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** Over 900 Sermons **

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The Seed Lesson (long version)
An Overview of the promises of Christ in the Old Testament
Sermon: In Christ
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." [John 14:6]
1995 A.C.U. Paper to the Bible Chair
Gospel Preaching, the office of evangelist & elders.

Old Testament Teachings

(Updated 7/1/2021)

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Genesis: Beginings

Genesis 1: The Creation Hymn (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis Authorship: Moses or JEPD?

Loss of Paradise & Punishment of Mankind

Genesis 2 & 3: The Seed or Child of a Woman to be the Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Seed of Woman to be the Messiah

Genesis 4-6: From Cain and Abel to the Flood (from "The Seed Lesson")

Nephilim or Giants

Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis Flood

Genesis 8 & 9: A New Beginning, The Messiah to Come Through Shem (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 9-11: The Table of Nations, Tower of Babel (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 11-12: The Call of Abram, Father of the Faithful (from "The Seed Lesson")

Call of Abraham

Genesis 12-14: Abram in Egypt, Separation from Lot, and War with Four Petty Kings (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 15-17: Covenant with Abram (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Messiah to be Born Through Isaac & Jacob

Genesis 17-19: Abraham and Sarah Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 21-22: Abraham's Final Exam (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 25-31: Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob's Ladder (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 31-37: Jacob, Israel & Joseph (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 37-41: Joseph In Prison - Rags to Riches (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 41-42: Joseph's Dreams Come True (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 42-46: Jacob/Israel Comes to Egypt (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Genesis 49:8-12

Genesis 49: The Sceptre of Judah to the Triumphal Entry of the Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Sceptre of Judah (Short Form)

The Sceptre of Judah (Amplified)

Exodus from Egypt

The Date of the Exodus

Exodus 1-2: The Date of the Exodus (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 2-3: "I AM" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 4-7: Moses Confronts Pharoah "Let My People Go" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 7-9: "Against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 9-10: Plagues 7 thru 9 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 11-12: The Final Plague Foretold (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 12: Death of Egypt's Firstborn, Exodus Begins (from "The Seed Lesson")

How Long Israel in Egypt - 400 or 430 Years? (from "The Seed Lesson")

The First Passover, The Last Supper (from "The Seed Lesson")

Shema Yisrael: Parting of the Red Sea, The Greatest Commandment, The First 2 Commandments (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Ten Commandments - The New Covenant (from "The Seed Lesson")

The New Covenant is the Covenant of Promise (from "The Seed Lesson")

Ten Commandments Vs Covenant Of Promise

Canaanite Conquest

Conquest Of Canaan Land & Now Into All The World

Conquest of Canaan & Now to Conquer All The World (from "The Seed Lesson")

Joshua's Long Day - The Sun Shine Still & the Moon Shine Still (from "The Seed Lesson")

King David

David's Beatitudes

King David's Great Sin & Repentance - II Samuel 12 & Psalm 51

David's Greatest Sin

David, Solomon & The Divided Kingdom

The Davidic Covenant (from "The Seed Lesson")

Prophesies of the Old Testament
  ...of Israel

Jeremiah, Jerusalem 70 Years Captivity & Daniel 9, 70 Sabbath Years & Until the Messiah

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Daniel 9: 1-27 - Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years

  ...of Christ

King David & Christ - Psalm 69

Prophecies of Christ in the Psalms

Psalm 2 - Prophesy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophesy of the Crucifixion of Christ

Psalm 2: "Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Psalm 2: Prophecy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophecy of the Crucifixion of Christ (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Messianic Psalms (from "The Seed Lesson")

Hermeneutics: "The Last Days" - Isaiah 2 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Virgin Birth of the Mighty God: Isaiah 7-9 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 28:16 & I Peter 2:5-9 - Temple of Living Stones (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 35: Prophecy of Healing Miracles of Christ (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 35: Conquest and Hope (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 42-48: The Coming Servant Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant Song (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 58 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 55: Salvation Full & Free (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah Chapters 60, 61 & 62 (from "The Seed Lesson")

The New Covenant & The Church of Christ - Jeremiah 31

Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver (Short Form)

Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver (Amplified)

Zechariah's Prophecy of Pentecost AD 30 - Zech 12:10

The Prophecies of Christ in Zechariah Zech 3 & 6

Zechariah's Prophecy of Living Waters

Jesus triumphal entry Zechariah 9:9

The Old Testament was a Shadow of the New Testament

There Was Only One Isaiah - Introduction to Isaiah 40 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Predictive Prophecy and the Kingdom of God


The Gospels

(Added 7/1/2021)

To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 (Short Form)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 (Amplified)

The Beatitudes (Short Form)

The Beatitudes (Amplified)

The Beatitudes and the Maledictions ~ Blessings and Curses

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6 (Short Form)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6 (Amplified)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7: The Way, The Faith

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing


Parable of the Sower (2013) - Matt 13:1-9

Parable of the Sower (2016) - Matt 13:1-50

Matt 18: Disfellowship, Gossip, Slander & Tale-Bearing

Matt 19-20: The Reward of Discipleship (2013)

Matt 19-20: The Reward of Discipleship (2016)

Enemies Silenced (Short Form) Matt 21:23-27, Matt 21:28-32, Matt 21:33-46

Enemies Silenced (Amplified) Matt 21:23-27, Matt 21:28-32, Matt 21:33-46

Matt 22-23: Character of Scribes & Pharisees

Matthew 24 - The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (2015)

Matthew 24 - The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (2016)

Matt 25: The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matt 25:1-13

Matt 26-27: Judas Betrays Christ for 30 Pieces of Silver

Mark 1Mark 2Mark 3 Mark 4Mark 5Mark 6 Mark 7Mark 8Mark 9:1 Mark 9Mark 10Mark 11 Mark 12Mark 13Mark 14 Mark 15Mark 16


Luke 4 - Jesus' First Sermon


The Word Made Flesh

The Prologue John 1

John 1 John 2John 3John 4
John 5John 6John 7 John 8John 9John 10
John 11John 12John 13 John 14John 15
John 16John 17John 18 John 19John 20John 21

Acts of the Apostles

To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

Luke 24 - He is Risen (2015)

Resurrection "He is Risen" - Luke 24 (Amplified)

The Book of Acts

Introduction to Acts (Short Form)

Introduction to Acts (Amplified)

Acts 1: Many Infallible Proofs

Acts 1: World Conquest (2013)

Acts 1: World Conquest

Acts 2: Pentecost (2013)

Acts 2: The First Gospel Sermon (Short Form)

Acts 2: The First Gospel Sermon (Amplified)

Acts 2:36-47: The Church, a Fellowship of Believers, is Born (Short Form)

Acts 2:36-47: The Church, a Fellowship of Believers, is Born (Amplified)

Acts 3: Healing the Man at Gate Beautiful - 2nd Gospel Sermon

Acts 4: Confronting The Saducees and Sanhedrin

Acts 4: Peter's Prayer from Psalm 2

Acts 5: An Angel Delivers Apostles to Preach in the Temple

Acts 6: Deacons Appointed - Stephen's Miracles and Arrest

Acts 7: Stephen, The First Christian Martyr

Acts 8: Persecution Leads Growth in Samaria - The Ethiopian Eunuch

Acts 9: Saul, The High Sheriff, Is Converted

The Blackest Land, The Whitest People - Biggotry in the Synagog: Acts 10:1 - 11:18

Acts 11: Cornelius Retold, Gospel Spreads to Gentiles

Acts 12: The End of Secular Judaism

Acts 13: Paul's First Missionary Journey

Acts 13 & 14: Paul's First Missionary Journey Part 2

Acts 14 and Report on Our Works

Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council

Acts 16: The Macedonian Call

Acts 17: The Gospel Preached in Greece, Paul Preaches on Mars Hill

Acts 18: Paul Preaches in Corinth and Ephesus, Begins 3rd Missionary Journey

Acts 19: The Ephesians - Gospel Conquers Occult

Acts 20: Worship and Lord's Supper at Troas

Acts 20: Paul's Farewell to the Ephesians

Acts 21: End of Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey - Return to Jerusalem

Acts 22: "Wash Away Thy Sins"

Acts 23: Paul's Defense before the Sanhedrin High Court

Acts 24: Paul's Defense before Procurator Felix at Caesarea

Acts 25: Paul Appeals to Caesar

Acts 26: Paul's Defense Before Herod and Festus

Acts 27: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 1)

Acts 28: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 2)

Who Did the Miracles in Acts


The Seed Lesson

(Updated 7/1/2021)

Genesis 1: The Creation Hymn

Genesis 2 & 3: The Seed or Child of a Woman to be the Messiah

Genesis 4-6: From Cain and Abel to the Flood

Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark

Genesis 8 & 9: A New Beginning, The Messiah to Come Through Shem

Genesis 9-11: The Table of Nations, Tower of Babel

Genesis 11-12: The Call of Abram, Father of the Faithful

Genesis 12-14: Abram in Egypt, Separation from Lot, and War with Four Petty Kings

Genesis 15-17: Covenant with Abram

Genesis 17-19: Abraham and Sarah Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 21-22: Abraham's Final Exam

Genesis 25-31: Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 31-37: Jacob, Israel & Joseph

Genesis 37-41: Joseph In Prison - Rags to Riches

Genesis 41-42: Joseph's Dreams Come True

Genesis 42-46: Jacob/Israel Comes to Egypt

Genesis 49: The Sceptre of Judah to the Triumphal Entry of the Messiah

Genesis Overview Part 1: The Seed Lesson - Looking Back on Where We've Been

Genesis Overview Part 2: The Seed Lesson - Looking Back on Where We've Been

Israel Given Goshen

Exodus 1-2: The Date of the Exodus

Exodus 2-3: "I AM"

Exodus 4-7: Moses Confronts Pharoah "Let My People Go"

Exodus 7-9: "Against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment"

Exodus 9-10: Plagues 7 thru 9

Exodus 11-12: The Final Plague Foretold

Exodus 12: Death of Egypt's Firstborn, Exodus Begins

How Long Israel in Egypt - 400 or 430 Years?

The First Passover, The Last Supper

Shema Yisrael: Parting of the Red Sea, The Greatest Commandment, The First 2 Commandments

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments - The New Covenant

The New Covenant is the Covenant of Promise

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel"

Conquest of Canaan & Now to Conquer All The World

Joshua's Long Day - The Sun Shine Still & the Moon Shine Still

Samson: The World's Strongest and Weakest Man

The Davidic Covenant

Psalm 2: "Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee"

Psalm 2: Prophecy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophecy of the Crucifixion of Christ

The Messianic Psalms

Hermeneutics: "The Last Days" - Isaiah 2

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God

The Virgin Birth of the Mighty God: Isaiah 7-9

Isaiah 28:16 & I Peter 2:5-9 - Temple of Living Stones

Isaiah 35: Prophecy of Healing Miracles of Christ

Isaiah 35: Conquest and Hope

There Was Only One Isaiah - Introduction to Isaiah 40

Isaiah 42-48: The Coming Servant Messiah

Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant Song

Isaiah 58

Isaiah 55: Salvation Full & Free

Isaiah Chapters 60, 61 & 62



To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

The Shepherds of Israel-Luke 5:17-39
Luke 15:18-21 The Messiah's Power to forgive sins Luke 5:22-26 cf: Isa 35:4-6, Matthew Called to Discipleship Luke 5:27-30, Jesus the Sinners friend Luke 5:31-32, Sanctimony Luke 5:33-35  The Parable of the New cloth on old Garments & the Parable of the New Wine in the old bottles Luke 5:36-39

John the Baptist the forerunner of the Messiah (Short Form)
Luke 7:29-30 The Parable of fault-finding children, Luke 7:31-35 Simon's Banquet for Jesus, Luke 7:36-39 Only a Sinner needs a Savior Luke 7:40-50

John the Baptist the forerunner of the Messiah (Amplified)

The Lawyer's Question (Short Form)
Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Lawyer's Question (Amplified)

Lord Teach Us to Pray (Short Form)

Lord Teach Us to Pray (Amplified)
Luke 11:1-4, Parable Sleeping Neighbor, Luke 11:5-8 Parable 3 fold Prayer, Ask, Seek & Knock Luke 11:9-13, Greed Luke 12:13-15, The Parable of the rich fool Luke 12:16-21

The Healing of the Man with Dropsy
Luke 14:1-6, The parable of the great supper Luke 14:7-24

The Parable of the Great Supper - Luke 14:15-24

The Parable of the Great Supper and the Man with Dropsy (Amplified) - Luke 14:1-24

The Parable of the Great Supper(2018)

Parable of the Sower (Short Form) - Matt 13:1-9

Parable of the Sower (Amplified) - Matt 13:1-50

The Good Ground: Luke 8:4-15 (William Ralston)

The Parable of Treasure Hid in the Field
Matthew 13:44 Proper Hermeneutics

The Sinners and the Shepherds of Israel
Luke 15:1-32 Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, the Prodigal Son & elder brother

The Lost Sheep Luke 15:1-7 & The Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10 (Amplified)

The Parable of the Prodigal Son and The Elder Brother (Amplified)

The Parable of One Thing GOD Won't Forgive (Short Form)
Matt 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26, Matt 5:7, Luke 17:34 & Eph 4:32

The Parable of One Thing GOD Won't Forgive (Amplified)
Matt 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26, Matt 5:7, Luke 17:34 & Eph 4:32

The Parable of the Reward of Discipleship (Short Form) - Matt 19:27-30 The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard Matt 20:1-16

The Parable of the Reward of Discipleship (Amplified) - Matt 19:13-20:19

The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple (Short Form) Mark 11:1-24 The Temple cf Mal3:1-5, The Parable of the Barren fig tree, The temple cleansed, The parable withered fig tree

The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple (Amplified) Mark 11:1-26 The Temple cf Mal 3:1-5, The Parable of the Barren fig tree, The temple cleansed, The parable withered fig tree

Triumphal Entry

Enemies Silenced (Short Form)
Matt 21:23-27, The Parable of the two sons Matt 21:28-32, The Parable of the wicked Husbandmen Matt 21:33-46

Enemies Silenced (Amplified)
Matt 21:23-27, The Parable of the two sons Matt 21:28-32, The Parable of the wicked Husbandmen Matt 21:33-46

The Parable of the Ten Virgins - Matt 25:1-13

The Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:14-30

The Parable of the Tares (Short Form)

The Parable of the Tares (Amplified)

The Sower, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure & Pearl of Great Price (2016)

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

The Prodigal Son

The Inauguration of the King's Son (Short Form)

The Inauguration of the King's Son (Amplified)


Old Testament Teachings

(Updated 7/1/2021)

To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

Genesis: Beginings

Genesis 1: The Creation Hymn (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis Authorship: Moses or JEPD?

Loss of Paradise & Punishment of Mankind

Genesis 2 & 3: The Seed or Child of a Woman to be the Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Seed of Woman to be the Messiah

Genesis 4-6: From Cain and Abel to the Flood (from "The Seed Lesson")

Nephilim or Giants

Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis Flood

Genesis 8 & 9: A New Beginning, The Messiah to Come Through Shem (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 9-11: The Table of Nations, Tower of Babel (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 11-12: The Call of Abram, Father of the Faithful (from "The Seed Lesson")

Call of Abraham

Genesis 12-14: Abram in Egypt, Separation from Lot, and War with Four Petty Kings (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 15-17: Covenant with Abram (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Messiah to be Born Through Isaac & Jacob

Genesis 17-19: Abraham and Sarah Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 21-22: Abraham's Final Exam (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 25-31: Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob's Ladder (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 31-37: Jacob, Israel & Joseph (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 37-41: Joseph In Prison - Rags to Riches (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 41-42: Joseph's Dreams Come True (from "The Seed Lesson")

Genesis 42-46: Jacob/Israel Comes to Egypt (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah - Genesis 49:8-12

Genesis 49: The Sceptre of Judah to the Triumphal Entry of the Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Sceptre of Judah (Short Form)

The Sceptre of Judah (Amplified)

Exodus from Egypt

The Date of the Exodus

Exodus 1-2: The Date of the Exodus (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 2-3: "I AM" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 4-7: Moses Confronts Pharoah "Let My People Go" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 7-9: "Against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 9-10: Plagues 7 thru 9 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 11-12: The Final Plague Foretold (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 12: Death of Egypt's Firstborn, Exodus Begins (from "The Seed Lesson")

How Long Israel in Egypt - 400 or 430 Years? (from "The Seed Lesson")

The First Passover, The Last Supper (from "The Seed Lesson")

Shema Yisrael: Parting of the Red Sea, The Greatest Commandment, The First 2 Commandments (from "The Seed Lesson")

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Ten Commandments - The New Covenant (from "The Seed Lesson")

The New Covenant is the Covenant of Promise (from "The Seed Lesson")

Ten Commandments Vs Covenant Of Promise

Canaanite Conquest

Conquest Of Canaan Land & Now Into All The World

Conquest of Canaan & Now to Conquer All The World (from "The Seed Lesson")

Joshua's Long Day - The Sun Shine Still & the Moon Shine Still (from "The Seed Lesson")

King David

David's Beatitudes

King David's Great Sin & Repentance - II Samuel 12 & Psalm 51

David's Greatest Sin

David, Solomon & The Divided Kingdom

The Davidic Covenant (from "The Seed Lesson")

Prophesies of the Old Testament
  ...of Israel

Jeremiah, Jerusalem 70 Years Captivity & Daniel 9, 70 Sabbath Years & Until the Messiah

Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Daniel 9: 1-27 - Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years

  ...of Christ

King David & Christ - Psalm 69

Prophecies of Christ in the Psalms

Psalm 2 - Prophesy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophesy of the Crucifixion of Christ

Psalm 2: "Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee" (from "The Seed Lesson")

Psalm 2: Prophecy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophecy of the Crucifixion of Christ (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Messianic Psalms (from "The Seed Lesson")

Hermeneutics: "The Last Days" - Isaiah 2 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God (from "The Seed Lesson")

The Virgin Birth of the Mighty God: Isaiah 7-9 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 28:16 & I Peter 2:5-9 - Temple of Living Stones (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 35: Prophecy of Healing Miracles of Christ (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 35: Conquest and Hope (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 42-48: The Coming Servant Messiah (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant Song (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 58 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah 55: Salvation Full & Free (from "The Seed Lesson")

Isaiah Chapters 60, 61 & 62 (from "The Seed Lesson")

The New Covenant & The Church of Christ - Jeremiah 31

Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver (Short Form)

Judas Betrays & Sells his Lord for 30 Pieces of Silver (Amplified)

Zechariah's Prophecy of Pentecost AD 30 - Zech 12:10

The Prophecies of Christ in Zechariah Zech 3 & 6

Zechariah's Prophecy of Living Waters

Jesus triumphal entry Zechariah 9:9

The Old Testament was a Shadow of the New Testament

There Was Only One Isaiah - Introduction to Isaiah 40 (from "The Seed Lesson")

Predictive Prophecy and the Kingdom of God


The Gospels

(Added 7/1/2021)

To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 (Short Form)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 (Amplified)

The Beatitudes (Short Form)

The Beatitudes (Amplified)

The Beatitudes and the Maledictions ~ Blessings and Curses

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6 (Short Form)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6 (Amplified)

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7: The Way, The Faith

Sermon on the Mount Matthew 7: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing


Parable of the Sower (2013) - Matt 13:1-9

Parable of the Sower (2016) - Matt 13:1-50

Matt 18: Disfellowship, Gossip, Slander & Tale-Bearing

Matt 19-20: The Reward of Discipleship (2013)

Matt 19-20: The Reward of Discipleship (2016)

Enemies Silenced (Short Form) Matt 21:23-27, Matt 21:28-32, Matt 21:33-46

Enemies Silenced (Amplified) Matt 21:23-27, Matt 21:28-32, Matt 21:33-46

Matt 22-23: Character of Scribes & Pharisees

Matthew 24 - The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (2015)

Matthew 24 - The Coming of Christ in the Destruction of Jerusalem (2016)

Matt 25: The Parable of the Ten Virgins Matt 25:1-13

Matt 26-27: Judas Betrays Christ for 30 Pieces of Silver

Mark 1Mark 2Mark 3 Mark 4Mark 5Mark 6 Mark 7Mark 8Mark 9:1 Mark 9Mark 10Mark 11 Mark 12Mark 13Mark 14 Mark 15Mark 16


Luke 4 - Jesus' First Sermon


The Word Made Flesh

The Prologue John 1

John 1 John 2John 3John 4
John 5John 6John 7 John 8John 9John 10
John 11John 12John 13 John 14John 15
John 16John 17John 18 John 19John 20John 21

Acts of the Apostles

To Print Lessons, please press CTRL-p

Luke 24 - He is Risen (2015)

Resurrection "He is Risen" - Luke 24 (Amplified)

The Book of Acts

Introduction to Acts (Short Form)

Introduction to Acts (Amplified)

Acts 1: Many Infallible Proofs

Acts 1: World Conquest (2013)

Acts 1: World Conquest

Acts 2: Pentecost (2013)

Acts 2: The First Gospel Sermon (Short Form)

Acts 2: The First Gospel Sermon (Amplified)

Acts 2:36-47: The Church, a Fellowship of Believers, is Born (Short Form)

Acts 2:36-47: The Church, a Fellowship of Believers, is Born (Amplified)

Acts 3: Healing the Man at Gate Beautiful - 2nd Gospel Sermon

Acts 4: Confronting The Saducees and Sanhedrin

Acts 4: Peter's Prayer from Psalm 2

Acts 5: An Angel Delivers Apostles to Preach in the Temple

Acts 6: Deacons Appointed - Stephen's Miracles and Arrest

Acts 7: Stephen, The First Christian Martyr

Acts 8: Persecution Leads Growth in Samaria - The Ethiopian Eunuch

Acts 9: Saul, The High Sheriff, Is Converted

The Blackest Land, The Whitest People - Biggotry in the Synagog: Acts 10:1 - 11:18

Acts 11: Cornelius Retold, Gospel Spreads to Gentiles

Acts 12: The End of Secular Judaism

Acts 13: Paul's First Missionary Journey

Acts 13 & 14: Paul's First Missionary Journey Part 2

Acts 14 and Report on Our Works

Acts 15: The Jerusalem Council

Acts 16: The Macedonian Call

Acts 17: The Gospel Preached in Greece, Paul Preaches on Mars Hill

Acts 18: Paul Preaches in Corinth and Ephesus, Begins 3rd Missionary Journey

Acts 19: The Ephesians - Gospel Conquers Occult

Acts 20: Worship and Lord's Supper at Troas

Acts 20: Paul's Farewell to the Ephesians

Acts 21: End of Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey - Return to Jerusalem

Acts 22: "Wash Away Thy Sins"

Acts 23: Paul's Defense before the Sanhedrin High Court

Acts 24: Paul's Defense before Procurator Felix at Caesarea

Acts 25: Paul Appeals to Caesar

Acts 26: Paul's Defense Before Herod and Festus

Acts 27: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 1)

Acts 28: Paul's Voyage To Rome (Part 2)

Who Did the Miracles in Acts


The Seed Lesson

(Updated 7/1/2021)

Genesis 1: The Creation Hymn

Genesis 2 & 3: The Seed or Child of a Woman to be the Messiah

Genesis 4-6: From Cain and Abel to the Flood

Genesis 6-8: Noah's Ark

Genesis 8 & 9: A New Beginning, The Messiah to Come Through Shem

Genesis 9-11: The Table of Nations, Tower of Babel

Genesis 11-12: The Call of Abram, Father of the Faithful

Genesis 12-14: Abram in Egypt, Separation from Lot, and War with Four Petty Kings

Genesis 15-17: Covenant with Abram

Genesis 17-19: Abraham and Sarah Covenant, Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 21-22: Abraham's Final Exam

Genesis 25-31: Isaac, Jacob, & Jacob's Ladder

Genesis 31-37: Jacob, Israel & Joseph

Genesis 37-41: Joseph In Prison - Rags to Riches

Genesis 41-42: Joseph's Dreams Come True

Genesis 42-46: Jacob/Israel Comes to Egypt

Genesis 49: The Sceptre of Judah to the Triumphal Entry of the Messiah

Genesis Overview Part 1: The Seed Lesson - Looking Back on Where We've Been

Genesis Overview Part 2: The Seed Lesson - Looking Back on Where We've Been

Israel Given Goshen

Exodus 1-2: The Date of the Exodus

Exodus 2-3: "I AM"

Exodus 4-7: Moses Confronts Pharoah "Let My People Go"

Exodus 7-9: "Against all the gods of Egypt will I execute judgment"

Exodus 9-10: Plagues 7 thru 9

Exodus 11-12: The Final Plague Foretold

Exodus 12: Death of Egypt's Firstborn, Exodus Begins

How Long Israel in Egypt - 400 or 430 Years?

The First Passover, The Last Supper

Shema Yisrael: Parting of the Red Sea, The Greatest Commandment, The First 2 Commandments

Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments - The New Covenant

The New Covenant is the Covenant of Promise

"There shall come a Star out of Jacob and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel"

Conquest of Canaan & Now to Conquer All The World

Joshua's Long Day - The Sun Shine Still & the Moon Shine Still

Samson: The World's Strongest and Weakest Man

The Davidic Covenant

Psalm 2: "Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee"

Psalm 2: Prophecy of the Reign of Christ

Psalm 22:1-31 - Prophecy of the Crucifixion of Christ

The Messianic Psalms

Hermeneutics: "The Last Days" - Isaiah 2

Isaiah 11: The Peaceful Kingdom of God

The Virgin Birth of the Mighty God: Isaiah 7-9

Isaiah 28:16 & I Peter 2:5-9 - Temple of Living Stones

Isaiah 35: Prophecy of Healing Miracles of Christ

Isaiah 35: Conquest and Hope

There Was Only One Isaiah - Introduction to Isaiah 40

Isaiah 42-48: The Coming Servant Messiah

Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant Song

Isaiah 58

Isaiah 55: Salvation Full & Free

Isaiah Chapters 60, 61 & 62



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The Shepherds of Israel-Luke 5:17-39
Luke 15:18-21 The Messiah's Power to forgive sins Luke 5:22-26 cf: Isa 35:4-6, Matthew Called to Discipleship Luke 5:27-30, Jesus the Sinners friend Luke 5:31-32, Sanctimony Luke 5:33-35  The Parable of the New cloth on old Garments & the Parable of the New Wine in the old bottles Luke 5:36-39

John the Baptist the forerunner of the Messiah (Short Form)
Luke 7:29-30 The Parable of fault-finding children, Luke 7:31-35 Simon's Banquet for Jesus, Luke 7:36-39 Only a Sinner needs a Savior Luke 7:40-50

John the Baptist the forerunner of the Messiah (Amplified)

The Lawyer's Question (Short Form)
Luke 10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan

The Lawyer's Question (Amplified)

Lord Teach Us to Pray (Short Form)

Lord Teach Us to Pray (Amplified)
Luke 11:1-4, Parable Sleeping Neighbor, Luke 11:5-8 Parable 3 fold Prayer, Ask, Seek & Knock Luke 11:9-13, Greed Luke 12:13-15, The Parable of the rich fool Luke 12:16-21

The Healing of the Man with Dropsy
Luke 14:1-6, The parable of the great supper Luke 14:7-24

The Parable of the Great Supper - Luke 14:15-24

The Parable of the Great Supper and the Man with Dropsy (Amplified) - Luke 14:1-24

The Parable of the Great Supper(2018)

Parable of the Sower (Short Form) - Matt 13:1-9

Parable of the Sower (Amplified) - Matt 13:1-50

The Good Ground: Luke 8:4-15 (William Ralston)

The Parable of Treasure Hid in the Field
Matthew 13:44 Proper Hermeneutics

The Sinners and the Shepherds of Israel
Luke 15:1-32 Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, the Prodigal Son & elder brother

The Lost Sheep Luke 15:1-7 & The Lost Coin Luke 15:8-10 (Amplified)

The Parable of the Prodigal Son and The Elder Brother (Amplified)

The Parable of One Thing GOD Won't Forgive (Short Form)
Matt 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26, Matt 5:7, Luke 17:34 & Eph 4:32

The Parable of One Thing GOD Won't Forgive (Amplified)
Matt 18:21-35, Mark 11:25-26, Matt 5:7, Luke 17:34 & Eph 4:32

The Parable of the Reward of Discipleship (Short Form) - Matt 19:27-30 The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard Matt 20:1-16

The Parable of the Reward of Discipleship (Amplified) - Matt 19:13-20:19

The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple (Short Form) Mark 11:1-24 The Temple cf Mal3:1-5, The Parable of the Barren fig tree, The temple cleansed, The parable withered fig tree

The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple (Amplified) Mark 11:1-26 The Temple cf Mal 3:1-5, The Parable of the Barren fig tree, The temple cleansed, The parable withered fig tree

Triumphal Entry

Enemies Silenced (Short Form)
Matt 21:23-27, The Parable of the two sons Matt 21:28-32, The Parable of the wicked Husbandmen Matt 21:33-46

Enemies Silenced (Amplified)
Matt 21:23-27, The Parable of the two sons Matt 21:28-32, The Parable of the wicked Husbandmen Matt 21:33-46

The Parable of the Ten Virgins - Matt 25:1-13

The Parable of the Talents - Matt 25:14-30

The Parable of the Tares (Short Form)

The Parable of the Tares (Amplified)

The Sower, Tares, Mustard Seed, Leaven, Treasure & Pearl of Great Price (2016)

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

The Prodigal Son

The Inauguration of the King's Son (Short Form)

The Inauguration of the King's Son (Amplified)


Sermons by J.W. McGarvey

Acts of the Apostles (J.W. McGarvey, 1863)

Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians and Romans (McGarvey and Pendleton, 1916)

The Fourfold Gospel (J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton)


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