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Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.
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Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Jeremiah 25:11, Judah to be in
captivity 70 years; Jeremiah 29:10-12. After 70 years a Remnant to return to the
land; II Chronicles 36:21ff; Daniel 2:1ff God is speaking in figurative language
using symbols: Great Image, Head of Gold-Babylonian Empire, Breast Silver -
Medo-Persian Empire, Belly Brass - Greek Empire under Alexander the Great,
Legs of Iron - The Roman Empire & Feet of Iron & Clay - Christians &
non-Christians; Daniel 2:35, Stone strikes image of the 4 Kingdoms & becomes a
great mountain, what mountain? cf: Isaiah 2:1ff, The Mountain of the Lords House
Isaiah 11:1-16; What is the Stone? cf: Isaiah 8:13-14, Isaiah 28:11-16, Psalm 118:22,
fulfillment cf: Matthew 21:42-46, Romans 9:32, Ephesians 2:19-22, Acts 4:9-12, Who are
Priests? I Peter 2:1-9. What sacrifices does God desire in the Christian age? cf:
Romans 12:1-2.
Jesus Christ was Pre-existent Before His Earthly Birth
Genesis 1:1 "In the
beginning" does not mean that there was nothing prior to "In the beginning";
Jesus was foreordained before the foundation of the world, cf: I Peter 1:20 He
hath chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world, cf: Ephesians 1:4; God
promised eternal life before in the beginning, cf: Titus 1:2; God's own
purpose and grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, cf: II
Timothy 1:9; The Creation Story, Genesis 1:1-3; Jesus Christ was the pre-existent
Word of God with The Father and The Spirit before in the beginning, cf: John
1:1-12 & V:14; Hebrews 1:1, cf: Isaiah 28:9-10; Hebrews 1:2-5a, cf: Psalm 2:7, Hebrews 1:5b,
cf: II Samuel 7:14; Hebrews 1:6-8, cf: Psalm 45:1-7, Acts 2:29-33, Psalm 132:11, Hebrews
1:9-13, cf: Psalm 110:1 & 4, Genesis 3:15, Galatians 3:16, Galatians 4:4, Isaiah 7:14, cf: Genesis
24:16 & 24:43; Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 2:1-2 cf: Numbers 24:13-19, Matthew 2:3-12; Christ
the King Jeremiah 33:15-17, Acts 2:30 & Psalm 132:11; Galatians 3:26-29.
Birth of Jesus the Messiah was a Foreordained Plan
This is a "foreordained"
plan I Peter 1:20 in which we through the plan were "chosen in Him before the
foundation of the world" Ephesians 1:4, Thus we have the "hope (assurance) of
eternal life which God ... promised before the world began" Romans 16:16, Titus 1:2,
II Timothy 1:9, Genesis 1:1-3, 1:27, 2:8-9 & 15-18, 3: 1-7 & 15 & 21, 9:8-9, Genesis
15:3-6; John 8:44, I Jon 2:16, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, 2 II Samuel 7:12-16,
Matthew 2:4-6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, Psalms 22:1, 7, 8, 16, 18 cf John 19:23-24,
Psalms 22:22 cf : Hebrews 2:12, Psalm 22:24, 26, 27, 29, cf: John 18:28, Psalm 22:30
"seed" & V:31; Isaiah 53:1 cf: Romans 10:16. Isaiah 53:8, 9 & 10 "seed",
V:11-12. Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chr 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of
David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah
33:15-17, 18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:105 & 14, Hebrews
1:3-13, Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews 7:14, Revelations 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews
7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew
1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.
Birth of Jesus the Messiah was a Plan Not Evolution
This is a "foreordained"
plan I Peter 1:20 in which we through the plan were "chosen in Him before the
foundation of the world" Ephesians 1:4, Thus we have the "hope (assurance) of
eternal life which God ... promised before the world began" Romans 16:16, Titus 1:2,
II Timothy 1:9, Genesis 1:1-3, 1:27, 2:8-9 & 15-18, 3: 1-7 & 15 & 21, 9:8-9, Genesis
15:3-6; John 8:44, I Jon 2:16, Galatians 3:16, Genesis 49:10-11, 2 II Samuel 7:12-16,
Matthew 2:4-6, Micah 5:2 & Micah 5:1, Psalms 22:1, 7, 8, 16, 18 cf John 19:23-24,
Psalms 22:22 cf : Hebrews 2:12, Psalm 22:24, 26, 27, 29, cf: John 18:28, Psalm 22:30
"seed" & V:31; Isaiah 53:1 cf: Romans 10:16. Isaiah 53:8, 9 & 10 "seed",
V:11-12. Jeremiah 22:30, Jeremiah 22:19, II Chr 36:5-6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, King of house of
David to rule forever Jeremiah 33:15-17, Priesthood to endure Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah
33:15-17, 18, Zechariah 6:11-13. King: Act 2:30, Psalm 132:11, John 1:105 & 14, Hebrews
1:3-13, Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 4:12-16, Hebrews 7:14, Revelations 5:5, Psalm 110:1, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews
7:1-3, Hebrews 7:22-27, Jeremiah 22:30, Matthew 1:1-2, Matthew 1:6, Matthew 1:11, Matthew 1:16, Matthew
1:18-23, Isaiah 7:14, Genesis 24:16, Genesis 24:43, Luke 3:31, Hebrews 2:14-18.
Can You Recommend Your Religion?
India Report Paul Lockman; White Rock Fund & Sermon David Tarbet In Sathupally, Hindipur & Puttaparthi. We baptized several denominational preachers & their wives, several tribals who had belonged to Hebron church/mega church all over India. Over 400 Preachers @ training during day & Gospel meetings every night. Baptized many at meetings and in homes. Pictures of orphans & clothes & rice Sabrina donated. We bought 750 Bibles in Telagu. Brother David Tarbet http://whiterockfund.org The Fund is a 501(c)3 public charity & provides grants to Churches of Christ for mission work around the world. At the present time, approximately 70 missionaries receive benefits as a result of these grants. Only those who are faithfully preaching the gospel, & are sound in the faith are qualified to receive benefits from the grants. Brother David Tarbet - a graduate of Abilene Christian University (BA) & Fairfield University (MA). He has served Churches of Christ in Connecticut, New Mexico & Texas. Upon completing 50 years of pulpit work he retired from the White Rock CoC in Dallas, Texas, & relocated with his wife, Paula, to New Milford, Connecticut, where he joins with his son, Timothy, serving as one of the New Milford CoC congregation ministers. David focuses his ministry efforts on personal evangelism, writing, & serving as volunteer Director of 'The White Rock Fund' - a non-profit organization which provides grants to Churches of Christ for mission work around the world with a special emphasis on the northeast United States. He is editor of "Christ for Today," a direct-mail publication distributed in the northeastern states. He has lectured in various states on "How the Bible Came To Us," At these seminars he displays his collection of rare 16th and 17th century English Bibles. He plans to donate this rare collection to Freed-Hardeman University sometime in 2015.
New Covenant (Part 2)
Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished by being in captivity for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:1-8 & John 6:37. Hebrews 8:8-13 quotes the Jeremiah 31 prophecy, that he would make with them a better covenant than he had made with their forefathers.
New Covenant (Part 1)
Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished by being in captivity for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, Isaiah 55:1-8 & John 6:37. Hebrews 8:8-13 quotes the Jeremiah 31 prophecy, that he would make with them a better covenant than he had made with their forefathers.
Kingdom of Heaven
The Church: Acts 2:47, Prophecy concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, and the conversion of the Gentiles , Isaiah 2:1-5. Isaiah 2:1 Judah cf: Genesis 49:10, Isaiah2:2 Last Days cf: Acts 2;16-17, Hebrews 1:1-2, Mountain of the Lord's House, Daniel 2:44-45, Lord's House I Timothy 3:15, All Nations Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16, Luke 24:45-48, Isaiah 2:2-3, All taught by God John 6:45, Hebrews 1:1-2, New Testament Law James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Matthew 22:34-40, Jerusalem Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:8, Isaiah 2:4, Peaceful Kingdom Romans 5:1, Our troubles from the devil Isaiah 54:13-17; Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 11:2 Spirit cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1, Luke 4:18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff, Isaiah 1:3 fear cf: Hebrews 5:7, judge cf: Romans 2:16, Isaiah 11:4 righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14, poor & Meek cf: Matthew 5:3ff, rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, II Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf: Matthew 18:3-4, Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain, cf: Isaiah 2:2, I Timothy 3:15; Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes in Romans 15:12 showing this prophecy is fulfilled, the Lamb has already laid down with the lion. Root of Jesse cf: Revelations 5:5 & Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 11:11-12 the first captivity was the Exodus, the second was the Babylonian captivity. Some time after that God is saying He will establish this Peaceful Kingdom. Isaiah 11:15,16 a highway cf: Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 40:3 all 4 Gospel writers refer this with the preaching of John the Baptist.
The Peaceful Kingdom (Part 2)
Isaiah 11 The Wolf Also
Shall Dwell With The Lamb
Isaiah 2:1-4. Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 God not cause of our troubles cf:
Isaiah 54:13-17. In Isaiah 10 destruction of the Assyrian Army imagery of a
mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level by the coming Messiah. The
Messiah, subject of this coming 11th Chapter. Isaiah 11:1 Messiah to be a
descendant of Jesse King David's father cf: Matthew1:6 & Luke 3:31-32. Branch
metaphor for Messiah cf: Isaiah 27:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9,
Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him
cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff. Isaiah 11:3 the fear of
the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eyes cf:
Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. Poor & Meek of the earth
cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips power of Christ's
preaching cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians
6:17 Greek Thracian Sword used symbolically for Christ's Coming in Judgment on
Israel & Judah. Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy
Mountain of the Lord's House cf: Isaiah 2:1ff cf: I Timothy 3:15. Isaiah 11:10
Paul quotes Is 11:10 and teaches this prophecy already fulfilled when he wrote
the letter to the Romans cf: Romans 15:12. A root of Jesse, a metaphor applied to
Christ cf: Revelations 5:5 & 22:16. The Lord, Hebrew YHWH, gathering not geographical
into the modern state of Israel but spiritual. Earlier, Isaiah tells of
returning of remnant "to the mighty God" cf: Is 10:21. In Is 9:6 Jesus Christ
is called the mighty God" cf: Is 11:12 Both Gentiles and Jews gathered into
one body cf: Ephesians 2:11ff Is 11:11-12 Is 11:13-15 common OT practice naming
enemies of Israel as the Gentiles of the NT Saints. Tongue descriptive for bay
like The Red Sea cf: Exodus 14:26-29 Seven streams Nile River falls into
Mediterranean Sea by 7 streams. Is 11:16 A highway is one Isaiah's metaphors
for Kingdom of God and Church of Christ cf: Is 35:8, Isaiah 40:3, All 4 Gospel
writers quote Isaiah 40:3 and are explicit in stating the building of this
highway began with the preaching of John the Baptist. The remnant of His
people cf: V:11 Isaiah 37:2-4, Jeremiah 6:9, Jeremiah 23:3, Jeremiah 31:7,
Ezekiel 14:22, Micah 2:12, Romans 9:27-28, Romans 11:5 Matthew 7:13-16.
The Peaceful Kingdom (Part 1)
Isaiah 2:1-4. Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 God not cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. In Isaiah 10 destruction of the Assyrian Army imagery of a mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level by the coming Messiah. The Messiah, subject of this coming 11th Chapter. Isaiah 11:1 Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse King David's father cf: Matthew1:6 & Luke 3:31-32. Branch metaphor for Messiah cf: Isaiah 27:6, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff. Isaiah 11:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eyes cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. Poor & Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips power of Christ's preaching cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 Greek Thracian Sword used symbolically for Christ's Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah. Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain of the Lord's House cf: Isaiah 2:1ff cf: I Timothy 3:15. Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes Is 11:10 and teaches this prophecy already fulfilled when he wrote the letter to the Romans cf: Romans 15:12. A root of Jesse, a metaphor applied to Christ cf: Revelations 5:5 & 22:16. The Lord, Hebrew YHWH, gathering not geographical into the modern state of Israel but spiritual. Earlier, Isaiah tells of returning of remnant "to the mighty God" cf: Is 10:21. In Is 9:6 Jesus Christ is called the mighty God" cf: Is 11:12 Both Gentiles and Jews gathered into one body cf: Ephesians 2:11ff Is 11:11-12 Is 11:13-15 common OT practice naming enemies of Israel as the Gentiles of the NT Saints. Tongue descriptive for bay like The Red Sea cf: Exodus 14:26-29 Seven streams Nile River falls into Mediterranean Sea by 7 streams. Is 11:16 A highway is one Isaiah's metaphors for Kingdom of God and Church of Christ cf: Is 35:8, Isaiah 40:3, All 4 Gospel writers quote Isaiah 40:3 and are explicit in stating the building of this highway began with the preaching of John the Baptist. The remnant of His people cf: V:11 Isaiah 37:2-4, Jeremiah 6:9, Jeremiah 23:3, Jeremiah 31:7, Ezekiel 14:22, Micah 2:12, Romans 9:27-28, Romans 11:5 Matthew 7:13-16
Isaiah 2
The Church of Christ is the Kingdom of God cf: Matthew 16:13-19, Isaiah 2:1. Judah and Jerusalem; Isaiah 2:2 Last days cf Acts 2:16-21, Hebrews 1:1-2, Isaiah 2:2 Mountain Lord's house cf Isaiah 56:7, Daniel 2:28,35 & 44. Metaphor Stone cf Psalms 118: 22-23. Isaiah 8:14, Isaiah 28:16, Matthew 21:33-46 Acts 4:11,12, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9. Mountain of the Lord's house cf: I Timothy 3:15 which is The Church of the Living God; Isaiah 2:2. All Nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16; Isaiah 2:3 He will teach us, We have A divine Teacher cf John 6:44-45, Isaiah 54:13, Isaiah 2:3 from physical Zion Shall go forth the law cf James 1:25, James 2:8, Matthew 22:36-40, Isaiah 2:3 the metaphor Zion cf: Hebrews 12:22, Psalm 2:5-7, Joel 2:32, Romans 11:26, Hebrews 12:22, The Heavenly Jerusalem Hebrews 12:23. The Church of the First Born, Hebrews 12:24 The Heavenly Jerusalem Revelation 21:1-2 & 16, Isaiah 2:3 The Word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Luke 24:44-49, Act 1:8, Acts 8:1-13, John 16:13, Isaiah 2:4 The Peaceful nature of the Church of Christ which is the new Kingdom of God is contrasted to the war of all Nations cf: Matthew 24:6 cf Isaiah 11:10 cf Romans 15:8-12, Acts 2:30 Psalms 132:11 & Daniel 7:13-14
Last Days
Isaiah 2:1-4 This is one of the most important passages in the Word of God, so important, in fact, that God gave the same message through two different prophets. Micah 4:1-3. It is a great hoax among critical commentators in this era of Biblical exegesis to engage in every erudite and scholarly guessing as to who copied whom, whenever very similar, or identical passages are encountered. To Christians, such scholarly doodlings are ridiculous. All such allegations are founded on the incredible proposition that God could never have given the same message to more than one prophet. Where is any authority for an idiotic belief like that? Jesus gave identical, or nearly identical, teachings on many occasions, as witnessed by the two records of the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 and in Luke 11:2-4 and also His repeated prophecies of his Passion.
Wise and Foolish Virgins
The Parable of the Ten Virgins depicts ten girls awaiting the coming of an absent bridegroom. Matthew 25:1-13 The kingdom of heaven = the church, The bridegroom = Christ, The midnight arrival = the second advent. It is addressed to Jesus' disciples and emphasizes 1. The uncertainty of time of His coming: "The bridegroom was delayed" Matthew 25:5 The virgins = church members, The wise virgins = the prepared, The foolish virgins = the unprepared 2. The responsibility of the Christian: Go rather to the dealers and buy the oil Matthew 25:9 The lamps = (a) faith; demonstrated by (b) good works, The oil = (a) the Spirit; which leads us to (b) good works, 3. The rewards and punishments: "Those Who Were Ready went in with him to the marriage feast" Others remained outside. Matthew 25:10-12 The sleep of the virgins = the sleep of death, Tarrying of the bridegroom = delay of the second coming, The midnight cry = the call to judgment, Refusal to give oil = grace & merit not transferrable, Exclusion of the foolish = rejection of unprepared, The shut door = impossibility of the last minute salvation.
II Peter 3
The apostle shows his design in writing this and the preceding epistle, II Peter 3:1, II Peter 3:2. Describes the nature of the heresies which should take place in the last times, II Peter 3:3-8. A thousand years with the Lord are but as a day, II Peter 3:9. He will come and judge the world as he has promised, and the heavens and the earth shall be burnt up, 2 Peter 3:10. How those should live who expect these things, II Peter 3:11, 2 Peter 3:12. the new heavens and the new earth, and the necessity of being prepared for this great change, II Peter 3:13, II Peter 3:14. Concerning some difficult things in St. Paul ‹s epistles, II Peter 3:15, II Peter 3:16. We must watch against the error of the wicked, grow in grace, and give all glory to God, II Peter 3:17, II Peter 3:18.
II Peter 2
False teachers foretold, who shall bring in destructive doctrines and shall pervert many, but at last be destroyed by the judgments of God, II Peter 2:1-3.cf: Acts 20:29-30, I Timothy 4:1-6, II Timothy 3:1-5, II Thessalonians 2:1-12, II Timothy 4:3-4, & I John 2:18 Instances of God's judgments in the rebellious angels, 2 Peter 2:4. In the antediluvians, II Peter 2:5. In the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha, II Peter 2:6-8. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly, as well as to punish the ungodly, II Peter 2:9. The character of those seducing teachers and their disciples; they are unclean, presumptuous, speak evil of dignities, adulterous, covetous, and cursed, II Peter 2:10-14. Have forsaken the right way, copy the conduct of Balaam, speak great swelling words, and pervert those who had escaped from error, II Peter 2:15-19. The miserable state of those who, having escaped the corruption that is in the world, have turned back like the dog to his vomit, and the washed swine to her wallowing in the mire, II Peter 2:20-22.
II Peter 1
The apostle's address, and the persons to whom the epistle was sent described by the state into which God had called, and in which he had placed them, 2 Peter 1:1-4. What graces they should possess in order to be fruitful in the knowledge of God, II Peter 1:5-8. The miserable state of those who either have not these graces, or have fallen from them, II Peter 1:9. Believers should give diligence to make their calling and election sure, II Peter 1:10, Prepared for entrance into the heavenly kingdom, II Peter 1:11. The apostle's intimations of his speedy dissolution, and his wish to confirm and establish those Churches in the true faith, II Peter 1:12-15. The certainty of the Gospel, and the convincing evidence which the apostle had of its truth from being present at the transfiguration, by which the word of prophecy was made more sure, II Peter 1:16-19. How the prophecies came, and their nature, II Peter 1:20, Prophecy is God's word, not the words of man. II Peter 1:21
Strike Three, You're Out!
Genesis 2:15-17, Commandments given by God: broken by men. Genesis 3:1-24, The need for The Kingdom. Isaiah 2:2-3 & Zechariah 1:16-17, The prophesied place of the Kingdom. Daniel 2:44, The Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. Psalm 145:10-13, The Everlasting Kingdom. Matthew 4:17, The Kingdom is at hand. Matthew 16:18-19, Christ builds His Church. Mk 9:1, Kingdom came in the first century. Jn 3:5, The way to enter the Kingdom. Acts 1:3-4, Christ shows the importance of the Kingdom of God Acts 2:1, The day the earthly Kingdom begins. Acts 2:38-47, How to be added to the Kingdom. Acts 11:26, The new name given. Acts 20:28, The price of the Kingdom. Acts 28:23 & 30-31, Christ and the Kingdom connection. Romans 16:16, Churches of Christ. I Corinthians 12:12-14 & 20 & 27, Baptized into One Body. I Corinthians 1:2, The Church of God IS the Church of Christ. Galatians 6:10, Another name for the Kingdom, the Household of Faith. Ephesians 4:4-6, The power of One. Colossians 1:18, The Body is the Church. Ephesians 1:22-23, The Church is the Body. Ephesians 2:19-21, Jesus Christ IS it's Foundation. Colossians 1:13, The Kingdom belongs to the Son. Hebrews 12:28, The Kingdom which shall not be moved, (Matthew 16:18). Romans 1:16, God's Way to salvation. I Corinthians 15:1-4, Salvation by way of The Gospel. Romans 10:17, Faith by hearing. Hebrews 11:6, Faith in the I AM. Luke 13:3, You MUST repent or perish. Matthew 10:32, Confess Me before men. Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized.
The Promise of the Second Coming (Part 2)
The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 Before The coming of Christ will be great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, but the actual "Day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night. I Thessalonians 5:2 ;II Peter 3:10; I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters: II Peter 3:17-18. Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down: II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:3-14, Psalm 1:1-6.
The Promise of the Second Coming (Part 1)
The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 Before The coming of Christ will be great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, but the actual "Day of the Lord" will come as a thief in the night. I Thessalonians 5:2 ;II Peter 3:10; I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters: II Peter 3:17-18. Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down: II Thessalonians 1:7-8, II Peter 3:3-14, Psalm 1:1-6.
The Promises of God
The Promise of the Seed: (Son of God) Galatians 3:16. Acts 13:23 refer to Bro Kelly's Seed Lesson. The Promise of the Messiah: Daniel 9:25,26. The Promise of the Holy Spirit: Luke 24:49, Acts1:4, Acts 2:33. The Promise of the Kingdom: Acts1:3. The Promise of the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8-13. The Promise of the Gospel: Isaiah 53:8-11. The Promise of Church: Matthew 16:18 Acts 2:41,47. The Promise of Remission of Sins: Luke 24:47. The Promise of Everlasting Life: 1John 2:25, II Timothy 1:1. The Promise of Christ's Second Coming: I Thessalonians 4:13-18. The Sum of all Promises is in Christ: Jesus is Son of God anointed King with the Holy Spirit . His Kingdom is a everlasting Kingdom, The Church is His Kingdom on earth.
What Is Faith
What Is Faith The works involved in faith are found in Hebrews Chap 11. Faith comes only one way Romans 10:17. Faith is trust with reliance that God in Christ will save you. Hebrews 11:1 faith is the platform all your hopes rest upon until the faith & hope become substance & you can see the evidence of it, Hebrews 1:2-3 cf: John 1:1-14 & Genesis 1:1-27; Hebrews 11:4 cf: Genesis 4:1ff; Hebrews 11:5 cf: Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:6 cf: Hebrews 10:25; James 2:19, Hebrews 11:1 & Mark 16:15-16; Hebrews 11:7. All the Heroes of the Faith hear the word of God. Believe the Word of God & each obeys the Word of God. Hebrews 11:8-9 cf: Genesis 12:1-4 etc. Hebrews 11:10 cf: Revelation 21:1ff & Hebrews 12:22; Hebrews 11:11-40. Galatians 2:16-20 Big Question, is the "faith" subjective gender, then: "the faith of Christ KJV" or objective gender then it is "faith in Christ" as NIV Big difference cf: Romans 3:21ff and Philippians 3:9
The Good News and The Bad News
Matthew 11:1-20 The Scripture tells us that if we repent and be obedient, it will be good news for us, but if we do not repent we will receive the bad news in the end. Call to repent: Luke 13:1-5. John's questions: Matthew 11:1-6. Jesus' tribute to John: Matthew 11:7-15. Final admonition of the Old Testament: Malachi 4:4-5. John the Baptist, forerunner for Jesus; in the spirit and power of Elijah: Luke 1:17. Who is mentioned in Matthew 11:16-19 and why? John the Baptist preached fire and brimstone for those who didn't repent; which is bad news. Jesus Christ - He is the Husband and is coming to receive His bride. It's not enough to be sorry for your sins, you must repent because you are sorry: 2 Corinthians 7:9-11. Examples of those who were sorry but, didn't repent: Esau, Hebrews 12:16-17; Judas, Matthew 27:3. Unrepentant cities: Matthew 11:20. Unbelief and its consequences. Romans 1:17-18, II Thessalonians 1:7-10, The Good News of the Gospel and how to obey it I Corinthians 15:1-4, Roman 6:1-4
God's Love Is The Love That Saves (Part 2)
Jonah Chapters 1-4; John Chapter 21; I Corinthians Chapters 13, and 15 Jonah was to bring God's message to Nineveh, but was reluctant to do it. However the word of Gods was brought to Nineveh to get them to repent. The Lord did not allow Jonah to escape his duty. Having finally performed God's will, Jonah became angry when the Ninevites believed God and repented. As a result, God postpones the announced devastation of Nineveh. Was Jonah a servant of God? Did Jonah love the Ninevites? Could Jonah's love save them? It was God's love that saved them. John 21:15-19: Jesus questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, and foretells the manner of Peter's death. I Corinthians Chapter 13; Charity, or love of God, the sum of all true religion; without it, the gift of prophecy, profound knowledge, faith by which the miracles might be wrought, benevolence, and zeal for the truth, even martyrdom, would all be unprofitable to salvation, 1-3.The description and praise of this grace, 4-7. Its durable: though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, 8-10. John 3:16 For God So Loved The World...How did God Love Us? He gave us the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4
God's Love Is The Love That Saves (Part 1)
Jonah Chapters 1-4; John Chapter 21; I Corinthians Chapters 13, and 15 Jonah was to bring God's message to Nineveh, but was reluctant to do it. However the word of Gods was brought to Nineveh to get them to repent. The Lord did not allow Jonah to escape his duty. Having finally performed God's will, Jonah became angry when the Ninevites believed God and repented. As a result, God postpones the announced devastation of Nineveh. Was Jonah a servant of God? Did Jonah love the Ninevites? Could Jonah's love save them? It was God's love that saved them. John 21:15-19: Jesus questions Peter concerning his love to Him, and gives him commission to feed His sheep, and foretells the manner of Peter's death. I Corinthians Chapter 13; Charity, or love of God, the sum of all true religion; without it, the gift of prophecy, profound knowledge, faith by which the miracles might be wrought, benevolence, and zeal for the truth, even martyrdom, would all be unprofitable to salvation, 1-3.The description and praise of this grace, 4-7. Its durable: though tongues, prophecies, and knowledge shall cease, yet this shall never fail, 8-10. John 3:16 For God So Loved The World...How did God Love Us? He gave us the Gospel I Corinthians 15:1-4
Living Waters
Living Water and the Church of Christ - Isaiah 55:1-55:13 Isaiah 55:1 cf: Isaiah 35:6-7, Hebrew: maw kote= living water cf: Jeremiah 2:13, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1 & V:6-7, cf: John 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39, Acts 2:37-47. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the suffering servants work. The invitation. Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mark 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 1:26. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 62:2 new name to be given when Gentiles obey Gospel , Isaiah 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26 Christians is the new name, Acts 4:12, and Romans 16:16 the Churches of Christ.
The Great Commission (Part 2)
The Great Commission was given by the Lord to His disciples. The minor commission was to the Jews only. It preaches "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand". The Great Commission is for everyone. It preaches "The Kingdom of Heaven is here", and the Gospel is the way to it. We must obey the Gospel. Proverbs 28:9, John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51, Acts 1:1-9, John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17, It is a continual work to be passed on from generation to generation in the Christian age. II Timothy 2:2.
The Great Commission (Part 1)
This Commission is called the "Great Commission" to distinguish it from the minor commissions given by the Lord to His disciples in Matthew 10:5ff and to the 70 disciples in Luke 10:1ff. They are called minor because their scope was minor to Jews only, while the Great Commission is universal and its scope is all the world. It is the work of the church. Proverbs 28:9 , John 14:15, John 20:19-23 Matthew 28:19-20 , Mark 16:15-16 & 20 , Luke 24:34-51 , Acts 1:1-9, John 3:-35, Acts 2:38, I Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 6:3-6 & Colossians 3:1-3, 17, It is a continual work to be passed on from generation to generation in the Christian age. II Timothy 2:2.
The Christian Heart
The Good Ground/The Christian Heart
The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13:1-9; God is speaking through the Messiah and
it is imperative we listen cf: Hebrews 1:1-2 Matthew 13:10-15 cf: Isaiah 6:9-10.
Matthew 13:16-17 cf: I Peter 1:10-12; The Hard Hearted Hearer Matthew 13:19, cf.
Hebrews 4:1-11 & Hebrews 10:38-39. Shallow Hearted Hearer Matt:13:20-21 cf: I Peter
2:2 & James 1:22. The Crowded Hearted Hearer Matthew13:22 cf: I John 3:1-3.
Matthew 13:23 The Christian Heart cf: Luke 8:15, I Kings 3:9 Fruit both souls
John 15:1-8 and Christian Character Galatians 5:22-25. The Parable of the Tares
Matthew 13:24-30 tares = Greek darnel or false grain. Matthew13:34-35 cf: Psalm
78:2. Jesus Explains Matthew 13:36-43
What Must I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?
The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake. We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.
The Reformation
The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church described in the bible & the unification of all Christians cf: John 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church. We are neither Protestants, Catholics, nor Jews, but Christians only cf: Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliffe & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Pennsylvania & West Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves Disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake. We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mark 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27.
Hell, the Eternal Home of the Doomed
The Hebrew word She-owl is translated into Greek as Hades & into English as Hell. All these words mean the same place which is the place of the dead. During Old Testament times it had 2 parts, torment which was the place of the unbelieving dead, separated from Abraham's bosom, the place of the believing dead. The Rich man & Lazarus cf: Luke 16:19-31; The Rebellion of Korah in which Korah went down alive into the pit took place about 1,447 BC cf: Numbers 16:26-40; Later King David wrote Psalm 88 about 1,000 BC so it had been about 500 years since Korah went down alive into the pit & Psalm 88 is a psalm of Korah in Hell. Korah has been dead almost 500 years & hasn't figured out yet his situation is permanent. cf: Matthew 10:28, 25:31-46.
David's Greatest Sin
King David's seed (child or descendant) promised an eternal Kingdom cf: II Samuel 7:12-16. David kills an innocent man to get his wife cf:II Samuel 11:1-27. The parable of Nathan the prophet to David cf:II Samuel 12:1-14 the enemies of the Lord blaspheme cf: Psalm 69:5-6; The figure of speech "You understood" in this Psalm 51:1-10 cf: guard your heart Proverbs 4:23 Psalm 51:11-17 cf: humble yourself and be contrite cf: Isaiah 57:15, Psalm 51:18-19, True repentance necessary cf: Matthew 12:38-41 and Jonah 3:3-10 real repentance is turning from our evil way. Godly sorrow necessary cf: II Corinthians 7:10. David Suffered great consequences for his sin: Psalm 38:1-16, Psalm 73:1-3, Psalm 38:16-18 & Psalm 32:1-ff
No One Has Ever Been Saved By Faith Alone: James Chapter 2
We should not prefer the rich to the poor, nor show any partiality inconsistent with the Gospel of Christ, James 2:1-4. God has chosen the poor, rich in faith, to be heirs of His Kingdom, even those whom some among their brethren despised and oppressed, James 2:5, James 2:6. We should love our neighbor as ourselves, and have no respect of persons, James 2:7-9. He who breaks one command of God is guilty of breaking all the commands, James 2:10, James 2:11. We should act as those who shall be judged by the law of liberty; and we shall have judgment without mercy, who shows no mercy, James 2:12, James 2:13. Faith without works of charity and mercy is dead; nor can faith exist where there are no good works, James 2:14-20. Abraham proved his faith by his works, James 2:21-24. And so did Rahab prove her faith by her works, James 2:25. As the body without the soul is dead, so is faith dead without good works, James 2:26.
Who Did The Miracles In Acts?
In the New Testament Apostles were Chosen by Jesus Himself and given Power after the Holy Spirit came upon them to do miracles. Acts 1 Apostles chosen by Jesus Himself - Matthew 10: Luke 6; Acts 1:2; Matthias chosen, Acts 1:24-26; Paul chosen, Acts 9:15, I Corinthians 9:1. Acts 2 Apostles did Miracles - were baptized with Holy Spirit - this was visible, i.e., could be seen, Acts 2:1-4, 43. Acts 6 The seven were filled with Holy Spirit before Apostles laid hands on them, only then could they do miracles. Acts 6:5-8. Acts 8 Imparting of supernatural gifts by laying on of hands by Apostles could be seen - visible, Acts 8:14-19. Acts 10 The house of Cornelius was baptized with Holy Spirit but they were not Apostles and did not have the power (authority given to Apostles by Jesus) to impart the charisma gifts by laying on of hands. God poured out Holy Spirit to them to show Jews Salvation was given to Gentiles also. Acts 10:45 They of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on Gentiles also was poured out the gift (Dorea) of the Holy Ghost. Acts 4:29-31 Apostles prayed and asked God, God answered their prayers. The place was shaken and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and spake the Word with boldness.
James Chapter 1
James addresses
the dispersed of the twelve tribes, James 1:1. Shows that they should
rejoice under the cross, because of the spiritual good which they may derive
from it, especially in the increase and perfecting of their patience, James
1:2-4. They are exhorted to ask wisdom of God, who gives liberally to all,
James 1:5. But they must ask in faith, and not with a doubting mind, James
1:6-8. Directions to the rich and the poor, James 1:9-11. The blessedness of
the man that endures trials, James 1:12. How men are tempted and drawn away
from God, James 1:13-15. God is the Father of lights, and all good proceeds
from him, James 1:16-18. Cautions against hasty words, bad and wrong
tempers, James 1:19-21. We should be doers of the word, and not hearers
merely, lest we resemble those who, beholding their natural face in a
mirror, when it is removed they forget what manner of persons they were,
James 1:22-24. We should look into the perfect law of liberty, and continue
therein, James 1:25. The nature and properties of pure religion, James 1:26
-James 1:27.
Second Coming Of Christ
The coming of Christ is one event. There is no secret-rapture, the word is not used in the Bible. At the end of time Christ will come again, we will be caught up to go with Christ, this earth will be burned up & we will go to New Heavens & a New Earth. Matthew 25:31-46, I Thessalonians 4:13-14 cf: John 5:21-29, Jude 14 & Revelations 21:1-2 & 16, I Thessalonians 4:13-16 The coming of Christ will be accompanied by great signs & wonders, such as at the giving of the Law, cf: Ex. 19:16-19, I Corinthians 15:50-52, I Thessalonians 4:16 dead rise, V:17 we are "caught up together", I Thessalonians 5:1 cf: Acts 1:7-8, I Thessalonians 5:2 cf: Matthew24:42-44 & I Thessalonians 5:3-11; II Peter chapter 1: Add to your faith such virtues as would make it fruitful, for He is shortly to die for the faith. & II Peter Chap. 2 warnings against false prophets & false teachers. II Peter 3:3 cf: John 3:19; II Peter 3:5 cf: Genesis 1:6-10; 3:7 cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-11; II Peter 3:8 Time has no bearing on the threats or the promises of God cf: Psalm 90:4; II Peter 3:9 Repentance cf: Acts 17:30, II Peter 3:10 He will judge & the world will be burned up cf: Matthew 24:42-44; II Peter 3:13 Of the new heavens & the new earth Revelations 21:1-4, Be prepared for a great change; II Peter 3:15-16 Paul's Epistles are advanced & difficult - for the scripture twisters II Peter 3:17-18 Watch & grow in grace. There will be a great resurrection for all people, the only question is whether you are going up or down. II Thessalonians 1:7-8; II Peter 3:3-14; Psalm 1:1-6.
Power Of Resurrection
Prophecy Christ's resurrection, Job 19:22-27, Redeemer Hebrew gaw-al - to ransom, to buy back. "stand" Hebrew koom, get up, stand up, idea of resurrection. John 11:25-26, Jesus claimed power of resurrection. We will be resurrected as Christ I John 3:2; Jesus raised in bodily resurrection with proofs cf; Acts 1:3 & Luke 24:36-43; Christ's resurrection according to the Scriptures is The Gospel. I Corinthians 15:1-4, What Scriptures? Isaiah 53:8-10. The resurrected Christ, seen by witnesses & Apostles, I Corinthians 15:5-7, Paul I Corinthians 15:8-10, II Corinthians 11:23-28. Apostles preached same things, I Corinthians 15:11.Judaizing false teacher I Corinthians 15:12. Paul' negative argument, I Corinthians 15:13-19. On the contrary, Paul says first-fruits are proof of a coming great harvest, I Corinthians 15:20. Christ 2nd Adam, I Corinthians 15:21-22. The order of the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:23. At the end Christ will deliver up the Kingdom, the people of Christ I Corinthians 15:24. Christ King now, cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Acts 2:30, & Hebrews 1:1-9. Christ rules I Corinthians 15:27-28. Baptized for the dead is being baptized knowing full well that it will lead to their martyrdom & death. Note the context. I Corinthians 15:29-30, cf: II Corinthians 11:22ff. A wake to righteousness, I Corinthians 15:31-34, I Corinthians 15:35-36. answer by similitude, I Corinthians 15:36-38, & by application I Corinthians 15:39-41. Greater & different degrees of splendor in the Resurrection, I Corinthians 15:41-44. Christ the second Adam, I Corinthians 15:45-49, cf: Rom. 5:14-21. The second coming of Christ in Power & Glory is one event, I Corinthians 15:50-57, cf: I Thessalonians 4:13 - 5:7, II Peter 3:1-18. The work of the Lord, I Corinthians 15:58, is, John 6:29
Suffering Servant
God's Servant to Die. Isaiah 42:1-4, Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 42:7; Isaiah 49:1, cf: Luke 1:31-33.sword, cf: Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews4:12, & Revelations 1:16., Isaiah 49:3, cf: Luke 22:24-27.Isaiah 49:5-6, cf: Acts 13:47.Isaiah 49:8 cf: I Corinthians 6:2. Isaiah 49:16; Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46, Isaiah 50:5-6, cf: Matthew 27:26.cf: Matthew 26:66-68; Isaiah 50:7-11.Isaiah 52:13 cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32-33, Isaiah 52:14-15, cf: Rom. 15:21. The Suffering Servant. The Jews claim this 53rd chapter of Isaiah is talking about the suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Additionally, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6.atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf:Matthew 27:26, All sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10. Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19,to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8.crucified between two thieves, "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff. Isaiah 53:12, there is just one mediator between God and men I Timothy 2:5
Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41, The stone cf: Psalm 118:22ff, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-15, Acts 4:11ff, Romans 9:33, Ephesians 2:19-22, I Peter 2:5-9 & Romans 12:1-2. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem: Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Cf: Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance, (platform) of things hoped for.
The Kingdom Of God And The Church Of Christ
The Church: Acts 2:47, Prophecy concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, and the conversion of the Gentile world, Isaiah 2:1-5. Isaiah 2:1 Judah cf: Genesis 49:10, Isaiah2:2 Last Days cf: Acts 2;16-17, Hebrews 1:1-2, Mountain of the Lord's House, Daniel 2:44-45, Lord's House I Timothy 3:15, All Nations Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16, Luk 24:45-48, Isaiah 2:2-3, All taught by God John 6:45, Hebrews 1:1-2, New Testament Law James 1:25 & 2:8 cf: Matthew 22:34-40, Jerusalem Lk 24:45-49, Acts 1:8, Isaiah 2:4, Peaceful Kingdom Romans 5:1, Our troubles from the devil Isaiah 54:13-17; Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 11:2 Spirit cf: Lk 3:21-23, Lk 4:1, Lk 4:18-19 cf: Isaiah 61:1ff, Isaiah 1:3 fear cf: Hebrews 5:7, judge cf: Romans 2:16, Isaiah 11:4 righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14, poor & Meek cf: Matthew 5:3ff, rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, II Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf: Matthew 18:3-4, Isaiah 11:7-9 Holy Mountain what Mountain cf: Isaiah 2:2, I Timothy 3:15; Isaiah 11:10 Paul quotes in Romans 15:12 showing this prophecy is fulfilled the Lamb has already laid down with the lion. Root of Jesse cf: Revelations 5:5 & Revelations 22:16, Isaiah 11:11-12 the first captivity was the Exodus, the second captivity was the Babylonian that ended in 536 BC some time after that God is saying He will establish this Peaceful Kingdom. Isaiah 11:15 tongue descriptive of the 7 streams that the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. Isaiah 11:16 a highway cf: Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 40:3 whom all 4 Gospel writers quote as beginning with the preaching of John the Baptist.
The 5 Things We Are Taught To Do To Worship God
Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:1, Deuteronomy 6:4-16, Jehovah, a Being infinitely and eternally perfect, self-existent, and self-sufficient; Mk 12:28-32, Jn 4:23-24 Acts 2:42 & Hebrews 10:25. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12:1-15 & 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mk 14:15-26, Lk 22:13-20, I Corinthians 11:23-32, this do in remembrance of me; Acts 20:7. Preaching: Mk 16:15-16, preach the Gospel to Every Creature; I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14 & 4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, sing with the spirit; Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, Jms 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30. Praying: Lk18:1, We ought to always pray; Acts 2:42, Lk 11:1-13. Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; II Corinthians 9:6-9.
Lk 14:1 Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Whosoever will let him come, Lk 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelations 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Lk 14:15. Just another empty Pharisee hypocrite ritualistic saying. This man was at the Messianic banquet & didn't know it cf: Mk 1:14-15. Lk 14:16. A certain man is: obviously God, Bade Greek: kal-he-o. They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Lk 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7, God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalm 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Lk 14:18 They refused clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His Old Testament Prophets, Psalm 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought ground ridiculous. Lk 14:19 Another silly excuse, Lk 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Lk 14:21, Servant came, showed God these things, When? cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mk 16:15-16, Lk 14:22, There is always room for another, Jn 14:1-2, Lk14:23 Compel Greek "bend their arm till it aches" God is serious, let the great supper to be filled. Luke 14:24, Behold the graciousness & the severity of God. Worshiping God is our duty cf: Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42, & Jn 4:23-24. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15, 22-27 & 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mk 14:15-26, I Corinthians 11:23-32; Preaching: Mk 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5; Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 2:12, Jms 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30; Praying: Acts 2:42, Lk 11:1-13, & Giving: I Cor, 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9.
Holy Spirit
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit being given to believers after His glorification in Heaven John 7:37-39 cf: Isaiah 55:1 & 3, Jeremiah 2:13 & 17:13, Zechariah 12:10, 13:1 & 14:8, Ezekiel 47:1, 7 &12 cf: Revelations 2:7, 7:17, 22:1, 2 &17 Acts 2:38 promises the Spirit to all who are baptized. Acts 2:39 shows this promise is perpetual through the whole Christian Dispensation. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit I Corinthians 6:19. God dwells in the Church through His spirit I Corinthians 3:16-17 & we are a habitation of God through the Spirit Ephesians 2:21-22. Rom. 8:9 indicates if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. Things the Holy Spirit does in our lives: Study Romans 8 & Ephesians 3:16, Galatians 5:17, II Corinthians 3:18, fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23, I John 4:13 & Ephesians 1:13-14
Gifts of the Spirit
The nine miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are listed in I Corinthians 12:4-10. As we study the Book of Acts, we see that the apostles who were baptized with the Holy Spirit, were empowered to bestow these miraculous gifts to certain men by laying their hands on them cf: Acts 8:18. The first two men who were not apostles who worked miracles were, Stephen Acts 6:8, & Phillip Acts 8:6. When Samaria had received the Word of God, the apostles Peter & John went down & laid hands on them & imparted the Holy Spirit to them Acts 8:14-19. This could not be the indwelling Holy Spirit, for all Christians received that at their baptism cf: Acts 2:38-39. Why didn't Phillip impart these powers to them? He was not an apostle & therefore, could not impart miraculous gifts. When Paul laid his hands on those men of Ephesus, they were given the gift of tongues cf: Acts 19:1-6. It was not necessary to have the apostles come to the men of Ephesus because Paul was an apostle. These gifts were given until the New Testament revelation was complete. II Peter 1:3 indicates God "hath given us all things ...", so the revelation is complete. I Corinthians 13:8-10 Indicates these gifts shall vanish away. "When that which is perfect" Greek word "tellos" neuter noun, the Bible would be neuter, but Jesus is masculine. Then that which is in part shall be done away. These gifts passed away.
Promises to the Apostles
These chapters are often misunderstood because people pay no attention to the context. During this sermon pay attention to: 1. Who is speaking & 2. Who is being spoken to. It is Jesus' last night with His disciples, therefore, pay close attention when He says "you". He is speaking to the apostles, & He is not speaking to YOU the reader. When Jesus is speaking to you, the reader, he says "... he that", or "...a man" or "... any man". The Apostles were inspired and had special powers others do not have.
Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 3)
Ephesians 3:11 The one and only purpose that God in all ages & through all time purposed within Himself to save all by Jesus Christ our Lord. cf: I Timothy 1:9, Ephesians 3:12, Both Jew and Gentile can come boldly to God. Notice the definite article 'the' before faith it means the gospel the faith or the way. The pure religion established by Jesus Christ. Without the revelation of Christ we would not know of God's love. Philippians 1:1, 1:13, KJV use of "the palace," should be translated "praetorian", as used here, is reference to a body of men, not to a place; Despite this, opinion persists that such a view could be challenged & Palace intended because of Philippians 4:21-22. This surely indicates that the word was assuredly known "in the palace," whether or not verse 13 states the fact. 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1, It is clear that Paul based this appeal for unity upon all of the sacred elements of true Christianity & upon their highest & best impulses as human beings. & 5, where Paul presents Christ as the supreme example of unselfishness. Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14, press toward the mark for the prize; Colossians 1:2, Colossians 2:3-7, rooted in Him once & for all & built up continually. Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9, both the plan for salvation & the means of accomplishment have existed eternally; II Timothy 2:1 & 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Romans 6:3-6 teach how to get in Christ.
Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 2)
How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how get into Christ.
Is Being In Christ Essential for Salvation? (Part 1)
How important is being In Christ? Make a list of the blessings in Christ or in Him cf: John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26, Rom. 8:1, Rom. 8:38-39, Rom. 12:5; I Corinthians 1:30, I Corinthians 3:1, I Corinthians 4:15, I Corinthians 15:22; II Corinthians 1:20-21, II Corinthians 2:14, II Corinthians 3:14 , II Corinthians 5:17, 19 & 21; Galatians 1:22, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 1:4, 7, 10, 11 & 13, Ephesians 2:6, 10-14 & 19-22, Ephesians 3:6 & 10-12; Philippians 1:1, 14 & 26, Philippians 2:1 & 5 , Philippians 3:3, 9-10 & 14; Colossians 1:2 & 2, Colossians 2:3-7, Colossians 2:9-14; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; II Timothy 1:9 , II Timothy2:1& 10 All teach in Christ or in Him; Galatians 3:27 & Rom. 6:3-6 teach how get into Christ.
Is Baptism a Part of Salvation?
Baptism "for the remission of sins" is taught Acts 2:38-39. Our baptism is a reenactment of the Gospel cf: Rom. 6:1-4 cf: I Corinthians 15:1-4: Some who object say: "Baptism is a work & you can't be saved by works" Ephesians 2:8-9 But who does the working in believing cf: John 6:29 & who does the work in baptism Colossians 2:12. The Thief on the cross they say: Luke How was the Thief on the Cross Saved without being baptized? 3 Men Crucified - 1 Died in Sin, 1 Died to sin & 1 Died for Sin: Read: Luke 23:39-47 (1) Who said he wasn't baptized? cf: Mark 1:4-5. How did he know Jesus was sinless? How did he know about the Kingdom? How did he know Jesus was Lord? (2) The thief on the cross died under the Law of Moses, Hebrews 9:16- 17, & Christ was not yet dead when He pardoned him such as the pardoning of the sinful woman Luke 7:37-50 & the man Matthew 9:1-7. (3) You can't obey the Great Commission that's not yet given which was commanded 43 days later cf: Mark 16:15-16, examples of conversion Pentecost Acts 2:1-42; Samaria Act 8:3-13; Ethiopian eunuch Acts 8:26-40; Saul of Tarsus Acts 9, 22 & 26; Cornelius' House Acts 10:34-48; Lydia's household Acts 16:14-15; Philippian Jailor's household Acts 16:25-33; Many Corinthians Acts 18:1-8; Certain Disciples @ Ephesians Acts 19:1-5 an example that you can't be taught wrong & baptized right.. Baptism is into Christ cf: Rom. 6:3-6 & V:17, Galatians 3:27. I Peter 3:18-21.
The First Sermon (Part 2)
Result of preaching the 1st sermon: Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; destruction & the Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."
The First Sermon (Part 1)
A Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; coming destruction of Jerusalem judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10. Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf: Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, John 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf: Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 is point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Hebrew Messiah or Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel, Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing their wealth 2:47 baptized believers added by the Lord to "the Church."
Acts: The Ministry of Peter and Paul
Comparison of the Ministry of Peter & Paul in Acts
Peter - 1st part, Acts Chapter 2-12 | Paul - 2nd part, Acts Chapter 13-28 |
1st sermon Chapter 2 | 1st sermon Chapter 13 |
Lame healed Chapter 3 | Lame healed Chapter 14 |
Influence of shadow Chapter 5 | Influence of kerchief Chapter 19 |
Simon the Sorcerer Chapter 8 | Elymas the Sorcerer Chapter 13 |
Laying on of hands Chapter 8 | Laying on of hands Chapter 19 |
Peter worshipped Chapter 10 | Paul worshipped Chapter 14 |
Raised the dead Chapter 9 | Raised the dead Chapter 20 |
Imprisoned Chapter 12 | Imprisoned Chapter 28 |
On Pentecost The Apostles & The Apostles Only are Baptized with Holy Spirit Baptism of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Matthew 3:11-12, John the baptizer tells us it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father & they will have "power from on high" & in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 the vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle are listed, Apostles must be eye witnesses of the ministry death burial & resurrection of Jesus. Acts 1:26 & 2:1. Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "they were all with one accord" The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is: "Mathias & he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Thus "Apostles" is the antecedent of "they" in Acts 2:1 Many make the mistake thinking that the 120 in Acts 1:15 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "as of a rushing mighty wind" It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "cloven tongues like as of fire" Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles' speaking in tongues, languages.