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Note about the Alone Arranger

The following is a 1990 transcript of many oral lessons delivered by Brother Kelly at FCI Seagoville. In delivering these oral lessons brother Kelly quoted and read from many sources that were not cited by "the alone arranger" (Eligio Lopez) in the original book composed and printed in 1990.  Such sources are long ago forgotten. In order to further complicate matters Brother Kelly has added many additions to this body of work.  Just think in a couple of hundred years archaeologist and "textual critical" scholars might find this document and apply their "documentary hypothesis" of "JEPD" to it and conclude there were "many alone arrangers" , "Tonto", and other "masked men"  who authored this work.  (smiley face)

All mistakes, miss-speaks and errors are Kelly's and the word of God is perfect.    



I would like to take this opportunity to thank God for allowing me to be in this place where I have met the people that led me to know and understand God, many thanks to my brothers and sisters from Cedar Hill Church of Christ, to the members of the Church in this prison, to my Word Perfect teacher Mr. Elliott Blood-Worth and to my Desktop Publishing Teacher Mr. Michael Cook whose help made this small booklet possible, to my wife Lupe, daughters Isis and Iris whose encouragement kept me going, very special thanks to the person that made it all possible, our brother Kelly Lawson whose hard work,  courage and dedication is now a dream come through.  God bless you Kelly, and all.

Because He Cares.

Eligio Lopez  Federal Correctional Institution Seagoville, Texas July, 1990

The Seed Galatians 3:16

The many promises that were made in the Old Testament of a coming "seed" (child) were referring to Christ. The word "seed" comes from the Greek word sporos, a singular seed, child or descendant. The Old Testament Hebrew word is zehra, which means a singular seed, or child, or descendant. Note: Most of all modern translations totally mistranslate this word as "descendants" instead of "descendant" through out the Old Testament passages ignoring the plain meaning of the word and the inspired Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:16.

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning" does not mean that there was nothing before that event because: John 17:24 says: "there was love between the Father and the Son before", "in the beginning"; John 17:5 says :"the Father and the Son had Glory before", "in the beginning"; Ephesians1:4 says: " He has chosen us In Him before", "in the beginning"; Titus 1:2 says: God promised eternal life before"," in the beginning' and 11 Timothy 1:9 says: " God's own purpose and Grace was In Christ before , " in the beginning". "GOD'. The Bible gives facts; it does not theorize or philosophize. It does not speculate. The Bible opens with the doctrine of God. Without discussing the being of God, this opening statement makes Him "The Author of Creation". "Created". Comes from the Hebrew word barraw' a prime root word meaning absolute to create, do, make (by Divine Fiat). Create is therefore to make out of nothing (using no matter or raw materials) by Fiat. How?

By Faith. (Hebrews 11:3), God believed He could! (Webster's Dictionary says about Fiat: "A command or act of will that creates something without or as if without further effort"). (D) The Big Bang theory- If you accept the big bang theory which is questionable... "In the beginning "would go back beyond it by saying: God created out of nothing, by Faith, the primal stuff. The Big Bang theory came from Hebrews 11:3 and 11 Peter 3:7.

Genesis 1:2-3

In the work of Creation in this Chapter, the plural form of the name of God is used with a singular verb, the plural conveys the idea of the Trinity and the singular verb that of unity, (John 14:6-11 and 15:26).

( B) The spirit of God is God, Matthew 28:18-20; 11 Corinthians 13:13 and 1 Peter.

(C) "And God said. Said is the Word of God which is God (John 1:1) and which became flesh-Jesus (John 1:14).

If you can believe that God, by faith, spoke the universe into being, then you shouldn't be far from being able to believe that God could say: let Mary be pregnant with the power and being of the Word of God.

When did history begin? When God the Word spoke it into being. Hebrews 1:10; Colossians 1:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 8:6. Genesis 1:3-19"Let ". A different Hebrew word for create. The work of the Creation was not simultaneous but a process. This is the truth of Genesis and the truth of Science. It is the time periods that "modern science has confused. "Let is a subdivision of  the Creation in which God is making, ordering and appointing these things by the power of His Word out of the building blocks He created by Fiat. It should be noted that this Progressive development is from the lower to the higher. It begins at the bottom and proceeds upward in an orderly fashion. How could Moses, the writer of Genesis, have gotten such information from the scientific knowledge of his day? If anything was placed in the wrong order it would not make scientific sense, such as animals created before grass or trees. Oxygen comes from grass and trees-Think! God revealed this to Moses! Had such a mistake been made, Genesis would be impossible. Speaking of this narrative, a skeptical scientific writer, an evolutionist said: "It would be scientifically correct enough, if it were not for one individual oversight and one unlucky blunder" The blunder he said was the use of the word "firmament" (vv.7-8). This skeptic was uneducated and did not know "firmament" is not in the Hebrew Bible and does not at all expresses the same sense of the word used by Moses. Instead of the idea of something firm and solid the Hebrew word signifies "something that is very thin extended, spread out" just the best word to signify the atmosphere.

Genesis 1:21

God again "Created", this time, conscious life. This is only the second time the word "Created" is used. The bringing forth of life, by Divine Fiat.

Genesis 1:27

By Divine Fiat God again "Created", this time, man. It is true He used dust to make the body, (this would carry the idea: "God Let") but by Divine Fiat (Hebrews 11:3) God created life for Adam's body.

God only uses the word "created" once more in Genesis 5:1-2 which is a summary and it tells us that both, Adam and Eve, were created.

Genesis 2:1-7

Eden, was the cradle of humanity.  Man is different from animal life, he is a living soul (v.7) "created" in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

Genesis 2:8-16

The whole earth was not a garden but rather: ... the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden ...

Genesis 2:17

God announces a Divine Permission, a Divine Prohibition and a Divine Penalty for disobedience.

Humanity under Law: The rights and liberties of our first parents were defined and limited by a Law Divinely announced by God. They were forbidden to eat of the fruit of a particular tree of the garden. What tree it was we do not know. As an added fact to influence them in obeying the Law, they were distinctly told that they would suffer death as the consequence of violating it. The Law was simple, clearly stated and emphasized. Adam and Eve were conscious of the laws nature and significance and were fully capable of maintaining this first commandment from our Creator.

Genesis 2:18

...It is not good that the man should be alone.  Woman is the apex of man. Man is not complete until he is married and then he is finished.

Genesis 2:18-25

Adam and Eve are in a state of innocence they are created with a moral, as well as intellectual nature. Such concepts as obligation, duty, right and wrong would have no significance without a moral Constitution. It is quite obvious that our first parents were created Holy because they were created in the very image of God

(Genesis 1:27) and God is Holy (Exodus 15:11).

Genesis 3:1-3

The woman misstated the permission about eating of the fruit of the trees of the garden. God had said... of every tree of the garden thou mayest  feeely eat ...

The woman overstated the prohibition.  God had said nothing about touching it.

The woman understated the penalty.  ... Lest ye die ...  Lest or pray adventure we may die she said.

This is the cause of all religious confusion in the world today. People substitute for

the word of God, add to the word of God and subtract from the word of God

Genesis 3:4

The tempter raised the first question which brought from Eve the full statement of the Law. A flat denial of God's Word that sin would bring death. Satan adds the word "NOT" to God's Word. Jesus refers to this in John 8:44 and calls Satan a murderer and the father of all lies.

Genesis 3:5

An attempt to discredit the authority of God and the truth of His announcement.

Genesis 3:6-7

Disobedience-No sooner had they fallen than the consciousness of their sin seized them.

Genesis 3:8-13

Adam and Eve cannot make atonement for their sin for there is no surplus goodness in the moral world.  If you sin-you die. IT'S LIKE BREAKING A

WINDOW-YOU CAN'T UNBREAK IT. They are under Judgment and in an utterly helpless state.  If anything is to be done in the way of recovery and atonement, such recovery must rest with God.

Genesis 3:15

God announces His gracious purpose to redeem mankind.  The fall necessitates a Savior by whom fallen mankind will be restored to God. The first promise of the Redeemer, the "Seed", the Child, the Messiah (Christ) to come! This great doctrine begins with a promise. It is this promise of the "Seed" of the woman that becomes the germ of the whole Biblical system which we will see unfolding step by step, stage to stage. Galatians 3:16 and Galatians 4:4-5.

This verse tells us that the Redeemer will be a member of the human race-flesh and blood, Hebrews 2:14-15, John 1:1 & 14 and Romans 5:8-21.

"... Bruise thy (Satan's) head ..." Just a common metaphor like: "I will walk all over you ... or you will come crawling to me ..." Cf: Psalm 91:13 & in Romans 16:20 Paul takes the same metaphor and applies it to the Church's victory over Satan.

The nature of His person and His work cannot be surmised by this passage, these things are to appear step by step through the coming centuries in the progressive revelation of the messianic idea, by God, which we will follow in this lesson.

Genesis 4:1-2

Adam and Eve first have two sons, Cain & Abel. Notice Cain was not an atheist, he was not agnostic, he was not a polytheist (one who believes in many gods), Cain was a deist he believed in one God, he just did not believe in the necessity of the death of an innocent victim. Cf: Genesis 3:21 a bloody sacrifice necessary.

Genesis 4:8

Cain slays his brother Abel. Cain kills him after Church so to speak.

Genesis 4:25

God appointed another "Seed" Through whom the Messiah will be born. Seth was chosen as the head of this line which we trace from Seth to Jesus Christ cf: Luke 3:23-38.

Genesis will now begin to give two lines or family trees, the Sethite line and the Cainite line. Salvation is to come through the Sethite line. The Cainite is the worldly line. Thus we see the family line of the plan of redemption.

Genesis 5:4

Adam and Eve had other children.  Obviously, Cain and Seth both took one of their sisters for a wife.

Genesis 5:21-24

Enoch, the one example of righteousness and living in close fellowship with God in a wicked and ungodly age. No greater acknowledgement of his godly character could be made than he did not see death (Hebrews 11:5). Here we see the great truth of immortality, life after death. We, as Christians, live in hope for such a translation (1 Corinthians 15:50-55, I Thessalonians 4: 13-18).

Genesis 6:1-2

"The sons of God" the descendants of Seth (Gen. 5:6-32).

The daughters of men" daughters descended from Cain (Gen. 4:16-24).

The Messianic line of Seth is all but lost in the sinfulness of that age, in the inter marrying of these two family lines.

Genesis 6:5

The great indictment of God against the sinful hearts of all men.

Genesis 7:1

Noah was a man of righteousness and faith. The one member of the Sethite line who stood alone.

(B) Noah's faith was not a feeling, he was warned of God (Gen. 6:13), he believed the warning and worked about 100 years preparing the Ark. For the time consumed in building the Ark, compare Genesis 5:32 with Genesis 7:

(C) Noah was a preacher of righteousness (11 Peter 2:5), and he spend those 100 years without a convert. Such was the saving faith that Noah had towards God's warning.

(D) Noah's kind of faith was to hear the Word of God, believe what God said and then followed corresponding action to that belief (v.5) "And Noah did according...."

Genesis 7:2-8:19

Behold: The Judgment and the Mercy of God.

Genesis 8:21

Man was wicked and evil before the flood (Genesis 6:5) and man is still evil after the flood.  But Noah, the last member of the Sethite line, and his family are preserved. The promise of a Saviour will be fulfilled in the historical line that has been selected by God.

Genesis 9:8-9

God's promise of a covenant is with their family and with a future coming "Seed" (child), but which of the sons of Noah is to be chosen?

Genesis 9:26

Shem receives the blessing. He is now selected as the head of the Messianic line.

Genesis 10:25

Dry land was one place, the earth was an island, what scientist call Pangea. Peleg means earthquake in Hebrew and divided means split it Hebrew.  So in the days of Peleg the earth was divided or split and the contentants began to drift apart.

Genesis 11:1-8

Direct rebellion against God's command of Genesis 9:1 to replenish the (fill again the whole) earth, He did not say to build a city.

God confounded their language, made them to speak other languages and "scattered them upon the face of all the earth".

Genesis 12:1-3

(A) Only one branch of the Shemitic line that the Messiah is to come from has been given, that of Arphaxad, for the purpose of introducing Abram

(Abraham). God called this great man of faith. He heard the call (Word) of God and believed the word.

The belief brought on the corresponding action of him doing something about what he believed. He "departed"

(v.4) and went on a long walk to the promise land. Such was Abraham's kind of faith.

(Hebrews 11:8-9). Saving faith is to hear, believe, do Cf: James 2:19-26 and trust.

At the call of Abraham, all other families on the earth became gentiles, which means, "The nations", and also means, "with out God" because those nations chose not to follow God. Romans 1:18-32 & Ephesians 2:1-3.l

In (v.3) God alludes to the coming blessing that we will see unfold when he says: "In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed". Two points we need to remember: "In thee", (most important)-we do not know what it means but it will be of paramount importance! Cf: Galatians 3:29.

This blessing will come upon the gentiles, "to all families of the earth".

Genesis 15:3-5 "Seed" (child), singular, you will have a child Abraham. And that one Child ("Seed") will

In some way become more than the stars of heaven, the Christ will multiply Cf: Galatians 3:26-29.

 Genesis 17:5-8

God renames Abram Abraham. A father of many nations: Israel through Isaac (Hebrew Laughter) and all the Arab nations through Ishmael. God establishes His covenant with Abraham. It is a three way covenant between God, Abraham and a coming "Seed" (child), the Messiah. If the "Seed" were plural then it would be talking to all the children of Abraham-Arabs, Jews, Israelites, etc.

Genesis 18:20 - 19:24

The Lord goes down to see Sodom and Gomorrah "because their sin is very grievous. Man had degenerated to such extent that He wanted to have unnatural homosexual relations with God. (Genesis 19:5) "Know them" (Genesis 4:25). The Lord failed to see the humor. (Genesis 19:24; Romans 1:24-28 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Genesis 22:15-18

God again promises to multiply Abraham's "Seed", the coming Child, the Redeemer, as the stars of heaven and the sand on the sea shore.

This time God is more specific and uses the singular personal pronoun "...His enemies" (v.17) not "their" enemies but His (Christ's) enemies.

(C) In (v.18) we again see that it is "In" the "Seed" that the blessings will come upon the gentiles, "all the nations of the earth".

Genesis 26:1-4

Abraham is now dead and God has chosen that through Isaac the Messiah will Come (Genesis 21:12).

God now makes the "Seed" promise to Isaac. The promise that the coming redeemer is to be a descendant of Isaac.

Again the Seed (child) will multiply. Again the blessings will be for the gentiles also.

Genesis 28:10-14

Jacob, Isaac's son is chosen by God to be the son that the Messiah will come through.

Again the blessings are to be "In" the "Seed". Again the blessings will be for the gentiles also.

Genesis 35:9-12

"God appeared unto Jacob again. God changes Jacob's name to Israel. God again promises that the Messiah, the "Seed" will come through Jacob

Or Israel as he is now called.

Genesis 49:10-11

"The scepter" was a staff or rod which served as an emblem of royal or kingly authority. Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8.

(B) Jacob (Israel) has had twelve sons but it is Judah that is to be the kingly tribe and through whom the Redeemer is to come.

(C) "Lawgiver". Hebrew word: khaw-kak', to engrave or enact, appoint, decree and the power of capital punishment. In a lesser sense, the kings of Judah who are to come will have authority to rule by decree or enact Laws and carry out capital punishment. But in a far greater sense, the Lord is the Law Giver (Isaiah 33:22) and the Lord Jesus is the Law Giver who can save (James 4:12).

(D) "Shiloh", Hebrew shee-lo, take out an epithet of the Messiah, literally meaning here: "To Him to Whom it belongs". What belongs? The scepter! The real King, the real Law Giver who is to come of the tribe of Judah !

(E) The people will be "gathered" by the Messiah or Redeemer. "Gathered" in Hebrew yaw-keh, is to obey, obedience, the saved will obey Him.

(F) When the Messiah comes. His coming to present Himself will have something to do with a "foal", an "ass's colt.  Cf MK. 11:1ff

Thus we close our study in the book of Genesis, step by step we have noted the development of the Messianic idea and the promises of the "Seed" or the Child to come in this first book of the Bible.

Exodus Chapters 1-14

The children of Jacob (Israel) went into Egypt and each of the twelve sons grew into a mighty tribe of people over the years (Exodus 1:7).

There arose a new King who "knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8 and he made slaves of them (Exodus 1:11-14). Moses is born, (Exodus chapter 2 ).

(D) God calls Moses to deliver Israel (Ex. chapter 3).

(E) God's judgment upon all the false gods of Egypt (Exodus chapters 5-12).

(F) After 430 years Israel is redeemed from bondage in Egypt (Exodus 12: 40-41).

(G) The memorial of the pass- over (Exodus 13:1-10).

(H) Israel passes through the Red Sea and the Egyptians are drowned (Exodus chapter 14).

 Exodus chapter 19

Moses brings the people to Mount Sinai.

Exodus 20: 1-17

God gives all the people "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS".

Exodus 20:18-26

The people are afraid and ask Moses to be their mediator between them and God. So ends the dispensation or period of time called the Patriarchal (Fathers)

Dispensation in which God dealt with men through the fathers as head of the house. Now begins the new dispensation of the Law, which is often called the

"Law of Moses", because it was given to the people by Moses from God.


So we might know what sin is. (Romans 3:20 and Romans 7:7).

To humble man as he compared himself to the requirements of the Holy Law. (Romans 3:19).

The Law was our school master to bring us to Christ. (Galatians 3:19-25). Deuteronomy 18:15-19

Just as Moses was a great Prophet and Law Giver, the coming Messiah will be a Law Giver. When God speaks through the coming Messiah the destiny of our souls will depend upon us listening and obeying (v.19)


Deuteronomy 18:15-18

If he presumes to speak for the Lord or if he advises you to go after other gods, then he is a false prophet. Also, everything a Prophet says must come to pass.

Note: Today many people claim to speak in the name of the Lord. They say "The Lord told me this..." or "The Lord told me that ..." and if you inquire "how?" they continue to say "The Lord told me". But how? Well, he put it "on" or "in my heart"... they say. To presume that a feeling in our desperately wicked heart (Gen.6:5 and 8:21) is the voice of Almighty God, is blasphemy and wicked presumption. When Holy men of God heard his voice they were smitten to the core (Isaiah 6:1-5); fell upon their faces. (Ezekiel 2:1-5, Daniel 8:15-18; 10:1-9). Even the beloved disciple John, who felt close enough to Jesus to eat the "Last Supper" leaning on Jesus breast (John 13:25), fell at His feet as dead, when spoken to by the exalted and resurrected Christ (Revelation 1:17).

Keep back from presumptuous sin Psalms 19:13-14), don't ever think a thought in your mind or a feeling in your heart is the voice of God. God today speaks through His Son (Heb. 1:1-2) in His Word (John 17:17-20).

II Samuel 7:12-14

David's "Seed" or greater son is to have a Kingdom so he must be a King (v.12). Where you have a Kingdom you must have a King for this is the meaning of the word "Kingdom". His Kingdom will be Eternal (v.13).God Himself will be His Father (v.14). He will be the Son of God (v.14). He will be beaten by the gentiles (v.14). Again, the promise That His Kingdom will be forever.

Psalms 2:1-12

This Psalm is remarkable for its eloquent change of persons. In verses 1&2 the prophet speaks, in verse 3 the enemies speak, in verses 4&5 the prophet answers the enemies, in verse 6 God speaks, in verse 7 the Messiah (Christ) speaks, in verses 8&9 God answers the Messiah and in verses 10, 11 & 12 the prophet exhorts the enemies to submit to God, be reconciled to the Kingdom of God and His Messiah and learn obedience.

2:1 "People imagine a vain thing"-fulfilled-Mark 15:6-15.2:2 (A) "The kings..."fulfilled by Herod the Great at the birth of Jesus (Matthew 2:1-18). And by Herod the Great's son- Herod Antipas, some 33 years later at Jesus crucifixion (Luke 23:6-1

(B) "The rulers..."fulfilled by the rulers of the Jews (Mark14:53-65) and the Roman governor Pilate (Mark 15:1-15; also Acts 4:25-28).

(C) "Anointed" from Hebrew maw-shee'-akh, "a consecrated person such as King or priest, especially the Messiah, "Anointed as the Messiah".

2:6 The Messiah will be God's "King".

2:7 "Thou art my Son" a clear statement that the Messiah is to be the Son of God (Luke 1:31-33).

2:8 the result of His coming is: Salvation to be offered to the gentiles (Mark 16:15-16).

2:12 "Blessed... put their trust in Him". Trust, in Hebrew khaw-saw, "literally, to flee for protection; figuratively, to have faith and confide in, have hope, make refuge, put trust" (Jesus Himself-Hebrews 6:18). Psalms 8:3-6 Man is not insignificant t God (v.4) the son of Man" compare to Matthew 16:13. "The Messiah, although Divine, is to be human too. Compare to Hebrews 2:9-16. "...put all things under His feet", Compare to Matthew 28:18-20.

Psalms 16:8-10

 David states his faith in God his deliverer (v.8). David says that when he dies, his flesh (David's) will rest in the grave "in hope" (v.9). For God will not leave David's soul in hell-the grave (v.10). "Holy One". Isaiah's special name for God see Isaiah 1:4; 5:19,24;10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19, 23; 30:11-15; 31:1;37:23;41:14-20;43:3,14-15; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5; 60:9 and 60:14. So, the Holy One is to be God Himself. Jesus was God in the flesh. (John 1:1, 14; 14:9). "The Holy One" will not "see corruption". Hebrew word shakh'-ath, a pit, especially as a trap; figuratively, destruction in a ditch, grave or pit, to rot in the grave. Inescapable conclusions are that David has faith in God to save him. God will save David from the grave. God Himself-The Messiah will come and die but He won't be in His grave long enough for His flesh to rot. (Matthew 27:57-28:10).


Psalm 22:1 "My God, My God, why hast forsaken me?" fulfilled-Matthew 27:46.

Psalm 22:6 "Despised of the people".-fulfilled- Matthew 13:55; Luke 16:14 and John 10:20; 22:7

This verse is fulfilled in Matthew 27:39

Psalm 22:8 the very words of the enemies of the Christ.-fulfilled in Matthew 27:43.22:15 "... My tong cleaveth to my jaws;" -fulfilled- John 19:28; 22:16

(A) "Dogs" Hebrew word keh'-leb, a dog or a male prostitute, came to be used by Jews as a slang word as a slang word for gentiles. -Fulfilled- Matthew 27:27, 35, 54.

(B) "They pierced my hands and my feet". -Fulfilled- John 19:16-18 and 20:24-29. Amazing!! Because this was written about 1000 B.C., and crucifixion was not invented until about 500 B.C.

Psalm 22:18   this verse is fulfilled in John 19:23-24. 22:24 "But when He (Jesus) cried unto Him (God) He (God) heard" compare to Acts 2:36; 22:26 this coming Messiah-we are to "seek Him". "Your heart shall live forever". Eternal life promised for the first time. 22:27. the result of the Messiah's suffering is the conversation of the gentiles-fulfilled - Acts 11:1; l -22:29 every one who dies must go before Him, this Messiah who is to be crucified (Hebrews 9:27; Romans 14:10-11 and 11 Corinthians 5:10); and all will bow before Him (Philippians 2:9-11). 22:30 "A Seed shall serve Him (God)". Compare to John 8:28-29;

Psalm 22:31 the righteousness of the Messiah is to be proclaimed. Compare to Romans 3:21-26; Psalms 45:6-7.

Again, the Messiah is to be God.-fulfilled- John 1:1 and 1:14. Again, the Messiah is to be King. - Fulfilled - Revelation 17:14. "Anointed thee with the oil of gladness".-fulfilled- Luke 4:14-19; Acts 4:27 and 10:38. Psalms 69:20-21. Verse 20 explains the feelings of Jesus. "They gave me gall..."-fulfilled- Matthew 27:34. Gall, by Jesus' time was a mixture of wine, vinegar and opium which was given by the Romans to those facing execution. The Greek word khol-ay, from its greenish hue made from poppy. Jesus did not receive the gall to relieve His pain even though tempted to do so (Hebrews4:15). He chose to suffer for you and me (Hebrews 2:10).

(D) "They gave me vinegar to drink".-fulfilled-John 19:29-30. Jesus received the vinegar.


Psalms 110:1

Much to the consternation of today's Judaism, this verse shows two Lords of the triune God Head. Judaism makes much to do about Deuteronomy 6:4, but Jesus was God (John 1:1), who became flesh (John 1:14 and one with God (John 14:8-11; 17:20-23).

"The Lord (God) said unto my (David's) Lord (Jesus) ". " Sit thou at my right hand..."-fulfilled- Mark 14: 61-62; Acts 2:32-35:31 and Ephesians 1:20.

Psalms 110:4. But even more amazing because it's personal to us, apparently He stands up at the death of His saints (Acts 7:54-60). Why? "Thou art a priest for ever..." He is doing the work of a High Priest making intercession before God on behalf of his people (Hebrews 2:17; 4:14-16; 5:5; 6: 19-20; 7:24-28; 8: 1-2; 9: 11-16 and 10: 19-22).

 Psalms 118:22-24

Jewish tradition says that when they returned from the Babylonian captivity to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, the first stone they attempted to set would not fit right. So it was moved forward, another set in it's place and it was tried in the second stone's position, it still would not fit right, was moved forward on... and on... and on... completely around the temple sight to the last chance-the corner stone- which it was. Based upon this event, Jewish tradition says that God inspired the Psalmist to write this Psalm; interesting, tradition Scripture does not tell us if this is true or not.

(B) Jesus does tell us in the Scriptures that this Psalm is speaking of Him!! (Matthew 21:42-44).

(C) The inspired Apostles understood this as Christ. Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:19-22 and 1 Peter 2:6-8. Psalms 132:11 a descendant of David -the Messiah- will be King "Set upon thy Throne" (Romans 1:1-4). Note: ISAIAH, OFTEN CALLED THE MESSIANIC PROPHET, WROTE FROM 760-700 B.C., DURING THE REIGNS OF FOUR KINGS (ISAIAH 1:1).

 Isaiah 7:14

(A) "Virgin", Hebrew word al-maw', lass, as veiled or private, a damsel, maid. Virgin from aw-iam', kept out of sight. Much is made of the use of this word by Jews and the non-believing "liberal modernists' instead of beth-oo-law', which is a feminine past participle of an unused root word meaning to separate a virgin from her privacy, to deflower the virgin, a bride, maid, or virgin.

(B) Those who say God made a mistake and used the wrong word if they have ever researched to see if God has made the same mistake before?  Yes He has! Cf: When Abraham sent his servant to get Isaac a wife Genesis 24:1ff. Verse  16 says she is a "virgin" Hebrew - al-maw the same word Isaiah 7:14 and goes on to say: "neither had any man known her". It is repeated in V:43 al-maw.

(C) However, Mary was kept a virgin until her delivery not her impregnation which would better be described by a prime root word showing continuous action of being a virgin than a past tense word.

(D) "Virgin shall conceive, and bear a son".-fulfilled- Matthew 1:18-25

 (E) Considering the Holy and righteous nature of God (Psalms 48:10; 65:5; 97:2; 119:137; 145:17; Jeremiah 23:6; 1 John 1:5 & 2:29),if God were going to take upon Himself flesh and blood, what sort of a young lady do you suppose He would choose to carry Himself- A virgin or a trollop.

Isaiah 9:6-7

(A) "A child is born" the child discussed, born of a Virgin, He will be like these...

He will be "The Mighty God". He will be "the Everlasting Father".

He will be "The Prince of Peace".

His Kingdom will be Eternal- Everlasting.

Isaiah 2:1-4

Isaiah 2:2  Last days cf: Acts 2:16-21 & Hebrews 1:1-2

                Lord's House cf: I Timothy 3:15  -   All Nations cf: Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 15:15-16

Isaiah 2:3   He will teach us cf: John 6:44-45 & Hebrews 1:1-2

                Out of Zion shall go forth the Law what Law James 1:25 & 2:8 Note Jesus was standing on Zion when He taught this

                 New law cf: Matthew 22:37-42

                 Word of the Lord from Jerusalem cf: Luke 24:44-49 & Acts 1:1-8

Isaiah 2:4 The Peaceful Nature of the Kingdom of God, there will be a change in the hearts of people who are in the Kingdom.

Isaiah 11:1-10

Isaiah 11:1  A Rod out of the stem of Jesse Jessie was King David's father just another way to say a descendant of King David.

                  A Branch shall grow out of his roots  Branch cf: Jeremiah 23:5, 33;15, Zechariah 3:8, 6:12, & Isaiah 53:2

Isaiah 11:2  the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him cf: Luke 4:21-22, 4:14-18, John 4:43, Acts 10:37-38 & Hebrews 1:9

Isaiah 11:3  the fear of the Lord cf: Hebrews 5:7  Judge cf: Romans 2:16 -Divine Justice

Isaiah 11:4  with righteousness shall he judge cf: Revelation 19:11 & Ephesians 6:14

                  Judge the poor cf: Matthew 5;3  

                  the meek of the earth cf: Matthew 5:5 & Matthew 11:28-30 meek a wild animal trained for service, tame horse, mule etc

                  smite the earth with the rod of His mouth-effortlessly shall He come in destruction against Jerusalem in 70AD Matt 24  

                 & with the breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked cf: II Thessalonians 2:8 it won't take tanks, armies or A bombs

Isaiah 11:5  Rightousness ... faithfulness cf: Revelation 19:11

Isaiah 11:6  Wolf shall dwell with the lamb Just beautiful poetic language showing Peace & tranquility in this coming Messiah

Isaiah 11:6  A little child shall lead them  Mark 9:36, Luke 9:47 &  Mark 10:15 & Luke 18:17

Isaiah 11:9  They shall not hurt or destroy in all my Holy Mountain What Mountain? The Mountain of the Lord's house      Isaiah 2:2-4 & Daniel 2:35




Isaiah 35:3 Sennacherib King of Assyria Invades Judah

Cf: II Kings 18:1-19:37 & II Chronicles 32:1-33, Good King Hezekiah asks Isaiah the prophet to call upon the Lord for "the remnant that are left" of Judah.  God destroys the Assyrian army and promises future deliverance by the Messiah and the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

Isaiah 35:3 the signs that the Messiah will do -fulfilled- Matthew 15:30-31 and 21:14.35:4

Isaiah 35:4 "He will come and save you" -Fulfilled-Luke 19:10. 35:5

Isaiah 35:5 "Then the eyes of the blind shall be open"-fulfilled-John 9:1-41.

                 "The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped"-fulfilled-Mark 7:32-35.

Isaiah 35:6 "Then shall the lame man leap...-fulfilled-John 5:1-9 and Acts 3:1-8.

                 "The tongue of the dumb sing" -fulfilled- Matthew 9:32-33 and 12:22-23.

                  "Shall waters break out" cf: John 4:10-14, 7:37-39 & Acts 2:37-47cf: Hebrew Maw' Kote living waters Jeremiah 2:13 &         

                    Zechariah 12:10, 13:1 & 13:6-7

"And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But this are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name" (John 20:30-31).

Isaiah 42:1-7

This is the first of "The great Servant, passages. Just as the Messiah will be a Prophet, a Priest, a King and the Son of God. He will also be God's "Servant". 42:1 My (God's) "Servant" -fulfilled-Matthew 20:25-28. "...put my spirit upon him" -fulfilled- John 1:29-34.

42:2 "He shall not cry, nor lift up ..." -fulfilled- Matthew 26:62-63.

42:3 "Bring forth judgment unto truth"-fulfilled- John 5:26-30. 42:4 "The isles" the gentile nations across the sea, the Gospel is universal (Matthew 24:14)-fulfilled-Colossians 1:23. 42:6"...give thee for a covenant of the people" covenants were never instituted without the shedding of blood. (See Genesis 8:20-9:17; 17:1-27 and Exodus 20:1-26; 24:3-8).

The Messiah Himself will be the blood sacrifice for the new covenant-fulfilled-Matthew 26:27-28; Hebrews 8:6; 9:11-28; 12:24 & 13:20. The result will be the conversion of the gentiles-fulfilled- Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8; 11:1; 13:1-4; 28:16, 30-31. 42:7

The Messiah will heal physically as was seen in Isaiah 35:3-6; but He will also heal the spiritually sick as seen in this verse. Spiritual blindness to be healed -fulfilled- Matthew 5:8; John 14:19; 17:24 and 1 Corinthians13:12.

Spiritual liberty for captives (prisoners) - fulfilled- (John 8:32, Romans 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 and 1 John 1:5-7). Isaiah 49:1-8 49:1 "Isles" the gentile nations across the sea. (Matthew 28:18-20). "From the bowels of my mother hath He made mention of my name -fulfilled- Luke 1:31-33 and Matthew 1:18;

Isaiah 49:2

"Mouth like a sharp sword" -fulfilled- Mark 13:31; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12 and Revelation 1:16. 49:3

"Thou art my servant" -fulfilled- Luke 22:27. 49:5

"I be glorious in the eyes of the Lord"-fulfilled- Mark 9:2-8; 49:6

The "Servant" is to be sent to the tribes of Jacob (Israel) -fulfilled-Matthew 15:24. The result of the Servant Messiah's work is: He will be the light (John 1:5) of the gentiles and salvation (John 14:6) to the end of the earth (Mark 16:15-16). 49:8

Again, we see that the Servant Messiah will be given (be the sacrifice Himself) for the new covenant. Isaiah 50:4-11


He is to have "the tongue of the learned" -fulfilled- Matthew 5:1-12; 7:28-29; 13:54; 15:31; Mark 1:27-28; 2:12; 4:41; 7:37; Luke 2:41-49; 4:22,36; 8:25. Even His enemies are silenced by Him (Matthew 22:41-46). Why? (See John 6:63). 50:5

God will open the Messiah's ear. -Fulfilled- John 5:30; 8:26-29. 50:6

"I gave my back to the smiters" -fulfilled- Matthew 27:26.

"I hid not my face from shame and spitting"-fulfilled-Matthew 26:66-68. 50:7

"Therefore have I set my face like a flint". The meaning of this phrase is found in Ezekiel 3;7-11 and it's fulfilled in Luke 9:51. 50:8

"The Messiah to be sinless" -fulfilled- John 8:46 and 1 Peter 2:22.50:10

"Who is there among you that feareth the Lord that obeyeth the voice?". (John 5:24; 7:16-17; 8:21-24, 51).

"His (God's) Servant"-fulfilled- John 13:3-17.

"That walketh in darkness and had no light"-fulfilled- John 1:1, 4-9, 14; 3:19-21; 8:12; 9:5 and 12:46.

(D) :Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay (rely, wait & depend) upon His God" -fulfilled- Galatians 4:4. Isaiah 52:13-53:12


"Behold my servant"-fulfilled-  Philippians 2:6-8.

(B) "He shall be...very high" From the Hebrew word gaw-bah, "be, (make) high, lift up, mount up, raise up,  great height, upward"-fulfilled- John 3:14; 8:28; 12:32; 19:16-18. 52:14

" His visage was so marred, more than any man..." The suffering Servant, the coming Messiah, is to be beaten and marred more than any man. Most people

Today have a very poor, at best, understanding of the suffering of Christ. We need to go back and read the accounts found near the end of each of the four Gospels and try to understand what Christ suffered for you and me. As an example, when He was scourged: Scourging differs from beating, which was done with rods in that a scourge was a whip made of cords or leather thongs fastened into a handle. A cat of nine tails- each tail was reinforced with bits of metal which tore the skin and flesh. 39 lashes with a scourge was allowed under the law, times 9 tails, which would mean that Jesus had 351 cuts on his back....52:15

"So shall He (the Messiah) sprinkle..." an unusual play on words here, not Hebrew zaw-rak', to sprinkle fluid, to be here and there scatter, sprinkle or strew. This is not the word used, but rather naw-zaw', to spirit, be sprinkle especially in expiation. This word is used only to describe the priests work of sprinkling blood (Exodus 29:21- Aaron himself), the household of Aaron, the priest, (Leviticus 4:6,17;5:9; 14:7,51; 16:14-15 and 16:19), and the anointing of the cleansed by the blood, with oil: (Leviticus 14:16 & 27).It is also interesting to note that Christ, our great high Priest, " by his own blood and now when we are baptized (not sprinkled) into His death (Romans 6:3-6) we come into contact with the blood and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38-39). The Oil (Luke 4:18; Hebrews 1:9 and 11 Corinthians 1;21-22).

Who will the Messiah cleanse by the sprinkling of His blood? "Many nations". Again we see that the result of His work is the conversation of the gentiles-fulfilled-Luke 24:44-47. Isaiah Chapter 53 Throughout this chapter the Hebrew word Hoo is used to describe the Messiah- the Suffering Servant. Hoo is a third person personal pronoun, singular, and it is translated properly into English as He, Him or His.

Isaiah 53:1

"Who (among the coming Jewish leadership) hath believed our (of Isaiah and all the Hebrew prophets, cf Acts 3:18,24 ) report?" (Matthew 11:16-19; 21:32; Luke 22:66-71; John 9:18, 27-29 and 12:37-41).

"To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" The Divine arm is the strength to redeem, to buy back from sin and the slavery thereof. (Exodus 6:6; Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalms 89:13; 98:1; Isaiah 51:5; 62:8; 63:12 and Acts 13:17). 53:3

"He is despised and rejected of  men"-fulfilled- Matthew 21:42; 27:22-25; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 4:28-29; 23:13-25: John 1:11; 12:48; 18:28-32, 39-40; 19:6-7,12-16. "A man of sorrows" -fulfilled- Luke 19:41-44; John 11:33-35; 12:27). "And we hid as it were our faces (being beaten) from Him" -fulfilled- Matthew 26:31-35,56, 69-75: Mark 14:29-31, 50, 54, 66-72, Luke 22:33-34, 54-62: 23:48-49 and John 18:15-18, 25-27: 20:19-26. 53:4 Pg.29

Note that the Messiah is to be "smitten of God" God punished the Christ (Himself) for our sins. 11 Corinthians 5:18-19. 53:5

(A) "...He was wounded for our transgressions" fulfilled- John 20:27-29.

(B) "... He was bruised for our iniquities:" -fulfilled- Matthew 26:67-68; Mark 14:65 and Luke 22:63-65.

(C) "The chastisement of our peace was upon Him"-fulfilled- Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:13-14 and Colossians 1:20.

(D) "And with His stripes we are healed" - fulfilled- Matthew 27:26.

53:7 "Yet He opened not His mouth..." -fulfilled-Matthew 26:62-63; 27:14; Mark 15:3; Luke 23:8-11 and John 19:10.


(A) "... He was taken from prison" Hebrew word O'-tser a closure, constraint, oppression.  Fulfilled- Matthew 27:27-31 (the common hall where He was held a prisoner, a closure or constraint where He was kept and oppressed).

(B) "And from judgment" -fulfilled- Matthew 27:19.

(C) "He was cut off out of the land of the living", killed dead -plain as day-- . Remember His death in (v8) -fulfilled- Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37; Luke 23:46; John 19:30 and 1 Corinthians 15:3).

(D) "For the transgression of my people..." - fulfilled - (even his enemies admitted this was the reason He was killed) (John 18:14).


(A) "His g rave with the wicked" His place of death-fulfilled- Matthew 27:38

(B)  "And with the rich in His death" -fulfilled- Matthew 27:57-60

(C) "Because He had done no violence" - fulfilled- Matthew 26:51-54, Mark 14:46-49; Luke 22:49-53 and John 18:10-13.

(D) "Neither was any deceit in His mouth" -fulfilled- John 7:25-26; 18:19-21.


(A) "Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him" -fulfilled- Romans 15:3-4 and Colossians 1:19-20.

(B)  "When thou (God) shalt make His (Jesus') soul an offering for sin" -fulfilled - Hebrews 9:12-14.

(C) "He (God) shall see His (God's) Seed (child) - fulfilled- Matthew 1:21 and Luke 1:31-32

(D) "He (God) shall prolong His days How? He is killed in (v.8) and buried in (v.9)?. God raised Him from the dead - fulfilled - Acts 1:21-22; 2:32; 3:15' 52; 10:39-41; 17:30-31; 26:8, 12-20 and 1 Corinthians 15:3-8.


(A)   He (God) shall see the travail of His (Christ's) soul and shall be satisfied - fulfilled:  Matthew 27:50-51 and Hebrews

6:10-20;  10:17-20.

(B)   By His (Christ's) knowledge - fulfilled: Matthew 28:18-20.

(C)   My (God's) righteous Servant. The Servant who became the suffering Servant, has now become the righteous Servant -

Fulfilled: Romans 1:16-17; 10:1-4; 1 Corinthians 1:30 and Philippians 3:9 (also cf Psalma 22:30:31).

(D)   Justify many. Justify is a legal term in that the court of Almighty God rules that the person is to be counted as righteous, reckoned as righteous, and vindicated because the debt is already vicariously paid by Christ. His righteousness is therefore reckoned, accounted, or imputed to us in place of our filtlhy raga (Isaiah 64:6). Justification is an act of God (Isaiah 4:17), by imputing or accounting a historical event, t he Blood and Resurrection of Christ (Romans 4:25 and 5:9) to those who have faith (Romans 5:1) and obey the Gospel (Romans 6:3-6).

(E)    For He (Christ) shall bear their iniquities - Fulfilled: Hebrews 9:28


(A)   Therefore will I (God) divide Him (Christ) a portion with the Great - fulfilled: Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20-23; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:18-20; Hebrews 1-9 and Revelation 1:12-18.

(B)   Because He (Christ) hath poured out His soul unto death - fulfilled: John 10:11 and 10:17-18.

(C)   He was numbered with the transgressors - fulfilled: John 18:29-31

(D)   He bare the sins of many - fullfilled: II Corinthians 5:21

(E)    And made intercession for the transgressors - fulfilled: II Corinthians 5:21


Isaiah 61:1-2



(A)   The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach -

Fulfilled: Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11;Luke 3:21-22; Acts 10:38 and Hebrews 1:9.

(B)   Good tidings to the meek - fulfilled in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:5. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. The Greek word for meek used here is prah-ooce', meaning mild and humble, but it was commonly used to describe a wild animal that had been trained and was now fit for service. We are all wild animals at heart, but those natural impulses can be trained and we can be yoked with Christ (Matthew 11:28-30) and fit for the Master's service.

(C)   To bind up the broken hearted

(D)  To proclaim liberty to the captives. (Spiritual liberty). Fulfilled Romans 8:2, 21; II Corinthians 3:17 and 1 Peter 2:16.

(E)   The opening of the prison to them that are bound.


Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet

Jeremiah 22:18-30 No descendant of evil King Jehoiakim to prosper sitting on David's Throne  (Then how could Christ be born of the House of David?) cf: Matthew 1:11 Genealogy of Joseph Jesus' adopted father. Luke 13:31 Mary's Genealogy - Jesus' true family line did not even come through Solomon or any other kings of Judah, as David's son but rather through David's idiot son Nathan. Acts 2:29-30 says Christ was raised up to sit on David's throne Psalm 132:11 cf: Jeremiah 22:30

Daniel the Prophet of Judah's Captivity to the King of Babylon and his royal court

Daniel chapter 2:1-44 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream cf: Jeremiah 25:11, Judah to be in captivity 70 years; Jeremiah 29:10-12 after the 70 years Remnant to return to the land; II Chronicles 36:21ff; Great Image, Head of Gold - Babylonian Empire, Breast of Silver - Persian Empire, Belly Brass - Greek Empire under Alexander the Great, Legs & Feet of Iron & Clay - Roman Empire;

Daniel 2:25 Stone Cf: Isaiah 8:13-14, Isa 28:11-16, Psalm 118:22 Fulfillment Matthew 21:42-46, Rom 9:32, Eph 2:19-22, Acts 4:9-12, I Peter 2:1-9 cf: Romans 12-1-2.

Daniel 2:35, Stone strikes the image of the 4 great world kingdoms that will rule the world before the Messiah comes and the Stone becomes a Great Mountain. Cf Isaiah 2:1-4 the Mountain of the Lord's House - Hebrew Beth El Isaiah 11:1-16 in all My holy Mountain...

The Seed - Conclusion O.T.


Ezekiel 44:1-2


Ezekiel is writing this chapter about 574 B.C. during the Babylonian captivity. The city of Jerusalem, the walls of the city and the temple have been destroyed by Nebuchadnezar, king of Babylon, and the Jews were carried away captive. Jeremiah 52:1-34



(A)            Ezekiel sees a time in the future that the walls and gates will be rebuilt.

(B)            The gate ... which looketh towards the east; this is the famous "east gate" as we even today know it.

(C)            And it was shut. An absolutely amazing prophecy!!! When the Arabs took Jerusalem from the Byzantine empire in the 7th century after Christ, they bricked up this gate and it remains there bricked up today! So Ezekiel sees a vision of the east gate in Jerusalem some time after 700 A.D.


Ezekiel 44:2


(A)            This gate shall be shut, it shall not be open and no man shall enter in by it.    .

          Shall be in the future, it shall be shut. What great news to Ezekiel, for it to be

          Shut, the city, the walls and the gate have to be rebuilt.

(B)     Because the Lord, the God of Israel hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be  

          shut. By the time this gate is shut, the Lord, the Messiah, the God of Israel will

          have already come!!

(C)     Name someone who came between 457 B.C., when the Jews went back to rebuild Jerusalem, and 700 A.D. when the Moslems bricked up the east gate, who claimed to be the Messiah. Can you name anybody else? It's inescapable, the Messiah had to have come before 700 A.D. HE DID!!!

(D)           Entered in by it -fulfilled: by the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. (Matthew 21:1-17)


Micah 5:1-2

          Micah wrote about 750 B.C. and was a contemporary of Isaiah. (Micah 1:1)



          (A)     But thou Bethlehem Eprhrath -fulfilled: Matthew 2:1-12; Luke 2:1-18. Hebrews

          7:14; Revelation 5:5

(B)...little among the thousands of Judah. Genesis 49:10-11 had promised that the

Savior, the Messiah, would be of the tribe of Judah. Later, as we have seen, He is to be of house of David of the tribe of Judah. - fulfilled: in Matthew and Luke.


(C)           Yet out of thee (Bethlehem) shall He (the Messiah) come forth unto Me (God)

that is to be the ruler in Israel - fulfilled: Jesus Christ the King (Daniel 7:13-14) at His ascension unto God He is crowned King. He is a King now!! 1 Corinthians 15:25; 1 Timothy 6:14-15; Revelation 17:14 & 19:16.

(D)     Whose goings forth have been from old - fulfilled: The whole topic of this study

has been that from Genesis 3:15 in the Garden of Eden at the fall of Adam and Eve over and over and over ... God has been saying: The Messiah is coming!!

From everlasting. Before God ever created the heavens and the earth, there was a foreordained plan of salvation for mankind (1 Peter 1:18-20) that had a first recorded promise (Genesis 3:15); That was announced by all the prophets (Acts 2:23); That was based upon the foreknowledge of God (Romans 8:29); In that we were chosen in Him (Christ) (Ephesians 1:4); That was the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:7; This was God's unchanging Purpose and Grace (II Timothy 1:9; Which was the manifold (over and over again) wisdom of God (Ephesians 1:10); The Eternal Purpose of God (Ephesians 1:11); It provided for eternal life (Salvation) (Titus 1:2); It provides for the sanctification of those In Him (1 Peter 1:2 & 1 Corinthians 1:30); and has always, from before the world began, in the death of Christ (Revelation 13:8).


Micah 5:1


          Now that we've studied Micah 5:2, go back one verse.


(A)            They shall smite the judge of Israel with a rod upon the cheek - Fulfilled: Matthew 27:29-30.

(B)            The judge of Israel. This Seed, this coming Messiah as we have seen, is to be a  Prophet, a Priest, a King and a Servant. Now we see He is to be a Judge - Fulfilled: John 5:22; Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 10:42 & 17:30-31; Romans 2:16; 14:10; 1 Corinthians 4:5; II Timothy 4:1; Hebrews 9:27 and I Peter 4:5.


Zechariah 9:9




(A)     Rejoice greatly,...Jerusalem: behold thy King cometh unto thee - Fulfilled: in

Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-46 and John 12:12-19.

(B)     He is just - Fulfilled: Matthew 27:19-24; John 5:30; Acts 3:14 & 22:14; I Peter 3:18; I John 1:9 and Revelation 15:3.

(C)     And having Salvation. Also compare: it's the Lord who saves (Psalms 27:1 & 37:39; Isaiah 12:2 & 25:9 & 45:21) - Fulfilled: Mark 16:15-16.

(D)     Lowly - Fulfilled: Matthew 11:28-30.

(E)     And riding upon an Ass and upon a Colt, theFoal of an Ass. Remember Genesis 49:10-11a? Binding His foal unto the vine, and His ass's colt unto the choice vine. The Seed of Judah is to do these things!! - Fulfilled: Matthew 21:1-17. Note that is not just an ass or a colt but both! Only Matthew confirms this point showing how literally the prophecy of Jesus Christ was. Again fulfilled!

(F)     But why an ass and a colt? A conquering King rode a white horse, as Jesus is described doing at His second coming (Revelation 19:11). Because at Jesus' time, the Romans ruled the world and only a Roman citizen could own a horse!!


Zechariah 11:10-13


          God will break and change His covenant of Law for a new covenant. Also study Jeremiah 31:31-34 - (it will not be a tribal religion but you'll have to know the Lord to be in the next covenant.)


...that I might break my covenant... - Fulfilled: Matthew 26:26-30; Colossians 2:14 and Hebrews 9:15-28.



(A)            ...and so the poor of the flock...Fulfilled: Matthew 5:3; the poor accepted Jesus. 

Examples: Luke 4:18; 6:20; 7:22; 12:1; Matthew 4:25; 13:2; 15:30; 19:2; Mark 1:33; 2:13 & 3:20.

(B)            Knew that it was the Word of the Lord - Fulfilled: John 1:1, 14; Matthew 7:28-29; 13:54; 2:22-23; Mark 2:12; 4:41; 7:37; Luke 2:47; 4:22 & 36.


And I (Judas) said unto them (the chief priests), If ye think good, give me my price they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. - Fulfilled: Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6.



(A)     And the Lord said unto me (Judas), cast it unto the potter: A goodly price

that I (God) was priced at of them (the chief priests). And I (Judas) took the thirty pieces of silver and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord. Fulfilled: Matthew 27:3-8.

(B)     Matthew simply tells us that he (Judas) hanged himself. Matthew 27:5), but the

rest of the story is found in Acts 1:15-20. It is interesting to note that Judas could not divorce himself from his informant's pay simply by returning the money - he bought the potters' field (Acts 1:18). A potters' field was a place where all the clay had been dug out and nothing was left but the jagged rocks, like a deep gravel pit without water in it. Notice that fate brought Judas to this very field he bought with his snitch money to hang himself! (What goes around, comes around. Galatians 6:7). But additionally, the Acts 1:15-20 account tells us about him hanging himself: ...and falling head long, he burst (on the jagged rocks) asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out. We can understand this in two ways:

One: He hung for so long from the tree overlooking the hole that he bloated until the rope broke and he fell into the pit upon the rocks and burst.

Two: That in hanging himself, as he hung suspended between Heaven and Hell, God wouldn't allow it and said: You can't kill yourself your way, I'm going to do it, and the rope broke. And falling headlong onto the rocks burst (like a watermelon) and all his bowels gushed out. But whatever way it was, we do know that it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31) for betraying the Christ (Matthew 26:24; Mark 14:21 and Luke 22:22).


Zechariah 12:10


(A)     And I (God) will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of    

Jerusalem, the Spirit. (See Acts 1:4-5, 8). Fulfilled: Acts 2:1-14; 32:33.

(B)     Of Grace - Fulfilled: for all Christians. (Acts 2:38-39). We as Christians receive

the gift (from the Greek do-reh-ah' - a gratuity (grace) of the Holy Spirit at our  baptism (Acts 2:38).

(C)     And they shall look upon Me (God) whom they have pierced...When had the   Jews ever pierced their God? Fulfilled: John 19:34-37; I John 5:6-8 and Revelation 1:7.


Zechariah 13:1


(A)            In that day. What day? The day the Spirit is poured out - Pentecost 30 A.D.!

(B)    There shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of 

         Jerusalem. What's in a fountain? Water!!

(C)    For sin and for uncleanness. Fulfilled: Acts 2:38.


Zechariah 13:6


(A)     And one shall say unto Him, what are these wounds in thy hands? Fulfilled:   

.         John 20:26-29

(B)     Then He will answer, those with which I was wounded in the house of My    

friends. Fulfilled: The house is Israel (Matthew 15:24) and His friends are those who He gave His life for. (Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34 and John 15:13).


Zechariah 13:7


       Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) and at The Last Supper Jesus quotes  

       this verse and tells them that it was written about Him (Matthew 26:31).



Malachi 3:1-3


Malachi is a contemporary of Nehemiah. He is writing about 400 B.C. and with the close of Malachi the Old Testament revelation is complete.



(A)     Behold, I (God) will send a messenger, and he shall prepare the way before

Me (Christ). Fulfilled: john 1:1-19-36; Luke 1:5-25 and Matthew 11:7-14.

(B)     And the Lord (the Messiah)whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple -  

Fulfilled: In Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem which we have already studied. (See Matthew 21:10-12; Mark 11:11 and Luke 19:45).

(C)     Even the messenger of the covenant - What covenant? John was the last prophet   

under the covenant of the Law of Moses!! (John 1:17 and Matthew 11:11).

(D)     But God is going to enter into a new covenant with mankind. (Isaiah 65:15;

          Jeremiah 31:31-34; Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20 and

          I Corinthians 11:23-26.


But who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appeareth...? The Messiah will judge Israel's old covenant relationship with God and will cleanse the temple. Fulfilled: At His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18 and Luke 19:45-46.


(A)              And He (Christ) shall purify the sons of Levi. Fulfilled: Acts 2:38 and 6:7.

(B)               And purge them as gold and silver... Compare with Zechariah 13:9 and

3:1-5 showing Zechariah with a change of righteousness. Also see Luke 15:22' Romans 1:16-17; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 6:3-6.


Malachi 4:5-6


Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet... Fulfilled: Luke 1:17; John 3:22-36 and Matthew 11:7-15.




With the completion of Malachi about 397 B.C., the Old Testament Cannon of Scripture is complete and we enter the period between the Old and New Testaments. During this period, called The 400 years of silence, God called no man in Israel to be His prophet to the people.


It is during this time that the Apocrypha was written which is found in the Catholic Bible today. Some books such as I & II Macabees are Jewish history while others, such as Bell and the Dragon, are fables and myths.


None of the Apocrypha is inspired Scripture, none is quoted by Jesus, the Apostles or any New Testament inspired writer and none deserves to be included in the inspired Cannon of Scripture.

The Contrast Between the

Old Testament and the New Testament


Longing                       Jo. 23:3   Realization         Jo. 1:45-51
Creator  Ge. 1:1   Redeemer  Ga. 3:13
Majestic God Ex. 18:18     Our Father Ma. 6:9
First Things Ge. 1:1   Last Thing II Pe. 3:10
Spiritual Darkness Ps. 82:5   Rising Sun Jo. 8:12
Satan's Victory Ge. 3:6   Satan's Defeat Re. 20:10
Physical Death Ge. 3:19   Life Eternal Jo. 5:24
Sin's Curse Ge. 3:17-19   Sin's Remedy 1 Co. 15:1-4
Bloody Sacrifices Ex. 12:3   Christ the Lamb Jo. 1:29
Bondage Pr. 5:21-23   Gospel Ro.1:16-17
Types & Shadows He. 8:5    Substance He. 10:34
Outward Ceremonies He. 9:8-10   Spirit & Truth Jo. 4:23-24
The Seed Ge. 3:15   Christ Ga.3:16-4:4
Prophecy Is. 52:13-53:12   Fulfillment Ac. 3:18
Expected Messiah Mal. 3:1   Our Savior Lu. 2:11
Salvation Promised Is. 35:4    Salvation Ac. 2:22-42





At just the right time in history , Jesus began His ministry (Galatians 4:4). Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7 are commonly called The Sermon on the Mount. The New Testament was written in Greek which was a common second language throughout the then known world. In the Greek language what is written in Matthew 5:2 is  obvious, but not in our English translations because it is not only what Jesus taught that day on the Mount, this is the doctrine of Christ. This is also the high points of what Jesus continued to teach over and over again during His ministry.


Read Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 asking yourself: considering all you know about God, as seen in nature and the universe...considering the Creation, if God became man, took upon Himself flesh and blood in order to save us, what would He be like? What would you expect His doctrine to be like? Jesus came to save us (Luke 19:10) and show us what God is like (John 14:9). Jesus is just like God (Hebrews 1:3).



Now read the remainder of Matthew's Gospel.



John 10:1-8

10:1             He claimed all other ways to be false.

10:7             He claimed to the door of the sheep.

10:7             He claimed to be able to save you personally.

10:11           He claimed to be able to give His life for you.

10:14           He claimed to be the Good Shepherd

10:17           He claimed to have the power to lay down His life and raise Himself up again.

10:18           (A)     He claimed no man had the power to take His life.

(B)            He repeated the claim to be able to lay down His life.

(C)            He repeated the claim to be able to resurrect Himself.iH

(D)            He claimed to be in direct communication with the Father (God).


                     John 14:6

He claimed to be the one and only way to the Father. (Psalms 16:11; Proverbs 4:18; Isaiah 35:8; Jeremiah 32:39; Matthew 7:13-14.


                      Now there only three possibilities:


1)     What He said is a lie. Then He would be a false prophet. But much more, He would be the worse of all false prophets - worse than Hitler - because He taught men to trust their souls to Him. Is His teaching the teaching of a false prophet or does it make your heart burn. (Luke 24:32)

2)     He is crazy. If He was crazy He was crazy enough to die for His madness, so where is His body? Could the Jews have produced a body,

They could have stopped Christianity cold at any time. Is this the teaching of a mad man?

3) What He said is true. This is the only other possibility - the inescapable        

conclusion that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God to whom all  

the prophets bear witness.He


Mark 16:15-16

          Jesus gives His marching orders to the Apostles ...Go preach the gospel!!!


I Corinthians 15:1-4

(A)     The gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the focus point of the universe. A point in history in which God intervened in the affairs of men in order to save humanity by paying the full price of -SIN-DEATH-for us. The just for the unjust.

(B)     What is the Gospel? This is a simple question where you can try the spirit as I John 4:1 teaches us to do. This is so simple, so elementary that if a teacher or preacher can't tell you what the Gospel is, then he can't tell you anything else either and is a false teacher.


(C)     We have asked hundreds of preachers: What is the Gospel? All but a few        said: The Good News. We know that it comes from the Greek word evaggelion (yoo-ang-ghel'-ee-on) meaning a good message but what did Jesus mean when He said Go preach the Gospel? That is when you will get every answer under the sun but the right answer.


(E)             Every sermon found in the book of Acts revolves around the Gospel - The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Example: Acts 2:22-39. The Apostles certainly knew what Jesus had in mind when He commanded ..."preach the gospel... (Mark 16:15)


Galatians 1:6-9

There is a terrible curse upon any man or even an angel from heaven if they preach any other gospel.


                                                Romans 1:16

Because the Gospel is God's Power to save.         


                             Romans 1:17

                             And in the Gospel the very rightousness of God is revealed.




In the English language we understand the word believe to mean: to believe with our minds or accept with our minds something as a fact, such as Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. (such is the concept found in Acts 8:36-38).

The Greek word for believe is pisteuo (pist-yoo'-o) and it means to believe, to commit to trust, especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ". It comes from the very same Greek word that faith comes from, only it is not just quite as strong of a word as faith. (John 8:23-24). So our believe must be focused towards Jesus Christ, to His person ...who He is... and must involve a commitment to personally trust in Him to save us.


Either you believe or you don't believe!!


Now is the time for you to settle once and for all in your own mind and heart.


If you don't believe, do not go on with this study! Go back and read the books of Mark, Luke and John and then come back to this point of the study and continue.


On the other hand, some people seem to be wedded to their sins, they forever stand at the gate...but just won't go in. Settle the matter and believe or know why you don't believe. Make a decision!


Every one of us will someday die and then be judged. Hebrews 9:27. We will all live forever, the only question is - where? Heaven or Hell? Be not deceived by the New liberal modernists. The very same Jesus who promised His sheep Heaven (Matthew 25:31-40), also promised Hell for the goats in His very next breath. (Matthew 25:41-46)


Be not deceived, 9God is not mocked: Galatians 6:7-8). If you want to know what it's like in Hell for those who fail to believe, study Psalms 88:1-18.


If you believe and have decided to trust Christ alone to save you, then you have taken the very first step! There is all the difference between Heaven and Hell, in believing about Jesus and believing in Jesus. Throughout this study we have seen the vital importance of our being in the Seed or In Him.


                                      John 1:12

This verse does not say that they became the sons of God...but rather -

                   You now have the power to become the sons of God.


       Acts 16:31

This is another misunderstood verse. This verse does not say believe and thou are saved. It says shall be, future tense. It has not happened yet but it will happen because if you really do believe, you will continue on with the whole council of God. You won't just stop here...


                                  James 2:19

                   Are the devils saved? Certainly not!


                              John 3:15-16

(A)            Twice Jesus says you must be in Him and believe. He says nothing about believing on Him.


(B)            Twice Jesus says should not perish. He says nothing about shall not perish.


(C)           You see, you should not perish. There is absolutely no reason for you to perish, but, will you perish? It's entirely up to you! God loves you and He does not want you to perish!


You must understand that the New Testament has many partial revelations about    salvation, but it's the sum total of everything God has to say regarding salvation that saves us. An example would be: The New Testament says: Red = Black. And in another place the New Testament says: Green = Black. Both are true, but the whole truth is that if you take a bucket of red paint and pour it into a bucket of green paint, stir well and you have 2 buckets of black paint because Red + Green = Black. So it is with our is the whole council of God of which, as we will see, to believe is the very important first step.


                             CONFESS THE LORD JESUS


Romans 10:9

(A)      This verse teaches that we must confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus. So, to          

           our belief, we must add confession of Christ. An example being Acts 8:36-38.


(B)     Now, we also know that we must believe in our heart, not just our minds. An             

example is in Acts 8:37) To the Hebrews, the heart was understood to be the mind, the emotion and the practice (daily life). Our belief in Jesus must thunder through all aspects of our being in order to be heart belief.


           (C)    This verse also says: shall be saved, a future tense word. It has not happened yet.


Romans 10:10

(A)     Heart belief is still unto righteousness, not into righteousness. It is in or  into

          righteousness where all the promises of God are to be found.


(B)     Confession is still unto salvation not into.


Matthew 10:32

Jesus' confession of us before the Father is of eternal importance to our souls.


                                          Timothy 2:5

Because Jesus is the one and only mediator between God and men.




Acts 17:30

                   We are commanded by God to repent.


II Peter 3:9

Because God is not willing that you should perish.


Luke 13:1-5

                   And Jesus warned except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.


II Corinthians 7:10

Godly sorrow for our sins works repentance.


Psalms 51:1-19

This is an example of the attitude of Godly sorrow for our sins.


I Thessalonians 1:9

Repentence involves a turning from sin to serve God, but just turning towards    God with a desire to serve Him is not enough.


Acts 26:20

We must do something about our desire to turn towards God. There must also be the corresponding action of works and deeds of repentance. For example: If you are stealing, you stop stealing; if you are beating your wife, you stop beating your wife; and if your wife is beating you, you get her to stop beating you. Simply put a stop to whatever you are doing that offends God and your fellow man. But deeds and works will never save us. These things are still not enough!


Acts 20:21

We must repent by turning towards God and having faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ to save us!






Even though faith can and does cause an emotional feeling, Bible faith is not a feeling or a blind leap into a void. Faith, in English, we understand as trust and reliance especially upon God in Christ to save us. Because He said in His Word He would save us in Christ, then we bring forth the corresponding actions of acting upon what God says. A perfect example of faith in action is baptism! Jesus said: do it (Mark 16:15-16), we believe what he said and submit to it.

Faith comes from the Greek word pistis (pis'-tis) which means conviction of the truthfulness of God, especially, reliance upon Christ for salvation, credence, assurance and trust.


Ephesians 2:8-9

Faith is a gift (the Greek word is dp'-ren meaning a gift or present) of God. But how does God present this gift...does He zap you like a lightening bolt? Certainly not!!


Romans 10:17

Faith commeth by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. God has given us His Word as a gift or present and if you are to have the Bible kind of faith, it will come about by you hearing the Word of God, believing what you hear and acting upon it.


Hebrews 11:1

I personally like the Phillips translation of this verse: Now faith means putting our full conficence in the things we hope for; it mens being certin of things we cannot see. And also the RSV: Now faith is the assurance ofthings hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.


The 11th chapter of Hebrews has been called The Roll Call of the Heroes of Faith.  In this chapter we see many examples of what the Bible kind of faith is like. In each and every example, the person:


First, hears the word of God. Such terms as: word of God; God testifying; testimony; warned; called; promise; promised; promises; tried' recompenc rof the reward, etc. all describe hearing the word of God.


Second, the person believes what he hears. Such terms as: moved with fear; not knowing whether he went; he looked for a city; she judged Him faithful who had promised; but having seen them afar off; were persuaded, and embraced; accounting that God was able, etc. show belief.


Finally, the person took action when they believed what God said - they did what He said!!


Such terms as: Abel offered...a more excellent sacrifice; he pleased God; prepared an Ark; obeyed and he went out; dwelling in tabernacles; received strength to conceive seed; offered up Isaac; was hid three months; choosing rather to suffer affliction; kept the Passover; passed through the Red Sea; compassed (walked around) about seven days. ...on...and...on...describes faith in action. Study Hebrews 11.


Hebrews 11:6

                   ...without faith it is impossible to please Him...


Romans 5:1

(A)            Justified is a judicial ruling by God, the Judge, that a person is to be counted or reckoned as if righteous because of their standing in Christ. The very righteousnesness of God is imputed (Romans 4) to the person instead of their own righteousness which is filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) because they are in Christ and the full price of their sin

has already been paid by Him in His death on the cross. Justification is when God ...calleth those things which are not (righteous) as though they were (righteous). Romans 4:17


(B)            Many Scripture twisters add the word alone to this verse and have it read: therefore being justified by faith alone, which is a lie!


(C)     The verse before says: we are justified by  Jesus' resurrection. (Romans 4:25)  Romans 5:9 says that we are justified by His blood;

                   Romans 3:24 says that we are justified freely by His Grace


D)      So plainly, we are justified by faith and not by faith alone!


Faith can be summarized as being: when we trust the propositional promise of God enough to take action upon the proposition. We hear, believe and do!!!




After He arose from the dead, Jesus told His Apostles that along with the Gospel message of His Death and Resurrection (Luke 24:46) two additional things were to be preached in His name (authority), repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:47) ... beginning in Jerusalem . (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4, 8)


On the day of Pentecost, 50 days after Jesus' crucifixion on Passover, the Apostles are all together (Acts 1:26-2:1) and they are baptized in the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of the prophecies of Joel 2:28-32; Zechariah 12:10; Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16 & John 1:33.


Who was to be baptized in the Holy Spirit? -!! The Apostles. (Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:1-8) This baptism of the Holy Spirit enabled the Apostles to preach the Word of God with power (Acts 1:8) and without error. (John 14:26; 16:13) But Peter standing up with the eleven...(Acts 2:14) preaches the Gospel (the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus (I Corinthians 15:1-4) just what he was commanded to do. (Acts 2:22:16) The people are convicted by his preaching and said: Men and brethren, what shall we do? Acts 2:47 So, in the next verse, Peter sets forth the conditions of salvation on the day the Church began.


Acts 2:38

This verse contains two imperatives and two promises.


IMPERATIVES                                                PROMISES

Repent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Remission of sins

Baptism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  The gift of the Holy Spirit


A man who is drowning in the middle of the ocean does not care if his saviour comes in a canoe, rowboat or an ocean-liner. All he cares about is being saved.  I submit to you that any person who argues or debates how he is to be saved, is not ready to be saved.


The Gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) But that is a vicarious (separate and apart from us) historical event. We must (#1) find some way to get in Christ as we have seen throughout our study.


Romans 6:3-6

6:3    (A)    Immediately this verse tells us we are baptized into Jesus Christ.

This is what we have been looking for!


(B)     This verse also teaches us we are baptized into His death which is the first part         

Of the Gospel.


6:4     (A)     We are buried with Him by baptism. The second part of the Gospel.


          (B)     Into death. Jesus' death where the blood is!                                                                                                                          


(C)     Just as Christ was raised, even so we should walk in newness of life.

                   The third part of the Gospel.


Summary of verses 3 & 4: Just as Jesus died on the cross, God wants us to propose in our minds and hearts that we will die to sin. Just as Jesus was buried in a grave, God wants us to be buried in the watery grave of baptism. Just as Jesus arose from the grave, God wants us to arise to walk (live) a brand new life!! (Colossians 3:1)


6:5               What does the word if mean? What if we haven't? Then we are just like Paul, still in our sins, no matter how much we believe, confess Him as our Lord, repent, fast for 3 days and nights and pray...the man who was to become Paul the Apostle had done all these things but still had his sins. (Acts 22:16)


6:6               Die with Jesus and don't be a slave to sin! Do you wonder why sometimes we sin compulsively? It's because we have not yet obeyed the Gospel by dying to sin, being buried with Jesus in baptism and rising to walk a new life. This is the subject of the next group of verses. (Romans 6:7-23)


Romans 6:17

          (A)    That form of doctrine (teaching) is baptism, the subject matter of this chapter.


(B)     Obeyed from the heart. If  you are baptized and it is not from the heart, then you go down a dry sinner and come up a wet sinner. There is absolutely no magic in the water!


(C)            But it is in the water that God meets your heart belief, repentance, confession of Christ as Lord and faith upon God in Christ to save you.


(D)           If you really believe, you will do what He says. If you do not do what He says, you do not believe. You have hindered the Word of God, you


I Peter 3:21

          False teachers and false prophets - today's new liberal modernists tell you that baptism doesn't save. Who are you going to believe? The Apostle or them


          The most common objection:


          Question: How did the thief on the cross go to Paradise without being baptized?

          Luke 23:39-43) The unlearned and unstable say as they twist and wrestle also the other scriptures unto their own destruction. (II Peter 3:16)


          Answer: The thief on the cross died under the dispensation of the Law of Moses where baptism was not an ordinance or commandment. Christ was not yet dead when He said: thou shalt be with Me in Paradise. The change of the Law took place when Christ died. (Col. 2:13) and the entire subject matter of the book of Hebrews.


Galatians 3:16

(A)            This is where we started this study


(B)            Now to Abraham and his Seed (child/descendant).


(C)           ...were the promises made. All of God's promises were made to the Christ and to those who are In Him (II Corinthians 1:20)


(D)           ...He (God) saith not, and to seeds (children), as of many descndants).


(E)     ...but of one (child), and to thy seed, which is Christ.


Paul now enters into a discussion of why the Law was given until Jesus the Christ came (Galatians 3:17-25).


Galatian 3:26

We must be in Christ and have faith. But again, how do we get Into Him?


Galatians 3:27

We are baptized into Christ!


Galatians 3:28

There is no place in Christ found for racism of any sort.


Galatians 3:29

(A)            And if ye be Christ's. How? He just told you - vv. 26-17.


(B)            Ye are Abraham's child. God promised that He would multiply that seed (child) as the stars of heaven. (Genesis 15:3-4; 22:15 & 26:1-4) And every time a person is baptized into Christ from the heart, another star is added!!!. (Romans 2:28-29 & Galatians 3:7)


(C)            And heirs according to the promise. You become an heir and receive the promises. What promises? All o the promises of God (II Corinthians 1:20).

As you will see in the next lesson IN CHRIST or IN HIM when we study what the New Testament has to say about the benefits of being in Christ.


Now is the time for you to make a decision!!! We will close with the words of Ananias to Saul who was to become the Apostle Paul.(Acts 22:16)


And now why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the NAME OF THE LORD.



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