Church of Christ
Gospel Preaching
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Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.
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2012 Sunday Gospel Sermons
by Kelly Lawson
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The Gospel of John 18:1-40
Jesus passes the brook Cedron, and goes to the garden of Gethsemane, John 18:1. Judas, having betrayed him, comes to the place with a troop of men to take him, John 18:2-3. Jesus addresses them as I AM, and they fall to the ground, John 18:4-6. He addresses them again, and Peter smites Malchus, John 18:7-11. They seize him and lead him away to Caiaphas, John 18:12-14. Peter follows to the palace of the high priest, John 18:15-18. The high priest questions Christ concerning his doctrine, and Jesus answers, and is smitten, John 18:19-23. Peter denies his Lord twice, John 18:24-27. Jesus is led to the judgment hall, and Pilate and the Jews converse about him, Jn 18:28-32. Pilate converses with Jesus, who informs him of the spiritual nature of his kingdom, Jn 18:33-37. Pilate returns to the Jews, and declares Christ to be innocent, 18:38. He seeks to discharge him, and the Jews clamour for his condemnation, 39-40.
The Gospel of John 17:1-26
Christ prays the Father to glorify him, John 17:1. In what eternal l consists, John 17:2-3. Shows that he has glorified his Father, by fulfilling his will upon earth, and revealing him to the disciples, John 17:4-8. Prays for them, that they may be preserved in unity and kept from evil, John 17:9-16. Prays for their sanctification, John 17:17-19. Prays also for those who should believe on him through their preaching, that they all might be brought into a state of unity, and finally brought to eternal glory, John 17:20-26.
The Gospel of John 16:1-33
Christ warns his disciples, and foretells the persecutions they should receive from the Jews, John 16:1-4. Foretells his death, and promises them the Comforter, John 16:5-7. Points out his operations among the Jews, and in the world, John 16:8-11. His peculiar influences on the souls of the disciples, John 16:12-15. Speaks figuratively of his death and resurrection, at which his disciples are puzzled, John 16:16-18. He explains and illustrates the whole by a similitude, John 16:19-22. Shows himself to be the Mediator between God and man, and that all prayers must be put up in his name, John 16:23-28. The disciples clearly comprehend his meaning and express their strong faith in him, John 16:29-30. He again foretells their persecution, and promises them his peace and support, John 16:31-33. A Study on the Holy Spirit impromptu
The Gospel of John 15:1-27
Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38
The Gospel of John 14:1-32
Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38
The Gospel of John 13:1-38
Christ washes the feet of His disciples, and gives them instructions concerting humility and charity, John 13:1-17. He tells them that one of them will betray Him, John 13:18-20. The disciples doubting of whom He spoke, Peter desires John to ask Him, John 13:21-25. Jesus shows that it is Judas Iscariot, John 13:26. Satan enters into Judas, and he rises up and leaves the company, John 13:27-30. Christ shows His approaching death, and commands His disciples to love one another, John 13:31-35. Peter, professing strong attachment to Christ, is informed of his denial. John 13:36-38
The Gospel of John 12:1-50
Jesus supper at the house of Lazarus, and Mary anoints his feet, John 12:1-3. Judas Iscariot finds fault, and reproves her, 4-6. Jesus vindicates Mary and reproves Judas, 7-8. The chief priests consult to put Lazarus to death, because through him many believed on Jesus, 9-11. He enters Jerusalem in triumph; the people meet him, and the Pharisees are troubled, 12-19. Greeks inquire after Jesus, 20-22. Our Lord's discourse on the subject, 23-26. Speaks of his passion, and is answered by a voice from heaven, 27,28. The people are astonished at the voice, and Jesus explains it to them, and foretells his death, 29-33. They question him concerning the perpetuity of the Messiah, and he instructs them, 34-36. Many believe not; and in them the saying of Isaiah is fulfilled, 37-41. Some of the chief rulers believe, but are afraid to confess him, 42,43. He proclaims himself the light of the world, and shows the danger of rejecting his words, 44-50.
The Gospel of John 11:1-5
Account of the sickness of Lazarus, John 11:1. His sisters Martha and Mary send for Christ, John 11:2. Our Lord's discourse with His disciples on this sickness and consequent death, John 11:3-16. He arrives at Bethany four days after the burying of Lazarus, John 11:17,18. Martha meets Christ-their conversation, John 11:19-27. She returns and Mary goes out to meet Him, in great distress, John 11:28-33. Christ comes to the grave-His conversation there, John 11:34-42. He raises Lazarus from the dead, John 11:43-46. The priests and Pharisees, hearing of this, hold a council, and plot His destruction, John 11:47,48. The remarkable prophecy of Caiaphas, and the consequent proceedings of the Jews, John 11:49-53. Jesus withdraws into a city called Ephraim, John 11:54. They lay wait for Him at the passover, John 11:55-67.
The Gospel of John 10:1-42
Christ speaks the parable of the sheepfold, John 10:1-6. Proclaims himself the door of the sheepfold, John 10:7-10, and the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep, John 10:11-18. The Jews are again divided, some revile and some vindicate our Lord, John 10:19-21. His discourse with the Jews at the temple, on the feast of dedication, John 10:22-29. Having asserted that he was one with the Father, the Jews attempt to stone him, John 10:30,31. He vindicates his conduct, and appeals to his works, John 10:32-38. They strive to apprehend him; he escapes, and retires beyond Jordan, John 10:39,40. Many resort to and believe on him there, John 10:41,42.
The Gospel of John 9:1-41
Isaiah the prophet foretold the Messiah would heal the blind, and work all manner of miracles, wonders and signs cf: Isaiah 35:ff. Account of the man who was born blind, John 9:1-5. Christ heals him, John 9:6-7. The man is questioned by his neighbors, John 9:8-12. He is brought to the Pharisees, who question him, John 9:13-17, and then his parents, John 9:18-23. They again interrogate the man, who, vindicating the conduct of Christ, is excommunicated by them, John 9:24-34. Jesus, hearing of the conduct of the Pharisees, afterwards finds the man, and reveals himself to him, John 9:35-38. He passes sentence on the obduracy and blindness of the Pharisees, John 9:39-41.
The Gospel of John 8:1-59
The story of the woman taken in adultery, John 8:1-11. Jesus declares himself the light of the world, John 8:12. The Pharisees cavil, John 8:13. Jesus answers, and shows his authority, John 8:14-20. He delivers a second discourse, in which he convicts them of sin, and foretells their dying in it, because of their unbelief, John 8:21-24. They question him; he answers, and foretells his own death, John 8:25-29. Many believe on him, in consequence of this last discourse, John 8:30. To whom he gives suitable advice, John 8:31, 32. The Jews again cavil, and plead the nobility and advantages of their birth, John 8:33. Jesus shows the vanity of their pretensions, and the wickedness of their hearts, John 8:34-47. They blaspheme, and Christ convicts and reproves them, and asserts his Divine nature, John 8:48-58. They attempt to stone him, John 8:59.
The Gospel of John 7:1-53
Jesus continues in Galilee, John 7:1. He is desired to go to the feast of tabernacles, John 7:2-5. His answer, John 7:6-9. He goes up, and the Jews seek him at the feast, John 7:10-13. He teaches in the temple, John 7:14-24. The Jews are confounded by his preaching, John 7:25-27. He continues to teach; they wish to slay him, John 7:28-30. Many of the people believe on him, John 7:31. The Pharisees murmur, and our Lord reasons with them, John 7:32-36. His preaching on the last day of the feast, John 7:37-39. The people are greatly divided in their opinions concerning him, John 7:40-44. The officers, who were sent by the Pharisees to take him, return, and because they did not bring him, their employers are offended, John 7:45-49. Nicodemus reasons with them, John 7:50-53.
The Gospel of John 6:1-71
Sea of Tiberias, & multitude follows, 1-4. He feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves, & 2 fishes, 5-13. They acknowledge him to be the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15ff, 14. They plan to force him to become king; He withdraws from the multitude, 15. Disciples take ship, go towards Capernaum, & are overtaken by a storm, 16-18. Christ comes, walking on water, 19-21. People take boats & follow him, 22-24. He reproves fleshly motives, 25-27. They profess desire to be instructed, 28. Christ preaches, & shows them He is the bread of life, & they who reject him are without excuse, 29-40. They are offended, 41,42. He asserts & illustrates His foregoing discourse, 43-51. They again protest & Christ gives further explanations, 52-59. Several disciples stumble at His assertion; unless they ate His flesh & drank His blood they could not have life, 60. He shows them that His words are to be spiritually understood, 61-65. Several withdraw from Him, 66. He questions the 12, whether they will forsake Him, & Peter answers for all, 67-69. Christ exposes Judas, 70, 71.
The Gospel of John 5:1-47
The man who had been diseased thirty-eight years healed on the Sabbath day, John 5:1-9. The Jews cavil, persecute Christ, and seek to kill him, because he had done this cure on the Sabbath, John 5:10-16. Our Lord vindicates his conduct, and shows, from the testimony of the Father, the Scriptures, John the Baptist, and his own works, that he came from God, to be the light and salvation of the world, John 5:17-39. He reproves the Jews for their obstinacy, John 5:40; hatred to God, John 5:41-42; pride, John 5:43-44; and disbelief of their own law, John 5:45-47.
The Gospel of John 4:1-45
Jesus finding that the Pharisees took offence at his making many disciples, leaves Judea to pass into Galilee, 4:1-3. And passing through Samaria comes to Sychar, and rests at Jacob's well, 4:4-6. While his disciples were gone to the city to buy meat, a woman of Samaria comes to draw water, with whom our Lord discourses at large on the spiritual nature of His religion, the perfection of the Divine nature, and the purity of his worship, 4:7-24. On His informing her that He was the Messiah, she leaves her pitcher, and goes to inform her townsmen, 4:25-30. His discourse with His disciples in her absence, 4:31-38. Many of the Samaritans believe on Him, 4:39-42; He stays two days with them, and goes into Galilee, 4:43-45. He comes to Cana, and heals the son of a nobleman, in consequence of which He believes on Him, with family, 4:46-54
The Gospel of John 3:1-36
The conversation between Nicodemus and our Lord, about the new birth and faith in his testimony, John 3:1-15 cf: Acts 2:38. The love of God, the source of human salvation, John 3:16. Who are condemned, and who are approved, John 3:17-21. Jesus and his disciples come to Judea, and baptize, John 3:22. John baptizes in AEnon, John 3:23-24. The disciples of John and the Pharisees dispute about purifying, John 3:25 The discourse between John and his disciples about Christ, in which the excellence, perfection, and privileges, of the Christian dispensation are pointed out, John 3:26-36.
Brother Kelly is a Guest Minister at Greenville Avenue Church of Christ.
The Gospel of John 2:1-26
The miracle at Cana in Galilee, where our Lord changed water into wine, John 2:1-11. He goes to Capernaum, John 2:12. He purges the temple at the feast of the Passover, John 2:13-17. The Jews require a miracle, as a proof that he had authority to do these things, John 2:18. In answer he refers to his own death and resurrection, John 2:19-22. Many believe on him while at the feast of the Passover, to whom Jesus would not trust himself, John 2:23-25.
The Gospel of John 1:1-47
The eternity of the Divine Logos, or Word of God, the dispenser of light and life, 1-5. The mission of John the Baptist, 6-13. The incarnation of the Logos or Word of God, 14. John's testimony concerning the Logos, 15-18. The priests and Levites question him concerning his mission and his baptism, 19-22. His answer, 23-28. His farther testimony on seeing Christ, 29-34. He points him out to two of his disciples, who thereupon follow Jesus, 35-37. Christ's address to them, 38,39. Andrew invites his brother, Simon Peter; Christ's address to him, 40-42. Christ calls Philip, and Philip invites Nathanael, 43-46. Christ's character of Nathanael, 47. A remarkable conversation between him and this disciples.
The Word Made Flesh THE PROLOGUE John 1:1-18
- The Word in Relation to God 1:1-2
- The Word in Relation to the World 1:3-5
- The Word in Relation to John the Baptist and the Jews 1:6-13
- The Word Made Flesh 1:14-18
Genesis 1:1 "In The Beginning God Created" Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing before that event cf: John 17:24; John 17:5; Ephesians 1:4; Titus 1:2 & 1I Timothy 1:9. God (Hebrew Eloheim) is a plural noun, and created (Hebrew barraw) is a singular verb, showing the Father, Genesis 1:1-3 The Word or Son, & the Holy Spirit were all involved in the creation. "Created" is to speak into existence out of nothing by Divine fiat: the Word of God Created. How? By faith Hebrews 11:3 & II Peter 3:7. What is God like? He is like Jesus. John 1:1-3. Who created the Universe? God The Word: Colossians 1:15-17 & Hebrews 1:1-14.
Zechariah's Prophecy of Living Waters
Where this lesson began: Genesis 1:1-3, Genesis 3:15 cf: Galatians 3:16, Genesis 4:25, Genesis 9:8-9, Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 22:17-18 cf: Galatians 3:16, Genesis 26:3-4, Genesis 28:12-14, Genesis 49:10-11, II Samuel 7:12-16, Psalm 22:1ff, Isaiah 53:1ff, Zechariah 13:1 A fountain (Hebrew maw-kote living water)to be opened for sin & uncleanness cf: Isaiah 55:1, Jeremiah 2:13 & Jeremiah 17:13, Ezekiel 47:1ff, John 4:10, John 7:37-39 living water means the coming Holy Spirit. We must be born again of water & Spirit John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38. Living Waters Revelation 7:17, Revelations 22:1-2 & V:17. Zechariah 13:6 Christ to be wounded in His hands John 20:26-29. Zechariah 13:7 The devil to smite the coming Christ cf: Matthew 26:31 the good shepherd John 10:11
Zechariah's Prophecy of Pentecost AD 30
Zechariah 12:10 Prophecy of pouring out the Spirit on Pentecost AD 30, following the death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ cf: Joel 2:28-32, Matthew 3:11, Acts 1:8 & Acts 2:1-47. When did the Jews ever pierce their God? Cf: John 19:34-37. Zechariah 13:1 A fountain (Hebrew maw-kote living water) to be opened for sin & uncleanness cf: Isaiah 55:1, Jeremiah 2:13 & Jeremiah 17:13, Ezekiel 47:1ff, John 4:10, John 7:37-39 living water means the coming Holy Spirit. We must be born again of water & Spirit John 3:3-5 & Acts 2:38. Living Waters Revelation 7:17, Revelation 22:1-2 & V:17. Zechariah 13:6 Christ to be wounded in His hands John 20:26-29. Zechariah 13:7 The devil to smite the coming Christ cf: Matthew 26:31 the good shepherd John 10:11
Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver
Judas sells his Lord for money cf: Zechariah 11:7-17 "Beauty - Covenant" God had to die to break covenant cf: Colossians 2:14 & Jeremiah 31:31ff; The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark 14:1-2 cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing of Jesus at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells His Lord for snitch money 30 pieces of silver the price of a slave Mark 14:10-11 cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-10 & Acts 1:15-20 both are the end of Judas he hung himself & finally fell down upon the rocks & busted like a watermelon. Zechariah 12:10 cf: John 19:31-36 cf: Exodus 12:46; Zechariah 13:1 cf: John 3:1-8 cf: Acts 2:38, Zechariah 13:6-9 cf: Matthew 26:31
Jesus Triumphal Entry: Zechariah 9:9
Matthew 21:1-46: Christ rides into Jerusalem upon an ass, in fulfillment of the prophecy of: Genesis 49:10-11 & Zechariah 9:9; He Expels money changers, Matthew 21:12 in fulfillment of Malachi 3:1-7, blind & lame healed, Matthew 21:14 cf: Isaiah 35:5, Parables of 2 sons & vineyard Matthew 21:28-41, Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem: Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mark 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Zechariah 9:9-11, Psalm 118:25-26 & Malachi 3:1-5; The Barren Fig Tree Cursed. Mark 11:12-14 cf: Hosea 9:10, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 7:15-20, Jeremiah 11:1-3, Isaiah 65:15; The Second Cleansing of the Temple. Mark 11:15-16 cf: Jeremiah 7:30, Ezekiel 8:15-18, Isaiah 52:11 & Isaiah 56:7; Indignation of the Jewish Rulers. Mark 11:17-19 cf: Psalm 69:9, John 11:47-50; Faith, The missing Figs of Israel. Mark 11:20-26
The Prophecies of Christ in Zechariah 3 & 6
"Filthy Garments" cf: Isaiah 64:6, None righteous cf: Romans 3:10-19, Isaiah 61:10 & Luke 15:22; Zechariah 3:9 "The Stone" cf: Daniel 2:35, Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 8:13-14, I Peter 2:1ff, Romans 9:32 & Acts 4:9-12. Priest & King will one day be united cf: Zechariah 6:11-13, Branch a figure of speech for Christ. This coming Kingdom will be peaceful cf: Isaiah 11:1-10 cf: Romans 15:12, Jeremiah 23:5ff, Jeremiah 33:15-16 "Throne". Jesus was raised from dead to sit on David's throne cf: Acts 2:29-30; Jeremiah 33:17 cf: Jeremiah 22:30 No child of evil King Jehoiakim will ever sit on David's throne, how then could Christ be born through David II Samuel 7:12-16? Cf Matthew 1:6 &11 through Joseph His step father cf: Luke 3:31 through Mary Jesus mother. Jeremiah 33:18 The King will be a Priest too Hebrews 4:13-16
Jeremiah, Jerusalem 70Yrs Captivity & Daniel, 70 Sabbath Yrs & Messiah
Jeremiah prophesizes 70 years of captivity cf Jeremiah 25:11-14 & 29:10 & II Chronicles 36:21 Daniel 9:1 Change of power caused Daniel to search the scriptures. The angel explains to Daniel, Daniel 9:24 These verses are dealing with the first coming of Christ not His second coming. Note Isaiah 53 says the Messiah will accomplish the same redemptive works found in this verse by sacrificing Himself for transgression cf: Isaiah 53:5, 8 &12, sin cf: Isaiah 53:10 & 12 iniquity cf: Isaiah 53:5, 6 &11. Additionally the Messiah is to bring in "everlasting righteousness" referring to the gospel and the church dispensation cf: Romans 1:16-17 & Romans 3:21-26.
Opening A | Opening B | Opening C | Opening D | Opening E | Opening F | Opening G |
Opening H | Opening I | Opening J | Opening K | Opening L | Opening M |
5 Things we do to Worship God on The Lord's Day
Worship Summaries: Acts 2:42, John 4:23-24, Hebrews 10:25.
1. Lord's Supper: Exodus 12: 1-15,
22-27& 29-30, Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:15-26, Luke 22:13-20 & I
Corinthians 11:23-32.
2. Preaching: Mark 16:15-16, I Corinthians 1:18, II
Timothy 2:2 & 3:14-4:5.
3. Singing: Matthew 26:30, I Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16,
Hebrews 2:12, James 5:13 & II Chronicles 29:25-30.
4. Praying: Acts 2:42, Luke 11:1-13.
5. Giving: I Corinthians 16:1-2 & II Corinthians 9:6-9.
I Do Not Praise You
"I Do Not Praise You" - I Corinthians 11:17-34
False Doctrine of the Sinner's Prayer
The "Sinner's Prayer" : "Heavenly Father, I know I've sinned
against you and that my sins separate me from you. I am truly sorry. I now
want to turn away from my sinful past and turn to you for forgiveness.
Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that Your Son,
Jesus Christ, died for my sins, that He was raised from the dead, is alive,
and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become my Savior and the Lord of my
life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your
Holy Spirit to help me obey You and to convict me when I sin. I pledge to
grow in grace and knowledge of you. My greatest purpose in life is to follow
your example and do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I
pray, Amen."
1. Romans 10:13
2. Romans 10:9-18 3. Romans 1:16 4. I Corinthians 15:1-4 5. Acts 2:1-42 6. Joel 2:28-32
7. Acts 8:3-13 8. Acts 8:26-40 9. Acts 10:34-48 10. Acts 16:14-23 11. Acts
16:25-33 12. Acts 18:1-8 13. Acts 19:16
Hear: Romans 10:17 - So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God
Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to
please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he
is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Repent: Luke 13:31 - I
tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Matthew 10:32 - Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I
confess also before the Father which is in heaven.
Baptism: Mark
16:15-16 - And he said to them, go ye into the world and preach the Gospel to
every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he
that believed not shall be damned.
Remain faithful: John 8:31 - Then
said Jesus to the Jews which believed on him, if you continue in my word,
then ye shall know the truth and the trout shall make you free.
Revelation 3:20-22.
Passover and Pentecost: Christ and the Church
Exodus 12:1-30 God's institution of the Lord's Passover; Leviticus 23:1-17 Feast of the first fruits of the wheat harvest ( Pentecost) cf Exodus 34:22; Genesis 4:1-5 Abel offers the firstling of the flock and Cain offers of the fruit of the ground. Why did God respect Abel's offering and not Cain's? Matthew 23:35 Abel was righteous and faithful cf Hebrews 11:4. Therefore Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain; John 3:12 Cain was evil and wicked. Would Cain's offering have been accepted if his works were good? Malachi 3:3 (1-3); If he offered the first fruits? Leviticus 5:11 (7-13) concerning sin offerings cf Leviticus 2:1ff concerning meat offerings. Matthew 5:23-24; Genesis 4:8 Cain kills Abel; I Corinthians 5:7 Passover signifies Christ. Matthew 16:13-18 Jesus foretells of the church; Acts 2:1ff Pentecost, the Holy Spirit poured out, church begins, first fruits; Why do we worship on Sunday? The Church established/began on Sunday cf Acts 20:7
The New Covenant & The Church of Christ
The New Covenant & The Church of Christ - Jeremiah 31:15 cf: Matthew 2:17; Jeremiah 31:16 Captivity for Judah Jeremiah 31:21 cf: Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 31:27 Promise of Return from Captivity; Jeremiah 31:28 God to Build Up; Jeremiah 31:29 The Fathers ate sour grapes (forbidden fruit) Children's teeth set on edge (Children being punished for the sins of the fathers); Jeremiah 31:30 cf: Matthew 23:30-36; Jeremiah 31:31 cf: Matthew 26:26-30; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Exodus 19:3-8 cf: Matthew 13:44 & I Peter 2:5ff; Jeremiah 31:32 cf: Hosea 1:2ff Idolatry Spiritual Adultery; Jeremiah 31:33 cf: II Corinthians 3:3 & Romans 12:1-2; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: John 3:1-5 Hebrews 8:3-13 & Acts 2:37-47; The Church is the Kingdom of God Acts 2:30; Jeremiah 31:34 cf: I John 3:20, Isaiah 1:18, 55:1-8 & John 6:37
The Lord's Anointed
Isaiah 61:1-11 In the Old Testament Prophets, Priests & Kings were anointed. The word anointed Hebrew Maw-shee-akh (Messiah) which we translate in the New Testament as Christ cf: Psalm 2:1ff, Christ the King Psalm 45:1ff, The Anointed one to be cut off Daniel 9:24-27; Jesus read Isaiah 61:1ff in His first sermon Luke 4:18-30. Note: Jesus left the word vengeance out when He reads Isaiah 61 in His first sermon & later explains that the vengeance will be in the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD cf: Luke 21:22, Acts 4:23ff; Acts 10:38ff shows us Christ was Anointed with the Holy Spirit cf: Hebrew 1:8-9; Now we are anointed with the Holy Spirit at our baptism Acts 2:38-39, thus we are anointed II Corinthians 1:21, not to work miracles see Romans 8 as an example of the Holy Spirit in us.
Isaiah 58:1-5
This elegant chapter contains severe reproof of the Jews on account of their vices, particularly their hypocrisy in practicing `and relying on outward ceremonies, such as fasting and bodily humiliation, without true repentance. Isaiah 58:6-7 The chapter then lays down a clear and comprehensive summary of the duties they owed to their fellow men. Isaiah 58:8-12 Great promises of happiness and prosperity are likewise promised to the performance of these duties in a variety of the most beautiful and striking images. Isaiah 58:13-14 Great temporal and spiritual blessedness of those who keep the Holy Sabbath day cf: Hebrews 10:25 Today we are commanded to assemble upon the first day of the week Acts 20:7.
Living Water and the Church of Christ
Isaiah 55:1-55:13 Isaiah 55:1 cf: Isaiah 35:6-7, Hebrew: maw-kote= living water cf: Jeremiah 2:13, Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 13:1 & V:6-7, cf: John 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39, Acts 2:37-47. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the suffering servants work. The invitation. Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mark 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 1:26. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, Isaiah 62:2 new name to be given when Gentiles obey Gospel , Isaiah 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26 Christians is the new name, Acts 4:12, and Romans 16:16 the Churches of Christ.
The Song of the Church of Christ in Prophecy
The Song of the Church of Christ in Prophecy Isaiah 54:1-55:13 Isaiah 54:1 Historically the Gentiles are pictured as barren versus Israel pictured as the married wife, cf: Galatians 4;27. Isaiah 54:2 Kick off your shoes & stay awhile cf: Hebrews 5:2. Isaiah 54:3-4 The growth of the Kingdom. Isaiah 54:5 The Lord will marry the Church. Isaiah 54:6-8 The Gentiles, pictured as a jilted woman. Isaiah 54:9 Is an illustration that God will cease the universal collective judgment of the Gentiles. Isaiah 54:10 God has entered into a covenant of peace with the Church, cf: Romans 5:1. Isaiah 54:11-12 The beauty of the Church is described as precious stones, cf: Revelations 21:9-21. Isaiah 54:13 All taught of God, cf: Jn 6:45. Isaiah 54:14 The righteousness of God, cf: Romans 1:16-17. Isaiah 54:15-17 cf: Psalm 91, Romans 8:31ff & Hebrews 13:6. The Suffering Servant's invitation to all world enter His Kingdom & share in His blessings. Isaiah 55:1 cf: Jn 4:10-14 & John 7:37-39. Isaiah 55:2-3 cf: Acts 13:34. Isaiah 55:4-5 The result of the Messiah's work. The invitation. Isaiah 55:6-7 is man's job. Isaiah 55:8-9 The incomprehensible purposes of God. Isaiah 55:10 Blessings upon the Church. Isaiah 55:11 The word will bear fruit, cf: Isaiah 8:20 & Mk 16:15-16. Isaiah 55:12 The Jews to return from the Babylonian captivity with peace, cf: Psalm 126:1ff. Isaiah 55:13 The Lord will give the Church a new name, cf: Isaiah 56:5, 62:2, 65:15, Acts 11:1, 26, 4:12, Romans 16:16.
The Suffering Servant of God: Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Jews claim Isaiah 53 is talking about suffering of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, the personal pronoun "He" is used 18 times, "His" is used 13 times, & "Him" is used 10 times, which means God used personal pronouns 41 times to prove this coming Messiah will suffer for the sins of the people. Furthermore, He is contrasted to the people in v 8. Isaiah 53:1A, Paul quotes this verse in Rom. 10:16, & says Isaiah is talking about Jesus. Arm of the Lord means saving power of God, Isaiah 53:1B, cf: Exodus 6:6. Christ's vicarious atonement Isaiah 53:2-4. Stripes Isaiah 53:5 cf: Matthew 27:26, All are sinners Isaiah 53:6, cf: Romans 3:10-20. Opened not His mouth Isaiah 53:7, cf John 19:10. Isaiah 53:8 Prison cf: Matthew 27:27-29, "Judgment" cf: Matthew 27:19, He is to be Killed, Isaiah 53:8. He is crucified with "Wicked" cf: Matthew 27:38. Isaiah 53:9A. Buried rich man's tomb, Isaiah 53:9B, Matthew 27:57-60. God will see His "seed or child, & prolong His days, Isaiah 53:10, How? When He has been killed in v 8, buried in v 9 ? God will resurrect Him from the Grave, Genesis 3:15 & Galatians 3:16, Because of His atonement, He is now called a righteous Servant, Isaiah 53:11, cf: II Corinthians 5:21, who will justify many & Rom. 3:21ff. Isaiah 53:12, there is just one mediator between God and men I Timothy 2:5.
Resurrection: Luke 24
The women coming early to the sepulcher on the first day of the week, bringing spices, find stone rolled away, & the empty tomb, 1-3. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's Resurrection. 4-8 The women return & tell the eleven disciples, 9-10. Disciples believe not, but Peter goes & examines the tomb, 11-12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, & talks with them, 13-29. While they are eating together, He makes Himself known, & disappears, 30-31 They return to Jerusalem, & announce His resurrection to the rest of the disciples, 32-35. Jesus Himself appears to them, & gives them many infallible proofs of the reality of His resurrection, 36-43. He preaches to them, & gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, 44-49. He takes them to Bethany, ascends to heaven in their sight, 50-51. They worship Him, & return to Jerusalem, 52-53.
The Coming Servant: Isaiah 49-52
Isaiah 42:19, Isaiah 43:10-11, Isaiah43:18-21, Isaiah 44:6-8, Cyrus Isaiah 45:1 & 4, Isaiah 46:3-4 &12-13. Isaiah 49:1 cf: Luke 1:31-33 & Matthew 1:18-21, Isaiah 49:2 cf: Mark 13:31, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Isaiah 42:3 cf: Luke 22:24-27, Isaiah 42:4-6 cf: Acts 13:47, Isaiah 49:7-8 cf: II Corinthians 6:2 & Isaiah 49:13 & 16. Isaiah 50:4 cf: Matthew 22:41-46 & weary cf: Matthew 11:28-30. Isaiah 50:5-6 smiters cf: Matthew 27:26, spitting cf: Matthew 26:66-68, Isaiah 50:7 flint cf: Luke 9:51 cf: Ezekiel 3:7-11, Isaiah 51:5-8 cf: Jude 3. Isaiah 52:3 cf: Isaiah55:1, Isaiah 52:7 preaching cf: Romans 10:7, Isaiah 52:8-11 cf: II Corinthians 6:17, Isaiah 52:13 be very high cf: John 3:14, 8:28 & 12:32, Isaiah 52:14-15 cf: Romans 15:21.
The Servant's Song: Isaiah 42
Isaiah 35 God's judgments have made Israel & Judah a wilderness. 35:2 with the coming of the Messiah the wilderness will blossom with the glory of the Lord. 35:3 too weak to work or fight, unable to stand or walk from fear of Assyria cf: Hebrews12:12. Isaiah 35:4 vengeance cf: Lk. 21:20-22 cf: Acts 8:1 & II Thessalonians 1:6-8 save you cf: Lk. 19:10. Isaiah 35:5 Eyes of the blind & ears of the deaf cf: Matthew9:27-31, John 9:1-7, John 9:14-25 & Mark 7:32-35. Isaiah 35:6 lame man leap John 5:2-15 & Acts 3:1-9. Matthew 11:2-6. John 7:37-39. Isaiah 35:7 cf: Isaiah 34:13. Isaiah 35:8 Jeremiah 6:16. Isaiah 35:9 cf: I Peter 5:8-9. Isaiah 35:10 Zion cf: Hebrews 12:22-24 sorrow Revelations 21:4
The Signs of the Messiah: Isaiah 35
Isaiah 35 God's judgments have made Israel & Judah a wilderness. 35:2 with the coming of the Messiah the wilderness will blossom with the glory of the Lord. 35:3 too weak to work or fight, unable to stand or walk from fear of Assyria cf: Hebrews12:12. Isaiah 35:4 vengeance cf: Lk. 21:20-22 cf: Acts 8:1 & II Thessalonians 1:6-8 save you cf: Lk. 19:10. Isaiah 35:5 Eyes of the blind & ears of the deaf cf: Matthew9:27-31, John 9:1-7, John 9:14-25 & Mark 7:32-35. Isaiah 35:6 lame man leap John 5:2-15 & Acts 3:1-9. Matthew 11:2-6. John 7:37-39. Isaiah 35:7 cf: Isaiah 34:13. Isaiah 35:8 Jeremiah 6:16. Isaiah 35:9 cf: I Peter 5:8-9. Isaiah 35:10 Zion cf: Hebrews 12:22-24 sorrow Revelations 21:4
Christ a Sure Foundation and a Corner Stone: Isaiah 28:16
cf: Ephesians 2:19-22. Isaiah 8:13-16 Christ shall be a sanctuary for some, but a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence for others cf: Romans 9:32-33. Psalms 118:18-23 Christ a cornerstone will be refused by the Jews but become the head stone of the corner cf: Matthew 21:28-46. Peter speaking under inspiration tells us we are tracking these verses correctly cf: Acts 4:7-13, Jesus is the stone. I Peter takes these Old Testament passages and again teaches Jesus is the corner stone cf: Peter 2:1-10.
I & II Kings
1. The reign of King Solomon 2. Division of the kingdom and the parallel history of the two kingdoms of Judah & Israel. 3. The destruction of Israel by Assyria. 4. History of Judah to the Babylonian captivity. I Kings opens with the Hebrew nation in its glory & II Kings closes with the nation in ruin. By I Kings 12 The kingdom had lasted a hundred and twenty years. Saul ruled for forty years, David forty years and Solomon forty years. After the death of Solomon the kingdom was divided. The Ten tribe forming the Northern Kingdom called Israel. Judah and Benjamin formed the southern kingdom called Judah. The Northern kingdom lasted over two hundred years and was destroyed by Assyria in 721 BC. The Southern kingdom lasted a little over three hundred years and was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC.
David's Beatitudes
Blessed is the man ... whose delight is in the Law of the Lord Psalm 1:1ff; Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him Psalm 2:12; Blessed is he whose Transgression is forgiven Psalm 32:1; Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord Psalm 33:12 cf: Psalm 9:17; Blessed is the man that takes Refuge in the Lord Psalm 34:8; Blessed is he who considers the Poor Psalm 41:1; Blessed are they that Dwell in the Lord's House Psalm 84:4; Blessed is the man whose Strength is in the Lord Psalm 84:5; Blessed is the man whom Thou Chastenest, O Lord Psalm 94:12 cf: Hebrews 12:4-11; Blessed is He who fears the Lord Psalm 112:1; Blessed are they that Keep His Testimonies, that seek Him with the Whole Heart Psalm 119:2. Psalm 91 A Hymn of Trust One of the best Loved Magnificent Psalms. Amaizing promises of security to those who Trust God. Read it Often.
Prophecies of Christ in the Psalms
Psalms which New Testament declares refer to Christ. "Thou art My Son: this day have I begotten Thee" Psalm 2:7cf: Acts 13:33. "Thou hast put all things under His feet" Psalm 8:6 cf: Hebrews 2:6-10."Thou wilt not leave My soul in Hades: neither wilt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see corruption" Psalm 16:10 cf: Acts 2:27."My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Psalm 22:1 cf: Matthew 27:46. "He trusted in God, let God deliver Him" Psalm 22:8 cf: Matthew 27:43. "They pierced my hands and feet" Psalm 22:16 cf: John 20:25. "They part My garments among them; and upon My vesture did they cast lots Psalm 22:18 cf: John 19:24. "Lo, I am come to do Thy will, O God" Psalm 40:7,8 cf: Hebrews 10:7. "Thy Throne, O God, is Forever and Ever" Psalm 45:6 cf: Hebrews 1:8 "Zeal for Thy House hath eaten me up" Psalm 69:9 cf: John 2:17. "They gave me gall, and in My Thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink Psalm 69:21 cf: Matthew27:34, 48. "His office (the Betrayer) let another take" Psalm 109:8 cf: Acts 1:20."Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord" Psalm 118:26 cf: Matthew 21:9. "My own familiar friend, who did eat My bread, lifted up his heel against Me" Psalm 41:9 cf: John 13:18. "The Lord said unto My Lord, Sit on My right hand till I make Thine enemies Thy footstool Psalm 110:1 cf: Matthew 22:44. "God has sworn, Thou art a Priest Forever after the order of Melchizedek" Psalm 110:4 cf: Hebrews 7:17.The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner" (Psalm 118:22 cf: Matthew 21:42.Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne" Psalm 132:11 CF: John 1:1 & 14 cf: Acts 2:30.
King David's Great Sin and Repentance
King David's seed (child or descendant) promised an eternal Kingdom II Samuel 7:12-16. David kills an innocent man to get his wife II Samuel 11:1-27; The Parable of Nathan the prophet to David: II Samuel 12:1-14 the enemies of the Lord blaspheme cf: Psalm 69:5-6; The figure of speech "You understood" in this Psalm when David repents cf: Psalm 51:1-10 cf: guard your heart Proverbs 4:23, Psalm 51:11-17 cf: humble yourself and be contrite Isaiah 57:15, Psalm 51:18-19, cf: Jesus said the men of Nineveh repented Matthew 12:38-41 so if we do what the men of Nineveh did we will repent and Jonah 3:3-10 teaches real repentance is turning from our evil way. Godly sorrow. II Corinthians 7:10. David Suffered greatly for his sin: Psalm 38:1-16 cf: Psalm 73:1-3, Psalm 38:16-18 cf: Psalm 32:1-6.
Psalm 69 King David & Christ
The Jews understood Scriptures as speaking to every generation, they have a special relevance to the time of the Messiah and the last days of the Jews. God promises punishment for David II Samuel 12:10. David describes how he feels, as shadow of Christ's suffering Psalm 69:1-4 they will hate the Messiah without cause cf: John 15:22-25. Psalm 69:5 David's suffering has caused self-examination II Corinthians 5:21.Psalm 69:6 cf: II Samuel 12:14. Psalm 69:7 shame of one, shame of all. Psalm 69:8 cf: John 7:2-5. Psalm 69:9 zeal cf: John 2:13-17 & reproaches substituted Romans 15:2-3. Psalm 69:10-12 cf: Matthew27:41-44. PSALM 69:13-21 symbolic of the brutal treatment Christ received gall cf: Matthew 27:34 & vinegar John 19:28-30. Their table became a snare Psalm 69:22 cf: Romans 11:7-10. Psalm 69:23-24 There was Enemies of David & Christ. Psalm 69:25 cf: Acts 1:20 cf: Psalm 109:8. Psalm 69:26-28 The enemies of God's elect and chosen have the wrath of God upon them. Psalm 69:29-34 David is impressive for knowing how to praise God in the midst of suffering. Psalm 69:35-36 although it sounds physical & geographic Zion is really Spiritual and it is a Spiritual Jerusalem we look for cf: Hebrews 12:22-24.
Prophecies of the Christ in the Psalms
Prophecies of the Christ in the Psalms: Refresh Psalm 2 in your mind. Psalm
8:1-2 Out of the mouth of babes cf: Matthew 21:16 & I Corinthians 1:27,
Why would God visit the descendants of men? Psalm 8:3-6 cf: Hebrews 2:6-9 &
Matthew 28:18. King David was a Prophet and he foresaw the resurrection of
Christ Psalm 16:8-10 cf: Acts 2:25-30. Psalm 16:11 Just one way to God cf:
Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39 & Matthew 7:13-14. Refresh Psalm
22 in your mind. Psalm 45:1-7 cf: Hebrews 1:3-12. Anointed cf: Luke
4:14-19, Acts 4:27 & Acts 10:38-41. Psalm 69:4 they will hate the Messiah
without cause cf: John 15:25, Psalm 69:9 cf: John 2:17. Gall & vinegar
Psalm 69:20-21 cf: Matthew 27:34 & John 19:28-30, Their table become a snare
Psalm 69:22
cf: Romans 11:7-9.
Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ (Part 2)
Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword and the peace we experience is Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 through our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians God will not be the cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse who was King David's father cf: Isaiah 27:6 Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 The Greek Thracian Sword, Metaphors of Christ Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 1:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12.
Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God & The Church of Christ (Part 1)
Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword and the peace we experience is Peace with God cf: Romans 5:1 through our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians God will not be the cause of our troubles cf: Isaiah 54:13-17. Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse who was King David's father cf: Isaiah 27:6 Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: Isaiah 49:2, Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 1:16, Revelations 2:12, I Thessalonians 2:8, Ephesians 6:17 The Greek Thracian Sword, Metaphors of Christ Coming in Judgment on Israel & Judah Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12.
The Peaceful Nature of the Kingdom of God
Isaiah 2:1-4 The Kingdom of God also known as the Church of Christ will conquer the world peacefully and not by the sword. In Isaiah 10 the prophet has described the destruction of the Assyrian Army under the imagery of a mighty forest of trees cut down & laid level with the ground by the axe wielded by the coming Messiah. In opposition to this image, He presents the Messiah as a great person who is the subject of this coming Chapter. Isaiah 11:1 The Messiah to be a descendant of Jesse who was King David's father. Branch is a metaphor for the coming Messiah cf: Jeremiah 23:5-6, Jeremiah 33:15-16, Zechariah 3:8-9, Zechariah 6:11-13 & John 19:5. Isaiah 11:2 Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 3:21-23, Luke 4:1 & 18-19. Isaiah 2:3 the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7. He shall not Judge after the sight of His eves cf: Romans 2:16. Isaiah 11:4 Righteousness cf: Ephesians 6:14. The Poor & the Meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:3-10, Rod of His mouth & breath of His lips cf: I Thessalonians 2:8, Isaiah 11:5-6 little child cf; Matthew 18:3-4. Isaiah 11:7-9 holy mountain cf: Isaiah 2:1ff. Isaiah 11:10 cf: Rom. 15:12
Predictive Prophecy and the Kingdom of God
Predictive prophecy proves the inspiration of scripture. God challenges the false prophets to tell us of the past and tell us of the future cf: Isaiah 41:21-24, Only God knows the future Isaiah 42:9, There is only one God who tells the future: Isaiah 45:20-23 cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11, Isaiah 46:9-10 & Isaiah 48:3-7. God Promised King David to establish his Kingdom II Samuel 7:12-16, Isaiah 2:1-2 last days cf: Acts 2:16-17 & Hebrews 1:11-2, Lord's house cf: I Timothy 3:15, all nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16 & Acts 1:8. We will have a Divine Teacher Isaiah 2:3 He will teach us of His ways cf: John 6:45 & Hebrews 1:1-2. Isaiah 2:3 Out of Zion shall go forth the law cf; James 1:25 & James 2:8 Jesus taught this Royal law on Zion to the Jews cf: Matthew 22:34-40. Isaiah 2:3 The word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Luke 24:47 & Acts 1:8.