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Gospel Preaching
Old Time Exegesis Preaching that Teaches & Baptizes
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Exegesis (/ˌɛksəˈdʒiːsɪs/; from the Greek ἐξήγησις from ἐξηγεῖσθαι, "to lead out") is an explanation of a text, particularly a religious text. Traditionally the term was used primarily for work with the Bible; however, in modern usage "biblical exegesis" is used for greater specificity to distinguish it from any other broader critical text explanation. Exegesis is the expository investigation into the history and origins of the text, but may include the study of the historical and cultural backgrounds for the author, the text, and the original audience.
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2011 Sunday Gospel Sermons
by Kelly Lawson
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Who was Jesus? Was Jesus God?
Who Did Jesus Claim to Be?
Jesus - born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14-15, The child to be born is to be: ... The mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace Isaiah 9:6 He is the eternal Word (Logos) of God Made Flesh John 1:1-5 & 14. There is only one God Deuteronomy 6:4-5 the Shema in Hebrew means Hear in English. Isaiah 43:10-11 I AM Exodus 3:14, Jesus many times used the I AM Title (ego eimi) Which is the Sacred Name for God for Himself: "I am the light of the world" (John 8:12); "I am the way, the truth and the life" (John 14:6); "I am the only way to the Father" (John 14:6) "I am the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25); "I am the Good Shepherd" (John 10:11); "I am the door" (John 10:9); "I am the living bread" (John 6:51); "I am the true vine" (John 15:1ff); "I am the Alpha and Omega" Revelations 1:7,8). Did Jesus tell the truth? Are His words the words of a liar and a hypocrite? Was Jesus Crazy? Are His words the Words of a mad man? Then the only other Choice is He told the truth and Jesus is Who He claimed to be ... Just as His enemies heard His claims and did not want to believe Him, the Apostles heard His Claims and believed cf: Colossians 1:15-17 & Hebrews 1:1-14.
Report to the Church on our Works
The Lord Bless thee ... Numbers 6:24-26. We are a 116 year old, all volunteer Inner-city congregation of the Poor, the meek, the down-trodden and the homeless. We are dedicated to Preaching the Gospel to all the World believing we can do it and feeding the poor and homeless. Our Preaching Ministry is in accordance with Mark 16:15-16, II Timothy 2:2 & II Timothy 3:14 through II Timothy 4:5. Report on our Jail ministry which has taught & Baptized 849 so far this year. Report on our Inter-net ministry & our Web site with over 800,000 hits, down-loading over 100,000 sermons and many many thousands of Written Lessons per year. Report on our Radio Ministry: 1630AM North Texas, 1340 Radio Abilene, Texas. 1300AM Radio Nashville serving Tennessee, S. Kentucky & N. Alabama. Also we go out to most of the Earth on World Wide Christian Radio with over 2 Billion in our broadcast area. Report on our benevolence Ministry cf: I Corinthians 6:1-4 & Feeding the Poor Psalm 41:1-4 cf: Psalm 32:1-6. Is it scriptural to feed hungry on Church property? I Corinthians 11:18-22 & I Corinthians 11:34 cf: II Peter 2:13 & Jude 1:12 both written after speak of "love feasts" The Jerusalem Church fed cf: Acts 6:1--2 "daily ministration" was feeding. Matthew 25:31-36 sounds like Main Street. We even feed our enemies Romans 12:20-21. In 274 AD during a time of persecution of the Church, in order to expose Christians Aurelian Caesar proclaimed December 25th, the time of the winter solstice, as the birthday of the sun god Sol Invictus. To avoid persecution Christians simply decided to take the day off too & call it the Birth of Jesus. Christmas is a Catholic holiday not found in Bible. We have 52 holidays cf: Acts 20:7.
John the Baptist: The Forerunner of the Messiah
Prophecy of John the Baptist: cf: Isaiah 40:1-11, Malachi 3:1-3 & 4:5-6; Now after 400 years of silence the angel makes the Announcement to Zacharias about the birth of John the Baptist cf: Luke 1:5-25; The Angel Gabriel announcement to Mary about the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus the Christ cf: Luke 1:26-38; The Visit of Mary to Elisabeth Luke 1:39-40; The Prophecies of Elisabeth Cf: Luke 1:41-45 and Mary's song of exultation and praise cf: Luke 1:45-56; The Birth of John the Baptist cf: Luke 1:57-63; The Prophetic song of Zacharias John the Baptist's father cf: Luke 1:64-79; John as a Child was in the Deserts cf: Luke 1:8.
Christ's Virgin Birth to Sacrifice His Body for Sin
Virgin Birth to Sacrifice His Body for Sin - The seed (Child) of the
woman will walk all over Satan Genesis 3:15, He will enter the world through
a young Jewish virgin cf: Isaiah 7:14 Hebrew al-maw' a damsel from aw-iam
kept out of sight. Today non-believers say God used wrong word should have
used beth-oo-law to deflower a virgin but Mary remained a virgin until the
birth. God has used same word to describe a virgin before cf: Genesis 24:16
& 43. The eternal God of the universe stepped into human history when this
child was born cf: Isaiah 9:6-7 This messiah is the great I AM the self
existent one cf Exodus 3:14 & John 8:58 The mystery of our Lord's glorious
incarnation is found in the opening of the Gospel of John 1:1-5 & 14. His
birth makes possible the forgiveness of all sins. King David looked forward
to the day that God would create a body for the messiah to be a sin
offering. II Samuel 12:10-12, Psalm 51:1-3, Psalm 38:1-5 & 17-18, Psalm
32:1-6, Note the Progress of David's thinking:
"God could save me", "God would save me if I asked" & Now: "God has forgiven me!"
Psalm 40:1-8 Sacrifice of Messiah's body Promised: Cf: Hebrews 10:4-14,
Psalm 40:9-17 & Psalm 139:1-24 God's Glory, Majesty and Infinite Knowledge
of all things.
Psalm 22: Jesus' Resurrection & Our Resurrection
Job 19:23-25: Redeemer Hebrew gal-al, ransom buy back cf: I Peter 1:18-19; Job 19:25-27 stand Hebrew koom get up raise up; Psalm 22:1 A Prophecy by King David written about 1,000 BC fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:1-7 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 their words-fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:9-15 thrust fulfilled cf: John 19:28, to be brought to the dust of death for all mankind fulfilling Genesis 3:19; Psalm 22:16 dogs Hebrew keh-leb a punk or male prostitute; pierced hands and feet fulfilled cf: John 20:24-39; Psalm 22:17-18 cast lots fulfilled cf: John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:19-22 fulfilled each Lord's day cf: Hebrews 2:12 because of Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:23-26 shall live forever fulfilled John 11:25-26; Psalm 22:27-28 governor fulfilled Matthew 28:18:20; Psalm 22:29 fat upon the earth cf: Deuteronomy 32:14-15, Eat Worship - fulfilled Cf: John 18:28; Psalm 22:29 all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him to be fulfilled by YOU when you die cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 22:30 seed child cf: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:31 declare His righteousness Romans 1:16-17 & 3:21-26.
Psalm 2:1-12
This Psalm is Remarkable for it's Eloquent change of persons. It is like a heavenly stage play with different people who speak. Psalm 2:1-2 The Prophet Speaks and foretells of the coming Messiah or Christ. How do you know this prophecy is of Christ ? An inspired Apostle tells me, I am tracking this Psalm correctly cf: Acts 4:25 ff. Psalm 2:3 The Enemies Speak Psalm 2:4-5 The Prophet Answers the Enemies Cf Luke 21:20 Psalm 2:6 God Speaks cf: Hebrews 12:22. Psalm 2:7 The Messiah Speaks cf: Son Luke 1:31, Matthew 3:13ff, Matthew 17:5ff, II Peter 1:15, Acts 13:33, Romans 1:3-4, Hebrews 1:1-6 & Hebrews 5:5. Psalm 2:8-9 God Answers the Messiah cf: Revelation 2:27, Revelations 12:5 & Rev, 19:15 . Psalm 2:10-12 The Prophet encourages the Enemies to submit to God & His Messiah cf: Hebrews 6:1

The Seed of Woman or Messiah (Christ) to be a Prophet, a King & a Priest The Messiah foretold as a Prophet Deuteronomy 18:15-22 cf: Acts 3:22-26; The Messiah foretold as a King II Samuel 7:12-16 cf: Acts 2:30, I Corinthians 15:25, I Timothy 6:15, Revelations 1:5, 17:14 & 19:16; The Messiah foretold as a Priest: Zechariah said one Day the Priesthood and the Kingship would be United: Zechariah 6:11-13, Psalm 110:1-4 cf: Hebrews 2:17, Now, Christ is our eternal King & High Priest Hebrews 7:1-28 cf: Hebrews 4:14-16.
Invitation: 11 for prayers. November 13, 2011 Bulletin

Conquest Of Canaan Land & Now Into All The World Exodus 13:17-18, God knew the people were not war-like & made provision to deliver them. Numbers 14:29, The spies returned with a bad report, & the Children of Israel were cursed to the Wilderness for 40 years. Numbers 14:39-45, The Children of Israel changed their mind & tried to fight without God. Moses final sermon: The Children of Israel were to utterly the Canaanite's Temples of false worship, Deuteronomy 12:2-4 & Deuteronomy 12:30-32; Psalm 19:17 & Galatians 6:7-8; The Children of Israel are commanded to build an altar at Mount Ebal. Part of the people are to stand on Mount Gerizim & pronounce the blessings to the people, & part of the people are to stand on Mt Ebal & pronounce the curses to the people. Deuteronomy 27:1-26 & 28:1-68. The Word is very near; Deuteronomy 30:11-20 cf: Mark 16:15-16 & Romans 10:1-21
Invitation: 7 for prayers. October 30, 2011 Bulletin

The Parable of the Great Supper Luke 14:1 The Chief Pharisee gives a supper on the Sabbath day, Luke 14:2, a man dropsy Luke 14:3 a question of law for the Doctors of the law Luke 14:4 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 14:5 cf: Isaiah 35:4-10, Luke 14:7-10 A parable regarding social graces, Luke 14:11 Humble yourself, Luke 14:12-14, cf, I Peter 5:5, Whosoever will let him come, Luke 14:12-14 Who you should invite to a banquet, cf Isaiah 55:1, Revelation 22:17 & Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 14:15 Just a empty ritualistic saying, This man was at the Messianic banquet and didn't know it, cf Mark 1:14-15, Luke 14:16 A certain man is obviously God, Bade Greek kal-he-o They had replied RSVP cf: Exodus 24:7, & Joshua 1:16-17, Luke 14:17, Jesus is the servant, cf Isaiah 42:1-7, God has made divine preparation, cf: Psalms 31:19, Isaiah 64:4-7, Luke 14:18 They refused the clear call of God through Jesus His servant just as their fathers had all His O.T. Prophets, Psalms 81:11, Isaiah 65:12, Jeremiah 7:13, Isaiah 53:1, Bought ground ridiculous. Luke 14:19 Another silly excuse, Luke 14:20 A legal excuse cf Deuteronomy 24:5, Luke 14:21, Servant came and showed God these things, cf: Daniel 7:14-15 & Mark 16:15-16, Luke 14:22, There is always room for another, John 14:1-2, Luke 14:23, Compel, God is serious, let the great supper to be filled. Luke 14:24, Behold the graciousness and the severity of God.
Invitation: 9 for prayers. October 23, 2011 Bulletin

There Is No God But God & Jesus Is His Prophet, Not Mohammed Deuteronomy 18:9-14 God's people are not to practice false worship as false prophets Canaan land led their people into sin. Do not learn to do after abominations of nations cf: Isaiah 44:8 & 45:20-23. Deuteronomy 18:15 God promises to raise up a great prophet & law giver like Moses . This proves Hebrew nation is not God's final revelation but the Messiah will deliver final word from God. Deuteronomy18:16 -17 Representations of God was terribly frightening. Have you ever considered what it would be like to see God? Cf: Isaiah 6:5 & Luke 2:9. Deuteronomy 18:18 Again God says He will raise up a future Prophet like Moses, He will be National prophet twice: V:15 & 18 God says the prophet will come from among them, be a Hebrew , which leaves Mohammed out. He will be a Divine prophet & speak directly from God cf: John 7:16, 8:28 & Matthew 17:5. He will be a demanding prophet cf: Jeremiah 35:17, John 8:51 & 6:63. Deuteronomy 18:19 Your souls will depend upon listening to Him cf: John 12:48. Deuteronomy 18:20 To protect people God commands to put to death false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:21 A demonstrated prophet Matthew 7:15-16, I John 4:1-3 & Acts 17:11 Deuteronomy 18:22 Every word of a true prophet must come to pass cf I Kings 22:1-38. Prove Jesus is that Prophet: OK cf: Acts 3:22-23 The Inspired Apostles said He was!
Invitation: 4 Baptism & 12 for prayers. October 16, 2011 Bulletin

The Date of the Exodus / Wilderness & Christian Rest The Bible teaches early date of 1,446 to 1,447 BC for the Exodus, rather than ate date under Rameses the Great of 1,200 to 1,290 BC. The objections are use of Rameses Genesis 47:11, Exodus 12:37 & Numbers 33:3 & 5. These are updates of no longer used name. Scribal editorial updates of names gone out of use is common in Old Testament. Bethel (Hebrew beth = house, El = God) was not named Bethel until Jacob named it Genesis 28:19 later scibes edited text to Bethel Genesis 12:8 & 13:3 because the name had gone out of use. Dan was not named Dan until it was named by the Danites in Judges 18:29 but the text of Genesis 14:14 was later updated by a scribe to remove a name no one any longer used. Samaria was named Samaria by King Omri in I Kings 14:24 but later a scribe updated I Kings 13:32 to the new name Samaria. The Date of the Exodus : I Kings 6:1 Solomon reigned from 971BC to 931BC. 4th year Solomon is 971BC minus 4 years, equals 967 BC plus 480 years equals 1446 or 1,447 BC for the Exodus cf: Judges 11:26 Numbers 13 & 14 cf Psalm 95:7ff, Hebrews 3 & 4 Invitation: 8 for prayers. October 9, 2011 Bulletin

The Ten Commandments & The Covenant of Promise Deuteronomy 4:13, Exodus 19:5 , Matthew 22:37-40: 1st Command, Against Other Gods Exodus 20:2-3. 2nd Command, Against Making Or Worshipping Images Exodus 20:4-6, Deuteronomy 4:15. 3rd Command, Against False Swearing Blasphemy & Irreverent Use of God's Name Exodus 20:7. 4th Command, Against Breaking Sabbath & Idleness on Other Days of the Week Exodus 20:8-9, Genesis 2:2, Hebrews 4:9. 5th Command, Against Disrespect & Disobedience to Parents Exodus 20:12, Proverbs 3:9, Ephesians 6:2, Deuteronomy 5:16. 6th Command, Against Murder & Cruelty Exodus 20:13, Cf: Genesis 9:6, 1Jn 3:15. 7th Command, Against Adultery & Uncleanliness Exodus 20:14, Matthew 15:19. 8th Command, Against Stealing & Dishonesty Exodus 20:15. 9th Command, Against False Testimony & Perjury Exodus 20:16. 10th Command, Against Covetousness Exodus 20:17, Galatians 3:1-29. Romans 13:8-10 & I John 5:2-3 Invitation: 7 for prayers. October 2, 2011 Bulletin

Passover a Shadow of the Lord's Supper Hebrews8:5 & 10:1The Importance of taking the Lord's Supper every first day of the week will be explained in today's lesson. Exodus 12:1-51, Passover a shadow of the coming substitutional death, burial, & resurrection of Christ commemorated by The Lord's Supper. Cf: I Corinthians 5:7-8. Jesus eats the Passover with His disciples which is often called The Last Supper. Matthew 26:17-30; Mark's account of the Last Supper is Mark 14:22-26. Luke's account of the Last Supper is Luke 22:14-20. Jesus refers to eating His flesh & drinking His blood, John 6:53-58. The apostle Paul encourages the Corinthians to examine themselves & take The Lord's Supper properly, I Corinthians 11:17-33. The Early Church is described as continuing steadfastly in partaking of The Lord's Supper & they also assembled upon the first day of the week to break bread & partake of The Lord's Supper. Acts 20:7. Invitation: 2 Baptism &10 for prayers. September 25, 2011 Bulletin

Exodus From Egypt & 10 Plagues
Exodus 12:12 "against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgement"1. Exodus 7:20. Waters Nile turned to blood, Egyptians worshipped Anuket goddess of the Nile, name means giver life, lady ife. 2. Exodus 8:1. Plague of Frogs, Egyptians Heket, goddess fertility, depicted as naked woman with frogs head. 3. Exodus 8:16. Plague Lice, Geb Egyptian god over dust of earth. 4. Exodus 8:24. Grievous swarms of Flies, Khepri was the Egyptian god depicted with head of fly. 5. Exodus 10:3. Grievous pestilence on cattle, Hathor, Egyptian goddess over was depicted with head of cow. 6. Exodus 9:10 Plague of Boils, Isis, Egyptian goddess of medicine & peace. 7. Exodus 9:18 Plague of Hail, Nut, Egyptian goddess of the sky. 8. Exodus 10:12 Plague of Locusts, Seth, Egyptian god of storms & disorder. 9. Exodus 10:22 Blocking out of Sun, Ra was the sun god, most worshipped god in Egypt other than Pharaoh himself. God sent a darkness that could be felt, and this darkness was the complete absence of light. 10. Exodus 12:29. Slaying of the Firstborn, Pharaoh himself was worshipped as the actual son of Ra, manifest in the flesh.
Invitation: 2 Baptism &13 for prayers. September 18, 2011 Bulletin

The Messiah will come thru Judah and Judah will be the Kingly ruling tribe Genesis 49:8 cf Caleb Joshua 14:11 & Psalm 18:40. Genesis 49:9 cf: I Chronicles 14:17, the city of David was called Ariel the Lion of God cf: Isaiah 29:1 & the Lord is the Lion of the tribe of Judah Revelations 5:5. Genesis 49:10 scepter is what a King holds in his hand. Cf Psalm 45:6-7 & Hebrews 1:8-9. Cf. II Samuel 7:12-14. Lawgiver is authority carry out capital punishment. Shiloh the Messiah to Him who it belongs He will come meek and lowly riding on an ass and a colt cf: Zechariah 9:9, Matthew 21:1-17. Royal & Triumphal Entrance into Jerusalem - Mark 11 Official Entrance into Jerusalem. Mk 11:1-11 cf: Genesis 49:10-11, Revelations 19:11-16, Lawgiver cf: Isaiah 33:22 & James 4:12. UNTIL SHILOH COME the Jews had lost the authority to put anyone to death cf: John 18:31. Their Religious & political system ceased with the destruction of their city and temple. By then the apostles had preached the Gospel to the whole world Acts 1:8 & Romans 10:18. The Children of Israel were pictured as a vine cf: Psalm 80:8 & Isaiah 5:1ff. Vengeance to be inflected upon His enemies Genesis 49:11 cf Revelations 19:13 Genesis 49:12: Isaiah 55:1, 12:3, 8:6 John 7:37-39. Invitation: 2 Baptism & 9 for prayers. September 11, 2011 Bulletin

The Messiah to be Born Through Isaac & Jacob Esau was Isaac's firstborn, but God knowing before they were born the qualities of character of the two chose Jacob for the Messiah to come through Genesis 25:19-34 cf: Hebrews 12:15-17 & Romans 9:9-13 cf: Mal. 1:2-3. This is not Calvinistic predestination and becomes clear when you understand God said Romans 9:12 in 1,800BC & Romans 9:13 in 400BC. God renews the Abrahamic covenant to Isaac Genesis 26:3-4: Jacob's ladder in a dream Genesis 28:12 cf: Jesus taught He is that bridge between heaven & Earth. John 1:51. God renews the Abrahamic covenant through Jacob Genesis 28:13-22, Jacob wrestles with the angel at Peniel Genesis 32:24ff and is renamed Israel, God again appeared to Jacob at Padanaram & confirmed his name would be Israel & the Messiah would come thru him Genesis 35:9ff Joseph is sold into slavery for 20 pieces of silver Genesis 37:28. The changing price of slaves in the ancient world is reflected in the Bible cf: Exodus 21:32 & II Kings 15:20 Invitation: 3 Baptism & 13 for prayers. September 4, 2011 Bulletin

The Faith of Abraham and his Final Exam The call of Abram Genesis 12:1-3, Abram's journey to the promise land Genesis 12:3-8, God promises to make Abram fruitful Genesis 15:1-5, Abram believed the Lord and He counted it to him for righteousness Genesis 15:9, God establishes His covenant with Abram & changes his name to Abraham Genesis 17:1-7 God gives Abraham circumcision as a token of the covenant. God promised Abraham a son by Sarah and Abraham laughs Genesis 17:15-17, God tells Abraham to name the new promised son Isaac which means laughter in Hebrew, God makes His covenant w/Abraham through Isaac Genesis 17:19-21. God appeared to Abraham again Genesis 18:1ff and Sarah also laughs at the promise of God that she will bear a son Genesis 18:12. Abraham, God's friend Genesis 18:16ff, Abraham's kind of faith cf; Romans 4:17-22. The Lord visited Sarah Genesis 21:1-12 & promised Abraham: in Isaac shall thy seed be called. Abraham's Final Exam: Genesis 22:1-2 Mount Moriah cf: I Chronicles 21:15-22:1 where King David is to buy the threshing floor of Ornan & King Solomon is to build the temple II Chronicles 3:1 the trying of Abraham's faith cf: James 1:2-4. The faith that works Genesis 22:2-12, the faith that believes the Lord will provide Genesis 22:13-19 cf: Hebrews 11:17-19 Invitation: 7 for prayers. August 28, 2011 Bulletin

The Call of Abraham (Abram) The genealogy of Terah in order to introduce Abraham. Genesis 11:27-32, Ur means fire in Hebrew. Chaldeans means destruction in Hebrew. Haran means fruitlessness in Hebrew. Stephen said Abraham was called in Ur (Mesopotamia) before he went to Haran Acts 7:2-ff. The Promise given to Abraham was, personal, national & international Genesis 12:1-3. Abram journeys to the Promise Land Genesis 12:4-9. Shechem means the place of strength in Hebrew. Moreh means the place of instruction in Hebrew. Canaan means bow the knee in Hebrew. Bethel means the House of God in Hebrew. So these things become a Great Parable in the lives of all future believers and children of Abraham. Just as Abraham, we are called from: Fire, destruction and fruitlessness to a place of strength, a place of instruction, so that we might bow the knee and that place is the House of God. Abraham's journey of faith Hebrews 11:8-10 & Galatians 3:16 Abraham then goes into Egypt which is always a metaphor for the world and Satan. The Covenant of Promise Genesis 15:-17 cf: Romans 4:1-ff.
Invitation: 9 for prayers. August 21, 2011 Bulletin

The Nations & The Fall into Idolatry God's Covenant with Noah and his seed Genesis 9:1-29. The Generations of the Sons of Noah Genesis 10:1 - Genesis 11:9. Descendants of Japheth who went north, settled in the regions of the Black Sea and became the Indo-European nations Genesis 10:2-5. Descendants of Ham went south, settled the east coast of Africa, Canaan and Egypt. "Khen" an Egyptian god means Ham in Hebrew Genesis 10:6-20. The descendants of Shem became the central zone of nations Genesis 10:21-31. Shemites includes the Jews, Assyrians, Syrians and Elamites in the north Euphrates River valley. The Generations of Shem Genesis 11:10-26. From Shem to Abraham was 10 generations of 427 years. All the Nations of the world are given over to idolatry Cf: Romans 1:18-32, Isaiah 44:6-20 and Ephesians 2:11-22. Invitation: 6 for prayers. August 14, 2011 Bulletin

Noah and The Flood
Nephilim or Giants Transmission of the Genesis story - Methuselah lived 969 years Genesis 5:25-27, his life over-lapped Adams' by 243 years, Noah by 600 years and Seth by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the post flood world. Shem then lived till 75 years after Abraham entered the Promise Land. Date of Creation - Ussher's Chorological Order places date of creation @ 4,004 BC, The Septuagint (Greek O.T.) some 1,500 years earlier. The Hebrew Bible shows some 1,656 years between Creation & Flood. When was the Flood? If the Egyptian Kings List is correct the Septuagint date 5,500 BC less 1,656 years. If there is duplication in the Kings List then 4,004 BC less 1,656 years = 2,348 BC. Noah's Ark - approximately 450 feet long x 75 feet wide x 45 feet tall = 1,518,750 cubic feet, which is the storage capacity of 1,000 train box cars - an enormous ship. The Ringling Brothers Barman & Bailey Circus came to town in 56 box cars. Noah & the Flood Genesis 5:28 through Genesis 6:12 cf: Job 22:12-17 Genesis 6:12-9:17 Jesus Believed in Noah's Flood Cf: Matthew 24:34-39. The Hebrew writer and Noah - Hebrews 11:7, Peter taught of the flood - I Peter 3:19-21 & II Peter 2:4-9 Genesis 9:18-25 .
Invitation: 2 Baptism & 9 for prayers. August 7, 2011 Bulletin

The Seed or Child of a Woman to be Messiah
The Serpent Deceives Eve: Genesis 3:1-15; The Seed of Woman - Will walk all over Satan Cf: Galatians 3:16 & Galatians 4:4 Jesus Christ the only Seed of Woman Not Begotten of Man; Genesis 3:15 The Messiah - Christ will bruise Satan Cf: Psalm 91:13 & The Church will over come Satan too: Luke 10: 18-19 and Rom. 16:20; Genesis 3:15 Cf: Sin & Death came by Adam & Righteousness & Life Came by Christ Jesus: Rom. 5:10-19; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14-15; The Punishment of Mankind - The Loss of Paradise Genesis 3:15-24; Genesis 4:1-4 Cain (Hebrew - Striker) & Abel (Hebrew - Worth-less), Abel Sacrificed the blood of an innocent victim: Cf: Hebrews 11:4; I John 3:12; Genesis 4:5 Cain's Sacrifice was an attempt to worship God his own way--will worship- Colossians 2:23, Cf: Hebrews 9:22; Genesis 4:6-7 Cf; I Peter 5:8; Genesis 4:8-10 Cf; Hebrews 11-4; The Genealogies of the Sons & Daughters of men Genesis 4:11-24 Genesis 4:25-26 Seth (Hebrew - Substitute) (seed) is born and begins the Sethtic family line; Genesis 5:1-6 The Genealogies of the Sons of God through Genesis 6:8 Enoch the one example of Godly living Cf: Hebrews 11:5, II Kings 2:11-12, An example of our being caught up I Corinthians 15:50-55 & I Thessalonians 4:13-18
Invitation: 8 for prayers. July 31, 2011 Bulletin

In The Beginning God Created Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing before that event because: John 17:24 says: "there was love between the Father and the Son before", "in the beginning"; John 17:5 says :"the Father and the Son had Glory before", "in the beginning"; Ephesians 1:4 says: " He has chosen us In Him before", "in the beginning"; Titus 1:2 says: God promised eternal life before"," in the beginning' and 1I Timothy 1:9 says: " God's own purpose and Grace was In Christ before , " in the beginning". God Hebrew Eloheim is a plural noun and created Hebrew barraw is a singular verb showing the Father, The Word or Son & the Holy Spirit were all involved in the creation. Created is to speak into existence out of nothing by Divine fiat the Word of God created cf: John 1:1-18, How? By faith Hebrews 11:3 & II Peter 3:7. What is God like? He is like Jesus. Invitation: 2 Baptism & 10 for prayers. July 24, 2011 Bulletin

The Faith
The word "faith" is often applied subjectively to one's inner trust with reliance in Christ or God to save us or what one believes a synonym for "belief". But in other contexts, especially with the Greek article we translate with the word "the" ... "the faith" ... Greek: tees pisteoos it is used in the objective sense, meaning the body of truth, the whole system of religion that is taught, believed and practiced by New Testament Christians, the pattern for true Christianity. Christianity is contrasted with the Mosaic law system in. It is unfortunate that most translations drop the Article the in Galatians 3:23-27. We do not become the "children of God" by "the law" but by "the faith" "tees pisteoos". It is "the faith" because there is only "one faith" cf: Ephesians 4:4-5. The way, the path cf: Proverbs 4:18, Isaiah 35:8, Jeremiah 32:39 Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6 Luke 18:8, Jude 3, Acts 6:7, Acts 13:7-8, Acts 14:22, Acts 16:5, Acts 24:14, Romans 1:5, Romans 14:1, I Corinthians 16:13, II Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 1:23, Ephesians 4:5 & 13, Colossians 1:23, Titus 1:13, I Timothy 4:1, I Timothy 6:21, Philippians 1:27. This shows that in the New Testament times there was a clearly defined system of belief and practice which is identified over and over as "the faith".
Invitation: 11 for prayers. July 17, 2011 Bulletin

Speak where Bible Speaks / Silent where Silent: II Peter 1:3
Silence as a Rule of Language. II Timothy 2:2 How God wishes to be Obeyed-careful obedience Deuteronomy 2:4, 4:15, 6:17, 12:23, 24:8. Jesus obeyed Rule of Silence Jn 4:34, 5:19, 5:30, 5:36, 7:16, 8:26-29. Consci-entious obedience demonstrates love Jn 14:31, 16:12-13. Do not add to God's Word Deuteronomy 12:8, 4:2, 12:32, Proverbs 14:12, 30:5-6, Revelations 22:18-19. Early 2nd generation church fathers recognized this principle Didache 4:18 ...Adding nothing to it & taking nothing away.", Epistle of Barnabus 19:11 Thou shalt keep those things which thou hast received neither adding to them or taking away from them. Tertullian "Any doctrine not as old as the apostles is thereby condemned by the silence of Holy Scripture." When people act w/o Authority Leviticus 9:23-24, 10:1-3, I Samuel 13:8-14, 10:8, Leviticus 1:7, I Chr 13:9-10, 15:2, 15:12-15, Jeremiah 23:16, 23:26, 23:32-34, Matthew 15:14, Colossians 2:20-23, Acts 15:1-2 & 15:24, Hebrews 1:5. Jesus subjected Himself to the rules Hebrews 7:14, Exodus 28:1, II Jn 9. Never presume to act or speak in hushed silence of God Exodus 17:5, Numbers 20:8-12. Today, people in Change Movement ask, "Where does the Bible forbid us to do so?" II Peter 3:15-16. How could such men be learned in the Scripture?
Invitation: 14 for prayers. July 11, 2011 Bulletin

The Restoration Movement seeks to restore the church and the unification of all Christians cf: Jn 17:20-23 & I Corinthians 1:10, in a single body cf: Ephesians 1:22-23 & 4:3-6, patterned after New Testament church . We are neither Protestants, Catholics, or Jews, but Christians only Acts 11:26. The movement developed from several different efforts to return to apostolic Christianity. During Middle Ages dissenters such as John Wycliff & John Huss called for restoration of a primitive form of Christianity. At the heart of the Reformation was emphasis on "scripture alone" (sola scriptura). English Puritans also sought to restore a pure "primitive" church. Barton W Stone began at Cane Ridge, KY, & his group called themselves simply Christians cf: I Peter 4:16. Another group began in Penn & W Virginia & were led by Thomas Campbell & his son Alexander. They called themselves disciples of Christ. Elias Smith & James O'Kelly led similar groups. These groups sought to restore the whole Churches of Christ on the pattern set forth in the New Testament, II Peter 1:3, "we speak where the Bible speaks & are silent where the Bible is silent" & both groups believed that the creeds of men kept Christianity divided. In 1832 they joined in fellowship with a handshake. We are united in the belief that: Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God, Matthew 16:13ff that Christians should celebrate the Lords Supper on the first day of the week, Acts 20:7 & that immersion in water is a necessary condition for salvation, Mk 16:15-16, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-6 & Galatians 3:27. Invitation: 5 for prayers. July 3, 2011 Bulletin

Common Sense Questions Baptists Can't Answer
1st. They believe all men are BORN sinners, cf: Genesis 3:22-23, Ezekiel 18-20, Jeremiah 31:29-30, Galatians 4:4. 2nd. ONLY certain men saved, the rest damned, cf: Jn 3:16, Romans 2:11, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25 & I Peter 1:17, II Peter 3:9, Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:2-3, Jn 1:12. 3rd. They believe Jesus died ONLY for the elect, cf: I Jn 2:2. 4th. They believe Jesus was sinless ONLY because God was His father, cf: Hebrews 2:17. 5th. They believe faith is a gift ONLY to the elect often quoting Ephesians 2:8-9, cf: Romans 10:17, Jn 20:31, Hebrews 11:6. 6th. The believe Church is body BUT established as an afterthought, a substitute for Jewish Kingdom, cf: Acts 2:30-31. 7th. They believe in Baptism BUT they do not believe it is part of salvation, cf: Mar 16:16 , Acts 2:38. 8th. They believe in the Second Coming, cf: II Thessalonians 1:7-8, Hebrews 9:27-28 & Matthew 25:31ff. 9th. They believe the Church w/be raptured, cf: 10th. They believed one could have a second work of grace and then live and never sin, cf: 11th. They believe once saved, always saved, cf: I Corinthians 6:9ff, II Peter 1:9-10. 12th. They believe in taking Communion but not necessarily on the first day of the week, cf: Acts 20:7, Matthew 28:28.
Invitation: 4 Baptism & 8 for prayers. June 26, 2011 Bulletin

Church History Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in stamping out the wicked man made change of Roman Catholicism which was a great falling away from the faith found in the Bible. Ginger has cancer and they must cut it out this coming Wednesday in order to save her life. Not one bit of it can be left in her or she will die. It is the same with Romanisn Protestantism just didn't go far enough in cutting out every last vestage of Catholicism in which dwells the doctrines and traditions of men Matthew 15:8-9. John 6:63 & John 12:48. Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures. Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I John 2:18-19, Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences, built St Peter Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33. Greek Catholic split from Roman Catholic in 1054AD. They kept false doctrines of Rome except they have: No Popes, Priests may be married, & they have a cappella singing without instruments. 1384AD John Wycliffe produced hand written translations of the bible into common English based upon Jerome's Latin Vulgate translation. He died a natural death, but 44 years later under Pope Martin V, Wycliffe's bones were dug up & burned & scattered over the river Swift. Men who begin burning books will end up burning men. Tyndale burned at the stake in 1536 and many more followed. Invitation: 8 for prayers. June19, 2011 Bulletin

Church History-Great falling away-Catholics Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappas) or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7. Shortly Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures. Call no man Father cf: Matthew 23:9. Saved by grace not works cf: Ephesians 2:8. Mary not mediator between God & man cf: I Timothy 2:5. Ask in Jesus' name not Mary's cf: Jn 16:23-26. 'Our Father' & 'Hail Mary' vain repetitions cf: Matthew 6:7. Hell has no halfway house called Purgatory cf: Lk 16:19-31. No such thing as separate priesthood cf: I Peter 2:5. Bishops must be the husband of one wife cf: I Timothy 3:1-7 & Titus 1:5-8. Celibacy is a doctrine of devils cf: I Timothy 4:1-3, Pope is anti-christ cf: Colossians 1:18. Anti-christ has been here all along cf: I Jn 2:18-19, I Jn 4:1-3 & II Jn 1:7. Pope led great falling away & is man of sin cf: II Thessalonians 2:1-12. Rome sold indulgences & built St Peter Basilica making merchandise of people's sins cf: II Peter 2:2-33. Invitation: 1 Baptism & 7 for prayers. June12, 2011 Bulletin

Part 1: Russell Franz Youth Minister Grapevine Psalm 51 Part 2: Kelly Lawson Ephesians 1:1-22
This is the 3rd year our brethren from Grapevine have blessed us with Bar-B-Q Picnics. We are truly grateful for their loving kindness and support that makes our ministry to the poor and homeless in East Dallas possible. God knows that each month they help by providing support, food, clothing, coats, blankets, shoes and sox to poor, homeless and downtrodden. At Christmas they provide greatly for those with nothing. We at Main Street are thankful for their fellowship in this ministry & that they have opened their hearts to us. Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers. June 5, 2011 Bulletin

Church History-Catholic The history of man shows he soon departs from God's way. The first departure in the history of the church was how Churches were governed. God's plan was autonomous congregations cf; Daniel 2:44. Scripture also teaches elders/bishops have oversight of local congregations. I Timothy 3:1ff & Titus 1:5ff By 150AD men began to designate 1 man as a bishop & he was over an area of several churches called a diocese. Acts 20:28-30 ,I Peter 5:1-4 &Hebrews 13:17. Constantine ended the last persecution in 312AD & called a Church council at Nicea in 325AD. Bishops then adopted the first man made creed called the Nicean Creed. Catholic 606AD Boniface III took the title of Pope (pappa) or Universal Bishop of Roman Catholic Church. Colossians 1:18, Matthew16:16-18, II Timothy 2:15, Matthew 23:9, Ephesians 2:8. Matthew 6:7 Shortly Rome made laws: Latin to be only language of scriptures. Invitation: 2 Baptism & 6 for prayers. May 29, 2011 Bulletin

The Religion of Christ: Christianity Revealed Religion Hebrews 1:1-2, Only Divine Religion & therefore only True Religion Matt16:13-18, Romans 16:16. Christianity is a Universal Religion Matthew 28:18-20, Mk 16:15-16 & cf: Acts 14:8-15; Paul told men to turn from Idolatrous Worship @ Lystra. Christianity is a Spiritual Religion John 3:3-5 Demands you be born again Romans 6:4, that you walk in Newness of Life, presenting your bodies as living sacrifices Romans 12:1-2, & Worship must be in Spirit & Truth Jn 4:23-24. Christianity is a Saving Religion Lk 19:10, I Timothy 1:15, Christ did not come to bring social reform, or a New Age movement. Christianity is a Authoritative Religion. We cannot make up our own religion, we must submit to Christ. Christianity is a Complete Religion II Peter 1:4-10 The Religion invented by men borrows ideas, doctrines, ordinances & practices from one another. This shows they are human, unauthori-tative & imperfect. Christianity is the Final Religion Jude 3. The O.T. was temporary. Its lawgivers, priesthood, covenant, sacrifices, tabernacle & temple looked forward to the New Covenant Hebrews 8:7-13.
Invitation: 5 Baptism & 10 for prayers. May 22, 2011 Bulletin

Body of Christ, Bride of Christ & Divinity of the Church The Church is also described as Body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27, one body Romans 12:4-5. Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & Church of Christ is also described as Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17. Divinity of Church of Christ: Some people think all religions are of divine origin & are of equal value to salvation of your soul. Others recognize some religions are not divine nor capable of saving your soul. Anything God of heaven is responsible for, anything He has originated is divine. Divine figures of speech used to describe Church: Kingdom of God cf: Mark 9:1 & Colossians 1:13. Holy names of God & Christ are attached to Church I Corinthians 11:16 & Romans 16:16. Church Divinely established cf: Daniel 2:44 & Matthew 16:13-18. Church is Divine in ownership cf: Acts 20:28, Ephesians 5:25, I Corinthians 6:19-20 Jesus could call it "My Church" Matthew 16:18. Church has a Divine foundation I Corinthians 3:11 w/Jesus Christ Chief Cornerstone. Church has a Divine head Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 5:23-24, Matthew 28:18 & Ephesians 1:22 Church is the temple of God on earth Ephesians 2:21-22 It is to the Church God adds those being saved. Invitation: 3 Baptism & 12 for prayers. May 15, 2011 Bulletin

3 Figures of Speech Describing The Church of Christ: We have studied that the church is described as both the kingdom of God & the temple of God. The church is also described as the flock of God cf: The Messiah or Christ will be a gentle Shepherd Isaiah 40:10-11, The Lord will save the flock of His people Zechariah 9:9, 11 & 16, Beware: Matthew 7:15, Jesus quotes the prophet about Himself & the flock Matthew 26:31-32, Luke 12:32, Luke 15:4-5, John 10:1-18 & Acts 20:28 The Church is also described as the body of Christ cf: One body with many members I Corinthians 12:12-27, one body Romans 12:4-5, the Church is called the Body Ephesians 1:22-23, There is but one body therefore, one Church Ephesians 4:4, Ephesians 4:11-15 & Ephesians 5:23, Colossians 1:18 & Colossians 1:24 & the Church of Christ is also described as the Bride of Christ: Isaiah 62:2-5, II Corinthians 11:2, Revelations 19:7, Revelations 21:2 & Revelations 22:17 Invitation: 4 Baptism &11 for prayers. May 8, 2011 Bulletin

The Church of Christ is New Testament Temple of God Acts 2:37-47: God gave pattern for Old Testament temple I Chronicles 28:10-19; David wanted God to have a house I Chronicles 17:1-14; when it was built, God's presence, which had been manifested at the tabernacle, came to fill the temple I Kings 8:6-21; Old Testament temple was a shadow of New Covenant Hebrews 8:5 &10:1; there was a worldly sanctuary Hebrews 9:1 cf: I Peter 2:5, I Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19; Hebrews 9:2 there was a tabernacle cf: Exodus 25:8-9; wherein was the candlestick cf: Revelations 1:20 & Matthew 5:14 & Jn 8:12; & table of showbread cf: Leviticus 24:5-9, only priests could eat & only priests should eat from Lord's Table today cf: I Corinthians 11:23ff. Hebrews 9:3 second veil was torn at death of Christ cf: Matthew 27:51. Hebrews 9:4 golden censer of incense stood before veil cf: Leviticus 16:12, which was a shadow of prayers of saints now having direct access to God cf: Revelations 8:3-4 & 5:8. Hebrews 9:5-6 the first tabernacle was accomplished the service of God by the priesthood. We now have a priesthood of believers. cf: I Peter 2:5-9, Revelations 1:6. During Old Testament period God received blood sacrifices from dead animals. Since sacrifice of Christ Hebrews 9:11-12 God is pleased to receive our bodies as living sacrifices cf: Romans 12:1-2. Invitation: 4 Baptism & 10 for prayers. May 1, 2011 Bulletin

EASTER - JESUS' RESURRECTION - & Our Resurrection Job 19:23-25 redeemer Hebrew gal-al' ransom buy back cf: I Peter 1:18-19; Job 19:25-27 stand Hebrew koom get up raise up; Psalm 22:1 A Prophecy by King David written about 1,000 BC fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:45-46; Psalm 22:1-7 fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:39; Psalm 22:8 their words-fulfilled cf: Matthew 27:43; Psalm 22:9-15 thrust fulfilled cf: John 19:28, to be brought to the dust of death for all mankind fulfilling Genesis 3:19; Psalm 22:16 -dogs- Hebrew keh-leb a punk or male prostitute; pierced hands and feet--fulfilled cf: John 20:24-39; Psalm 22:17-18 cast lots fulfilled cf: John 19:23-24; Psalm 22:19-22 fulfilled each Lord's day cf: Hebrews 2:12 because of Matthew 18:20; Psalm 22:23-26 shall live forever fulfilled John 11:25-26; Psalm 22:27-28 governor fulfilled Matthew 28:18:20; Psalm 22:29 fat upon the earth cf: Deuteronomy 32:14-15, Eat Worship - fulfilled Cf: John 18:28; Psalm 22:29 all they that go down to the dust shall bow before Him--to be fulfilled by YOU when you die cf: Romans 14:11-12 & Philippians 2:9-11; Psalm 22:30 seed child cf: Genesis 3:15; Psalm 22:31 declare His righteousness Romans 1:16-17 & 3:21-26 Invitation: 12 for prayers. April 24, 2011 Bulletin

Pentecost-The Beginning of the Church of Christ Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:22-24 Greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points. Point of whole sermon Acts 2:36 "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ" Greek-Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37 How do we call upon the name of the Lord? Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. Acts 2:40-42 Worship began. Apostles doctrine cf: II Timothy 2:2, fellowship Greek-"Koinonia" (koy-nohn-ee`-ah) contributions regularly made in a public assembly for the poor cf: Romans 15:26, II Corinthians 9:13, II Corinthians 12:14; & also fellowship I Corinthians 1:9, I John 1:3 & 1:7, both meanings included in II Corinthians 8:4; breaking of bread (the Lord's Supper) cf: I Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-34 & Acts 20:7; all things common Acts 2:43-46 is sharing Isaiah 58:1-14, Matthew 25::31-36 & James 2:14-19; Acts 2:47 "the Lord added to the Church daily..." The Church is the Divine Plan of God from before the foundation of the world, established & built upon Christ Matthew 16:13ff, Invitation: 9 for prayers. April 17, 2011 Bulletin

Pentecost-The Kingdom of God Began The fellowship called "the Church" is born: Acts 2:17 The Last days are the last days of the Jews from 30 to 70 AD cf: Isaiah 2:1-4 Lord's house cf: I Timothy 3:15, All nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20; He will teach us cf: John 6:45; Out of Zion i.e. from the temple mount shall go forth the law cf: Matthew 22:37-40 Jesus taught this on the temple mount & it was taught by apostles cf: James 1:25 & 2:8; Word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Acts 1:8"Last Days" also means the whole Christian Age from 30AD until He comes cf Hebrews 1:1-2. Acts 2:36 Point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37; Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized: and both promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. Acts 2:39 Your children is the next generation and shows these conditions of Salvation are perpetual for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing cf: James 2:15-17; Acts 2:47 The Lord adds repentant baptized believers to "the Church." Invitation: 9 for prayers. April 10, 2011 Bulletin

Fellowship called "the Church" is born. Acts 2:17 Last days cf: Joel 2:28-32. Acts 2:20 "day of The Lord"; coming destruction of Jerusalem & final judgment day cf I Corinthians 5:5, II Corinthians 1:14, I Thessalonians 5:2, II Peter 3:10. During Christian Age "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". This chapter will teach us how to call. Acts 2:22-24 Greatest speech in history. Peter makes 7 points Acts 2:25 cf Psalm 16:8-11. Acts 2:26-28 cf Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 2:17, Jn 9:4. Acts 2:29-30 cf: Matthew 22:41:46, Psalm 132:11. Acts 2:31-35 cf Psalm 110:1. Acts 2:36 Point of whole sermon "Lord" Greek-Kurios, YHWH-Hebrew Unspeakable name of God, & "Christ"-Greek Christos, Anointed One. Acts 2:37 No faith was produced by demonstrations of the spirit Acts 2:1-21. Only with preaching of Gospel Acts 2:22-36 faith is produced. Cf Romans 10:17. Acts 2:38 contains 2 imperatives & 2 promises. Dependence of the clause, remission of sins, relies upon both imperative verbs, repent & be baptized. 2 promises, remission of sins & gift of Holy Spirit. 2:39 conditions are for whole Christian Age. 2:40-42 Worship began 2:43-46 sharing 2:47 repentant baptized believers added to "the Church."
Invitation: 5 for prayers. April 3, 2011 Bulletin

Pentecost--The Apostles are Baptized with Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:11-12, John tells it is to come. Luke 24:49 Jesus says it is a promise of the Father and they will have "power from on high" and in Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the power is "The Holy Ghost". Acts 1:20-26 The vacancy of Judas filled. Acts 1:21-22 The qualifications to be an apostle. Acts 1:26 & 2:1 Chapter & verse divisions were not in the original Bible. Here we have unfortunate chapter break. Acts 2:1 must be read with 1:26 to understand who's being spoken of. "... they were all with one accord..." The word "they" is an antecedent. Antecedents always refer back to the last-named noun. Which is "... Matthias: and he was numbered with the eleven apostles." Many make the mistake thinking the 120 is spoken of in Acts 2:1. Acts 2:2 "... as of a rushing mighty wind..." It was not a rushing mighty wind, it was the same sound. Acts 2:3 "... cloven tongues like as of fire..." Similarity denies that it is the same. It was not actual tongues of fire, it was "like as of fire". Acts 1:4 the result of this baptism is the apostles speaking in tongues, languages they had not studied. Acts 1:5 -21 cf: Joel 2:28-32.
Invitation: 1 Baptism & 9 for prayers. March 27, 2011 Bulletin

Peter - 1st part, Acts Chapter 2-12 |
Paul - 2nd part, Acts Chapter13-28 |
The job of apostle was to bear eyewitness testimony of the life, death, burial & resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. This they did as we read the book of Acts. cf Acts 1:21-22, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32, 10:39-41, 22:14-15, 23:11, 26:13-18. Also, II Peter 1:15-16 sums it up nicely.
Invitation: 13 for prayers. March 20, 2011 Bulletin

John 13, 14, 15 & 16 These chapters are often misunderstood because people pay no attention to the context. During this sermon pay attention to: 1. Who is speaking and 2. Who is being spoken to. It is Jesus' last night w/his disciples, therefore, pay close attention when He says 'you' . He is speaking to the apostles, and He is not speaking to YOU the reader. When Jesus is speaking to you, the reader, he says "...he...", "...a man..." or "...any man". Invitation: 8 for prayers. March 6, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Christ Commissions
His Apostles
Christ Commissions His Apostles Mk 16:14 Appears to Eleven &
Rebukes Their Unbelief Lk 24:36-43 & John 20:19-23. Mk 16:15-16 Gospel All the
World Matthew 28:18-20 & Lk 24:44-49, Acts 1:4-8. Mk 16:17 cf Mk 16:14-17 who is
the antecedent "them" in v:17? Cast out devils cf: Acts 5:16, tongues Acts
2:1-4, Mk 16:18 serpents cf: Genesis 3:15, Psalm 91:11-13, Lk 10:17-19, Acts 28:3-6 &
Romans 16:20, Hebrews 2:3-4, Mk 16:19 Received into Heaven Lk 24:51 & Acts 1:9, Psalm
110:1, Ephesians 1:19-20, Hebrews 1:3 & v13, Hebrews 10:12-13, Mk 16:20. Gospel preached
every where cf Matthew 24:14, prophecy Psalm 19:1-9, Romans 10:14-18, Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians
1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:7-8.
Invitation: 8 for prayers.
February 27, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Is Mark 16:9-20 Inspired Scripture
Is Mark 16:9-20 Inspired Scripture? Mark 16:1-4 Women at the
Tomb & the Empty Sepulcher. Mark 16:5-8 Message of the Angel. Mark 16:9 Mary
Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord cf Luke 8:2, John 20:1-18. Mark 16:10-11;
Message to the Disciples. Mark 16:12-13 Seen of Two Disciples at Emmaus Luke
24:13-35. Mark 16:14 Appears to Eleven & Rebukes Their Unbelief Luke 24:36:43
& John 20:19-23. Mark 16:15-18 Gospel All the World Matthew 28:18-20 & Luke
24:44-49, Acts 1:4-9. Mark 16:19 Received into Heaven Luke 24:51 & Acts 1:9.
Mark 16:20 Gospel preached every where cf prophecy Psalm 19:1-9, Romans 10:14,
Colossians 1:5-6, Colossians 1:23 & I Thessalonians 1:7-8. Signs are noted by
Hebrew writer Hebrews 2:3-4; And baptism of The Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
is explained in great detail in John 14-16; demonstrated by signs in the Book
Invitation: 12 for prayers.
February 20, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Strike 3; You're Out
Strike Three - You're Out! Daniel 2:44
prophecy of the coming of the everlasting Kingdom Psalms 145:10-13
glory of everlasting Kingdom; Matthew 16:18-19 Christ said I will build
my Church (singular) AKA The Kingdom of Heaven and gates of hell shall not
prevail against it; Mark 9:1 There are some of those standing here that
will not taste death until they see Kingdom of God come with power; Acts
1:3-4 Christ after resurrection speaking of things concerning the Kingdom
at Jerusalem; Acts 2:1 Time period on day of Pentecost AD 30; Acts
20:28 The Church He purchased with His Own blood; Ephesians 4:4-6 There
is one Body (Church) one Spirit one hope One Lord one Faith one Baptism One
God & Father; Ephesians 5:23 Christ is head of the Church, Savior of the
Body; Colossians 1:18 He is head of the Body the Church; Corinthians 12:12-14
One body many members, one body so as Christ, 12:20 Many members but
one body 12:27 you are Christ's body.
Invitation: 10 for prayers.
February 13, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
The Faith of Abraham The
Faith of Jesus Christ
The Faith of Abraham The Faith of Jesus Christ Genesis 15:1-6 Abram
believed in the Lord Genesis 17:1-5 God changes his name to Abraham Genesis 22:1-17
Abraham's tempted, promise of Messiah Galatians 3:16 Hebrews 11:17-19 by faith Abraham
offered Isaac Romans 4:1-16 Abraham believed in God. James 2:1-4, 14-26 Faith
without works is dead. Romans 23-25 "Who was delivered for our offences and
was raised again for our justification". Romans 6:1-4 we are baptized into Jesus
Christ, Matthew 20:22 Baptism -in water for remission of sin. Cup -Lord's Supper - communion
Invitation: 8 for prayers.
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Spiritual Rock--Christ Spiritual Water--Holy Spirit
Spiritual Rock--Christ Spiritual Water--Holy Spirit Ex.
17:1-7 Moses smites the Rock; Numbers 20:1-13 God tells Moses to speak to the
Rock, but he smites it twice; Psalm 78:20-22 David tells of Moses & how Israel
tempted God; Psalm 62:2 He only is my Rock; II Samuel 22:47 Blessed be my Rock; John
4:10-14 & 7:37-39 Jesus speaks of the Living Waters; I Corinthians 10:4 they did drink
of that spiritual drink; Acts 2:1 Pentecost; Acts 4:23-32, they didn't just
pray anything, but the Word of God; Psalm 2:1, Why do the heathen rage; I Thessalonians
5:17-19 quench not the Spirit; Ephesians 6:14-18 Armour of God; Matthew 26:41 watch &
pray; Mark 14:37, 38 The Spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak; Ephesians
6:19, 20 Preach Boldly the Gospel.
13 for prayers.
January 30, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
The Trial and
Crucifixion of Christ
Trial and Crucifixion of Christ
Jesus brought before Pilate examined &
accused but makes no answer Mk 15:1-5 Cf: Psalm 2:1-4 cf: Acts 4:23-28.
Multitude clamors for the release of Barabbas & crucifixion of Christ Mk
15:6-14. Pilate consents & He is led away, mocked, insulted & nailed to the
cross Mk 15:15-19 cf: Micah 5:1-2. Casting lots Mk 15:20-24 cf: Psalm
22:16-18. Mk 15:25-26. Two thieves are crucified with Him Mk 15:27-28 cf:
Isaiah 53: 8-9 & 12. While hanging on the cross, He is mocked & insulted Mk
15:29-32 cf: Psalm 22:6-8. Miraculous darkness & our Lord's death Mk
15:33-34 Cf: Psalm 22:1. Gall & vinegar Mk 15:35-36 Psalm 69:20-21 & Hebrews
2:10. Mk 15:37. Rending of the veil & confession of the centurion Mk:38-39.
Several women attend & behold His death Mk 15:40-41. Joseph of Arimathea
begs body from Pilate & buries it Mk 15:42-46 cf: Isaiah 53:9. Mary Magdalene &
Mary mother of Joses, note the place of His burial Mk 15:47.
11 for prayers.
January 23, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Guest Speaker
Richy Pollard from Oklahoma-Christ in the Garden
Guest Speaker Richy Pollard form Oklahoma Christ in the Garden
Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-42;
Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards Mark 14:43-52;
Christ before the Sanhedrin Christ before Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-57cf
John 2:18-19 Mark 14:58-60; Silent before His false accusers, Mark 14:61 cf:
Isaiah 42:1-9; Confession & Condemned Mark 14:62 cf: Psa110:1-4, Daniel 7:13-14 &
Revelation 1:7 Christ abused Mark 14:63-65 cf: Isaiah 50:5-7;l Peter's Denial
Mark 14:66-72. Invitation:
5 for prayers.
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
The Jewish Passover
and The Lord's Supper Instituted
The Jewish Passover and The Lord's Supper Instituted
The Day of Unleavened Bread Mark
14:12-16; The Lord's Passover Mark 14:17-21 cf: Exodus 12:1ff; The Lord's
Supper Established Mark 14:22-26 cf: Christ our Passover sacrificed for us I
Corinthians 5:7, I Corinthians 11:17-34; Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42 & Acts 20:7,
Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony in the Garden Mark 14:32-42;
Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards Mark 14:43-52; Christ Before
the Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-60: The Confession and Condemnation Mark 14:61-62
cf: Psalm 110:1-4, Daniel 7:13-14 & Revelation 1:7 Mark 14:63-72. Invitation:
3 for prayers.
January 9, 2011 Bulletin
Church of Christ gospel sermon:
Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord
for 30 Pieces of Silver
Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30
Pieces of Silver The Sanhedrim Resolves on Christ's Death Mark
14:1-2 cf: John 11:47-50; The Anointing at Bethany Mark 14:2-9 Judas Sells
His Lord Mark 14:10-11cf: Zechariah 11:10-17, Matthew 26:14, Matthew 27:1-8 &
Acts 1:16-20; The Day of Unleavened Bread Mark 14:12-16; The Lord's Passover
Mark 14:17-21 cf: Exodus 12:1ff; The Lord's Supper Established Mark 14:22-26
cf: I Corinthians 11:17-34; Peter's Denial Predicted Mark 14:27-31; The Agony
in the Garden Mark 14:32-42; Christ Seized by the Soldiers and Temple Guards
Mark 14:43-52; Christ Before the Sanhedrin Mark 14:53-60: The Confession and
Condemnation Mark 14:61-72 Invitation:
Baptism &
20 for prayers.
January 2, 2011 Bulletin