal Home of the Doomed
Hell the Eternal Home of the Doomed   The Hebrew word She-owl is translated into Greek as Hades and into English as Hell.  All these words mean the same place which is the place of the dead.  During Old Testament times it had 2 parts, torment which was the place of the unbelieving dead, separated from Abraham's bosom, the place of the believing dead. The Rich man and Lazarus cf: Luke 16:19-31; The Rebellion of Korah in which Korah went down alive into the pit took place about 1,447 BC cf: Numbers 16:26-40;  Later King David wrote Psalm 88 about 1,000 BC so it had been about 500 years since Korah went down alive into the pit and Korah hasn't figured out yet his situation is permanent. Cf: Matthew 10:28, 25:31-46  
Invitation:  10 for prayers.    Dec  26, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Star of Bethlehem & the visit of the Wise Men
The Star of Bethlehem & the visit of the Wise Men John 1:1-5, 114, Acts 17;24-25, Psalms 90:2, 4, Colossians 1:16-17, Exodus 3:14, John 8:57-58, John 14:8-9, Matthew 1:18-23Matthew 2:1 The Wise Men come to Jerusalem. Matthew 2:2 Star in the East and Birth of the King of the Jews. Matthew 2:3 Herod & Jerusalem Troubled. Matthew 2:4-6 The Christ to Be Born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 & 1. Matthew 2:7-8 Herod's Demand of Wise Men Cf: Numbers 24:17,  Matthew 2:9-10 The Star over the Young Child. Matthew 2:11 Gifts Laid at His Feet. Matthew 2:12-13 Joseph Warned in a Dream. Matthew 2:14-15 Flight into Egypt.  Matthew 2:16 Massacre of the Children. Matthew 2:17-18 Rachel Weeping. Matthew 2:19-21 Joseph Called to Return. Matthew 2:22 The Home in Galilee. Matthew 2:23 The City of Nazareth. In 274 AD during a time of persecution  of the Church, in order to expose Christians Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too & call it the Birth of Jesus.  Invitation:  2 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    December 19, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  What Christmas Really Means
What Christmas Really Means -While there is no Santa Clause nor Easter Bunny, Christ was born to Die According to God's Plan.  Genesis 1:1 In  the beginning does not mean nothing happened before cf: I Peter 1:20  Jesus was foreordained before:  Titus 1:2 God promised eternal life before; II Timothy 1:9 God's Purpose & Grace given us before Genesis 1:1-3 & 3:15 seed (child) of woman to be Messiah (Christ); Galatians 3:16 seed promises are about Christ; Genesis 3:21 Sin-death of innocent victim; 6:1-2 descendants Seth & Cain intermarry & 6:5 6:13-15; Genesis 9:8-9 Messiah to came thru Noah; 12:1-8; thru Abraham; 26:3-4 thru Isaac; 28:12-14 thru Jacob; 35:9-12 thru Israel; 49:10-11 thru Judah; Numbers 24:17 He will be a King born under a Star; II Samuel 7:12-16 thru Kind David; Isaiah 7:14 thru a virgin; Isa9:6-7 He is the Mighty God, 35:3-8 signs of Messiah 53:8-10 His death, burial & resurrection; Micah 5:2 Born in Bethlehem 5:1 to die Galatians 4:4 seed-woman; Galatians 3:16, 26-29 YOU Abraham's Seed.   Invitation: 3 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    December 5, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Disfellowship - Gossip, Slander & Tale-Bearing   Written Lesson- Disfellowship
Disfellowship - Gossip, Slander & Tale-Bearing  Matthew 18:10-17, I Corinthians 5:4-5, II Corinthians 2:6-8, Romans 16:17-18, Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 11:13, 18:8, 20:19, 26:20-28, Psalm 101:4, I Peter 3:10, James 1:26, James 3:1-8, cf 4:11, Romans 2;1, Hebrews 12:5-17, Matthew 7:1-5, I John 2:2, Romans 8:1, II cor 5:17-21, Romans 1:16-17, Romans 3:21-28  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 15 for prayers.    November 28, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Jesus our Hope has the power of resurrection John 11   Written - John 11
This Sermon is In Loving Memory of Our Brother Albert Chapman.  Jesus our Hope has the power of resurrection Job 19:22ff, John 11:25-26.  We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3: 2; Jesus was raised in bodily resurrection Luke 24:36-40; The doctrine of the resurrection.  I Corinthians 15: 1-4, Isaiah 53:8-10, I C 15:5-30, II Corinthians 11:22-28, I Corinthians 15:31-38, Genesis 1:11, I Corinthians 15:39-45, John 1:4, I Corinthians 15:46-58, John 6:29   Invitation: 1 Baptism & 15 for prayers.    November 21, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Christ's Discourse on the Last Days of the Jews   Written - Mark 13
Christ's Discourse on the Last Days of the Jews  The Destruction of the Temple Foretold Mark 13:1-4;  The Persecution of the Saints Mark 13:5-9; The Gospel Preached to All Nations Mark 13:10 cf: Psalm 19:1-6, Romans 10:18, Romans 1:8, Rom. 16:19, Colossians 1:6 & Colossians 1:23, I Thessalonians 1:6-8, Acts 28:22 & Mark 16:20;    The Awful Calamities of the Jewish Nation Mark 13:11-23; Christ's Coming to Judgment Mark 13:24-27; Like a fig tree these signs mean destruction Jerusalem Mark 13:28-29; "This generation (about 40 years) shall not pass till all these things be done." Mark 13:30-31; The Hour When He Shall Come Not Known Mark 13:32-33  Watch, Pray, and Be Ready Mark 13:34-37.  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    November 14, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen & Greatest Command    Written - Mark 12
Mark 12:1-8 The Parable of the Vineyard and the Wicked Husbandmen. Mark 12:9-12 Prophecy of the Calling of the Gentiles. Mark 12:13 The Herodians & Pharisees.  Mark 12:14-17 Lawful to Give Tribute to Caesar. Mark 12:18-27 Sadducees and the Resurrection.  Mark 12:28-34 Which Is the Greatest Commandment? Cf: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. Hebrew word translated "one" is e-had is a compound unity. Strongs says it: "united, one, first alike & altogether" perfect word to describe the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Leviticus 19:18: Mark 12:35-37 How is Son of David, David's Lord? Cf: Psalm 110:1-4;  Mark 12:38-40 Beware of the Scribes.  Mark 12:41-44 Widow's Mite.    Invitation: 1 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    November 7, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem   Written - Mark 11
Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem   -   Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mk 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelations 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mk 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mk 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Mark 11:20-26 The Demand of the Rulers for His Authority. Mark 11:27-28 Their Mouths Closed by a Question Concerning the Baptism of John. Mark 11:29-33.     Invitation: 1 Baptism & 12 for prayers.    October 31, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark 10 Beyond Jordan En Route to Jerusalem   Written - Mark 10
Beyond Jordan En Route to Jerusalem. Dispute with the Pharisees About Divorce. The Law of Moses and That of Christ. Blessing the Little Children. The Rich Young Ruler. The Danger of Riches. Reward of Those Who Forsake All for the Gospel. The Ambitious Mother and Sons. The Baptism of Suffering. Blind Bartimaeus Healed.    Invitation: 11 for prayers.    October 25, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark 9 Transfiguration & Peace one w/ another   Written - Mark 9
Mark 9:1 The Coming of the Kingdom and the Church of Christ.  Mark 9:2 The Transfiguration. Mark 9:4 Moses and Elias.  Mark 9:11 The Elias That Must Come. Mark 9:17 The Boy with the Dumb Spirit. Mark 9:23 The Condition of Receiving Christ's Help. Mark 9:31 The Disciples Taught of Christ's Sufferings. Mark 9:33 Who Shall Be Greatest?    Mark 9:35 Desire for Greatness & Narrowness of the Disciples Rebuked. Mark 9:41 A Cup of Cold Water in the Name of Christ. Mark 9:43 Offending Hand or Eye. Mortify your flesh control yourself cf: Colossians 3:3-10 & Galatians 5:19-24; Mark 9:49-50 Salt preserves & fire destroys. Salt or Fire?  You choose. Have peace one with another Galatians 5:22-25   Invitation: 11 for prayers.    October 17, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Brother Russell Frantz and Grapevine Church of Christ present the Worship Service and BBQ Fellowship.  Brother Russell Frantz - Grapevine Church of Christ Youth Minister  OPENING SONG:  Brother Michael Montgomery;  OPENING PRAYER:  Brother Brian Lane; COMMUNION Song:  Brother Michael Montgomery; COMMUNION & CONTRIBUTION:  Grapevine Youth to Serve; Pre-SERMON Song & Sermon:  Brother Michael Montgomery; INVITATION Song:   Brother Michael Montgomery; CLOSING  SONG:  Brother Michael Montgomery; CLOSING PRAYER:    Brother Fred Vaughn  - Main Street  Invitation: 10 for prayers.    October 10, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Kingdom of God is Church of Christ-Mark 9:1    Written - Mark 9:1
The Kingdom of God is Church of Christ - Mark 9:1 The Kingdom God to come with power--lifetime Apostles cf: Matthew 3:1-2, Matthew 4:17 & 6:33 Kingdom: Cf: II Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 2:1-4, Isaiah 11:1-10 cf: Rom. 15:12, Daniel 2:44, Mark 9:1 w/Power cf: , Acts 1:3-9, power comes w/Holy Ghost, clouds cf: Daniel 7:13-14, Mark 9:1 & Acts 1:8 Cf: Acts 2:1-4 Holy Ghost comes upon Apostles Pentecost, Acts 2:14 Apostles, 2:29-30  Christ raised to sit on David's throne. Cf: Psalms 132:11, Acts 2:37-38 water & spirit, cf: John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38-42, Acts 2:47, cf: Matthew 16:13-19, Colossians 1:13 & Revelation 1:9.  Invitation Song - Kneel at the Cross;  Invitation: 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop  October 3, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  False Teachers are like Leven - Mark 8    Written - Mark 8
Mark 8-Mark 8:1-9 Four Thousand Fed with seven loaves & a few small fishes with 7 baskets Greek spoo-rece big baskets of left overs; Mark 8:10 At Dalmanutha; Mark 8:11-13 The Pharisees Question Him Seeking a Sign from Heaven; Mark 8:15-21 And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of  the leaven of Herod. Beware of false teachers who feed false doctrine which multiplies like leaven makes bread swell up. Cf: Matthew 7:13-23 & II Peter 2:1-6;  Mark 8:22 The Blind Man Healed at Bethsaida. Mark 8:28  cf: Malachi 4:5-6 Peter's Confession at Caesarea Philippi. Mark 8:31-32 The Death and Burial of the Son of Man. Mark 8:33 Peter Rebuked. Mark 8:34-38 Taking the Cross and Following Christ. I Thessalonians4:13ff   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  September 26, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Pharisees & Scribes Worship is in vain    Written - Mark 7
Mark 7 Pharisees & Scribes Worship is in vain  Mark 7:1 Scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem. Mark 7:2-5 Eating with Unwashed Hands or un-baptized hands. Mark 7:6-7 Their false doctrine was foretold by the prophet Isaiah cf: Isaiah 29:13-15. Vain Worship is teaching for doctrines the commandments of men Mark 7:8-13 Honor thy father and thy mother. cf: Exodus 20:12. Making Void the Law of God by Traditions of men corban used as an example. Cf: Ephesians 6:1-3. Mark 7:14-23 What Defileth a Man. The words of an evil heart are polluted and offensive in the sight of God. Mark 7:24 In the Borders of Tyre and Sidon. Mark 7:25-30 The Syro-phoenician or Canaanite Woman. Cf: Matthew 15:22. Mark 7:31-37 Healing in the 10 cities of the Decapolis cf: Matthew 15:30-31. Cf: Isaiah 35:1-10    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  September 19, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:      The Disciples sent to Preach - Mark 6
Mark Chapter  6 - The Disciples sent to Preach--the Limited Commission Mark 6:1 Christ preaches in Nazareth. Mark 6:2 Teaching in the Synagogue. Mark 6:3-7 Rejected by the Nazarenes. Mark 6:8 The Twelve Disciples Sent Forth to Preach. Mark 6:9-13 Their Preaching and Work. Mark 6:14 King Herod's Opinion of Jesus. Mark 6:15-30 The Death of John the Baptist. Mark 6:31-45 Feeding the Five Thousand in the Desert Place. Mark 6:46 Praying in the Mountain Alone. Mark 6:47-54 The Disciples in the Storm. Mark 6:55 Christ Cometh and Saves. Mark 6:56 Healing the sick.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight 
September 12, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Peace Be Still Storm & Demoniac To Resurrection Dead    Written - Mark 5
Mark 5 - Peace Be Still Storm & Demoniac To Resurrection Dead "Peace be still" Jesus quiets storm Mk.4:37-41; Country of the Gadarenes. Mark 5:1; Fierce Demoniac Mark 5:2-5:10; Demons & Swine Mk 5:11-13;  Gadarenes Do Not Want Jesus in their city & He departs Mk 5:14-19; Preacher in Decapolis Mark 5:20;  Jesus Again @ Capernaum Mk 5:21; Daughter of Jairus Mark 5:22-24; Woman with Issue of Blood Mk 5:25-27; Healed/ Faith Mk 5:28-34; Dead Damsel Made Alive Mark 5:35-43 Messiah to raise dead Job 19:23-27; 3 cases, besides His own resurrection, of Christ raising dead. This case soon after death. Son of widow Nain--24 hours after death; cf: Luke 7:11-16 Third example is Lazarus several days after death when his body would have begun to rot cf: John 11:1ff. One case privately, one publicly and one before His bitter enemies. Now our  own Resurrection is to come I Corinthians 15:50-55 & I Thessalonians 4:13ff  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  September 5, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark 4 - The Hearing Heart    Written - Mark 4
God is speaking through the Messiah cf: Hebrews 1:1-2 is any body listening? God is interested in the hearing capacity of our heart. The Seed is the word of God cf Matthew 13:19; Jesus is the Sower of the word Matthew 13:37, then the Apostles became sowers and as history has rolled on and on we have become the sowers of God's word.  Mark 4:4 hard-hearted hearer, too hard for seed to take root; Mark 4:5 shallow-hearted hearer, not enough to take root in; Mark 4:7 crowded-hearted hearer, word choked out; Mark 4:8 the Christian heart, yields fruit and increases;  God's interested in us bearing fruit.  Fruit is both souls, cf: John 15:1-8, & Christian character cf: Galatians 5:22-26. Mark 4:26 cf: Isaiah 55:9-11, James 5:7-8, 1Peter1:23-25; ICorinthians3:6-9; Mark 4:31, cf: Matthew 13:31-35.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  August 29, 2010 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark 2:23-28 & 3:1-35 - Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath      Mark 2:23-28 & 3:1-35 - Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath,  Mark 2:23-28.  Only the Lord is Lord of a Divinely instituted Sabbath, Mark 3: 1-2.  Jesus Heals Isaiah 35:3-10.  Prophets foretold Messiah to heal sick.  Mark 3:3-30  The Unforgivable Sin cf: Matthew 12:22-37.  Matthew 12:43-45 Unclean Spirit can only find rest in a polluted heart, cf Genesis 4:7.  I Peter 5:8-9.  Mark 3:31-35 We are the family of God.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark 2:1-12 - Jesus Forgives Sins   
Messiah physically heals Mk 2:1-12 cf. Matthew 9:1-8, Luke 5:17 - Power to heal Pharisees & doctor law.  Isaiah 42:1-7 Messiah Spiritually heal, Luke 5:17-26 Strange things, Isaiah 28:16, 21&22, Mark 2:1-9, Isaiah 35:3-10, Mark 2:10-17 cf: Jeremiah 23:1-8 Woe Pastors, Jeremiah 32:38-39 Just 1 way, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Son of David - Messiah, Mark 2:18-20, Early Church-cf: Acts 13:1-3 & Matthew 6:16-18, Mark 2:21-22, cf: Colossians 2:16-17 Christianity won't Added to Pharisees-ism; Hebrews 8:6-13 Christianity won't be added to old bottles of ritualism  and showmanship.  Jesus is the New Wine, Mark 2:23-28  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Mark1:1 - Gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God    Written Lesson on Mark 1
Mark 1:1, Matthew 1:21, Psalm 2:1-2, Psalm 45:6-7, Isaiah 61:1-2, Acts 10: 36-41, II Samuel 7:12-16, Psalm 2:7-9, ark 1:2, Malachi 3:1-3, Mark 1:3, Isaiah 40:1-5 & 9-11, Mark 1:8, Mark 9:1, Like 24:49, Acts 1:4-5, 1:8, 1:26, Acts 2:1-4 v:14, Mark 1:44, Leviticus 13:44-46, 14:1-5, 8, 11, 14-17, 57, II Kings 5:8-15  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Ephesians 6-The Christian Warfare  Written Lesson on Ephesians 6
Ephesians 6  The Christian Warfare: Mutual duties children and parents; of servants (slaves) & masters. Warfare of the Saints. Armor of God. Sword of the Spirit. Constant prayer.  Ephesians 6:1  Children obey parents in Lord, Ephesians6:2 honor father & mother, Ephesians 6:3 cf: Exodus 20:12 That thou may live long, Ephesians 6:4 fathers nurture children, Ephesians 6:5 servants be obedient, Ephesians 6:6 do will of God, Ephesians 6:7 give service w/good will, Ephesians 6:8  you will receive what you do; Ephesians 6:9 masters treat servants well God's your Master, Ephesians 6:10 be strong in the Lord, Ephesians 6:11 put on the whole armor of God, cf: I Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:12 wrestle against rulers of darkness cf: Ephesians 1:21, John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11, II Corinthians 4:4 & Ephesians 2:2; Ephesians 6:13 take unto you the whole armor, Ephesians 6:14 loins girt cf; Isaiah 22:21-23 & breastplate of righteousness Rom. 1:16-17,3:21-22 & Philippians 3:9, Ephesians 6:15 feet shod w/gospel of peace, cf: Isaiah 52:7 & Romans 10:15-18; Ephesians 6:16 shield of faith cf Rom. 5:1 & Hebrews 11:1ff, Ephesians 6:17 helmet & sword, cf: Isaiah 59:17, I Thessalonians 5:8, Mark 16:15-16, Hebrews 4:11-12, Revelations 1:16; Ephesians 6:18 praying always, cf: Luke 18:1, Luke 11:9-10 & Luke 21:34-36; Ephesians 6:19 prayers to open mouth boldly, cf: Ephesians 1:9-10 & 3:9-11; Ephesians 6:20 ambassador in bonds, Ephesians 6:21 so that you know how I do, Ephesians 6:22 comfort your hearts, Ephesians 6:23 peace & love w/faith, Grace be with all them that Love Lord Jesus Christ Ephesians 6:24.    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  Closing Song - Love Lifted Me   July 25 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Lesson-A Cappella Singing  Written Lesson on A Cappella Singing
Singing in Church Style Which is:  A Cappella Singing - Ephesians 5:18  Paul is continuing to direct us in how to live our day to day lives and worship.  Wine was common intoxicant in the ancient world.  Just as a drunk is under the influence and is controlled by alcohol, we are to be under the influence and be controlled by the Spirit. Ephesians5:19 psalms you will sing O.T. psalms, hymns & spiritual songs singing Greek psallo is followed by the direct object of the heart not a instrument of music in New Testament worship. Ephesians 5:20 Our singing should be filled with thanksgiving to God. Colossians 3:16 again the heart is the direct object of  psallo singing; I Corinthians 14:15 The Pro-test-ant Re-former Calvin said of this verse: I would as soon pray to God with an instrument as sing to God with a instrument; James 5:13 sing psalms; Hebrews 2:12 Right now today in the midst of the Church or Congregation as we worship Christ sings praises to God cf: Psalm 22:22; Matthew 26:30 Right after the Passover meal which was the original Lord's Supper Jesus and the Apostles sang; Hebrews 9:1-4 Types & shadows; Hebrews 10:1 the law and O.T. were a shadow of the new Spiritual way to come; II Chronicles 29:25-30 Note the shadow in that they played instruments until the sacrifice, which was a shadow of Christ's sacrifice, but after the sacrifice they only sang; Hebrews 5:1-6 Christ is our High Priest Sacrificed for us; Hebrews 7:17-28 Christ's sacrifice was complete when He offered up Himself; II Corinthians 11:3 Note the simplicity that is in Christ; Ephesians 5:18-20.    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight   July 18 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Lesson of Ephesians 5       Written Lesson of Ephesians 5
Ephesians 5:1 refers God's kindness found in Ephesians 4:31-32 Imitators forgiving one another as God forgave us 5:2 imitate Christ who offered Himself as a sacrifice cf: Genesis 8:2, Leviticus 1:9 & II Corinthians 2:15;  5:3 certain sins strictly forbidden--fornication--uncleanliness--covetousness are banished; 5:4 no loose life, words or thoughts 5:5 such are virtually an idolater cf: I Corinthians 6:9-11 & I Corinthians 6:16-17 Galatians5:19-21 5:6 let no man deceive you 5:7 don't share their sin 5:8 cf: John 1:4-5, Matthew 5:14-16 & I John 1:5 heathens darken others 5:9 walk as children of light cf: Galatians 5:22-25 5:10 walk acceptable to God 5:11 reprove & rebuke 5:12 secret sins are shameful 5:13 bring true character to light  5:14 sleepers not converted Isaiah 60:1-2, Isaiah 26:19, Romans 6:4-6 & Colossians 2:12  5:15 be wise 5:16 use every opportunity to study 5:17 be not unwise 5:18 wine common intoxicant 5:19 singing Greek psallo--direct object--heart, instead of pagan revelry 5:20 thanks in song coming through Christ 5:21 submit one to another 5:22 wives submit to husband 5:23 organization must have a head 5:24 be in subjection 5:25 husbands love wives 5:26 example to Christian husbands 5:27 holy & without blemish 5:28 man who loveth wife loveth himself 5:29 nourish & cherish flesh as church 5:30 members of body, flesh & bones 5:31 two be one 5:32 great mystery 5:33 he love wife/she reverence husband.    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight   July 11 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Lesson of Ephesians 4     Written Lesson of Ephesians 4
Ephesians. 4:1 Practical duties because our glorious privileges in Christ urged. 4:2   Walk or live humility--don't seek repay or get even. 4:3 Unity commanded cf: John 17:20-21 & I Corinthians 1:10-13. 4:4 one body cf: Romans 12:5, I Corinthians 12:12-12-13, Ephesians 2:16, Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:4. 4:4-6 We learned that The Church 1. has Unity of the Head 2. Unity of The Spirit dwelling in church (saints) 3. Unity of Hope (expectation) 4. Unity of The Faith 5. Unity of ordinance for admission 6. Unity of The Father 7. Unity or organization of One Body. 4:7 special offices & gifts 4:8 Quotes Psalm 68:18 captives are sin & death, gifts as a conquering King; 4:9 Christ Divine descended from heaven & ascended to heaven as Psalm teaches. 4:10 @ God's right hand above heavens Hebrews 4:14 & 7:26 4:11 various offices 4:12 helping Saints to higher & holier lives. 4:13 full unity when all know Christ alike. 4:14 children easily deceived 4:15 Never give in to false doctrine rebuke w/ love 4:16  all brethren work harmoniously 4:17 Paul returns to the exhortation of verses 1-3 vanity unenlightened 4:19 given over to sin 4:20-21 ye learned Christ 4:22 New man 4:23 cf Romans 12:2 4;24 cf: John 3:3-5; 4:25 speak truth 4:26 cf: Psalm 4:4 Quotes Septuagint version 4:27 under fit anger--easy tempted 4:28 honest labor antidote 4:29 cursing forbidden 4:31 these grieve Spirit 4:32 cf: Matthew5:7, Matthew 5:43-46, Matthew 6:12, Matthew 6:14-15, Isaiah 1:18, Heb:8:12 & Colossians 3:13.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  July 4 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Lesson of Ephesians Chapter 3  Written Lesson of Ephesians 3
Ephesians. 3:1 For this cause/glorious work of Cross making Peace & bringing gentiles nigh cf: Ephesians 2:14-22, verb for which I Paul is subject not given until V:14 the in-between verses are parenthetic, Paul writing as Prisoner in Rome because of hatred of Jews cf: Acts 22:17-23; Ephesians 3:2 cf: Acts 22:21; Ephesians3:3 cf: Galatians 1:12, Ephesians 1:9 & Ephesians 2:11-13; Ephesians3:4 ; Ephesians 3:5  Hebrew prophets glimpsed did not understand cf: Genesis 22:18, 26:4, 28:14 & Isaiah 42:6-7; Ephesians 3:6  Jews & Gentiles equal in gospel cf: Galatians 3:14 &  Acts 13:46-48;  Ephesians3:7 make known God's gracious plan; Ephesians 3:8 great trust granted to unworthy cf: I Corinthians I5:9, Philippians 3:6 & I Timothy 1:13;  Ephesians 3:9 Jews & Gentiles God's plan kept hidden; Ephesians 3:10 made known by preaching gospel cf: I Peter 1:12; Ephesians 3:11 plan & purpose God in all ages proposed fulfill in Christ cf: II Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2, I Peter 1:20, Ephesians1:4 & 11; Ephesians 3:12 Jew & Gentile come boldly God through Christ; Ephesians 3:13  not discouraged by Paul chain; Ephesians3:14 Now verb--verse one given he resumes thought cf: Ephesians 3:1; Ephesians 3:15 Idea God Father all families earth; Ephesians 3:16 Paul states things prays for Ephesians # 1 Petition strengthened in inner man, Ephesians 3:17 #2 Christ dwell in your hearts by faith; #3 rooted and grounded in love; Ephesians 3:18 unless in love could not understand; Ephesians 3.19 one Paul paradoxes know something of love of God but could never know infinite; Ephesians3:20 God is able to do above all we can conceive; and Ephesians3:21 Lit: all generations of the age of ages  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  June 27 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Lesson of Ephesians Chapter 2    Written Lesson of Ephesians 2
Ephesians 2:1 Sin separated us from God but Christ has made us alive. 2:2 Satan's energy leads us willful sinful life. 2:3 Both Jew & Gentile dead sin w/a sinful mind (Pride)2:4 By nature not mean born that way cf: Romans 2:14, Children not sinful cf: Matthew 18:3 & 19:14; Resurrection new life dew to God's rich mercy& Love for all His children. 2:5 We are planted in likeness of His burial & raised in likeness His resurrection; 2:6 Risen up thoughts above Colossians 2:12 we are to live with our mind in heavenly things Colossians 3:1 with our thoughts above Colossians 3:2; 2:7 In all future tine 2:8 The definite article the is found in our works and merit 2:10 We abound in good works 2:11 Remembrance of what God has done should make us grateful, circumcision heart cf: Romans 2:28-29; 2:12 Not being race of Abraham gentiles had no knowledge of the covenant promises of Christ. 2:13 The means that brought us near to God is the blood of Christ. 2:14 Who has brought peace between us & God cf: Romans 5:1; 2:15 Old Covenant ended @ cross & New Covenant began cf: Matthew 26:26-30; 2:16 When sinner fixes mind on bleeding savor Goodness of God leads him to repentance. Romans 2:4; 2:20 cf: Corner both walls joined together Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:42-44 cf: Psalm 118:22-23, Acts 4:11-12 & I Peter 2:7-8 cf:I sa. 8:13-15; 2:22 cf: I Peter 2:5 & Romans 12:1-2.    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 3 Baptism & 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  June 20 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Audio Introduction to Book of Ephesians    Written Lesson of Ephesians 1
Ephesians 1:1 All Christians are Saints Cf: I Corinthians 1:2, "In Christ" a term used over 30 times in book of Ephesians. Ephesians1:V2 "Grace" (Greek Charis) "Peace" (Hebrew Shalom) shows the make up of the Church; V:3 "Blessed" word for eulogize/praise V:4 Hath (Past tense verb) all spiritual blessings God with held none.  V:4 Chosen does not mean that God chose us & rejected others but rather before In the Beginning God chose a plan to have a people unto Himself as adopted children & that people is the Church of Christ. Holiness is proof that we are in Christ. V:5 Predestinated means God foreordained the plan according to His sovereign will. V:6 Resulting in God's praise; V:7 We are sold into bondage of sin & bought back with the price of Jesus blood cf: I Peter 1:19; V:8 Fully shown in His Grace & Mercy; V:9 Beyond human comprehension until revealed V: 10 Fullness of time Last Age cf: Galatians4:4 & Hebrews1:1-2 gathered into one family Body united w/Christ as the head of all angel & human; V:11 Everlasting life cf:  I Corinthians 2:9; V:13 Sealed like a calf is branded V:14 Earnest money/down payment seal the bargain V:17 Revelation is God's plan for redeeming mankind in the Church V:18 cf: I John 1:5 V:19 Power = vigor, strength & dominion V;20  If a dead savior can save us from sin / a living savior seated at God's own right hand is more powerful cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Mark 16:19 Hebrews4:14ff & Hebrews8:1.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - Heavenly Sunlight  June 13 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Paul Establishing the Church in Ephesus  Written Lesson Intro to Ephesians
Acts 18:19-23 Paul planted the seeds that began the church in Ephesus; 18:24-28 Apollos came & helped teach the brethren. cf: I Corinthians 3:1-15; 18:25-26 Apollos' knowledge of the Lord was not complete & he needed to be taught more perfectly. Those same type of disciples are encountered by the apostle Paul, Acts 19:1-7 these were required to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Paul works for 2 years, Acts 19:8-10; because the power of Satan was so great at Ephesus, God granted special miracles to answer the special forms of occultism at Ephesus by the hands of Paul Acts 19:11-12; vagabond Jews (traveling exorcists) attempt to speak the Divine Name and duplicate Paul to their own hurt Acts 19:13-16; result the Gospel is magnified Acts 19:17; many repented of sorceries Acts 19:18-19; one of the summaries of the book of Acts 19:20; Paul leaves for Jerusalem Acts 19:22; a great riot develops over the way Acts 19:23; Demetrius the silversmith provokes a riot over Diana (Roman goddess) Artemus (the Greek name) Acts 19:24--Acts 20:1 The Plan cf: Ephesians 1:1-23. Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 12 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop  June 7 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Plan of God from Before: In the Beginning Genesis 1:1 'In the beginning' does not mean nothing happened before; I Peter 1:20 Jesus was foreordained before; Titus 1:2 God promised eternal life before; Ephesians 1:4 we were chosen in Christ before; II Timothy 1:9 God's Purpose & Grace given us before; Genesis 3:4 serpent added 'not' to God's word, 3:15 seed (child) of the woman to be Messiah (Christ); Galatians 3:16 seed promises are about Christ; Genesis 3:21 sin requires death of innocent victim; 6:1-2 descendants of Seth & Cain intermarry & 6:5 & 6:13-15 450'x75'x 45' ark was a 1,500,000 cubic feet; Genesis 9:8-9 Messiah to come thru Noah; 12:1-8 ; 22:15-18 thru Abraham; 26:3-4 thru Isaac; 28:12-14 thru Jacob; 35:9-12 thru Israel; 49:10-11 thru Judah; II Samuel 7:12-16 thru King David; Isaiah 7:14 thru a virgin; 9:6-7 He is the Mighty God; 35:3-8 signs of Messiah; 53:8-10 His death, burial, & resurrection; Galatians 4:4 seed of a woman; Galatians 3:16, 26-29 you too can become Abraham's seed & heirs according to the promise.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop  May 30 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  How God Speaks to all of us  - The Bible Deuteronomy 31:24 Moses wrote; Isaiah 1:18 God is reasonable; Hebrews 1:1-2 God speaks by His Son; Don't add or take away from Bible: Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelations 22:18-20; Isaiah 8:20 true teachers speak according word; John 6:63 word is spirit & life & 12:48 the word is the standard of the last judgment & John16:13 the apostles were led into all truth; Acts 17:11 search the scriptures daily; I Corinthians 4:6 don't think of a man above what is written; II Timothy 2:2 stay with the original revelation, 2:15 study to be approved, II Timothy 3:14 - 4:6 preach the word; I Peter 1:23 born again by the seed the word of God & I Peter 4:11 Preachers speak only the oracles--Word of God; II Peter 1:3 God has already given us all things in His Word & II Peter 1:21; Romans 15:4 Old Testament written for our learning; I Corinthians 10:11 Old Test. Written example & admonition; Hebrews 8:5 & 4:12ff & 10:7; Ephesians 6:17;  and  I Thessalonians 2:13.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 11 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop  May 23 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Overview of What God says about His Word--The Bible  Acts 15:1 & 5; Romans 7:12;  Galatians 1:6-9; Deuteronomy 31:24; Isaiah 1:18; Hebrews 1:1-2; Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelations 22:18-20 Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 10 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop
May 16 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:   Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost I Peter 1:7-12, 1:23-25, 4:11; II Peter 1:1-21  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 10 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop  May 9 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Obey God's Word  II Samuel 6:6-7 Uzzah touches the  Ark; Deuteronomy 10:8 when only Levites could bear the Ark; I Chronicles 13:9-10 even though "he did it for a good reason" because the Law could not be broken, he died; Leviticus 9:24 God started the fire on the altar, Leviticus 10:1-2 but Nadab & Abihu bring strange fire & die; Isaiah 8:20 Speak & Teach only according to the Law & the testimony according to the word; John 6:63 the words of Jesus are spirit & life, John 12:48 the word will judge us in the last day, John 16:13 the Spirit was to guide the Apostles into all truth, John 16:14, John 16:15-16; Acts 17:11 search the scriptures; I Corinthians 4:6 don't think of any man above what's written;  II Timothy 2:2 we are to teach the same thing the apostles taught. II Timothy  2:15 we are to study to be approved,  II Timothy 3:14-17 we are to continue in the scripture, II Timothy 4:1-6 and preach the Word with all longsuffering and (sound) doctrine (teaching).  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  Closing Song - Mansions Over the Hilltop

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Dead Sea Scrolls in Pictures  In 1947 a young boy found a group of scrolls in a cave that has proved the faithfulness of the transmission of the Old Testament (OT) Scriptures.  Until their discovery, the oldest Old Testament was the Alpo Leningrad codex from about 1,100AD, but this discovery has pushed our oldest copies of the Bible back to the 3rd century before Christ.  Every book of the O.T. except Esther was found in 11 caves along with a library of sectarian writings.  We will see 116 pictures and examine some of the unique finds such as: 4QMMT which was hidden by Catholic scholars for over 50 years because of its use of certain Pauline terms.   We will examine:  the Messiah of Heaven & Earth,  4Q521  which has exact verbal parallels to Ma. 11:4-5  & Luke 7:22-23;  the Son of God Text,  4Q246 which has exact verbal parallels to Luke 1:32 & 35; and the Pierced Messiah Text, 4Q285 which expounds on Isaiah 10:34 -11:1ff, which we in the Churches of Christ have always recognized as Messianic scripture, adding the element of a suffering, atoning Messiah to Isaiah 11.    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  Closing Song - Standing On The Promises
April 25 Bulletin

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  A Time in History When:  Only 1 Bible Left  -  Just Like The Movie: The Book of Eli  The Lost  Bible ie: The Book of the Law is found where it was hidden in the Temple.  II Kings 22:1--23:1-28; II Chronicles 34:1-5, 15, 18, 24-28; When you obey you don't need to sacrifice.  I Samuel 15:1-9 Saul; Samuel 15:13-26, 35; 16:1, 7, 13, 14; Men Should only teach God's Word Isaiah 8:20; John 6:63, John 12:48, John 16:13, John 16:14, John16:15-16   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers  Closing Song - Mansion Over the Hilltop

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The East Gate is Shut-the Lord has Come  Scripture: is it to be interpreted Literally or as a Spiritual metaphor? Or both? The Science of interpretation is called Hermeneutics and this week we will examine an amazing Prophecy. Ezekiel had a vision in 574 BC and saw the East Gate of the Temple Shut.  Ezekiel 44:1-3 Amazing prophecy there was no East Gate it had been destroyed 12 years earlier by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon in 586 when he destroyed Jerusalem. Therefore for it to come true Jerusalem and the Walls & Gates must be re-built and the Messiah the Lord Himself has to come and enter by this gate before it's shut Ezekiel 43:1-7 Cf: Revelations 1:15, Mark 11:1ff. Most say it was bricked up and shut in 810AD. Name me someone who entered the East Gate between 416 BC when it was rebuilt and 810 AD who claimed to be the Messiah the Lord.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers  Closing Song - My Hope is Built on Nothing LESS..  

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Prophecy Foretold: The Resurrection  Virgin Birth Prophesied: Isaiah 7:14 Both non-believing Jews & liberal modernists say God made a "mistake" by using the Hebrew word: Al-maw a young maid ie: virgin - instead of beth-oo-law which means to de-flower a virgin. They never look to see if God has made the same "mistake" before? cf. Genesis 24:16 & 43 & Matthew 1:18-23, The Messiah to be: "the mighty God & the Everlasting Father " Isaiah 9:6-7, The Spirit will rest upon Him Isaiah 11:1-10, The Signs of the Messiah 35:4-8, The Messiah to be a Servant: 42:1-7, and a Suffering Servant 52:13 cf. John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32, Isaiah 53:1 cf. John 12:38 & Exodus 6:6. The Jews say this chapter is about the Suffering of Jewish people but the personal pronoun "ho" is used 41 times & is properly translated: He 18 times, Him 10 times & His 13 times; He is also contrasted with the people (Jews) in V:8 Isaiah 53:2-5 cf. Matthew 27:26, Isaiah 53:6-7 cf. John 19:10, Isaiah 53:8 cf. Matthew 27:19, Isaiah 53:9 cf. Matthew 27:38 Matthew 27:57-60, Isaiah 53:11 cf. Rom. 3:21 ff, II Corinthians 5:21, Isaiah 53:12 cf. I Timothy 2:5    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers  Closing Song - My Hope is Built on Nothing LESS..  

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Prophecy Proves Bible is God's Word Last week in Deuteronomy 18:15ff we learned every word of the prophet must come to pass or he is a false prophet. Our lesson today deals with the Old Testament prophecies of the Gospel: the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus written by King David 1,000 years before Jesus was born. Learn this lesson, this is how the Apostles taught & conquered the world: Psalm 22:1 cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:7 cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:15 cf: Genesis 3:19 & John 19:28; Psalm 22:16 cf: John 20:24-29; Psalm 22:18 cf: John 19:23-24; 22:22 cf: Hebrews 2:12; Psalm 22:26 cf: Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 22:29 cf: John 18:28 & Rom. 14:11; Psalm 22:31 cf: Rom. 1:16-17   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers  Closing Song - My Hope is Built on Nothing LEss..  

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Word of God  God is a Reasonable God : Isaiah 1:18, God Speaks: Hebrews 1:1-2, Leave God's word alone - don't add or take away: Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelation 22:18-20, Moses wrote the revelation from God : Exodus 24:4, Exodus 34:1, 4 & 5, Exodus 34:27-35 Why couldn't Moses enter the Promise Land? Exodus 17:4-6 Be Careful how you Listen: Numbers 20:7-12, Hear: The Shema: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy 8:3, When is a Prophet Really a Prophet? Deuteronomy 18:15-22 Cf: I Kings 22:1-53 Cf: Acts 3:22ff  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 8 for prayers  Closing Song - I've Got A Mansion Just Over The Hilltop.  

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Bible is God's Word  Hebrews 1:1-2, II Timothy 3:15-17, II Peter 1:20-21, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelation 22:18-20, Exodus 33:9-11, Deuteronomy 5:4, 34:10, Exodus 24:3-4 & 7, Joshua 1:1-9, 5:1 Note the Author of Joshua uses the word "we" showing if he is only a scribe and not Joshua himself he still is an eye-ball witness to the events found in the book of Joshua. Cf Deuteronomy 27:4-6 & 12-13, Joshua 8:30-35, John 16:13, I Thessalonians 2:13;    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers  Closing Song - I Know that My Redeemer Lives.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Inspiration of the Bible  Hebrews 1:1-2, II Timothy 3:15-17, II Peter 1:20-21;  Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18-20;  Exodus 33:9-11, Deuteronomy 5:4, 34:10 , I Kings 12:22-24, 1 Chronicles 17:3-4, Jeremiah 35:12-13, Ezekiel 2:4-10, Zechariah 7:8-9, John 16:13, I Thessalonians 2:13;    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 5 for prayers  Closing Song - I Know that My Redeemer Lives.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Worshiping God in Spirit & Truth  Last Week we studied: The Lord's Supper & Congregational Singing.  This Sermon:  Preaching the Gospel of Christ: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:44-49, II Timothy 3:14-4:5, & II Timothy 2:2. Giving of our $ Blessing to preaching the Gospel & the Poor: Malachi 3:8-10, I Corinthians 16:1-2, II Corinthians 9:6-7. Praying to God through Jesus: Luke 18:1-14, Luke 11:1-13, & Acts 2:42.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Lord's Supper Must Not be co-mingled with eating a meal or a feast   The Lord's Supper: I Corinthians 11 1:17-34, Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7.  Christian Worship must be in Spirit & Truth: John 4:23-24.  Old Testament Worship was a shadow of spiritual New Testament Worship: Hebrews 8:5, Hebrews 10:1, Romans 15:4 & I Corinthians 10:11.  Singing: II Chronicles 29:25-30, Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26, Rom. 15:9, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:18-19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, & James 5:13.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Worship of God through Jesus Christ our Lord  The Lord's Supper: Passover-Exodus 12:1-51, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:14-22, I Corinthians 12 1:17-34, Acts 2:42, Acts 20:7; The bible teaches an early date for the exodus .   The Date of the exodus : I Kings 6:1 Solomon reigned from 971BC to 931BC.  The 4th year of Solomon is 971-4=967BC+480 years=1447BC for the exodus .  This would make the exodus in the early 18th dynasty in which pharaoh were named mes or mose such as Tut-mose.  1447bc would make Tut-moseIII who was called the napoleon of the ancient world the pharaoh of the exodus.  His stepmother, Hatshepsut, pharaoh daughter who found baby Moses and her father Tut-moseI who over thru the Hykoso or Shepherd Kings, the pharaoh who knew not Joseph.  Additional proof for an early date for the exodus is Judges 11:26 which was written about 1100?BC and the judge Jephthah said Israel already had been 300 years in Canaan Land .   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: And I Will Raise him Up at the Last Day John 6:44-71 Week 3 John 6:44 Cf: John 12:32; John 6:45 It is written they shall all be taught of God Cf: Isaiah 54:13-14 & Jeremiah 31:31-34; John 6:46-53 I Am that bread of Life Cf: Numbers 9:13; John 6:54 And I will raise him up at the last day. Cf: I Corinthians 15:20-28 & I Corinthians 15:50-58, I Thessalonians 4:13-18, I Peter 3:1-18 & Matthew 25:31-46. John 6:55-58 Lord's Supper Prophesied Cf: I Corinthians 11:50-58. Some stumble at Jesus' assertion that unless they ate His flesh and drank His blood they could not have life. John 6:61-63 Cf: John 12:48 John 6:64-71 Jesus shows that his words are to be spiritually understood.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Jesus and His Words are the Bread of Life John 6:1-71 Week 2  John 6:5-13 Jesus feeds the 5,000 with 5 loaves & 2 fishes; John 6:14 They acknowledge Jesus to be the Prophet that Moses said would come into the World Cf: Deuteronomy 18:15-22 & Acts 3:18-24, Acts 7:37 & Matthew 17:1-5; John 6:15 They propose to force Jesus to become their King; John 6:22-24 The People take boats and follow Him. John 6:25-27 Jesus reproves their fleshly motives. John 6:28-40 Christ preaches to them and shows He is the Bread of Life and they that reject Him are with out excuse. John 6:40-44 Cf: John 12:32; John 6:45 It is written they shall all be taught of God Cf: Isaiah 54:13-14   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 13 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Jesus and His Words are the Bread of Life John 6:1-71 Week 1  John 6:5-13 Jesus feeds the 5,000 with 5 loaves & 2 fishes; John 6:14 They acknowledge Jesus to be the Prophet that Moses said would come into the World Cf: Deuteronomy 18:15-22 & Acts 3:18-24, Acts 7:37 & Matthew 17:1-5; John 6:15 They propose to force Jesus to become their King; John 6:22-24 The People take boats and follow Him. John 6:25-27 Jesus reproves their fleshly motives. John 6:28-40 Christ preaches to them and shows He is the Bread of Life and they that reject Him are with out excuse. John 6:40-44 Cf: John 12:32; John 6:45  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 3 Baptism & 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Feeding the Poor, the Downtrodden & the Homeless  Isaiah 35:3-10  Jesus feeds the 5,000 with 5 loaves & 2 fishes Matthew 14:13-21 and gathers up 12 Baskets (Greek = kof-ee-nos) small baskets of fragments that remained. Jesus feeds the 4,000 with 7 loaves & a few little fishes Matthew 15:29-39 and gathers up 7 Baskets (Greek = spoo-rece) large baskets of meat that was left. Beware of the self-righteous Pharisees and Sadducee false teachers who feed False Doctrine which multiplies like leaven makes bread swell up Matthew 16:1-12 & Jesus had already warned them Matthew 15:9 Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 2 Baptism & 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  

2006-2009 Sermons

(Audio Sermons Only)
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Baptism & The Thief on the Cross  SERMON: Kelly Lawson   How was the Thief on the Cross Saved without being Baptized?  3 Men Crucified - 1 Died in Sin, 1 Died to sin & 1 Died for Sin  Read: Luke 23:13-47 Re-read 23:39-42  (1) Who said he wasn't baptized? CF: Mark 1:4-5  (2) The thief on the cross died under the Law of Moses, Hebrews 9:16- 17, & Christ was not yet dead when He pardoned him such as the pardoning of the sinful woman Lk 7:37-50 & the man Mt 9:1-7.   (3) You can't obey the Great Commission that's not yet given.  Mark 16:16 Jesus Said: "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned".  Our Catholic friends who practice infant baptism teach: "he that is baptized & saved shall believe"   Our Baptist friends teach: " he that believeth & is saved should be baptized".   Universalists teach: "he that believeth & is baptized shall be saved, & he that believeth not, shall be saved also."   Acts 2:1-6 & 2:22-47    Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  We are: The Churches of Christ  SERMON: Kelly Lawson We are: The Churches of Christ, Rom. 16:16 that faithful Remnant, the New Testament Keepers of the Flame - The Way, the Church (Ek-klessia) and the Body of Christ.  Beware of the Scripture Twisters & False Teachers.  Remnant Prophesied: Isaiah 1:7-9, 4:2-3, 11:1-2, 6 &16, Jeremiah 6:9, 23:2-5, Ezekiel 14:22, Romans 9:27 & 11:5 The Old Testament Keepers of the Flame: Leviticus 10:1-2 The way Prophesied: Psalms16:8-11, Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:3-8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13 - 20 Some of the things that make us different than all the others: Baptism: Jesus said "He that believeth & is baptized shall be saved" Mk.16:16 Our Baptist friends say: "He that believeth & is saved should be baptized" Cf : Romans 6:1-17 The Lord's Supper - Acts 20:7 Why Meet on Sundays and not do what the Bible says to do on Sundays ? I Corinthians 11:23-34 The One True Church - Matthew 16:15-19 Instead of a Fellowship and a Body of Believers, Today Religion is Big Business but isn't a body that becomes a business a prostitute? Ephesians1:22-23 & Ephesians 4:4-6 & Colossians1:18, and Acts 2:37-47  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 3 Baptism & 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - This World is Not My Home.  

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Fall into Idolatry & The Table of Nations The Generations of the Sons of Noah Genesis 10:1 - 11:9. Descendants of Japheth who went north, settled in the regions of the Black Sea and became the Indo-European nations Genesis 10:2-5. Descendants of Ham went south, settled the east coast of Africa, Canaan and Egypt. "Khen" an Egyptian god means Ham in Hebrew Genesis 10:6-20. The descendants of Shem became the central zone of nations Genesis 10:21-31. Shemites includes the Jews, Assyrians, Syrians and Elamites in the north Euphrates River valley. The Generations of Shem Genesis 11:10-26. From Shem to Abraham was 10 generations of 427 years. All the Nations of the world are given over to idolatry Cf: Romans 1:18-32, Isaiah 44:6-20 and Ephesians 2:11-22   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptisms, 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  GENESIS #5 Tower of Babel  The Promises of a coming Seed (child) Genesis 3:15 a seed of woman cf: Galatians 4:4, Genesis 4:25 a seed of Seth & Genesis 9:8-9 a seed of Noah Cf: Galatians 3:16. Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 9:17 Jesus Believed in Noah's Flood Cf: Matthew 24:34-39, The Hebrew writer and Noah - Hebrews 11:7, Peter taught of the flood - I Peter 3:19-21 & II Peter 2:4-9 Genesis 9:18-25 Noah is drunken Genesis 9:26-29 Shem receives the blessing and thus begins the Semitic family line that the Messiah - Christ is to come into the world through. Genesis 10:1-25 Peleg means "earthquake" in Hebrew and divided means "split" in Hebrew and so in the days of Peleg the earth was split by earthquakes and divided. Genesis 11:1-9 The earth is one language and men build the Tower of Babel known today as a Ziggurat an astrological observatory to the glory of men. God confused the tongues or languages of men. As men spread abroad they continued to build pyramids.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptisms, 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  GENESIS #5 Noah's Ark & Evidence of The Flood  Noah & the Flood Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 9:17  Jesus Believed in Noah's Flood Cf: Matthew 24:34-39, The Hebrew writer and Noah - Hebrews 11:7, Peter taught of the flood - I Peter 3:19-21 & II Peter 2:4-9 Genesis 9:18-25 Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  GENESIS #4 Date of Creation, Noah's Ark & The Flood   Transmission of the Genesis story - Methuselah lived 969 years Genesis 5:25-27, his life over-lapped Adams' by 243 years, Noah by 600 years and Seth by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world. Shem then lived till 75 years after Abraham entered the Promise Land. Date of Creation - Ussher's Chorological Order places date of creation @ 4004 BC, The Septuagint (Greek O.T.) some 1,500 years earlier. The Hebrew Bible shows some 1,656 years between Creation & Flood. When was the Flood? If the Egyptian Kings List is correct 5,500 BC less 1,656 years. If there is duplication in the Kings List then 2,348 BC. Noah's Ark - approximately 450 feet long x 75 feet wide x 45 feet tall = 1,518,750 cubic feet, which is the storage capacity of 1,000 train box cars - an enormous ship. The Ringling Brothers Barman & Bailey Circus came to town in 56 box cars. Noah & the Flood Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 6:17  Jesus Believed in Noah's Flood Cf: Matthew 24:34-39   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 12 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS #3 The Punishment of Mankind    SERMON: INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS #3 The Punishment of Mankind - The Loss of Paradise Genesis 3:15-24; Cain (Hebrew - Striker) & Abel (Hebrew - Worth-less) Genesis 4:1-4 Abel's Sacrifice: Cf: Hebrews 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12; Genesis 4:5 Cain's Sacrifice Cf: Hebrews 9:22; Genesis 4:6-7 Cf; I Peter 5:8; Genesis 4:8-10 Cf; Hebrews 11-4; The Genealogies of the Sons & Daughters of men Genesis 4:11-24 Genesis 4:25-26 Seth (Hebrew - Substitute) (seed) is born and begins the Sethtic family line; Genesis 5:1-6 The Genealogies of the Sons of God through Genesis 6:8  Enoch the one example of Godly living Cf: Hebrews 11:5, II Kings 2:11-12, A for example of our being caught up I Corinthians 15:50-55 & I Thessalonians 4:13-18   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 12 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  JEPD or Moses   SERMON: Introduction to Genesis - Brother Kelly Lawson. The age old Hebrew & Christian belief that Moses guided by the Spirit of God composed Genesis out of sources and documents available in his day is sound. Book 1 The Creation hymn, Genesis 1:1-2:3; Book 2 The Generations of Heaven & Earth Genesis 2:4-4:26; Book 3 The Generations of Adam Genesis 5:1 to 6-8: Book 4 The Generations of Noah Genesis 6:9-9:29; Book 5 The Generations of the sons of Noah Genesis 10:1-11:9; Book 6 The Generations of Shem Genesis 11:10-11:26; Book 7 The Generations of Terah Genesis 11:27-25:11; Book 8 The Generations of Ishmael Genesis 25:12-25:18; Book 9 The Generations of Isaac Genesis 25:19-35:29; Book 10 The Generations of Esau Genesis 36:1-36:43 & Book 11 The Generations of Jacob Genesis 37:1-2 to 50:26   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 3 Baptisms, 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Christ's Sacrifice of His Body for David's Sin Promised II Samuel 12:10-12, Psalm 51:1-3, Psalm 38:1-5 & 17-18, Psalm 32:1-6, Note the Progress of David's thinking: God could save me, God would save me if I asked & Now: God has forgiven me! Psalm 40:1-8 Sacrifice of Messiah's body Promised: Cf: Hebrews 10:4-14, Psalm 40:9-17 & Psalm 139:1-24 God's Glory, Majesty and Infinite Knowledge of all things.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 11 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  David's Life Begins to Reflect the Coming Messiah Suffering: Psalm 38:1-16 Cf: Psalm 73:1-3, Psalm 38:16-18 Cf: Psalm 32:1-2 & 5; & Psalm 69:1-9A zeal Cf:John 2:13-21, Psalm 69:9B Cf: Romans 15:1-4, Psalm 69:9-21A gaul Cf: Matthew 27:33-35, Psalm 69:21B vinegar Cf: John 19:28-30, Psalm 69:22-23 Cf: Rom. 11:7-11, Psalm 69:22-25 Cf: Acts 1:15-20 & Psalm 69 25-36  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 10 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  My Guilt, Shame & Disgrace  II Samuel 11:1-27; II Samuel 12:1-14; Psalm 51:1-10 Cf: Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 51:11-17 Cf: Isaiah 57:15, Psalm 51:18-19, Cf: Matthew 12:38-41 and Jonah 3:8-10, I Corinthians 15:1-4, John 3:16, Hebrews 11:6, Rom.10:9-10 & Rom. 6:3-6   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Lord Teach us to Pray available God Luke 18:1-8; How not to pray Luke 18:9-14, Cf: Isaiah 65:5; Lord Teach us to pray Luke 11:1-4; Cf: Matthew 6:5-15;  The Parable of the Reluctant Neighbor Luke 11:5-8, God neither sleeps nor slumbers - The Parable of the 3 fold Prayer Psalm 121:1-4;  Ask - I want, Luke 11:5-8  Knock - I will, I John 5:14 Confidence.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;   Invitation: 3 Baptisms, 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Preaching with Inspiration Romans 10:1-4 Christ the end of law Cf: I Corinthians 1:18-30; Rom. 10:5 Cf: Leviticus 18:5; Rom. 10:6-8 Cf: Deuteronomy 30:11-15; Rom. 10:9-10 Continuous action verbs: Rom. 10:11 Cf: Isaiah 28:16; Rom. 10:12-13 Cf: Joel 2: 28-32: Rom. 10:14-15 Cf: Isaiah 52:7; Rom. 10:16 Cf: Isaiah 53:1; Rom. 10:17-18 Cf: Psalm 19:1-14; Rom. 10:19 Cf: Deuteronomy 32:21; Rom. 10:20-21 Cf: Isaiah 65:1  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Our Standing in Christ - John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Second Coming of Christ in Power & Glory - John 5:24-29; Matthew 25:31-46; I Thessalonians 4:13 &5:3;  I Corinthians 15:20-26 &15:50-57; II Thessalonians 1:7-8; II Peter 3:3-14; Psalm l:1-6; Romans 12:1-2,  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  2nd Coming of Christ - II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; -3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; 3:8 Time not a factor with the Lord cf:  Psalm 90:4; 3:9 Repentance cf: Lk.13:1-5; 3:10 He will judge and the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; 3:13 Of the new heavens and the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles advanced and difficult - for the scripture twisters 3:17-18 Watch & Grow in Grace.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 3 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  2nd Coming of Christ & II Peter - II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for he is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter; chapter 2: warnings against false prophets and false teachers.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism, 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Second Coming of Christ & The Last Days -I Timothy 4:1-3; "last days perilous times shall come" II Timothy 3:1-7; The "charge" of the evangelist until He Comes: II Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 & our "blessed hope" Titus 2:13ff The Second Coming of Christ & Anti-Christ - "many antichrists" I John 2:18, "the man of sin" or lawlessness - the Pope - II Thessalonians 2:1-17; Doctrines of devils;   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation: 1 Baptism, 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Second Coming of Christ & Anti-Christ - "many antichrists"  I John 2:18-23 & 4:1-3; Christ's coming in judgment II Thessalonians 1:7-8; "the man of sin" or lawlessness - the Pope - II Thessalonians 2:1-17; Doctrines of devils I Timothy 4:1-3; "last days perilous times shall come" II Timothy 3:1-7; The "charge" of the evangelist until He Comes: II Timothy 3:14 - 4:5 & our "blessed hope" Titus 2:13ff;   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Second Coming of Christ & Our being "caught up together"   Matthew 25:31-36, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 cf: Ex. 19:16-19, I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cF: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf:Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5: 3-11   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Second Coming of Christ in Power & Glory  Matthew 25:31-36, I Corinthians 15;1-4, Isaiah 53:8-10, I Corinthians 15:5, Luke 24:34, Luke 24:33, I Corinthians 15:6-8, Acts 9:1-6, I Corinthians 15:9-29, Matthew 20:22, Luke 12:50, I Corinthians 15:30, II Corinthians 11:22-28, I Corinthians 15:31-44, v:37 cf Genesis 1:11, Genesis 2:7, I Corinthians 15:45-58,   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Coming of Christ & His Resurrection  Titus 1:2 Matthew 25:31-45, II Corinthians 5:10 & I Corinthians 3:10-15, Job 1:6-12 & 16, Job 1:20-22, Job 3:1, Job 19:6-27, I Peter 1:18-20, Psalm 16:8-11, Psalm 22:25-31, Isaiah 53:7-11, Daniel 12:1-4  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Coming of Christ Like a Thief in the Night  Matthew 24:13-29 cf Isaiah 13:1ff Ezekiel 32:1ff & Joel 2:1ff, Matthew 24:30 & Matthew 25:1-30  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem  Matthew 23:27-39, Matthew 24:1-11 cf; II Corinthians 11:13-15, Matthew 24:12-14, cf Mark 16:20, Romans 10:13-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:6-8, Matthew 24:15cf Daniel 9:1-2 cf, Jeremiah 25:10 & 29:10 Daniel 9:24-27  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hell the Eternal Home of the Doomed  Luke 16:19-31, Numbers 16:1ff, Psalm 88:1ff, Romans 2:1ff & Romans 3:10ff  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews - Report to the Church - Let Brotherly Love Continue  Hebrews 13:1cf. Deuteronomy 6:4ff, Matthew 22:34-40, James 2:8 Hebrews 13:2-25  Christianity is better:  Better Revelation Hebrews 1:1-4, Better Hope Hebrews 7:18-19, Better Testament Hebrews 7:22, Better Covenant Hebrews 8:6, Better Promises Hebrews 8:6,  Better Sacrifices Hebrews 9:23,  Better Possessions Hebrews 10:34  Better Country Hebrews 11:16 & Better Resurrection Hebrews 11:35.  Hebrews 11:5 I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  Literal Greek has 5 negatives, 2 verbal ideals & 1 pronoun used twice.  Literal translation - "No. I will never leave thee. Not I . I will never. Never cast thee off".   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 1 Baptisms & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews - God's Discipline The Christian Life Compared to the Olympic Games  Hebrews 12:1ff cf ICorinthians 9:24ff, Philippians 3:13, Hebrews 12:2ff cf, Isaiah 35:3ff  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 1 Baptisms & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews - The Roll Call of the Old Testament Hero's of the Faith  Hebrews - Chapter 11:1ff cf Genesis 1:1-2, John1:1-3  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 5 Baptisms & 6 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews 9 & 10 - Types & Shadows  Hebrews - Chapter 9-The Temple Service was a Shadow of Christian Worship, vs. 11-28 Christ & the True Tabernacle;  vs. 15-22 Testament; vs. 26-28 Once for All  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews 7 & 8- Christ, Our High Priest  Hebrews - Chapter 7: Christ Our High Priest After the Order of Melchizedek.  Levitical Priesthood Temporary; v11-12 - Christ's Priesthood Eternal v13-28 .  Hebrews 8 - New Covenant.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Arthur Thomas' Funeral - I'll Fly Away, A Beautiful Life, Sermon - Psalm 23 & John 14:16, Prayer, Amazing Grace, God Be With You Till We Meet Again.

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews - Christ Compared to Levitical Priests-No Unpardonable Sin Today  Hebrews - Chapter 5: Christ Compared to Levitical Priests, Superior to Aaron: Christ Our High Priest v 1-10; Jerusalem Church Dull of Hearing: v 11-14.   Chapter 6: Warning Against Apostasy-Falling Away: v 4-8.  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life

Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Hebrews - Christ Superior to Moses  Hebrews - Chapter 3: Christ Compared to Moses. v1-6: Moses a Servant, Christ a Son-v12: Falling Away from God -Chapter 4. The Christians Heavenly Rest. V1-11 Canaan a Type of Heaven; v 12-13 The Power of God's Word - Chapter 5: Christ Compared to Levitical Priests, v1-10 Christ Our High Priest, v11-14 Dull of Hearing.     Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Introduction to Hebrews - Christ Superior to Angels  Hebrews 1:1-9cf, Luke 4:16-21 & Acts 10:38, Hebrews 1:9-14. Hebrews 2:1-18   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace;  Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  History of the Lord's Church  Luke 1:68, Luke 7:16, Matthew 25:35-36, Acts 6:3, Acts 7:23, Acts 15:14, Acts 15:36, Hebrews 2:6, James 1:27, Matthew 7:13-22, Luke 6:44, Galatians 1:6-9, I Timothy 4:1-3, II Timothy 3:1-8, II Peter 2:1-22   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptisim & 10 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The 5 Fold Worship of the Church  Acts 2:42, John 4:23-24, Hebrews 10:25, Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27&29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptisim & 10 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Those Added by the Lord to the Church of Christ are called Christian Only.  Daniel 2:44, Matthew 16:13, John 3:3-5, Acts 2:36-47, ICorinthians 12:13, 20 & 27, Colossians 1:13 &18, Ephesians 1:20-23, Acts 4:12, Isaiah 61:1-3, 6, 8-10, Isaiah 62:1-3Acts 11:1-26, Acts 26:28, I Peter 4:16, Romans 16:16, Revelations 19:7-9, 21:2, Genesis 5:1-2, I Peter 2:1-9 cf, Romans 12:1-2 Alleluia - Learn to sing the Shema in Hebrew,  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 7 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Beginning of the Church of Christ & the Kingdom of God Isaiah 2:1-4, Zechariah 12:10 & 13:1ff, Mark 9:1,m Matthew 16:13ff, Acts 1&2 Alleluia - Learn to sing the Shema in Hebrew,  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptism & 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Pentecost & The Apostles are Baptized in the Holy Spirit Acts 1:3-5, 26; Matthew 3:11, Acts 2:1-39, cf Joel 2:28-32, Psalms 132:11, Daniel 7:13-14, Psalms 110:1-4 Alleluia,  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptism & 5 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Preparation for the Proclamation Acts 1:1-26 Amazing Grace,  Invitation Song - Just As I Am; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 2 Baptism & 2 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Introduction to The Book of Acts  Amazing Grace,  Invitation Song - Just As I Am; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 2 Baptism & 2 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Prophesy of the Suffering Servant God's Servant to Die. Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7, 49:1-3, 5-6, 16, 50:4-10, 52:13 cf: Jo 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, 52:14-15, Isaiah 53:1A, Rom10:16, Isaiah 53:1B, 2-5, Matthew 27:26, Isaiah 53:6-7, Jo 19:10, Isaiah 53:8 (Killed), Matthew 27:19, Isaiah 52:9A (Buried), Matthew 27:38, Isaiah 52:9B, Matthew 27:57-60, Isaiah 53:10 (Resurrected), Genesis 3:15 & Colossians 3:16, Isaiah 53:11, Romans 3:21, Isaiah 53:12, ITimothy 2:10,  Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptism & 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Honoring Adair Chapman-Psalm 22 Talk by Adair Chapman, Sermon begins Psalm 22:1-30;   Matthew 27:45-46, Psalm 22:2-6, cf John 19:14-16, Psalm 22:7,  Matthew 27:39, Psalm 22:8, Matthew 27:43, Psalm 22:9-12, Amos 4:1, Psalm 22:13-15A, John 19:28,  Psalm 22:15B, Genesis 3:19, Psalm 22:16, John 20:27-28, Psalm 22:17-18, John 19:23-24, Psalm 22:19-22, Hebrews 2:12, Psalm 22:23-24, Luke 23:46, Psalm 22:27-29A, John 18:28, Psalm 22:29B, Philippians 2:9-11, Psalm 22:30, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Psalm 22:31, Romans 1:16-17 & I Corinthians 15:1-4.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 1 Baptism & 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Alleluia  The Parable of the 10 Virgins.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 4 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Alleluia  The Destruction of Jerusalem   70AD Matthew 24:1-ff; v.-14 the Gospel preached to to all the world before 70AD.  cf Mark, Romans 10:14-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & IThes 1:6-8.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 3 Baptisms and 8 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Alleluia  The Character of the Scribes & Pharisees  Matthew 22:14-Matthew 23:21 Pharisees & Herodians question Jesus; Matthew 22:15-22; Sadducees question Resurrection, Matthew 23:33; A Lawyer's question concerning great commandment, Matthew 22:34-40; Whose son is Christ?  Matthew 22:41-46; The character of the Scribes & Pharisees Matthew 23:1-7; Disciples exhorted to humility, Matthew 23 8-12; Different woes pronounced against Scribes & Pharisees, Matthew 13-21   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 4 Baptisms and 12 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Alleluia  The Parable of the Inauguration of the King's Son  Matthew 22 - The Robe of Righteousness cf Zephaniah 1:7-9; Righteousness; All our Righteousness are as Filthy Rags, Isaiah 64:6 cf Romans 3:10 ff; Change of Righteousness, Isaiah 61:10, Zach 3:1-9, Luke 15:22, Romans 1:16-17; 3:21 ff, Revelations 19:8 ff & 21:2 ff   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 2 Baptisms and 11 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Opening Song : Alleluia  The Sceptre Of Judah  Matthew 21:1-46  Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, cf: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41,  The Stone  Psalm 118:22 ff Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11 ff, Romans 9:33, Esp 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2.   Invitation Song - Amazing Grace; Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 2 Baptisms and 21 for prayers.  Closing Song - A Beautiful Life
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Jail & Prison Report; Larry Richards set apart as evangelist.  Parable of the Laborers of the Vineyard  Matthew 20:1-16 Matthew 19:10-12  On Marriage; Matthew 19:13-15 The  Little Children; Matthew 19:16-26 The Rich Young Man; Matthew 19:27ff The First & the Last.  Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 4 Baptisms, 1 for Prayer
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Report to the Church, Kingdom of Heaven liken unto a Net Matthew 13:47-52; The Fast that God has chosen Isaiah 58:1-14; The Attributes of the Saved on the Judgment Day Matthew 25:31-46. 
Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 2 Baptisms, 6 for Prayer
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Parable of the Tares Matthew 13:24-43  The Tares (darnel-Greek) are counterfeit wheat cf: Beware of False prophets & wolves in sheep's clothing Matthew 7:13-29, Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom of Heaven is the Church of Christ, Treasure is you  personally cf: Exodus 19:5, The field is the world cf: Matthew 13:38 & John 3:16-17, A Man is Jesus cf: Matthew 13:37, Found  is Jesus' purpose cf: Luke 19:10 & Isaiah 65:1, He Hideth cf:  Psalm 17:8, 27:5 & 31:19-20, "For the joy thereof" is explained in Hebrews 12:2, "Selleth all that He hath & buyeth that field"  What were you bought with? Look it up! I Peter 1:18-19 Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 3 Baptisms, 7 Restorations
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Parable of the Sower  Kingdom of God is Church of Christ, the Sower is Jesus,  the Seed is the Word of God, the Field is the World, the Soil is the Human Heart, Fowls are Satan, Wayside is a Hard Hearted Disciple, Stony Ground is shallow hearted disciple, Thorns are the sinful disciple, Good Ground is the honest & good heart that hears the Word of God & keeps it.  Matthew 13:1-23, The Seed is the Word of God, cf Deuteronomy 4:2, 31:24-26, Joshua 1:7-9, Proverbs 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19, I Corinthians 4:6, I Peter 4:11, II Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, 14:23, Hebrews 1:1-2, I Peter 1:10-12, II Peter 1:19-21.  Note - Listen to Invitation Song: 3 Baptisms, 6 Restorations
Church of Christ gospel sermon: We apologize for the sound quality during the sermon - Judge Not - Matthew 7:1-5 Judge means fault finding spirit, harsh, bitter, unloving judgment. Matthew 7:13-14;  The Way - note the article (the), cf: Psalm 16:11, Pro 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39, Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6; The Faith - cf: Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, 13:7-8, 14:22, 16:5, 24:14, Romans 14:1, I Cor16:13, IICorinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, 3:23, Ephesians 4:1-4, cf: Ephesians 1:22-23  Note: Audio failed before Invitation; we had 5 restorations & 2 Baptisms
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6:1-34  Alms means Works of Righteousness: Secret motives of life Matthew 6:1-18 cf: Luke 12:1-12. Three Particular Works of Righteousness:  Alms, Prayers and Fasting. Alms Matthew 6:2-4 Unto God (Not to make a show) cf:  Matthew 23:1ff. On Prayers Matthew 6:5-15 cf:  Luke 18 & 11. On Fasting Matthew 6:16-18 cf: Mark 2:18-22. Treasure in Heaven  Matthew 6:19-34 cf: Luke 12:13-34.  Note: Invitation 4 restorations & 3 Baptisms
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:1-48 Beatitudes: Disciples-salt of the earth, light of the world, 13-16; Christ not destroy but confirm & fulfill law & prophets,  17-19; Righteousness 20; Murder/anger 21-22; Reconciliation-23.26; Impure acts 27-30; Divorce 31-32; Oath/profanity, 33-37; bearing injuries & persecution, 38-41; Borrowing/leading 42, Love/hatred 43-46; Civil respect, 47; disciples to resemble Heavenly Father 48; Note: Invitation:  5 Restorations & 2 Baptisms
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Blessed or Happy cf: Psalm 1:1ff; Poor in Spirit (discouraged) Matthew 18:3ff; Mourn (sorrowful) cf: II Corinthians 7:10, Meek (gentle & lowly) cf: Matthew 11:28-29, Hunger & Thirst after Righteousness cf: Matthew 6:33 & John 6:35; Merciful cf: Isaiah 58:6-7 & James 2:13; Pure in Heart cf: Proverbs 4:23, Acts 15:9 & Psalm 51:10-12; Peaceful cf Isaiah 9:6ff Romans 12:18ff; Persecuted cf: II Timothy 3:12, Rejoice cf: Romans 18:17; The Sermon on the mount is the heart of Jesus' teaching.  Blessed not in unfortunate condition itself, but in the glorious reward to come. Heaven is so superior to anything on earth that anything that increased our longing for heaven is a blessing. 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Repent: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Matthew 3:1ff & Matthew 4:17ff, cf: Matthew 18:1-6, Isaiah 2:1ff, Isaiah 11:5-10 & Luke 13:1-9.  I Am God's Sign Matthew 12:38-45, Jonah worked no miracles cf: Jonah 1:1ff. Terrible condition of the human heart & relentless evil  Matthew 12:38-45, Goodness of God leads to repentance Romans 2:4;  Godly sorrow worketh repentance II Corinthians 7:10; Fear of Judgment leads to  Repentance Acts 17:30-31; Repentance universal command Luke 24:47, Acts 2:37-38, 17:30, 20:21, 26:19-30, I Thessalonians 1:9.  Christians who sin Acts 8:22 & 23, Proper Attitude Acts 9:6 & II Timothy 2:25
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Jesus, the Lord's Anointed Isaiah 61:1-11, Anointed-Hebrew Maw-shee-akh the Christ.  cf Psalm 2:1ff, Psalm 45:1ff, Daniel 9:24-27; Luke 4:18-30 (note: Jesus left the word vengeance out and later explains the venange will be in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD cf: Luke 21:22) Acts 4:23ff; Acts 10:38ff; Hebrews 1:8-9; II Corinthians 1:21 & Isaiah 61:1-11
Church of Christ gospel sermon: John the Baptist the messenger or forerunner of the Messiah - II Kings2:9-14; Is 40:1-11; Malachi 3:1-6 & 4:4-6; Luke 1:5-25; Luke 3:1-22; John 1:6-36; Matthew 11:2-15; Matthew 14:1-12 & Matthew 17:9-13
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Prophecies of Christ in Zechariah Zechariah 3:1-10, 33 "Filthy Garments" cf: Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:10-19, Isaiah 61:10 & Luke 15:22;  Zechariah 3:9 "The Stone" cf: Daniel 2:35, Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-14, I Peter 2:1ff, Romans 9:32 & Acts 4:9-12; Zechariah 6:11-13, Branch cf: Isaiah 11:1-10 cf: Romans 15:12, Jeremiah 23:5 ff, Jeremiah 33:15; "Throne" cf: Acts 2:29-30; Zechariah 9:9-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Matthew 21:1ff & Mark 11: 1ff; Zechariah 11:7-17 "Beauty - Covenant" cf: Colossians 2:14 & Jeremiah 31:31ff; Zechariah 11:12 cf: Matthew 26:14; 11:13 cf: Matthew 27:3-10 & Acts 1:15-20
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Daniel - 70 Weeks of Years Daniel 9:1 & 24-27, Sixty-Nine weeks of years until the Messiah comes.  69x7=483 years. Principal Commandment 457BC - 483 years = 26AD the year Jesus is baptized by John
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Daniel 2:1-44, cf: Jeremiah 25:11, Judah to be in captivity 70 years; Jeremiah 29:10-12 After 70 years Remnant to return to the land; II Chronicles 36:21ff; Great Image, Head of Gold-Babylonian Empire, Breast Silver - Persian Empire, Belly Brass - Greek Empire Alexander the Great, Legs & Feet iron & Clay - The Roman Empire; Daniel 2:35, Stone strikes image of 4 Kingdoms and becomes a great mountain, cf: Isaiah 2:1ff, Mountain of the Lords House Isaiah 11:1-16; Stone cf: Isaiah 8:13-14, Isaiah 28:11-16, Psalm 118:22, fulfillment cf: Matthew 21:42-46, Romans 9:32, Ephesians 2:19-22, Acts 4:9-12, I Peter 2:1-9, cf: Romans 12:1-2
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Short Report to the Church "We glory in Tribulation" Romans 5:3; The new Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34 cf: Hebrews 8:6-10 cf: Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 8:10-13.  An Overview of Jeremiah the Prophet Jeremiah 1-21; Jeremiah 22:18 & 30 No descendant of Evil King Jehoiakim to sit on David's Throne (How Could Christ be Born of the House of David?)  cf: Matthew 1:11 Genealogy of Joseph:  Luke 3:31 Mary's Genealogy Acts 2:30 Christ raised up to sit on David's Throne cf: Psalm 132:11 cf: Jeremiah 22:30.  Jeremiah 23:1-6 cf: Romans 3:10, Romans 1:16-17, Psalm 22:31 cf:  Hebrews 4:14-16
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The New Covenant & The Church of Christ Jeremiah 31:15 cf:  Matthew 2:17; 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18,  55:1-8 & John 6:37
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  S. Sgt. Manuel Santiago set apart as an Evangelist.  The Peaceful Nature of the Kingdom of God & the Church of Christ Isaiah 2:1-4; Isaiah 2:2 cf: "Last Days" Acts 2:16-21 & Hebrews 1:1-2.  "Lord's House" cf: ITimothy 3:15 "All Nations" cf: Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 2:3; "He will Teach" cf: John 6:44-45 & Hebrews 1:1-2; Isaiah 2:3 "Zion shall go forth the Law" cf: James 1:25 & James 2:8, Matthew 22:37-42; Isaiah 2:3 "Word...form Jerusalem" cf: Luke 24:44-49; Isaiah 11:1-10 cf: Romans 15:9-12
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  May 11 - Grapevine Bar-B-Q Picnic, Special Prayer for Staff Sergeant Manuel Santiago-Iraq, The Gospel Story - Jesus Christ the Son of God.  Galatians 3:16-29; cf: Genesis 12:1-4, 22:1ff; Psalm2:1-12, Remarkable for its eloquent change of persons.  V:1-2 the prophet speaks, V:3 Enemies speak, V:4-5 Prophet answers, V:6 God speaks, V:7 Messiah speaks, V:8-9 God answers & V:10-12 prophet encourages enemies to submit to God; Psalm 22:1-31; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6, 35:3-10, 53:8-12; Matthew 5:1-16, John 10:1ff, ICorinthians 15:1-4 & Galatians 3:16-29. 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Romans 6: 1-17 You are (Dead) "In Sin" or "Dead to Sin" Romans 6:1 cf Ephesians 2:1-10 Having been baptized into Christ we are to become dead to sin. Romans 6:2 cf: Colossians 2:11-12; Romans 6:3-4 cf: ICorinthians 15:1-4, Mark 16:15 & Isaiah 35:8 (What scriptures?) Psalm 2 & 22, Isaiah 49-53, Daniel 9:1ff.  Note these key words in Romans 6:1-23 "Serve, Free, Dead, Live, Reign, Obey, Alive, Dominion, Servants, Yield" Roman 6:6 cf: I John 1:5-22; Romans 6:4-17.
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Report to the Church - Lord Grant us one more year - Faith without works is dead.  cf: Luke 13:6-9, Acts 4:23, Acts 8:14, Acts 14:27 & Acts 21:19; Matthew 5:13-16 cf: Acts 1:1 & Luke 24:19; James 2:1-26,
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  God's Discipline - the Olympics of life. The Greek Games are used as an teaching example.  Hebrews 12:1 cf: Philippians 3:13ff & I Corinthians 9:24ff; Hebrews 12:2 cf: Luke 15:1ff,  Matthew 4:1ff & Psalm 110:1-4; Hebrews 12:3 cf: Luke 16:19-31; Hebrews 12:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff Heb12:5 cf: Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrews 12:6-12 cf: Isaiah 35:3-8
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Great Old Testament Heroes of the Faith. Hebrews 1:1 cf Romans 10:17, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7.  All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God, Believe the Word of God & Obeys the Word of God.  Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc.  Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelations 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40.  Look up these Heroes of the Faith for your class. 
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Baptism for the Remission of Sins.  Romans 6:1-4 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-4: examples of conversion Pentecost Acts 2:1-42; Samaria Act 8:3-13: Ethiopian Acts 8:26-40; Saul of Tarsus Acts 9, 22 & 26; Cornelius' House Acts 10:34-48; Lydia's household Acts 16:14-15; Philippians Jailor's household Acts 16:25-33; Many Corinthians Acts 18:1-8; Disciples @ Ephesians Acts 19:1-5
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Palm Sunday, The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem John 11:1-50, 12:9-18 cf: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9-10, Matthew 21:1-17 cf: Malachi 3:1-3, Mark 11:1-17 cf: Jeremiah 7: 8-34, Mark 11:18-26 & Romans 5:1-10
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Justification by Faith Romans 5:1-ff cf: Peace with God Psalm 29:11, Isaiah 26:3, 48:18, 53:5 Coll 1:20: Romans 5:2-21 cf: Hope Romans 8:24, 15:4, I Corinthians 13:13, IPeter 3:15, IJohn 3:3, Proverbs 14:32, Acts 24:15, Colossians 1:5, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 6:18-19
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Overview of Romans 3:21-6:4 by Bro Joe Stettheimer & comparing Romans 3:21 to Galatians 2:20-3:29
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Romans 4 Justification by Grace thru Faith; Abraham Saved by Reckoned Righteousness -Romans 4:1-6 cf: overview of Abraham's Righteousness Genesis 12-15:6; King David Saved On same basis as Abraham-Romans 4:6-8 cf: II Samuel 7:12ff & 12:1ff, cf: Psalm 51:1-17, Abraham was not circumcised when saved-Romans 4:9-13 cf: Genesis 15:6-22:1ff
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Luke 16:19-31  Hell the eternal home of the doomed, The rich man & Lazarus ; Korah's Rebellion A shadow of those who go down alive into the pit Numbers 16:1ff; A song of the sons of Korah Psalms 88:1-18
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Romans 2:1-29  Jews inexcusable, God's Judgment according to truth, According to deeds, without respect to persons, According to Paul's Gospel, According to light & According to the heart - Bro Kelly February 3
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Romans 1:1-32 Paul's Apostleship, Description of Christ's Gospel, The Crimes & Wickedness of Gentile World Called for God's Judgment - Bro Kelly January 27

The below Sermons are advanced studies but without the reference notes.

Church of Christ gospel sermon: Death & Burial of Jesus Christ, A Harmony of the Gospels- Matthew, Mark , Luke & John
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Suffering Servant - Isaiah 52:13-53:12; The Messiah to Suffer for the Sins not His Own - the Death, Burial & Resurrection foretold cf: John 12:37-41, Galatians 3:13-14,  I Peter 2:21-25 - Bro. Kelly
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  The Servant's Song: The Messiah to be God's Servant Isaiah 42:1-7 cf: Matthew 12:14-21, The gentiles trust God's Servant Isaiah 49:1-8 cf: Acts 13:47, God's Servant "the tongue of the learned"  Isaiah 50:4-10 cf: Matthew 22:41-46
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Judas betrays Christ for 30 pieces of silver Matthew 26, returns it and hangs himself Matthew 27; The field of blood Jeremiah 7, Prophecy of Christ's betrayal  Zechariah 11 & Fate takes Judas to that same field Acts 1- Bro. Kelly
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Character of Scribes & Pharisees; Different woes pronounced, their destruction foretold,
  Christ's lamentation over Jerusalem - Matthew 23- Bro. Kelly
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Parable Marriage King's Son, Pharisees & Herodians tribute Caesar, Sadducees & Resurrection, Lawyer & opinion of Christ -  Matthew 22- Bro. Kelly
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Jesus cleanses temple-What authority?  Baptism John, parable 2 sons & vineyard - Matthew21
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Parable Reward of Discipleship Matthew 19; The Parable of Labours in the Vineyards Matthew 20
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Unpardonable Sin - Matthew 12 & One thing God won't forgive - Matthew 18 - November 11, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Parable of the Prodigal Son & the Elder Brother - Luke 15:11-32 - Bro. Kelly November 4, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Parable of Lost Sheep & Coin - Luke 15:1ff - Bro. Kelly October 28, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Parable of Tares & Parable of Treasure hid in a field - Matthew 13 - Bro Kelly, October 14, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Report - Jail & Prison Minister Eddie Frazier & Parable of Sower - Matthew 13 - Bro Kelly, October 7, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: A Lawyer's Question - Luke 10 - Bro Kelly, September 30, 02
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Jesus the sinner's friend - Luke 7:11-50 - Bro. Kelly - September 23, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Shepherds of Israel Luke 5 - Bro. Kelly - September 16, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: John the Baptizer - Bro Kelly - September 9, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Destruction of Jerusalem 70 A.D. Matthew 24 - Bro Kelly - Sept  2, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Jesus Christ The Son of God Psalm 2 - Bro Kelly - Aug  26, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Adair Chapman's Report to the Church - August 19, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Protestant Reformation-too mild, Restoration Christianity - Bro Kelly - August 12, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Bishop of Rome, "the pope" & the antichrist - Bro. Kelly - August 5, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Bishops & the Slide into Apostasy, the real meaning of Bishops - Bro Kelly-July 29, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Evangelists, Elders & Deacons - Bro Kelly - July 22, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The 5 Fold Worship of the Church - Bro Kelly- July 15, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Who are the Churches of Christ? What's in a Name? - Bro Kelly - July 8, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ -Bro Kelly - July 1, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Holy Spirit in the Life of Every Christian - Bro Kelly - June 24, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit- Bro Kelly - June 17, 02
Church of Christ gospel sermon: How Satan Attacks - Eric Jenkins June 10, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Bro. Kelly - May 27, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Baptism - Bro. Kelly - May 20, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Good Shepherd- Bro Kelly-March 18, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon: The Gospel Story - Bro Kelly - March 11, 07
Church of Christ gospel sermon:  Genesis "In the beginning God" - Genesis 1-22 - A Special 2hr Radio Broadcast without commercial interruption. Bro. Kelly
Download Part 1, Download Part 2 & Download Part 3
Church of Christ gospel sermon: 9/17/06
Church of Christ gospel sermon: Coming of Christ 8/13/06